“We sat on the golden porch” - the yard games of our childhood. Collection of outdoor games. "Games in our yard" Children's ring game


Fisherman and fish / Jump rope / Fishing rod / Fisherman

The players are located in a circle, in the center is the driver (fisherman) with a rope in his hands. The driver crouches or bends over and, holding the rope by one end, spins it around him, intercepting it behind his back. The players, while standing still, jump when the rope approaches their feet. They cannot go beyond the limits of its movement. The victim now becomes a fisherman and catches his own fish.

The clock struck once

This game is usually played by girls. Convenient when there are three of them.

Two players hold a rope or rope by the ends, swinging it slightly above the ground. The third girl stands in front of the rope. The first two are pronounced while rocking the rope: “The clock struck once,” and on the last word, the rope is scrolled over the head of the third player, and she must jump over the rope when she is at her feet. "The clock struck two" - the second jump. The pace is as fast as possible. If the jumper makes a mistake and hits the rope, another girl takes her place.

You can jump in different ways, making the game more difficult. The winner is the one with the most jumps.


Little ring / Little ring / Find ring

There was something similar in our Bryansk. Only without the ball. It was called "RING - BOY". A row of players sits with their palms clenched in a narrow ladle. The presenter has a hidden ring in his hands, you can replace it with something. The presenter walks through the hands of all the participants with his ladle, imperceptibly leaving a ring with someone. Then he says some words, like, chosen, come out. The options are endless. The chosen one leaves, the leader sits down with the rest of the participants. The chosen one chooses two people from among the participants and thinks something to them. For example, a house, or a husband, or a car, whatever ... These two tell in paints what kind of house they built, how many floors, what windows, doors, etc. , previously selected, becomes the driver, i.e., again chooses who will get the little ring ...

Or so: "Ring-ring, go out on the porch!" with the secret transfer of the ring from the driver to one of the players, but then everyone just had to guess at the same time to whom the ring was passed, and if most of the players guessed correctly, then the one who received the ring was driving again, and if it was wrong, the previous water. It was more of a game of sympathy than imagination.


The players stand in a circle, holding their hands in front of the boat. One leader is selected. In the hands of the presenter there is a small shiny object (it can be a ring, a wrapper made of foil). The presenter walks in a circle and seems to put a ring in everyone's hands. At the same time, he says:

Here I go in a circle, I put a ring for you all, Hold your handles tightly Yes, watch, do not yawn!

He discreetly puts a ring on one of the children, and then leaves the circle and says: "Ring, ring, go out on the porch!" The one who has a ring in his palms runs out, and the children should try to hold him back, not to let him out of the circle. Rules of the game. After the words: "Ring, go out on the porch!" - all players must have time to quickly join hands in order not to let the player with a ring in his hand out of the circle.

Find the ring

The players sit in a circle or in a row and hold their hands in front of them with closed palms. The driver holds a ring between his palms. In turn, he approaches each player and, putting his palms between the player's palms, pretends to put a ring on him. In someone's palms, he really leaves a ring.

Now the driver moves away from the players or stands in the center of the circle and asks: "Where is my ring?" The player with the ring quickly gets up, and the neighbor on the right tries to hold him back. If the player with the ring manages to get up unrestrained, his neighbor receives a punishment, and if he fails to get up, he receives the punishment himself. The punishment is to carry out a task. After that, the punished player becomes the driver.

To yourself - to your neighbor

All players, except for the driver, sit or stand in a circle, each holding his left hand in front of him, palm up. In the right hand of one of them is a pebble or any other small object. The players, saying: "To themselves - to a neighbor, to themselves - to a neighbor ...", make movements with their right hand, as if they are shifting something from their left hand to the left hand of a neighbor on the right. The pebble begins to imperceptibly move in a circle. The driver at the beginning of the game stands with his face turned away, and after the players repeat three or four times "to himself - to the neighbor", he turns around and tries to spy out who has a pebble at the moment. Caught with a pebble and now becomes a driver.

Warmer - colder / Burning! I'm burning!

The driver hides a familiar object in the room. The participants of the game enter the room and begin to look for it, and the driver gives them hints - he says "warmer" to the player who approaches the hidden thing, and "colder" when they move away from it. The finder becomes the driver.

This game is more convenient to play with a small number of participants.

I'm burning! I'm burning!

A small thing ("medallion, ring, chain") is hidden in the room. When the "seeker" approaches her, everyone shouts "I'm burning! I'm burning!" If the seeker gives up and says: "No, I can see I will never burn out!", He is replaced by another.


The sea is worried once

The driver slowly says: "The sea is worried once, the sea is worried two, the sea is worried three ...", and those who play at this time arbitrarily move, sway, make slow movements with their hands, as in a dance, inventing who or what they will portray. The driver finishes: "... the sea figure freeze in place!" Everyone freezes in their chosen positions. The driver guesses who portrayed what. The first of those whom he guesses becomes the driver. Or the one whose figure turns out to be more interesting than others becomes the leader.

The word "sea" can be replaced with other words: "forest", "air", etc.

The driver is an owl, everyone else is birds. At the driver's word: "Day!" birds start to fly, sing, etc. As soon as the owl says: "Night!", Everyone freezes in the positions in which the signal caught them. The owl moves between the birds and watches them: whoever moves will now drive. You can move behind the driver's back.

All players are located behind the line, and in front of them, at a distance of 15-20 steps, the driver becomes. The driver turns away from the players and says loudly: "The quieter you go - the further you will be!" While he is saying this, all players try to get as close as possible to the driver. He, pronouncing his phrase, turns around and, if he sees someone in motion, returns him beyond the line. Then the driver turns away again, and everything is repeated. The winner is the one who first touches the driver.


Dangling wagon

The participants in the game (there must be at least ten people) are divided into groups of three to four people, while two people are not included in any group. The groups will be trains, and the two remaining people will be dangling carriages.

Players in each group line up one after the other and hold each other by the waist. Such trains now move in a circle, and the player, depicting a dangling carriage, tries to cling to a train from behind. If he manages to firmly grasp the end player on the train (and the train makes sharp turns to throw him off), then the first player of the train now becomes a dangling car and, in turn, tries to join some train.


The players choose a leader. Each player picks up a small stick (20-30 cm long). Everyone says these words:

Malechena-cripple, How many hours are left until the evening, Until the winter?

After the words before the winter, children put the stick on the palm or on any finger of the right (left) hand. As soon as the children put their chopsticks down, the presenter counts: "One, two, three ... ten." The winner is the one who held the item longer. The presenter can give different tasks: the players, holding the stick, must walk, squat, turn right, left, around themselves.

Rules of the game. Children should disperse across the entire area and stand as far apart as possible so that it is more convenient to keep the balance for the stick.

Option. To complicate the task, players can be asked to hold at the same time, two sticks on two palms (on the right and on the left).


The players sit on chairs in a free circle, one chair is empty. Players are standing behind chairs, including an unoccupied one, with their hands down. The player behind the empty chair looks around at the seated ones and blinks at one of them. The one to whom they blinked, tries to quickly move to an empty chair, and the player behind his back tries to hold him by the shoulders. If the player who was blinked did not have time to get up from the chair, the driver blinks to the other. If you have time and ran to an empty place, the player with the vacant chair becomes the driver. Sometimes a rule is introduced that boys can blink only to girls, and girls to boys. Or girls sit on chairs, and boys stand behind them.


This game can be carried out as a short break between classes or more difficult games. Everyone is chaotically moving around the hall, and the presenter from time to time says a number. "Three!" - he says loudly, and everyone should quickly unite in threes. "Five!" - and fives are made from the players.

The participants of the game stand one after another in a column. Each of them, except for the first, holds the one in front by the elbows. This is a train. The train begins to move forward, and the movement is controlled by the last player in the column. To turn right, he pulls slightly on the right elbow of the person in front of him. This command is passed along the chain to the first in the column - he turns to the right. To turn left, players also take turns pulling the left elbow of those in front of them. You need to play this game on a terrain with obstacles, you can start up two trains at once for maneuvering.

Three - fifteen

The players stand in a narrow circle, putting their right foot forward, so that their heels come together. Then they all say in chorus: "Three - fifteen - ten - twenty!" and jump away from each other. Now each one in turn jumps so as to step with his right foot on the foot of the neighbor on the right (he, accordingly, tries to jump back). The affected person leaves the game. The game continues until one is the winner. Next time, he jumps first.


It is interesting to play if there are more than three participants. There are options with and without the ball.

With the ball: The players stand in a row (they can sit on a bench or a pipe, as we played in the yard) two or three meters from the line drawn on the ground on one side, water is on the line on the other side, he has the ball. You need to have somewhere to run away. He thinks of a word (common noun) and says how many letters are in the word, what are the first and last letters. The players try to guess, they can ask questions (is this an animal? Is it in the forest or in the city? Etc.). If the player calls the hidden word, the water throws him a ball with a shout of "hali-halo", and he himself runs away from the line. The player catches the ball and shouts "Stop"! The driver stops, turns to face the players, folding his hands in a ring in front of him. The guesser (as in the game "Chervichki, stop!" Names how many steps to the water from the line (three giant, five ordinary, five midget, there can be different combinations) and then takes these steps, holding the ball. The main thing is not just to guess the approximate distance , but also to get the ball into the ring from the hands of the water - the player who guessed it leads further.

They play the same way without the ball, but you need to guess the distance to the driver so that you can touch him at least with your little finger; if you don’t reach, you won’t drive)))

Seagull-seagull, what time is it? (Hare-hare, what time is it?)

Participants in the game need to go from one line to another. The host is a seagull. Everyone in turn asks him:

“Seagull-seagull, what time is it? I'm in a hurry for my birthday! My watch is standing And they are not telling the truth! "

And the presenter says, for example: "Three giant steps", or: "Two ants." Or: "One camel and three ant." The one who first crosses the second line wins and becomes the driver.

Note: an ant step is when the feet are placed so that the heel of one foot touches the toe of the other foot; camel step - when you need to spit forward and stand where the spit fell.

Little worms, stop!

Everyone is sitting on a bench, and the driver stands in front of them. He thinks out a word, names the first and last letters and gives a little explanation: "It is in every ... (house, city, district, in every thing, on every roof, etc.)."

The one who guessed shouts out the word. If you guessed right, the driver dives off and runs until the guesser shouts the phrase: "Worms, stop, one, two, three, period!" The driver stops, and the player says how many steps to him (simple, giant, camel). If the player guesses the number of steps, reaches the driver and touches him with his hand, he now becomes the driver.

"Little worms, stop all the cards, one, two, three, period!"

Natalia Plakhteeva

Childhood is the most carefree and serene time for a person. Children play all their free time. In the game, the qualities most necessary for further life develop: obedience to the rules, compliance with the role assumed, development of memory, the ability to manage their emotions, behavior, and compare them with the behavior of other children. In the courtyard and in the room, on the street - everywhere children play different games. It can also be old folk games - games with objects (pebbles, rings, handkerchiefs, round dance, verbal. Many of the yard games that we played in childhood are now forgotten.

In this publication, I propose to remember with us some old folk children's games and teach your children to play them.

"I was born a gardener."

Rules of the game

With the help of a counting board, the driver is selected, he becomes a “gardener”.

The rest of the players become "flowers" and choose the name of the flower.

The gardener says:

- I was born a gardener,

got really angry

I'm tired of all the flowers

except for "chamomile"

"Chamomile" should immediately respond and exclaim

- What's the matter?

- In love!

- In whom?

- In "Cornflower"!

"Cornflower" should immediately respond

At the end of the game, forfeits are played.

The gardener turns away or closes his eyes. One child (or educator) takes out a phantom and asks the gardener, what should this phantom do?

The gardener assigns him a task (jump on one leg, crow, etc.). The owner of the fantasy completes the task and takes the phantom.


Rules of the game

A presenter is selected (it is advisable to select old rhymes for choosing a presenter). Children sit on a bench, put their hands forward, folding their palms like a boat.

The presenter squeezes a ring between his palms and goes through the entire row of players, placing his palms in the palms of the players. The presenter discreetly puts a ring on one of the children. The one who has the ring in his hands tries not to give himself away. The presenter says:

"Ring - ring, go out on the porch!"

The player with the ring in his hands must jump out, while the others try to catch him. If caught, he returns to the bench. And if he jumped out, then he becomes the new leader.

Playing with the sun

Rules of the game

Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is a child - "Sun" Children lead a round dance and sing:

Burn, sun, brighter -

It will be hotter in the summer

And the winter is warmer

And spring is nicer.

Children come closer to the "Sun", narrowing the circle, bow, move away, expanding the circle. The child standing in the center of the "Sun" circle says: "I'm burning!" Children scatter, and the "Sun" child catches up with them. Whichever of the children he catches, he becomes the "Sun".

Children's game "Paints (Monk)"

Rules of the game

The counting tool selects two players - "the seller" and "the buyer (Monk)", and the rest of the children - "paints". Each "paint" makes its own color in the ear of the "seller", who remembers and makes sure that the colors do not repeat. When everyone is seated on the bench, the "buyer" (Monk) approaches. A dialogue begins between them:

- Knock Knock.

Who's there?

I am a monk in red trousers, a blue shirt, I arrived on a dog.

Why did you come?

Behind the paint.

For what?

"Monk" names the color. If there is no such color, then the "seller" says:

"There is no such paint, jump along the path on one leg"

"Monk" quickly jumps around the bench, comes back and tries to buy paint again. If the paint is guessed correctly, the "seller" names the price (up to 10). While the Monk "pays", slapping the "seller" on the palm, the "paint" runs away. The monk catches the paint. If caught, sits on the bench to the paints, and the caught paint becomes a Monk. If the monk does not catch the paint, the game continues.

"Ring with a ribbon"

Rules of the game

A ring is put on a bright ribbon. The ends of the tape are tied so that the ring passes freely along the tape. Children stand in a circle and grab the tape with their hands. In the center of the circle is the leader. He closes his eyes and slowly turns around him as the children say these words:

"You roll, roll, ring,

To our red porch!

Once! Two! Three! Four! Five!

Come out to look for the ring!

While the rhyme is being played, the children quickly move the ring along the ribbon. When the phrase sounds "Come out to look for the ring!" , the one who has the ring hides it in his hands. The presenter opens his eyes and looks for a ring. If he guessed who has the ring in his hands, then that child becomes the leader.

Both our pupils and their parents really liked these old games for children.!

"Ring, ring, go out on the porch!" - simple and interesting children's fun. All those gathered sit on a bench (if the action takes place in the yard) or a sofa (if at home), and the driver is chosen among them. He clutches a ring or something else in his hand that replaces it. The rest fold their palms in a boat. The presenter approaches everyone with the words: "I wear-wear a ring and will give it to someone!".

He puts the thing in the hands of one of those sitting on the bench, but he does it as imperceptibly as possible so that others cannot determine who has the cherished item. And the one who received the present also remains “cold-blooded”: he does not show his appearance and does not betray himself.

Who wins?

After the driver has visited everyone, he steps aside a little and says the keywords: .

The player with the decoration must quickly run up to the donor. At the same time, the rest of the children try to understand in advance who got the "prize" and not let this participant leave the row. If he managed to escape from his comrades, then he becomes a new driver. And if not, the former player is in charge.

Like all classes, "Ring-Ring" not only entertains, but also teaches something: ingenuity, intuition and even the basics of psychology - try to guess who the child is sympathetic to and with whom he will share a surprise!

Tsyplakova Svetlana

In the section to the question Remember from childhood a game, a ring, a ring, go out on the porch, remind the rules of the game? given by the author SаkinN the best answer is

Answer from SG[guru]
the leading hand does the boat. and runs each hand with this "boat", as if he put a ring to someone. then he gets up and says, ring the ring, go out on the porch. the rest are trying not to let the person they think about.

Answer from Pinguinraver[guru]
And our marked player went with the driver to show some kind of action, and whoever guessed what it meant, he became the driver.
Here is such nonsense))

Answer from Oleg Kuzmichev[guru]
There were also "Burners", "Broken Phone", "Shoe", "Shackles-Shackled", "Hide and Seek", "Fanta" - by the way, a good game for a birthday (big and small).

Answer from Sunflower[newbie]
Players sit in a row and fold their palms in front of them in a boat. The driver clutches some small object in his palms, usually a coin or a ring. Then he bypasses all the players in turn, putting their folded hands into the boat and saying:
I wear-wear a ring, and I will give it to someone

and discreetly places this item in the palm of one of the players. Then he says:
Ring-ring, go out on the porch!

And the "marked" player must jump up from the bench and run out. In this case, the task of the rest of the players is to keep the evader in their ranks, so the “chosen one” tries not to show that it was he who got the cherished item.

psychological exercises for trainings

The game "Ring"

The players stand in a circle, holding their hands in front of the boat. One leader is selected. In the hands of the presenter there is a small shiny object (it can be a ring, a wrapper made of foil). The presenter walks in a circle and seems to put a ring in everyone's hands. At the same time, he says:

  • Here I go in a circle
  • I put a ring for you all,
  • Tighten the handles
  • Watch it, don't yawn!

He discreetly puts a ring on one of the children, and then leaves the circle and says: "Ring, ring, go out on the porch!"

The one who has a ring in his palms runs out, and the children should try to hold him back, not to let him out of the circle.

Rules of the game... After the words: "Ring, go out on the porch!" - all players must have time to quickly join hands in order not to let the player with a ring in his hand out of the circle.

Belarusian folk game

not so crippled little thing go out on the porch
what is it really crazy ?? so little ringlet go out on the porch, but not kakush
but with us it was different ... everyone is sitting. the driver in the "boat" put a "ring" then, of course, said "ring-ring go out on the porch" and here! the most interesting thing began ... the "ring", if it succeeded, jumped out and ran as quickly as possible, and one of the playing-sitting shouted to him in the trail of "chiki stop call-call, stop comma stop! ..." running ring "abruptly (on as much as possible) stopped ... and here the player (who was shouting "chiki stop call-call, dot comma stop! is trying to catch up with him, so to speak ... while the player says" before you (say) 3 giants, 2 step, and 1 outstretched arm. If the player "caught up with the ring" then he becomes the leader, if not, then the "ring" ...))) Well, something like this))) we had fun.)) catch up with the "ring" it is possible in different ways by "giants" "steps" "midgets" "spitting", the length was determined arbitrarily except for "giants" (this is almost a jump with only 1 foot) and "midgets" (the heel of the right foot is placed close to the toes of the left foot)
thanks for continuing the game
If there are few players, the circle will not work, then how to play?
Thank you for recalling childhood and the happiest moments. I remembered the rules of the game for a very long time in order to explain to my daughter, but I could not remember, now I will definitely tell her and even play with her.
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