Download torn cloak for minecraft

Minecraft is a game in which the initial character model is the same for everyone. However, you can change the skin, that is, the graphical display of your hero. The official version of the game has several different skins at once that are easy to use. However, it is worth noting that the vast majority of gamers play the pirated version, so they are deprived of this opportunity, but they can install various mods that allow them to modify their characters.

However, now we are not talking about skins, but about something more - about cloaks. They are not part of the skin, as they are located separately from the body, unlike any type of clothing that is simply painted on the hero figure. That is why almost every player at least once wondered where to find a cloak for Minecraft. However, unfortunately, it is practically impossible to do this.

Cloaks for administration

As you will quickly find out if you start researching this question, this type of clothing is not intended for casual players. The cloak for "Minecraft" is worn exclusively by representatives of the administration and game developers. Accordingly, you will in no way be able to get some types of cloaks, since they belong exclusively to specific real characters.

But here a completely legitimate question arises. There is far from the only evidence that gamers were met on the official servers who have nothing to do with the administration, but at the same time own certain unique raincoats. How did they do it? In fact, one could get some time back thanks to incredible luck.

Special cases

As you already understood, the cloak for Minecraft is a distinctive feature of the highest echelons of power in the game. However, you can occasionally meet gamers who wear raincoats. How can this be explained? The fact is that in the past there were several cases when raincoats were issued for certain achievements. The best chance of getting the cloak was during the years when the Minecraft players conference MineCon was held. Each person who registered on it received a raincoat in the game. However, there were other cases as well. For example, from a team of translators who helped translate the game into different languages, about thirty people were randomly selected to receive special cloaks. The rest were issued to individual gamers for special merit or on exceptional grounds.

Cloak mod

The raincoats are out of the reach of gamers who play on the official servers. However, pirates may well take minecraft nicknames with cloaks, thereby bypassing the system and getting what they wanted most. However, this method is far from the most worthwhile, since you have to sacrifice your individuality, choosing someone else's nickname, and also completely depend on the owner, who at any time can change the skin and get rid of the cloak. Accordingly, a much more effective method is to install a mod that allows you to install cloaks on your character. If you play on a multiplayer server, then you will need to check that the same mod is installed there, otherwise your cloak will be visible exclusively to you, for others it will be invisible.

Downloading cloaks

Naturally, the modification will not be enough to give you a cloak. The fact is that it only activates the possibility of using them - you will need to download the raincoats yourself. You can find them on many sites on the Internet - you just need to look specifically for raincoats for "Minecraft". 22x17 is the standard size of the cloak you need to download to add it to the game.

Raincoats for Minecraft Is an original and versatile accessory. A varied selection of this type of clothing, presented on this site, will better reveal the character of the player through his game image. You don't have to give up your favorite skin to dress up for a holiday or another significant day. It is enough to choose a beautiful raincoat suitable for the occasion.

By changing different designs of this element, you will add originality to your skin, even if it is not unique on the server. Just imagine: even if your hero is dressed like Batman, with the help of an extraordinary cloak, other players will always distinguish him from other Batmen in this game, even without looking at his nickname.

Download cloaks Minecraft this site is so simple that you might be surprised you haven't done it before. This garment is a picture that includes an updated front and back view for your character. It's hard to think of a better way to add original features to a skin.

Cool raincoats will appeal to both guys and girls, because they differ in a wide variety of designs. Choose the best item in your opinion. However, you shouldn't dwell on one copy. Collect a collection of raincoats for all occasions in your gaming life.

By installing fashionable raincoats for your character, discover the amazing variety of these elements. Even if the user is used to the standard skin, but wants to add something new to the appearance of the hero, such a dress will solve this problem. Save regular characters by making them unique with different cloaks.

If you are an adherent of adding graphic realism to the game, then choose Minecraft HD raincoats... Made in good resolution, they blend perfectly with high quality skins and look great against realistic textures. The harmony in the appearance of the game will appeal to every player.

When your character's back is adorned with a beautiful and original element, other players will be able to better understand your style. You will show everyone that you are not just stopping by to kill time, but are seriously concerned about how your personal Minecraft character looks like. It doesn't matter if you opt for a regular raincoat or a high-resolution one, the game image will become more meaningful. Users will be pleased to recognize their skin in a crowd of similar textures for heroes. If the player and his friend have chosen the same character design, but want to be different in appearance, then the cloak will be a great solution. The beauty and uniqueness of your hero in Minecraft depends only on you, so feel free to download and put a variety of raincoats.

When visiting the servers created by fans of the Minecraft games, you can see the characters in the capes. Cloaks are the rarest in-game items in the original Minecraft world. On the official servers, they are not available for "ordinary" players, but they are possessed by the developers themselves, as well as a small part of people, fans of the gaming universe, who attended the MineCon conference held every year.

In order to become the owner of the cloak and stand out from the endless mass of faceless "cubanoids", programs (McCapes) have been created that allow you to add a cloak to the standard skin of the player's character. Typically, such programs are available with files that detail the installation process. The plugin is installed in the root directory of the game. Skins are loaded onto the prepared assembly (they cannot be added to the game by themselves). The program is needed to export "non-native" elements of the character's image into the game. It is no longer possible to become a player on the official world, however, most amateur worlds allow such modifications.

There are many collections with "skins" for capes on the Internet. Whole assemblies consisting of a dozen or more raincoats are in good demand. Often, they are grouped by topic. For the New Year, the owners of such item bases collect cloaks based on Christmas.

MC Capes mod for Minecraft 1.7.10, 1.7.9, 1.7.2, 1.6.4, 1.6.3, 1.5.2


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