All places where dragons are in Skyrim. Destruction of the Ender Crystal. Where to find your Dragon

The Ender Dragon is a very large, coal-black dragon with bright purple eyes. He dwells in the dimension of the End, where you can get through the portal in the fortress.

The underground is a complex structure made of various types of stone bricks. It is a huge multi-level room with spiral staircases and ramps. In one of the rooms of the fortress there is a dilapidated portal of the End, which must be repaired by inserting the required number of Eyes of the End into the destroyed cells.

By the way, the fortress itself can be found using the Eye of the End. To do this, you need to take it in your hand and press the right mouse button. After that, the Eye of the End will fly in the direction of the nearest fortress for three seconds, emitting purple sparks. After three seconds, it will fall to the ground, from where it can be picked up, or it will disappear (this happens in twenty percent of cases).

The Eye of the Ender can be made by mixing the Pearls of the Ender with Fire Powder in the inventory window or on the workbench. Ender Pearls are dropped by killing Endermen, and Fire Powder is obtained from Fire Rods, which can be obtained by killing Ifrit in the Nether.

Battle tactics

After passing through the portal in the fortress, you will find yourself in the dimension of the End, and you will not be able to return back until you kill the Dragon of the End, since the reverse portal appears only after his death. To defeat the dragon, you will need iron, or better diamond armor (best of all enchanted), a good sword and a bow with several stacks (stacks of sixty-four) arrows.

The correct tactic during the battle with the Ender Dragon is to destroy the Ender Crystals, which are located on the tops of the black obsidian pillars. The fact is that the dragon is healed by flying past them, this is accompanied by the corresponding animation - the crystal and the dragon are connected by a sparkling white line. Destroying the crystal while healing will deal a lot of damage to the Ender Dragon. Crystals can be destroyed with arrows or snowballs, it is enough to hit them.

Keep in mind that the dragon destroys absolutely any blocks, and it easily passes through obsidian and stones of the End, so it is useless to defend against it with block walls. Better to quickly move in space and shoot the dragon with a bow. A successful dragon attack can throw the player into the void, resulting in immediate death.

The Ender Dragon explodes in bright purple light upon death. Then a back portal to the ordinary world appears. When passing through it, the player sees the credits. And at first they are a philosophical conversation. After the end of credits, the player returns to the point from where he started the game. You can get to the Edge again, but the dragon will no longer be there.

Alduin's Wall

Hidden from prying eyes in the depths of the province of Skyrim, stands the Temple of Heavenly Abode, the last refuge of the Imperial Blades, an elite knightly order formed by Emperor Tiber Septim, whose main task was to serve the imperial dynasty of Septim. In the depths of the temple there is an ancient bas-relief - the Wall of Alduin, named after the terrible dragon carved on it. The bas-relief depicts the history of dragons and an ancient prophecy that sheds light on one of Tamriel's greatest legends, the history of Alduin.


Thousands of years ago, having perished long before the beginning of written history in countless centuries, dragons ravaged the land, waging a war against people, forcing them to flee in fear before their power. People could not oppose anything to such a force. Even those of the people who went over to the side of the dragons and began to worship them, were still afraid of them. In the first of three cases, we see Alduin, the "Eater of Worlds". This magnificent and terrible creature must return one day to devour Tamriel. And that day has come.

Alduin's defeat

This cryptic image tells the story of how Alduin fell before the ingenuity and courage of humans, but nothing else is known about this event. This puzzle piece is vital to understand for anyone with the ability to defeat the dragons once more. Who are these people who can defeat Alduin? How can they drive this terrible beast out of the world? Perhaps the dragonborn who has appeared will find out the answers to these questions.

Staff of Chaos

Aludin's Wall of Prophecy depicts several events that foreshadowed his return after his expulsion from the world. The first event was the Staff of Chaos Rift, a case we know from TES: Arena. The staff was an incredibly powerful relic, capable of opening gates to other worlds and erasing existing ones. Imperial Warmage Jagar Tharn used the Staff of Chaos to imprison Emperor Uriel Septim VII in the Oblivion plan, after which he shattered the staff into several pieces so that it would never be used against himself. The Hero of the Arena once again gathered all the pieces together and defeated Jagar Tarn.


The Return of Numidium is the second part of the prophecy that foreshadowed the return of Alduin. A huge copper golem known as Numidium was reassembled during TES II: Daggerfall. The non-linear choices that determined who would rule the Numidium led to the Deformation of the West, a strange phenomenon that, paradoxically, allowed all the events that led to a dramatic change in the world to happen simultaneously.

Red Mountain

This mountain, also known as Vvardenfell, was central to the events of TES III: Morrowind. In its depths, a semi-divine essence, Dagoth Ur, built his citadel until a hero appeared on the mountain and destroyed him.

Oblivion Gate

The death of Emperor Uriel Septim VII at the start of TES IV: Oblivion's narrative also contributed to Alduin's return. The previously unknown heir to the throne named Martin Septim, with the help of the hero of Oblivion, was able to re-close the gates of Oblivion, but was killed in the process. The end of the Septim dynasty also marked the end of the Third Era.

Sons of Skyrim

With the beginning of the Fourth Era, the sons of Skyrim “shed their blood,” as the Blade named Esbern described the event. This terrible incident finally confirmed Alduin's return. TES V: Skyrim begins from the moment the main king of Skyrim was killed. Many in the northern country are pushing for a secession from the crumbling Empire, which has been in decline for 200 years after the death of the last member of the Septim dynasty. However, other citizens of Skyrim insist that the Empire is still worth fighting for. Conflict between the parties seems inevitable.

Throat of the World

A huge mountain overlooking the tundra and forests of Skyrim. Here, at the pinnacle of the Throat of the World, is the Highest Hrothgar, home of the Greymen who play a key role in the history of the Dragonborn. It takes 7000 steps to climb to reach their remote retreat. Here, on the wall of Aludin, we see a mountain cleft, which symbolizes the split in Skyrim at the start of the game.


The prophecy depicted on Alduin's Wall is dire, but it depicts a spark of hope. The only human with the same incredible power as the dragons themselves can rebel against Alduin and save the world. The Akavir armor that the Blades wear in this image comes from another continent beyond Tamriel. Blades bow to the Dragonborn. They defended the Dragonborn family line, waiting for the Dragonborn to rise to fight the returning Alduin. 200 years after the closing of the Oblivion Gate, the Dragonborn lineage was lost with the last of the Septim. By the beginning of Skyrim, a lone prisoner suddenly learns that he can have similar power ...

Dragons are a universal challenge for all Skyrim players, and some of them handle the challenge of fighting much better than others. This guide to dragons in Skyrim teaches you what successful players do to bring them down, even at higher difficulties. You will find dragon fighting strategies, helpful tips to help you meet and kill one of these reptiles, even on Legendary difficulty.

Dragons appear at many points in the main quest of Skyrim, and you are more likely to encounter them as you progress through the game, especially as your character levels up. If you're looking for dragons, you can quickly travel to open areas by jumping to different locations until he appears. There are also numerous Dragon Lords where dragons guard the walls of words. If you can see the dragon in the distance, you can distract it by simply getting closer and entering its combat range. It is very difficult to sneak past one of them given their massive visibility range, so it is almost guaranteed that it will detect you and start attacking.

Some dragons are essentially creatures that hunt from a distance until you get close enough or start attacking them directly. This can be frustrating for melee players, so it is recommended that you use a source of ranged damage, at least until you get a specific shout by completing the main quest.

Dragons land in flat, open areas, but they only do it at random, as long as you don't take away their health. A source of early damage such as a bow, atronach's flame (spell), or a spell of destruction magic can help reduce their health and summon the AI ​​to the ground. This is especially frustrating for pure melee characters who don't have a ranged source. In general, you can take a bow, but not pump skill points on it.

Types of dragons and their weaknesses

Dragons in Skyrim are divided into five types: Normal Dragon (level 10), Blood Dragon (20), Ice Dragon (30), Elder (40), and Ancient Dragons (50). The first Skyrim DLC, Dawnguard adds two new flavors for higher level players: Revered - Level 60+ and Legendary 75+. Higher tier dragon types have stronger breathing and melee attacks, armor, and more.

You can recognize the Dragon's weakness by the type of breath it blows out, be it fire or frost. Honored (fire) and Ice Dragons are the only types that have fixed breath, while anyone else can have one of these two elements. Dragon Weakness is the opposite element, and using it deals 25% additional damage. Dragons resist 50% of the damage from attacks of the same element, so it is important that you do not waste magic on opposing spells rather than using the Dragon's weakness. Impact damage affects all dragons equally. Ranged and melee fighters take note of this: Enchanted weapons do base damage plus additional elemental damage, so using a flaming ax against a fire dragon will still be respectable.

Bone Dragons only appear as part of quests and are not randomly encountered.

Close combat
Melee fighters are naturally at a disadvantage when fighting a flying lizard that can spew flame or frost hundreds of feet away. The only way to ensure the Dragon lands is by using the Dragonrend shout found on the Main Quest. Since you won't have it for a while, you'll need magic or a bow to help you lower his health while flying. They will occasionally land to engage in close combat, and for sure when critically wounded - this will be your moment to punish him and chop him for firewood.

The sword and shield are the way to go so you can block those attacks that cannot be avoided at close range. Naturally, with two-handed weapons and enough specialization, you can use power attacks and quickly kill them when they are vulnerable, but it is worth noting that their melee attacks are very strong, along with breathing, and without good resistance and equipment it will be very tight.

Spell damage

Mages also need to have some archery skills as they will need mana to kill the dragon in the early stages. Summons are usually not very useful against the dragon due to their low life, while followers like Lydia Housecarl can directly tank the dragon while you attack it.

With all this information, archers have a big advantage against the Dragons of Skyrim. They tend to have fewer problems using the terrain to their advantage, and the ranged weapon bonuses from perks are already by default. The only advice I can give is to use your best Dragon arrows. When the dragon is vulnerable and at an intermediate level, do not worry about fully drawing the bow. Aim to quickly shoot arrows at the creature, as durability only affects the range of the weapon, not damage.

Getting help from an NPC

If you are having trouble killing the Dragon, you can lead him to civilization where the guards can distract him and damage him. Avoid going to areas with a lot of enemies who are more likely to want to kill you than the dragon. If you just can't win, you can always lower the difficulty of the game to reduce the damage you take while increasing your damage. Switch the difficulty back when you're done without anyone knowing.

Arsenal of dragons

Besides the health and magic potion, you will want to replenish your resources in the tough fight against the dragon, a few more tools come to mind:

  • Fire Resistance Potion
  • Frost Resistance Potion
  • Wedding Jewelry - Rings and Necklaces. It's easy to get a variety of resistances available to you and can be replaced in combat.
  • Arrows - Save good arrows for Dragons, Centurions, Frost Trolls, and other powerful enemies.
  • Dragonrend - This scream makes the dragon land and you will receive it automatically during the main quest.
  • Marked for Death - This shout reduces the enemy's armor and drains life.

Victory: Dragon Souls and Loot

All normal dragons have dragon bones. If you intend to become a tank, don't sell them, rather store them in a safe place for later. Dragons also drop equipment and weapons, although slightly less frequently. My favorite unlocking location for storing dragon bones and ores is Shack Meeko, although there are many safe areas you can use - in general, dressers, tables, and cabinets won't respawn.

Victories over dragons result in your Dovahkiin absorbing the dragon's soul. They are only used to unlock shouts once you've found them on the wall. At the end of the day, you will have too many dragon souls. However, there are many words that will expand your screaming arsenal.

One of the best additions to the Elder Scrolls world is dragons. Since these flying, deadly creatures are full, and they are not very friendly. You will have many chances to blunt your sword against their scales. What starts out as a separate mess in a random place then turns into a real battle. Arriving in the city, you will hear the deafening roar of a dragon, from which the buildings will shudder, and as soon as this monster notices you, a fight will begin.

Fighting dragons is not easy. Every time you think that coping with the dragon has become easy, a new one will appear - even bigger and scarier.

However, there are some tweaks that can make fighting dragons easier. In this post, we'll show you how to take down any dragon in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. You will find out which strategy of fighting against which dragon is better to use, which equipment to choose, and most importantly - where in Skyrim are the dragon's lairs located!

Basic information about dragons

In theory, fighting dragons in Skyrim can be easy, but in practice it is not. Dragons will not tolerate your scratches and light blows. There are many things that won't work with these monsters. Everything is complicated by your style of play, but more on that later. However, the reward for killing them is worth the effort - dragons can "give" you a huge number of points, as well as scales and bones, which can be sold for a considerable amount, for which, in turn, you can buy good weapons and armor.

It seems that dragons do not diminish their energy and magic, so cold or lightning is powerless here. Their breath can be subdued with a Shout, but it cannot be weakened. So you'll have to carry a couple of potions with you to counter fire or ice in order to prepare for the next attacks.

First, dragons cannot be frozen, paralyzed, or immobilized in any other way. You can repulse them with powerful enough attacks, but you cannot kill them with this. They bounce off for a moment, and then go on the attack again. A short pause is just enough to raise the shield. This means that hand-to-hand combat with them can be a real challenge. Even if other characters help you, the dragon will wave its tail, wings and incinerate everyone with its breath

However, this does not mean that you should not fight dragons in a group. If you have an ally, you can surround the dragon and try to confuse it. He will shake his head back and forth, wondering who to attack, which means that he will attack you and your ally once or twice before you put him to sleep. Somewhere in the middle of the game, there is a possibility that you can attack the dragon in three, and this will make it much easier to fight with them in their nests.

Thus, there is an almost "ideal" way to hunt a dragon, as well as ways specific to each of the three types of characters. Here are the most important points for killing these flying whoppers.

Dragon battle strategy

There are four approaches to dragon hunting: three of them are based on each of the main classes, and one is considered the most advanced. Each battle strategy has several main features, in particular, it is necessary to have equipment and potions with you that will help withstand physical damage, as well as ice and fire. Otherwise, your style of play will dictate the course and difficulty of the fight, as well as how you best change your tactics.

The most important thing in these battles is which Shout you use. The most effective Shouts for fighting dragons in Skyrim are:

✓ Fire Breath - very useful in battle against ice dragons
✓ Frost Breath - use it against fire breathing dragons
✓ Marked for Death - especially effective against dragons on the ground
✓ Dragonrend: You will get it towards the end of the storyline when you fight dragons all the time. But, since this Scream forces the dragons to land, it is better to use it at the end of the fight.

There are other Shouts that can be useful depending on your play style or specific situation, but these are the most common means. For example:

✓ Become Ethereal or Slow Time - can help if your hit points are too low.
✓ Animal Allegiance - useful if you are fighting a dragon next to a mammoth or saber-toothed cat. This shout can be used for additional help.
✓ Call Dragon or Call of Valor - These Shouts can be especially useful, however they can be inconvenient due to the time they need to recover.

Until you have Dragonrend, you will have to manually force the dragon to land. Try to stay in an open area at all times. If you are on a mountain path, run back onto a level surface, or climb to a plateau to force the dragon to land for hand-to-hand combat. Of course, it is not necessary that the dragon will land just because you are in open space - it can continue to attack you with its breath, but this is the only way to get to them.

Optimal equipment for fighting dragons

For a perfect outfit, you need a strong bow and excellent sorcery, strong melee weapons and a shield or second weapon. Armor is not that important, so light or heavy will do, the main thing is to move quickly.

If you are wearing a ring or amulet that helps soften the blow from the dragon's breath, then you will be able to withstand the most difficult parts of the battle.

Weapons and shields can be replaced with double magic, if you are, of course, a magician - just be sure that you do not use magic of the same element as the dragon's breath, otherwise it will not do so much damage. If you, for example, have strengthened your fire magic enough, it is worth using against the ice dragons, although you should not expect it to work miracles. However, the mage still needs a sword (or the Bound Bow spell), since the dragon is constantly moving and will go out of the field of witchcraft.

Good fortification on a bow is the damage done by the elements (although you will need to use two bows for different types of dragons for this), or Silent Moon Enchant. While Silent Moon Enchant is only useful at night, the bonus for damaging them is very effective. It is worth using Absorb Health, because, believe me, you will lose enough health.

With this set, you can easily shoot from a bow until the dragon gets close enough for a spell, shout or melee weapon. To be honest, this set is easy to play with and will help in any situation - the dragon is in front of you or not.

Warrior Equipment and Weapons

As much as you may be surprised, the warriors have plenty of time to fight the dragons. If you play as a pure melee character, without taking advantage of spells or ranged weapons, then you will only have shouts to fight dragons. As you might guess, these are not peaches and rainbows for you, when the dragon really wants to fry you right from the sky, without even landing. In this case, you have only one choice, wait for the moment when the dragon lands ...

If you are a fan of waving fists, it is best for you not to engage in a fight with the dragon until you receive the Dragonrend shout. This shout weakens the dragon's defenses and forces it to land. You can get this shout during the main storyline, after completing the Alduin's Bane quest. By receiving this cry, you can even prevent the dragon from taking off at all. So you can run up at the ready with your weapon and hit him properly.

All of the above seems simple, but until you get this ability, each fight with the dragon will be a real test of patience, if you do not want to use a bow or magic. It is best to acquire an ally who uses magic or a bow, and then hide, giving him the opportunity to prove himself. Go into a tent, under a canopy, or at least hide behind a shield (if you have the Elemental Protection perk). As soon as the dragon lands, charge and shoot, preferably before it hits Das. Repeat to complete the battle.

You can use Shouts to deliver distant strikes. If so, try taking Talos' amulet, as it reduces charge replenishment time by 20%.

Thief Equipment and Weapons

One hand-to-hand combat is not enough to emerge victorious from the battle with the dragon. The problem is that you cannot use a surprise attack on them and, most likely, you are using daggers that do not seriously damage dragons. For situations like this, you must use a powerful sword. It is best to use the bow on dragons, mammoths and in serious battles in order to gain enough experience and cause serious damage to dragons with arrows. Take your strongest bow, strengthen it properly, and then buy the best arrows to do as much damage as possible.

Even if you are used to using a bow in all battles, it is better to take a shield with you to fight the dragon. Reinforce the Fortify Health shield so that you have the courage to face this flying creature. However, you will want to step back a little to have more space, then use the quick switch menu to instantly change it to a bow.

To be honest, a thief should have an easier time with dragons. The bow is an incredibly powerful weapon when trained and can reach a dragon no matter where it is. You might, of course, think that the easiest thing is for a lover of hand-to-hand fighting, but until you get Dragonrend, the dragon may not land at all, then the case will smell fried. Even if this happens, the archer can noticeably ruin his health while the master of hand-to-hand combat is helpless.

Dragon Hunting Mage Equipment

There are two different types of mages: those who run around in a long cloak and use pure magic, and those who use armor and weapons for "extra effect." Both of them should not have problems with dragons, as long as they have the necessary abilities to cope with each type of dragon.

It will not be so easy for pure magicians, since only destruction magic will help here, although Atronach can help if the enemy is far away. The illusion does not work without a high level of perks, and the Atronach will be practically useless. A high level of destruction ability, coupled with the right perks, will allow you to deal with dragons when they are far and near.

Here's an example of a good strategy, say while fighting an ice dragon: grab the Flame Atronach and start hitting the dragon with fireballs (with one hand to save magic) until it gets closer. As soon as he gets close, take a fire spell in both hands and do not forget to absorb the potions to preserve the magic until the dragon dies or takes off again. Do not forget that since these spells ignite instantly, they are good to use on flying dragons, since you do not need to direct your shots, moreover, they can be used to make the dragon land.

One of the safest ways to kill a dragon (if you are a mage) is to use a battle mage. Put on strong armor, and do not forget to properly strengthen it to increase the level of stamina, then take a weapon that can literally "suck" health from enemies - the sword is best here, as it is the fastest. The dragon will be confused and will constantly turn to keep up with you, and in the meantime you can lower his health and, as they say, go your own way.

To be honest, the mage can deal with the dragon quite easily, so if you have the opportunity to strengthen your equipment and magic level, everything should go well.

Dragons in Skyrim

Now let's talk about where to find and how to defeat story dragons in Skyrim, random dragons, as well as where the dragon nests are and how best to get to them.

As your level increases, you will meet more and more powerful dragons on your way. Most of these changes are just "cosmetic", but there are some differences between different breeds of dragons. There are several named dragons in the game, although this is just an enhanced version of a certain type of dragon.

The Dragon

This is a common type of dragon. They do not have any special abilities, although they can still tear an unprepared player into shreds. Their attacks consist of fire or ice and, depending on the dragon, bite or quilted blows that harm those on their sides. However, they are not very fast, so you can strike by circling around them.

Blood Dragon

The Blood Dragon is the same regular dragon, with only one addition: a devastating tail strike. Those who try to bypass it from behind will be turned into a cake by the blow of its powerful, shovel-like tail. If you do decide to go around it from behind, it is best to do it between the tail and the wing, closer to the wing than to the tail. This way he will have to turn at least a little before smacking you with his tail.

Ice Dragon

In a sense, the Ice Dragon is an improved version of the regular dragon, although underestimating this monster is dangerous. While other dragons can use icy breath to attack, the Ice Dragon uses an incredibly powerful blast that can wipe out your entire energy bar with ease. Then you will not be able to use powerful attacks or escape from the explosion. Very often this dragon flew somewhere nearby, supposedly accidentally catching you and draining all your energy, and then sat down nearby and began to spit huge balls of ice.

Old dragon

This is a real brainwash. These dragons are some of the most powerful enemies a Dragonborn can face in the world of Skyrim. They have a very powerful bite and tail kicks, and their breathing is especially destructive. They can also set you on fire, and you will have to dance in the fire, wasting precious energy. All of their attacks are very painful, so you should definitely have good protective gear with you.

Ancient dragon

Ancient Dragons are the same Old Dragons, only in a different color scheme and slightly more powerful. By the time they start to appear, when you get to level 40-45, the difference between them and the Old ones will be almost invisible.

Bone dragon

By all accounts, the Skeleton Dragon is a fortified Blood Dragon, although it can use both fire and ice at the same time. He is very resilient, besides, he has all the strength and weakness of the "undead". One of the dragons of this kind lives in the Labyrinthian, and the rest only seem ridiculous misunderstandings - as if the ghoul continues to attack you. Since this dragon is pinned to the ground, you can run away from it, deliver a couple of hits from a distance, and then run away again. Just keep monitoring your energy if you don't want to just go toe-to-toe with him.

Dragons of the main storyline of Skyrim

With these dragons, you cannot avoid meeting during the main storyline. To complete the game, you will have to fight only five dragons, although others will attack you on the way. There are even unique dragons serving Alduin, but more about them later.


The first dragon you will have to fight is Mirmulnir. It is not so terrible even for an unprepared player, since your allies will fight next to you. Since Mirmulnir is distracted by other characters, you have a choice of how to deal with him. This battle is very easy.

A lover of hand-to-hand fighting is best to be in the tower and monitor the movements of the monster until it lands. Run out of the tower, land a couple of hits, and then hide in the tower again while he is flying in the air. Mages can do the same, because you are unlikely to be ready to fight the dragon face to face right now.

However, the easiest way to deal with a dragon is to take a bow with you. Although he can shoot fire at you while you are on the tower, if you go down the steps, he will not be able to reach you. Keep going down the stairs while he attacks and shoot him from the tower while he is distracted by others. So you will quickly deal with him, and you will get your first dragon soul.


Further along the main line of the quest you will need to climb a mountain in a cloud of snow. Your goal is to get to the burial place of the dragon with Dolphin, but an unpleasant surprise awaits you there. Saloknir obeys the words of its master, attacking you and all your allies. If you do not have the necessary equipment or potions with you, then, as they say, you are in trouble.

Saloknir is a more powerful version of the Blood Dragon. This can be a very difficult battle considering how strong he is, however you can have two allies with you. For mages: if you cannot get the Atronach, then you can complete the quest A Night to Remember to get the unique artifact Sanguine Rose. This will allow you to take Dremora, which will help in the battle. If you use a sword, you will not have any problems, besides, Dolphin is also masterful in it.

Meet at Kartspire

Arriving at Kartspire, you, Delphine and Esbern will find yourself under siege from the numerous Forsworns and the furious Ice Dragon. Usually the Forsworn are distracted by the flying giant, but sometimes they turn their anger at you and the situation gets out of hand. Fortunately, this happens on rare occasions, so you can focus on the dragon for most of the battle. Esbern's Ice Atronach is especially useful in getting the dragon's attention.

The dragon itself shouldn't be a problem for you. Since more than one ally helps you, the monster must fall quickly. What complicates the situation is that right after you deal with the dragon, you will also have to deal with Forsworn. Fortunately, the dragon itself will help you to get rid of many of these freaks running around during their attacks of rage.


First meeting. Honestly, this is without a doubt the hardest battle in the game. No matter how well prepared you are, Alduin is powerful enough to ruin the day. Even if you came with a follower, allies and the help of Paarturnax, you will still die 1-2 times during the battle.

Everything Alduin does is with fire, so you'll need gear to counter his attacks. His attacks: fire rain from heaven, breath of fire, very powerful bite and devastating tail lash. As he bites you, fireballs will fall from above, so your only choice is to simply survive the battle. He is practically unaffected until the Dragonrend shout is used.

In theory, it is quite easy to defeat him, but in practice it is a completely different matter. When he flies in a circle, shoot him with a fully charged Dragonrend shout. This will force him to land and also make him more or less vulnerable. Prepare your most powerful weapon, or ice spells, and beat the bastard. Always keep your healing spells and potions ready, while still loading him with your most powerful attacks. Don't risk it, replenish your health as soon as it starts to fall, so that death does not catch you by surprise, and he should soon fall.

Second meeting. Unlike your previous encounter with the dragon, this fight is pretty simple. Although all companions can be left behind, you will be battling three of the most powerful warriors in Sovangard. In addition, by this time you will already be quite experienced, and you will also have improved equipment. And Alduin will be almost defenseless next to the four heroes.

When the four of you reach the foggy area, choose the Clear Skies. Wait until you are told to use it, then use a third level shout to clear the fog. This will have to be repeated several times until Alduin stops hiding. When the dragon appears, your friends will start attacking it, however, it is invulnerable until you apply the Dragonrend shout to it. Lower him to the ground with this shout, and you can start attacking him with the whole quartet. He fights in the same manner as before, but now he has many more targets that distract him from you. These battles are fairly easy to complete even with simple healing items.

Nests and other dragons in Skyrim

All of the dragons described above are not the only ones you have to meet in the game. There are also four "named" dragons here, as well as random dragons in almost every location and a few more in the wasteland. And then there are nests where dragons guard the walls of words. As you progress in the game, you will pass checkpoints, and dragons will become a more familiar sight:

✓ The first checkpoint will be after the murder of Mirmulnir. After that, dragons will appear all over the world, although they are still rare.
✓ Second Control Point - after receiving the Dragonrend shout. There will be more dragons, they will appear more and more often as soon as you arrive in the city.
✓ The last point will be after the completion of the main storyline. Dragons will appear constantly, attacking you every time you go to a city or dungeon.


Arriving in a small village, which you have not been before, you will meet Nahagliv. For example, you arrived in Roriksted during the quest A Night to Remember, where you have not been before, and this "guy" will fall on you like snow on his head. It can be considered a more enhanced version of the blood dragon.


After a wise dragon helps you deal with Alduin for the first time, the Blades will demand that you kill Paarturnax in revenge for his actions many years ago. If you refuse, they will no longer show you other dragon nests, which means that you can forget about help in killing dragons. And if you do, it will anger the Greybeards, and they will no longer tell you where the Words of Power may be.

Either way, this dragon is pretty easy to kill. Shoot him with the Dragonrend shout before he attacks you, then crush him with your most powerful attacks. It will fall surprisingly quickly.


Winturut is a random dragon, however he is very dangerous. He will attack you after a random dungeon, appearing at the end of the Thieves Guild quest. Depending on where this ice dragon attacks you, it may have an ally - another ice dragon or a weaker blood dragon. To be on the safe side, replenish your health before leaving any dungeon after you get Dragonrend, because it won't spawn before.


One of the most dangerous random enemies in the game. A very powerful old dragon that will attack you on the way to the Word of Power. For example, this can happen on the way to Greywater Gorge or Gray Crone Rock. In any case, during his attack, you need to be at the peak of your game, since one breath can kill a weak character, especially if you do not have enough hit points or fire resistance.

Dragon nests

Ancients Ascent

Ancients Ascent is located in the mountains east of Falkreath. There are two paths up the mountain. The first is a mountain path on the side of the mountain, often guarded by a dragon that will try to weaken you before you reach the winged monster that dwells above. The easiest way to go up is through the Bonechill Passage, a small cave with ice trolls. This is 100% the easiest and easiest way to go, so go ahead.

Autumnwatch tower

The tower is to the southeast of Ivarstead, up a winding path through the mountains. Getting there is much harder than fighting the dragon itself. Unfortunately, along the way you will encounter a bunch of bears, which strive to distract you from the main task. This is usually one of the first places in which you should meet the dragon hunters.

Bonestrewn crest

This is one of the most easily accessible nests. Walk south of Winterhold, right through the woods and up the mountains. Of course, more often the dragon himself will find you and attack long before you even get to the word wall. By the way, be careful: somewhere here lives an absolutely harmless dragon, Hagraven, and if you hit her, she can become brutal.

Eldersblood peak

This is a real pain in your armor. You can reach the summit either along the mountain north of Rannveig’s Fast, or along the winding path south of Mortal. This path is more dangerous as you will encounter ice trolls on the narrow paths. If the dragon attacks you here, you cannot avoid problems. It is better to go through the mountains, because then the dragon will attack you in the open space.

Lost Tongue Overlook

Another easy dragon's lair: to reach it, you just need to walk through the wastelands south of Riften and then follow the southeast trail up. The dragon will attack you on the main road, so you won't have any problems with it. Once he is dead, you can continue your ascent to the word wall.

Mount anthor

Not the easiest road. The local dragon loves to roam, which means you will have to fight him before you start climbing the mountain, or you can meet him on a narrow path. On the way, there will also be polar bears, giants, and sometimes even ice trolls, and they will try to get your attention sooooo diligently. In addition, a second dragon will fly somewhere nearby, which will attack even before you have time to deal with the first one.

There is a way to "win" in the game Minecraft, for this you need to destroy the Ender dragon, or as it is often called - the dragon of the end. This is the hardest challenge in the game.

To do this, you have to get to the End Island, located in the desert dimension, and kill the dragon living there. If you can kill the dragon, you will get a unique opportunity to explore the rest of his island, after which you can return back to your world.

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to get to this island and defeat the dragon: first we have to find the Fortress, then activate the portal and go through it to complete the task.

Find the portal in the Fortress

Have you found the fortress yet? If so, then it was a good start. In it you need to find a room that looks like this:

The End Gate in the Fortress. Not active yet.

If you haven't found the Fortress yet, then craft several items with the name Eye of Ender. You will need about 15-20 pieces. Put them in your inventory and get ready for a long journey.

It should be noted right away that the Edge and Ender are synonyms. But Ender is more correct, since the developers use this term in the game.

You can craft the Eye from Ender's pearls and fire powder.

Ender's Pearl periodically drops out of the Enderman when he dies (since version 1.9, the Eye drops out of him immediately). It is not difficult to find them at any time of the day; at night they often come to settlements.

Usually the mob walks around aimlessly, often picking up blocks and placing them elsewhere.

Fire Powder is obtained by crafting a Fire Rod that drops from Ifrit.

Efreet spawners are located in the fortresses of the Nether.

So, you defeated everyone and received a sufficient number of Oko. Now go out into an open space and toss it up. You need to select the Eye in the quick access panel and throw it into the air, watching it: it will fall to the ground in the direction of the nearest Fortress.

Usually the Eye can be picked up and thrown again, but sometimes it breaks.

The toss controls depend on the Minecraft version:

  • On PC / Mac, right-clicking on the block you want to drop the Eye on;
  • On PS3 and PS4, press L2 on the joystick;
  • On Xbox 360 and Xbox One, press LT on the joystick;

Walk in the indicated direction for a while, then throw the Eye again. Leave a trail of torches or other objects behind you to avoid getting lost, as the path may not be close.

Continue tossing the Eye of Ender to follow it until it constantly hovers over one point. Here is the Fortress. After starting excavation work and getting to the bottom of the Fortress, you need to travel along its gloomy corridors in search of a portal.

During your search, you will find treasure chests, skeletons, zombies and other hostile mobs that will try to kill you.

The portal needs to be activated through Ender's eyes.

Prompt: if the Fortress is far from your home, you can build a railroad to reduce travel time.

Ender Portal Activation

After examining the Fortress and finding it, place one Eye on the empty blocks, this will activate the portal.

The number of empty blocks that need to be filled with OK is randomly generated.

Now you can safely go through the portal and fight the dragon of the End.

How to make a portal to Edge in Creative

Required components:

  1. white wool - 20;
  2. red wool - 8;
  3. black wool - 7;
  4. End portal frame blocks - 12;
  5. Eye of the End - 12;
  6. blocks of wooden steps - 3;
  7. sword or bow for killing chickens.

Step 1

Make a 5 by 5 block platform. You can use wool for it. The portal won't work without a platform!

Step 2

Note that the green end portal frame blocks, like the step blocks used for the example, can be positioned in several directions. Understanding this step is essential to complete the project and launch the portal.

Please note that here the blocks and steps are set at 90 degrees to each other!

Step 3

Now you can figure out how to position the first of the four sides. You can clearly see this in the picture below:

Arrange them three in a row. The steps are used to visually show the direction of rotation of the green blocks; they are not needed to build a portal.

Step 4

Rotate the blocks 90 degrees and repeat the process to create the next side of the portal.

Step 5

Create the third side of the portal.

Step 6

Create the fourth side of the portal.

The portal frame is ready.

Step 7

The Eye of Ender can now be placed in portal frame blocks.

Take the Eye in your hand and right-click on the block you want to place it in.

Step 8

Place 12 Ender's eyes in the blocks and the portal will work.

If the portal did not open, then you have mixed up the direction of installing the green blocks somewhere. Check their location.

Jump into the portal and enjoy the new dimension.

End Portal Properties

Unlike the Nether Portal, the End Portal is one-way. Upon entering it, the player will not be able to return and will end up on a 5 x 5 obsidian platform, which can be in the air or underground.

Breaking the active portal frame block does not deactivate it. This is only possible when using mods, since the portal frame is solid as rock. The portal cannot be deactivated in any way without.

The active part of the portal emits level 15 light, although there is no benefit from it without mods.

The active portal of the End can be obtained with the help of mods, it instantly teleports the player who touches it. On multiplayer servers, this is used as a trap, although most servers do not allow indestructible blocks.


Prepare for battle with the following equipment. You can place chests with equipment sets near the portal, if you die in the Edge, you can quickly take another set. You can also put a bed and sleep in it so that you can return to the Edge without traveling again from the base to the Fortress.

When you pass through the portal, you need to be prepared for a hard battle.

  • Armor: the best available, preferably reinforced diamond armor;
  • Shoes: there is a high probability of falling from a great height during the battle, so shoes with Zero Gravity may come in handy;
  • Sword: you can kill a dragon with different weapons, the best of which is a diamond sword, preferably enchanted with a high level of Sharpness;
  • Pickaxe: do not leave the house without her;
  • Bow and Arrows: more arrows, at least two quivers;
  • Food: useful for treatment;
  • Ladders: three or more for climbing;
  • Ender Pearls: useful for teleportation;
  • Blocks: one or two sets, made of cobblestones or other materials;
  • Potions (optional): healing and regeneration will never interfere in battle; it's dark in the Edge, so a night vision potion will help;
  • Pumpkin (optional): The land is full of Enders. If you wear a pumpkin instead of a helmet, you can avoid battles with them, but visibility will deteriorate;
  • A piston and redstone source (torch, lever, or button) for collecting dragon eggs after victory.
  • Glass vessels - for collecting dragon breath to create potions.

We leave for the Edge

When you are ready, enter the portal. You will find yourself on an obsidian platform in a strange place made of greenish Endstone inhabited by wanderers. You have to fight in a circle of obsidian columns called the Pillars of the End.

Spawn point on the platform.

If you find yourself in a small cave, dig a ladder to the surface. If you are on a flying platform away from the mainland (as in the picture), throw the Ender Pearl for teleportation or build a bridge with the blocks that you thoughtfully took with you.

There are sooo many of them here.

Do not look at the Enders (Enders), then they will not bother you. If you can't avoid looking, use a pumpkin instead of a helmet.

The dragon can attack in different ways: with fireballs and breathing. Both of these attacks leave a cloud of poison to stay away from. He also deals damage by hitting his head or wings, but the armor should keep damage to a minimum.

The dragon is healed when it flies near the end crystal, so first you need to destroy the crystal, and only then attack the dragon.

The main risk is that the dragon can throw the player into the air or drop it from a high pillar, the damage when falling will be great. Shoes with the "Weightlessness" enchantment will reduce damage, pearls of the End or a bucket of water can also help.

When the dragon approaches you, a blow to the head with a sword or arrow can cause it to stop attacking.

Destruction of the Ender Crystal

Each end pillar contains a crystal at the end. You need to destroy them before you enter into a duel with the dragon. Some of them can be shot from the ground with a bow.

The main danger is falling from a high pillar.

Two crystals are protected by an iron cage, you have to climb up and break the cage with a pickaxe.

Climb the stairs to the caged End crystal.

Standing at the top of the stairs, a block below the pillar level, you can destroy the crystal without harm to yourself and aim well at the crystals on other pillars.

Hint: the dragon will attack you more often as the crystals are destroyed, so the hardest climbs should be done first.

Kill the dragon

When the crystals are destroyed, it's time to tackle the dragon. For about half the time, he flies over the exit portal from this world in the center of the arena. At this time, he can be attacked with a sword.

Stay behind the dragon to avoid being hit by your head and wings. After a while, he will fly away, but will soon return. Continue this until the dragon is killed.

When the dragon Ender is dead

After that, several things will happen:

  1. You will get a lot of points;
  2. The exit portal to the normal world will become active (a dragon egg will lie at the top of the pillar);
  3. The Gates will appear, giving access to the outer islands.

If you bring empty glass vessels with you, you can collect dragon breath in them to create potions.

If you try to break the dragon egg, it will teleport to another location nearby. If you want to pick up an egg as a trophy, you need to act discreetly:

  1. Block the exit portal with blocks to prevent the egg from falling through it;
  2. Place the piston next to the egg so that when activated, it pushes it;
  3. Activate the piston with a red torch, button or lever.

Access to the outer islands

After the death of the dragon, a gate will appear on the border of the island, which can teleport you to another part of the Land, where there are many islands and cities to explore. But the gate is too small. How to get through them?

Answer: Throw Ender's pearl at the teleporter.

There is a lot to see on the other side of the gate. Ender City and Ship (can be found in it).

A real treasure trove. There is more than one such thing here.

When you get tired of this area, return to the place where the dragon died and jump into the portals to return home and "win" Minecraft.

You can respawn the dragon and do it all over again by creating four Ender Crystals and placing them around the exit portal.

Edge crystal craft.

To craft a crystal, you will need the Eye of Ender, seven units of glass and a tear of Gast. And if there should be no problems with glass and eyes, then Gast's tear will make you sweat.

Ghasts will offend in Hell. Hunting them is a very difficult and dangerous activity, as they fly high in a cave or over lava.

That's all. Now you know how to find the End, how to defeat the Ender Dragon and what is needed for this. Good luck!

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