Didactic games for children of the younger group of kindergarten. Printed board games in kindergarten Game “Who was who?”

In kindergarten, board games for children 3-4 years old, as well as toddlers and preschoolers, are not just a type of entertainment, but an important tool in the development of emotions, inner world, psychological core, and character. The main task of the teacher is to correctly select games that correspond to the age category of the children and their interests in the kindergarten. In modern “computer” times, children are often deprived of the opportunity to fully play at the table at home - looking at adults, they prefer phones, consoles, and televisions. That is why high-quality organization of tabletop leisure, introduced into kindergarten, is so important and relevant.

Board games for children 2-3 years old (younger group)

Children 2-3 years old often do not yet speak, do not recognize differences in colors and shapes, and do not know the names of objects. The teacher needs to offer such children board games to develop speech, visual and auditory perception, and attentiveness. The children cannot yet play together without the help of an adult, so the teacher acts as a coordinator and mentor in the kindergarten group.

Children of the younger group are very inquisitive and interested in everything new to themselves. Invite them to play bright pyramids, picture lotto, large puzzles, and build towers. Each game should be bright, beautiful and as safe as possible. No small parts (chips, cubes), sharp objects - the kindergarten by default should be a place where it is always safe for the child. You can make a finger theater with your own hands and offer to act out a scene with your children.

"Guess and name"
From the box you get pictures depicting various objects (fruits, transport, birds, etc.). The child must name what he sees.
"Where is whose house"
The kids’ task is to correctly match the animals with their habitat. These can be printed puzzles, purchased pictures, magnets or magnetic boards.
"The Fourth Wheel"
From the proposed options for animals, plants, insects, birds, food and other things, unnecessary things are removed. The child himself must determine the sign by which to make a choice - in case of failure, the teacher prompts, starting a speech from afar.

Board games for children 3-4 years old (middle group)

From the age of 3, a child already actively communicates with peers around him and is able to study and discover something together with them. At this stage, board games for children 3-4 years old can acquire new rules, and the teacher acts as an arbiter on the “field”. The joint activity is designed to develop a sense of justice - kids learn to rejoice not only in personal victory, but also in the success of their peers. The girl will be happy to enthusiastically play dress-up games, be it paper heroines with various homemade outfits or three-dimensional dolls. Dress up games can be carried away not only for the sake of variety of leisure time, but also for the sake of understanding the principle and. The boy will cope well with not the most complex construction set.

Those board games for children 3-4 years old that were successfully accepted by children in the younger group of kindergarten may be a little more complicated for the middle group. For example, the task set for the child will not just name the object in the picture, but give it a versatile characteristic (color, features, purpose). Develop children's speech by asking them to answer questions in detail, use facial expressions, and pronounce individual sounds.

"My house"
Children are offered separate parts of a house (door, windows, chimney, staircase) or room (sofa, chandelier, painting, refrigerator), which must be assembled into one structure. At the same time, each added detail must be voiced and reasoned. A 4-year-old child can make an arrangement using his own apartment as an example.
Children are given cards with different images. From the common box, the teacher (or one of the children) takes out one chip at a time and names what is depicted on it. Kids should carefully study the cards for consistency. Whoever fills out their card correctly the fastest wins.
It is necessary to make pictures by comparing all sides of the existing cubes. These are complicated puzzles.

Board games for children 5-6 years old (senior group)

Starting from the age of 5, children can be prepared for school: perseverance is cultivated, vocabulary and logic are developed, and an interest in creativity and acquiring knowledge is developed. At this stage, children can independently invent board games for themselves and introduce rules into them; the ability to analyze what is happening without the participation of an adult appears. For a preschooler, kindergarten is the last step before school, from which you need to get the most benefit.

For children aged 5-6 years, manufacturers have created many board games where it is necessary to find investigative connections and establish facts. Boys and girls can buy or create games based on the following topics: cars, house cleaning, fashion. It would be nice to implement it so that by the time children go to school they learn the basics of calculations.

"Nature Calendar"
The child needs to establish a correspondence between the selected months, its inherent precipitation, and temperature.
"Find a cub for mom"
It is necessary to compare the pictures of various animals, birds and their young correctly.
"What? Where? When?"
A versatile game for the development of 5-6 year old children. It is built on the principle of a quiz.

The choice of board games for kindergarten children can be made not only by educators, but also by creative parents. The kindergarten, its atmosphere, talented employees, and even the boys and girls themselves are able to suggest what would be the most fun for them to play with at the table, and what kind of leisure time they generally consider the most interesting. This is an excellent help for studying, organizing free time, as well as an alternative to walking in bad weather.

Tatiana Makrushina
Printed board games part 2

When does this happen?

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the seasons, their characteristic features, to develop coherent speech, attention, resourcefulness, and endurance.

Move games: The children are sitting around the table. The teacher has in his hands several pictures depicting the seasons, for each season 2-3 pictures (winter landscape, winter fun, people’s work in winter). They clear the paths and feed the birds. The teacher explains the rules. Children today we will play So: Look, I have a lot of pictures. I won’t show them to you yet and you don’t show them to each other. We will guess what is drawn. The teacher hands out pictures and names the child. He examines his picture carefully, then talks about its contents. Then another child guesses what time of year was told about. After the child shows his picture, the children are convinced that the answer is correct. The game continues until the children talk about all the pictures.

Seek and you will find

Target: practice distinguishing the characteristic features of individual seasons.

Move games: Children classify pictures and put them next to each other depending on whether they belong to spring, summer, autumn, winter.

Who needs what for work?

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge that different things and tools help people in their work; foster interest in the work of adults. The desire to work ourselves.

Move games: the game is played according to the “LOTO” type; large cards depict a cook, doctor, driver, janitor, etc. Small cards depict items necessary for work. The teacher clarifies the children’s knowledge about professions and tools. Then reminds the rules games. Children sort out the pictures, select the corresponding pictures from the large map and send them; for the cook - a saucepan, a ladle, a kettle, a meat grinder.

What does a doctor need? How does it measure temperature? What does he bandage his hand with? Look more carefully for all the items that the driver needs. This game is played after observing the work of people of different professions, paying attention to the tools of their work. As children become familiar with the work of adults, they add pictures depicting (builder. Postman, seller, milkmaid, pig farmer and the tools of their labor.)

Target: to train children in the ability to combine objects according to their place growth: where does it grow? consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits and flowers.

Move games: In the teacher’s box there are large cards depicting a vegetable garden and a flower garden and small cards depicting vegetables, fruits and flowers. Children look at small cards

Where do cherries grow? The teacher asks the child who is holding a picture with a cherry in his hands.

On the tree.

Where does the cherry tree grow?

In the garden. Children answer.

Where do flowers grow? (in the forest, in a flowerbed in a meadow).

Where does the cucumber grow? In a garden bed.

Look at these cards, kids. What do you see here?

And on this card? Flowerbed.

Now you will play so that everything that grows in the garden appears in the garden, that in the flower garden ends up in the flower garden, that in the garden goes into the garden, and everyone falls into their own squares on the map. Whoever closes all the squares first is the one wins. Children exchange cards and the game continues. This game is used when the task is to systematize the consolidation of knowledge about other objects, such as dishes, furniture, clothing, shoes, work equipment, and activities.

Paired pictures

Target: Exercise children in comparing objects depicted in pictures, in finding similarities and in selecting identical images; develop the ability to follow rules games.

Move games: The teacher has a set of paired pictures. The pictures show items: toys, dishes, clothes, etc. The teacher looks at the pictures together with the children, the children name them. Then the teacher takes two identical pictures and, showing one of them, asks:

Cup - the children answer.

And in this picture there is the same cup. What can you say about them? The teacher is in no hurry to answer the question himself. Children guess and They say:

They are identical.

Yes, they are the same, paired. Two cups are a pair, that means paired. Today we will play paired pictures (Holds both pictures of cups in his hand.) Listen to how we will play. I will put pictures on this table, and I will give you one picture at a time. Whoever I call will go and find the same picture on the table and find a match for it. The winner is the one who makes no mistake and names the object loudly. I offer a more complex option, hand out pictures, ask them to be attentive and answer who has the same picture. I don’t show it myself, but I talk about the depicted object so that someone who has the same thing can guess and show it.

I have a picture of a long-eared gray one eating a carrot. Who has the same picture? Children are looking. The one who is depicted is a bunny, speaks: I also have such a bunny. And he shows.

What grows in the forest?

Target: Consolidate knowledge about forest and garden plants.

Move games: The teacher selects three children and asks them to name what grows in the forest. For example one speaks:" mushrooms, second: raspberries, third: spruce." And then it continues again. The teacher warns that you can’t think for long. When the players break a rule, they sit down and choose a replacement. The new troika receives another task, for example, to list what grows in the garden or who lives in the forest, in the yard, etc.

Shuffled pictures

Target: To consolidate and test cultural and hygienic skills.

Move games: The teacher hangs a large picture on the board. The painting shows an unkempt child. And he gives the children small pictures with toiletries on them. Children look for an object among their pictures that needs to be complemented by a large picture and explained.

What do they plant in the garden?

Target: teach children to classify objects according to a certain criterion, develop quick thinking and auditory attention.

Move games: Educator asks:

Children, do you know what grows in the garden? Let's play a game. I will name different objects, and you listen carefully. If I tell you what they plant in the garden, you will answer "YES", if there is something that doesn’t grow in the garden, tell me "NO". Whoever makes a mistake is loses. Educator starts:

Carrot. (Yes); tomatoes (Yes)

Cucumbers. Yes.

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about different machines that help people, name them correctly and select pairs Images: passenger car, truck, combine harvester, crane, etc.

Move games: The teacher shows the cards to the children, names the cars and draws attention to the fact that the card shows two cars separated by a vertical stripe. Then he distributes 4-6 cards to the children. So I put my card, what cars are drawn here. Tractor and crane. If you have the same ones, put your pictures next to the cars.

Now what are the pictures here? Who has these? Place them in one row. Children find identical pictures and place them at the end of the resulting row. The game continues until the children have no pictures left. Then a new rule is introduced, the children are again given the mixed pictures and the order is established, the pictures are laid out one after another. Those who do not have a suitable one miss a turn, he wins Who will be the first to put all the pictures.

What grows where?

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about plants; develop the ability to establish spatial connections between objects; group plants according to their place of growth, develop activity and independent thinking.

Move games: Players receive a large map with different landscapes; small cards are in a box. At the driver’s signal, the children select small cards in accordance with the pictures on the large card. he wins who will quickly cover all the empty cells and name the plants correctly (on large maps a forest, a field, a garden, a vegetable garden are drawn.) The names of cereals and mushrooms will be difficult. The guys exchange cards, small cards are shuffled, the game continues.

Let's plant a flower

Target: Navigate in space, distinguish concepts "edge" And "middle".

Move games: 5-6 children sit at the table. On each table there is a tray filled with sand and a box containing many colorful paper flowers. “Children, now we will plant flowers,” says the teacher. -You have a lot of flowers in the box, you need to plant them beautifully, in a row, and not haphazardly. The teacher monitors the work of all the children, and each child says where he will plant the flower in the middle or on the edge.

Board-printed games

(senior preschool age)

1. "Developmental lotto" (Geometric shapes)

Target: consolidates knowledge about geometric shapes and colors, develops attention, perception, and logical thinking.

2. "Rules of etiquette"


Formation of a culture of behavior and communication in children

Getting to know the rules of etiquette,

Formation of cultural behavior skills in children in a variety of life situations,

Developing children's communication skills with people around them,

Raising in children the moral qualities necessary in society,

Promote speech development: speak correctly, accurately and beautifully, enrich vocabulary,

Develop attention and memory.

3. “Magnetic mosaic. Hedgehog"

Target: mosaic is a set of elements of various shapes and colors that combine with each other and allow you to create almost any image. Using the details of the game, children can create their own masterpieces on the proposed magnetic board. The set contains 5 colors, 220 elements.

Board-printed games

(senior preschool age)

7. "Numbers"

This educational and developmental game is dedicated to a very important topic - ordinal counting from 1 to 10. In an entertaining game form, kids will learn to match the number with the number of objects in the picture, and will also practice voluntary attention and fine motor skills of the fingers. The game materials can be used both to familiarize children with the topic and to test knowledge on it.

The set consists of 10 large prefabricated card blocks. Each block in turn consists of five shaped cards equipped with puzzle locks. The central card of each block shows a number and the corresponding number of inflatable balls, and the 4 corner cards show the same number of heroes or objects.

8. "The Snow Queen"

Target: Together with the heroes of the fairy tale, children will move around the playing field and find themselves in various situations of the fairy tale plot.

The game develops voluntary attention, logic, visual perception and memory. An exciting game based on the famous fairy tale "The Snow Queen".

Board-printed games

(senior preschool age)

11. "Topsy-turvy"

This game will help children select words that are opposite in meaning to concepts, phenomena and properties that are often encountered in everyday life.
The game "Topsy-turvy" is aimed at developing logic and the ability to analyze.
It includes 5 game options of different difficulty levels.
Children will enjoy playing “Hide and Seek” and will also enjoy finding answers to riddles among the pictures. Variants of the game “Say the opposite”, “Chain” and “Quiz” will help children learn to justify their choice and expand the child’s vocabulary.
The games are intended for group and individual activities. They are conducted by the leader - during the training period an adult, and then one of the children.
The game is also aimed at developing the child’s attention, memory, visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking. They develop the skills of analysis, comparison, classification, as well as the ability to identify significant connections between objects and phenomena.

Board-printed games

(senior preschool age)

15. “Favorite Tales”

Target: This game is to teach the child to correctly compose sentences, texts, and also retell familiar texts. Additionally, the game develops attention, observation, and trains memory. Thanks to simple rules and colorful pictures, learning becomes a fun game.

16. "Emotions"

Target: strengthening the ability to distinguish between feelings;

Strengthening facial skills;

Increasing self-confidence in children;

Develop self-regulation skills.

17. “Zoological Lotto”

Target: fix the names of animals, features of the appearance of animals.

Develop attention, observation, speed of reaction.

18. Lotto “Plants, Animals”

Target: the game introduces you to the animal and plant world of our planet, broadens your horizons, teaches you to identify the common characteristic of objects and group them by characteristic. LOTTO allows you to simulate many different gaming situations. During the game, logical thinking, observation, attention, memory develop, and fine motor skills are improved.

"My house"

Target: teach how to put together a house from parts, tell what it consists of.

Equipment: cards with images of architectural details.

Rules of the game: Children disassemble and arrange the details of the house during their story. It may happen that children will interpret the same pictures in different ways; the presenter, helping the players with “tips,” should encourage their imagination.


“There are stairs in my house. I climb along it to (...) floor. Then I open the door and enter the apartment. In our apartment (...) windows, etc.

"Fold the picture"

Material : 8 cut-out color pictures with views of the city of Armavir.

Rules : find by color, add and name one of the types of the city.


Material: 6 cubes, each of which is covered on all sides with a fragment of a photograph with a view of the city.

Rules: put together one of the views of the city.

"Magical city"

Target: consolidate the formed knowledge and ideas about the architecture of the city of Armavir.

Tasks: recognize different types of architecture in Armavir (bridges, monuments, columns, grilles, palaces, cathedrals, museums) with the help of riddles. To lead to an understanding of the features of architecture (strength, beauty, benefits.)


Rules of the game: Children lay out cards on two fields, then take a working card and match the landmark with the color.

"Make a picture"

Target: 1.improve children’s knowledge about the architectural buildings of the city.

2. Teach children to make an image of a building from parts.

I Make a picture from parts (without a sample) and give the name of the architecture

II Compose a picture based on the model

III Compose a picture based on the model, superimposing it on the image.


Material: two playing fields and cut-out pictures with numbering.

Rules: Plays with 2 or more children; The fields are filled with cards face down, after filling the players change fields and the battle begins, whoever guesses the hidden image first is the winner.

Who moves how?
Target: Strengthen children's ability to systematize animals according to their method of movement (legs, wings, fins)

Material: b Large maps depicting models of animal movement methods, pictures of animals.

The presenter distributes large cards depicting models of animal movement organs (legs, wings, fins), then takes out small pictures depicting birds, fish, animals, children close the empty squares in accordance with the model.

"Who lives in our region"
Target: Strengthen the ability to systematize animals by habitat. Develop skills in using models.

Material: b Large maps depicting different animal habitats, with pictures of animals.


The presenter distributes to all players large cards depicting models of various animal habitats (water, air, earth), then takes out small pictures depicting animals, birds, fish that are found in the Krasnodar Territory, the children cover the empty squares in accordance with the model.

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