Coordinates in minecraft 1.7 10. How to determine coordinates in Minecraft

Teleport, move to the specified coordinates

How to make a teleport in 1.4 Minecraft Tutorials. by GKrond Written by Specified player not Server Commands Land Of Craft-complex of minecraft servers! Instant move teleportation, tp sethome sets the point of instant ...


Teleportation to you or someone

TP-teleport or checkmate. Try to teleport and not only in minecraft

Teleport / move to any player. Command / tp [player's nickname]


Coordinates Coordinates are a collection of values ​​that form a coordinate system for determining a location. ... Minecraft cheats. gt Minecraft Knowledge Base- gt Coordinates.

So shorten the command / tp or on servers / call

Are there codes in minecraft?

The distance sqrt? X 2? Y 2? Z 2 sqrt is the normal square root extraction, and? X,? Y and? Z are the offset along the given coordinates. ... The amount of energy that is spent on teleportation is high enough, which is strong ...

No, but there are commands: / gamemode 1, / give, and. etc., google it

There is one interesting code, it is called a ban!

There is not. There are only commands that allow you to change the mode, etc. Include cheats in the add-on when creating the world. settings, create, go to the world enter / help 1 commands will be shown there, and there is also / help 2 3 4 5 6 7

Should teleport to coordinates in minecraft is the world - File found - internet forum. ... In the coordinates of the teleport for minecraft such periods are polyp.

No, only for the generation of the world (they are more often called "seeds", look in the internet)

Yes, but you need to enable cheats when creating the world in "Advanced".
Enter codes into the chat (T or /). Here are some examples:
/ gamemode 1
Includes Creative Mode, Survival Mode:
/ gamemode 0
/ tp
Teleportation. Instead of there should be coordinates, for example:
/ tp 0 0 0
/ gamerule keepInventory true
Items in inventory and gained experience are saved after death.
Although you can just create the world right away in creative mode.
You can also install the TooManyItems or Not Enough Items mod and not sweat it.

There is. And a lot. Spawn blocks, monsters, destruction of mobs, day / night, immortality, flight, private, adding items to the inventory, teleportation, throwing TNT, suicide, changing the mode ... Lots of. More than 150 for sure. Just enter / help in the console and he will write ALL codes for you. BUT! THEY WILL WORK ONLY IF WHEN CREATING THE WORLD, CHECK THE ITEM "READ CODES" !!!

Minecraft server

I know I'm a loloshka

Command for teleportation by coordinates. The coordinates should be written strictly through a space x, y, z, otherwise it does not work. The author of iTupac is me. 8 December 2013

Command to teleport to a random point in minecraft

There is no such command. You can only teleport to a specific point by coordinates.

How to teleport to Minecraft. 1 technique Teleportation using commands. ... You can also teleport another player by typing his name, nickname in the game before the coordinates.

Tell me the name of the mod for minecraft 1.5.2 ...

Learn to formulate a thought. And so, apparently, you need to download Voxelmap. There are just such chips.

There are several ways to teleport. The most reliable and safe is the teleport. ... With the help of a teleport, you can move to a specific point on the map, if you know How to teleport to minecraft by coordinates.


Minecraft stuck in obsidian how to get out in single player. No cheats

How to get the right for TP in Main

Denis, hello. I saw a bunch of freebies here: free cheat likes, subscribers, gifts, likes, ask. fm, accounts (yes, logins and passwords), source codes for VK applications, ways of earning money, programs, etc. Everything is free. Take a look here, you won't regret it.

For more details, what is TP?

Minecraft Single Player Commands:
me - thanks to him, we display the entered message on behalf of a third party. Example: "The player is exploring a cave."
tell, w - Send a private message to another player (for example, you want other players on your server not to know the content of your message)
kill - kills your character (well, for example, if you need it when you are stuck in textures)
seed - find out the seed of the world, where you are located
Minecraft admin commands:
clear [object number] [additional data] - thanks to this command, the inventory of a certain player is cleared (eliminates items or specific id)
debug - start debug mode or leave debug mode
defaultgamemode - change the default mode for new players
difficulty - Change your difficulty of the game, 0 - peaceful, 1 - easy, 2 - medium, 3 - difficult.
enchant [level] - Enchant the item in your hands (+ specify the level)
gamemode [target] - Changes the desired game mode for the player. Survival (survival, s or 0), Creativity (creative, c or 1), Adventure (adventrure, a or 2). the player must be online for the team to work
gamerule [value] - change the basic rules (fill in like this: true or false.)
doFireTick - if false does not spread fire
doMobLoot - if false, the drop stops falling
doMobSpawning - if false, mobs stop spawning
doTileDrops - if false, when you destroy the block, items do not drop
keepInventory - if true, when you die, then you do not lose the contents of the inventory
mobGriefing - if false, blocks are not destroyed by mobs
give [amount] [additional information] - you can give the player an item
help [page | team] ? [page | command] - see a list of all consoles
publish - open access to the world on the local network
say - the color of the message will be pink
spawnpoint [target] [x] [y] [z] -sets the spawn point for the player in certain coordinates (if you did not enter the coordinates, then the spawn will be from your position where you are)
time set - changes the time of day
time add - adds time to the existing one
toggledownfall - enable or disable precipitation
tp, tp - command to teleport to the player or coordinates
weather - changes the weather
xp - gives the desired player experience
ban [reason] - the command to ban the player on the Minecraft server
ban-ip - ban by ip
pardon - unblock after a player is banned
pardon-ip - unblock by ip after ban
banlist - shows a list of all banned players
op - gives the player the status operator
deop - selects the operator's status
kick [reason] - kick the player from the Minecraft server
list - shows a list of players that are online
save-all - saves changes to the server
save-on - makes automatic saving on the server
save-off - disable
stop - shutdown the server
whitelist list - show whitelist "e.
whitelist - add or remove a player to the whitelist (whitelist)
whitelist - enable or disable whitelist features
Territory private teams in Minecraft
/ region claim - save the selected region as a region with the desired name
// hpos1 - set 1 point with existing coordinates
// hpos2 - point 2
/ region addowner - add players to the owners of the region (possibilities of the creators of the region)
/ region addmember - add players to region members
/ region removeowner - remove players from owners
/ region removemember - remove from members
// expand - expand the region in the desired direction
For example: // expand 5 up - expands your selection upwards by five cubes. Allowed directions: up, down, me.
// contract - shrinks your region in the desired direction
For example: // contract 5 up - will decrease the selection by 5 cubes from bottom to top. Allowed directions: up, down, me.
/ region flag - set the flag

If you play on a server, you need to buy a privilege, but you can / tpa player's nickname

Minecraft question

/ mute - silence the player for a while. / mute [player] [time in minutes] Example: / mute hero 60 - then hero will be silent for 1 hour. To remove the mut, you need to write / unmute hero ______________ / kick - Kicks the player off the server. / kick [player] [reason] Example: / kick hero violation of the rules - then hero will kick from the server with the reason "violation of the rules" ______________ / tempban - command to block the player. / tempban [player] [time] [reason] (maximum can be banned for 999 days) Example: / tempban hero 7d p.2.61d - if you write such a ban time, the player will be banned for 1 day. 1h - 1 hour. 1m - 1 minute ______________ / tp - teleport yourself to another player. / tp [player] Example: / tp hero - teleports to hero ______________ / jump - teleports you to where you are looking. ______________ / tppos - teleport to coordinates. / tppos [x] [y] [z] Example: / tppos 100 64 -100 - teleports you to x: 100, y: 64, z: -100 ______________ / tptoggle - disables \ enables the ability to teleport to you. ______________ / world - teleports you to hell \ ordinary world _____________ / warp - teleport yourself to the previously designated point. / warp [point name] Example: / warp homehero - teleport to point homehero. To find out the names of existing points, you can use the / warp command (without the names of points). ______________ / delwarp - remove the teleport point. / delwarp [point name] Example: / delwarp homehero - removes the point homehero ______________ / feed - Eat. ______________ / time - shows \ changes the time on the server. / time Example: / time day - will change the server time to morning. ______________ / weather - changes the weather on the server. / weather Example: / weather sun - will change the server's weather to sunny. ______________ / getpos - shows your coordinates, or the coordinates of another player. / getpos [player name] ______________ / whois - shows information about the player (useful thing). / whois [nickname] Example: / whois name ______________ / broadcast - write a message on behalf of broadcast. / broadcast [message] ______________ / top - moves to the highest block, according to your vertical coordinates. (if you stood at height 4, and the highest block is at height 55, then you will be moved to height 55) ______________ / setwarp - set the teleportation point. Example: / setwarp name (command not available to moderators) ______________ / md - transforms you into the specified mob. / md type Example: / md silverfish (command not available to moderators) ______________ // drain 4 - pumps out liquid (lava / water) within a radius of 4 blocks. (command not available to moderators) ______________ / fixwater (lava) [radius] - command to restore the primary species of seas / lakes / rivers (command not available to moderators) Example: / fixwater (lava) 4 ______________ / removeabove [radius] [height] - command to destroy various debris and pillars. (command not available for moderators) Example: / removeabove 4 4Important: if you do not enter the 2nd argument, the removal height will be equal to infinity. ______________ // undo - undo the previous command. (command not available to moderators) ______________ / baninfo name - find out why the player was banned. ______________ Snif or how to find out who put the block, opened the door, chest, etc. Use a wooden pickaxe on the block. Moderators / Admins must punish violators, and also write the reason for the ban. The reason for the ban must be written in English. language. It is imperative to take screenshots (F2) proving violations. Recommendations: for the first checkmate - a mut by 120; for the second mate - a mut by 240; for the third, you can be banned for 5 days (5d) Moderator / Admin must know the rules. Not knowing the rules can lead to dismissal.

From our article, you will learn how to teleport to minecraft. The article describes the main methods of teleportation with and without mods, and also tells how you can ... using the End Stone by coordinates through portals.

Ban<игрок>[reason] Blocks the player's nickname by adding it to the server blacklist. Blocking removes the player's nickname from the white list.
ban-ip Blocks all connections from a specific IP address.
banlist Displays a list of banned players (blacklist). To display a list of blocked IP addresses, you need to enter an additional parameter: banlist ips
deop<цель>Removes operator privileges from the player.
kick<цель>[reason] Kicks the specified player off the server.
list Lists all players connected to the server. Same as pressing Tab ⇆
op<цель>Gives the specified player operator privileges.
pardon<никнейм>Removes the player's nickname from the blacklist, which again gives him the opportunity to connect to the server.
pardon-ip Removes the specified IP address from the blacklist.
save-all Forces the server to write all changes in the game world to the hard disk.
save-off Disables the server's function to write game world files to the hard disk.
save-on Allows the server to save the game world files automatically. This option is enabled by default.
stop Shuts down the server in a normal way. Available only to the operator of the fourth operator access level.
whitelist <никнейм>Adds or removes a player with a specific nickname to the whitelist.
whitelist list Displays all players in the whitelist list.
whitelist Enables / disables the use of the whitelist for the server. Server operators will always be able to connect, regardless of whether their nicknames are on the whitelist.
whitelist reload Reloads the whitelist, that is, updates it according to the white-list.txt file on the local hard disk (can be used when white-list.txt is modified by third-party programs).

How to privatize territory in minecraft 1.7.2 ???

Everything depends on the server, the following commands are most often used:
// wand - issues a tool for creating a selection of the region
// expand number up - increase selection by<число>blocks up
// expand number down - increase selection by<число>blocks down
/ rg claim region_name

Teleportation using the command block in minecraft! ... MineCraft How To Find Your House By Coordinates And How To Find Diamonds - Duration 9 35. by Channel By Goddi 6,235 views.

1. Basic commands
! [Message] Write a message to the general game chat around the game world.
/ help Help for the available commands.
/ rules Server rules
/ motd Show welcome message
/ spawn Return to spawn point.
/ me [Message] The message written in [Message] is pronounced from the 3rd person.
/ ignore [Nick] You will not receive a message written from [Nick] (including voice messages).
/ nearPlayers near you
/ suicide Fake killing of your character
/ afk Switch to AFK (Away) mode. For downtime more than 7 minutes - kick from the server
/ depth Show your position above sea level
/ getpos Display your position in X Y Z coordinates.
/ itemdb Show the ID of the item in your hand
/ blockid Show the ID of the item in front of you
/ warp [Teleportation point name] Move to teleportation point
/ warp list List of public teleportation points
/ upright Upgrade rights (If you bought VIP, Premium, Deluxe status or set a new prefix)
/ tpaccept Accept the invitation to teleport the player to you.
/ tpdeny Reject an invitation to teleport a player to you.
/ pvp-on Disable PVP protection on PVP servers. Protection is removed automatically after 30 minutes of play.
2. Home teams
/ sethome Set your home at the current position.
/ home will send you home
/ home [name] Sends you to home [name] if you have an invitation
/ home invite [username] Sends an invite to your home, user [username]
/ home uninvite [username] Takes an invitation to your home for user [username]
/ home public Make your home teleportable to other players.
/ home private Make your home private.
/ home list Show all houses you can visit
/ home ilist Show a list of users who can visit your home.
3. Teams of private territory and property
// wand Issue an item to select a region.
LMB - first point, RMB - second point.
/ we cui Show the size grid of the private selection
// expand (UP \ DOWN) Expand the size of the private by N blocks in the selected direction
/ region claim [Region name] Register your private region
/ region info [Region name] Show information about the region.
/ region info Show information about the region you are in.
/ region list List your regions.
/ region addmember [Region Name] [User Name] Give Region Resident Rights to User [User Name]
/ region removemember [Region Name] [User Name] Remove Region Resident Rights from User [User Name]
/ region setparent [Region name] [Parent region name] Set the parent territory of your region
/ region setpriority [Region name] [Priority] Sets the priority in relation to the parent region
/ region flag [Region name] [Flag] Set the flag to the region [name]
/ region delete [Region name] Delete your region
Available region flags
Flags available to common players - chest-access
- access-mods (Access to items from mods to other players)
- use (Using doors \ buttons \ levers)
- pvp (Damage between players)
- potion-splash (Effects from potions)
- lightning
- lighter
- vehicle-destroy (Breaking boats, minecart)
- vehicle-place (Installation of boats, trolleys)
- pistons (movement of blocks by pistons)
Flags available to VIP playersAll flags available to common players +
- ice-form (Forming ice)
- ice-melt (Ice melting)
- snow-fall
- leaf-decay
- ghast-fireball (Ghast damage)
- creeper-explosion
Flags available to Premium playersAll flags available to regular and VIP players +
- mob-spawning (Manage spawning mobs)
- deny-spawn (Management of spawn of individual mobs)

How to set a point in minecraft so that you can return to it (except for the spawn and the point of the house) Help pliz

The / spawnpoint command allows you to set spawn points, that is, the so-called checkpoints. Used for walkthrough maps, sometimes on maps like parkour.
And if you need to create several points, either use the command blocks and enter tp @p x y z, or write the coordinates into a separate text file, the coordinates can be found by pressing the F3 key. Well, or use the Zans Minimap mod, in which you can create teleportation markers.

Only in MULTIPLAYER or with single commands, you just need to write numbers 123,23,543 123 Z 12 Y 543 X find out your coordinates on F3 Тп by teleport command 123,23,543.

Such points are called Warps and this mod must be set special.

Why does it teleport me to another point when I teleport using the command block in minecraft?

Check again the coordinates of the desired place, maybe you indicated the wrong coordinates

Teleportation by coordinates ... You can teleport him to yourself or teleport to him by entering the name of the character in the chat tp 1 the name of your friend 2.

Have a question

Open the world to the network by turning on the cheats with the button. Then dial
/ gamemode creative
Creative mode will turn on. Take off and fly wherever you want - look for your home.
The code
/ gamemode survival
will return everything as it was to survival mode.
And if you know the coordinates of where your house is, then you can teleport there by opening the world for the network with the command
/ tp<цель>
Where PURPOSE is your nickname, and where XYZ is the coordinates of the teleportation place.
As an option, write down the coordinates of the location, make a chest, put all that is valuable there and die.
And then from home, having written down his coordinates, teleport to the chest for things and back.

Minecraft for Android. Services. ... After pressing the Enter key, teleportation will occur to the coordinates specified by the player.

Minecraft how to find a region

Walk and wander

List of commands for players on the Minecraft server Minecraft 1.5.2, 1.6.4, 1.7.10 and other versions. ... In order not to get confused, they are divided into several categories of private, teleportation, trade and ... tppos x y z - Teleport everyone by coordinates. May 7, 2015

There was no need to put the set home

No way build a new house sucker and don't forget to put a sethome

About showing the grid of the region: to display the grid, you need a WE CUI mod. The markup is disabled with the // sel command.
About the search: it seems like there is teleportation to the regions, but I don't remember :)

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Many Minecraft players have wondered How to determine your coordinates in Minecraft, since this allows you not only to remember and determine in which direction the house with the bed is located, but also to write down the coordinates of interesting places, especially if the whole process of the game consists of traveling and building new houses.

Minecraft tracks your location in the game world using a coordinate system. In the computer versions of the game, the coordinates are hidden in the debug menu, on the console versions, the coordinates are available when you open the map. But if you play Minecraft PE, you need a third-party application to find your coordinates, since Minecraft PE does not have a map or a debug screen.

Click on the Debug button.

You will see information of a corresponding nature. As a rule, you will need to press F3 to do this, although this is not always the case:

  • Desktop PCs - F3.
  • Laptops and Macs - Fn + F3.
  • Newer Macs - ⎇ Alt + Fn + F3.

Find the coordinates on the debug screen.

There will be a lot of different data, so be careful - simple coordinates are marked as "Block", and detailed coordinates are marked as "XYZ." The line "Facing" indicates which direction your character is currently looking in.

Understand the coordinate data.

The center of this coordinate system is the block from which you started playing. The "Block" line displays three numbers, three coordinate values ​​(XYZ) without labels.

  • "X" is your location east or west of the starting block (latitude).
  • "Y" is your location above or below the starting block (depth / height).
  • "Z" is your position north or south of the starting block (longitude).


Minecraft tracks your location in the game world using a coordinate system. In the computer versions of the game, the coordinates are hidden in the debug menu, on the console versions, the coordinates are available when you open the map. But if you play Minecraft PE, you need a third-party application to find your coordinates, since Minecraft PE does not have a map or a debug screen.


1 PC / Mac

  1. 1 Open the full debug screen. In newer versions, the debug screen opens only partially - this is the basic setting. You can change it through the Options menu.
    • Open the Options menu - "Chat Settings." Disable "Reduced Debug Info."
  2. 2 Click on the Debug button. You will see information of a corresponding nature. As a rule, you will need to press F3 to do this, although this is not always the case:
    • Desktop PCs - F3.
    • Laptops and Macs - Fn + F3.
    • Newer Macs - ⎇ Alt + Fn + F3.
  3. 3 Find the coordinates on the debug screen. There will be a lot of different data, so be careful - simple coordinates are marked as "Block", and detailed coordinates are marked as "XYZ." The line "Facing" indicates which direction your character is currently looking in.
  4. 4 Understand the coordinate data. The center of this coordinate system is the block from which you started playing. The "Block" line displays three numbers, three coordinate values ​​(XYZ) without labels.
    • "X" is your location east or west of the starting block (latitude).
    • "Y" is your location above or below the starting block (depth / height).
    • "Z" is your position north or south of the starting block (longitude).
  5. 5 Move around and watch the "Block" values ​​change. This will help you better understand how the coordinate system works. If "X" is less than zero, then you are west of the starting block, if "Z" is also negative, then you are north of the starting block.
    • You will most likely start at X, Z: 0,0 (unless you end up underwater), and your starting Y value will be around 63, the game's sea level.

2 Console versions

  1. 1 Open the map. In console versions of Minecraft (Xbox, PlayStation, Wii U), the coordinates can be seen along with the map. All players start playing with the card - it is in the inventory.
  2. 2 Find your coordinates. Actually, you don't need to look for them for a long time - look at the upper part of the open map, there these cherished X-Y-Z will be.
  3. 3 Understand the coordinate values. The center of this system is where you started the game. The "X" is the latitude, your location is east or west of the starting block. Z - longitude, location to the south or north of the starting block. Y, respectively, denotes the height relative to the lowest layer.
    • The starting block coordinates will most likely be X, Z: 0,0. If 0.0 is underwater, then your starting block is somewhere nearby.
    • The initial Y value depends on the height at which you spawn at the start of the game. Sea level is Y: 63.
  4. 4 See how the coordinates change as you move. They will change in real time! If "X" is greater than zero, then you are east of the starting block. If "Z" is greater than zero, then you are south of the starting block.

3 Minecraft PE

  1. 1 Download a third party app. The Minecraft PE version does not provide access to a map that could be created by game means, and there is no other way to check your coordinates in it either. Accordingly, you will need a third party application. Please note that on iOS devices you will need to jailbreak it first.
    • Android - Download PocketInvEditor from Google Play Store.
    • iOS - Download iMCPEdit from Cydia. In order for the application to work, the device will have to be jailbroken (hacked).
  2. 2 Close the game if it is running. The game must be turned off for a third-party application to download your game world data. Open the running applications control screen and turn off Minecraft PE.
  3. 3 Open the app and select your game world. You will see a list of your saved game worlds, select the one you want and, if it does not load, check again whether you have turned off the game for sure.
  4. 4 Click on "Edit World Info." This will show you data about your game world.
  5. 5 Find the line "Player location". These will be your coordinates. Opening the game again, you will find yourself at the point described by those coordinates.
  6. 6 Understand the coordinates. There are three coordinates in Minecraft PE: X, Y and Z.
    • "X" is latitude. If X is greater than zero, you are east of the starting block, if less, you are west.
    • "Y" is the height. So, 63 is the sea level, and 0 is the very bottom.
    • "Z" is longitude. If Z is greater than zero, you are south of the starting block, if less, then you are north.

Understand the coordinates. These will be your coordinates. Ask a question about Minecraft 5. How do I find out the coordinates? Find your coordinates. 6. How can I see the strength of things and NID? how to find out your coordinates in minecraft pe - 14 Skins for Minecraft PE. Servers. Opening the game again, you will find yourself at the point described by those coordinates.

In newer versions, the debug screen opens only partially - this is the basic setting. All players start playing with the card - it is in the inventory. They will change in real time! Don't forget to subscribe to the channel! And like, I tried, and the first time I filmed * _ * = VK group - There is info about the coordinates.

Z "is your position north or south of the starting block (longitude). Please note that on iOS devices you will need to jailbreak it first. The game must be turned off for a third-party application to download your game world data.

Everything about the game Minecraft

Minecraft tracks your location in the game world using a coordinate system. See how the coordinates change as you move. The starting block coordinates will most likely be X, Z: 0,0. The center of this coordinate system is the block from which you started playing. This will help you better understand how the coordinate system works. The "Block" line displays three numbers, three coordinate values ​​(XYZ) without labels.

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