A guide to finding unique items. A guide to finding unique items Traditional small arms

"Fallout 3" is the third installment in the series of post-apocalyptic games - "Follaut" from Bethesda Game Studios, released in 2008.

"Fallout 3" - a hot RPG/ACTION game, created as a continuation of the general "Fallout" line, has become one of the masterpieces in the history of computer games, winning the love and respect of millions of gamers around the world.

The game takes place 36 years after the events of the second part of "Fallout", in 2277 AD, in a world making futile attempts to recover from the nuclear war of 2077, which destroyed almost all life on the planet.

The main character of "Fallout 3" is a teenager from shelter 101 for the first time in his life, by the will of fate, who finds himself in the capital wasteland in search of his father, who left the shelter earlier.

During his travels, our hero will have to cooperate or quarrel with many factions inhabiting the Capital Wasteland.

Fallout 3 factions:

  • Brotherhood of Steel;
  • Outcasts of the Brotherhood;
  • Enclave;
  • Project cleanliness;
  • Kogot Company;
  • Children of Atom;
  • Drevens;
  • Reilly's Rangers;
  • Railway;
  • Regulators;
  • Slavers;
  • Dungeon Ghouls;
  • Tunnel Snakes;
  • Remains of the Chinese army;
  • Raiders;
  • Family.

Cheats for the game "Fallout 3"

Cheats are console commands for "Fallout 3" called by pressing the "~" key.

Main parameters:

  • player.setlevel- set the player level;
  • tgm- immortality, endless ammo;
  • player.additem 0000000F - set the required number of Nuka Cola caps;
  • setspecialpoints- set special parameters;
  • settagskills - add skill points;
  • tmm1- open all markers on the map;
  • rewardKarma- set the required level of karma

Rare weapons in "Follaut 3"

"Eugene"(minigun with increased damage by 50%) - it can be obtained after successfully completing the quest "Reilly's Rangers".

Experimental Multiple Charge Nuclear Grenade Launcher - located in the arsenal, on the base of the National Guard. It is necessary to first collect the entire Keller family archive, consisting of five records.

"Terrible" shotgun (increased damage) - located in the Evergreen Mills bazaar from the character Smile Jack.

Revolver "Blackhawk" - to get it, you need to bring notes to Agatha after completing the quest “Agatha’s Song”.

"Softener" (sledgehammer with 50% increased damage) - Anchorage Memorial, utility room. This weapon is associated with one of the unmarked quests in the game - "Cache at the Anchorage Memorial".

"Gunshot"(alien blaster capable of setting a target on fire) - can only be available randomly.

Tiny Killer Knife (knife) - becomes available only during the completion of the Tranquility Lane quest.

"Narcosis"(hunting rifle with increased damage) - it can be found in the Republic of Dave, in a locked safe. The safe can only be opened with Dave's special key.

"Bloodsucker" (combat knife with a 50% bonus to damage to limbs) - can be found from one of the raiders in the hut, which is located on the eastern side of the ruins of Bethesda.

"Bone Crusher " (sawed-off shotgun with increased damage) - it is located in Gerdershade with a character named Ronald Laren.

"Vampire Fang" (Chinese sword with reduced weight and high attack speed) - located in Vance's office at the Meresti metro station.

"Blackboard" (board with nails, increased damage and durability) - can be found in an abandoned shack in the village of Clifftop.

Toothpick Butch (switchblade with double damage) - can be obtained from Butch during the quest "Trouble on the Home Front".

"The Hall"(cue with 4 times increased durability) - found in Paradise Falls on the billiard table.

"Ant's Sting" (knife, when hit, deals an additional 4 units of damage every 10 seconds) - can be obtained if you complete the quest “Inhuman Gambit” in favor of NeMirmika.

"Trucker's Friend" (mount with high damage) - the weapon is located in the Canterberry community, in Dominic's garage and a machete.

"Plunkett's Argument" (studded brass knuckles with an increased chance of causing critical damage) - if you have the “lawyer” ability, it can be found in the Arlington house, in the cemetery of the same name.

"Jack"(improved version of the ripper) - after completing the quest "Water of Life", in the hideout of the death claws.

"Smuggler's Storm" (pre-war laser pistol) - in the safe of Elder Lyons in the Citadel.

"Granato-Honey" (unique grenade launcher) - Fort Independence armory

"Protectron's Gaze" (laser pistol, shoots 5 beams instead of one) - one of the reward options for the quest "Inhuman Gambit". The Mechanist gives it in exchange for the NeMirmiki armor.

"Occam's razor" (combat knife with increased durability and damage) - can be obtained by killing the leader of the Talon company mercenaries, Jabsko in Fort Bannister.

Rare clothing and armor in "Fallout 3"

Modified work overalls (adds 10 units to radiation resistance, 5 to repair and one unit to luck) - this jumpsuit is given by the caretaker of shelter 101 as a reward at the last stage of the quest “Problems on the Home Front”.

Dad's overalls (no different from work overalls, increases hacking and repair skills by 5 units, and weighs 20 times more than usual) - can be obtained during the quest "Water of Life", after the death of James, if his body lies near the door.

Tunnel Snake outfit (+4 units to damage resistance and another 5 units to the melee weapon skill) - it can be obtained from Butch as a reward for saving his mother during the “Escape” quest.

Asylum jumpsuit 77 - a jumpsuit that previously belonged to the only resident of shelter 77. You can find it in Paradise Falls in the barracks.

Surgeon lab coat (Essentially an ordinary robe. Medicine: +10 Science: +5, greatly increased cost) - can be obtained by killing a surgeon at the Red Racer factory.

Asylum armored overalls 101 (slightly modified shelter 101 jumpsuit. Energy weapons and light weapons +5). You can receive it as a gift from Moira, in the “Shop on the Crater”, by telling her about life in the shelter.

Maple power armor (Increases strength, heavy weapons, gives additional resistance to radiation, but at the same time reduces agility) - can be obtained for completing the Oasis quest, accelerating Harold's growth.

Prototype medical power armor (Increases radiation resistance by 25 percent, but reduces agility by 1) - can be picked up from a dead novice in the Old Olney sewers.

Ornamented Power Armor (fundamentally different from the standard T-45d power armor, not only in appearance but also in characteristics) - can be obtained by collecting one hundred steel ingots in "Pete" for the quest "Steel for the Factory"

Ashura Power Armor (Decorated power armor. Adds luck, charisma, strength and radiation resistance, but reduces agility) - you can get it from free labor for a task, or from the corpse of Ashur himself.

T-51b Insulated Power Armor (adds 25 units to radiation resistance, plus it practically does not wear out) - to get this armor you need to complete the quest “Operation Anchorage”.

Insulated power helmet T-51b (except for the fact that it has increased wear resistance and almost does not need repairs, it is no different from the usual T-51-b power helmet) - only after completing “Operation Anchorage”, along with insulated power armor.

Screw Combat Armor (an improved version of the claw combat armor in all respects, plus adds 10 units each to heavy weapons and action points) - can only be obtained after receiving the unmarked quest “The Grieving Groom” by removing it from the Screw in the Maisons-Beauregard hotel.

Winter medical armor(increases medicine by 10 points) - during the quest “Among the Stars”, in the cryology laboratory.

"Kozhanka"(an improved version of the armor of raider-saboteurs, increases charisma) - obtained in exchange for seven dozen steel ingots in Pitt.

Bomber armor (has greater resistance to damage and an increased safety margin, adds ten units of heavy armor and explosives) - in Pitt for 60 steel ingots, quest “Steel for the Factory”.

Master's Metal Armor (a mixture of sadistic raider armor and metal armor, adds 10 points each to the skills: unarmed and energy weapons, reduces agility by 1 unit, but has increased damage resistance) - can be obtained during the quest "Steel for the Factory", in exchange for 40 steel ingots.

Traveler's Leather Armor (except for an additional 10 units to the light weapon skill, no different from ordinary leather armor) - can be obtained by killing a raider named Traveler, who can be found in a small camp just east of Roosevelt Academy.

Composite Scout Armor (has an increased price and durability) - can only be obtained using a console command.

Chinese stealth armor (gives 15 units to stealth; if you switch to stealth mode, the stealth combat function is activated, that is, the hero becomes invisible while he is in it) - armor can only be taken after completing the mission “Operation: Anchorage”.

Samurai armor, samurai helmet (armor adds 10 points to the melee weapon skill and 10 points to melee weapon damage) - the armor and helmet belong to Toshiro Kago, a samurai who is on the alien ship. It can be taken if he is killed during the quest "This Galaxy Isn't That Great", you can kill him yourself.

Protective suit (adds five points to medicine and 30 points to radiation resistance) - it can be obtained from Moira during the quest “Wasteland Survival Guide”, after completing the chapter on injuries.

Lesko lab coat (radiation resistance increased by 20 units and ten points added to science) - can be obtained while completing the quest “They” from Dr. Lesko, but only if, before killing the guardian ants, the hero convinces the doctor that one hundred Without a serious incentive, he won't go anywhere.

Lab coat (increased resistance to damage and plus 5 units to science) - with the enclave doctor at Adams Air Force Base, located on the launch platform of the mobile base.

Redhead's overalls and bandana (the overalls increase the light weapon skill by 5 units, and the bandana increases perception by one) - through the equipment exchange menu at the first meeting, if you offer her a weapon exchange.

Linden hoodie (adds one unit each to agility and perception. The “tree gaze” effect appears in the pip-boy) - can be obtained after completing the quest “Oasis”, if you pour juice on Harold’s heart, thereby slowing down its growth.

Pajamas "Night Vigil" (adds one point each to stamina and charisma) - during the quest “The Grieving Groom”, on Screw’s body you will find a key that unlocks the suitcase located on the billiard table, where these pajamas lie.

Undertaker Jones costume and hat (the hat adds one to charisma, the suit also increases charisma and plus two points to light weapons, they can only be repaired from merchants, since the suit and hat are one of a kind) - the suit belongs to the leader of the slave traders in Paradise Falls, it can only be obtained killing him.

Tenpenny costume (plus two points to light weapons and one to charisma, can only be repaired from merchants) - can be obtained by killing the owner of Tenpenny Tower, Alistair Tenpenny.

NeMirmiki costume and helmet (adds one point to Agility, but reduces Charisma) - during the quest "Inhuman Gambit", if you kill NeMirmika or convince her that she was wrong.

Mechanist Costume and Helmet (reduces charisma by one, but adds stamina) - by killing the Mechanist, persuading him or making a substitution during the quest "Inhuman Gambit".

Vance's Cloak(adds one to perception and charisma, plus 10 units to light weapons) - can be obtained by killing Vance or using reverse theft.

Sheriff Paulson's suit and hat (the hat gives plus one point to perception, the suit increases charisma and adds 5 units to eloquence and ten to light weapons) - from Paulson, one of the prisoners on the spaceship, if he dies or through reverse theft.

Handyman Clothes (adds one unit each to strength, endurance and agility) - during the quest “Harmful Working Conditions” for ten steel ingots.

Lilac Hood (increases agility and adds ten units to stealth) - it is given by the seer Lilac if you complete the task “Oasis” on the side of Lipa’s mother.

Location of bobbleheads in "Fallout 3"

Bobbleheads are additional bonuses to the skills and main characteristics - the SPECIAL parameters of the hero in "Fallout 3".

Baby dolls responsible for SPECIAL parameters:

  • Bobblehead "Strength"- Megaton. Sheriff Lucas Simms' home. If Megaton is destroyed, it will be impossible to take it;
  • Bobblehead "Dexterity" - In the office at the Greener Pastures landfill;
  • Bobblehead "Luck"- In the basement of the Arlington house in Arlington Cemetery - north;
  • Bobblehead "Endurance" - In the hideout of the deathclaws;
  • Bobblehead "Intelligence" - Scientific laboratory Rivet - City;
  • Bobblehead "Charisma" - Cloning laboratory of shelter 108;
  • Bobblehead "Perception" - At the Dave Museum, in the Republic of Dave.

Bobbleheads responsible for skills:

  • Bobblehead "No weapons" - Rokopolis;
  • Baby doll "Barter" - At the Evergreen Mills Bazaar;
  • Bobblehead "Eloquence" - In Undertaker Jones' lair in Paradise Falls;
  • Bobblehead "Hacking"- Ruins of Bethesda, in the eastern office;
  • Bobblehead "Science"- in the living rooms of shelter 106;
  • Bobblehead "Stealth" - In the Yao-Gai tunnels in the lair;
  • Baby doll "Light weapons" - National Guard Base;
  • Bobblehead "Repair" - in the house of Evan King in Arefu;
  • Bobblehead "Cold weapon" - Poisoned Dungeons Dunwich - building;
  • Baby doll "Medicine" - shelter 101. It is not possible to get it after leaving the shelter;
  • Bobblehead "Explosives" - At the broadcast station WKML;
  • Bobblehead "Heavy weapons" - Fort Constantine - the residence of the command;
  • Bobblehead "Energy weapon" - Raven rock. After leaving this location, it will become impossible to pick it up.

Location of shelters in "Follaut 3"

Shelters- underground fortified complexes created by the Volt-Tech company to protect the population during a nuclear war and its consequences.

There are only 6 available shelters in "Follaut 3":

Vault 101- the birthplace of our hero.

A shelter created based on virtual reality.

Experiments on cloning people, or rather one single person - Harry.

A vault filled with hallucinogenic gas.

Experiments on humans to create super soldiers using low frequency noise.

Home of super mutants.

Materials from the site fallout.wikia.com and personal experience)).

From the author of the guide ( Moonbear): I present to your attention a guide to finding unique items in the game. First of all, I want to note that not all unique items are collected here Fallout 3, this is just a selection of interesting weapons and armor. I played the English version, but I tried to make everything clear to the owners of the 1C version. The damage may differ from yours as it depends on your skill level. All other data has been verified; I found all the items myself.

In addition, the location of dolls and homemade weapons (with the location of diagrams) and a list of books that improve skills are given.



Without weapons

Without weapons

Steel arms

Steel arms

Light weapons

Light weapons

Heavy weapons

Heavy weapons

Energy weapons

Energy weapons



Baby dolls

Baby dolls


Ranger Combat Armor (best armor in the game)

  • WEIGHT: 27
  • SU: 39
  • EFFECTS: +10 Light weapons, +5 AP, +1 Luck


Someone may disagree with me, but I consider this armor to be the best, since it provides protection not much worse than power armor (39 versus 40), but, unlike the latter, has no penalties, weighs almost 2 times less (27 versus 45) and gives a bunch of bonuses. In addition, it can be repaired with both regular combat armor and the armor of the Talon company mercenaries, of which there is an abundance in the game.

How to get

Taking it is not so much difficult as it is tedious. Reilly herself lies with the doctor in the Cutting Room in the city of ghouls Dungeon in Historical Museum. You need to either cure her yourself (you need Medicine 60), or persuade a doctor. She will ask you to save her group. Will try to explain how to get to Statesman Hotel, you don’t need to listen to it, just go down to the subway Historical Museum and go out to Vernon Square Station. It is very close to both the Nadezhda Hospital and the hotel. Then everything is basically simple. You can first go into the hotel lobby and kill the mutants to make it easier to get the group out (Although they seem to respawn later when the group leaves).

When you appear at the Ranger Base, Reilly will offer you a choice of either this armor or a unique one as a reward for this quest. Agree to the reservation, because... You can easily steal a minigun from Brick right there.

T-51b power armor set

◙ T-51b power armor

  • WEIGHT: 40
  • SS: 50
  • EFFECTS: +25 Radiation Resistance

◙ T-51b power armor helmet

  • WEIGHT: 4
  • SS: 10
  • EFFECTS: +8 Radiation Resistance, +1 Charisma


I can’t unconditionally recommend the kit for one simple reason: I couldn’t fix it myself (and dealers, as you know, don’t fix it 100%). None of the power armor sets I have, neither the Enclave, nor the Brotherhood of Steel, nor the Outcasts, were suitable for repair. The helmet is really useful: no penalties, better protection, increases charisma and gives slight radiation resistance. Considering that helmets are damaged many times slower than armor, it can be used.

How to get

You can start the quest "Control Shot" by talking to Mr. Crowley in the ghoul city Dungeon, who is in Historical Museum. During this quest you will need to obtain 3 keys. Or you can simply steal these keys and go directly to Fort Constantine without talking to Crowley (then you can still start the quest and turn it in, the keys will not go anywhere from you). I managed to easily and naturally steal all 3 keys, with a stealth skill of 33, and lost a small amount of karma, which was more than replenished with a bottle of clean water given to beggars (but after that Crowley, accusing you of theft, will no longer talk to you). Who has the keys (you don’t even have to talk to these comrades):

  • Ted Strayer, in Rivet City, hangs out in either a flophouse, a church, or a pub.
  • Dyukov, an alcoholic and a womanizer, is in Dyukov's home, not far from Anchorage Memorial

    Dave, in Republic of Dave, upper right corner of the map (in the same place bobblehead +1 Perception)

Having obtained the keys, we move to Fort Constantine, the top of the map, closer to the left edge. We penetrate into the officer's building (the lowest) and stomp into the basement, in front of the first closed door, by the way, there is a bobblehead +10 to heavy weapons. Then everything is simple, I won’t spoil the impression of exploring the bunker;)

Prototype medical power armor

  • WEIGHT: 45
  • SS: 40
  • EFFECTS: -1 agility, +25 Radiation Resistance;


Reminds you to use Med-X when taking damage. Auto-injects Med-X from inventory when receiving a certain level of damage. Armor is repaired by power armor (except Enclave and Tesla armor).

How to get

On the corpse of a Brotherhood of Steel student in the Old Oni Sewers

Ledoux Hockey Mask (best helmet for V.A.T.S.)

  • WEIGHT: 1
  • SS: 4
  • EFFECTS: +25 AP


I’ll make a reservation, the best for those who use V.A.T.S. For those who play in real time, for example, a helmet from . The protection is mediocre and besides +25 AP the mask does not give anything else, but this, excuse me, is a whole perk “Zhivchik”. Repaired with regular hockey masks.

How to get

After starting the quest to find Quantum Cola in Herdershade, you will receive the location of the Nuka Cola production plant. While searching the Nuka-Cola Factory, you will come across Mercier's body, take a note from the corpse, after which you will understand that he was looking at the factory for a formula for the production of pure cola. The formula is in a safe on the ground floor, not far from the entrance, it can only be opened with a key, the key is in the hands of a robot named Milo, if you can’t talk, “then the guns will talk instead of me,” as John Silver said. Take the formula and ride it on a bicycle Red Racer Plant, he's very close there. As you approach, you will be greeted by three people wearing hockey masks. You need someone to start the conversation, Gawley Ledoux. He will offer you 250 caps for the formula (despite the price indicated on it at 150), you can sell it, you can try to bargain for 400, or be rude and open fire. There is also a Munchkin option: sell, and then decide on everyone, their karma is not reduced for them. You can first try to listen to his naive nonsense about hockey.

Raven Helmet

  • WEIGHT: 10
  • SS: 5
  • EFFECTS: +1 Perception


A helmet made from one of the spy satellites that fly around and broadcast the Enclave radio. Nothing special at all, looks funny, has good enough defense for a tin and gives +1 Perception.

How to get

In the same To the Canterberry community the same Uncle Row who gave the quest for "Supermen" can help you get rid of extra caps. Namely, invest in one caravan, of which there are 4 in the game. In each of the caravans you can invest first 200, and then another 500 caps, after which their assortment becomes noticeably more diverse. Each of the caravan leaders will thank you for your investment when you meet (if you have unfastened 700 caps). Raven, who sells armor, will give this helmet. By the way, at the flea dealer's Crazy Wolfgang will have a repair skill of 75 (accordingly, it will repair all your things (except for Alien blasters) to the condition 85% )

Button Wig

  • WEIGHT: 1
  • SS: 1
  • EFFECTS: +10 Speech, +5 Barter, +1 Intelligence, –1 Perception


It gives almost no protection, looks out of place, but it increases Speech by 10, Barter by 5 and Intelligence by 1, while reducing Perception by 1. Considering that it weighs only one, it can be carried with you for conversational situations.

How to get

Pick up in Rivet City from Abraham Washington quest concerning the Declaration of Independence and move to National Archives. At the very bottom, where the Declaration is kept, there will be a boring robot, and next to it, on one of the chests of drawers, this wig will lie.

Lilac Hood

  • SS: 3
  • EFFECTS: +1 Dexterity, +10 Stealth


Cannot be repaired by Tree Hoods from Oasis, only by merchants.

How to get

After completing the quest "Oasis" in the Oasis (if you used Birch Ointment on Harold's heart), you will be given Lilac

Hat with brim

  • EFFECTS: +5 Stealth; +1 Perception


It is not repaired by anyone, only by traders.

How to get

Given by Moira (Megaton) for the quest with a clutch of swampers when writing the "Survival Guide"

Without weapons

“Fist!” (power brass knuckles) (best weapon for unarmed combat)

  • WEIGHT: 6
  • OD: 25
  • URO: 25


If there are maniacs who use fist fighting in this game, here is a tool for you. Repaired with ordinary power brass knuckles, the cost of a blow is reduced from 28 to 25 AP, damage is increased from 20 to 25.

How to get

If you go for the "Dexterity" bobblehead or for, you will probably come across along the way Power plant MDPL-13. It is located one square north of the Minefield, in the middle of the left border of the cell. “Fist!” located in a large building at the top of it, lying right on the table. In a small house, by the way, you can grab Diagram of a railway rifle.

“Plunkett's Arguments” (spike brass knuckles)

  • WEIGHT: 1
  • OD: ≈15
  • URO: 18

How to get

U Janders Plunkett on location Arlington Cemetery North. In the Arlington house which is located on the hill.

Steel arms

"Jack" ("The Ripper")

  • WEIGHT: 6
  • OD: 65
  • URO: 35
  • EFFECTS: 50% additional damage to limbs


Repaired by ordinary "rippers", it differs from them only in that it deals 50% more damage if you cut limbs.

How to get

A little to the left and a little higher Dickerson Churches(in the same cell) is the Deathclaw Hideout. There it will lie on the corpse of an Enclave officer, in the southern part of the location. The corpse appears if your paths with the Enclave have already crossed, in other words, the guy is already dead. If you go for the sniper, at the same time take a look at the death claws.

“Occam’s razor” (knife)

  • WEIGHT: 1
  • OD: ≈17
  • URO: 15

How to get

Located at Commander Jabsko in Fort Banister in the Command Residence (the hatch there can be found in one of the tents)

“Trucker's Friend” (mount)

  • WEIGHT: 5
  • OD: ≈27
  • URO: 15

How to get

Lies in Dominic's House and Machete in To the Canterbury community.

“Vampire Fang” (Chinese officer’s sword)

  • WEIGHT: 1
  • OD: 28
  • URO: 15


In general, nothing special, just a unique vampire saber. As a melee weapon, the same shishkebab is much cooler. It is repaired with the usual sabers of Chinese officers, which is noticeable in appearance. He took a Chinese saber, attached the vampire hilt to it and went to swing it to the right, left and in other directions. Weight reduced (from 3 to 1), damage increased (from 10 to 15).

How to get

As a result of the “bad ending” of the “Ties of Blood” quest, namely, we go down to the metro at Meresti Station and kill all the vampires. We take a saber from the main vampire's box, and from his corpse - a unique cloak, which has good protection for a rag - 10, and also gives +2 to Light and Melee weapons. The quest is initially taken in Megaton from Lucy West, then you need to go to Arefu. Don’t forget that in Arefu, in Evan King’s house, there is a bobblehead +10 for repairs languishing.

You can get a saber without showing excessive cruelty: the saber is stolen from the box during Hacking 75. Moreover, you can come to the Family even before visiting Arefu. The main vampire himself will tell you about the events in Arefu.

“Softener” (sledgehammer)

  • WEIGHT: 12
  • OD: ≈38
  • URO: 31


Hunters became game. Everything is simple in this world.

How to get

Anchorage Memorial. Find an ownerless warehouse and along the way, behind a broken door, lies it.

Cue “Zalom”

  • WEIGHT: 1
  • OD: ≈27
  • URO: 11


Repaired with cues. Cute.

How to get

Paradise Falls, outdoor pool table.

Light weapons

Blackhawk pistol (best pistol)

  • WEIGHT: 4
  • Clip: 6
  • OD: 32
  • URO: 55


One of the deadliest weapons in the game, on par with the weapon, which is inferior in range but superior in damage. In theory, this is a regular .44 caliber Magnum with optics, only the damage has been increased from 35 to 55.

How to get

Start the quest about Agatha's song. To do this, you first need to find Agatha's House, it is between the Landfill and the Mereshti depot, you have to walk across such a flimsy bridge. After this, Agatha will send you to look first Vault-Tec Headquarters(near Vernon Square). If you have already been to the Citadel and marked all the Shelters on the map, then you don’t have to go to the headquarters itself. Go straight to Vault 92. You can get lost there, look for the sign to the laboratory, you will find the violin there. If you pass by the men's bedroom, be sure to look into the men's toilet. Behind one of the pushes there will be a music book lying around; without it you won’t get a pistol. That’s it, now you can turn in the quest to Agatha, and after that hand over a sheet music book, for which she will be happy to give you this treasured copy.

Chinese pistol Zu-Rong v418

  • WEIGHT: 2
  • Clip: 10
  • OD: ≈17
  • URO: 12
  • Ammunition: 10mm
  • EFFECTS: +2 fire damage (5 sec)


Repaired with ordinary Chinese pistols.

How to get

The gun is in a locked box in the director's office in the L.O.B. building. Enterprise in Falls Church. You can get there through Greydich, then through Marigold station.

10mm PP “Ultra” Sydney

  • WEIGHT: 5
  • URO: 59
  • Clip: 50
  • Ammunition: 10 mm

How to get

IN National Archives, where you go down for the declaration, you will meet the mercenary Sydney. She will invite you to get the declaration together and share the reward. Decline. She will leave peacefully. But then he will attack you in the wasteland, leaving a unique ultrasound as a souvenir of himself.

Option for the good ones:

While completing the quest about Statesman Hotel On one of the beds there will be a skeleton and an audio recording. If you give this recording to Sydney (after the quest she should be in Rivet City), then she will happily give this PP.

Lincoln Rifle (best rifle)

  • WEIGHT: 5
  • Clip: 15
  • OD: 25
  • URO: 50
  • Ammunition: .44 Magnum cartridges


The Lincoln gun can be repaired with ordinary hunting rifles, but compared to them it has twice the damage, three times the clip and weighs one less. The truth is that it shoots with a rather rare (both among merchants and in general) Magnum cartridge of .44 caliber, stock up.

How to get

Very simple: in Historical Museum we go to the lower floors, find the Administration, go up to the second floor, there in one of the back rooms it lies in a small glass display case. smart ass Abraham Washington from Rivet City will offer you 100 caps for it, stifling laughter. It’s better to collect everything connected with the name of Lincoln in the museum there: a collection of coins, a hat and other rubbish - he will buy it all from you.

“Terrible” shotgun (best shotgun)

  • WEIGHT: 10
  • Clip: 12
  • OD: 27
  • URO: 80
  • Ammunition: Buckshot cartridge


If you like combat shotguns, you need to get your hands on this barrel. Moreover, the choice of shotguns is very poor in this game. Repaired with regular combat shotguns, compared to them it has a slightly increased weight (10 versus 7) and significantly increased damage (80 versus 55).

How to get

One square to the right of Casey Smith's garage(Vault 112), where you are directed according to the plot, in the center of the right border of this cell is the town of Evergreen Mills. There is a building there, inside of which is the entrance to the underground market. In this market there is a merchant Smile Jack, he is the only one who will not attack you if you have good karma. In any case, to take the shotgun, you need to kill him. Decide what is more important to you - an extra merchant or a unique trunk. Don't forget to take a bobblehead +10 to barter to the right of him in a small nook on the shelf.

“Narkoz” (hunting rifle)

  • WEIGHT: 6
  • Clip: 5
  • OD: ≈23
  • URO: 30
  • Ammunition: .32 caliber cartridge


To be in Dave's Republic. In the safe (Dave has the key) in the Capitol. (relatively low damage but a hell of a rate of fire).

Guanlong machine gun (Chinese machine gun) (best assault rifle)

  • WEIGHT: 7
  • Clip: 36
  • OD: 23
  • URO: 66
  • Ammunition: 5.56 mm


One of the best barrels in the Light Weapons category. Chinese machine guns are used for repairs; in comparison with them, it has an enlarged horn (36 rounds instead of 24) and noticeably increased damage (66 versus 53). For some reason the price is lower than usual...

How to get

A little confusing, but overall not very difficult. First you need to get into Technical Museum, it’s practically “across the road” from what we’re already fed up with Historical Museum. There, during routine cleaning of premises, you need to pay attention to information computers that look like payphone booths. But not all of them are “equally useful”, we need 3: the first one stands at the bottom of the foyer, the second one immediately as you enter the west wing, and the third one at the foot of the large rocket. On the screen of these computers, a line like #001 will appear at the bottom of the menu, into which you need to enter a code. Attention! Save before entering, after one incorrect entry the computer will lock and everything will be lost. You need to enter the following codes, in the order the computers are listed:

  • terminal #001 - 19
  • terminal #002 - 53
  • terminal #003 - 113

Consecutively entering three correct codes will open the safe in the west wing. When you open the safe (this can only be done through a nearby computer), a message will be displayed on the screen, after reading which you will understand that you need to move Jury Street tube station(two cells down and one to the left of Vault 101). You don’t need to go into the metro itself, there is a mini-cafe next to the metro entrance, where Prime’s corpse will appear, from which this unique weapon is taken. Until you go through all the dances with a tambourine in the technical museum, it won’t be there, I checked.

Reservist's Rifle (sniper rifle)

  • WEIGHT: 10
  • Clip: 3
  • OD: 32
  • URO: 40
  • Ammunition: Caliber 308


One of 2 unique sniper rifles. The magazine capacity has been reduced (from 5 to 3), but the cost of a shot has been reduced (from 38 to 32) and the rate of fire has been increased by more than one and a half times.

How to get

When you go to Fort Constantine, you will probably come across Broadcasting station WLKM(2 cells down from the fort). The station is on a hillock, from it a small chapel will be visible not far away, Dickerson Church. There is a sniper sitting upstairs in this church (by the way, he is from Oasis) with this rifle. It is impossible to get up to him, so he must be killed so that at least one eye falls down. It’s easier to go into the church itself and shoot him from below. My gun and he himself fell down.

Victoria rifle (sniper rifle)

  • WEIGHT: 10
  • Clip: 5
  • OD: ≈38
  • URO: 40
  • Ammunition: Caliber 308


One of 2 unique sniper rifles. Feature - critical damage knocks the target down for 5 seconds.

How to get

On location Rockbreaker gas station you will see a lonely house on the hill with a closed door (Hack 100 required). There lies the treasured gun. Before entering the house, save, because it may not be there the first time.

Heavy weapons

Minigun “Eugene”

  • WEIGHT: 18
  • Clip: 240
  • OD: 30
  • URO: 105
  • Ammunition: 5 mm


The damage has been slightly increased (from 75 to 105), otherwise it is a regular minigun.

How to get

Either take it as a reward for the pro quest, or simply steal it from Brick

“Incinerator” (flamethrower)

  • WEIGHT: 15
  • Clip: 60
  • OD: ≈50
  • URO: 160*
  • Ammo: Flamethrower Ammo


*Pyromaniac perk does not affect damage dealt

How to get

Located in the subway at the Franklin station, the entrance is from Falls Church Stations Mason area.

“Granato-Med” (grenade launcher)

  • WEIGHT: 15
  • Clip: 1
  • OD: ≈55
  • URO: 220
  • Ammunition: Grenade Launcher Shot


The barrel is good, but unlike a regular grenade launcher, it shoots with a canopy, like a “Fat Man”.

How to get

You can find it in Forte Independence in the basement of the Forsworn Arsenal.

“Avenger” (Gatling laser)

  • WEIGHT: 18
  • Clip: 240
  • OD: 30
  • URO: 150
  • Ammunition: Electron Cell


Damage has been slightly increased (from 100 to 150), otherwise it's a regular Gatling laser.

How to get

It lies (regardless of your progress in the story) in the same Deathclaw Vault (see) in the southeastern part, in a mini-grotto with a pool of blood and thickets of radioactive mushrooms. It will lie right in the mushrooms.

Energy weapons

“Protectron's Gaze” (laser pistol)

  • WEIGHT: 3
  • Clip: 20
  • OD: ≈17
  • URO: 24
  • Ammunition: Battery


A laser pistol that deals double damage. This is achieved simply - a double shot. So that life doesn’t seem like honey, the magazine capacity has been reduced from 30 to 20. There are no more differences from the usual.

How to get

Take in To the Canterberry community a quest to resolve problems with two comicsoid characters, take the Mechanic’s side and kill AntAgonizersha. The mechanic will demand her suit, give it to him and tell him to leave, because... the enemy is dead, then he will present you with a pistol. If you do the opposite and take the side of the “ant woman”, you will receive a poisonous knife as a reward.

“Smuggler's Storm” (laser pistol)

  • WEIGHT: 2
  • Clip: 30
  • OD: ≈17
  • URO: 18
  • Ammunition: Battery

How to get

Lies in the Citadel in a locked safe with Elder Lyons.

Alien Blaster

  • WEIGHT: 2
  • Clip: 10
  • OD: 20
  • URO: 100
  • EFFECTS: Chance of enemy disintegration upon death
  • Ammunition: Alien Energy Cell


A cheat gun that allows you to shoot an entire city as a joke without even noticing how. If it weren't for limited ammunition, the game's already precarious balance would have been irrevocably skewed. There is a chance to turn the enemy into a pile of ash, for some reason it happened to me all the time.

How to get

Three cells up from the Minefield in the lower left corner of the cell there will be a wreck of the Alien Ship, in short a broken plate. The blaster is lying right on the ground next to the corpse of a representative of an extraterrestrial civilization. Ammunition for it is scattered around.

“Gunstrel” (alien blaster)

  • WEIGHT: 2
  • Clip: 10
  • OD: 20
  • URO: 80
  • EFFECTS: Set the target on fire with a -2 HP effect for 5 sec.
  • Ammunition: Alien Energy Cell


Cheat gun number 2 differs from the previous one in reduced damage, which is compensated by setting the target on fire, like a flamethrower or shishkebab. By the way, alien blasters are repaired exclusively by each other.

How to get

Randomly, while walking through the wasteland, a strange bang will be heard and alien ammunition (blue cones) will literally fall from the sky. It can happen anywhere, it is argued that there is a dependence on Luck. This happened to me at Luck 1, when I hadn’t even reached 10 levels. It happened at night, and of course I didn’t find the blaster itself. I returned to this place 2 times during the day, but still couldn’t find it. Dogmeat helped - he gave the command “Look for a weapon”, she brought it in 30 seconds.

Plasma gun A3-21

  • WEIGHT: 8
  • Clip: 12
  • OD: 25
  • URO: 50
  • Ammunition: Micronuclear battery


It differs from a regular plasma gun only in its damage increased from 45 to 50. As you can see, nothing special, but the hype is around this gun.

How to get

First you need to take the quest about the android from Mr. Zimmer in the Rivet City laboratory. During the process, your aunt will come up to you and ask you to help the poor android hide from the evil Zimmer. The choice is yours, you can honestly help the android and get a gun, or you can promise him to keep his secret and hand it over to Zimmer, then you will receive both rewards.


Lucky ball number 8

  • WEIGHT: 1
  • EFFECTS: Luck +1


What can I say here - a billiard ball, weighs one, gives +1 to Luck while you carry it in your inventory.

How to get

Go to the Big City (two cells up from Vault 101), take on a quest there to save two comrades. You rescue them from Germantown police station(will be marked on the map) and bring it home. After this, you will be asked to repel the attack of mutants. I advise you not to bother with robots and choose the line “I’ll hang out here, I’ll kill all the mutants myself.” When the attack is repulsed, go to the local infirmary, there will be a wounded man named Timebomb. He needs to be cured - you will need a medicine skill of 40. After that, he will get up, bow and leave. You need to approach him again and then he will say something about great gratitude and give you the coveted ball.

Lucky Sunglasses +1% Barter - +1% Hacking

  • "DC Journal of Therapeutics" - +1% Medicine
  • Quest “First Steps”— this quest is introductory. The game will begin with the birth of the main character, you will need to come up with a name and gender for him and then carry out various tasks. While completing this quest, you will complete tasks that will teach you how to move in the game world, interact with objects, and you will also be able to distribute the main parameters of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system. This system includes 7 main character parameters and is named after the first letters of these parameters , these are parameters such as strength, dexterity, intelligence, charisma and so on.

    Quest “Growing Up Fast”- second introductory quest. This quest begins with several days passing, and the main character’s birthday arrives. The purpose of this quest is to teach you how to interact with other characters in the game, as well as the basics of combat. On his birthday, the main character will receive a useful device - Pip Boy, in which you can view all the necessary information, from current tasks to a map of the area. After this, the main character’s father will invite him to go shoot with an air gun, and this will be training in shooting and interaction with weapons.

    Quest “The future is in the fog”- third introductory quest. During the course of completing the tasks of this quest, the main character will have to resolve a conflict situation with local hooligans, as well as pass the final exam K.O.Z.A. After the quest begins, the main character will talk with his father. He will say that the main character needs to complete the K.O.Z.A exam quest. and will direct us to Mr. Brotch. Along the way we will meet local hooligans who will pester the protagonist’s friend Amata. This conflict can be resolved using several methods, both good and bad, after which all that remains is to pass the test.

    Quest “Escape!”- is no longer introductory, but full-fledged main quest. It all starts with the fact that the main character is woken up by his friend Amata and given bad news. It turns out that the father of the main character had a fight with the Overseer of the shelter and left him without permission, and now the security forces of the shelter are looking for our main character to interrogate him. Therefore, the main character needs to escape. This will be the main goal of the quest - to escape from Vault 101.

    Quest “Trace after trace” — main quest. This quest is issued in the Megaton location. During the tasks of this quest, the main character must find out any information about his father in the nearest settlement. To do this, in the city of Megaton you need to talk with the owner of the popular bar “Moriarty's Saloon” Colin Moriarty. Colin, for a fee, will tell the main character what steps to take to find his father. You can also find out this information using cunning, or you can simply hack Colin Moriarty’s terminal and read the necessary information.

    Quest “Radio News of the Galaxy” — main quest. You can receive this quest while in the Galaxy News building. During this quest, the main character must get to the Technical Museum, find the Virgo 2 lunar rover there, pick up a satellite dish from it and place it on the highest point of the Washington Monument. The path to the technical museum is long and not easy; during the progress, the main character will have to destroy many enemies. Therefore, you need to be well prepared for this trip, so as not to be left without ammo when there are many super mutants around.

    Quest “Pursuit Race” — main quest. During the quest you will have to travel a lot trying to catch up with the father of the main character, you will find yourself in Rivet City and Vault 112, and also visit the control room of the “Purity” project in the Jefferson Memorial. Due to long marches in pursuit of his father, the main character will often have to come into fire contact with the enemy, therefore, before starting this quest, you need to thoroughly purchase ammunition and medicine.

    Quest "Tranquility Lane"- is main quest. While in Vault 112, the main character, trying to find his father, immerses his consciousness in virtual reality. Having immersed himself there, the main character finds himself in a place called Tranquility Lane, and he needs to complete certain tasks, at first they seem funny, but with each subsequent one they become more and more bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty. As a result, the main character needs to get out of this virtual reality, preferably without spoiling his karma.

    Quest “Water of Life” — main quest. During this quest, the main character, with the help of his father and Doctor Madison Lee, revives the Purity Project; unfortunately, during the quest, the main character's father dies at the hands of Colonel Autumn. During the quest, the main character will have to walk a lot around the Capital Wasteland, as well as experience emotional experiences, first the joy of finding his father, and then the grief of losing him.

    Quest “Following the Footsteps” — main quest. The main objective of the quest is to get inside Vault 87. The quest begins in the Citadel location, at first the main character does not know where to go in search of his father, but after talking with Reginald Rothschild, the main character will receive a tip to shelter 87. You can get to this shelter from the Little Lamplight location, so we go there and try complete the quest.

    Quest “Rescue from Paradise”- is one of the required quests for completing the game Fallout 3. The main goal of this quest is to rescue small children from slavery. Slavers from Paradise Falls have kidnapped several children and the main character will have to get them out of captivity. The quest can be obtained in the Little Lamplight location, as well as in Paradise Falls itself. In total, you can save 4 children, the methods for saving them are different, you can simply buy them, or you can free them through an armed conflict.

    Quest “Search for the Tabernacles of Eden”- is a mandatory quest. In this quest you need to find the GEKK device in shelter 87. The problem is that the room where the GEKK is located is thoroughly phonic and you shouldn’t go there without a very well-protected suit, otherwise you will die. You can get the device by finding a well-protected suit or by freeing the intelligent super mutant Fox.

    Quest "American Dream" — main quest. The quest begins with the main character regaining consciousness in a prison cell at the Enclave base. He needs to get out of there, but challenges await him along the way, one of them is a conversation with President Eden. After this conversation, the base will most likely begin to self-destruct, and the main character needs to get to his people and confirm his participation in the final battle.

    Quest “Take him!”- is the final story quest in the passage of the game Fallout 3. The main character, together with the Brotherhood of Steel, will participate in an attack on the purifier, during this attack they will be supported by a huge Liberty Prime robot. Once the main character is in the purifier control room, he will have to make a difficult decision - who will activate the purifier. This decision is not easy for the reason that after activation the level of radiation in the room will become lethal, and it is impossible to get out of there, so either the main character will sacrifice himself or let Sarah Lyons do it. If the main character does this himself, then in the final video of the game he will still remain alive and wake up in the Citadel.

    In this article we tried to disclose all the information that we have.

    Fallout 3- a computer game in the Action/RPG genre, the third canonical game in the Fallout series. It was developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks and ZeniMax Media. Fallout 3 was released for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 game consoles, as well as for personal computers running Microsoft Windows. The game was released on October 28, 2008 in the United States, October 30 in Europe and Australia, and December 4 in Japan. The localization of the game in Russia was carried out by 1C. During 2009, 5 additions to the game were released, published in Russian by 1C.

    The plot of Fallout 3 continues the development of the Fallout series of games, which takes place in a world slowly being reborn after a nuclear war in 2077. The game is set in 2277 and takes place 36 years after the events of Fallout 2. As in previous games in the series, Fallout 3 features a network of underground shelters built by the Vault-Tec corporation, as stated, to save some of the American population from consequences of the war, although there are survivors outside the shelters who are much less safe. The main character of the game is the Lonely Wanderer, who from an early age lived in shelter No. 101. Although, according to his ideas, the shelter has never been opened since the nuclear war, his father one day goes outside. A lonely wanderer goes in search of him to find out the reasons for his departure.

    Upon release, Fallout 3 received mostly positive reviews from critics and gaming publications. Only the PlayStation 3 version was unfinished. Most gaming publications and festivals awarded the game a victory in the “Game of the Year” category. According to NPD Group, as of January 2009, the PC version sold 610 thousand copies, the Xbox 360 version sold 1.14 million copies, and the PlayStation 3 version sold 552 thousand copies, which exceeded sales of The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion, Bethesda Softworks' previous title, sold half a million copies. However, in countries such as Australia, India and Japan, due to legislation or moral standards, problems arose in selling the game.

    On the page:

    “...These communists hate all our values: freedom, independence, apple pie!
    Didn’t I say about freedom?..”

    G. Ackerman, C&C Red Alert 3

    Say a word for the poor mutants...

    For the Fallout role-playing series, you can endlessly select epithets that characterize it. One of the most striking epithets can be considered “paranoid”, i.e. based on paranoia.

    According to the backstory, in 2077, humanity finally played out the war game, and nuclear missiles rained down on the United States. America did not remain in debt, and struck a blow against its main enemy - China.

    What happened in Fallout 3 to the rest of the countries is unclear. All we know is that the action has moved from the West Coast of the United States to Washington. How super mutants and other creatures got to the East Coast, we don’t need to know (although such a possibility will arise).

    All you need is to find meaning. The meaning of your existence is in this terrible, dangerous, and so alluring radioactive desert.

    As in all previous parts, one of the main dangers is not people, but mutants, of which there are a great many in the Wasteland. When meeting them, you need to know which weapon is suitable for a certain type of monster, because what will kill a zombie is unlikely to kill a super mutant.

    As you can see from this list, there are enough mutant species to make your stay in this world unforgettable.

    1001 ways to kill your opponent

    “...Chinese hackers dug into the software of the Tomahawk missile.”
    Now it's called "Boomerang"..."
    ... From the report of the head of the Pentagon to the President of America

    Of course, such a variety of opponents (not to mention enemy factions) makes it clear that the number of weapons in the game is overstated beyond belief. Let's figure out what the developers have prepared for us, and what is best to take with us on a hike.

    Traditional small arms

    1. Gun. An ordinary pistol. Weak destructive power, low accuracy of fire. Effective only in the early stages of the game.
    2. Chinese pistol. Even weaker than a regular pistol. There is no point in carrying it with you. That is, completely.
    3. Revolver. They made some kind of obscenity out of the super-lethal Colt. An absolutely useless thing that is only suitable for the initial stages.
    4. Magnum. A more advanced version of the revolver, equipped with an optical sight. Quite effective against raider manpower.
    5. Submachine gun. An interesting machine that serves as a good alternative to an automatic machine in the early stages.
    6. Shotgun. An ordinary, unremarkable gun. Ineffective.
    7. Assault rifle. Apparently, some kind of M-16. Quite an effective thing to use against super mutants.
    8. Chinese machine gun. From the very beginning, the developers emphasized that this is not an AK-2074, but a Chinese assault rifle. This is one of the most powerful traditional killers in the game.
    9. Sawed-off shotgun Well what can I say? He came up point-blank, fired twice, and ran away. Not widespread, but quite effective.
    10. Combat shotgun. A wonderful mixture of a Thompson submachine gun and a shotgun. One of the most effective guns in the game.
    11. Sniper rifle. I think no comments are needed here.
    Energy weapon
    1. Laser pistol. Pretty stupid stuff. It is best used when there is nothing else at all.
    2. Laser rifle. Powerful toy. With three or four shots he can easily fry a super mutant. The disadvantage is extremely rapid wear.
    3. Plasma pistol. More powerful gun. You can only get it if you have completed most of the game, because... only the Enclave has such things
    4. Plasma rifle. Five minutes to an absolute weapon. Powerful projectiles destroy anyone who dares to poke their nose in. From such “gifts” the enemy turns into green sludge.
    5. Blaster Alien. As in the second part, you can find a small surprise here - an alien blaster. This is the most powerful energy weapon in the game. Almost any monster or person is killed in one hit.

    Heavy weapons

    Well, you rarely come across so many weapons in games. Now it's time to look at the main storyline of the game.

    Walkthrough of Fallout 3

    “...You may not be a Jedi,
    But I must wield the Force!...”
    Master Yoda

    Washington stalker

    Attention! This walkthrough is written for a character who is the embodiment of good. If anything, you've been warned.

    The whole plot can be divided into three parts. The first is in Vault 101, the second is before the incident at the Project Purity complex, and the third is before the final credits.

    Part one. Vault 101.

    After the introductory video, you start the game... as a one-year-old baby! For RPGs, and for games in general in particular, this is something new. Your first task will be to read a book about the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system. Thus, you can distribute the parameters of this very S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Further more. Nine years later (they show a splash screen), you are given your personal Pip-Boy 3000. This PDA has many different functions, from inventory to a radio station and a map. Also in this excerpt they give you an air gun and show you how the V.A.T.S system works. (Vault-Tech Tactical System). Later there is an exam in which you are given the basic skills to distribute. Then - the final stage, which is the beginning of the whole plot - your father has left the shelter, you need to catch up with him! To do this, you need to sneak into the Overseer's office, open a secret passage and escape (don't forget the doll).

    Actually, the Vault episode is a very drawn out tutorial. However, the very first minutes in the fresh air will make you forget about Vault 101.

    Part two. Looking for my father.

    When you see a city on the horizon, go there. This is Megaton, a city built around a nuclear bomb.

    For your information: Megaton is reminiscent of Junk Town from the first part. Fans of the series will likely find a lot of similarities here.

    In the city you need to find the local boss, Colin Moriarty, and by all available means convince him to tell him where your father went. He will report that he went to the ruins of Washington, where the Galaxy News radio station is located. Go there, but don't forget that the city is full of mutants.

    A surprise awaits you near the Galactic News building - a hippopotamus has broken free, and you and the Brotherhood of Steel need to destroy it. Fortunately, near the fountain there is the corpse of one of the paladins of the Brotherhood, from whom “Fat Man” can be removed.

    After defeating the monster, go and talk to the intercom to the right of the door. Then go up to the 3rd floor and talk to Three Dog, the local DJ. He will tell you that he will only tell you about his father if you help his radio station. Agree. He will tell you that you need to go to the Technical Museum (located on the Mall) and pick up a plate from the Virgo-2 lunar rover. After which you will need to go to the Washington Monument and place this plate at the very top.

    When you come to the museum, be on your guard. Several super mutant masters and beasts hang around in it.

    This is interesting: in the Museum you can see a model of the Vault. Be sure to listen to what they say to you from the speakers - at least cheer yourself up.

    After picking up the plate, take it to the Monument. After this heroic deed, head back to the radio station. Three Dog will tell you that your father has gone to Rivet City. Go to the embankment and walk along the river. Almost at the end of it you will see an old aircraft carrier. This is where you need to go.

    On the ship, find the middle deck. There, at the very end, there is a scientific laboratory. Find Dr. Lee in her and talk to her. She will tell you that your father went to the Project Purity complex, which is located inside the Jefferson Memorial. Go there. There will be super mutants inside, be prepared. In the rotunda of the Memorial, find documents that indicate that your father went to Vault 112. It is located in the Casey Smith Garage location. Get inside. In the shelter itself you have to find a free Sun lounger and take it. You will be transported to another reality, to a town called Trenquility Lane.

    There you should find Betty. A girl plays on the playground in the center of the town. Talk to her. She will say that you can leave here if you follow her instructions. If you agree, then your karma will drop sharply, and it’s a chore. Another way is to go to an abandoned house. There, at the entrance, there are several items on the table, TV and chair that need to be activated. Find the desired combination (you need to search for it by sounds, there are 5 items in total). This will bring up the console. Activate the Chinese Invasion program. Betty, who turns out to be Dr. Bron, will open the way back for you.

    There you will meet your father. He will ask you to go with him. Agree. Return to Rivet City and go to Dr. Lee. Then go again to the “Cleanliness” project complex. There you will need to go through all three levels (store, rotunda and basement) and destroy all the mutants. After that, follow the instructions from your father. When you open the valves, you will see that Enclave fighters have landed on the territory of the Memorial. Run to the control room and watch the dramatic development of the situation. When the explosion occurs, take Doctor Lee to the Tafa Tunnel.

    Part three. Project "Cleanliness"

    Escort Dr. Li and her team to the exit from the tunnels. On the way you will meet Enclave soldiers and ghouls. Get out from under the ground.

    In front of you you will see the Pentagon, now the Citadel, the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Steel. After talking with the head of the Brotherhood and the scribes, go to the Little Lamplight caves, through which you can get to vault 87, where the cornerstone of the entire series is located - GECK (Generator of Edenic Tabernacles Compact). The Vault can ONLY be accessed from the caves. Don't try to go through the "title" entrance, there is radiation that will kill you before you take the anti-rad.

    Go down to the Vault. There you need to reach the experimental laboratories. Be careful - you will meet many super mutants along the way. In the laboratories, find a super mutant named Fox. He sits in a cell and asks you to let him out. Do it. In gratitude for this, Fox will go ahead and help you get the GECK.

    After taking the GECK, go back. At one of the turns you will be stunned and taken to Raven Rock - the main base of the Enclave. Upon arrival, be rude to Colonel Autumn. They will let you go and tell you to go to President Eden. It's on the 3rd floor. Go up there and find a huge (half-wall) monitor. This is the president. Talk to him.

    This is interesting: The Enclave previously had a President, Richardson. So it turns out he was also a machine?

    Make him destroy Raven Rock and leave the base. Along the way, don't forget to pick up the Gatling laser in the container at the entrance. There won't be another chance. Go to the Citadel and report to Elder Lyons that the GECK has been taken. HE will order you and the Lion Pride to attack the purifier and recapture it from the Enclave. By the way, the huge robot “Liberty Prime” will also come with you. When you reach the purifier, go inside and talk to Autumn in the Rotunda. If persuasion doesn't work, remove the threat. After talking over the intercom, it will become clear that you need to turn on the purifier, otherwise it will explode. Say that you will do it, and go ahead. Purifier code - 2-1-6 . By entering it, you sign your death sentence, since a huge dose of radiation will hit you the moment you turn it on.

    Watch the final video and rejoice. You have completed Fallout 3.

    Guide to finding unique items

    I present to your attention a guide to finding unique items in the game.
    First of all, I want to note that not all of the unique Fallout 3 items are collected here, this is just a selection of interesting weapons and armor. I played the English version, but I tried to make everything clear to the owners of the 1C version. The damage may differ from yours as it depends on your skill level. All other data has been verified; I found all the items myself.
    Since this is all one big spoiler, we’ll hide it there. It is recommended primarily for those who quickly ran through the game and are now starting a second detailed playthrough. So:
    Moonbear's Guide For Most Useful Unique Gear In Fallout 3
    WG - Weight
    DR - Damage Resistance
    AP - Action Points
    DMG - Damage
    Clip - Magazine Capacity
    1. The best armor in the game.
    Ranger Combat Armor (WG 27, DR 39, Small Guns +10, AP +5, Luck +1).
    Someone may disagree with me, but I consider this armor to be the best, since it provides protection not much worse than power armor (39 versus 40), but, unlike the latter, has no penalties, weighs almost 2 times less (27 versus 45) and gives a bunch of bonuses. In addition, it can be repaired both with regular combat armor and with the armor of Talon mercenaries, of which there is an abundance in the game.
    How to get a:
    Taking it is not so much difficult as it is tedious. Reilly herself is located in the city of ghouls in the historical museum. He is in the hospital. You need to either cure her yourself (60 medicine), or persuade a doctor. She will ask you to save her group. She will try to explain how to get to the Statesman Hotel, you don't need to listen to her, just get on the subway at the History Museum and get off at Vernon Square station. It is very close to both the hospital and the hotel. Then everything is basically simple. You can first go into the hotel lobby and kill the mutants to make it easier to withdraw the group.
    As a reward for this quest, you will be offered a choice of either this armor or the unique Eugene minigun (see below). Agree to the reservation, because... The minigun can easily be stolen from Brick right there.
    2. Best helmet.
    Ledoux's Hockey Mask (WG 1, DR 4, AP +25)
    I’ll make a reservation, the best for those who use V.A.T.S. For those who play in real time, for example, the helmet from the T-51b kit (see below) is more suitable. Protection is mediocre and besides 25 action points, the mask does not give anything else, but this , sorry, a whole perk Action Boy. Repaired with ordinary hockey masks.
    How to get a:
    After starting the quest to find Quantum Cola in Herdershade, you will receive the location of the Nuka Cola production plant. While searching the factory, you will come across the body of Mercier (Winger Mercier), take a note from the corpse, after which you will understand that he was looking at the factory for a formula for the production of pure cola. The formula is in a safe on the ground floor, not far from the entrance, it can only be opened with a key, the key is in the hands of a robot named Milo, if you can’t talk, “then the guns will talk for me,” as John Silver said. Take the formula and go to the Red Racer Factory, it is very nearby. As you approach, you will be greeted by three people wearing hockey masks. You need someone to start the conversation, Gawley LeDoux. He will offer you 250 caps for the formula (despite the price indicated on it at 150), you can sell it, you can try to bargain for 400, or be rude and open fire. There is also a Munchkin option: sell, and then decide on everyone, their karma is not reduced for them. You can first try to listen to his naive nonsense about hockey.
    3. A unique set of power armor.
    T-51b Power Armor (WG 40, DR 50, Radiation Resistance +25)
    T-51b Power Helmet (WG 4, DR 10, Radiation Resistance +8%, Charisma +1)
    I can’t unconditionally recommend the kit for one simple reason: I couldn’t fix it myself (and dealers, as you know, don’t fix it 100%). None of the power armor sets I have, neither the Enclave, nor the Brotherhood, nor the Outcast, were suitable for repair. The helmet is really useful: no penalties, better protection, increases charisma and gives slight radiation resistance. Considering that helmets are damaged many times slower than armor, it can be used.
    How to get a:
    You can start the quest "You Gotta Shoot "Em in the Head" by talking to Crowley in the city of ghouls, which is in the historical museum. In the process of completing this quest you will need to get 3 keys. Or you can simply steal these keys and go directly to Fort Constantine without talking to Crowley (the quest can still be started and passed, the keys will not go anywhere from you.) I managed to easily and naturally steal all 3 keys, with a stealth skill of 33, losing a small a bit of karma, which is more than replenished with a bottle of clean water given to beggars.Who has the keys (you don’t even have to talk to these comrades):
    Ted Strayer, in Rivet City, hangs out in either a flophouse, a church, or a pub.
    Dyukov, an alcoholic and a womanizer, is in his home, not far from the Anchorage Memorial
    Dave, in Dave's Republic, upper right corner of the map (there's also a bobblehead +1 Perception)
    Having obtained the keys, we move to Fort Constantine, the top of the map, closer to the left edge. We penetrate into the officer's building (the lowest) and stomp into the basement, in front of the first closed door, by the way, there is a bobblehead +10 to heavy weapons. Then everything is simple, I won’t spoil the impression of exploring the bunker
    4. Lucky billiard ball.
    Lucky 8-Ball (WG 1, Luck +1)
    What can I say here - a billiard ball, weighs one, gives +1 to Luck while you carry it in your inventory.
    How to get a:
    Go to the Big City (two cells up from Vault 101), take on a quest there to save two comrades. You rescue them from the Germantown police station (will be marked on the map) and bring them home. After this, you will be asked to repel the attack of mutants. I advise you not to bother with robots and choose the line “I’ll hang out here, I’ll kill all the mutants myself.” When the attack is repulsed, go to the local infirmary, there will be a wounded man named Timebomb (I don’t know what the 1c sheep called him, but in any case there is one patient there). He needs to be cured, he will need a medicine skill of 40. After that, he will get up, bow and leave. You need to approach him again and then he will say something about great gratitude and give you the coveted ball.
    5. Alien blaster
    Alien Blaster (WG 2, Clip 10, AP 20, DMG 100, Chance to disintegrate enemy on death, Ammo: Alien Power Cell)
    A cheat gun that allows you to shoot an entire city as a joke without even noticing how. If it weren't for limited ammunition, the game's already precarious balance would have been irrevocably skewed. There is a chance to turn the enemy into a pile of ash, for some reason it happened to me all the time.
    How to get a:
    Three cells up from the Minefield in the lower left corner of the cell there will be a crash site of an Alien Ship, in short a broken plate. The blaster is lying right on the ground next to the corpse of a representative of an extraterrestrial civilization. Ammunition for it is scattered around.
    6. Alien Blaster #2
    Firelance (WG 2, Clip 10, AP 20, DMG 80, Sets target on fire, giving it -2 HP effect for 5 seconds, Ammo: Alien Power Cell)
    Cheat gun number 2 differs from the previous one in reduced damage, which is compensated by setting the target on fire, like a flamethrower or shishkebab.
    By the way, these blasters are repaired exclusively by each other.
    How to get a:
    Randomly, while walking through the wasteland, a strange bang will be heard and alien ammunition (blue cones) will literally fall from the sky. It can happen anywhere, it is argued that there is a dependence on Luck. This happened to me at Luck 1, when I hadn’t even reached 10 levels. It happened at night, and of course I didn’t find the blaster itself. I returned to this place 2 times during the day, but still couldn’t find it. The dog helped, gave the command “look for a weapon,” and brought it in 30 seconds.
    7. Unique plasma gun.
    A3-21"s Plasma Rifle (WG 8, Clip 12, AP 25, DMG 50, Ammo: Micro Fusion Cell)
    It differs from a regular plasma gun only in its damage increased from 45 to 50. As you can see, nothing special, but the hype is around this gun.
    How to get a:
    First you need to take the quest about the android from Mr. Zimmer in the Rivet City laboratory. During the process, your aunt will come up to you and ask you to help the poor android hide from the evil Zimmer. The choice is yours, you can honestly help the android and get a gun, or you can promise him to keep his secret and hand it over to Zimmer, then you will receive both rewards.
    8. Unique minigun.
    Eugene (WG 18, Clip 240, AP 30, DMG 105, Ammo: 5mm)
    The damage has been slightly increased (from 75 to 105), otherwise it is a regular minigun.
    How to get a:
    Either take Riley as a reward for the quest about the Rangers, or simply steal from Brick (see point No. 1 of this guide)
    9. The best carbine.
    Lincoln's Repeater (WG 5, Clip 15, AP 25, DMG 50, Ammo: .44 Round, Magnum)
    The Lincoln gun can be repaired with ordinary hunting rifles, but compared to them it has twice the damage, three times the clip and weighs one less. It actually shoots with a fairly rare (both among merchants and in general) cartridge. 44 magnum, stock up.
    How to get a:
    It’s very simple: in the historical museum we go up to the second floor, there in one of the back rooms it lies in a small glass case. Clever Abraham Washington from Rivet City will offer you 100 caps for it, stifling laughter. It’s better to collect everything connected with the name of Lincoln in the museum there: a collection of coins, a hat and other rubbish - he will buy it all from you.
    10. The best firearm.
    Blackhawk (WG 4, Clip 6, AP 32, DMG 55, Ammo: .44 Round, Magnum)
    One of the deadliest weapons in the game, on par with the Lincoln Gun, which is inferior in range but superior in damage. In theory, this is a regular 44-caliber magnum with an optic, only the damage has been increased from 35 to 55.
    How to get a:
    Start the quest about Agatha's song. To do this, you first need to find Agata's house, it is between the landfill and the Mereshti depot, you have to walk across such a flimsy bridge. After that, she will send you first to look for Vault-Tec Headquarters (not far from Vernon Square). If you have already been to the Citadel and marked all the Shelters on the map, then you don’t have to go to the headquarters itself. Go straight to Vault 92. You can get lost there, look for the sign to the laboratory, you will find the violin there. If you pass by the men's bedroom, be sure to look into the men's toilet. Behind one of the pushes there will be a music book lying around; without it you won’t get a pistol. That's it, now you can turn in the quest to Agatha, and after that hand over a sheet music book, for which she will be happy to give you this treasured copy.
    11. Best shotgun.
    The Terrible Shotgun (WG 10, Clip 12, AP 27, DMG 80, Ammo: Shotgun Shells)
    If you like shotguns, you need to get your hands on this barrel. Moreover, the choice of shotguns is very poor in this game. Repaired with a regular combat shotgun, in comparison with it it has a slightly increased weight (10 versus 7) and significantly increased damage (80 versus 55).
    How to get a:
    One cell to the right of Casey's garage (Vault 112), where you are directed in the story, in the center of the right border of this cell is the town of Evergreen Mills. There is a building there, inside of which is the entrance to the underground market. There is a merchant in this market called Smiling Jack, he is the only one who will not attack you if you have good karma. In any case, to take the shotgun, you need to kill him. Decide what is more important to you - an extra merchant or a unique trunk. Don't forget to take a bobblehead +10 to barter to the right of him in a small nook on the shelf.
    12. The best assault rifle.
    Xuanlong Assault Rifle (WG 7, Clip 36, AP 23, DMG 66, Ammo: 5.56mm)
    One of the best barrels in the Light Weapons category. For repairs, “Chinese Kalash” are used; in comparison with them, it has an enlarged horn (36 rounds instead of 24) and noticeably increased damage (66 versus 53). For some reason the price is lower than usual...
    How to get a:
    A little confusing, but overall not very difficult. First you need to get to the Technical Museum, it’s practically “across the road” from the Historical Museum, which we’re already tired of. There, during routine cleaning of premises, you need to pay attention to information computers that look like payphone booths. But not all of them are “equally useful”, we need 3: the first one stands at the bottom of the foyer, the second one immediately as you enter the west wing, and the third one at the foot of the large rocket. On the screen of these computers, a line like #001 will appear at the bottom of the menu, into which you need to enter a code. Attention! Save before entering, after one incorrect entry the computer will lock and everything will be lost. You need to enter the following codes, in the order the computers are listed:
    terminal #001 - 19
    terminal #002 - 53
    terminal #003 - 113
    Consecutively entering three correct codes will open the safe in the west wing. When you open the safe (this can only be done through the computer standing next to it), a message will be displayed on the screen, after reading which you will understand that you need to move to the Jury Street metro station (two cells down and one to the left of Vault 101). You don’t need to go into the metro itself, there is a mini-cafe near the entrance to the metro, where a corpse will appear, from which this unique weapon is taken. Until you go through all the dances with a tambourine in the technical museum, it won’t be there, I checked.
    13. Unique sniper rifle.
    Reservist's Rifle (WG 10, Clip 3, AP 32, DMG 40, Ammo: .308 Caliber)
    One of 2 unique sniper rifles. The magazine capacity has been reduced (from 5 to 3), but the cost of a shot has been reduced (from 38 to 32) and the rate of fire has been increased by more than one and a half times.
    How to get a:
    When you go to Fort Constantine, you will probably come across the WLKM Broadcasting Station (2 cells down from the fort). The station is on a hillock, from which you will be able to see a small chapel nearby, the Dickerson Church. There is a sniper sitting upstairs in this church with this rifle. It is impossible to get up to him, so he must be killed so that at least one eye falls down.
    14. Unique knife.
    Jack (The Ripper)(WG 6, AP 65, DMG 30, 50% extra limb damage)
    Repaired by regular rippers, it differs from them only in that it deals 50% more damage if you shred limbs.
    How to get a:
    A little to the left and a little above the Dickerson Church (in the same cell) is the Deathclaw Sanctuary. There it will lie on the corpse of an Enclave officer, in the southern part of the location. The corpse appears if your paths with the Enclave have already crossed, in other words, the guy is already dead. If you go for the sniper, at the same time take a look at the death claws.
    15. Killer Gatling laser.
    Vengeance (WG 18, Clip 240, AP 30, DMG 150, Ammo: Electron Charge Pack)
    Damage has been slightly increased (from 100 to 150), otherwise it's a regular Gatling laser.
    How to get a:
    It lies (regardless of your progress in the story) in the same Deathclaw Vault (see item 13) in the southeastern part, in a mini-grotto with a pool of blood and thickets of radioactive mushrooms. It will lie right in the mushrooms.
    16. The best weapon for fist fighting.
    Fisto! (WG 6, AP 25, DMG 25)
    If there are maniacs who use fist fighting in this game, here is a tool for you. Repaired with regular “power fists”, the cost of a hit is reduced from 28 to 25 points, the damage is increased from 20 to 25.
    How to get a:
    If you go for a +1 Agility bobblehead or an alien blaster, you'll probably come across MDPL-13 Power Plant on the way. It is located one square above the Minefield, in the middle of the left border of the cell. Fisto is located in a large building at the top of it, lying right on the table. In your little house, by the way, you can grab a diagram for assembling a railway rifle.
    17. Unique saber.
    Vampire's Edge (WG 1, AP 28, DMG 15)
    In general, nothing special, just a unique vampire saber. As a melee weapon, the same shishkebab is much cooler. It is repaired with the usual sabers of Chinese officers, which is noticeable in appearance. He took a Chinese saber, attached the vampire hilt to it and went to swing it to the right, left and in other directions. Weight reduced (from 3 to 1), damage increased (from 10 to 15).
    How to get a:
    As a result of the “bad ending” of the quest “Blood Ties”, namely, we go down to the metro at the Mereshti station and kill all the vampires. We take a saber from the main vampire's box, and from his corpse - a unique cloak, which has good protection for a rag - 10, and also gives +2 to light and melee weapons. The quest is initially taken in Megaton from Lucy West, then you need to go to Arefu, don’t forget that in Arefu, in Evan King’s house, a bobblehead +10 for repairs is languishing.
    18. Unique laser pistol.
    Protectron's Gaze (WG 3, Clip 20, AP 17, DMG 24, Ammo: Energy Cell)
    A laser pistol that deals double damage. This is achieved simply - a double shot. So that life doesn’t seem like honey, the magazine capacity has been reduced from 30 to 20. There are no more differences from the usual.
    How to get a:
    Take the quest in the Canterberry Community to resolve problems with 2 comicoid characters, take the side of the Mechanic and kill AntAgonizer. The mechanic will demand her suit, give it to him and tell him not to stop there, then he will present you with a pistol. If you do the opposite and take the side of the “ant woman”, you will receive a poisonous knife as a reward.
    19. Unique helmet.
    Crow's Eyebot Helmet (WG 10, DR 5, Perception +1)
    A helmet made from one of the ibots that fly around and broadcast the Enclave radio. Nothing special at all, looks funny, has good enough defense for a tin and gives +1 Perception.
    How to get a:
    In the same Canterberry Community, the same Uncle Ro who gave the quest for “supermen” can help you get rid of excess caps. Namely, invest in one caravan, of which there are 4 in the game. In each of the caravans you can invest first 200, and then another 500 caps, after which their assortment becomes noticeably more diverse. Each of the caravan leaders will thank you for your investment when you meet (if you have unfastened 700 caps). Crowe, who sells armor, will give this helmet as a gift.
    20. Unique wig.
    Button's Wig (WG 1, DR 1, Speech +10, Barter +5, Intelligence +1, Perception -1)
    It gives almost no protection, looks out of place, but it increases Speech by 10, Barter by 5 and Intelligence by 1, while reducing Perception by 1. Considering that it weighs only one, it can be carried with you for conversational situations.
    How to get a:
    Take the quest regarding the Declaration of Independence from Abraham Washington in Rivet City and move it to the National Archives. At the very bottom, where the Declaration is kept, there will be a boring robot, and next to it, on one of the chests of drawers, this wig will lie.
    by Moonbear

    Additions to the guide from the Gentle Man
    21. "The Tenderiser"
    damage 18 weight 12
    Anchorage Memorial
    Hunters became game. Everything is simple in this world.
    Find an ownerless warehouse and along the way, behind a broken door, lies it.
    22. Cue "The Break"
    damage 5 weight 1
    Repaired with cues. Cute.
    Paradise Falls, outdoor pool table.
    I didn't ask what you were doing there.
    23. Lucky Shades
    defense 1 weight 1 Luck +1
    Always with you, sometimes you can wear helmets,
    Women love - well, isn’t that what happiness is?
    Warrington depot, Lucky's Grocery


    When thinking about Karma you should remember 4 things:

    1. Karma affects the reaction of npcs and the choice of lines in dialogues.
    2. Whether or not you get to certain locations depends on karma.
    3. Opponents may stop attacking you, depending on your karma.
    4. The ending of the game depends on karma.
    As the game progresses, the meaning of karma is not demonstrated; you can only see the “steps” she has reached:

    1000...-750 Very Evil
    -749...-250 Evil
    -249...+249 Neutral
    +250...+749 Good
    +750...+1000 Very Good
    You can see the current state of your Karma on the statistics tab in Pipboy. You can find out the numerical value using the console command player.getav karma

    What does Bad Karma give (-250 or less):

    Access to Paradise Falls
    Possibility to take two “bad” followers: Jericho and Clover
    Ease of communication with evil characters
    Normal NPCs may react negatively in conversation
    What Neutral Karma gives (-250...+250):

    Possibility to take two “neutral” followers: Butch and Sergeant RL-3
    You will not be attacked by either “good” or “bad” liquidation squads (such as mercenaries from Talon)
    What does Good Karma give (+250 or more):

    Opportunity to take two “good” followers: Fawkes and Paladin Cross
    Difficulty communicating with evil characters
    Normal NPCs can react positively in conversation
    Raiders will always attack you
    Gifts from good characters (caps, ammo, food, stimpaks, etc.)
    Why Karma is reduced Action Amount of fine
    Stealing from a good or neutral character (per item) -5
    Picking a lock in the house of a neutral/good character -5
    Killing a good or neutral creature -25
    Evil action during a side quest -50
    Killing a good or neutral character -100

    When killing a bad character/creature, Karma does not change.

    Why Karma is increased Action Amount of increase
    Donations to any church depend on the size of the donation +"?"
    Good deed during a side quest +50
    Killing a very bad character/creature +100

    Display of karma depending on the player level:

    Bad Karma:
    Level 1 - Vault Delinquent (Vault Delinquent)
    Level 2 - Vault Outlaw
    Level 3 – Opportunist
    Level 4 – Plunderer (robber)
    Level 5 - Fat Cat (wound)
    Level 6 – Marauder (marauder)
    Level 7 - Pirate of the Wastes
    Level 8 – Reaver
    Level 9 - Urban Invader (urban occupier)
    Level 10 - Ne"er-do-well (idler)
    Level 11 - Capital Crimelord (head of the capital's crime)
    Level 12 – Defiler
    Level 13 - Vault Boogeyman (evil spirit of the vault)
    Level 14 - Harbinger of War
    Level 15 - Urban Superstition
    Level 16 - Villian of the Wastes
    Level 17 – Fiend (demon)
    Level 18 - Wasteland Destroyer
    Level 19 - Evil Incarnate
    Level 20 - Scourge of Humanity (scourge of humanity)

    Neutral Karma:
    Level 1 - Vault Dweller (Vault Dweller)
    Level 2 - Vault Renegade
    Level 3 – Seeker (seeker)
    Level 4 – Wanderer
    Level 5 – Citizen
    Level 6 – Adventurer
    Level 7 - Vagabond of the Wastes (wastewalker)
    Level 8 – Mercenary (mercenary)
    Level 9 - Urban Ranger
    Level 10 – Observer (observer)
    Level 11 - Capital Councilor
    Level 12 – Keeper
    Level 13 - Vault Descendant (Vault Scion)
    Level 14 - Pinnacle of Survival (survival master)
    Level 15 - Urban Myth
    Level 16 - Strider of the Wastes (waste walker)
    Level 17 – Beholder (eyewitness)
    Level 18 - Wasteland Watcher
    Level 19 - Super-Human
    Level 20 - Paradigm of Humanity

    Good Karma:
    Level 1 - Vault Guardian
    Level 2 - Vault Martyr (martyr vault)
    Level 3 – Sentinel (guardian)
    Level 4 – Defender (defender)
    Level 5 – Dignitary (Dignitary)
    Level 6 – Peacekeeper
    Level 7 - Ranger of the Wastes
    Level 8 – Protector (patron)
    Level 9 - Urban Avenger
    Level 10 – Exemplar (example to follow)
    Level 11 - Capital Crusader
    Level 12 – Paladin
    Level 13 - Vault Legend
    Level 14 - Ambassador of Peace (goodwill ambassador)
    Level 15 - Urban Legend
    Level 16 - Hero of the Wastes
    Level 17 – Paragon (model of perfection)
    Level 18 - Wasteland Survivor
    Level 19 – Saint (holy)
    Level 20 - Last, Best Hope of Humanit (the last hope of humanity)

    Russian names may not correspond to the official translation.

    Note: Avoid negative karma when reaching level 21, otherwise the game will crash. In case of negative karma, increase it through the console.

    If your karma is positive, then your karmic status will be reduced to shelter resident.

    Download mod MaxLevel30-MaxLevel40

    We put:
    1. Download the file and place it anywhere on your computer.
    2. Open the file using 7-zip to extract the two ESPs from it.
    3. Place these two ESPs in this folder: Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\Data\
    4. Load Fallout 3 - on the splash screen (Play / Data Files / Options / Etc.), choose Data Files.
    5. Put a checkmark next to the ESP you want to use (either MaxLevel30 or MaxLevel40).
    6. Play.

    Fallout 3 codes during gameplay

    rewardKarma - Receive the specified amount of karma
    modpca - Adds the specified number of points to basic statistics
    modpcs - Adds the specified number of skill points
    addspecialpoints - Add the specified number of stat points
    addtagskills - Adds the specified amount of Tag Skill Points
    tmm1 - All markers on the map
    GetQuestCompleted - Finish the currently running quest
    getXPfornextlevel - Get one level
    player.additem 000000F - Get the specified number of caps
    tgm - Immortality, endless ammo
    help - All console commands
    tcl - Walking through walls
    removefromallfactions - Player leaves all factions
    player.setlevel - Set player level
    setspecialpoints - Specify the number of points of basic statistics
    settagskills - Specify the number of skill points
    tdt - On developer mode
    tlv - Enable leaves
    setpccanusepowerarmor 0 or 1> - Enable/disable the use of Power Armor

    Location of dolls:


    Strength - Strength: Megaton, in Sheriff Lucas Simm's house.
    - Perception: Republic Of Dave, on the shelf to the right in the Dave Museum
    - Endurance: Deathclaw Sanctuary, at the entrance on the table next to the rotting corpse of a Brahmin
    - Charisma: Vault 108, in Colin's laboratory.
    - Intelligence: Rivet City: On Dr. Lee's desk.
    - Agility: Greener Pastures Disposal, in a small office contaminated with radiation.
    - Luck: Arlington Cemetery North, in a closet on a shelf directly below the stairs of the northern hut.


    Barter: Evergreen Mills, in the back of the Market Bazaar on the shelf in the upper right, behind the Merchant Raider who doesn't attack.
    - Big Guns: Fort Constantine, at the base of CO Quarters, in a safe in the wall.
    - Energy Weapons: Ravenhold
    - Explosives: WKML Broadcast Station. Include your map of the area. Go through the door to the sealed tank and the bobblehead is there.
    - Lockpick: Bethesda Ruins, in Bethesda Offices to the east on the top floor near the door to the bridge.
    - Medicine: Vault 101, in my father's office on the table.
    - Melee Weapons: Dunwich Building, just before you leave the Virulent Underchambers on the floor next to the door.
    - Repair: Aerefu, in Evan King`s house.
    - Science: Vault 106, on a table in the middle of the living quarters, second level of the main rooms.
    - Small Guns: National Guard Depot, go through the training room and offices, go to the door to the main room. Use the power switch on the wall to your left and enter the Armory, then search the shelves.
    - Sneak: Yao Guai Tunnels, at the top of the metal which is decorated with Den, on the right on the map there is a small amount of water.
    - Speech: Paradise Falls, on the table inside Euology`s pad (In Slave Master`s house).
    - Unarmed: Rockopolis, Go around Casey Smith`s garage from the west. Look for tattered banners that are strung up. Use the map to find it.

    player.additem - Add items

    Currently known items:

    Bobby Pins - 0000000a
    Bottle Caps - 0000000f (Bottle caps)
    Knife - 00004334
    Hunting Rifle - 00004333
    Plasma Grenades - 00004332
    Dart Gun - 0000432a
    Gatling Laser - 0000432e
    Flamer - 0000432d
    Tire Iron - 00004328
    Combat Shotgun - 00004327
    Silenced 10mm Pistol - 00004350
    Sledgehammer - 00004352
    Super Sledge - 00004353
    Spiked Knuckles - 00004354
    Police Baton - 00004345
    PoolCue - 00004346
    Railway Rifle - 00004348
    Ripper - 00004349
    Missle Launcher - 00004340
    Minigun - 0000433F
    Plasma Mine - 0000433D
    BottleCap Mine - 0000433a
    Frag Mine - 0000433C
    Mesmetron - 00004339
    Lead Pipe - 00004337
    Laser Rifle - 00004336
    laser Pistol - 00004335
    MedicalBrace - 00002210D
    Plunger - 000340a4
    Missile - 00029383
    Fat Man - 0000432C
    .308 ammo - 0006B53C
    Energy Cell - 00020772
    Electron Charge Pack - 0006B53E
    5mm Round - 0006B53D
    Mini Nuke - 00020799
    Missile - 00029383
    Flamer Fuel - 00029371
    Microfusion Cell - 0004485
    Railway Spikes - 00029384
    The Terribel Shotgun - 0006B534
    10mm Pistol - 0000434F
    Sawed-Off Shotgun - 0000434C
    Scoped .44 Magnum - 0000434D
    Shishkebab - 0000434e
    T-51 Power Armor - 000A6F77

    SKILL BobbleHead locations

    BobbleHead MEDICINE - Increase medical skill +10 - Found in Vault 101, right in the beginning of the game on your Dad's desk. If you didn't find this one, it's time to head back to the Vault !! BobbleHead SPEECH - Increase speech skill +10 - Found in Paradise Falls, Eulogy's Pad. Groundfloor, on the desk in the SW corner, near the "main computer terminal".

    BobbleHead SCIENCE - Increase science skill +10 - Found in Vault 106, Living quarters, clearly sitting on a desk.

    BobbleHead BARTER - Increase barter skill +10 - Found in Evergreen Mills - Market Bazaar

    BobbleHead BIG GUNS - Increase big guns skill +10 - Found in Fort Constantine - CO Quarters

    BobbleHead ENERGY WEAPONS - Increase energy weapons skill +10 - Found in Ravenhold

    BobbleHead EXPLOSIVES - Increase explosives skill +10 - Found in WKML Broadcast Station - Sealed Cistern

    BobbleHead LOCKPICK - Increase lockpick skill +10 - Found in Bethesda - Bethesda Offices East

    BobbleHead MELEE WEAPONS - Increase melee skill +10 - Found in Dunwich Building - Virulent Underchambers

    BobbleHead REPAIR - Increase repair skill +10 - Found in Aerefu - Evan King's House

    BobbleHead SMALL GUNS - Increase small guns skill +10 - Found in National Guard Depot - National Guard Armory

    BobbleHead SNEAK - Increase sneak skill +10 - Found in Yao Guai Tunnels - Yao Guai Den

    BobbleHead UNARMED – Increase unarmed skill +10 - Found in Rockopolis – Head directly west from Casey Smith's Garage, look for tattered banners strung up. Use your local map or you may miss it.

    STATS BobbleHead locations

    BobbleHead INTELLIGENCE - Found in Rivet City, science lab, on the most right desk of the 3 desks you see there.

    BobbleHead PERCEPTION - Found in the Republic of Dave - Museum of Dave

    BobbleHead ENDURANCE - Found in Deathclaw Sanctuary - Deathclaw Sanctuary Entrance

    BobbleHead CHARISMA - Found in Vault 108 - Cloning Lab

    BobbleHead AGILITY - Found in Greener Pastures Disposal - Office

    BobbleHead LUCK - Found in Arlington Cemetery North - Arlington House

    BobbleHead STRENGTH - Found in Megaton - Lucas Simms House

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