Games for children on the theme of vegetable garden. Didactic games on the topic “Garden and vegetable garden. Didactic game “Big - small”

Irina Obukhova
Didactic game “Funny vegetable garden”

Didactic game« Merry vegetable garden»

It can be used by teachers of preschool institutions in working with children of primary preschool age in classes on familiarization with the outside world, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, and speech development.


consolidate the ability to compare two equal groups of objects using the application method; learn to determine the spatial arrangement of objects; clarify children’s knowledge about vegetables, where they grow, and their benefits to humans; learn to distinguish vegetables by appearance, describe them by their characteristic features; learn to use a general concept "Vegetables", enrich vocabulary by denoting qualities; develop attention, memory, perseverance, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the hands.

A game,can be used for teaching preschool children within the educational area “Cognition” in a preschool educational institution, and is also recommended for parents with children in the family circle.

Usage didactic Games in the educational process in preschool educational institutions are one of the effective ways to develop children's creative abilities and create a favorable emotional background. Exercises using didactic games, are interesting for preschoolers. Colorfulness, playful form, general atmosphere of goodwill allows the child play enthusiastically, experience the joy of learning, discover new things.

Publications on the topic:

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 97 of a combined type" of the Moskovsky district of Kazan PASSPORT.

Games with food have always been interesting to children as such. Role-playing games in the “shop”, “vegetable garden”, “kitchen” are simply irreplaceable for girls.

Didactic game based on FEMP “Fun Vegetable Garden” Age: middle group Goal: to develop children’s ability to count objects, to consolidate numbers within limits.

Objectives of the game with the integration of educational areas: Cognitive development: to consolidate children’s knowledge and ideas about vegetables, fruits.

Didactic games help children consolidate the knowledge acquired in classes, excursions, and while watching cartoons and videos.

Didactic game with mathematical content “Funny Ball” for children of the first junior group Program content Objectives: Educational Quantity and counting: - Practice distinguishing between “one and many” objects. Size: - Fastening.

Collection of games

Didactic game “Wonderful bag”

Tasks: improve the ability to identify a fruit or vegetable by touch by its shape, correctly name its color, develop attention, memory, oral speech

Attributes: bag, dummies of vegetables and fruits.

Progress of the game: the teacher shows the bag and says:

I am a wonderful bag

I'm a friend to all the guys.

I really want to know

How do you like to play?

Children put dummies of vegetables and fruits into a bag. Then, one by one, they take an object from the bag, determine by touch what it is, name it, and then take it out.

After this, the children gather in groups “Vegetables”, “Fruits”.

Didactic game “Whole and Part”

Tasks: develop the ability to select pairs of pictures depicting a whole fruit and its part, develop oral speech, attention, and memory.
pictures of whole fruits and their parts.

Progress of the game: 2 children are playing. One has pictures depicting a whole fruit, the other has pictures depicting a part of it. One player lays out his picture, names what is depicted on it, and the other must choose the corresponding one.


Didactic game “Two Baskets”

Tasks: improve the ability to distinguish between vegetables and fruits, learn to use generalizing words in speech, develop oral speech, memory, and attention.
Attributes: two baskets, subject pictures of vegetables and fruits.
Progress of the game:
Children take turns taking a picture, calling what is depicted on it, determining which group it belongs to and putting it in the appropriate basket.

Note: the game can be individual.

Outdoor game “Vegetables and fruits”

Tasks: teach to distinguish fruits and vegetables by their appearance, develop attention and observation.

Attributes: subject pictures of vegetables and fruits

Progress of the game: In the center of the circle there are pictures of vegetables and fruits. Children walk in a circle saying:

“One, two, three - take any object!” Children take any object and organize groups “Vegetables”, “Fruits”.

Outdoor game “Tops and Roots”

Tasks: consolidate knowledge about the way vegetables grow, develop attention, visual and auditory perception, and memory.

Attributes: dummies of vegetables or natural vegetables.
Progress of the game:Option 1: an adult shows a vegetable (models or natural), children name it and show with movements where it grows; if on the ground, they raise their hands up; if underground, they squat. A child can also act as an adult and show the vegetables himself.

Option 2: the adult only says the name of the vegetable, and the children show with their movements where it grows.

Didactic game “What juice?” (“What jam?”)

Tasks: improve the ability to distinguish and name fruits, learn to form adjectives, develop oral speech, attention, and memory.

Attributes: basket, pictures of fruits

Progress of the game: Children take turns taking a picture from the basket, calling the pictured fruit and saying what the juice (or jam) from this fruit will be called. For example:

"This apple is apple juice."

Didactic game “Clap your hands”

Tasks: consolidate the ability to hear the names of vegetables and fruits, find them in pictures, develop auditory attention,

Attributes: subject pictures on the topic

Progress of the game: a poem is read, children must remember and name the vegetables (or fruits, or berries, or mushrooms, depending on the topic) that were mentioned in the poem, and show or post pictures with their images. When the poem is read a second time, children clap their hands if they hear the name of a vegetable (fruit, berries, mushrooms).

In the garden

There you are carrot
red head,

The tail is green.

There you are turnip

And the cucumber is strong,

Gilded by the sun.

On the ranks cabbage
The heads of cabbage are huddled together thickly

In the shaggy leaves,

Here peas sweet,

The grains are ok

They sleep in moustached pods.

What delicious people

Populated our garden!

Good autumn has come,
She brought us gifts.

Apples fragrant,
Peaches fluffy,
Pears golden,
Autumn has arrived.
V. Volina

Miracle garden

People are surprised:

What kind of miracle garden is this?

Here radish there is also salad,

Onion, parsley And spinach.

Tomatoes, cucumbers
They mature together - well done!
AND potato, And cabbage
They grow densely in the beds.
And everyone says in unison:
"We are growing here for the kids.
For diligence and work
The whole harvest will be reaped."

I'll make a salad...

I'll make a salad
Crumble into a large bowl
cucumbers, leek, spinach,
Tomatoes And radish.

I'll chop it finely dill,
And I'll season everything with sour cream.
I need vitamins for future use
I won’t get tired of stocking up.

Vegetable counting

In Yegor's garden

Pumpkin, turnips, tomatoes.

In Ivan's garden

Zucchini And eggplants.

you will plant squash,

Get out of the circle

became pumpkin ask us:

It's hot! Give us a drink!

We quickly got a watering can

And they watered the whole family:

So that the good guys get stronger -

Zucchini And cucumbers,

Thank you, friends!

My family got drunk!

Like in a hare's canteen

In the clearing there is a pine stump,

Lunch is on the tree stump

And what's not there

AND cabbage,And potato,

A pile of fresh peas

AND parsley a little bit.

And to the little bunnies

Sweet grass in the mountain

By carrots one.

After all carrot from the garden

Sweeter than chocolate!

There are many beds in the garden
There are also turnip, And salad.

Here and from century, And peas

A potato is it bad?

Our green garden

It will feed us for a whole year!

In summer, a garden is like a city!
It contains one hundred thousand citizens:
tomato, peas, cabbage,
zucchini And eggplant.

Our garden

Our autumn garden is beautiful

In him plum there is also grape

On the branches like toys

AND apples,And pears.

We will collect the fruits in the morning

And we'll invite all the neighbors.

And let's wave to the sun

“Thank you, autumn!” let's say.

Summer garden
How beautiful it is, the summer garden,
Always rich in fruits.
Cherry a whole series of slim people -
The berries burn like ruby.
It grows nearby and plum,
The juicy fruits are beautiful.
Grush And apples aroma,
Everyone would be happy to eat one.

A bowl of fruit

A tall vase stands on the table.

Rays play in blue crystal.

We will put fragrant in a vase banana

A gift from distant tropical countries.

Let's add lemon, orange, tangerine.

And after lunch we will eat fruit!

T. Shorygin

In our garden

No radishes more beautiful.

How juicy, red, round,

Don't look how small it is.

turnip also a success

It lit up like a yellow sun.

Well, is the onion really bad?

An old man in a hundred clothes?

N. Nishcheva

Planted in the garden ;
Tomatoes And potato,
A little carrots, cucumbers.
For the tomboy brothers.
Tomato Alyoshka tore it off
Now the cat is full.
And Maxim is eating cucumber.
Our boy is great.
He sits smartly in the garden
Here it is torn out carrot.
Eating carrots Cat Cat,
Who came into our garden?
The boys give everyone a treat.
They force you to eat the vitamin.

A. Maksakov

What grows in our garden bed

cucumbers, peas with nice.

Tomatoes And dill

For seasoning and for testing.

Eat radish And salad,

Our garden bed is just a treasure.

But watermelons don't grow here.

If you listened carefully,

I definitely remembered it.

Answer in order.

What's growing in our garden bed?

V. Korkin

Didactic game “Say the Word”

Tasks: development of attention, memory, improvement of knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

Progress of the game: The adult reads and the children add words.

Here in the spring it was empty, in the summer... (cabbage) grew.

The sun would shine so that the green would become brighter... (dill).

We collect very large... (potatoes) in a basket.

The ground is wet from the rain - get out, fatty... (beets).

From the ground - by the forelock we pull a juicy... (carrot).

The grandson helps his grandfather - he collects ... (onions) from the beds.

Grandfather Fedushka asks: - Gather more... (parsley).

Here is a green fatty - large, smooth... (zucchini).

Now let's go to the garden, there... (the grapes) are already ripe.

They grew very juicy and beautiful on the branches of... (plums).

For Seryozha and Marina we are picking... (tangerines).

For Vanyusha and Katyusha we will collect ... (pears) in a basket.

Let's not forget very sour... (lemons) for Alena.

For the filling in the pies we put... (apples).

That's all! Although we were tired, we reaped all the harvest!

Didactic game “Big - small”

Target: teach children word formation using diminutive suffixes: cucumber - cucumber, tomato - tomato...

Didactic game “Name as many signs as possible”

Target: teach children to agree nouns with adjectives

Carrots (what kind?) - orange, long, sweet, healthy, firm

tomato (what?) - red, juicy, appetizing, round

Cucumber (what kind?) - oval, crispy, green, long, fragrant

Didactic game “We are a few wizards - there was one, but there are many”

Target: teach children the formation of the plural of nouns:

Cucumber - cucumbers, apple - apples, pear - ..., plum - ..., peach - ..., banana - .... etc.

Didactic game “Listen to the riddle - draw the answer”

Green branches grow in the garden bed,

And there are red children on them. (tomatoes)

Although I’m called sugar, I didn’t get wet from the rains.

Large, round, sweet in taste, did you know?

I... (beets).

In the summer in the garden - fresh, green,

And in winter in a barrel - yellow, salty.

Well done, guess what our name is?.. (Cucumbers)

What they dug out of the ground,

Fried, boiled?

What we baked in the ashes

Did they praise you? (potato)

Didactic game “Continue the phrase”

Lemon is sour, and apple...... (sweet);

The lemon is oval, and the apple is….. (round);

The lemon is yellow and the apple………(red).

Didactic game “Guess by description”

Green, crispy, pimply (cucumber)
Red, juicy, bulk (tomato)
Crumbly, fried, aromatic (potatoes)
White, curly, cauliflower (cabbage)
Round, orange, large (pumpkin)
Spicy, medicinal, green (onion)


Introduce children to vegetables.
Develop children's active vocabulary on the topic “Vegetables”.
Teach children to form the plural of nouns and use diminutive suffixes.
Continue to teach children to distinguish and name colors (red, green), the concepts of “one-many”, “big-small”.
Develop memory, sense of rhythm, fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of movements.
Teach children to coordinate movements with text, understand and follow verbal instructions.
Cultivate friendly relationships with peers.


Dummy vegetables. Wonderful bag.
Toy “goat”, “hares”.
Cardboard silhouettes of carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, cans.
Spatulas, watering cans, rakes, doll dishes: pots, plates, spoons, knives.
Audio recording: song “Merry Garden”, “Harvest”.
Peas, green plasticine, salt dough.
Plastic vegetables made of two halves held together with Velcro.
Prepared drawings “Grow up, carrot”, brown pencils.

Progress of the lesson:


Hello guys, it's great that you all came today!

Our smart heads
They will think a lot, cleverly.
Ears will listen
Mouth speak clearly.
Hands will clap
Feet will stomp.
The backs are straightened,
We smile at each other

Surprise moment “Wonderful bag”

Here is my bag. Not simple, but wonderful. Put your hand into it and take out something.

Game "Feed the Bunnies"

Take your vegetables, put them on a plate and feed the bunnies.

Didactic game “What did the bunny eat?”

Here the bunny has cabbage, cucumber and carrots. (The carrot is hiding). What did the bunny eat? The bunny ate a carrot. What's left? All that's left is cabbage and cucumber. What color is cabbage? Green. What color is the cucumber? Green.

Button game “Vegetables in a jar”

Arrange the buttons into circles of the appropriate color and size.

Drawing "Salad"

Look, this picture shows everything you need for a vegetable salad - a salad of vegetables: tomato, cucumber, pepper, onion, salt, oil. And at the bottom of the sheet there is a salad plate - a salad bowl. Take a pencil in your hands and draw lines from each product to the salad bowl.

Didactic game “Plant a vegetable garden”

There are many beds in the garden.
There are carrots and lettuce.
There are cucumbers and peas here.
Are potatoes bad?
Our green garden
It will feed us all year round.

Roll the salt dough into a thick sausage - this will be the bed. Stick carrots into the dough - we will have a bed of carrots.

Drawing “Grow up, carrot”

On a prepared background, children draw horizontal stripes on carrots with a brown pencil.

Exercise “The carrot has grown”

(Done together with parents).

First, they planted a small seed in the ground.
(Children squat down)

The sun warmed the cabbage, the rain poured down and the carrots began to grow.
(Children slowly get to their feet)

The carrots have grown green leaves.
(Raise your hands up)

It's time to pick the carrots.
(Parents hug their children and pick them up - they pick carrots from the garden)

Finger game "Vegetables"

The girl Arinochka
Vegetables in a basket.
(Fold your palms into a “basket”)

Here's a pot-bellied zucchini
Placed it on the side
Pepper and carrot
She laid it down deftly.
Tomato and cucumber.
(Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)

Well done Arina.
(Show thumb)

Didactic exercise “One-many”

The teacher puts a picture of a vegetable on the magnetic board, and distributes the remaining pictures to the children one at a time.

I have one vegetable. And how much do you have? Anya has one carrot. Denis has one cucumber. Place your vegetables next to mine on the board. How many vegetables are there? A lot of.

Vocabulary work “One-many”

The teacher picks up a vegetable and names it in the singular, then hands it to the child and asks him to name the plural.
One carrot, but how can you tell if there are many of them? Lots of... carrots.

One cucumber - many... cucumbers.
One tomato - many... tomatoes.
One pepper - many... peppers.
One potato is a lot of... potatoes.
One cabbage is a lot of... cabbage.

Application “Canning vegetables”

Place a large and a small cucumber, a large and a small tomato on top of the jar image. Arrange the vegetables so that they all fit into the jar. Now stick the vegetables onto the jar.

Dynamic pause “Gardeners”

We took the blades
(movements depicting a shovel on the shoulder)

The beds were dug up.
One-two, one-two -
Here's how they dug it up

Picked up the rake
The beds have been combed.
One-two, one-two -
This is how they combed it.
Seeds in rows
We planted in the ground.
One-two, one-two -
This is how we planted
(movements in accordance with the text)

We are cool water
The beds were watered.
One-two, one-two -
This is how they watered
(depict watering the beds with a watering can)

The harvest is rich
They collected together.
One-two, one-two -
Here's how they collected it

Dances and songs
We started it ourselves
One-two, one-two -
That's how they started it.
(claps hands)

Exercise "Cooks"

And now you will be cooks, take knives and cut the fruit into pieces. Using plastic knives, children “cut” vegetables into halves (secured with Velcro).
- How many pieces did you cut your vegetable into? Let's count: one, two. You cut it into two halves.

Finger painting “Methodius the goat’s vegetable garden”

Show the goat Methodius in the picture. Name what vegetables grow in his garden? Cabbage, carrots, tomato. Now we will color these vegetables. What color should we color the cabbage? Green. What color should we paint the tomato? In red. What color should we paint the carrots? Orange color.

Exercise “Move the peas”

The bunny is hungry again. Let's feed him peas. Spoon the peas from the pan and transfer them to a plate.

Modeling "Pea Pod"

Children make a sausage out of green plasticine and press peas into it.

Finger gymnastics “Salting cabbage”

We chop and chop cabbage.
Movement with straight palms
We three carrots, three
Rub your palms together
We salt the cabbage, salt it.
Place your fingers into a pinch.
We press and press cabbage.
Clench and unclench your fists.

Demonstration of the tabletop theater "Methodius the Goat"

Who's wandering around in the garden?
- It's me, the goat Methodius.
- For what kind of business?
- I help the guards.
I guard the cabbage
I protect every leaf...
- Why cabbage all of a sudden?
Not a radish
And not onions?
How can this be, tell me, Methodius?!
You forgot about them, it turns out!
- I haven’t forgotten anything,
But there is not enough strength for everything.
I don't know how to guard an onion,
And radishes make me lose weight.
And cabbage is good
And she needs guards
Because it's the most delicious
Very tasty -
Cabbage leaf!

Vocabulary work “Big and small”

Cucumber is a cucumber.
Potato - potato.
Cabbage is cabbage.
Tomato - tomato.
Onion - onion.
Garlic is garlic.
Carrot is a carrot.
Beetroot - beetroot.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “Harvest”

To the song of the same name, children beat out the rhythm on a metallophone.

My methodical piggy bank

Didactic game for children of senior preschool age

"Merry vegetable garden"

Made by the teacher of the compensatory groupPolukhina Larisa Petrovna.

Target : Develop coherent speech in children.



Clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about vegetables;

Fix the names of vegetables;

Consolidate and expand children's knowledge about growing vegetables;

Learn to write riddles.


Develop memory, thinking, attention, speech.


Foster a respectful attitude towards the work of adults; children's careful attitude towards food;

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other through joint activities.


Expand vocabulary on the topic “Vegetables”;

Develop skills in writing a short story (work on consistency and coherence of statements);

Develop skills in dividing words into syllables;

Correction of fine motor skills of the hand;

Control the delivered sounds.

Didactic material:

- “garden”;

- “vegetables”: onions, beets, turnips, carrots, tomatoes, etc.;

Mnemonic tables - diagrams.

Children's set /watering can, rake, spatula, basket/

Game production description:

To make the game you will need: a cardboard box (you can use a shoe box), multi-colored paper, multi-colored cardboard, glue, fabric for making “vegetables,” white cardboard for making a mnemonic table, felt-tip pens.

First you need to prepare a cardboard box of suitable size, multi-colored paper, yellow and brown cardboard.

We cover the walls of the box outside and inside with green paper. Then we cut out a “fence” from yellow cardboard and glue it to the outside of the box. We glue “beds” from brown cardboard inside the box.

The “vegetable garden” is ready.

Let's start making “vegetables”. To do this, you need fabric that matches the color of the “vegetables”. Using the templates, we cut out fabric blanks and sew them together using threads. “Vegetables” are made as desired - flat or stuffed.

The "vegetables" are ready.

We distribute the “vegetables” on the “beds”.

For the game we need a mnemonic table - a diagram. To make it, you will need to cut out a card of the required size from white cardboard and apply the appropriate drawings on it.

The game is ready.

The game is placed in a place convenient for children.

Game options:

« Guess a riddle".

“Come up with a riddle” - based on a mnemonic table.

“Cut the vegetable salad” - writing a short story using adjectives (cabbage, beetroot, carrot; sweet, bitter, tasty, etc.)

“Cook borscht” - writing a short story.

“Grow vegetables in the garden” - compiling a short story.

“Collect vegetables in baskets” - 1-the name of which has one syllable /onion/

2-in the name of which there are two syllables /turnip/

3-in the name of which there are three syllables /cabbage/

Have fun playing!

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