Do I need to play etudes and exercises on the guitar? Games with theatrical elements for preschool children Sketch games for children



(theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions)

Prepared by:

teacher Nekhorosheva E.N.


Card index of sketches

Sketch “Buying a theater ticket”

Children in a creative semicircle. The teacher introduces them to the new word “etude”: “This is a French word

origin and is translated as “teaching.” The concept of “study” is used in painting, music, chess

and performs the role of preliminary, training work. In theatrical art, a sketch is a small

a performance in which a certain event should occur in the proposed circumstances, conditions,


The teacher invites the children to compose a sketch on the topic “Collective entrance to the theater”, asks: “What

must you do before going to the theater? Where are theater tickets sold?(At the theater box office.) Who

sells tickets? (Cashier.)"

For the sketch you need a table and a chair. Children set up props on stage. The teacher places on

on the table there is a sign with the inscription “Theater box office”.

Teacher. We have a theater box office. We need someone to act as a cashier.(Wishing child

sits down at the table.)Before you go to the box office to buy your tickets, you must answer the questions. Who are you, where are you from?

come, how many tickets do you want to buy and for whom?

All children stand in line at the cash register.

Teacher. Guys, have you ever watched how a queue is created? This happens when

The cashier does not have time to serve customers. What can you come up with so that there is no line at the checkout?

(Add cashiers.)This is what we will do - increase the number of cashiers. Not everyone will come to the cash register

immediately, and gradually 2-3 people at a time.

The etude is rehearsed two or three times.

Study "Consolation".

Target. Develop the ability to convey emotional states using facial expressions and gestures.

The boy accidentally broke the girl’s toy, she is crying, the rest of the guys must calm the girl down,

console. The actress playing the girl is “crying.” Children surround her, and everyone offers their own option.

consolation (gives a new toy, tries to repair a broken one, etc.).

Sketches - moods

Target. Develop the ability to convey emotional states using facial expressions and gestures.

Sketch "New doll"

The girl was given a new doll. She is happy, jumps merrily, spins, plays with her doll.

Sketch of "Baba Yaga"

Baba Yaga caught Alyonushka, told her to light the stove so that she could then eat Alyonushka, and she

fell asleep. I woke up, but Alyonushka was not there - she ran away. Baba Yaga was angry that she was left without dinner,

runs around the hut, stomping his feet, waving his fists.

Sketch "Bear Cubs"

The cubs are lying in the den. A strong wind blew and made its way into the den. The cubs are frozen.

They are curled up in balls, warming themselves. It got hot, the cubs turned around and growled

Study "Focus"

The boy was very surprised: he saw how the magician put a cat in an empty suitcase and closed it.

him, and when I opened the suitcase, the cat was not there... A dog jumped out of the suitcase.

Sketch "Home Alone"

The mother raccoon went to get food, the baby raccoon was left alone in the hole. It's dark all around, you can hear

different rustles. Baby raccoon

scary - what if someone attacks him, and his mother doesn’t have time to come to the rescue?

Sketch "The fox eavesdrops"

The fox stands at the window of the hut in which the cat and the cockerel live, and overhears what they are talking about

They say.

Sketch "Vaska the Cat"

The hostess baked a sour cream pie for the holiday and went to dress up. Vaska the cat sneaked into

kitchen and ate the pie. The hostess came running to the noise and began to scold Vaska. Vaska felt ashamed.

Sketch "Salty tea"

The boy watched TV while eating. He poured himself some tea and, without looking, mistakenly

sugar and poured two tablespoons of salt into my cup. He stirred and took the first sip. How disgusting

it was in his mouth!

Sketch "New Girl"

A new girl has joined the group. She was in an elegant dress, holding a beautiful doll in her hands,

she had a large bow tied on her head. She considered herself the most beautiful, and the rest of the children -

unworthy of her attention. She looked down on everyone, pursing her lips contemptuously...

Sketch "In the Forest"

Friends went for a walk in the forest. One boy fell behind, looked around - there was no one. He became

He seems to hear some rustling, cracking of branches - what if it’s a bear? (FEAR) But

then the branches parted, and he saw his friends - they were also looking for him. The boy was happy:

Now you can go home! (JOY)

In the process of discussing sketches with preschoolers, it is important (on behalf of the game character)

pay attention to the correct, accurate expressions of emotions by children. You can show on the screen

images of certain emotions. In case of difficulties, encourage children to help each other.

So, now, after you have learned the notes of the “first” position, as well as the necessary rules and terms, you can begin the most interesting part of the training - playing “in several voices”, or in simple terms, playing several notes at the same time.

This is a higher and more professional level of guitar playing. I want to show you one example of how professionals use this technique:

Of course, these are too complex works, so we will start with easier studies for beginners:

Be sure to play these two etudes, without them it will be very difficult for you to understand how to play “two voices”.

Exercise 32 – “Etude No.1”

So, all you have to do is play two notes at once, a bass note and a high note at the same time. Of course, we play bass with our right thumb (p), but high notes need to be played by alternating the index and middle fingers (im), exactly the same as we played the previous exercises. Of course, this is not easy at first, so you can first play high notes with only the index finger of your right hand (i). When you remember the notes, add the middle one (m). For those who are not yet very familiar with notes, you can first play the bass separately, and after remembering them, add high notes. Pay attention to the left hand fingering. Try to stick to it.

Important note: Up until this point, when playing apoyando, the fingers of the right hand would “rest” on the adjacent strings after playing the notes. Remember that when playing several notes simultaneously, as well as when playing by fingerpicking, your fingers go out freely from under the strings, and do not touch the neighboring ones. This is an important rule, follow it, otherwise it will be very difficult to play.

Watch the following video, it shows how to play Etude No.1 correctly:

And now a new exercise. This is also a study in the classical style:

Exercise 33 – “Etude No.2”

Here “two-voice” alternates with individual notes. We play bass (p), high notes (im), although you can start by playing (i), if it's hard. In the fourth measure when playing notes Re And Salt, it is better to place the little finger and third finger of the left hand (as written). If your fingers are difficult to reach, place Re- third finger, Salt - second finger.

Pay attention to the designation “ Let's Ring—“. This means that we can hold notes (in this case, basses), that is, not release the held bass note until the turn comes to the next bass. For example, playing the first notes of an etude - Do+Mi, hold the note Before, and without letting go of it, we play the next one Mi.

Watch the following video, it shows how to play Etude No.2 correctly:

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of a combined type No. 56" AGO

Theatrical sketches.

Compiled by:

E.N.Urintseva, teacher.

By participating in theatrical games, children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity through images, colors, and sounds. They learn to think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. In the process of working on the expressiveness of characters’ remarks and their own statements, the child’s vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of his speech and its intonation structure are improved. Children develop the ability to recognize a person’s emotional state by facial expressions, gestures, intonation, the ability to put themselves in their place in various situations, and find adequate ways to help. Theatrical games allow the child to solve many problematic situations indirectly on behalf of a character. This helps overcome timidity, self-doubt, and shyness. Thus, theatrical games help to develop the child comprehensively.

This collection presents games aimed at developing the expressiveness of speech and the emotional sphere of a four- to five-year-old child. Sketches help enrich children's ability to convey the image of a character using artistic means. The proposed games and sketches will help develop children's communication skills and abilities.



Children greet each other on behalf of any imaginary or fabulous

character (fox, hare, wolf), put on (optional) costumes and tell

who they became like. The teacher helps them portray the selected characters through

A game “We won’t say where we were”

Target: promoting the development of a sense of truth and belief in fiction; training in coordinated actions.

The children choose a driver who goes out the door, and the remaining children, together with the teacher, agree on who or what they will portray. Then they invite the driver, who enters with the words: “Tell me where you were, what you did.” The children answer: “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did!” (if action). We’ll show you who we saw (if it’s an animal), etc. During the game, the teacher helps to find the most characteristic features of animals or objects and convey them expressively.

Outdoor game "Brave Mice"

Target: development of expressiveness of gestures and facial expressions.

First, the children listen to the poem:

One day the mice came out

See what time it is.

One two three four -

The mice pulled the weights.

Suddenly a terrible ringing sound was heard...

The mice ran away.

The teacher invites the children to turn into mice and expressively portray them using gestures and facial expressions.

Outdoor game "Rain"

Target: teaching children the ability to coordinate their actions with other children; development of imagination.

Children are given the opportunity to imagine and depict how raindrops are knocking on the roof or road. Show how children splash in puddles, clap their hands and have fun after the rain. The teacher further explains that instead of rain, the game will feature music reminiscent of the murmur of water and the sound of droplets. When the music plays, all the children splash in puddles (made of cardboard or imaginary ones). As soon as the music ends, it means that a “thunderstorm” is approaching - everyone gathers together under the roof (umbrella). Children are invited to portray a “thunderstorm” (tapping movements with fists, clapping their hands). At the moment when the children pretend to be a thunderstorm, the teacher says:

Thunder is everywhere, thunder is thundering,

Lightning flashes in the sky!

The storm is over, and we are again

Let's have fun playing!

A game "Visiting grandmother"

Target: development of expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions, voice.

The teacher, meeting the children, says that she promised to come to visit them today

An unusual guest is Grandma Zabava, who loves to play and have fun.

He offers to call Grandma Zabava with the words:

Hello, Grandma Zabava,

We are waiting for you to visit here!

Come play with us

Have fun, laugh.

Shhhh, quiet, quiet.

Maybe grandma came?

The teacher asks the children very quietly, on tiptoe, to look for their grandmother, with a gesture

Grandma Zabava wants to meet the children and make friends. Offers

play. Children stand in a circle. Whoever Grandma Zabava touches says her name. After this, Grandma Zabava is interested in how the children recognize each other when they meet (tell the children that everyone has their own characteristics).

A game "Speaker"

Target: development of attention and observation.

One child describes one of the children, the rest guess by signs.

The game is repeated several times. The drivers change.

A game "Play the Hero"

Target: development of expressiveness of movements, gestures, facial expressions, voice.

The presenter offers to portray fairy-tale characters, recalling that each of them has their own characteristics, by which they are easy to recognize:

Fox, little fox,

The fur coat is very good!

Red tail, cunning eyes,

I love chickens - yes, yes!

Petya, Petya the Cockerel!

Gilded comb!

When you see the dawn,

You will shout: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

The bunnies went out for a walk,

They started jumping and playing.

Clumsy, clubfooted

A bear walks through the forest.

If they ask. What does he like,

He will say: “I wish I could eat some honey!”

Children portray different characters.

A game "Tricky Little Animal"

Target: development of attention, observation, speed of reaction, memory.

The teacher invites the children to imagine that they are all different animals and are sitting in

cages at the zoo. One of the children is chosen to be a zoo visitor. He will stand in the center and make various movements and gestures. "Animals"

imitate the visitor, accurately repeating his gestures and movements. The “visitor” is selected using a counting rhyme:

Above the rays, above the water

A torrential rain poured down.

And then a yoke hung in the sky.

The children are delighted with the golden rainbow.

“Visitors change several times during the game.

A game “Say a kind word about a friend”

Target: developing a friendly attitude towards each other in children.

The teacher gathers the children in a round dance with the words:

In a round dance. In a round dance

People have gathered here!

One-two-three - you start!

Following this, the teacher picks up an inflatable heart and affectionately addresses the child standing next to him. For example: - Sonechka, good morning!

The teacher specifies what kind and affectionate words we can pronounce,

addressing their friends (Hello, how glad I am to see you; what beautiful hair you have; you have a smart shirt, etc.) After this, the children again go in a circle with a song. The teacher gives a heart

to the next child, who should, in turn, gently turn to the baby standing next to him.

Game dance "Best friends"

Target: teaching children the ability to coordinate their actions with the text and with

other children.

Start dancing and bow to your friend.

We will all squat: sit down together and stand up together.

The children's hands are waving - these are birds flying.

Stomp one foot and stamp the other.

Handles - clap, hands - clap, once again: clap and clap.

The dance is over, bow again.

A game "What can I do"

Target: promoting the development of memory, sense of truth.

The teacher meets the children and invites them to play the game “I can…” Children,

passing the ball to each other, they talk about what they can do. First game

the adult begins (for example: “I know how to have fun,” etc.)

Word intonation game

Target: development of attention, observation, imagination of children.

Children are asked to say familiar words with different intonations: “hello” - joyfully, affably, casually, gloomily; “goodbye” - with regret, with grief or hope for a quick meeting; “thank you” - confidently, tenderly, impatiently, offended; “Sorry” - reluctantly, with remorse.

A game “Imagine the taste of an apple”

Target: development of expressive facial expressions and imagination.

The teacher invites the children to imitate how they bite an apple, depicting

facial expressions of what they think it tastes like. Moreover, the adult starts first, and the children guess (sour, sweet, bitter, tasty, etc.). The teacher points out to the children that an apple may taste different to everyone, and facial expressions will depend on this.

Etude "Boastful Hare"

Target: development of the ability to convey character through movement, facial expressions,

The hare proudly shows off. The head is thrown back. The voice is loud and confident.

The sketch is repeated several times by different children.

Sketches - moods

Target: developing the ability to convey an emotional state using

facial expressions and gestures.

Sad mood– eyebrows drawn together, eyes downcast, looking down, corners of the mouth

slightly lowered.

Mood of joy– cheerful eyes, raised corners of the mouth.

Etude "Make a gesture"

Target: development of expressiveness of gestures, movements, facial expressions.

Children, standing in a circle, use gestures to depict the words that the teacher calls them:

“tall”, “small”, “there”, “I”, “goodbye”, “hello”, “no”, “come here”, “get out of here”, “quiet”, etc.

Etude "Deaf Grandmother"

A child talks to a deaf grandmother (the teacher plays the role of grandmother),

who, it turns out, is looking for him. He already understood that with his grandmother it was necessary

talk with her hands because she can't hear anything. Grandma asks: “Where is Sasha?” (says the name of any child), “Whose books are these?”, “Whose toys?”, “Where is mommy?” and so on. the child responds with gestures.

Etude "Quiet"

Two mice must cross the road where a kitten is sleeping. For children

It is suggested to cross the road in such a way as not to wake the kitten, indicating to each other with signs: “quiet!”

Etude « Weasel"

Children are encouraged to show how much they love their toy, kitten, dog, etc.

Etude "Delicious candy"

The teacher is holding an imaginary bag of candy. He stretches it across

queues for children. They take one candy at a time, thank you with a gesture, unwrap the wrapper and put the candy in their mouth, showing with facial expressions and gestures what they taste like.

Etude "Ill-mannered mouse"

A mouse walks through the forest. Hares and squirrels greet him, but he turns away.

Etude "The mouse wants to play with friends"

The mouse runs up to his friends, and they turn away from him.

Etude "The little mouse makes peace with his friends"

The mouse runs up to hares, squirrels, and other animals, which children can choose at will, and says polite words to them.


Game - pantomime "Duck"

Goal: development of pantomime skills, fine motor skills of the hands.

The teacher reads a poem:

A motley duck sat on a stone, A duck scared a gudgeon in the river:

The duck hummed into a thick pipe: “Quack, quack, quack!”

While reading, children stand with their hands behind their backs, rolling from side to side.

The ducks say the line loudly all together.

The teacher stands at a distance from the children and calls them, placing an imaginary bowl of food on the floor:

My ducklings, come to me. I'll feed you.

The teacher clarifies and shows how ducks walk, how they flap their wings.

They crane their necks and eat.

Game - pantomime "Fox"

Target: development of pantomimic skills, the ability to move freely.

The teacher invites the children, while reading a poem, to depict

He walks softly, more cunningly than anyone else,

What a beauty this fox is!

Game - pantomime "Naughty Puppy"

Target: development of pantomimic skills and creative imagination.

The performer jumps up, nods his head, waves his tail, etc.

Game - pantomime "The puppy is looking"

The performer looks under the table, chair, looks around, listens, turns his head, etc.

Game - pantomime "Proud Cockerel"

The performer walks, raising his legs high, flapping his wings on his sides, shouting “Ku-ka-re-ku!” etc.

Game - pantomime "Shy little mouse"

The child shrinks into a ball with a frightened expression on his face, trying to

hide, become invisible.

Game - pantomime "Angry dog"

The performer with wide open eyes growls and barks angrily.

Game - pantomime "Bee"

A child with an angry expression on his face flaps his “wings” and buzzes “I sting!”

Game - pantomime "Frog"

The performer squats, spreading his paws, slowly jumps and croaks.

Game - pantomime "Naughty cat"

The person imitating arches his back and hisses and snorts with shifting eyes.

Game - pantomime "Guess who I'll show you"

Target: development of pantomimic skills, the ability to identify oneself with

given character.

The teacher invites the children to divide into two teams: some children pretend, and others guess. Pantomimically, conveying characteristic features, sometimes, helping with their voices, children show a puppy, a rooster, a mouse, a dog, a bee, a cat, a frog. Then the children change.

Game - pantomime “Guess who the puppy met?”

Target: learning the ability to move freely, using everything around you

space; formation of improvisation skills.

Children are invited to independently choose a character from V. Suteev’s fairy tale “Who said “meow”? and, keeping your choice a secret, portray it by imitating movements. The game is repeated at the request of the children, because Each child portrays the same hero in his own way.

Pantomime game "Understand me"

Target: development of pantomime skills.

The teacher gives the children the task of making a wish for any character from a fairy tale by V. Suteev

"Apple", but keep your plan a secret. Then the person who makes the wish needs

portray your hero, and the children guess, justifying the answer. The game is repeated at the request of the children.

Pantomime game “Guess who asked for fungus”

The child, imitating the movements of V. Suteev’s fairy tale, asks to be treated with a fungus. The rest of the children try to guess who it is.

-Exercise"Little People"

Tra-ta-ta. Tra-ta-ta

The gates were opening

And from these gates

A small crowd came out.

One uncle like this (furrow his eyebrows)

Another uncle like this (raise eyebrows in surprise, open mouth slightly)

The third uncle is like this (make eyebrows a house, lower the corners of the lips)

And the fourth one is like this (smile widely)

One aunt is like this (depict glasses)

Another aunt like this (comb her hair)

The third aunt is like this (look in the mirror)

And the fourth one is like this (put your hands on your hips)

One boy like this (stick out tongue)

Another boy like this (squint one eye, then the other)

The third boy is like this (open mouth slightly, move tongue left and right)

And the fourth one is like this (puff out your cheeks).

Show how the Goat (Baba Yaga, Little Red Riding Hood, etc.):

    looks in the mirror;

    tries his favorite dish

    tries his least favorite dish

Riddles - pantomimes:

    at the zoo: guess who is sitting in the cage;

    guess the profession (based on characteristic movements and posture);

    guess how the journey took place (by boat, plane, train, etc.);

    guess what the weather is like outside;

    identify a passerby by their gait (ballerina, soldier, very old person, fashion model, person whose shoes are pinching, etc.).

Show (with hands or fingers):

    Stay where you are!

    Come with me!


    Let's make it up.

    I love you!

Show body parts:

    how your shoulders say: “I’m proud”;

    how your back says: “I am an old, sick man”;

    like your finger says: Come here!"

    how your eyes say: "No";

    how your nose says: "What don't I like..."


1.Imagine yourself as a dog in a kennel. Serious dog. Yeah, someone is coming, we need to warn you(growl).

2. We take a snowflake in our hand and say good words to it. Let's talk quickly before it melts.

3. The boy strokes the kitten, which closes its eyes with pleasure, purrs, and rubs its head against the boy’s hands.

4. The child has an imaginary bag (box) of candy in his hands. He treats his comrades, who take it and thank him. They unwrap the candy wrappers, put the candy in their mouth, and chew it. Tasty.

5. Spring snowman, whose head was baked by the spring sun; frightened, feels weak and unwell.

Sketches for the development of creative imagination.

1. Inverted TV box. Children sit on chairs and watch the “program”. Who's watching what show? Let everyone talk about what they see.

2. Pass the book to each other as if it were:

Piece of cake;

Porcelain figurine, etc.

3. Take a pencil from the table as if it were:

Hot baked potato;

Small bead.

4. Perform various movements:

    peel potatoes;

    string beads on a thread;

    there is cake, etc.

5. Game "Mirror". Children are divided into pairs and agree who will be the “Mirror” and who will be the “Man Looking in the Mirror.” Then the children take any poses, and the “Mirror” repeats them with maximum accuracy. After 3-4 poses, partners change places.

Note: this exercise can be used in class as a physical education exercise.

Sketches for communication.

Tasks (children hold “bi-ba-bo” dolls or ordinary toys in their hands).

1. The dolls meet each other and:

a) say hello

b) ask each other about health,

c) say goodbye.

2. One doll accidentally pushed the other. We must ask for forgiveness and, accordingly, apologize.

3. The doll is celebrating her birthday. Her friends come to her and:

a) congratulate you on your birthday and give gifts.

b) the doll thanks for the congratulations and invites you to the table.

c) one of the guests was late: ask for forgiveness for being late.

d) one of the guests accidentally spilled compote on the tablecloth, play out the actions of the hosts and the offender.

3. Some tasks can be offered to children to complete without dolls:

a) explain to “mom” why the clothes are dirty after visiting kindergarten;

b) apologize to the children for the fact that the ball rolled and broke the sand buildings.

Target: teach children the elements of the art of pantomime, develop the expressiveness of facial expressions. Improve children's performing skills in creating an expressive image.

    We dress for the street. Let's undress.

    We wash the dishes. Wipe it off.

    Mom and dad are going to the theater.

    Like a snowflake falling.

    How a sunbeam jumps.

    Fishing: getting ready, hiking, getting worms, casting a fishing rod, fishing.

    We make a fire: we collect different branches, chop wood chips, light it, add firewood. They put it out.

    The wolf sneaks after the hare. Didn't catch it.

    Horse: beats its hoof, shakes its mane, gallops (trot, gallop).

    Kitten in the sun: squinting, basking.

    Offended puppy.

    Piglet in a puddle.

    My tooth hurts.

    The princess is capricious and majestic.

    Grandma is old and limps.

    It’s cold: your feet, hands, body are freezing.

    We catch a grasshopper. Nothing succeeded.

    The ugly duckling, everyone is chasing him (head lowered, shoulders pulled back).

Games to develop expressive facial expressions.

Target: learn to use expressive facial expressions to create a bright image.

    Salty tea.

    I eat lemon.

    Angry grandfather.

    The light went out and came on.

    Dirty paper.


    They got angry at the fighter.

    We met a good friend.


    We were surprised.

    They were afraid of the bully.

    We know how to be disingenuous (wink).

    Show how a cat begs for sausage (dog).

    I'm upset.

    Receive a gift.

Sketch scripts

Tops and roots

Duration of the performance:




Near the village in the dark thicket

There lived a very scary bear.

Then he will drag the cow into the forest,

It will begin to roar in the night.

And people to their edge

How many people did he break here?


I am the Bear - the owner of the forest!

I turn what I want.

I’ll answer any trouble,

I'll trample your arms and legs!


Everyone was afraid of the bear

They walked around a mile away.

They didn’t bother for firewood

Don't tear up the birch bark.

And some berries for my girlfriend

They didn’t dare go into the forest.

But he started at the edge of the forest

Fedor plant turnips!

He just plowed the furrow,

A bear came out of the forest.


Wow, I'll deal with the impudent one,

Well, you can’t be so impudent!

Ali, man, you don’t know

What is my land all around?


Don't worry, the harvest is coming

I'll share it with you!

All the tops are yours by right,

Well, at least I have some roots.


I like your words!


From the edge to the river

Without fear of reprisal, Fedya

He plowed all the land.

Well, in the fall the bear

Honestly, I gave away all the tops.

The Bear was very pleased

But having tasted an inch,

He scattered everything in an open field.


Give me your stub!


The man gave me where to go,

And the Bear ate a turnip,

He began to be loudly indignant,

He roared with all his might.


Your roots are sweet!

Deceived! Wait for it!

I have my own rules -

Don't come to the forest again!


But Fedya was not afraid.


Don't touch me, Bear,

We are neighbors after all.

In the spring I will sow rye,

So be it, at your own loss

I'll give you the roots.


Okay, the past is forgotten

We'll divide everything in half!


So they decided

We lived in peace for a whole year,

Together we guarded the field

And weeded the garden.

The rye is ripe, in an open field

The Bear came to Fedya again.


Give me my share

We agreed after all.


Today the harvest is considerable,

There's a whole cartload of Koreshkov.

Well, goodbye! I gave yours

And I took my own home.


Even though the bear got it

This time all the roots,

But they tasted good

Even worse than tops.

He got angry with Fedya,

The horse ate him out of spite.

And the man with the bear

Fierce hostility has begun!


Fox and Crane

Russian folk tale for reading and presentation

Duration of the performance : 1 minute; number of actors: from 1 to 3.




Previously, animals lived in the world,
They met and became friends.
We will tell our story
About a fox with a crane.
Once upon a time in the swamp
The fox was going hunting,
I met a crane.


Oh! I've been dreaming for a long time
Invite you to lunch
And treat you like a king.


Why not come?
Treat me to semolina porridge,
I really like her.


I will try my best!
I'll wait for you tomorrow at three o'clock.


I'll be on time, fox!


The crane did not eat or drink for a day,
Everyone walked back and forth -
Put on a serious look
And an excellent appetite.
Looking forward to lunch
He was having a conversation with himself.


There is no better friend in the world!
I'll order a fox portrait
And I'll hang it over the fireplace,
As an example for my daughter and son.


Meanwhile, the fox
After thinking for half an hour,
I cooked semolina porridge,
Yes, I spread it over the cup.
I prepared it and here it is
Waiting for a neighbor for lunch.


Hello, little fox, my light!
Well, bring lunch quickly!
I smell the smell of semolina porridge.


Help yourself, welcome guest!


The crane pecked for a whole hour,
The fox nodded his head.
But, even though there is a lot of porridge,
Not a single crumb got into my mouth!
And the fox, our mistress,
Slowly licks the porridge -
She doesn't care about the guest
She took it all and ate it all herself!


You must forgive me
There is nothing else to treat.


Well, thanks for that.


It's a pity that there is no more porridge.
Don't blame me, godfather.
And by the way, don’t forget -
It's your turn, neighbor,
Invite a friend over for lunch!


The crane harbored a grudge.
Although he was polite in appearance,
But he conceived a fox
Treat like a bird to a bird!
He prepared a jug
With a neck arshin long,
Yes, he poured okroshka into it.
But no bowl or spoon
He didn't save anything for the guest.




Hello, dear neighbor,
You're not a homebody at all.
Come in, sit down at the table,
Help yourself, don't be ashamed!


The fox began to spin,
Rubbing your nose on the jug,
It will go like this, then like this,
No way to get food.
The smell of treats teases,
Only the paw won’t get through,
And the crane pecks itself
And his soul sings -
A little from the jug
He ate all his okroshka!


You have to forgive me
There is nothing else to treat.


Nothing? You ate everything yourself!
Did you want to deceive me?
I'll show you!
I'll tell everyone in the forest
About your hospitality.
This is not lunch, this is disgusting!


They fought like that for a long time,
And they bit and rushed
Whatever was at hand...
And since then their friendship has been apart!


A Crow and a fox

Duration of the performance : 4 minutes; number of actors: from 1 to 3.




How many times have they told the world,
That flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is not for the future,
And a flatterer will always find a corner in the heart.
God once sent a piece of cheese to the crow.


Raven perched on the spruce tree,
I was just about ready to have breakfast,
Yes, I became thoughtful, but I held the cheese in my mouth.
Then, unfortunately, the Fox ran nearby.


Suddenly the cheese spirit stopped the Fox:
The fox sees the cheese, the fox is captivated by the cheese.
The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe;
He twirls his tail and doesn’t take his eyes off Crow.
And he speaks so sweetly, barely breathing.


My dear, oh, how beautiful you are!
What a neck, what eyes!
Tell it, really, in a fairy tale!
What feathers! What a sock!
And, truly, there must be an angelic voice!
Sing, little light, don’t be ashamed! What if, sister,
With such beauty, you are a master at singing, -
After all, you would be our king bird!


Veshunin's head was spinning with praise,
The breath stole from my throat with joy, -
And Lisitsyn’s friendly words
The crow croaked at the top of its lungs.



The cheese fell out, and there was a trick with it.
The crow is complaining.


Galina Dmitrievna
Games - Etudes - Improvisations. For children of senior preschool age

Compiled and Developed: teacher Ergeeva G.D.

Efremov, Tula region.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 9 of compensatory type"


Promote comprehensive personal development preschoolers by means of small literary forms and ICT elements (accompaniment sketches with musical background) . Develop creativity preschool children.


educational - to open the world of verbal art to the child, the ability to listen and understand literary works.

developmental - developing interest in verbal improvisations; development of imagination, fantasy, independent creative search.

Targeting: sketches-improvisations can be used both in direct educational activities children, as a supplement to traditional physical therapy minutes or to replace them; as well as in free organized activities children.

Work organization: I offer children a certain situation. Children, using facial expressions, gestures, and body movements, fantasize and create a mini-performance (etude) on a given topic. Sketches may be accompanied by musical sketches, both classical music and dynamic or music from the series "Sounds of nature".

Features of the organization work: In selecting a literary basis for such games with children, the teacher should be guided by the following criteria:

The selection of artistic words should be carried out taking into account individual characteristics children with disabilities in order to evoke in the child a vivid emotional response and feelings of involvement in what the work of art is about;

Encouraging the child to be active and independent in use during play activities and intensifying their use in everyday life.

For proper organization etudes - improvisations with children it is recommended to consider the following principles:

Inclusion sketches in various forms of organization of the pedagogical process;

Individual characteristics children with disabilities;

Maximum activity children;

Cooperation children with each other and with adults;

Preparedness and interest of educators;

Escort etudes-improvisations artistic expression and ICT elements (audio recordings).

1. Autumn leaves

The wind plays with autumn leaves; they spin in a whimsical dance, gradually falling to the ground.

Yellow leaves are dancing

They fall from the branches and fly.

This golden fairy tale

Called "leaf fall". O. Kisileva

One two three four five

We will collect leaves.

Birch leaves,

Rowan leaves,

poplar leaves,

Aspen leaves,

Oak leaves

We will collect

We'll take an autumn bouquet to mom. N. Nishcheva

Butterflies fly in the summer meadow. Some collect nectar from flowers, others admire their wings. Light and airy, they flutter and spin in their joyful dance.

Beautiful butterfly,

I really like it

Your dress!

You're so touchy!

Mom tells me strictly:

"Let it fly, don't touch it"

Her wings!

3. Snowball fight

Winter. Children in the garden play snowballs to the music of G. Struve "Fun Hill".

Expressive movements. Bend down, grab the snow with both hands, straighten up and throw the snowball with a sharp short movement, opening your fingers wide.

4. Playing with pebbles

Children walk along the seashore. They either stop, bending down to pick up a pebble that catches their eye, then they enter the water and splash, scooping up water with their hands. Then they sit down on the sand and start playing with pebbles. Children either throw them up and catch them, or throw them into the distance.

Etude accompanied by music by T. Lomov "On the shore".

5. Icicle

Under our roof

A white nail hangs

The sun will rise,

The nail will fall. (V. Seliverstov)

First and second lines: arms above head. Third and fourth lines: Drop your relaxed arms and sit down.

6. Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty

Sat on the wall.

Humpty Dumpty

Fell in his sleep. (Translation by S. Marshak)

The child turns his body left and right, his arms dangle freely, like a rag doll. To words "fell in my sleep" sharply tilt your body down.

7. Parsley

The player portrays Petrushka, who jumps softly and easily. Jump on two legs at the same time with soft, relaxed knees and body, hanging arms and lowered head.

Expressive movements. Bend your legs at the knees, tilt your body slightly forward, arms along your body, lower your head down.

Etude accompanied by music by D. Kabalevsky "Clowns".

8. Little Cuckoo Bows

cuckoo cuckoo

I bought a hood.

cuckoo little cuckoo

He's funny in the hood.

Etude accompanied by a children's song "Cuckoo cuckoo". During sketch the child leans forward - down without any tension, then straightens up.

The teacher reads an English folk song translated by S. Marshak:

Two little kittens quarreled in the corner,

The angry housewife took her broom

And swept the fighting kittens out of the kitchen,

Without coping with this, who is right and who is wrong.

And it was at night, in winter, in January,

Two little kittens were chilled in the yard.

They lay curled up on a stone by the porch,

They buried their noses in their paws and began to wait for the end.

But the hostess took pity and opened the door.

“Well,” she asked, “don’t you quarrel now?”

They went quietly to their corner for the night,

The cold wet snow was shaken off the skin,

And both of them fell asleep in a sweet dream in front of the stove,

And the blizzard rustled outside the window until dawn.

The children, after listening to the song, take turns showing the movements of the mistress, the chilled kittens, and the sweet sleep of the warmed kittens.

10. Greedy Dog

The teacher reads Vasily's poem Kvitka:

Greedy dog

Brought firewood

He applied water

Kneaded the dough

Baked some pies

Hid it in a corner

And he ate it himself -


Children then imitate the actions described in the poem.

11. Terrible beast

The teacher reads a poem by V. Semerin "Terrible Beast".

Straight to the room door

A terrible beast is entering!

His fangs are sticking out

And my mustache bristles,

His pupils are burning -

I want to be scared!

The predatory eye squints

The fur on it is shiny.

Maybe it's a lioness?

Maybe a she-wolf?

The stupid boy shouted:

The brave boy shouted:

And the children, playing the roles of the cat, stupid and brave boys, act according to the text.

12. King Borovik

The teacher reads the poem, and the child acts according to the text.

King Borovik was walking

Straight through the forest.

He shook his fist

And he clicked with his heel.

King Borovik was not in a good mood;

The king was bitten by flies. (V. Prikhodko)

13. "Snowflakes"

The teacher reads a poem:

Snowflakes, snowflakes are flying to the ground,

Their beautiful white outfit sparkles.

Snowflakes, snowflakes, fly boldly,

And quickly lie down quietly on the ground.

Snowflakes, snowflakes, it's time for you again

Spin over the field and fly into the sky.

Snowflakes, snowflakes, flying in the wind

And they fall right onto the guys’ cheeks.

Children perform movements improvising.


The focus of teachers working with preschool children is on creating the necessary conditions for learning and education; children’s development of a system of knowledge and methods of independent activity; implementation of the state standard of preschool education.

A child’s acquisition of knowledge and skills and the development of his abilities are carried out only through active activity.

The most important activity of a preschool child is play. The game develops thinking, speech, imagination, memory, learns the rules of social behavior and develops appropriate skills.

One of the forms of organizing the pedagogical process is theatrical play.

Through various forms of theatrical play, children improve moral and communication qualities, creativity, and mental processes.

When solving these pedagogical problems, an important role is played by the coordination of theatrical elements with the plan of educational work. Depending on calendar planning, you can select game and stage material. So, with children of primary preschool age, on the topic “Autumn, Autumn, we invite you to visit us!”, You can act out the Russian folk tale “Turnip” using a cardboard theater. In the middle group on the topic “How animals spend the winter in the forest” - a dramatization based on the Russian folk tale “The Winter of Animals”. In the senior group on the theme “Autumn Forest”, you can offer children a mini-dramatization “Lesovichka’s Riddles”, using glove dolls: a bear, a bunny, a fox. In the preparatory group on the theme “Maslenitsa” for the lesson-game “Spring is Red” with folk games and round dances.

At the end of the school year, summing up the results of learning and the quality of children’s knowledge, it is possible to diagnose the level of the child’s emotional sphere and creative expression. The degree of manifestation of children's emotional and creative abilities is assessed by indicators: high level, average, low. The dynamics of changes in the level of these indicators allows us to draw a conclusion about the advisability of using methods and techniques of theatrical games in the process of educational work.

The practice of educational work and the annual comparative analysis of the quality of knowledge and indicators of creative manifestation of children show: theatrical forms give impetus to the development of cognitive abilities; activates thought processes; awaken creative initiative, imagination, fantasy.

Theatrical play, corresponding to the age of the child, can harmonize his appearance. Speech exercises, sketches, a theatrical story, a game activity, a fairy-tale quiz, a dramatization of a fairy tale - all these forms of theatricalization develop mental processes, improve the moral and communicative qualities of the individual, and awaken the desire for creativity.

Theatrical play promotes:

1. Development of children's speech.

2. Development of moral and communicative qualities of the individual.

3. Development of motor qualities and skills.

4. Development of creative imagination and fantasy.

5. Development of cognitive abilities.

The types of theatrical games are:

1. Games with theatrical elements.

2. Activity-game.

3. Theatrical story.

4. Quiz-entertainment.

5. Performance-game.

The most important conditions in the implementation of game forms of work are:

1. Using speech exercises.

2. Selecting exercises or tasks depending onchildren's individuality.

3. Ensuring psychological comfort in and outside of class.

4. Encouraging children to actively participate in theatrical games, exercises, sketches.

Let us dwell on the methodology of theatrical games and the conditions for their implementation.

I. Games with theatrical elements.

Games with theatrical elements include: speech exercises; sketches for the expression of basic emotions; sketches to reproduce the main character traits; games to develop attention and memory; studies on the expressiveness of gestures; role-playing games.

1. Speech exercises influence emotional and personal

the sphere of the child; develop purity of pronunciation; improve intonation coloring of speech; develop the ability to use expressive means of voice. To perform these exercises, you must first learn the texts. The exercise can be group or individual. It is important that children do this meaningfully, emotionally, and with interest. Texts must be age-appropriate for children.

For example, the following: “Echo”, “We’re going, we’re going on a cart”, “Clean talk” - develop the expressiveness of speech, memory, and imagination.

2. Sketches for the expression of basic emotions develop moral and communicative qualities of the individual; contribute to understanding the emotional state of another person and the ability to adequately express one’s own. The content of the sketches is not readable to children.

An emotional retelling of the proposed situation is a condition for creating many game options on a given topic. Sketches should be short, varied and accessible to children in content.

Thus, in the sketch “The Fox Eavesdrops,” children learn to convey the emotional state of the character through a certain posture and facial expressions.

3. In studies for reproduction character trait Children learn to understand what behavior corresponds to what character trait.

The emphasis is on positive behavior models.

Thus, in the episodes “Greedy Dog”, “Terrible Beast”, through facial expressions, gestures, and posture, children convey individual character traits (greed, isolation, cowardice, courage).

4. Games to develop attention and memory develop the ability to quickly concentrate; activate memory and observation skills. In these games, children perform various movements according to a signal, repeat given movements and exercises.

Thus, in the game “Magic Circle”, children perform various movements according to a signal and develop attention; In the game “Wind-up Toys,” players develop motor-auditory memory through transformations.

5. Purpose sketches on the expressiveness of gestures is to develop children's correct understanding of emotionally expressive hand movements and adequate use of gesture. The content of the sketches activates the expressiveness of movements and creative imagination.

In the game “Snowballs”, children master the expressiveness of movements through imaginary winter entertainment; in “A Friendly Family”, through pantomime, the accuracy and expressiveness of conveyed actions develops: painting with a brush, knitting, sewing, modeling, etc.

6. Role-playing games Using elements of costumes, props, masks and dolls, they develop creative imagination, fantasy, and communication. Children, together with the teacher, make masks, props, elements of costumes and scenery. Parents can participate in the preparation process.

In the game “Organizing a General Theater,” children, together with their teacher, make dolls from paper bags and cups and act out everyday and fairy-tale scenes. Collective relationships, creative imagination, and fantasy develop.

II. Activity-game.

This form of organizing pedagogical work may include: sketches, fragments of fairy tales, games with theatrical elements.

During the lesson, fragments of a fairy tale are performed in an improvised form. This method of teaching helps to solve software problems in a fun way; has a positive effect on the formation of the child’s emotional and moral environment. At a complex lesson-game based on the Russian folk tale “Masha and the Bear”, children complete the teacher’s tasks to develop coherent speech, develop mathematical abilities, memory, and attention.

III. Theatrical story.

Techniques and methods of theatrical storytelling can be used both during class and outside of it. While reading or narrating a literary work, the teacher himself “plays” the characters, using intonation and emotional coloring of speech. Through expressive reading, acting out episodes; Through illustrative material, children are immersed in the atmosphere of a literary work. All tasks that are included in the program content of the lesson can be solved with the help of expressive gaming theatrical means. An example of such a theatrical form could be a lesson on familiarization with fiction: the Russian folk tale “Khavroshechka”.

IV. Quiz is fun.

The theatrical form of literary quiz-entertainment helps broaden children's horizons; activates emotional and creative potential. Work is underway to make costumes and props. The musical arrangement is prepared, the soundtrack is recorded, the texts are learned, and excerpts from literary works are rehearsed.

A stage version of the activity-game based on the works of A.S. Pushkin “Lukomorye” takes children on a fabulous journey. In this quiz, children participate in short performances, answer questions, and solve riddles. Preschoolers participate with interest and pleasure in educational theatrical games.

V. Performance-game.

This form of work requires long and careful preparation: a special dramatization is written taking into account the age-specific individual characteristics of the children. Rehearsals are held in a playful way. Scenery and costumes are being prepared, posters and theater programs are being produced.

The play-play, based on the Russian folk tale “Turnip”, helps to reveal the creative potential of children, emotionally enriches the performers and spectators of the play.

Thus, children, through various forms of theatrical play, develop moral and communicative qualities, creative abilities, and mental processes.

Practical material.

Speech games and exercises .

1. “Funny poems” (for children 3-4 years old).

Goal: Develop purity of pronunciation. Pay attention to intonation expressiveness of speech.

Progress: Children recite poetry together with the teacher. Gradually, from exercise to exercise, children acquire the skill of intonation expressiveness.

“There is a stump in the swamp,

He's too lazy to move.

The neck does not move.

But I want to laugh!”

“Was there a shoemaker? - Was!

Did the shoemaker sew? - Sheel!

Who are the boots for?

For the neighbor's cat!

“Cat, what’s your name?

Are you guarding the mouse here?

Meow! Do you want some milk?

How about a puppy as a companion?

2. “Echo” (for children 4-5 years old).

Goal: Change intonation coloring when reading a text.

Progress: “We wandered through the dark forest,

We asked in unison:

Is Grandma Yaga at home?

Les answered us:

The text is repeated, only the adverb is replaced - as you asked? –

“Friendly; quiet; menacing; cowardly; boldly…"

3. “We’re going, we’re going on a cart” (for children 5-6 years old).

Goal: To develop clarity of pronunciation, sense of rhythm, expressiveness.

Move: “We’re going, we’re going on a cart,

Collect nuts in the forest

Creak, creak, creak,

Creak, creak, creak.

The leaves are rustling - sh-sh-sh,

The birds are whistling - hit-piryu, hit-piryu,

Squirrel on a branch

He keeps gnawing on nuts - click, click, click, click,

The red fox is guarding the hare (pause)

We drove for a long, long time,

Finally, we’ve arrived!”

Goal: To develop the ability to use expressive means of voice.

Proceedings: “The sun has warmed up (singing a high-pitched sound oo-oo-oo)

A cheerful stream ran down the hill (they wag their tongue, imitating the cheerful “gurgling”).

Filled a large deep puddle to the brim

(“gurgling” with low sounds).

It overflowed (“gurgling” like a wave: up and down).

Bugs crawled out from under the bark (w-w-w)

And insects (z-z-z)

Spread your wings (crash-crash-up)

And they flew somewhere (tr-tr-tr – in a whisper).

Spring has come!”

5. Tongue twisters. Pure talk.

Goal: Improve the clarity of pronunciation.

Move: “Hot bricks!

Get off the stove

Bake it in the oven

Rolls made from flour!”

“Tary-bars, rastabars,

Varvara’s chickens are old!”

“Senya was carrying a cart of hay”

“Sasha knocked off the pine cones with a stick.”

"Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle."

“A beetle is buzzing over the honeysuckle,

Green casing on the beetle"

Sketches for the expression of basic emotions.

1. “The fox is eavesdropping” (for children 3-4 years old).

Goal: To develop the ability to understand the emotional state and adequately express oneself (attention, interest, concentration).

Progress: The fox stands at the window of the hut in which a cat and a cockerel live. Eavesdropping. The head is tilted to the side - listening, the mouth is half open. The leg is put forward, the body is slightly tilted forward.

2. “Delicious candies” (for children 4-5 years old).

Purpose: To convey the internal state through facial expressions (pleasure, joy).

Progress: The girl is holding an imaginary box of candy.

She hands it to the children one by one. They take the candy, thank you, unwrap the paper and help themselves. You can see from their faces that the food is delicious.

3. “Walk” (for children 5-6 years old).

Goal: Consolidate the reproduction of various emotions (joy, pleasure, surprise).

Progress: Summer day. Children are walking. Rain is coming. The children are running home. We arrived on time, a thunderstorm begins. The storm passed, the rain stopped. The children went outside again and began running through the puddles.

4. “Battle” (for children 6-7 years old).

Goal: Consolidation of the reproduction of various emotions (joy, pride, fear). Development of creative imagination.

Progress: One child portrays Ivan Tsarevich, the second

Snake - Gorynych (the head and hands are the heads of the Snake). There is a battle going on. Ivan Tsarevich wins. The snake is defeated.

Sketches for the reproduction of character traits.

1. “Old Man” (for children 3-4 years old).

Purpose: Through facial expressions and gestures, convey character traits (cheerful, kind, funny, mischievous).

Procedure: Read D. Kharms’ poem “The Cheerful Old Man” to the children. Children imitate the states and actions mentioned in the poem.

“Once upon a time there lived an old man

Vertically challenged,

And the old man laughed

Extremely simple:

Ha-ha-ha, yes he-he-he,

Hee-hee-hee, boom-boom!

Boo-boo-boo, yes be-be-be,


Yes trick-trick!

Once I saw a spider,

I was terribly scared

But, clutching my sides,

Laughed loudly:

Hee-hee-hee, yes ha-ha-ha,

Ho-ho-ho, yes gulp-gul!

Gi-gi-gi, yes ha-ha-ha,

Go-go-go, yes glug-glug!

And when I saw a dragonfly,

I got terribly angry

But laughing on the grass

And so he fell:

Gee-gee-gee, yes gu-gu-gu,

Go-go-go, yes bang-bang,

Oh guys! I can not!

Oh guys! Ahah!

2. “Greedy Dog” (for children 4-5 years old).

Goal: To convey character traits (greed) through facial expressions and gestures.

Progress: The teacher reads a poem by V. Kvitko.

“The greedy dog ​​brought firewood,

I applied water, kneaded the dough,

He baked the pirogov, hid it in a corner,

And he ate it himself - noise, noise, noise!”

Children imitate the state and actions mentioned in the poem.

3. “Terrible beast” (for children 5-6 years old).

Purpose: Through pantomime, convey the character traits and behavior of the characters (brave, cowardly, stupid, cautious).

Progress: The teacher reads V. Semerin’s poem “Terrible Beast.” Children who have received roles act according to the text.

"Right to the room door,

A predatory beast is infiltrating!

His fangs are sticking out

And the mustache bristles -

His pupils are burning -

I want to be scared!

Could it be a lioness?

Can a she-wolf howl?

The stupid boy shouted:

The brave boy shouted:

4. “Magic ring” (for children 6-7 years old).

Goal: To convey character traits (good, evil, fair) through pantomime. Develop creative imagination.

Progress: An evil wizard, with the help of an enchanted ring,

Turns a good boy into a bad one. The boy offends everyone, teases everyone, breaks everything. Finally, tired, he falls asleep. A good wizard offers to save the boy and remove the ring. All the children quietly come up and take off the ring.

The boy wakes up. He is affectionate again and asks everyone for forgiveness. Everyone is having fun.

Games to develop attention.

1. “Be careful!” (for children 3-4 years old).

Purpose: Stimulate attention; respond quickly and accurately to sound signals.

Progress: Children walk to cheerful music. Then, for the word “Bunnies”, children pretend to be bunnies (jumping), for the word “Horses” - horses (hitting their feet on the floor), for the word “Crayfish” - they back away, “Stork” - stand on one leg, “Birds” - they run with their arms outstretched.

2. “Magic Circle” (for children 4-5 years old).

Goal: Carry out movements carefully when given a signal.

Progress: The players stand in a circle. At the signal of the bell, the children take turns making the following movements: one crouches and stands up, the other claps his hands, the third crouches and stands up, etc.

3. “Listen to the claps” (for children 4-5 years old).

Goal: Develop active attention.

Progress: The players go in a circle. When the leader claps his hands once, the children must stop and take the stork pose (stand on one leg, arms to the sides). If the leader claps twice, take a frog pose (sit down, heels together, toes and knees to the sides, hands between your legs on the floor). After three claps, the players resume walking.

4. “Milchanka” (for children 6-7 years old).

Goal: To develop attention and the ability to focus quickly.

Move: Leading:

Hush, mice!

Cat on the roof

And the kittens are even taller!

One two three four five,-

From now on it's time to be silent!

The players fall silent. The driver watches who speaks or laughs. This child pays forfeit. When there are 5-6 forfeits, they are played out. Each owner performs an artistic performance.

Memory development games.

1. “Remember your place” (for children 3-4 years old).

Progress: Children stand or in different corners of the room.

Everyone must remember their place.

Cheerful music sounds, everyone “turns into birds and moves around the room. The music ends. Everyone must return to their places.

2. “Wind-up toys” (for children 4-5 years old).

Goal: To develop motor-auditory memory.

Progress: There are toys in the wind-up toy store: dolls, bunnies, bears, frogs, birds, butterflies. Music sounds: “The toys’ factory is turning on.”

Children move around the room. The music stops and the children return to their seats.

3. “Artist” (for children 5-6 years old).

Goal: Develop attention and memory.

Progress: The child plays the role of an artist. He carefully examines the person he will “draw”, then turns away and gives him a verbal portrait.

4. “In the mirror store” (for children 6-7 years old).

Goal: Develop observation and memory.

Progress: There were a lot of large mirrors in the store. A man came in with a monkey on his shoulder. She saw herself in the mirrors and thought that they were other monkeys and began to turn her head. The monkeys answered her in kind.

She stamped her foot - and all the monkeys stamped their feet. Whatever the monkey did, everyone repeated its movements exactly.

Studies on the expressiveness of gestures.

1. “Quiet” (for children 3-4 years old).

Goal: To develop expressive hand movements and adequately use gesture.

Progress: Little mice cross the road where the kitten is sleeping.

They walk on their toes, then stop and sign to each other: “Quiet!”

Expressive movements: the neck is stretched forward, the index finger is placed on pursed lips, the eyebrows “go up.”

2. “Snowball fight” (for children 4-5 years old).

Progress: The sketch is accompanied by cheerful music. Winter. Children play in the snow. Expressive movements: bend down, grab snow with both hands, make a snowball, throw a snowball with sharp, short movements.

3. “Game with pebbles” (for children 5-6 years old).

Goal: To develop expressiveness of movements and creative imagination.

Progress: Children walk along the seashore, bending over pebbles.

They enter the water and splash, scooping up water with both hands. Then they sit on the sand and play with pebbles: either throwing them up or throwing them into the sea. Light music is playing.

4. “Friendly family” (for children 6-7 years old).

Goal: To develop expressiveness of movements and creative imagination.

Procedure: Children sit on chairs in a circle. Everyone is busy with something: one sculpts, another hammers a nail into a board, someone paints with a brush, someone sews, knits. Children perform pantomime with imaginary objects, trying to convey actions more accurately.

Role-playing games using elements of costumes, props, masks and dolls.

1. “Let's play a fairy tale” (for children 3-4 years old).

Progress: The teacher acts as a storyteller. Children, using masks and props, act out a fairy tale they know. (“Turnip”, “Teremok”, etc.)

2. “Guess the situation” (for children 4-5 years old).

Goal: To develop creative imagination and fantasy.

Progress: Children take turns using props and costume elements to “create a situation.” The rest are guessing:

1) “Tanya collects mushrooms in the forest.”

The girl portrays a mushroom picker, in her hands is a basket and a staff, and on her head is a headscarf.

2) “Oleg swims underwater.”

A boy wearing a diving mask and a rubber cap pretends to be a diver.

3) “Katya got caught in the rain.”

A girl in a raincoat with an umbrella jumps through puddles, shivering from the cold drops.

3. “Blind Man’s Bluff” (for children 5-6 years old).

Goal: To develop communication, creative imagination, fantasy.

Procedure: All children, together with the teacher, prepare mouse and cat masks. The eyes of the cat mask are not cut out. Children sit in a circle. “Cat” is in the center. Cat: “Mouse, mouse, look!” One mouse fulfills the request. A cat in a mask with painted eyes doesn’t see who. She must guess whose voice it was. If he can’t, let him touch the mouse’s clothes. When he guesses correctly, a new mouse is selected.

Game continues.

4. “We will organize a universal theater.” (for children 6-7 years old).

Goal: To develop creative interaction, imagination, fantasy.

Procedure: All children, together with the teacher, make dolls from gloves and paper bags. Then they act out everyday or fairy-tale scenes.


1. Burenina A.I. From game to performance. Toolkit. St. Petersburg, 1996.

2. Genov G.V. Theater for kids. M., "Enlightenment", 1968.

3. Gurin Yu.V., Monina G.B. Games for children from three to seven. St. Petersburg, “Rech”, 2008.

2. Kryazheva N.L. Development of the emotional world of children. Ekaterinburg, U-Factoria, 2004.

4. Orlova F.M. We are having fun. M., "Enlightenment", 1993.

5. Ulikova N.A. In a word, the soul grows.” St. Petersburg, “Start”, 1999.

6. Chistyakova M.I. Psycho-gymnastics. M., "Enlightenment", 1999.

7. Theater lessons at the school of the Scientific Research Institute of Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR. M., “Pedagogical workshops on artistic education”, 1990.

8. Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate. M., Genesis, 2006.

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