How to make a friend in minecraft to make him

In the Minecraft game, you can make a friend - a mob that will help you in many things, such as: protect your possessions, optimize the space in the game, has excellent protection, including from the sun.
These are just a few of the advantages of this bot, each has its own goal for creating this game friend.

Below is a guide on how to make a friend without mods in minecraft:

1. First, you need to check the version of the game, it should be v1.4.2, if it is smaller, then update the version, since only on this game version you can create a friendly bot, in the form of a skeleton friend or a zombie bot. These characters have a lot of protection, which is a big plus, but their "Achilles heel" is that they are vulnerable to sunlight and receive considerable damage from its effects.

3. To prevent the sun from destroying your bot-friend, create a building or structure in advance that can protect it from the sun's effects. The height and area of ​​the building does not really matter. Don't forget to create a sun-proof roof over the bot. But you don't need to attach it to the main building.

For an illustrative example, you can enter in the search engine: minecraft video how to make a friend.

Each of you felt lonely after playing in individual mode for a long time. If you were wondering "how to make a friend in minecraft?", Then this article is for you.

First, I'll tell you about the character's features:

1) His health is different from yours, he is stronger and more enduring
2) For a complete set, give him armor and weapons;
3) If you do not replenish his luggage with food: he will die.
4) In battle, you can injure him, so be careful.

A friend without using a mod

First of all, you need skeleton spawn eggs. I want to warn you that for this "ritual" you need the dark time of the day, or your presence in a dark room that does not allow light to pass through. All due to the fact that the skeletons burn in the sun. The second important element is human heads.

And so, let's get down to the business itself:

1) Dig a hole (about 2 blocks deep). This is necessary so that our future "person" does not walk on the territory;
2) In the resulting trench, start dropping eggs, preferably a large number;
3) After the skeletons appear, start throwing heads at them until either of them is put on.

Your new friend has a large supply of health, and the property of burning in the sun is also removed from him. Throwing armor next to him, he will be irradiated in them. Now you have someone to guard the space.

Using mod

In this case, you will need Friend mod. A friend created in this way increases the range of possibilities. He is capable of fighting mobs, exploring mines and doing all sorts of other work. In order to fully understand this topic, if you still don't understand something, I advise you to watch the training videos.

How to make a friend in minecraft?

Each player sooner or later gets bored of playing in an individual mode. It is not surprising if you want to acquire a companion and partner who will help you explore the vast world of Minecraft. In this article, we'll talk about how to make a friend in Minecraft in a single-player game.

Creating a friend in Minecraft without mods

In order to make a friend in Minecraft, you need skeleton spawn eggs and human heads. Your client version should be 1.4.2. Before you start creating, make sure it is night outside, otherwise the skeletons that emerge from the eggs will immediately burn in the sun. If you urgently need to make a friend during the day, then the process should take place in a room with opaque walls and a roof or a dungeon where sunlight does not penetrate. You can make a friend as follows:

  1. First, dig a hole two blocks deep in the surface. It is needed to prevent the mobs from scattering.
  2. Then drop skeleton spawn eggs there (the more the better, but don't overdo it).
  3. After that, throw the head into the pit until the mask is put on one of the mobs. The friend is ready!

Now a new friend will guard the boundaries of your space together with you. In addition, it does not burn out in the sun and has a large supply of health. If you drop armor next to a friend, he will wear it, and his level of resistance will rise even higher.

Creating a friend in Minecraft using the mod

If you want to make a friend in Minecraft with a wider range of possibilities than described above, then you will have to install Friend mod. You can download it here - This modification adds a friend to the game who, together with you, will explore mines, fight mobs and do other work.

If you still have questions about how to make a friend in Minecraft, watch a short tutorial video that will dispel your doubts.

Features of a friend in Minecraft

The friend has a very high health score. He also has a personal inventory with a slot for weapons (that is, he can help you carry loot). By default, it opens when you press the "U" key. By transferring armor and weapons to a friend, you will increase his attack and defense performance. Do not forget to put food in his inventory (otherwise your friend will starve to death). Your comrade will consume it as needed. Be careful in battles, as you can damage your ally and even kill him inadvertently.

Additional options for managing a friend

With the help of commands entered into the game console, you have the ability to change the configuration of your friend. Here is some of them:

  • - helps to change the name of a friend;
  • friend.melee.reach - allows you to set the distance from the mob at which your friend will get the weapon;
  • settings.respawn.timer - time after which the friend will appear again;
  • settings.movespeed.following - allows you to change the speed with which your friend will follow you;
  • - changes the shade of your ally's name that is highlighted above your head;
  • friend.phrase.quit - helps you choose the words your friend will say before dying;
  • - greeting;
  • friend_maxhealth - your partner's maximum XP.

Thus, you can control not only your hero, but also his comrade.

Minecraft is a popular game with over 100 million fans. Quite often it happens that during the passage of the game you want to get yourself a partner who will be with you all the time. However, very few people know how to create a friend in Minecraft without using additional mods. This requires a little experience and effort. This article will help you avoid costs, even if you do not have special game skills.

Why create a friend in Minecraft?

Before creating a game, a logical question arises: "Why create a friend?" Such a character has several advantages:

  • It has an excellent level of protection and is not afraid of the sun;
  • Knows how to protect the boundaries of the world you created;
  • Can optimize the playing space.

It should be noted that these are not all the advantages of a friend - it is possible to determine what exactly he can be useful only over time.

First of all, you need to check the version of the game. If you want to create a partner for yourself, then you need to install version 1.4: 2. Its distinctive feature is a large number of improvements. It is here that you have the opportunity to make as many skeletons and zombies as your heart desires. These elements are very useful, but they can be easily damaged by the influence of the sun.

So, to create a friend, you need a skeleton - just place it indoors. We do everything in order:

  1. We assemble a room protected from daylight from scrap materials. The size of the building doesn't matter;
  2. We build a roof that does not allow water to pass through;
  3. Place the skeleton inside and call the helmet and head;
  4. Now you can protect your future partner. Of course, he is no longer sensitive to sunlight, but he can take different damage. Therefore, we select armor and weapons and apply them to the mob;
  5. After you finish creating a friend, the building will start to collapse.

You can create a companion for yourself not only with the usual resources of the game, but also with the help of special add-ons. This requires a friend mod. The main task of mods is to add additional features to the game - items.

You just need to install it and your friend will appear automatically. Note that the created character will have a high life rate. The hero will receive his own inventory, which can be opened and viewed by pressing "U".

Installation of this application includes the following steps:

  1. Download the archive, find the corresponding mod folder;
  2. Find the mod_friend file and move it to the game folder;
  3. Go to the friendmod.config folder and drop it into the game folder.

Thus, we have learned several ways to create a friend in Minecraft. Follow the instructions and you will succeed.

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