How to make a walkthrough map in minecraft. Choosing a card type

Not every player knows that there is a map in the Minecraft game. However, it is not entirely common, as it only displays a certain area of ​​the game. Its territory has dimensions of 1024 x 1024 blocks. If the player goes beyond these limits, the map will not be updated, and a new one will need to be created. This is its essence. Below you will learn how to create a map in Minecraft.

How can you create a map in Minecraft

As with any craft, creating a map in Minecraft will require certain resources and items. In this case, you will need 1 compass and 9 sheets of paper. First, we craft a compass. It will require the following components:

  • 4 blocks of iron;
  • red dust.


  1. Place the red dust in the center slot and scatter the iron around it. As a result, you will have a compass in your hands.
  2. Now place 3 bamboo in the center slots of the crafting table to get the paper. The map requires 9 sheets. Bamboo can be found near bio-reservoirs, so this resource shouldn't be a problem. The finished paper can be found in temples, but it will take time, so it's better to craft it.
  3. Moving on to the craft of the map. Place the compass in the center cell, and fill in the rest with paper. As a result, you will have a card in your hands. As you can see, it is not difficult to create it, you just need to get resources.

How to create a map in Minecraft for a walkthrough?

In Minecraft, you can create a walkthrough map. To do this, you must first create a new world on Creative. Build buildings, terrain, traps, spawners and more. As a result, you will have a map that you will need to save, like a regular game. Then go to the toomanyitems mod, create a Survival map in it and save again. It can be found in the Minecraft folder in saves.

To create maps in Minecraft, it is forbidden to use cheats and various programs. For this you can get a ban. It is also forbidden to use the map in the Edge, it will be useless in Hell, since the objects on it will not be clearly visible.

Every time you start Minecraft, the game generates a completely new random world. This gives Minecraft 100% replay value and makes it incredibly addictive. But it should be noted that you can always create your own map, which can be downloaded instead of random. On the one hand, this deprives you of the element of surprise, and on the other, you have something new and unique, created by your hands in a game where it seems impossible. Therefore, everyone should try to create a map, or at least try to play on a ready-made one, developed by someone else. And if you like it, then perhaps you will be interested in the topics, For this you will need both certain knowledge and tools, and most importantly, imagination.

Choosing a card type

People who have learned how to create maps in Minecraft have become famous not just for boring locations, but for real works of art. So, if you want your map to be popular, then you need to put in the effort, and you need to start by choosing the direction of your map.

There are certain basic genres that are in high demand - for example, puzzle cards, which put the player or players in a place they can only get out of if they solve a specific set of puzzles. Also popular is the adventure mode, in which you are given a specific challenge and you need to be successful at any cost. Often these cards are linear - the creators place directions for actions, pointers and hints so that players can follow them to succeed. But it can also be non-linear maps, where the participants themselves need to look for ways to solve the tasks assigned to them. Separately, it is worth noting creative cards, in which the goal is not to achieve a certain final mark, but the process itself. That is, it can be a map of a city, where players build buildings, live in them, create various wonders of fine art, and so on. The choice of the genre of the map depends on the target audience to which it will be directed. But do not worry - if you understand how to create maps in Minecraft, you will be good at it, then you will definitely not be left without followers.

Using mods

Most often, the use of mods and cheats is prohibited in Minecraft so that the game is equal and fair. But this does not apply to the author, because how to create maps in Minecraft with rather limited functionality? Therefore, you need to acquire mods. One of them will give you the opportunity at any time to get the maximum number of any items directly into your inventory, the other will allow you to fly to build buildings and objects at any height without difficulty, and the third will activate over a hundred different commands for the command line that will allow you to change almost everything in your world. You yourself have the right to choose mods with which you will format the map and create your own landscape, buildings, settlements and much more. At the same time, creating a map in "Minecraft" 1 5 2 can be as simple as in other versions - the main thing here is to understand what exactly you want, as well as to have perseverance. If you spend enough time practicing beforehand, you can end up with something very worthwhile that the audience can love.

Don't forget about creativity

As mentioned earlier, just a beautiful design of the territory will not make the map good - you need to attract the players with something, surprise them with something. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce a storyline that should be well thought out. If she is present, then people will be much more willing to download your Minecraft map. The cards of Frost and Guy, famous minecrafters, are in great demand for the simple reason that they are not only beautifully designed, but also have full stories on the basis of which events unfold. So don't be lazy - write a compelling story, place objects associated with it on the map, use it to indicate a goal and a means of achieving it - and you get a map that can attract a large number of players. Nobody likes mechanical cards in Minecraft, which were made in a hurry - they practically do not differ from random ones, therefore they do not carry any value. But if you approach the creation process not mechanically, but with a soul, then the result can be impressive.

Name for the card

The point that many consider not very important, but which still plays a big role, is the name of the card. On the one hand, it should reflect the essence of your world, carry its main idea, and attract users. But on the other hand, it should not be too complicated or long, since then it will be used to create servers or single-player games. This means that it will need to be written into the properties file, which is not very convenient to do with cumbersome names. Maps for "Minecraft" 1 5 2 in this regard seem simpler to many, but in reality everything is not so - the names are spelled out the same in all versions of the game.

Setting rules

When your world is ready, it has a story, a goal in mind, then you should outline certain rules of the game that players will have to follow. These will be both in-game rules, such as allowing or prohibiting flight or damage to other players, as well as unspoken rules that can be placed on the spawn point, for example, on plates.

Spawn point

And, of course, one of the most important places is the spawn point. This is where your player map begins, so you need to arrange it as thematically as possible. You can place here the items that the players will need, as well as the first instructions for them.

In each new game of the Minecraft project, you act in a different, unknown world. Can't remember all the key points while exploring? Create a map, otherwise you will get lost in Minecraft. Go with her to explore the fantastic world. The entire explored area will be displayed on the map, and by the marks you can easily get back. To create a map, you will need 8 sheets of paper and a compass.

We extract paper for creating a map in Minecraft

Get paper from the cane. Try to make it bigger, this is the most necessary material for crafting a map. You can get cane in the following ways:

  • find a reed. It will grow near the water, carefully examine all the surroundings;
  • grow your own cane. Look for its seeds in warm biomes or in chests located in an abandoned mine. Plant the seeds along the shore of the pond or elsewhere if your shelter is far from water. The reed will not grow quickly, the maximum height is reached in three blocks. Destroy plants at the level of the second block and harvest.

To create paper, you need a workbench and a multiple of three reeds. You fill in any horizontal row on the workbench with this plant and from its three units you get three paper leaves. The card requires 8 sheets of paper.

Making a compass for creating a map in Minecraft

To make a compass you will need:

  • red dust. Get redstone blocks deep from the ground. Use a pickaxe. Destroying one stone block - you get 9 portions of dust. Take one of them for the compass;
  • iron ingots. You get them by crafting from iron blocks or by melting iron ore in a furnace. Find ore underground or in nearby caves. The compass requires 4 iron ingots.

Start creating a compass. Place red dust in the main slot of the workbench. Place iron ingots along the edges of it crosswise. You just have to get the item.

Making a map in Minecraft

Follow the simple steps to create a map:

  • place a compass in the central cell of the workbench;
  • put sheets of paper in the free cells around the compass. He will be surrounded by sheets;
  • take the finished card.

We use the map correctly in Minecraft

You have created a blank map, it is not suitable for use. Activate the map - right-click on it. You will see an image of a nearby region appear on the map. The territory, researched before its creation, is not displayed. Expanding the map will help you see uncharted areas of Minecraft. It's very simple:

  • place a card in the center slot of the workbench;
  • spread the paper around it around the entire perimeter. The larger your world, the more extensions you perform.

You will never get lost with a wonderful guide in Minecraft. We wish you the best in exploring uncharted territories!

Today I will teach you what I have learned in all my time in mapping.

1. Preparation and basics

1.1 How and what?

Perhaps you are not sure about your steps? What is needed and why? Maps are a collection of plot, scenery, teams and everything else, it already depends on the complexity of the map. You need to figure out what the map will be about, the whole essence of the passage, what and why you need it, do not spare your time but also do not overdo it with the possibilities. Come up with characters, names for them, levels, decorations, a little plot and whatever you think will be useful to you.

1.2 Beginning

Well, have you already decided what will be in the map? Did you overdo it with the plot? Complexity?
Well, it's great if you've thought it over, and so, what do you need to get started? Choose the version in which the map will be, you should not choose below 1.8. The higher the version, the better, but test the capabilities of the versions, one version is different from the other. Somewhere there is one, but there is not.
Have you thought of everything? Now we need to create a world in which your universe will be located. I recommend creating maps in a flat world, but how do you create it correctly? To begin with, he chooses the creative mode, how can he be without it. Next, go to the world settings and turn off the generation of buildings.
Select the flat world type (Or "Superplane") and select the settings item again, go to the templates and replace the number with 40, the screenshot shows everything.

2. Development

I also recommend downloading the World Edit program, it makes it very easy to create. You can download on this site<Нажми >and forge here<Нажми >... It is advisable to remove all mods from the folder

And so, now you have the beginning of the map and can also be a very useful mod.

2.2 Getting started

Now it all depends on your map genre and what it is about, but I will try to help you in some way.

Story map

Oooh, your choice is difficult and dangerous in the choice, the plot is how and how. Start with your imaginary buildings, decorations. Begin to think through the dialogues, the character and interests of the characters better. Make a folder on the table and describe in it the character and interests of the characters, what tasks they will have, plot twists, types of territories, objects, and so on, all of it will be useful in construction. Hopefully all of this will help you get started on the map correctly.

Parkour or Puzzle

No less difficult choice compared to the story map, but here you can no longer be careful, you can do anything, the rules of where the main character is, his name and the like are not important here. The so-called "freedom of choice". In parkour, I advise you to do not stupidly ordinary jumping on blocks, but variety, you can also shove in a few puzzles. But the creation of puzzles usually takes a lot of time and makes the brain both the author of the map and those who pass it. Do something unusual, something that has not existed before, so you will interest the player, but you should not make everything too impassable, most often you need to start doing it with an easy one and then move on to difficult tasks. You shouldn't make riddles of a similar plan "When was Minecraft created?", They are all boring enough that the player would lose the desire to go further, but they can also be used, but in moderation. In general, here I helped as much as I could, I can’t predict what you will do on your map. Hopefully all of this will help you get started on the map correctly.

2.3 Command blocks, mechanisms and sundries

2.2.1 Mechanisms

All cards (well, almost all) use mechanisms, so let's make your card a lot more varied.

Traps, this is not an easy matter, you need to think over the meaning of the trap, how it works. You can also make "false traps", their meaning is to scare the player. There are many traps, but only one map, what to do? Not to cram all the traps into one card? This is exactly what needs to be done! This will show that your map is really about the topic.

Doors and various piston mechanisms, it's easier but not a little easier to create elevators, their creation is a rather tedious process, they have varieties: piston, command, very complex piston. But you can find information about them as realties yourself. And the doors are quite simple, but not only 3x3 doors, I personally don’t know how to build them, I built them once, it seemed to work, but the mechanism is enough ... Not small in size. Well, there is no need to talk about 2x2 doors at all, but if, nevertheless ... Well, okay, is it difficult for you to put two pistons and bring a redstone to them? Now let's sort out all sorts of things.

2.2.2 Miscellaneous

Under the words "Stuff" refers to fairly light mechanisms, such as simply turning on a light bulb. But in the aggregate, this all turns the map to a "higher level". After all, the same turning on of the light bulb affects the player's understanding of the gameplay, you can put a sign above the lamp, with the inscription "Opening door no. 666". All this is a very important and useful thing, it improves the player's understanding of what is happening on the map, and shows what else at any stage.

2.2.3 Command Blocks

Wow ... This is a very complicated matter, there is a separate stage that will tell you more about this, it is below. For now, I'll cover the basics of command blocks. What are all command blocks? This is a very, very useful thing, you know that simple / time set command? Well, if not, then it doesn't matter, what matters is that you can shove her into the command block. Most of this, of course, knows, but a bunch of people probably have no idea at all that they EVEN exist.
There are several useful commands and I will tell you a little about each of them.

/ gamerule commandBlockOutput false
This command removes garbage from command blocks.

/ gamerule doMobSpawning false
Prevents spawning of creatures

/ gamerule mobGriefing false
Anti-creeping, in more detail - creepers and TNT do not explode blocks

/ gamerule doFireTick false
Anti fire

/ gamerule keepInvetory true
Saving inventory

/ execute @a ~ ~ ~ tellraw @a ["", ("TEXT": "")]
Displays a message in the chat

/ execute @a ~ ~ ~ tellraw @a ("text": "TEXT", "color": "COLOR")
Displays a message in the chat of the color you need (Enter in English for example red)

Well, these are the most basic, more already at a special stage.
In recent updates, new types of lumps have appeared. blocks, chain and cyclical. Cyclic makes this or that command if there is a signal source nearby. I do not use a chain unit and I don’t know about its functionality, I’ll just tell you that it’s “chain” and that speaks for itself, each cyclic block sends a signal to the next one, where it will be fed by the “arrow” on the person itself. block.

3. Conclusion

It may seem to you that this is not enough, but I probably talked about everything basic. And I will tell you about all the intricacies of creating maps below, there is a detailed description of command blocks, about commands, and some more useful tips. And I would also advise you to create a group if you really want to do mapping more or less seriously. Believe me, with this "basic" knowledge, you can create only a "base" map, you can take a chance or even read about how I create maps, how to create them, command blocks and much more useful I can teach you there.

R a s n oh e

Command Blocks and Commands

Command Blocks

The functionality of command blocks is HUGE. From the usual shift for and night to the most complex mechanisms, such as displaying the health of mobs.
There are very, very many teams, and with each version they are all supplemented. Let's take a look at the functionality of command blocks and the variety of commands.

There are three types of command blocks: Pulse, Cyclic, Chain.
Let's figure it out for a start with Pulse:

An impulse command block is a block that needs a signal, sometimes a signal from a clock. generator, it all depends on the command that is driven into it.

A cyclic command block, a block that also needs a signal, but when it receives a signal, it starts repeating this command an uncountable number of times, it is suitable for teams that need to test the player.

The chain command block, I know little about it, since I don’t use it at all, but as far as I know, it transmits a signal to the next chain command, where it will transmit the signal can be determined by the "arrow" on the block itself.

And so, we figured out the command blocks, now he will deal with the functionality of the commands.
All commands are not much alike, this time we will take the / effect command, it clearly shows the principle of operation of some numbers and an addition to the command.
And so, here's the command
/ effect (Selector or nickname) Radius] (Effect ID) [Effect time] [Effect strength] true

(Selector or nickname)

@p - Selects the nearest player
@r - Selects a random player
@a - Selects ALL players
@e - Selects ALL entities

This parameter is responsible for how far the command operates.

(Effect ID)
Here you need to choose one of 27 effects


1 Speed

2 Deceleration

3 Haste

4 Fatigue

5 Strength

6 Instant Heal

7 Instant damage

8 Leaping

9 Nausea

10 Regeneration

11 Resistance

12 Fire resistance

13 Underwater breathing

14 Invisibility

15 Blindness

16 Night vision

17 Hunger

18 Weakness

19 Poisoning

20 Draining

21 Improving health

22 Absorption

23 Saturation

24 Glow

25 Levitation

26 Fishing Success

27 Bad Fishing

[Effect time]
Here you need to specify the duration of the effect

[Effect Strength]
The maximum number is 255


/ gamemode 3

/ tellraw @a ("text": "Text", "bold": true, "clickEvent" :( "action": "run_command", "value": "COM. executed after pressing"))

/ setblock<коорд. появления блока> <Имя блока>

/ title @a title (text: "Text", color: Color)

Displays the desired text on the screen

/ title @a subtitle (text: "Text", color: Color)

Does add. text below the main

/ playsound (Sound) (Source) (Selector or Nick) [x] [y] [z]

[Volume] [Key] [Minimum volume]
() - Necessarily
- Not necessary

/ clone<Коорд 1 Точк.> <Коорд 2 Точк.> <Координаты вставки объекта>

/ execute @a ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~ -2 ~<Блок>1 / tp @a ~ ~ ~

/ execute @a ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~ -2 ~ wool 1 / tp @a ~ ~ ~
The command block issues a signal if under 2 blocks under the player there is<Блок>within a radius of 10 blocks

/ testfor @p (Inventory: [(id: "ITEM")])
The command block issues a signal if the player has it in the inventory<Предмет>

/ particle<Частицы> <Координаты> <0 0 0 0> <Кол-во частиц>forse
Where 0 0 0 0 will figure it out as the number increases
All particles can be recognized here -<Нажми>

/ gamerule doMobLoot true
Turns off drops from mobs

/ gamerule doMobSpawn true
Prevents mobs from spawning

/ gamerule doTileDrops true
Drop from objects does not drop

/ gamerule sendCommandFeedback false
Removes<Блок размещен>on command / setblock

/ spawnpoint
Places the player's spawn at the specified coordinates (Coordinates are optional)

/ tp
Teleports the player to the specified coordinates

/ weather clear / rain / thunder<Время действия>
Causes / removes rain / storm

/ effect<Селектор или ник> <Время эффкта> <Сила эффекта, макcимально 255>

Where did I start?

I started building maps a long time ago, and it all started with MPV. TWO years of unsuccessful attempts and experiments led me to the current version of the map. The World After War: Shadow of the Past map tells us that Joel (the protagonist) of the rumors in the survivor camp that shelter # 152 was functioning about a year ago, went in search of him. This is not the wilik plot of the MPV. In general, at first I thought that I would never reach this level ... BUT I did, and YOU can too, you don't need to "believe in yourself", just do everything as you want, there is no need to doubt whether people will like your card, the main thing is like whether she is YOU. Of course, for many, the rating is important, and for me, respectively, but I think that evaluating your creations yourself helps to evaluate everything that you have done, and evaluating it to correct some shortcomings. The comments on the cards are sure to help you learn about the flaws or mistakes of your creation. Why did I start? I started with everything that you are, I was just as new to mapping, but I tried and became what I wanted. I hope that all my efforts, advice, will help you understand what the creation of a map is.


A few tips that just help you

1 - Install WorldEdit
A very useful program that simplifies the creation of a map thousands of times

2 - Create a group

If you intend to start more or less seriously engaged in mapping, then the group will help you a lot.

3 - It is not necessary to follow my points

I just explained what and how, but what you are going to do, it's not my right to decide.

P.S - It's your right

4 - Use Command Blocks

Command blocks improve the map for the better, use them! And you will learn the commands over time.

5 - Don't do it if you can't or aren't ready

If you can't make maps, then please don't litter various sites including this one with different ahem ... Ahem ... Trash.

Just understand, I’ll be very happy if you haven’t learned ANYTHING from me.

Not ready to do? Don't do it! It is better to prepare for creation, teach what you need and reflect.

Thank you for your attention, I hope I helped you!

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Hello and welcome to everyone who is interested in the topic of minecraft. If you are new to the game and are just starting to understand all its intricacies, then the new guide will teach you how to create a map. It should be noted that its creation becomes possible only with a compass. We discussed how to assemble it in the previous review.

The player needs a map to record all locations visited in the game world. Remember that to record coordinates when visiting a new area, you must always take the map in hand. If the map is inactive, data about the new location will not be applied to it. It is also worth considering that after you bump into the border of the map, you will need to tinker with another, and so on.

Let's go directly to the creation of the item. The first thing you will need is a compass. Without it, you cannot start collecting the card. You also need to have 8 sheets of paper. You can make paper from sugar cane.

Now that you have everything you need, you can start crafting:

Nothing complicated, right?

The place where the map was created automatically becomes its center. If you take the card in hand, it does not interfere with the view. In order to check the map, you need to look down.

One pixel of the map represents an 8 by 8 block square. The size of the map provides navigation on the territory of 1024 by 1024 blocks. A new map is needed for each of the worlds. When moving between worlds, the map will not be supplemented by terrain from another world.

How to make a map in Minecraft for passing

First, you need to create a new world on Creative. You can fill it with any objects and objects, only without using cheat codes. Basically, you create your own map. When finished, save it as usual in standard mode.

The next step is to run the toomanyitems mod, where a Survival map is created. Save it again, after which the map you created will appear in the MineCraft / saves directory.

I advise you not to get too carried away with the creation of maps, as they can significantly reduce the amount of free disk space.

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