Places to catch Pokemon. Items to search, capture and train


Collect Pokémon with Poké Balls, moving slowly around the area. If you move by car or public transport, then movements on the game map will not be counted for you. Better to get around on foot, bike, roller skate, skateboard or scooter.

Why collect them all?

Many still wonder why you need to collect all the fabulous animals. For example, it is believed that there is no need for a backup Pokemon.

However, all these animals should be collected so that later unnecessary Pokémon can be attributed to the professor, and in return receive a candy for each type of Pokémon.

You will need the candy to give it to your main Pokémon. It is worth noting that a Pokémon will not eat candy that is not intended for them.

To feed the animal, click on Power Up and it will start eating, and the more candies you give it, the more the chance that the Pokemon grows up and gets a "level up" increases.

To find out how many candies you need in order to increase the level of the monster, click on the button Evolve.


If you want to send a Pokemon to the professor, go to the section with Pokemon, then scroll to the very bottom of the menu and find the key Transfer... It is worth mentioning that exchanging Pokémon for candy is irreversible. You also won't be able to return the Pokémon to its pre-upgrade state.


It is also worth noting that in order for your Pokémon to grow, you need Star dust which you can get in about the same way as candy. It is acquired when you raise the level of a Pokémon, as well as when the level of the trainer increases.

It is advisable not to spend Stardust at the very beginning of the game on the first pokemons, which have a small base CP (Combat Points), i.e. power points ), since after a while there is a high probability that you will have more advanced features, and their improvement will be able to bring much more benefit.

Pokemon trainer

Each Pokémon has its own trainer, and the higher the level, the easier it is to upgrade a regular Pokémon to a more advanced one, such as Pidgey in Pidgeotto.

Internet is a must

Unfortunately, at the moment the game is played only with the Internet turned on, which, of course, is its big drawback. You will also need to enable geolocation on your device.

After starting the game, you will see the game map. It will show a real map of the surrounding area. Also, various objects will be displayed on the map, such as forests, bridges, sites, monuments, and various organizations. All of these objects in the game are called PokeStops.


Experience is gained by finding PokéStops, which means that the more PokéStops found, the higher the experience, and the higher the experience, the more chances of finding a rare Pokemon.

It will be interesting to mention that not only Poké Balls can be found on PokéStops, but many other items associated with these fabulous monsters, including:

* Potion- restores 20 units of life to a pokemon after a battle

* Super Potion - restores 50 life units and can only be found after level 10 of the Pokémon

* Hyper Potion- restores 200 points of lifeand can only be found after level 15 of the Pokemon

* Razz berry- a berry that makes it easier to catch a Pokemon and you can get it after reaching level 8 or while leveling up.

* Revitalization ( Revive)- revives the pokemon along with full life.

* Eggs- each has a pokemon inside. You put an egg in an incubator and after a certain distance it hatches.

* Lucky Egg - they can contain premium items, and they can also be used to temporarily increase (by 30 minutes) the experience gained.

* Frankincense (Incense)- makes it possible to lure Pokémon to the place where you are for 30 minutes.

* Great Pokeballs (Great Balls)- a version of the improved pokeballs that increase the chances of catching stronger monsters.

* Ultra Pokeballs (Ultra Balls)- an even more accurate and improved version of Poké Balls, with which you can catch the strongest Pokémon.

* Master Pokeballs- the best type of Pokeball that can catch the most legendary Pokémon with a 100% chance.

* Incubators (Egg Incubator) - an item that allows you to grow creatures from eggs.

If you want to get a detected item, just approach it (it is shown as a blue icon on the screen) and slide your finger across the screen of your smartphone or tablet from bottom to top.

The empty pokéStop turns purple, and if you need another of the same item, then wait 5-10 minutes and the pokéStop will turn blue again, and you can pick up another of the same item.

1. Before the game, it is better to put on comfortable shoes and prepare a bicycle or other means of transportation (not too fast).

Pokémon are simple, rare, and very rare. Finding the rarest Pokémon takes a long distance.

Simple Pokemon- you will find them by passing less than 2 kilometers.

Rare Pokémon- you can find them by going from 2 to 5 kilometers.

The rarest Pokemon- such you can find by passing from 5 to 10 kilometers.

How to search for Pokemon in Pokemon Go

2. Pay close attention to the indicator showing the distance traveled.

When walking around the area with your phone on, watch the indicator in the lower right corner for a list of nearby Pokémon. Data on the distance to these Pokemon can be viewed under the icon of each (they are in the form of footprints).

1 track = 100 meters

2 tracks = 200 meters

3 tracks = 300 meters, etc.

If no traces are visible, then the Pokemon is lost. However, it should be noted that this footage is not accurate. Sometimes the data can be wrong by 50 or 70 meters. All information depends on several technical data. It will also be useful to say that the closer you get to the Pokemon, the faster the indicator on your radar will blink.

3. Bonuses and battles

Game developers at this stage can only earn through the Pokemon GO virtual store, where players can buy something for real money that will help them collect as many Pokemon as possible.

But in this store you can also receive bonuses absolutely free. To get them, just click on the shield in the upper right corner.

If you want to increase the number of your bonuses, then while walking, pay attention to GYMs (arenas). These are small pedestals depicted with Pokemon figurines and located on a virtual map of your device.

* But it's worth mentioning that first, your Pokémon must reach level 5, and only then can you master the arena, which can later be used to participate in Pokémon battles.

The battles are not difficult at all, so that any player can understand everything. Each player has 2 attacks: normal and special, for which the indicator needs to be charged.

You can also dodge enemy attacks. Remember that different Pokémon react differently to attacks from another monster.

Pokemon Catching Locations

4. Stirring grass on the map

Sometimes on your map you may notice moving animated grass. This means that there are many useful things in this place for several Pokémon. Try to visit such areas if it is very important for you to collect as much as possible.

According to the developers, in the future, other signs may appear on the map that there is something in one place or another.

If you have a good internet connection, then try to overload the game more often to get rid of the inactive phantom pokemons that may be present on your map. If you notice new and new pockemons on the map, it is also better to restart the game in order to quickly find out about their location.

5. Urban Pokemon

In big cities, it is much easier to find Pokémon, as there are quite a few of them. But the same cannot be said about small settlements - regional centers, villages and villages. Unfortunately, this is a game that is more geared towards a city dweller.

6. Waste Pokecoins

If you want to spend some money to collect more Pokemon, train and win battles in arenas, then go to the virtual Pokemon Go store. But try not to spend money on buying Poké Balls, as they can be found by visiting PokéStops.

7. Monitor the battery charge

Pokemon GO uses a lot of energy as it needs several programs running on your device, including mobile internet, camera and GPS. You can use the power saving mode and it is better to activate this mode before you go outside and start playing.

It will not be superfluous to get an external battery (power bank).

Pokemon Go: how to catch?

8. Catching monsters

In this game you will not find a training level, so you should know some details of capturing Pokémon. To catch a monster, you need to throw a ball at it (trap = pocketball). When you spot a Pokemon, you will have a green, fast flashing circle is your crosshair, and the narrower it is, the more likely it is to catch a Pokemon.

If the circle is orange, it will be a little harder to catch the Pokemon, what if red, it is very difficult at all, since in this case the monster is angry. In the case of a red circle, you have to calm the pokemon by giving him, for example, fruits, which you can also find during the game, or purchase from the virtual store. Simply put, feed him. And then boldly catch it.

Also, angry Pokémon can be simply caught using the Great Poke Ball or Master Poke Ball (improved traps), if you have them.

8.1. The Pokeball is worth spinning.

Before throwing a pokeball at a Pokemon, you should spin it - touch the ball, keep your finger on it, and spin it like a regular ball before a spinning throw. This is a little more difficult to do, but with a successful roll, you get more experience points.

10 secrets about the game Pokemon Go (video)

9. We fight with other players and get arena

When you reach level 10, you can start fighting in arenas. However, do not rush to this, as it is better to wait and properly pump your hero, as well as your pokemon. In addition, you should learn to locate and stock up on resources that will help you quickly develop in the future.

After you have reached level 15, you can start gather a team, so that by joint efforts you can beat off the ape, where you can train your Pokémon. If you leave good Pokémon to guard the arena, you will make it more prestigious without unnecessary destruction of all Pokémon on it. Upgrade the arena in the usual way, even if it takes longer.

From each guarded arena, you will receive daily 500 Stardust and 10 Motes... During this period, it is advisable to begin to study the combat system in more detail. At the same time, do not overdo it with improving Pokémon with Stardust, since the difference in the effectiveness of monsters is not very large.

10. Strong Pokemon.

Experienced players advise at the beginning of the game not to improve your Pokémon gradually, but to instantly jump to the 3rd level. If you have 25 candies for Gastly and you want Gengar "a, you shouldn't upgrade to Hauntera until you have 125 candies for it.

Try to improve at once to the point, since if you do it gradually, then it is quite possible to be the owner of a large number of unsuccessful pokemons, which will not be much stronger than newcomers. But beginners can be upgraded to strong Pokémon using about the same amount of resources.

Use the arc on your Pokémon's profile to learn about its power.

It may seem too obvious, but if you are in a hurry, you can ignore the arc. If you have several Pokémon with similar strength points (CP = Combat Points), you will be able to determine the strongest one.

* Combat Points in Pokemon GO represent your monster's power level. The higher it is, the stronger the Pokemon, which means it will deal more damage in battle.

Level up quickly

Save Pokémon such as Pidgeys, Rattatas, Weedles, Caterpies, and other monsters, whose upgrade cost ranges from 12 to 25.

How often can you collect rewards from GYMs (arenas)?

You can collect your prize every 21 hours. Users are advised to wait to collect the maximum number of rewards the next morning.

Remove items you have in excess if you need more space.

Of course, you are unlikely to pass up too valuable items in your Pokemon Go bag. But you can easily get rid of some Potions, Revives, and Razz Berries.

Rename Pokémon according to each attack type.

Thus, you will speed up your game and quickly understand your advantages in the battle in the arena.

Join a local social media trainer group.

If you have just started playing, are looking for like-minded people or new friends, then this step may help you. You will be able to discuss strategies, secrets and findings. But be careful when chatting with strangers online.

Everything you need to know about Pokemon Go in short

Secrets of Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO does not work when the smartphone is locked.

One of the biggest drawbacks of the game (along with the fast absorption of the battery drain) is inability of the game to work when the phone is locked, or when you want to temporarily minimize the game, close it or turn off the Internet. In any of these cases, the game will have to be restarted.

To reduce battery absorption, you should download Battery Saver. Such a program may already be on your phone or you can download it. After you have enabled power saving mode with this app, wait until your screen dims a little.

After that, you can safely put the device in your pocket to continue your search for PokéStops and Pokemon.

* You can also just remember the approximate place of the pokéStop, turn off the game and reach it. For convenience you can start the pedometer, which can also be downloaded - it does not consume much power and is able to function in the background.

Upgrading Pokémon with Lucky Eggs

If you are still at a low level and you come across a rare lucky egg ( Lucky egg), save it for future.

Pokémon such as Pidgey and Weedle are most often found in the game, and candy for them is not very difficult to find. If you collect about 28 Pidgey or Weedle, 15 Rattat Pokémon, and if you really want a few Caterpie Pokémon, and also have the necessary improvements for them, try the following:

Using an egg, Improve all pockemons by giving each of them a couple of dozen candies at once. As a result of such a step, you will receive up to 1000 experience for each evolution. Next, you should transform all pokemon, while leaving one pokemon from each group (preferably the strongest), and then improve the strongest.

As a result, you will have a few strong pokemon, as well as several levels.

How to find Pikachu in Pokemon Go

Among the huge number of Pokemon Go players, there are many who want to get hold of Pikachu, so the question arises of how to catch him.

There are already tereners who were lucky and they were able to find him, but there are other players who decided to cheat a little, and this is how they did it:

It is worth noting that Pikachu is the most popular Pokemon not only in the animated series and Japan, but throughout the world. This animal has a multi-million army of fans who can be seen at almost every geek meeting.

At the beginning of the game, you can choose one of the three Pokémon that are offered to you: Chermander, Squirtle and Bulbosaurus. However, few people know that if you leave them uncaught and just walk by, then soon, continuing the search, your phone vibrates, signaling the appearance of Pikachu. If Pikachu does not appear, try repeating the process of avoiding the proposed Pokémon 5 times.

Where did this secret come from?

Such a secret was most likely created as reference to the animated series, where the main character Ashu could not become the owner of any of the three so coveted Pokémon. And all because he just slept through the day when the Pokémon were handed out. As a result, he was left with only the Pokemon that no one chose - yellow and fluffy Pikachu, who, despite his irritability and the fact that he is electric, has become a real friend of Ash.

If you want to get Pikachu, but have already started the game, you will have to start over. But if you don't want to start over, then just hope you get lucky.

Pokemon Go cheats

1. Walking while sitting

In this augmented reality game, you need to walk around the city, visit parks, houses, cafes and various attractions in order to find a Pokemon, and to achieve certain goals.

You can use various modes of movement (bike, rollers, car, but not move very fast), or you can attach your phone to a turntable (with records), to a ceiling fan or to a bicycle wheel so that it constantly spins and winds kilometers pretty quickly.

1.1 PokemonGoAnywhere

You can also move in the virtual world while remaining motionless in the real world using the PokemonGoAnywhere tweak. This tweak allows you to move around the game using tapes on the screen. The developers of this tweak also announced that more features will appear in the future. You can find this tweak in the repository.

2. PokePatch

If you own a jailbreak phone, then you already know that Pokemon Go can detect a jailbroken phone. But if you use the PokePatch tweak, then there is a chance to bypass the jailbreak test. The add-on is located on the developer's repository

3. Pokemon Lock

You already know that the game cannot be played when the phone is locked. Pokemon Lock can solve this problem. Disable the password to unlock the iPhone (this is the only way to use this tweak) and use this tweak to play directly on the lockscreen. You can find Pokemon Lock in the following repository:

Pokemon Go for iPhone and Android users

4. Help for Google account holders

The Pokemon Go game was accused of gaining full access to the user's confidential information, including mail and photos, and this information can be used to transfer to third parties. As soon as a player is logged in with their Google account, the game starts collecting information about him.

The Red Owl company informed iPhone owners that when they log into Pokemon Go through their Google account, the creators of the Niantic Labs game have full access to this account, but the game does not inform the player about it in any way.

As a result, several ways to solve the problem have appeared on the network. Here is the most common one:

In order for the games to not receive full information about your account, you need to follow this link, then click on the line with Pokemon Go, and then click "Delete". Having taken such a step, you probably will not be able to re-enter the game, but you will be able to continue the game without logging out.

Strongest Pokemon in Pokemon Go

Here you will find four lists showing the strongest Pokémon by category. The first three lists represent categories: attack, defense and stamina, while the fourth represents the most powerful Pokémon in the aggregate of all data.

8. Omastar

10. Venusaur

Endurance: Top 10 Pokémon

1. Chansey

2. Snorlax

3. Wigglytuff

5. Vaporeon

6. Jigglypuff

7. Rhydon

8. Mewtwo

9. Kangaskhan

10. Muk

Cumulative: Top 10 Pokémon

1. Mewtwo

2. Dragonite

3. Mew

4. Articuno

5. Snorlax

6. Moltres

7. Zapdos

9. Arcanine

If you have played Pokemon Go, then you are familiar with what PokeStop is, and you will most likely agree that there are never many of them. Usually residents of small towns and villages suffer from their shortage. There it comes to the point that only one copy of them is located on the ground. However, do not be upset, from this article you will learn how to make a PokéStop in Pokemon GO on your own. But, in order to do everything right, you need to understand what we are dealing with.

What is PokeStop?

Of course, playing Pokemon GO is a shame not knowing what PokeStop is, but we were all newbies once. Therefore, let's initially understand in detail what it is and why it is needed. And we'll talk about how to make a PokéStop in Pokemon GO a little later.

It's worth starting with the fact that the placement of the pokestop takes place on a Google map, and it does not happen randomly. If you have been playing Pokemon Go for a long time, you have probably already noticed that "parking lots" are located most often near attractions, in shopping centers, parks and other similar places. The question may arise here: "What does Google Map have to do with this?" The fact is that initially, as soon as the game was released, the places with photos marked on the Google map became the first PokéStops. That is, sights, etc.

I would also like to say that the state of PokeStop can be different, it depends on whether it is active or not. There are two colors: blue and pink. Blue means the point is active, while pink means the opposite.

Let's now talk about why they are needed at all. Let's take active as an example. After passing a certain segment of the path and noticing an active pokéStop, you can approach it and, having done some simple manipulations on your device, get a bonus. In fact, that's the only reason they are needed.

Anything can be hidden in them. At first (up to the fifth level), you will most often get pokeballs and eggs. But there is also the opportunity to get a doubling of experience for thirty minutes or a healing potion to heal a Pokemon.

As you can see, PokéStop is a useful thing, and therefore the more of them, the better for everyone. Now let's move on to another question.

What if PokeStop isn't working?

We'll talk about how to make a PokéStop in Pokemon GO a little later. This is not difficult to learn. Now it is important to clarify what to do when PokéStops are not working in Pokémon GO.

The fact is that PokeStop, as mentioned above, has two states, and in inactive it will not distribute prizes and awards, so you need to wait a while before activating it. But it happens that you have been waiting for 30 minutes, but it still does not activate, although it must do this after 5-10 minutes. The first thought that comes to mind is that it was shut down or temporarily disabled, but it is not.

The fact is that the game is still, so to speak, raw. Therefore, the developers do not guarantee you one hundred percent serviceability of the application and admit that sometimes it will happen that the pokéStop will be either empty, or forever inactive, or simply unclickable.

In order to fix this problem, you just need to restart the application. Well, or wander a little more, and, perhaps, after a while the pokéStop will become active. The developers are aware of this problem and do their best to solve it. Therefore, we are looking forward to new updates.

How do I create my own PokeStop?

After the main points have been clarified, you can talk about how to create a PokéStop in Pokemon GO.

The first step is to log into the developer's site. Be prepared that it is not translated into Russian, but it doesn't matter, now there will be a step-by-step instruction on how to put a PokéStop in Pokemon GO.

    On the site, you need to apply to create a PokeStop. To do this, click on the Submit a request button and select Report an issue with a Gym or PokéStop.

    A questionnaire will appear, it must be filled out. In the first column, we indicate our email.

    In the second column, write New PokeStop.

    In the third column, write down why it is necessary to add a "parking lot" to the exact place where you want.

    In the fourth column, you must select the item No PokeStops or Gym near me.

    In the next column, enter the name of the "parking lot".

    In the seventh column, you must write your exact address.

    In the eighth column, you need to write the coordinates. In order to find them, use the Google map.

    Now it only remains to add a photo.

Now you know how to make a PokéStop in Pokemon GO. It remains only to click on the Submit button and wait for your application to be verified.

Map of all stops

Knowing how to put a PokéStop in Pokémon GO is good, of course, but it's also good to know in advance where which one is located. And this is also possible. There are special sites and maps on which the coordinates of the Pokémon GO PokéStops are located. It is also possible to download an application for Android and iOS, which will display absolutely all the "parking" and Pokémon nearby.

Hey! We bring to your attention a full review of the game Pokemon Go. We tried to cover all the main points and made a complete one in Russia. Well, we hope that the guide turned out to be useful, detailed and thanks to it you will understand how to effectively play this game.

release date

On July 6, 2016, the game hit the AppStore and Google Play stores in the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. Every day the geography of the countries where it could be was actively expanding. On July 16, she appeared in 26 European countries. the appearance of Pokemon Go in Russia is expected from day to day.

Who is the game developer

Initially, information about the game appeared on April 1, 2014. The very first video called Pokemon Challenge was published on the Google Maps YouTube channel:

However, none of us took it particularly seriously then, apparently, the very date of the release of the commercial had an effect. But, nevertheless, 2 years have passed and today we see that the game interface has practically not changed since then. Developers from Nintendo and Niantic Labs (the latter was bought by Google a few years ago) have been improving the game mechanism itself and honing the augmented reality technology all this time.

Where to download Pokemon Go

If earlier the Pokemon Go game was not available to residents of Russia and other CIS countries, today anyone who has an iOS or Android gadget can download and play it. True, the language of the game will still be English. However, localization into Russian can wait, because the main thing now is to catch as many Pokémon as possible.

  • AppStore:
  • Google Play:

System requirements for the game

Pokemon Go for Android

  • Android OS 4.4 (minimum) to Android 6.0.1 (Android N will not be supported until the official Android release)
  • Recommended resolution - 720x1280 (not optimized for tablets yet)
  • GPS and local services
  • Intel CPUs supported from game version (0.29.2)

Pokemon Go on iOS

  • iPhone 5 and up
  • iOS 8 and higher
  • High quality and stable internet connection (Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G)
  • GPS and local services
  • Jailbreak devices are not supported

What is the price

The cost of playing Pokemon Go should not worry you, because the game is completely free and will remain so. It is distributed free-to-play and has in-app purchases (its own in-game currency, which can be bought for real money). Moreover, you will not be able to buy for money any things that give you advantages against other players, but you will be able to facilitate the process of character development.

What is Pokemon Go Plus? What is the price

Pokemon go plus is a device (gadget) in the form of a wrist bracelet that simplifies the process of finding Pokemon. At the moment, Pokemon Go Plus is still under development, but as we said, Nintendo has promised to bring the device to market very, very soon. And this is not surprising, because with so many players, almost everyone will want to buy Pokemon Go Plus. The declared cost - $ 34.99.

The device will work in conjunction with a smartphone using Bluetooth technology, and its main task is to signal the presence of a nearby Pokemon.

How to enter the game

Log in to the Pokemon Go game using your existing Google Plus account. If you still do not have one, then you will need to spend a couple of minutes and register. You can also get a small but nice bonus by registering an account Pokémon Trainer Club, thanks to which later you will have several unique Pokémon. However, this is really just a small pleasant addition and does not play a special role.

How to get your first Pokemon

Everything is very simple here. Register in the game, create your character, choose a name, after which Professor Willow will offer you a walk to a special place located nearby, where the first Pokemon will be waiting for you. Moreover, as soon as you find yourself in a given place, three Pokemon will appear before you at once -, and, but you can only catch one of them, so keep that in mind.

How many Pokémon are in the game

At the moment, there are only 151 Pokemon in the game, however, in fact, Nintendo has prepared for us not a lot, not a little, but as many as whole 778 pokemon... All of them are presented with detailed characteristics on our website. And, rest assured, with each new update to the game, their number will increase.

Finding and capturing Pokemon in the ball

  • Are the leaves on the screen starting to climb up? Most likely, there is a Pokémon nearby.
  • Pokémon that are nearby are displayed in the lower right corner of the smartphone. You can find out the distance to the Pokemon by looking at the footprints under the picture. One such trail is an average of 40 meters.
  • When you try to catch a Pokemon, you will notice a circle around it. It means the following: green - the Pokemon is easy to catch, yellow - you have to try, red - you're lucky if you catch this Pokemon at all.
  • What if you miss when throwing a Pokemon? You just need to have time to click on it until it leaves the screen and then you can make a second throw without spending an extra Pokeball;
  • You will get much more points if you let twisted pokeballs... To do this, you need to pinch the Pokeball with your finger, perform several circular movements, and then throw it at the Pokemon.
  • With the growth of your level, the likelihood of meeting a strong and rare Pokemon in the game also increases.
  • Also, rare Pokemon can be found at night, which hide during the day. So hunting for Pokemon at night is also the place to be.
  • If you have already accumulated a lot of the same Pokemon, then you can exchange them with Professor Willow for various rewards, or you can get Candy (candy) and Stardust (stardust) for them.

How to make your Pokemon stronger

Evolving or improving a Pokémon occurs after training. Improved Pokémon are stronger and will be able to win more often in battle. To upgrade you need stardust and candy. Their number depends on the type and level of the Pokemon.

Items to search, capture and train

If you want to play Pokemon Go faster and easier, then some things will come in handy for these purposes. So, we all know that Pokeballs end sooner or later, and they are really needed, because without them, it will be impossible to catch Pokemon. And here the so-called "PokeStop" and "Gym" come to the rescue. Thanks to them, you can get a variety of in-game items and, of course, train your Pokémon.

Complete list of items in the game

  • Poke balls(pokeballs) - a ball with which you need to catch a pokemon. They tend to end, so you can refill them either at the blue point of the PokeStops, or in the store.
  • Great balls- a kind of pokeball that allows you to catch rare and. You can also get them - on PokeStops or in the store
  • Ultra balls- an even more improved version of Pokeball, with which you can catch some of the best and rarest Pokémon. How do I get them? Yes, everything is the same - a store or PokeStops.
  • Master balls(masterball) - and, finally, the coolest pokeball with which you can catch the legendary Pokemon. At the moment they are not in the game, but the developers promise to add them in an upcoming update.
  • Lure module(lure module) - Pokemon bait that, when activated, summons and keeps nearby Pokemon on the blue dots of PokeStops. Lasts 30 minutes, after which you will have to activate a new bait. It is worth noting that luring Pokémon in this way is one thing, and it is another thing to catch them in time. they will be available to all nearby players. You can get the bait for achievements or buy in the store
  • Incense(incense) - a bait that lures Pokémon directly to the place where you are now, and keeps them for up to 30 minutes. Quite a useful thing, which you can still get in the store, or by increasing your skill level.
  • Razz berry- a berry for a pokemon. It can be obtained on PokeStops from level 8 or by raising.
  • Pokemon eggs(Pokemon eggs) - new Pokemon appear from them. Eggs are grown in an incubator, and the Pokemon itself hatches from them when the player passes the distance indicated under the egg. Because of this, some players have thought of attaching their own or to a bicycle wheel.
  • Lucky eggs(eggs of luck) - all kinds of useful, premium items hatch from them. In addition, if you are lucky, you can get an experience boost for 30 minutes.
  • Egg incubator(egg incubator) - Pokemon eggs are grown in it. By default, all incubators are disposable. However, in the store you can purchase a more advanced long-term incubator.
  • Camera(camera) - a camera that allows you to take pictures of Pokémon. It is initially provided free of charge, and can later be purchased in the store or received a camera for leveling up.
  • Potion(potion) - this medicine for Pokemon restores from health, namely - 20 units of HP. It is given upon reaching a new level, on PokeStops or in a store.
  • Super Potion (super potion) - Super medicine for Pokémon, restoring 50 units of health. Can be found on blue dots after reaching level 10 or for raising.
  • Hyper Potion (Hyper Potion) - Hyper medicine for Pokémon, restoring 200 units of health. Can be obtained on PokeStops after level 15.
  • Revive(revive) - will help to revive a killed Pokemon and restore half of its health.
  • Max revive(maximum revival) - resurrects a deceased Pokemon and fully restores health.
  • Bag(backpack) - a backpack where all your game items are stored, except for Pokemon. Capacity - 350 units. Can be expanded for money.
  • PokeCoins(Pokemon) - game currency in Pokemon Go, which can be obtained for training battles or bought in the store.

How to play Pokemon Go

Nothing is more impressive in the game than the fact that Pokémon can appear anywhere and out of the blue. Moreover, even where you cannot even imagine. This is why it is so important to keep a close eye on everything around you.

Pokémon on the map are displayed with a corresponding icon. To catch it or fight, you need to be at a certain distance (it is shown on the screen under the player's feet in the form of a circle).

So, in front of you is a pokemon, you finally found it - it's time to catch it. To do this, you need to click on the Pokemon, after which the capture screen is automatically activated. There is no need to rush here and it is better to do everything deliberately, because the pokeballs are not endless. Take the pokeball in your hand by clicking on it, wait until the pokemon is in the green circle, and then throw it. After practicing a couple of times, you will get used to this action and then the process of catching Pokemon is much easier and faster.

After you have caught a Pokemon, you can look at it and, if desired, improve it.


The gameplay in Pokemon Go is truly unique and quirky. We have never seen anything like this before. After all, the vast majority of mobile games now boils down to the fact that everything happens directly on the screen of the device and, except for the fingers, we no longer need to strain anything. Here you will have to move a lot, namely - walk, run and even ride through the streets of the city, and even the whole world (after all, such ardent gamers will undoubtedly appear). Pokemon are different and, depending on their type, can appear even near water (rivers, lakes, bodies of water) - the so-called "water" Pokemon.

So during your gaming travels, do not forget to look around - perhaps some rare Pokemon is hiding somewhere in the bushes, under a stone or in a tree.

What is PokeStop

For a variety of gameplay, the developers of Pokemon Go have tried their best and have introduced many interesting things into the game, for example, PokeStop. These are the so-called portals, caches, where you can find many different useful things, be it pokeballs, eggs, etc.

Pokéstops are rotating blue coins, which are usually located in some public, historical, cultural places. So when they find them, players will be able not only to use them for game purposes, but also, possibly, learn something new about their city.

As soon as you find yourself next to the PokéStop, the smartphone will signal this by vibration. Open the map and check if there is a portal / cache here. Next, you will need to swipe on it, after which you will receive bonuses.

Updating (respawning) PokéStops occurs every 5 minutes, which allows you to collect many different things and bonuses from it for those who are or live nearby.

What is PokeDex

As you can recall from the cartoon about Pokemon, a Pokedex is a kind of device that stores knowledge about all Pokemon and their parameters. The game also has such a function. Pokedex also allows you to conveniently organize caught and seen Pokémon. Thanks to him, you can find out which Pokemon is near you - new or already available in the collection. So Pokedex is really a very useful thing.

Training Arena - Gym (Gym, Press)

Finding and catching Pokémon is all well and good, but it's much more fun to fight and take part in battles using Pokémon. And that's exactly what training arenas are for, and in the common people - gyms. In gyms, you can train Pokémon and fight other monsters. And if you were able to grab a gym (gym), then after 24 hours you will receive a reward in the form of 10 coins. It's a trifle, but nice 🙂 But constantly holding and protecting the gym is not an easy task. Others are also not averse to taking it into their hands in the future for bonuses. That is why it is so important at this stage to decide which team to join, after which you can enjoy the support of your teammates.

As the level (prestige) of your Gym grows, you will be able to put more Pokémon there to defend. At a maximum level of 30, you will have access to 21 Pokémon slots. Not bad, agree?

  • The gray Gym on the screen is an empty Gym. Hurry up to capture it as soon as possible and leave it there to protect one of the Pokémon.
  • The battle in the Gym from your team gives you the opportunity to pump Pokémon and increase the prestige of the Gym itself. If the battle takes place in the gim of a foreign team, then this will reduce its prestige. And if the prestige drops to the minimum level, then the team can lose this gym and then you will have every chance to take it.
  • The Gym where your Pokemon is located brings you 500 Stardust and 10 coins per day.
  • Gym Pokémon recharge every 5 minutes.


Here are some tips and secrets during battles:

  • Use several techniques at once. So, pressing on the enemy quickly several times, you will make a short-term attack, and if you press it for a long time, your Pokemon will make a super-hit. Evasion of blows in the game occurs with a simple swipe in one direction or another
  • When fighting in a Gym that belongs to your own team, the Pokemon, in which case, will not fail. In the anthem of a foreign team, this will not work. In addition, when you win a battle, you get points, but if you lose against another team and the Pokémon dies, then it can be cured or resurrected using Potion and Revive, respectively. They should always be in your backpack.

Eggs in Pokemon Go

  • Not all eggs produce weak offspring initially. You can get such an egg from a monster, from which a rare and powerful Pokemon will eventually hatch.
  • As soon as you receive the egg, immediately place it in the incubator. You can find it in your backpack or purchase it in the store. After that, you need to go exactly the distance that is indicated in the information under this egg. How to do this is up to you. You can be honest - on foot, or you can use various cunning tricks. It is important to remember that a ride on any vehicle will not be counted.
  • While walking, we recommend that you look into the game from time to time in order to make sure that the game is running. Otherwise, it may turn out that at the end of a long and exhausting journey, it turns out that you have gone most of it in vain.

Types of Pokemon in Pokemon Go

There are a lot of Pokémon in the game and more and more will appear over time. So, when you fight for a Gym (yours or someone else's), then each team can consist of up to 6 Pokémon. And since they are all different, with their own individual characteristics and skills, then it will be necessary to competently build the tactics and strategy of the battle. And here the table of attacking and defensive abilities of certain types of Pokémon will be best of all:

Which Pokémon hatch from which eggs

As you know, you can get new Pokemon not only by hunting, but also with the help of eggs. You can buy eggs in the store or get them at PokeStop for free.

The process of incubating eggs is quite unusual - you do not need to sit, but rather constantly move. Moreover, quite often you will have to go quite a long distance. Which one is indicated under a specific egg. Regardless of how many kilometers you have traveled for a particular egg, you can get completely different Pokémon. We suggest you take a look at the following table of the dependence of the distance traveled and the possible Pokemon:

Despite the fact that it is not recommended to use transport to overcome the distance, because the game simply does not count these indicators due to the fast movement speed, a bicycle, rollers, a skateboard are all excellent options in order to quickly reach the desired goal.

XP points table by level

Trainer level Number of xp to the next. level Trainer level Number of xp to the next. level Trainer level Number of xp to the next. level
2 lvl 2000 xp 11 lvl 10000 xp 20 lvl
3 lvl 3000 xp 12 lvl 10000 xp 21 lvl
4 lvl 4000 xp 13 lvl 10000 xp 22 lvl
5 lvl 5000 xp 14 lvl 10000 xp 23 lvl
6 lvl 6000 xp 15 lvl 15000 xp 24 lvl
7 lvl 7000 xp 16 lvl 20,000 xp 25 lvl
8 lvl 8000 xp 17 lvl 20,000 xp 26 lvl
9 lvl 9000 xp 18 lvl 20,000 xp 27 lvl
10 lvl 10000 xp 19 lvl 25000 hr 28 lvl

This information will be gradually updated as experienced players progress to higher levels.

XP points table for in-game action

Action Number of XP
PokéStop hack + 50xp
capturing pokemon + 100xp
capturing a new Pokemon (+100 for capturing) + 500xp
nice throw (a good throw of a pokeball) - you need to get into a large circle of the sight + 10xp
great throw (good throw) - you need to get into the middle circle + 50xp
excellent throw - you need to get into a small circle + 100xp
curved throw (besides nice, great, excellent) - see FAQ for how to do it + 10xp
incubation of eggs 2km
incubation of eggs 5km
incubation of eggs 10km + 1000xp
pokemon evolution 12-50 candies + 500xp
pokemon evolution> 50 candies + 1000xp
training in the arena with the Pokémon of your team (for each loser) + 10xp
fight in the arena with other team's Pokémon

And finally, some useful tips in Pokemon Go:

  • Use the Google Maps app while searching for the location of your Pokémon. And in order not to reload maps from the Internet every time, it will be enough to save the part of the area where you live, and then the map will be available to you even when the Internet is disconnected, and the speed of the Pokemon Go game will increase significantly, since the map will be loaded by the game itself from the storage ...
  • So far, the game Pokemon Go drains the battery of the smartphone quite strongly, because the application screen is always active, various additional applications are used, and the process of sending / receiving data is going on all the time. We recommend enabling the Battery Saver option in the game settings. In this case, the screen will go out on its own as you turn the device upside down.
  • You can also turn off the so-called augmented reality in the settings. True, the graphics will become less attractive, but you will extend the battery life.

This article is the author's and published in the "Guides from Pokémon GO Trainers" section. The article has not been edited, spelling and punctuation are preserved. Please leave comments only on the case, if you criticize - criticize constructively :) In any case, the author is worthy of gratitude for the diligence and courage :)

We continue the topic of helping those who have not yet managed to catch their Lapras!

First of all, this may be relevant for those who live in small settlements, but it can be useful to everyone.

There has been a lot of discussion on the net about how Pokemon GO determines and distributes Pokemon spawns in the game. We all know that Pokemon nests are found in parks and squares, in historical places, tourist areas, but did you not pay attention to the fact that there seems to be a park, but for some reason there are no Pokemon, or only single spawns appear?

How to make a Pokémon nest yourself

Very serious researchers have come to the conclusion that Pokemon Go is closely related to the Open street map (OSM)

One of the users of TheSilphRoad forum explained in detail how Pokémon nests work and suggested that it would be possible to create nests yourself using OSM.

According to the theory, two basic requirements must be met in order for a Pokémon nest to appear in a given area:

  • The area should be marked as a park, or forest plantations, glades, alleys, etc.
  • The area must have a name.

If you go to the OSM of your city, you will see that some of the parks have a name, and some do not, and some objects are not even on the map.

Registration is extremely simple and the Russian-language interface is intuitive.

Find your area and make sure that all of your local parks are shown on the map and that they all have a name. If something is not displayed, then fix the changes on the map.

It's no secret that the map used in the Pokemon GO app is Google Maps. But look how my house looks like on a satellite map and on a Pokemon GO map. On the Pokemon Go map, he simply does not exist.

To be honest, when I went to the OSM map, I was surprised to find that, although my house is mapped, it does not appear on the satellite substrate at all, and my entire area of ​​new buildings is marked as a construction site, although we have been living in ours for more than a year. home.

If all your parks and alleys are marked and have their own names, then you can select small tracts of trees or glades and give them names. This is how I did it.

I adjusted the location of the construction site as it looks now, and also added a hockey rink, playgrounds, a mini market. I really want my area to look as "alive" as possible in OSM, maybe this will help.

IMPORTANT: I ​​would like to warn you against misusing this tool. There is no need to create dozens of non-existent parks, alleys and meadows near your home. Open Street Map is used for much more important purposes, and you should not distort your terrain for the sake of the game. OSM is useful for those players who actually have several park areas, but Pokémon are rare guests there. For example, there is no doubt that in this way you can try to get new Pokemon nests in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

After making changes to Open Street Map, it takes time to process the data, and it also takes time to exchange this data with Pokemon GO. Again, according to research, this time can be 1-2 nest migrations. So in a month, this article may have an update with good news.

Tell us what you got if you try this method.

12/13/2018 - update! New ways to add PokéStops to Pokemon GO

Each trainer knows how important it is to have PokéStops in his area. PokéStops allow you to get Pokeballs, Pokemon eggs, and other useful items. It's good when you live in a big city and there are an incredible amount of Pokémon. However, if your city is small or you live in a rural area, you run the risk of facing the fact that there will be very few or no pokéstops at all.

Today we will talk about what a PokéStop is, how to create and add a PokéStop to Pokémon GO, and also consider a PokéStop map.

What is PokéStop

PokéStop is a place on the game map where you can get in-game items for free - pokeballs, Pokemon eggs, recovery and resurrection potions, etc. Also, some of these items can be purchased from the in-game store or obtained from. All of these items will help you grow, capture and heal Pokémon and, accordingly, in the battle for the Gyms.

The PokéStops database "came" to Pokemon GO from the Ingress game, which was also developed by Niantic. There were portals in Niantic, for control of which the players fought. Most of these portals eventually became PokéStops and Gims in Pokémon GO. Portals were added to Ingress through an application, which was created through the game client interface and, after approval, the portal appeared on the map (or was not approved and did not appear)

To become a portal, a site had to meet one of the following criteria:

  • The place has educational or historical value
  • It is an object of unique architecture or art
  • This is a popular and familiar place for locals, but unknown outside the local community.
  • It is a popular tourist destination or tourist attraction
  • This is an interesting attraction, for example: an observatory, an observation tower, a lighthouse.
  • It is an object that brings people together: library, church, etc.

PokéStops are displayed on the game map as a blue monkey, which changes shape when you approach, signaling that you can collect items from the PokéStop. By clicking on the PokéStop and scrolling through the PokéStop icon, you will collect items. After that, for a few minutes the pokéStop will become unavailable for you (it will change color to pink and you will not be able to collect items from it)

How to create a PokéStop

Unfortunately, at the moment, the creation of new PokéStops is not available for players. The official website says that at the moment the developer does not accept applications for adding new pokestops or gyms, and invites us to visit local attractions or a park in search of them (as if we were not looking for them there, right?)).

On Reddit, some users have resorted to workarounds for adding pokestop:

  • sent a request to add a PokéStop via in-game support
  • sent a request through the form for deleting pokestop
  • searched for inactive Ingress portals and updated information on them (added a new photo)
  • used the address for business owners (for requests for partnerships) - partnerships * pokemon dog * Also, this address can be safely used by the owner of cafes, bars, restaurants, etc. for add requests. I think Niantci will be the first to respond to such requests.

All these methods seem to me extremely dubious - most likely they do not work and requests to add pokestops that were submitted through these communication channels will not be considered. But you can try - what if?)

How to remove PokéStop

Removing a PokéStop or Gym in Pokémon GO is much easier than creating it.

  • Open the form for deleting pokestop
  • Fill out the proposed form and wait for Niantic's letter. In the form, you will need to indicate the reason why you are requesting the removal of the pokestop and your contact e-mail.

PokéStops Map

Given that the PokéStops database came into the game from Ingress, you can use the official Ingress map to find PokéStops and Gyms. However, not all Ingress portals have turned into PokéStop or Gym. Therefore, this map has more reference value for us.

Previously, there was a working plug-in for Chrome that showed PokéStops and Gyms on this map - but its work was blocked, like the work of all third-party applications (Let's hope that someday Niantic will please us with an official map, but for now you can use the Pokemongomap Pokémon map. This map is created by the players themselves and the data in it is quite truthful. In small cities, of course, all pokestops may not be indicated - but you already know them, right?) But in larger cities, users have put many points on the map) You can also participate in the creation of this map - indicate on the map a point with a pokéStop or a gim. In a maximum of 24 hours, it will be checked - and the object will appear on the map.

Instead of a conclusion

So, today we figured out what PokéStops are, how to create / add PokéStops or Gym, and found a working PokéStops card. What PokéStop card do you use? And do you think the developer will soon create an official map and / or allow players to create requests to add PokéStops / Gym?)

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