Why minecraft hangs. Minecraft freezes, crashes. Minecraft does not start. FAQ of problems

In fact, there are not so many ways to prevent Minecraft from lagging. They all boil down to simple and mundane things:

  • make sure the OS isn't cluttered
  • compare the system requirements of Minecraft and the presence of the corresponding hardware in the computer
  • configure Java correctly
  • set the appropriate graphics parameters in the game
  • use mods and textures that add fps
  • carry out additional manipulations

In this article, we will only touch on a few points. Some of them are probably already familiar to you, and some of them may not have been met in the open spaces of the Russian Internet.

How to make Minecraft not lag

Configuring Java to get rid of lags

There are a huge number of articles on the Internet on how to configure java and how to make it allocate the required amount of memory. In principle, I will not open anything new here, you also need to set the minimum and maximum thresholds -Xms - the original heap size -Xmx - the maximum heap size. Configuration example for Windows 32-bit: -Xms512m -Xmx1408m

These values ​​are specified in Control Panel - Java - Java tab - View button - RunTime Parametrs field. Note:

  • no spaces should be present.
  • for windows 32-bit, even with the / 3GB or / PAE key, allocating more than 1.5 GB will not work. This is a Windows feature.
  • Xms should not be larger than Xmx
  • Control Panel - System - Advanced Settings - Advanced Tab - Environment Variables and check if there are the same values ​​in the JAVA_OPT variable so that they match what you have written.

Using mods and textures to reduce lags

  • BetterFps
  • FastCraft
These are the most popular mods. Someone does not significantly reduce memory consumption, someone gives ample opportunities for customization. Together they can give a decent increase in FPS and get rid of lags.
Textures in Minecrfat, a simple rule applies here, the lower the resolution they have, the higher the fps should be. 8x8 is better than 128x128.

System requirements

It's amazing how a game with such graphics would seem to require quite decent resources. Pay attention to the minimum requirements. Minimum, this means that the game will run, but lags and FPS drawdown are not excluded.
Processor: Intel Pentium D or AMD Athlon 64 (K8) 2.6 GHz
Graphics card (integrated): Intel HD Graphics or AMD (formerly ATI) Radeon HD Graphics with OpenGL 2.1 support Graphics (discrete): Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT or AMD Radeon HD 2400 with OpenGL 3.1 support
Disk space: at least 200 MB
Java 6 Release 45
Processor: Intel Core i3 or AMD Athlon II (K10) 2.8 GHz
Video card: GeForce 2xx Series or AMD Radeon HD 5xxx Series with OpenGL 3.3 support
Disk space: 1 GB
Latest Java 8 release
Examples of how many FPS what configuration gives out are given. As you can see, the game is quite gluttonous. Therefore, if Minecraft lags on a laptop, then this is understandable from the point of view of its insufficient power.

As you can see, the game, for all its simplicity in graphics, requires sufficient resources. These tips will most likely be known to many. Well, but at the moment I have not found any other ways to get rid of Minecraft not lagging.

And a video on the topic of how to increase FPS in Minecraft:

Many gamers are surprised when Minecraft starts to slow down on their computer. After all, on the same PC, you can run Watch Dogs, GTA V and other modern games that require incredible amounts of resources. However, the point is not at all that your computer does not meet the system requirements for running Minecraft. In fact, the reasons can be varied, and each of them has its own solutions. In this article, you will learn what to do if Minecraft lags, because this knowledge can be very useful to you in the future.


As mentioned earlier, there are many different reasons why you can experience various lags and brakes in Minecraft: a strong drop in FPS, and so on. If you are wondering what to do if Minecraft is lagging, then you should first of all think about how exactly this game was written. You don't need to be a genius to get information that the game was created in Java, so you will need to make some changes to those parameters that are related to Java. To do this, you need to go to the Java settings on your computer, select the Runtime Environment item, where there is a parameter string that you can freely edit. Here you will need to change one single value - xmx. It can be followed by any number indicating the amount of memory that is maximally allocated to run Java games. You need to change this figure to the amount of your RAM. Accordingly, if you have two gigabytes of RAM, then you should register xmx-2048m, and then you can enjoy normal gameplay, without brakes and freezes. But what to do if Minecraft lags even after such therapy, or you do not have the opportunity to perform it.

Using third-party software

When you are faced with the question of what to do if Minecraft lags, then you should definitely pay attention to special programs that are created to eliminate such problems. If we are talking about "Minecraft", then first of all you should try using the OptiFine program, as it is the most popular and effective, so that you, most likely, can cope with all the problems. Even if you have Minecraft lags on your laptop, you can use this software.

Video card

If problems arise, you definitely need to think about why Minecraft lags, because sometimes the reason can lie on the surface, and if you find it, then it will not be difficult to solve the problem. For example, many people feel confident that theirs is ideal for running all games, yet they miss out on the fact that each game is unique. What's good for one project may not be good for another. Therefore, pay attention to the settings of your video card, more specifically to specific parameters such as VSync and 3D buffering. For modern projects, these are very important properties that allow the computer to support all the special effects, but for games like Minecraft, they can overload the map for nothing.

If you are wondering why Minecraft slows down on your rather good computer, then I advise you to read this article, in it we will identify the problems, their causes and find a solution.

Question: On my computer, you can play without brakes in CallofDuty and Crysis, But minecraft slows down, what should I do?

Answer: To display graphics, Minecraft uses OpenGL, if your video card supports openGL in software, but hardware does not, then there may be brakes. Try lowering the graphics and rendering quality. Or as an option, if finances allow, buy a more powerful video card.

Question: I have a pretty good computer in terms of configuration and a good video card (GTS 250 or similar. Author's note) But Minecraft still slows down.

Answer: Most likely, the matter is in the texture resolution 512x512. The graphics quality is of course amazing, but even a good video card gets a serious load and the brakes can start. Try to make the texture resolution a little lower.

Before that, I advise you to start the task manager (ctrl + alt + delete) and see what else besides minecraft is loading your computer. It can be antivirus, firewall, torrent, dc ++, whatever, after seeing a similar process, close the program and see how minecraft behaves. If the brakes remain, feel free to change the texture resolution.

Question: Before, everything was fine, Minecraft was flying and there were no brakes, but now all of a sudden, there are constant lags.

Answer: Remember, have you installed any mods or plugins lately? If they are made clumsily, they may not work correctly, causing the brakes. Also, if you installed one of the latest versions of Minecraft, which are also called alpha versions, then there may be a reason for this.

Alpha versions exist for users to test them and identify unknown bugs that will be fixed before the final release. Apparently, such a bug occurred with your equipment.

In the case of the Minecraft version, remove the alpha version and download an earlier stable build. In the case of mods / plugins, try uninstalling and reinstalling them, if they are really crooked and it doesn't help, then look for alternative versions.

Question: I'm playing single player, it's okay. But as soon as I go to the server, it starts to slow down.

Answer: You may have entered a server that has a weak configuration or a weak Internet channel. Perhaps the server administrator has hammered all the plugins that have degraded the server's performance. Perhaps it's because of your weak Internet connection, try playing on a different server. If your internet connection is poor, try changing your tariff to a broadband one.

Question: I am playing a single player game with no mods or plugins installed. The textures are set to those that were in Minecraft by default, but still slows down.

Answer: Processor 1.5 GHz dual core. Video card with support for OpenGL 1.4, 512 MB of RAM for Win xp, 7. Or 1 gb for Windows Vista. These are the minimum system requirements for playing Minecraft.

But in reality, you need to have a better configuration, otherwise it will still slow down. The solution to the problem seems to be like this - try to set the minimum graphics component in the settings.

Also, before starting the game, I advise you to disable all unnecessary programs at this time. Torrents, browsers and others, they can load your computer, which in this case will not be an allowable luxury.

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