Verbal didactic games in the development of voluntary attention in older preschool children. The value of verbal didactic games in the mental development of children Verbal didactic games for children 6 years old

Play for young children is the main method of learning about the real world. To teach the kid the necessary skills it was possible for him to be comfortable and simple, teachers and speech therapists have developed special didactic games for the development of speech. They can be focused on improving various speech skills - it all depends on the child's age and specific learning goals.

In total, in pedagogy, there are 3 types of didactic games for preschool children (they have one goal - the development of speech):

  1. didactic word games with objects, toys;
  2. board games with printed materials;
  3. word games.

Sometimes they also distinguish didactic games for the development of speech by age - some tasks are designed for kids 3-5 years old (younger preschool age), they allow it to be done faster. And others - for children 6-7 years old (senior preschool age), allow you to correct and improve existing speech skills.

Each type should be considered in more detail.

Didactic games with surrounding things

First of all, these games are aimed at developing the child's tactile sensations, his ability to correctly use toys and other household items. The child's imagination also develops object games - he learns to think creatively.

What is the subject?

The simplest didactic game in this set teaches children to name the objects they see.

The kid takes a toy or other object out of the bag, and then simply names it (for example, a phone, a cup, or a soft toy).

Box with pictures

There are similar didactic games for the visual perception of children. The teacher or parent should take a small chest, put pictures or photographs of various objects in it, and then invite the children to get the images and name what is depicted on them.

Sasha's assistants

This didactic game helps to understand the difference between singular and plural in verbs, and also introduces the child to the structure of the human body.

The teacher tells the children that now the doll Sasha with assistants will come to them, and the task of the children is to guess what they are called. The teacher “leads” the doll, and then points to its legs, asking the children what this part of the body is called and what it can do (legs - run, walk, dance). When the guys answer, the teacher begins to point at other parts of the body and ask the same thing (eyes - they look, blink, mouth - speaks, chews food, yawns, etc.).


This speech development game for the preparatory group improves the diction of babies, allows them to develop or improve onomatopoeia.

To complete the exercise, you will need a cube, on each face of which an animal or object is depicted, which can make recognizable sounds (for example, an airplane - "uuu"). The kid throws a dice (you can also say "spin and roll, lie down on the side"), and the teacher asks him to say what is depicted on the dropped edge, what sounds this object makes (for example, a cow - "muuu", a donkey - "ia") ...

Which item is right for you?

Comparison-based didactic games teach children to compare the sizes of objects, as well as find analogies between these sizes. For example, you can take several teddy bears and plates of different sizes, and then invite the child to compare - which bear is which plate will fit in size (large - large, small - small).

Word games

Didactic games for the development of speech of this type develop the attention of children, teach to memorize, develop speech and the ability to express their own thoughts. In these tasks, the words of the children are associated with their actions.


The teacher takes a toy train, inviting the kid to call him. The child begins to say "Ooooo" (the exercise works out exactly this sound), and the teacher at this time - to bring the train to the baby, as if the toy had arrived at this sound.


This didactic game for the development of speech in the preparatory group is used. The exercise is aimed at practicing the correct pronunciation of the vowels. The teacher should loudly pronounce the practiced sound, and the child should quietly repeat after him. For example, the teacher says "OOO", and the kid echoes "ooo". You can practice vowel combinations in the same way.


The exercise works out the correct pronunciation of the sound "And".

Similar to the exercise "Locomotive", the teacher needs to take a figurine of a horse and invite the kid to call it. The child starts to say "Eee", and the horse "gallops". When the baby stops making a sound, the toy should “stop”. Further, her name is the next in turn children.

Board didactic games

Didactic games based on pictures develop visual memorization, increase attentiveness, and visually assimilate the material.

There are three main didactic exercises of this type used in practice.

For the first, you need to take a picture or puzzles cut into pieces, and then invite the children to assemble the image with their own hands and name what is depicted on it.

Sometimes teachers use other didactic visualization games - finding pairs for images. For this, many different small color pictures are taken. An important condition is that each image must have a pair. Kids are looking for the same pictures and compare them. You can change the game a little - take two similar pictures and invite your child to find a few differences.

You can also prepare and select pictures that logically fit each other (house - roof, car - wheel, tree - leaf, etc.).

In practice, one more task is used. To complete it, take several toys and corresponding pictures (if the toy is a kitten, then the picture should also show a kitten). Children are encouraged to correlate real and painted objects with each other. This teaches the correct balance of real and unreal things.

Games for children 3-5 years old

In children of younger preschool age, the main goal of training is the setting of sounds and the correct pronunciation of words, since it is during this period that such skills are formed and laid down. For this, there are didactic games for sounds and words.

Vowel sounds

Helps children learn to find and identify vowel sounds in words. It is best to repeat this exercise with children daily.

The teacher gives the children a word of one, two or three syllables (it is better to start the game with monosyllabic words for simplicity, and then gradually increase their length). In this case, children must pronounce the word and name all the vowel sounds that they found in it (for example, for the word steam locomotive, the baby must name A and O).

Three words

Didactic games for semantic analogies make the kid's vocabulary more active.

To complete the task, a group of children must be lined up. Each teacher asks a simple question. The kid should take three steps forward. Making each step, he pronounces the answer to the question (that is, there should be three answers in total). For example, to the teacher's question “how can you draw”, the kid can answer “with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens”.

Finish sentence

The exercise helps children learn to use additional connected words in sentences.

The teacher gives the children a sentence in which one word is missing. Children must finish it on their own. Suggestions may vary:

  • sugar is poured into ... (sugar bowl);
  • sweets are put in ... (candy bowl);
  • the bread is stored in ... (bread bin).

You can play similar didactic syntax games and add complex constructions:

  • we'll go for a walk ... (if it doesn't rain);
  • Sasha did not go to the kindergarten ... (because he caught a cold);
  • I do not go to bed ... (because the time has not come).

Superfluous word

A preschooler, performing didactic games for elimination, learns to find unnecessary words by ear and perceive spoken language.

The teacher pronounces a series of words to the child, in which the child must find unnecessary and explain his choice.

  1. cat - fox - hare - umbrella - horse (umbrella - not an animal);
  2. steam locomotive - train - ship - plane - bed (bed - not a mode of transport);
  3. porridge - cube - tea - soup - candy (the cube is not edible).

5 titles

Didactic grouping games help the preschooler to generalize words in accordance with their meaning.

To complete the exercise, you need to prepare the ball. The teacher says a general word (for example, "dishes" or "fruit"), and the child must name a specific word ("cup", "apple", etc.) and toss the ball to another, so that he does the same. The result is a chain of words (it is optimal that there are five names - for example, apple - pear - plum - orange - kiwi).

Changing words

More complex didactic grammar games - changing the form of the same word for later understanding of numbers and cases.

The teacher gives the preschooler a simple sentence, and he must put the character in the plural:

  • I took candy - I took candy;
  • bought toys in the store - bought toys in the store;
  • I cut out a snowflake - I cut out snowflakes.

All the above exercises can be modified and changed, making them more interesting or difficult - it all depends on the level of training of the children.

Didactic exercises for children 6 or 7 years old

Games for the development of speech in the older group are a little more difficult, since by this age the children already master basic speech skills, and they need to improve it.

"Warm - cold"

Didactic games for the development of speech of preschoolers of this kind are aimed at finding the antonyms of words.

Before doing it, you need to make sure that the child understands the meaning of the words "different", "opposite", "similar", "the same".

The teacher gives a word and a phrase to the child so that he says the opposite expression (a big ball - a small ball, a long ribbon - a short ribbon, a white figure - a black figure, a light cube - a heavy cube, a deep pond - a shallow pond, a cheerful boy - a sad boy , the weather is clear - the weather is cloudy).

Didactic games for antonyms can be complicated - add to replace not only an adjective, but also a noun (clear day - rainy night, warm summer - cold winter).


The exercise helps the preschooler to understand the relationship and establish the degree of relationship between people.

The teacher, as part of the exercise to develop an understanding of kinship, asks questions about kinship ties, and the child must answer them:

  • who are you for mom and grandmother (son / daughter, grandson / granddaughter);
  • who is your father's brother (uncle);
  • who is your father's brother's daughter (cousin).

To make a sentence

Didactic games on sentences help to increase the attention of the preschooler and teach him to correctly coordinate words. The speech therapist gives 2 words that are not consistent with each other, and the child makes a phrase or sentence out of them.

For example, the teacher says "the ball is jumping", and the preschooler says "the ball is jumping", "the girl is swimming" - "the girl is swimming."


Profession-related speech development games for preschoolers improve the child's knowledge in professional areas, as well as teach him to form from one part of speech to another.

The teacher, offering such didactic word games, gives the name of the profession, and the preschooler says what such a person does. For example:

  • builder - builds;
  • doctor - heals.

Diminutive words

Didactic word form games teach you how to form diminutive forms of words known to children. The teacher imposes the word in its usual form, and the student in the diminutive:

  • doll - chrysalis;
  • bag - handbag;
  • scarf - scarf.

Didactic games to improve speech are one of the easiest and most effective ways to improve children's communication skills and teach them to distinguish the forms of words, as well as their meanings.

For different groups of children, the difficulty of the exercises is different - games for the development of speech in the older group are much more difficult than in the younger. You can come up with tasks for parents on your own using examples, or you can turn to speech therapists for help.

Verbal didactic games in work with preschoolers

1. The value of verbal didactic games in the mental development of children

Verbal didactic games are a complex method of teaching preschoolers, which includes both independently-built play activities and teaching the basics of role-playing games.

Since play is the leading activity of a preschool child, the choice of this method for the child's development is more than justified. Verbal didactic games are subdivided into activity games and autodidactic games. The essence of the first type is that when using this method, the main role belongs to the teacher, he directs children to find solutions to cognitive problems, applies a variety of techniques and methods, increasing the interest of children in the lesson, creates a game situation with a problem, the way out of which is found by the preschoolers themselves ... In a similar way, the educator not only brings certain knowledge to the child, but also teaches children to play.

One of the tasks of the teacher is to create conditions for children to transfer the knowledge gained in the classroom into independent games. Didactic games as a form of teaching children

Verbal didactic games, used as a form of teaching children, include two components: cognitive and entertaining. During the lesson, the teacher is both a mentor and a full-fledged participant in the game, he, like the children, is included in the game process. To deepen and consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers, the teacher asks leading questions, makes riddles, stimulates the cognitive activity of children, directs children to find a solution to the created situation.

Verbal didactic games for the development of speech are used in their classes by both educators and speech therapists. With their help, the child's vocabulary is activated, cognitive skills, the ability to compare and analyze are developed. The result of the work is that children are able to independently arrange sequential pictures in order, understanding cause-and-effect relationships, compose a story based on plot pictures, retell events from their lives using complex subordinate sentences.

Word didactic games:

Games - travel (they are designed to enhance the impression, give cognitive content, draw the attention of children to what exists nearby, but they do not notice it)

Games - assignments ("Collect cubes of this or that color in a basket", "Take out objects of a round shape from the bag" Encourage children to think about the next action, which requires the ability to compare knowledge with the circumstances or proposed conditions, establish causal relationships, active imagination.

Games - riddles (develop the ability to analyze)

Games - conversations (the basis is the communication of the teacher with children, children with each other, which appears as play training and play activity).

Didactic games should develop curiosity, the ability to independently solve mental problems, contribute to the creation of persistent game teams united by common interests, mutual sympathies, and comradely relationships.

2. Methodology for conducting verbal didactic games

A didactic game has its own structure, which includes several components. Consider these components:

1. An educational task is the main element of a didactic game, to which all others are subordinate. For children, the learning task is formulated as a game task. Thus, in the game task, a "program" of game actions is disclosed. In addition, it stimulates the desire to fulfill them. A game task is often embedded in the name of the game: "Guess from the description", "Say the opposite", etc.

2. Play actions are ways of manifesting the child's activity for play purposes: put your hand in a “wonderful bag”, feel for a toy, describe it; see and name the changes that have occurred with the toys placed on the table; pick up outfits and household items for the doll, decorated with a geometric pattern. Play actions change depending on the age and developmental level of children. But there is one pedagogical rule that a teacher must always follow when organizing didactic play: its developmental effect directly depends on how diverse and meaningful the play actions performed by the child are. If a teacher, conducting a didactic game, acts on his own, and the children only observe and sometimes say something, its educational and educational value disappears.

3. Rules - Ensure the implementation of game content. They make the game democratic: all participants in the game obey them. Even within the same didactic game, the rules differ. Some direct the behavior and cognitive activity of children. Determine the nature and conditions for the performance of game actions, establish their sequence, sometimes the order, regulate the relationship between the players. Other rules restrict the measure of the child's motor activity, let it go along a different channel, thereby complicating the solution of the learning problem. Some games have rules that prohibit actions and provide for punishment. Prohibitive rules increase the child's control over their behavior, which increases the latter's arbitrariness.

There is a close connection between the training task, game actions and rules. The learning task defines the game actions, and the rules help to carry out the game actions and solve the problem.

If after the game the knowledge, skills and abilities of the students do not grow, this means that the game is not effective and the results of its implementation are negative, then it is necessary to look for the reasons for the negative consequences. there can be two of them:

1) the quality of the game itself is low and does not meet the requirements.

2) the methodology of the game is wrong.

In the process of didactic games, children learn in practice to independently apply the knowledge about the environment received in the classroom in new, playful conditions.

With children of younger preschool age, the game "find out who lives in the house" is selected and conducted for the lesson on acquaintance with pets. This game can be played on the day of the class (in the afternoon) or the next day. It depends on the availability of time and the development of the children. The didactic task of this game is to fix the names of animals, and later the task can be complicated - to offer to recognize not only the animal, but also the cubs of this animal. The game action is built in such a way that children can recognize the animal by the sounds of the voice.

In the middle group, you can conduct a lesson with the task "to teach children to describe the subject according to the main features." In the second part of the lesson, it is advisable to conduct a didactic game "wonderful bag". The content of the game is acquaintance with objects. The didactic task in this game is to consolidate the children's ideas about the material from which this or that toy is made.

Simultaneously with the fulfillment of the main didactic task, children develop sense of touch, attention, the ability to apply in the game the knowledge that they received during this lesson. This game promotes the development of speech and thinking. Game action - take the toy out of the beautiful "wonderful bag" by touch. The rules of the game - a child should take out only one toy that he liked by touch, after taking out name it, say what it is made of, and tell what he knows about it. The same game can be repeated, but with complications. So, for example, take a rubber or plastic toy out of the bag, and then, when all the toys are taken out, the children group them according to the material from which the toys are made, play with them. With children of older preschool age, word games are widely used, which require a lot of attention and mental stress. In the classroom, the teacher acquaints children with where and how collective farmers grow wheat, oats and other crops. In the second part of the lesson, d / and "make no mistake" can be conducted. The game can also use the knowledge gained by children earlier, when getting acquainted with the vegetable garden and garden. Children sit in a circle. The teacher throws a ball to one of them and says: "vegetable garden". The one who catches the ball must name the vegetable that grows in the garden. In this d / and several tasks are set: consolidation and clarification of knowledge, where and what is growing, education of attention, restraint, quick mental reaction to the word.

In the preparatory group, after direct presentation to children, knowledge in the classroom about vegetables and fruits, bakery products, school supplies, etc. can be planned and carried out d / and "shop" or "self-service store" with the didactic task of fixing the names of school supplies or vegetables and fruits, as well as other items sold in a particular store. At the same time, in this game, children consolidate knowledge in counting, they develop speech, thinking, companionship. Practical methods are characteristic of the preschool period of speech development: the method of imitation, the method of conversation (conversation), the method of retelling, the method of storytelling (composition). Techniques with which the simulation method is implemented can be:

Observation of a real object while getting to know the environment

Games, in the process of games, the child's speech is enriched not only with new vocabulary, but also with new word forms.

Reliance on a verbal pattern: children repeat the phrase uttered by the teacher.

A more complex (for a child) method of teaching speech is a conversation method (questions and answers), a conversation method. The method of conversation is that the trainer asks and the trainer answers.

Reception of support on real objects or on pictures can be organized if there is an appropriate handout: each child should receive a set of pictures.

The conversation method is difficult to implement with the same techniques as the imitation method (by observing real objects, relying on a picture, on a verbal sample), as well as by methods of posing various questions - assignments.

Retelling method. In the methodology, several retelling techniques have been developed that are used to familiarize children with fiction, for example, playing their favorite characters, staging fairy tales, stories, etc.

Composing (storytelling) methods

This method provides preschoolers with speech independence.

3. Select and describe a number of verbal games from textbooks

"Come up with a riddle"

Didactic games for children 4-6 years old - "Come up with a riddle"

Purpose of the game: development of speech and communication skills of a preschool child.

Tasks: develop memory, attention; improve coherent speech; activate the dictionary.

Game inventory: cards with images of objects.

Game progress:

The game turns out to be very exciting. 3-10 people can take part in it. You can come up with riddles at home, together with one baby.

Children sit on a rug, sofa or high chairs. The first of them comes up to an adult and receives a card. The kid should not show it to anyone. He stands in front of the other players and describes the object depicted on the card. However, he should not name it.

For example:

doll - a toy, beautiful, with a bow, in a dress, for girls, and so on;

the ball is round, rubber, played on the street, and so on;

wolf - predatory, angry, gray, lives in a forest or a zoo.

Children must guess and name the item being described.


Purpose of the game: to activate vocabulary.

Tasks: develop logical thinking; improve coherent speech; activate the dictionary.

Game inventory: Ball, pin, flag, soft toy of your choice.

Game progress:

If there are two participants (an adult and a child), they stand opposite each other. If there are more of them, they become in a circle. The first participant holds a soft toy (ball, flag, pin, etc.) in his hands. He passes it to a neighbor and calls the word. The neighbor must name another that is in some way related to the previous one. Etc.

For example:

autumn - rain - cloudy - cold - wet;

game - fun - dolls - cars - friends;

kindergarten - educator - nanny - quiet hour - walk.

Game "Season"

An adult reads the text about the seasons of the year. The child guesses which one is being discussed.

Purpose: to activate the dictionary

Tasks: develop memory, attention; expand vocabulary, form interest in games.

"Guess the description"

The adult has six different items on the table. Then he describes one of them. The child, according to the description, determines which object the adult described. Repeat the game until the adult has described all the items.

Tasks: to develop attention, memory; activate the child's vocabulary; to form interest in verbal didactic game.

Guess - ka

Purpose: activating vocabulary

Tasks: to develop the ability of children to guess riddles, to correlate the verbal image with the image in the picture; to clarify the knowledge of children about berries.

Materials: pictures for each child with a picture of berries. Book of riddles.

The course of the game: on the table in front of each child there are pictures of the answers. The teacher makes a riddle, the children look for and pick up a picture-answer.

Edible - inedible.

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms.

Tasks: develop memory, attention; Expand words knowledge; to form an interest in word play.

Materials: basket, object pictures with the image of edible and inedible mushrooms.

The course of the game: on the table in front of each child there are pictures of the answers. The teacher makes a riddle about mushrooms, the children look for and put the picture-answer to the edible mushroom in the baskets.


Verbal didactic games are a type of didactic games aimed at developing children's speech, as well as mental education. In such games, both words and all kinds of actions are used. Toddlers learn to describe various objects, recognize them from descriptions, and identify common and distinctive characteristics.

Didactic word games pursue the following goals:

    Consolidation of knowledge;

    Clarification and expansion of information about the world;

    Formation of cognitive interests;

    Development of mental processes;

    Effective development of thinking and observation in children.


    Barchan, T.A. Didactic games from 2 to 5 years old. - M .: Karapuz, 2011 .-- 128 p.

    Berlova, A. Games with fairy tales. I listen and reason. For children of middle and senior preschool age. In 2 books. Book 1 /. - M .: Ventana-Graf, 2016 .-- 2292 p.

    Volochaeva, I.A.Geometric city. Didactic game. Issue 3. - M .: Childhood-Press, 2011. - 2050 p.

    Gerbova, V.V. Classes on the development of speech with children 4 - 6 years old (older group of different ages). - M .: Education, 2015 .-- 207 p.

    Davidchuk, A.N. Didactic game - a means of development for preschoolers 3-7 years old. Toolkit. - M .: Sfera, 2013 .-- 176 p.

    Derkunskaya, V.A. Game techniques and communication games for older preschool children. Study guide / V.A. Derkunskaya, A.G. Ryndin. - M .: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2012. - 112 p.

    We play, develop, grow. Didactic games for preschool children. - M .: Childhood-Press, 2010 .-- 368 p.

    Lykova, I. A. Didactic games and classes. Integration of artistic and cognitive activity of preschoolers / I.A. Lykov. - M .: Sphere, Karapuz, 2009 .-- 160 p.

Dobrenkaya Galina Vasilievna, educator of the MADOU d / s No. 17, Alekseevka, Belgorod region

"What is round and what is oval?"

Game progress: The teacher invites the child to name as many round and oval objects as possible. The child starts the game.

If he cannot name, the teacher begins: “I remembered that the apple is round and the testicle is oval. Now you go on. Remember, what is the shape of the plum, and what is the gooseberry? Right, the plum is oval, and the gooseberry is round. " (Helps the child to name objects and compare them in shape: ring-fish, hedgehog-ball, cherry-leaf cherry, watermelon-melon, acorn-raspberry, tomato-eggplant, sunflower-seed, zucchini-apple).

In case of difficulty, the teacher shows the child a set of pictures and together they put them into two groups.

"Flies - does not fly"

Game progress: The educator encourages children to quickly name objects when he says the word "flies", and then name other objects when he says the word "does not fly."

The teacher says:"Flies".

Children call:"Crow, plane, butterfly, mosquito, fly, rocket, pigeon", etc. Then the teacher says: "Does not fly." Children call it: “Bicycle, chamomile, cup, dog, pencil, kitten,” etc. The game continues: the words “flies”, “does not fly” are called by one of the children, and the teacher names objects together with the children. The game can be played while walking.

"Edible - inedible"

The game is carried out by analogy with the previous one.


Game progress: First, we explain that we call all living things "WHO", and non-living things "WHAT". Here are some examples.

Then we play questions and answers. You can use books with plot pictures.

What's growing? Who is growing?

Who is flying? What flies?

Who is swimming? What floats?

Who is the biggest? What's the biggest?

"What happens below and what happens above?"

Game progress: The teacher invites children to think and name what happens only above.

If the children find it difficult, he prompts: “Let's look up, the sky is above us. Is it at the bottom? No, it is always only at the top. And what else happens only at the top? Where are the clouds? (stars, moon)... Now think, what happens only below? Look at the ground. Where does the grass grow? Where does she go? " (plants, bodies of water, earth, sand, stones, etc.).

After that, the children independently enumerate the objects of nature that are only above, and those that are only below.

"What is sweet?"

Game progress:

The teacher suggests to the children: Listen carefully, I will name what is sweet. And if I am mistaken, then I must be stopped, I must say: "Stop!"

The teacher says: "Sugar, marshmallows, raspberries, strawberries, lemon."

Children listen carefully and stop him at the word where he "made a mistake." Then the children themselves name what is sweet.

"Answer quickly"

Game progress: The teacher, holding the ball in his hands, stands with the children in a circle and explains the rules of the game: “Now I will name a color and throw a ball to one of you. Whoever catches the ball must name the object of the same color. Then he himself names any other color and throws the ball to the next one. He also catches the ball, names the object, then his color, etc. ”.

For example, "Green", - says the teacher (pauses briefly, giving children the opportunity to remember green objects) and throws the ball to Vita.

“Grass”, - Vitya answers and, having said: “Yellow”, throws the ball to the next one.

One and the same color can be repeated several times, since there are many objects of the same color.

The main feature for classification can be not only color, but also the quality of the object.

The beginner says, for example, "Wooden" and throws the ball.

"Table", - the child who caught the ball answers, and offers his word: "Stone".

"House" - the next player answers and says: "Iron", etc.

The next time the form is taken as the main characteristic. The teacher says the word "round" and throws the ball to anyone playing.

"Sun" - he answers and calls another shape, for example "square", throwing the ball to the next player.

He calls a square-shaped object (window, scarf, book) and suggests some form. The same shape can be repeated several times as many objects have the same shape. With repetition, the game can be complicated by suggesting to name not one, but two or more items.

"How are they similar?"

Game progress: The teacher invites children to look around and find two objects that are somewhat similar to each other.

He says: “I will call it: the sun-chick. How do you think they are similar to each other? Yes, that's right, they are similar in color to each other. And here are two more items: a glass and a window. How are they similar to each other? And now each of you will name your two similar objects. "

Games to eliminate the fourth "extra" word

"Be careful!"

Game progress: The teacher tells the children: I will name four words, one word does not fit here. You must listen carefully and name the "extra" word. " For example: matryoshka, tumbler, cup, doll; table, sofa, flower, chair; chamomile, hare, dandelion, cornflower; horse, bus, tram, trolleybus; wolf, crow, dog, fox; sparrow, crow, pigeon, chicken; apple, tree, carrot, cucumber.

After each highlighted "extra" word, the teacher asks the child to explain why this word does not fit into the given group of words, that is, to explain the principle of grouping.

"Listen carefully!"

Game progress: The teacher tells the child: “I will name the words, and you say which word does not fit: a cat, a fox, a horse, a cow; tractor, car, rocket, bus; pear, turnip, beets, carrots; book, pencil case, ball, notebook; water, thermometer, medicine, cotton wool. "

In case of difficulty, he slowly repeats a certain set of words and helps the child to highlight the inappropriate for any reason.

"Find out!"

Game progress: Tell me, what kind of berries do you know? Now I will name the words, if among them you hear a word for a berry, then clap your hands.

Words for presentation - cabbage, strawberry, apple, pear, currant, raspberry, carrot, strawberry, potato, dill, blueberry, lingonberry, plum, cranberry, apricot, zucchini, orange.

"Now I will name the words, if you hear a word referring to berries, slap once, if to fruits - twice."

(You can use the same words, you can think of others.)

The topic can be used as a basis for systematization - tools, furniture, clothes, flowers, etc.

Tell me, how do they taste similar? color? magnitude?

Lemon and pear

Raspberries and strawberries

Apple and plum

Currants and gooseberries

What is the difference in taste? color? magnitude?

"Divide into groups"

Game progress:"What groups do you think these words can be divided into? Sasha, Kolya, Lena, Olya, Igor, Natasha.

What groups can be made up of these words: dove, sparrow, carp, tit, pike, bullfinch, pike perch. "

"Pick up the words"

Game progress:

  1. Find as many words as possible that can be attributed to the group wild animals (pets, fish, flowers, weather, seasons, tools, etc.).
  2. Another version of the same task.

Use arrows to connect words that match the meaning:

ball | furniture

poplar | flower

wardrobe | insects

plate | wood

coat | clothes

ant | dishes

pike | a toy

rose | a fish

"Similarities and Differences"

Game progress: Invite your child to point out the similarities and differences between the following pairs of words:

Book - notebook | Day Night

Horse - cow | Tree - bush

Telephone - radio | Tomato - cucumber

Airplane - rocket | Table chair

"Find the opposite object"

Game progress: By naming an item (e.g. sugar), it is necessary to name as many others as possible opposite to the given one. It is necessary to find opposite objects according to the function "edible - inedible", "useful - harmful", etc., according to the feature (size, shape, condition) and etc.

"Search for an analogy"

Game progress: Some word is called, for example, portfolio. It is necessary to come up with as many "analogs" as possible, that is, other items similar to him in different essential characteristics (bag, bag, backpack, etc.)

"Name it in one word"

Game progress: Invite your child to name a group of objects in one word. We name many specific subjects with one word. For example, we call birch, pine, oak, etc. trees.

Invite your child to name in one word:

A table, a chair, a wardrobe are ...

A dog, a cat, a cow is ...

A cup, saucer, plate is ...

Cornflower, chamomile, tulip - this.

"Find a common word"

Game progress: This task contains words that have a common meaning. You should try to convey this general meaning in one word.

What are the general words for the following words:

  1. Faith, Hope, Love, Elena
  2. a, b, c, c, n
  3. table, sofa, armchair, chair
  4. Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday
  5. January, March, July, September ".

Generalizing may be the word "spring months", and may be "months of the year", etc.

A more complex version of the exercise contains only two words for which you need to find a general concept.

Find out what the following words have in common:

a) bread and butter (food)

b) nose and eyes (parts of the face, senses)

c) apple and strawberry (fruit)

d) clock and thermometer (measuring instruments)

e) whale and lion (animals)

f) echo and mirror (reflection)

Twin Words

Game progress: This exercise is associated with such a phenomenon of the Russian language as homonymy, that is, when words have different meanings, but the same spelling.

Which word means the same as words:

1) the spring and what the door is opened with;

2) a girl's hairdo and a tool for cutting grass;

3) a branch of grapes and a tool used to paint.

Come up with words yourself that are the same in sound, but different in meaning.

Additional tasks for the exercise:

4) a vegetable that makes people cry and a weapon for shooting arrows (hot vegetable and small arms);

5) a piece of a gun and a piece of wood;

6) what they paint on and greenery on the branches;

7) a lifting mechanism for a construction site and a mechanism that needs to be opened in order for water to flow.

"What is what needs"

Game progress: The car runs on gasoline or other fuel; tram, trolleybus or electric train are driven by electricity. All this together can be attributed to the "transport" group.

Seeing an unfamiliar car (e.g. truck crane), ask: what is it? Why?

Similar exercises are performed with other concepts: tools, dishes, plants, animals, furniture, etc.


Game progress: Now I will speak words to you, and you will answer me, which is more, which is less, which is longer, which is shorter.

Pencil or pencil? Which is shorter? Why?

Cat or whale? Which one is bigger? Why?

Boa constrictor or worm? Which is longer? Why?

Ponytail or ponytail? Which is shorter? Why?"

The teacher can come up with their own questions, focusing on the above.

"Choose the main thing"

Game progress: An adult says to the children: Now I am going to read a series of words. Of these words, you will have to choose only two, denoting the main features of the main word, that is, something without which this object cannot be.

Other words are also related to the main word, but they are not the main ones. You need to find the most important words.

For example, a garden ... What do you think are the most important of these words: plants, gardener, dog, fence, earth, that is, something without which there can be no garden? Can there be a garden without plants? Why? ... Without a gardener ... a dog ... a fence ... land? .. Why?

Each of the intended words is analyzed in detail. The main thing is for children to understand why this or that word is the main, essential feature of this concept.

Sample tasks:

a) Boots (laces, sole, heel, zipper, bootleg)

b) River (shore, fish, fisherman, mud, water)

in town (car, building, crowd, street, bike)

d) Shed (hayloft, horses, roof, livestock, walls)

e) Cube (corners, drawing, side, stone, wood)

f) Division (class, dividend, pencil, divider, paper)

g) Game (cards, players, penalties, penalties, rules)

h) Reading (eyes, book, picture, print, word)

i) War (plane, guns, battles, guns, soldiers)


Game progress: The presenter says a word or tells the conditions of some completely unusual situation, and the players (children or adults) must unravel a word or explain a situation by asking questions that can be answered with one of five answers: "yes"; "No"; "Yes and no"; "there is no information about this"; "it is not essential."

For example: "I thought of a plant in the middle lane. In ten questions, identify the plant that I have in mind."

Topics for "Danets" and possible continuation of the game.

What kind of vegetable am I planning?

Is it a root vegetable? (Carrots, beets, radishes)

Is it a leafy vegetable? (Cabbage, salad)

Is it a fruit vegetable? (Tomatoes cucumbers)

What name did I come up with?

Is this a male name?

Does the name start with a vowel?

Does our group have such a name?

What piece of clothing am I planning?

Is this outerwear?

Is this men's clothing?

What kind of fairy tale am I planning?

Is this a Russian fairy tale?

What kind of historical figure am I in mind?

This is a man?

What do I do in the morning for sure?

What color did I have in mind?

What property of ice cream, light bulb, watermelon, pencil did I envision?

What country am I planning?

What writer, storyteller, poet, scientist am I planning?

What famous battle am I planning?

"Black box"

Game progress: Children are shown a "black box" or just a bag, a briefcase and asked to guess 10 questions - what's there? Etc.

Is there a man-made object? Is there something soft? Is there something metallic? Etc.

"List the items"

Game progress: One driver is selected from the group of children. He leaves the room for 2 minutes. At this time, 7 objects are placed on the table in the room and the situation is pondered. For example, children think of the situation "I'm going for a walk", then there should be 7 items of clothing on the table.

The driver is invited, he is told the situation and is allowed to examine the table for 1-2 minutes. Then he turns his back to the table, and faces the group of children and begins to list the things on the table. After each correct answer, the group says "Right!", After the wrong one - "Wrong!" If the driver did not list all the items, the group says which items he forgot.


Game progress: The presenter calls a word to the group of children. The challenge is to name the word for the opposite object.

For example, the presenter says the word "cup". Children may name the following items: "board" (the cup is convex and the board is straight), "Sun" (the cup is made by a person, and the sun is part of natural nature), "water" (water is the filler and the cup is the shape) etc.

Each child in turn offers his answer and be sure to explain why he chose such a subject.

"Come up with a riddle"

Game progress: The driver is selected from the group of children. His task is to come up with a riddle. The group must solve this riddle. Then another child comes up with a riddle, etc. Children of 6 years old like to invent riddles, the game is lively.

"Who by whom (how) will?"

Game progress: The game is good because you can play with a company or together with a child anywhere. Ask each other questions, make sure that the baby answers the question correctly.

Who will the egg be? (can be a chick, crocodile, turtle, snake.)

The chicken is a rooster;

A boy is a man;

Calf - cow or bull - paper - book;

Snow - with water;

Water - ice;

The seed is a flower;

Flour - pancakes;

Reverse game:"Who was who?"

Horse - foal

Flower - by seed

"Third wheel"

Game progress: An adult says three words - an owl, a crow, a fox. The child should quickly analyze these three words in his mind and determine that all three words refer to wildlife, however, an owl and a crow are birds, and a fox is not. Therefore, the fox is superfluous here.

More examples for younger preschoolers:

Milk, juice, bread - all three words mean edible. But they drink milk and juice, and eat bread;

Car, horse, tram;

Hat, scarf, boots;

Rose, birch, tree.

For children 5-7 years old, tasks become more difficult:

Rain, snow, river;

Doctor, tourist, chauffeur;

Shadow, sun, planet;

Frost, blizzard, January;

Stone, clay, glass;

Door, carpet, window;

Sea, river, pool.

"What happens?"

Game progress: First, the adult asks the questions, and the child answers. Then you need to give the child the opportunity to prove himself.


What is high? (tree, pillar, person, house)... Here it is appropriate to ask which is higher - a tree or a house; person or post.

What's Long? (short)

What is wide (narrow) ?

What is round (square) ?

A wide variety of concepts can be included in the game: what is fluffy, soft, hard, spicy, cold, white, black, etc.

"What's outside, what's inside?"

Game progress: An adult names a couple of objects, and a child says what can be outside and what is inside. House - wardrobe; book - wardrobe; purse; wallet-money; saucepan - porridge; aquarium - fish; booth - a dog; burrow is a fox.

Then switch roles - have the child guess a couple of words.

"Who is this?"

Game progress:

Option 1: We ask questions: who treats the sick? Who teaches children at school? Who prepares lunch? Who is driving the tractor? Who delivers letters and newspapers? Who sews the dress?

Option 2: Questions: what does the janitor do? What is the doctor doing? What does an electrician do? What does the teacher do? What does the chauffeur do? What does a painter do? What does a hairdresser do?

Option 3: Coming up with riddles. For example: this person works on the street, he has a broom, a shovel.

Option 4:“Who needs what?” What does the postman need? What does a hairdresser need? And vice versa: who needs scissors? Who needs a needle?

"Guess the subject by its parts"

Game progress: We call parts of an object for children. The one who is the first to guess what is at stake gets one point. This option is good because you can play with your child anywhere. For example, on the way to kindergarten, sitting in line to see a doctor, etc.


Four legs, back, seat.

Figures, arrows.

Letters, pictures, sheets.

Trunk, branches, leaves.

Root, stem, leaves, petals.

Screen, buttons, electrical cord, remote control.

Spout, handle, lid, electrical cord.

Paws, tail, collar.

Paws, tail, trunk.

Does everything seem too simple at first glance? But in reality, not all children can describe objects. Try it!

"Guess the subject by the description"

Game progress: The conditions of the game are the same as in the previous one. But the task is more difficult here. It is necessary not only to find the correct definitions of objects, but also to correctly coordinate adjectives and nouns by gender, as well as to know such concepts as furniture, vegetables, fruits, insects, domestic and wild animals, etc.

Wild animal, lives in the forest, big, shaggy, loves honey.

A wild animal, sly, red-haired, with a fluffy tail.

The insect, with multi-colored wings, looks like a flower.

Transport, large, heavy, with wings and a tail.

Vegetable, red, round, put in salad and borscht.

Sweet, small, in a beautiful piece of paper.

"Think and pick up!"

Game progress: Now I will read you a proverb, and you try to find a suitable phrase for it that reflects the general meaning of the proverb, for example:

Measure seven times and cut once

a) If you cut it yourself incorrectly, then do not blame the scissors

b) Before doing, you need to think carefully

c) The seller measured seven meters of fabric and cut

The correct choice here is "Before you do, you need to think well", and the scissors or the seller are just particulars and do not reflect the main meaning. "

Sample tasks:

1. Less is more.

a) One good book is more useful to read than seven bad ones.

b) One tasty cake is worth ten tasteless ones.

c) It is not quantity that matters, but quality.

2. If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

a) The clown makes people laugh.

b) To do a job better, you need to think about it well.

c) Haste can lead to ridiculous results.

3. Strike while the iron is hot.

a) A blacksmith forges hot iron.

b) If there are favorable opportunities for business, you must immediately use them.

c) A blacksmith who works slowly often does more than one who is in a hurry.

4. There is nothing to blame on the mirror, if the face is crooked.

a) You shouldn't blame the circumstances for the failure, if it's about you.

b) The good quality of the mirror does not depend on the frame, but on the glass itself.

c) The mirror hangs crooked.

5. The hut is not red at the corners, but red with pies.

a) You cannot eat pies alone, you must also eat rye bread.

6) The case is judged by the results.

c) One tasty cake is worth ten tasteless ones.

6. Did the job - walk boldly.

a) If you've done your job well, you can rest.

b) The boy went out for a walk.

7. Skillful hands do not know boredom.

a) Pyotr Ivanovich never gets bored.

b) A master of his craft loves and knows how to work.

8. Don't get into your sleigh.

a) If you don’t know what to do, don’t tackle it.

b) In winter they go by sleigh, and in summer by cart.

c) Ride only on your own sleigh.

9. All that glitters is not gold.

a) The copper bracelet shone like gold.

b) External gloss is not always combined with good quality.

c) Not always what seems good to us is really good.

Didactic games (word games) for older preschoolers

author: Pashkova Larisa Aleksandrovna, teacher of speech therapy group, MBDOU "Shegarsky kindergarten No. 1 of combined type"
Games can be used in the learning process, in educational work. This material is recommended for teachers of different types of institutions, including additional education, educator, teachers. Games are designed for older children. Games were used in the form of individual activities, games and exercises.

The game "Joiner"

Target. We develop the imagination and speech creativity of children; we teach what tools the carpenter uses when working.
Description of the game. The presenter tells children riddles on a given topic. Chips are awarded to players for quick and correct answers. And at the end of the game, when counting, the smartest one gets a prize.

Bows, bows
When he comes home, it stretches out.

Toothy animal
The oak is gnawing with a whistle.

The fat one will beat the thin one,
Slim will nail something.
(Hammer and nail)

Wooden river,
Wooden boat,
And over the boat it flows
Wood smoke.

Game "Merry Olympiad"

Target. We teach children to guess riddles, consolidate speech skills - evidence, develop speech skills - description.
Description of the game. Children are divided into two teams. Each team comes up with a name for itself. Teams compete to solve sports riddles. Players must correctly guess the riddle, prove the answer, if they can beat it. For each correct answer, the team receives an Olympic ring (hoop). The first team to collect 5 rings is declared the winner.

Small in stature, but smart,
He rode away from me.

A white goose is swimming -
The belly is wooden
Linen wing.

The river flows - we lie
Ice on the river - we are running.

Wooden horses gallop in the snow,
And they don't fall into the snow.

When spring takes its toll
And the streams run ringing
I jump over it,
And she - through me.
(Jump rope)

Legs ride along the road
And two wheels are running.
The riddle has an answer:
This is my …

Sounds Mixed Up Game

Target. Preparing children for sound analysis; we develop auditory and visual memory.
Description of the game. The presenter reads funny poems, deliberately making mistakes in words. The child names the word correctly and says what sounds the pairs of words differ in.

I found a plum ... a blouse,
Fenya put on ... a bone.

Ripe on a tree ... a caftan,
In winter I put on ... a chestnut.

Perched on a tree ... count,
Lives in a beautiful house ... a rook.

Turned green in the park ... kids,
And we went out for a walk ... branches.

In the summer ... cats fly in the forest,
They hunt mice ... midges.

Pussy-clawed ... slippers,
Vicki has brand new ... paws.

Far to go for me ... stump,
I'd rather sit on ... laziness.

Game "Additives"

Target. Develops speech creativity of children.
Description of the game. The presenter reads poetry without the last word. Children must quickly find the right words. For each correct answer, the child receives a token. The winner will be the one with the most chips.

All fluffs slide from the sky -
Silvery ... (snowflakes)

Architects are creators
They build wonderful ... (palaces)

Once upon a time there was a merry dwarf.
He built in the forest ... (house)

In this house, you trust me
Locked securely ... (door)

The crust of snow has hardened,
Ours will be slippery ... (slide)

The baby has a rattle
Very noisy ... (toy)

Our kids know:
Hide and seek is the best ... (game)!

Lily Star
Card file of word games for children 5-6 years old

Card file of word games for children 5 - 6 years old (older group)


Purpose: To teach children to describe an object without looking at it, to highlight essential features; to recognize the subject by the description.

Rules: It is necessary to talk about an object so that children do not immediately guess about it, so you cannot look at the object. In this game, you only need to talk about those objects that are in the room. Name three subjects

Purpose: To train children in the classification of objects.

Rules: To name three subjects with one common word. Whoever makes a mistake pays forfeit. (Furniture - table, chair, bed, etc.)

A toy shop

Purpose: To teach children to describe the subject, find its essential features; recognize the subject by description.

Rules: The seller sells a toy if the buyer has told about it well (without looking at it).

Where was Petya?

Purpose: To activate the processes of thinking, remembering, attention, speech of children; to cultivate respect for working people.

Rules: You need to tell only about what is in the building, on the site of the kindergarten or outside it, that is, what is provided for by the rule of the game.


Purpose: To educate the ability to be observant, to activate the speech of children.

Rules: Tell about the most characteristic features in the behavior and clothing of the children of your group. Which of the announcers described so incompletely that the children did not know who they were talking about, pays a phantom, which is redeemed at the end of the game.

Birds (Beasts, fish)

Purpose: To strengthen the ability of children to classify and name animals, birds, fish.

Rules: You can name a bird (fish, animal) only after you receive the ball, you must answer quickly, you cannot repeat what has been said.

Children pass the ball to each other with the words: “Here is a bird. What kind of bird? ”, And the receiver answers.

Who needs what?

Purpose: To train children in the classification of objects, the ability to name objects that are necessary for people of a certain profession.

Rules: Name the profession and items necessary for the people of this profession, pass the ball. Do not repeat a subject already said.


Folk game

Purpose: to train children in the correct choice of words, in the ability to logically pose a question, answer quickly and correctly, avoiding the use of forbidden words. Rules: The presenter bypasses all the players, stops in front of one of them and says:

Grandma sent one hundred rubles:

Buy what you want

Do not take black and white,

Don't say yes and no!

Broken phone

Purpose: To develop auditory attention in children.

Rules: The word must be passed so that the children sitting next to it do not hear. Whoever missed the word, that is, ruined the phone, is transferred to the last chair.

Flies - does not fly

Purpose: To develop auditory attention in children, to cultivate endurance.

Rules: Raise your hand only if a flying object is named.

Where we were, we will not tell

Folk game

Purpose: To develop in children resourcefulness, ingenuity, the ability to transform.

Rules: Imitate the actions of people of different professions so that children recognize and name the profession. One group of children shows with the words: "Where we were, we will not tell, but what we did, we will show."

Complete the offer

Purpose: To develop speech activity in children, quick thinking.

Rules: You need to find and say such a word to get a complete sentence. You only need to add one word.

Vice versa

Purpose: To develop in children intelligence, quick thinking.

Rule: Name words that are only opposite in meaning.

Find a rhyme

Purpose: To teach children to choose rhyming words.

Rules: Choose rhyming words, answer at will.

Say the word with the right sound

Purpose: To develop in children phonemic hearing, quick thinking.

Rules: Anyone who cannot quickly and correctly call a word for a given sound and throw the ball pays forfeit.

Purpose: To reinforce in children the ability to correctly name the numbers of the natural series within 10 in forward and reverse order, starting with any number; develop quick thinking, auditory attention.

Who is this? What is it?

Purpose: To learn to explain in detail the meaning of words.

Rules: Invite the child to compose a short descriptive story about an object, a person, without naming it.

(For example: this is a mechanism with arrows and numbers, they show the time. There are table, manual).

Find yourself a mate

Purpose: To develop phonemic hearing, to learn to find words that are similar in sound, to listen attentively to the sound of words.

Rules: Everyone should find a match for himself according to the rule: one child speaks a word, and someone should respond with a similar word (joke - duck - bear).

Let's remember different words

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to listen attentively to the sound of words, to develop phonetic ear, to exercise in a clear pronunciation of a sound.

Rules: Children stand in a circle and choose words on the topic (flowers, professions, etc.).

Children select words for a certain sound, with a certain sound in the word.

Who will get the ball

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to find long and short words.

Rules: Children stand in 2 lines facing each other. The first to hold the ball. In one line, the children say short words, in the other - long ones and pass the ball to the person next to them. If the word is named incorrectly, the team loses a point.

What sound is lost

Purpose: To reinforce the idea that words are made of sounds. Learn to recognize

words missing the first or last sound.

Rules: The teacher slowly reads the poetic text. In some words, it skips sound. Children mark these words, pronounce them correctly, indicating which sound was lost.

Stick stop

Purpose: To develop phonemic hearing, to enrich the vocabulary of children.

Rules: Children name words - characteristics of an object and transmit a stick at the same time. The participants in the game agree in advance who will be discussed. If the already spoken word is called, the child leaves the circle.

What does a doll need

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to hear individual sounds within a word.

Material: pictures (soap dish, soap, towel, toothpaste, brush, plate, kettle, cup, spoon, fork).

The course of the game: 1. The teacher puts pictures on the stand, asks to name each object, say what it is for, what sounds are heard in its name.

2. The teacher offers to select pictures with objects for washing.

First with the sound L, then with the sound T.

First with the sound L, then with the sounds K, Ch.

Tell me the sound

Purpose: To reinforce the idea that words are made of sounds. Learn to recognize words that lack the last sound.

The course of the game: The teacher reads the words, but in some the last sound is lost.

For example:

A black-eared kitten was basking in the sun ...

A white-footed puppy was looking at him ...

The hunters set up costa in the forest ...

The student held a pencil in his hand ...

The kid asked his mother to buy a sha ...

A hare ran into a forest clearing ...

Lived in the zoo: Sloo., Behemo., Crocody ...

A motley dad was knocking on the trunk ...

The squirrel hid the nuts in the hollow ...

Petu, hens, ducklings wandered around the yard ...

Remember the magic words

1. Remember the song of the kolobok.

2. What words were used to summon Sivka-Burka.

3. How to turn the hut of Baba Yaga.

4. Recall where the death of Koshchei is hidden.

5. Show off as a Boast-Hare.

6.With what words did the animals resort to Teremku.

Name from which fairy tale

1.girl, brother, geese-swans,

baba yaga, mouse.

2. old woman, old man, gingerbread man, hare, wolf, bear, fox., bitter fly, squeak mosquito, biting mouse, frog frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear, mitten.

4. goat, kids, wolf.

Fabulous warm-up

1. Sivka ... Burka

2. Zayushkina ... hut

3. Ugly ... duckling

4. Geese ... swans

5. Scarlet ... flower

6. The princess ... the frog

8. Grandfather ... Aibolit

9. Koschey ... immortal

10. Brother ... Ivanushka

11. Sister ... Alyonushka

12. Chicken ... Ryaba

Fabulous warm-up

1. What nickname did the dog wear in the family, which included: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter? (Bug)

2. Who loved to boast and paid with their lives? (Gingerbread man)

3. What was the name of the girl who went for a walk, got lost, entered a strange house where the bears lived? (Masha)

4. Who had an icy hut, and in what fairy tale? (Fox)

5. What animal found the little house in the forest? (Little mouse)

Which hero is superfluous

1. "Geese-Swans" - a girl, Baba Yaga, a bear.

2. "Teremok" - hare, wild boar, wolf.

3. "The wolf and the seven kids" - goat, kids, wolf, bear.

4. "Zayushkina hut" - a dog, a hare, a wolf, a rooster, a mouse.

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