Test “Chess at school. Tests on tactics for beginner chess players: collection Test questions for the chess theory course

Present Continuous - present continuous tense
Band times Continuous indicate a process, an action that continues at a certain moment in the past, present or future.
Time Present Continuous usually indicates a process that continues immediately at the moment of speech. This may be indicated by context or words such as now, at the moment, etc.:
Sally is doing her homework at the moment.
Sally is doing her homework now.

Dad and me are fishing now.
My dad and I are fishing now.
Education Present Continuous
Affirmative sentences:

I am playingWe are playing
You are playingYou are playing
He / she / it is playingThey are playing
Interrogative sentences:
Am I playing?Are we playing?
Are you playing?Are you playing?
Is he / she / it playing?Are they playing?
Negative Suggestions:
I am not playingWe are not playing
You are not playingYou are not playing
He / she / it is not playingThey are not playing
To put a verb into tense form Present Continuous, auxiliary required verb to be in the present tense and present participle(Participle I) of the semantic verb.
To be in the present tense has three forms:
  • am- 1 person, unit. h. (I am shaving.)
  • is- 3rd person, unit. h. (He is reading.)
  • are- 2nd person unit. h. and all plural forms. h. (They are sleeping.)
Personal pronouns and the auxiliary verb are often shortened to I’m, he’s, she’s, it’s, we’re, you’re, they’re.
The present participle (Participle I) can be obtained by adding the ending to the initial form of the significant verb -ing:
jump-jump ing, live-livi ng
IN interrogative sentence The auxiliary verb is placed before the subject, and the significant verb remains after it:
Why are you laughing?
Why are you laughing?

Are you using this dictionary?
Are you using this dictionary?
IN negative sentences the auxiliary verb is followed by a negative particle not. Forms is And are in this case can be reduced to isn't And aren't respectively.
Radio is not (isn’t) working.
The radio does not work.
Cases of using the Present Continuous

  • An indication of the process occurring directly at the moment of conversation:
The doctor is conducting an operation now.
The doctor is now performing an operation.
  • Description of the characteristic properties of a person, often with a negative connotation:
Why are you always interrupting people?
Why are you always interrupting people?

He is always shouting at me.
He always yells at me.

  • A planned action in the future, often with verbs of motion:
We are landing in Heathrow in 20 minutes.
We land at Heathrow in 20 minutes.
English verbs associated with perception (notice, hear, see, feel ...), emotions (love, hate, like ...), mental processes (think, believe, understand ...), possession (have, possess .. .) are not used in Continuous tenses because they themselves denote a process. Time is used instead Present Simple:
I hear you, don't shout. I hear you, don't shout.
I love pancakes. I love pancakes.

"Test tasks in physical culture."

"Chess at school"

Instructions for completing theoretical tasks

3rd grade “Chess at school”

You are offered 15 questions that meet the minimum knowledge requirements of students in the 3rd grade of basic school in the subject “Physical Education” Chess school

For each question there are 4 possible answers. They contain both correct and incorrect answers, as well as those that partially correspond to the meaning of the questions. Only one can be correct - the one that most fully corresponds to the meaning of the question.

Read the questions and suggested answer options carefully. Your task is to choose one of four answer options that, in your opinion, is correct. Try not to guess, but to logically justify your choice.

Mark the answers you have chosen in the appropriate boxes of the answer form with any sign that allows you to get an unambiguous idea of ​​​​the choice you have made.

Be careful to mark the correct answers on the form. Corrections and erasures are scored as an incorrect answer.

Fill out the questionnaire in the answer form: write your last name, first name, patronymic, school number and class in which you study.

We wish you success!

Maximum score - 15

Answer form

Question no.

Possible answer

The test is used to update previously acquired knowledge, create problem situations, determine the level of understanding and assimilation of new material.

1.How is the word “chess” translated?

a) The ruler died

b) Save the king

c) The king died

d) Take care of the king

2.How many fields does the big white diagonal pass through in the center?

3.Which chess piece does not exist?

a) King

4. Do you agree that every chess field is square?

c) probably

d) round

5. How many fields are there in the center?

6.How many white fields are there in any black diagonal?

7.How many horizontal lines are there on a chessboard?

8. How many pieces and pawns does each player have at the beginning of the game?

9.How many squares are there on the chessboard?

10.Which chess piece moves in the letter “G”?

c) king

11.Which piece is the strongest in chess?

b) king

12.Which of these sports terms refers to chess?

a) rasp

b) gambit

d) endgame

13.Which of these names for cutlery items is also a chess term?

a) shoulder blade

14.What is the middle of a chess game called?

a) middlegame

b) gambit

c) zugzwang

d) med-time

15.How many white fields are there horizontally?


Question no.

Possible answer

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tyva

Test tasks in chess

course "Chess for school"

Additional education teacher Ondar D.D.

MBOU secondary school No. 3 named after

Hero of the Soviet Union T.B. Kechil-oola

Kyzyla RT

2014 - 2015 academic year

Test tasks for the “Chess-to-school” program for the second year of study

I half of the year

Option 1

A) Russia; B) India;

B) China; D) Tuva.

2. How many squares are on the chessboard?

A) 48; B) 50;

B) 64; D) 16.

3. What is a diagram?

A) Starting position; C) Material advantage;

B) Recording of a chess game; D) Printed image of a chess game.

A) Horse; B) Rook;

B) Elephant; D) Pawn.

A) Queen; B) Elephant;

B) Pawn; D) Rook.

6. Name a figure among the figures that moves only forward:

A) King; B) Pawn;

B) Horse; D) Queen.

7. Name the only piece among the pieces that can jump over its own and other people’s pieces:

A) Elephant; B) Pawn;

B) Horse; D) Queen.

8. Stage of a chess game where the main goal is to queen pawns:

A) Middlegame; B) Debut;

9. Name a figure among the figures that is distinguished by exceptional maneuverability:

A) King; B) Horse;

B) Queen; D) Elephant.

10. The recording of a chess game is called:

A) Position; B) Notation;

B) Diary; D) Recording.

11. An attack on the king is called:

A) Checkmate; B) Pat;

B) Draw; D) Shah.

12. List three ways to defend against check:

A) Destroy the piece that declared checkmate; B) Get away from the check;

B) Declare a truce; D) Cover the check with another piece.

13. What is the name of a check from which there is no defense:

A) Draw; B) Pat;

B) Castling; D) Mat.

14. When is castling impossible?

A) The king and rook have already moved;

B) The king is not in check;

C) The king does not fall into check as a result of castling;

D) There are no other pieces between the rook and the king.

15. Which chess piece is equivalent to the bishop:

A) Pawn; B) Rook;

B) Queen; D) Horse.

16. The value of a queen is approximately equal to:

A) Elephant and horse; B) Two rooks;

B) Rook and two pawns; D) Five pawns.

Test tasks for the “Chess-to-school” program. Second year of study

(1st half of the year)

Option 2

1. Which country is the birthplace of chess?

A) Russia; B) India;

B) China; D) Mongolia.

2. How many horizontal lines are there on a chessboard?

A) 16; AT 8;

B) 64; D) 32.

3. What are the names of the oblique rows of squares on a chessboard?

A) Verticals; B) Diagrams;

B) Horizontals; D) Diagonals.

4. Find a heavy figure among the figures:

A) Horse; B) Rook;

B) Elephant; D) Pawn.

5. Name an easy figure among the figures:

A) Queen; B) Elephant;

B) Pawn; D) Rook.

6. Which piece always moves to only one square?

A) King; B) Pawn;

B) Horse; D) Queen.

7. A piece that can break into any piece except the king, reaching the last rank:

A) Horse; B) Rook;

B) Elephant; D) Pawn.

8. Stage of a chess game in which mobilization of forces and castling occurs:

A) Middlegame; B) Debut;

B) Endgame; D) Starting position.

9. The end of a chess game in which there are only pawns on both sides:

A) Middlegame; B) Debut;

B) Pawn endgame; D) Strategy.

10. Attack on a pawn or piece covering the king, or another more valuable piece:

A) Castling; B) Ligament;

B) Checkmate; D) Strategy.

11. A position in which the king of the side with the turn to move is not in check, but does not have a single move, and all other pieces and pawns are also deprived of moves:

A) Checkmate; B) Pat;

B) Draw; D) Perpetual check.

12. Stage of a chess game where the main goal is to checkmate the opponent or force him to surrender:

A) Middlegame; B) Debut;

B) Endgame; D) Initial position.

13. Simultaneous attack on two pieces:

A) Spoon; B) Fork;

B) Cover; D) Plate.

14. Check, in which the piece making the move opens the line of action of another piece, under whose attack the king is?

A) Double check; B) Open check;

B) Forged Shah; D) Stuffed check.

15. A game in which a strong piece is sacrificed to achieve checkmate or capture the center:

A) Strategy; B) Gambit;

B) Debut; D) Combination.

A) Queen; B) King;

B) Rook; D) Pawn.


1) N.P. Shishigin “Chess Horizon” Kyzyl 1982;

4) V.G. Grishin “Kids play chess” M: Education 1991.

Answers to questions “Test tasks for the Chess-to-School program.” Second year of study (I half-year)

Option I

1) B

2) B

3) G

4) B

5) B

6) B

7) B

8) B

9) B

10) B

11) G

12) A, B, D

13) G

14) A

15) G

16) B

Evaluation criteria:

15-16 points - “5”

14-12 points - “4”

11-8 points - “3”

7 or less - “2”

Option II

















Evaluation criteria:

15-16 points - “5”

14-12 points - “4”

11-8 points - “3”

7 or less - “2”

Test tasks for the “Chess-to-school” program.

Second year of study.(2nd half of the year)

1. Current world chess champion:

a) Anand Viswanathan b) Vladimir Kramnik

c) Mangus Carlsen d) Vladimir Buzykaev

2. A tactical technique that paralyzes figures, that is, makes them motionless:

A) Victim b) Distraction

C) Attack d) Connection

3. Which chess piece can rise sharply in its rank?

a) Rook b) Bishop

c) Pawn d) Knight

4. Who or what should you tackle first when castling?

a) For the opponent b) For the rook

c) For the king d) For the head

5. The recording of a chess game is called:

a) Recording b) Notation

c) Game c) Diary

6. How is the value of chess pieces assessed?

a) In rubles b) In pawns

c) In dollars d) In elephants

7. A situation in a game in which one of the sides loses due to its move:

a) Shah b) Pat

c) Zugzwang c) Fear

8. What kind of checkmate is used with scissors?

a) Stale b) Linear

c) Double d) Open

9. When is International Chess Day celebrated?:

10. Champion of the Republic of Tyva in women's chess:

a) Mongush Aylaana b) Ondar Dusia

c) Manzyrychy Herelmaa d) Oydup Arsenia

11 . Stage of a chess game, which marks the middle of a chess game:

a) Endgame b) Opening

c) Middlegame d) Tournament

12. The final goal of the chess game:

a) Castling b) Check

c) Checkmate d) Handshake

13. The name of the beginning of a game in which a piece is sacrificed to quickly develop pieces and capture the center:

a) Gambit b) Opening

c) Endgame d) Middlegame

14. What do chess players emphasize in a chess game under the word “time”:

c) Achieving material advantage d) Developmental delay

15 . What occurs in a chess game as a result of repeating the same position more than three times:

a) Pat b) “The Eternal Shah”

c) Checkmate d) Draw

16. What chess players emphasize in a chess game under the word “material”:

a) Possession of the majority of the board b) Advantage in development

c) Achieving material advantage d) Victory

17. What piece, other than a pawn, can make the first move at the beginning of the game?:

a) Bishop b) Knight

c) Queen d) Rook

18. Who is the compiler of chess problems and studies?:

a) Coach b) Judge

c) Composer d) Contender


1) N.P. Shishigin “Chess Horizon” Kyzyl 1982;

2) I.G. Sukhin “Chess” first year of study or “Study and teach”, manual for teachers 2012. Obninsk “Spiritual Revival”;

3) I.G. Sukhin “Chess” second year of study or “Learning and Teaching”, a manual for teachers 2012. Obninsk “Spiritual Revival”;

4) A. Sokolsky “Your first move” M., 1966.

5) Training of young chess players of the 2nd category Publishing house “Soviet Russia” M., 1979.

6) I.G. Sukhin “Chess” second year, Notebook for testing work Obninsk “Spiritual Revival” 2008.

Answers to test questions for the Chess-to-School program

Second year of study

1) A

2) G

3) G

4) B

5 B

6) B

7) B

8) B

9) B

10) A

11) B

12) B

13) A

14) B

15) G

16) B

17) B

18) B

Evaluation criteria:

17-18 points - “5”

12-16 points - “4”

11-7 points - “3”

6 or less points - “2”

Chess test

    There are 64 squares on the chessboard, of which how many are white and black___________________________________________

    Accordingly, a chessboard is a square _____ by ____ cells

    A prerequisite for the location of the board: the first cell to the left of the player must be what? _______________________________

    How many types of pieces take part in a chess game?? ____

    How many pieces does each side have at the start of the game?

    Pawns can only move _____________________________________________.

    After its first move, the pawn moves only _____ square forward in one move.

    A pawn can capture the opponent’s pieces one square forward diagonally _______________ and ____________________________

    One of the most interesting rules in chess is associated with the pawn - the rules of ______________. It consists in the following. If the pawn reaches the last rank (8th for white pawns and 1st for black pawns), it is promoted to any other piece (except the king). This is clearly visible in the positions below.

Before the move

After the move

    What kind of figurewalks and hits in a straight line at any distance and in all directions (forward, backward, right and left). Cannot jump over other figures.

    Below are some easy problems to remember how a rook and bishop move.

White to move
What move can the white bishop simultaneously attack the black rook and knight?

Black to move
The rook can hit the white bishop. Is such a blow beneficial for Black? Justify your answer

    What a figure walks in all directions vertically and diagonally to any distance. __________________________________________

That is, he has the capabilities of a rook and a bishop at the same time. Shown schematically in the diagram below.

    ________________ - the most important figure.

It has no face value. It cannot be exchanged or kept under attack by the opponent’s pieces. It requires constant protection. But this is not because he is too weak as a piece, but because if he dies, then the game is lost for the player.

    The king, like the queen,walks and strikes in all directions vertically and diagonally, but only on the _____________ square.

    That is, being in the middle of the board, the king breaks through ________ squares.

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