Oblivion of fashion for girls' appearance. The best mods for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Dwemer Art: Alik'r Desert

This mod is a global improvement in the appearance of all game races and characters. It has become much easier to create an attractive character and see a nice NPC, while the races do not lose their unique traits (and some, on the contrary, even gain). No more potato heads and identical NPCs that differ only in skin color!

- the mod contains high-resolution textures for the characters’ faces, as well as age maps designed to work with these textures;
- the elves received a new look, reminiscent of their appearance in Morrowind and Skyrim: these are lines on the forehead that become more pronounced with age, longer and pointed ears. Dunmer eyes have been changed to red with black sclera. Bosmer heroes will be able to choose between old eye colors and new ones made in the style of Morrowind - with dark sclera; a choice of gold, black and green eyes;
- age cards have been reworked, now old characters will have not only wrinkles on their faces, but also scars. The Khajiit will have a different pattern on their face, and they will also have access to new eye colors - red, blue, gold, green;
- 80% of NPCs had their faces slightly redesigned to better adapt them to the mod. There are practically no characters left with distorted and discolored faces.

Notes: The mod does not require any third-party plugins or programs for its operation, but supports a limited number of body textures: these are vanilla textures, standard HGEC textures, standard Robert Male Body and Robert Female Body textures and F-INevOblivion skinset from Navetsea for HGEC bodies. If the textures you have installed are not included in this list, then there may be a discrepancy in color between the body and head.

Please note that the archive contains only the translated esp file and readme! The main archive containing the necessary meshes and textures must be downloaded from the mod page!

You may also need archives from the Optional Files tab (located on the original mod page):
HGEC head textures- for those who use standard HGEC replacer textures.
Navetsea face textures- for those who play with textures from the F-INevOblivion skinset plugin.
Navetsea gray female Dunmer compatibility- for those who play with optional textures from the F-INevOblivion skinset plugin - Dunmer fix.
Roberts face textures- for those who have installed textures from replayers Robert Male Body and/or Robert Female Body.
Khajiit age sliders stripes fix - for existing users- a special fix, located in the "Old Versions" tab, for users who play with version 1.0 and do not want to update it, but want to see spots and stripes on the faces of the Khajiit.
Important! Read the “Installation” section carefully!

Localizer bonus: if you didn’t like the new elf ears and would like to return the vanilla ones, look at the “Vanilla elf ears” folder in the “Optional files” directory in the plugin archive.

Have fun playing with new characters! Oblivion looks completely different now :)

Conflicts and incompatibilities:
Since this mod affects a very large number of parameters, it will conflict with almost all plugins of these types:
- face retextures;
- any mods that add new eyes/hairstyles to vanilla races;
- any mods affecting NPCs;
- mods that affect the characteristics and abilities of races;
- mods that replace age cards;
Some conflicts can be avoided by creating a patch using Wrye Bash.

Attention! The mod has been updated (11/23/13) to version 1.2. The following changes have appeared:
- all facial textures have been seriously reworked: the contrast between the tone of the cheeks and the face is no longer so noticeable, the detailing of the lips has been improved, the normal maps of the Imperials and Dunmer have been reworked;
- the dark elves had much more pronounced lines on their foreheads, and their lips became dark;
- increased shine of textures.
All changes can be seen in the screenshots in the description on the original mod page.

Complete reworking of NPC appearance TES IV - Oblivion.

Tamriel NPCs Revamped is an ambitious project that aims to radically improve the visual appeal of almost every NPC in Tamriel. With the exception of helmeted warriors, knights and guards, almost all NPC humans, orcs and elves have acquired their own unique traits. This mod doesn't just make faces look better - it radically transforms weird-looking NPCs into more visually appealing game characters - exactly the way the original was intended. Oblivion. When the project is completed, players will be able to determine the race of NPCs from a distance.

Imperials: Greco-Roman type. Strict ascetic traits. Classic facial symmetry.

Bretons: a combination of Celtic, Irish, Anglo-Saxon and Germanic types. When looking at them, Colonial America of the late 1700s involuntarily comes to mind. Hairstyles with ponytails. Sometimes they look a little goofy (especially some characters of humble origins), but they are always fun to be around. Very eccentric. Strongly expressed individuality. They love to crack jokes and will happily buy everyone a treat when things are going well. They prefer long hair. The easiest way to distinguish them from Imperials is by their noses (they are larger and more prominent). Facial features are asymmetrical.

Nords: rough facial features in men. Very intimidating appearance. Free flowing hair - braided hair of the noble class. A piercing gaze. Wide and high cheekbones. Some have broken or crooked noses due to tavern fights and jealous spouses.

Dark Elves (Dunmer): imagine the faces from Morrowind, Planet of the Apes , North American Indians (Warriors) and Predator , then try something in between. Always looking irritated and/or angry. Thin and somewhat elongated facial features. Small, thin lips, forehead sloping back. Wide, flared nostrils. Much attention is paid to the eyes. These NPCs will look like they just arrived from Vvardenfell!

High Elves (Altmer): a mixture of Germanic and Japanese types of facial structure, also reminiscent of representatives of this race from Morrowind. Sophisticated, all-knowing, aloofly self-confident and condescending. They may not look too much like humans, but in keeping with the lore, they are more like a race that lived on Tamriel long before the other races appeared. The warriors look flexible, the girls have an angelic appearance. Hair ranges from dark to light – often long.

Wood Elves (Bosmer): women will remind you of Morrowind, men seem to have left the Better Bodies plugin for Morrowind. Change in appearance towards a more “elven” look. Often a mocking, contemptuous look.

Redguards: a mixture of appearance of African Americans, Caribbean type, African aborigines (Bushmen, Masai, Zulu), Moroccans, Egyptians. A much more fierce and confident look.

Orcs: The snub nose has been removed and replaced with leaner, meaner features. Almost every Orc looks like he/she is ready to get down to business in earnest, and not just in words.

Argonians: large bulging eyes are adapted to the dimly lit underwater world, fin-like growths allow water to flow around the body, heavy jaws are capable of mercilessly shredding the bodies of both vertebrates and invertebrates.

Khajiit: thieving and savvy, majestic and insinuating... But most of all they look like real felines and have much more diverse faces than their predecessors. Now you will see different species of lynxes, lions, lionesses, servals, ocelots and even adorable cougars (delight!).

Let's change the Shivering Isles! TNR for SI - an individual approach to developing the appearance of each NPC; the appearance of almost all inhabitants of the Sheogorath reality has been changed.

TNR - The Altmer v1.00
TNR - The Argonians v1.02
TNR - The Bosmer v1.00
TNR - The Bretons v1.02
TNR - The Dunmer v1.00
TNR - The Imperials v1.06
TNR - The Khajiit v1.01
TNR - The Nords v1.00
TNR - The Orcs v1.00
TNR - The Redguards v1.00
TNR - Shivering Isles -

About this module
A comprehensive, all-in-one upgrade for Oblivion characters. New head shapes, skin textures, eye textures and some new hairstyles covering all races in the game, including the Dremora and Shivering Isles races, all built in a consistent art direction that adheres to the styles of Skyrim and TESO. Affects both the player and NPCs.

Oblivion Character Overhaul Instructions

OCOv2 is a completely rebuilt, bigger, better and more extensive overhaul of Oblivion. This is a complete overhaul of the characters with a new visual direction closely inspired by Skyrim and Morrowind.

Dear visitors, clicking the download button will take you to the site where you can always download the latest version of this mod. This is for your comfort.

OCOv2 is a very complex mod, so read all instructions carefully before installing it - it touches a lot of things at once and is built to rework a lot of things. Growth potential is the maximum possible visual perception.

Mandatory requirements for the mod:
OBSE - latest version
Blockhead plugin

These are absolute, undeniable needs. OCOv2 will not work as intended without them.

Installation TLDR:

  • Completely remove OCOv1 if you still have it
  • Use NMM
  • Seriously need to use NMM
  • Install OBSE and Blockhead replacement

Before installation:

* OCO comes with its own body textures for each supported character. They are customized for the mod, and using any other texture substitutes on top will result in more visible model seams and possible color differences.

OCOv2 only works with the English copy of Oblivion as it changes race and NPC entries. Users with other languages ​​will receive a mute NPC. It may be fixed for other languages, but I can't do it right now.

For best results, run OCO with a good ENB and/or OBGE configuration with subsurface scattering, skin shaders, and color correction.


On a practical level, OCO gives each race and gender their own head mesh and textures. They all also have variations and a couple of new hairstyles that replace the standard ones. Visually, the heads have been prepared with state-of-the-art modeling conditions and have properly sculpted normal features and vibrant skin textures. I made the main grids unique for each playable race and gender, and there are many differences between them - you can see them apart at a glance. In some cases I made large adjustments to multiple head parts, such as making the Orcs' jaws smaller and changing the position of the Khajiit's teeth in the head.

Dremora, Gold Saints and Dark Seducers have also been changed.

OCO spent a total of 8 months creating ver1. ShadeMe's Blade plugin made it possible to create v2, just like Blockhead before, it was impossible to use the same race for different models by gender.

Development was sometimes exhausted. I struggled a lot with FaceGen engine warps and rebuilt and rebuilt things multiple times. It was all trial and error. I kept banging my head until it looked decent. The amount of fine tuning involved in the last 2 months has been clearly ridiculous and OCO has been my second job for a while and although I'm not entirely happy with all aspects of it, I just need to push it out to give myself some free time again.

Therefore, I hope that everyone will enjoy the fruits of my labor. This is the craziest project I've ever done on my own and it totally paid off.

A wonderful Oblivion mod that adds the huge Dwemer underground city of Arkshtrumts to the game. The city is a complex of well-preserved ruins (Arkshtrumts was abandoned many years ago), some of which come to the surface, inside them there are complex mechanisms of mysterious purposes, intricate tunnels, factories and other elements indispensable for Dwemer life. In addition, with the addition of Arkshtrumz, a new chain of quests appears in the game, designed to last many hours inside the underground complex.

Oblivion Retextured — The caves of Oblivion

It is clear that no selection of modifications is complete without mods that replace the original textures with improved ones. And in our collection we also included several such mods, one of which is Oblivion Retextured - The caves of Oblivion. The modification improves the design of caves and some rooms, replaces the textures of weapons and armor, and also makes some other visually pleasing graphic adjustments.

Crowded Roads

If you feel some loneliness while traveling around Tamriel, then be sure to install Crowded Roads Rus. This modification adds many new NPCs to the local roads, ranging from ordinary vagabonds, traveling merchants and travelers, to gangs of outlaws and reinforced patrols of guards.

Oblivion Graphics Extender

A plugin that improves graphics in Oblivion by introducing a lot of new visual effects and the ability to flexibly customize them. Beautiful sunrises and sunsets, welcoming rays of sunshine and gloomy thunderclouds, nimble particles of dust and raindrops, realistic glare and much more become possible in the game after installing Oblivion Graphics Extender.

Better Cities

As the name suggests, this modification improves the cities of TES IV: Oblivion. Moreover, Better Cities can easily be called a global mod, it offers such enormous changes. This is not just a replacement of textures, but a full-fledged redevelopment of cities with the rearrangement of buildings, the addition of new buildings and architectural and park elements, the appearance of new NPCs and even some new game functions. In addition to its own changes, the Better Cities mod also includes modifications from other authors designed to improve the urban infrastructure in Oblivion.

Elsweyr the Deserts of Anequina

Another rather large modification that adds an entire province to the game is Elsweyr with the deserted plateau of Anequina. New biomes and five unique cities, small villages and forts with their own inhabitants (more than four hundred new NPCs in total) are not a complete list of changes from Elsweyr the Deserts of Anequina. The game also introduces new quests, factions, and even new mounts!

Nehrim: On the Edge of Fate

Conversion based on TES IV: Oblivion, developed by fans of the game from Germany. That is, in essence, this is a completely new game, combined with the original except in appearance. A completely different setting, with its own history and customs - all this is ideal for those players who want radical changes.

Immersive Weapons

There have always been quite a lot of weapons in the TES series, and Oblivion is no exception in this regard. But this does not stop folk gunsmiths who are striving to enrich the game with new means of eliminating enemies. Immersive Weapons contains several hundred units of completely new weapons with a completely lore design. Weapons appear in stores, from enemies and NPCs, and also become available as loot from defeated enemies and can be found in caches and chests.

Luminar's Better Enchantments

A small plugin that improves the visual effect of enchantments on weapons. Depending on the enchantment, the weapon will glow and shimmer in certain colors, shine, blaze with flame, or play with flashes of lightning.

Dragon Citadel

A modification that adds a completely new one to the game, where it is best for pumped and well-equipped players to go. For in the citadel, built in the center of the island, the last of them once lived, who collected unimaginable wealth here. And now these riches are guarded by several dozen guards clad in powerful armor, who also possess artifact weapons.

More Spells (Better Oblivion Spells)

Even more spells for those who like to solve all problems with the help! There are both combat spells and spells of other, most unexpected purposes. You can study them either at the University or from the corresponding NPCs with a high level of magical knowledge.

CM Partners Mod

A popular modification that improves the system of interaction with companions. Firstly, it adds more than 70 new NPCs to taverns, inns and other hot spots in Cyrodiil, ready to act as companions of the main character. Secondly, about a dozen representatives of the animal world appear in the game, also ready to follow the hero to the ends of the earth. Finally, Oblivion introduces a flexible option for interacting with companions, allowing you to give them a variety of instructions and customize their behavior in different situations. In a word, an extremely useful and necessary mod.

Dwemer Art: Alik'r Desert

A global modification that adds new territories of the Hammerfell province to the game - the Alik'r Desert and its surrounding area. Along with the new territory in Oblivion, a new line of quests will appear, divided into separate plot blocks, as well as new points of visit - mainly Dwemer ruins, bandit camps, abandoned mines, and so on. The mod also includes new types of enemies, unique weapons and armor, unusual items and even new animals. Finally, his own was written for “Dwemer Art”, presented with enchanting oriental melodies.

Martigen's Monster Mod

One of the largest and best modifications dedicated to animals and. An important feature of Martigen’s Monster Mod is the presence of a wide system of settings, which allows you to customize the living creatures of Tamriel for yourself, removing everything that is not lore or, on the contrary, turning the game world into a surreal bestiary.

DarNified UI

A small plugin for Oblivion that changes the original, rather cumbersome and, to many, not entirely successful interface to a more practical and convenient one.

Artifacts of Tamrie

A weapon and armor mod for Oblivion that adds both individual artifact items and entire epic sets to the game. Moreover, many samples were presented in other games in the TES series. The way to get all this desired wealth is also interestingly implemented: to do this you will have to use the book “Artifacts of Tamriel”, which gives clues about the location of weapons and armor.

Legends of Akavir

A global mod that gives you the opportunity to visit the continent of Akavir and uncover the mystery of the disappearance of the local indigenous tribes. A new storyline, quests, characters, skills and even graphic effects - in general, everything to rekindle interest in the popular RPG.

Supreme Magicka

A mod that expands and improves the magic system, making the process of leveling up characters of magic classes incredibly interesting. In addition to modernizing the principles of the magic system, Supreme Magicka also adds new spells and effects.

Order of Assassins

Adds a new faction from the AC universe to the game, as well as an associated quest chain, NPCs, weapons and armor. In addition, the game introduces new gameplay features, such as wall climbing or silent killing. Atmospheric and fits perfectly into the world of the game mod.

An excellent modification that expands the capabilities of Oblivion. After installing it, the hero will be able to use new techniques in battle, for example, a stunning blow, the ability to throw weapons, dodges and other acrobatic tricks (depending on the characteristics of character leveling). Also, battles become more realistic due to improved animation.

And finally, a few more modifications for Oblivion, divided into categories.

Useful mods: Elven Map Redux, Keychain, Ultimate 3rd Person Camera, Tamriel VWD.

Graphics mods: Detailed Terrain, Oblivion Landscape, Natural Environments, Enhanced Water, Improved Trees & Flora (1 & 2), Oblivion Grass Overhaul, Oblivion Character Overhaul, Oblivion Graphics Extender.

Global and quest mods: The Dungeons of Ivellon, Citadel of Madness, Chronicles of Tannodor, Glenvar Castle, Black Marsh, Kvatch Rebuilt, Resurrection Brotherhood.

Over the past 12 years, an army of modders have worked hard to turn Oblivion into the game of dreams. Currently, users are presented with a large number of mods that change the game in various directions.

Conversions from masters like Oscuro and Francesco redefine the leveling system. "Midas Magic: Spells of Aurum" gives the player divine strength and abilities to crush enemies. There are thousands of such examples, so below are the highest quality and finalized projects from the most dedicated and productive members of the community.


The first thing you should pay attention to is this mod. It fixes over 1,800 bugs that are still present even after Bethesda finished fixing them. So, this mod contains 1800 floating rocks, transparent walls and animation errors that you will never see. There are also a couple of separate patches for expansions and DLC, so make sure you have them before visiting the Shivering Isles.


In the original version of the game, each character level increases at the same rate. This means that every battle has the same difficulty. This modification changes all that, setting different levels for each area, turning Cyrodiil into a dangerous and unpredictable province. It also changes almost every other aspect of the game.

For example, it becomes easier to cast spells, advanced artificial intelligence of creatures allows them to react to the character more realistically. Additionally, various bosses have been created scattered throughout the world that provide additional challenges for the character to gain additional rewards. In addition to this, there is a whole series of smaller mods that fix the AI, adjust balance and add hundreds of different weapons and items to the game.


Turn enemies into gold, ride a magic carpet, summon a Balrog and explore 7 new areas - all this is available in this modification. It adds hundreds of magical abilities to Oblivion, along with new vehicles and even the power to transform. The mod claims that it does not affect game balance in any way, and this is practically true. But once the character receives the most powerful spells, nothing can stand in his way.


"Unique Landscapes" is a series of mods aimed at turning every location in Cyrodiil into a work of art. Each mod has its own author, who brings his own individual style to each area. This ensures that the user will not encounter two identical locations. 22 locations have already been updated with more in the works. This mod works great with Oarl's Texture Pack and Natural Environment. If you combine both mods, Cyrodiil will turn into a place of stunning beauty.


This mod is very similar to Oscuro's Overhaul. Both modifications make Oblivion a more varied and interesting game by changing the leveling system of creatures around the character. For those players who have just started playing Oblivion, the mod will be an exciting experience, especially at the initial levels. Also, many changes can be disabled to compare the systems of the original game and its modifications. This will allow you to configure Oblivion in the most convenient way for the player.


The expansion adds some depth to Oblivion's combat strategies, expanding them with new moves and attacks. With the installation of the add-on, the player will be able to dodge attacks, immobilize the enemy, and even deal a fatal blow with a strong attack. Of course, opponents also have these abilities, adding the need to think through tactics in battle.

Combat now feels and looks more intuitive. Critical hits now result in well-animated deaths, and what's more, sneak attacks can showcase the player snapping necks and brutally slitting throats.


This mod is the most popular and well-developed collection of textures for Oblivion. It is released in several versions to suit different computers, so you should not choose one that does not fit your PC. Even the lower resolution versions are a big improvement, while the largest versions completely transform Cyrodiil, adding intricate detail to the world.


Tired of only having to see 5 items on your list at a time? Annoyed by giant fonts and clunky interface? Darnified UI completely changes the user interface, updating each menu item to display correctly on the monitor. It also replaces the world map with a beautiful, detailed and colorful version. It's not a complete overhaul of the game, but it does make everything look simple and easy to use. This modification is also well compatible with the above mods.


This mod contains a series of subtle updates that come together to improve the look and feel of the world. Along with dynamic weather effects, updated water effects, changes to foliage and the addition of birds and insects, the modification does a great job on Cyrodiil, making it a more vibrant world.


The mod adds over 150 new types of creatures and enemies to the game, bringing variety to the game's exploration. Much like Oscuro's overhaul, it adds unique bosses, each with unique loot attached to them, including new weapons and armor. Because of this, conflicts may arise between this mod and Oscuro’s overhaul, as well as with modifications from Francesco. If you want to install three add-ons at once and don't mind going through a painful installation process, then use FCOM.

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