Skyrim game how to make a character. Creating a character in Skyrim. Stones-symbols of the celestial constellations of Tamriel

Almost 8 years have passed since the release of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Now we completely understand if you have gotten a little tired of Lydia during this time. Even though there are a ton of mods out there, sometimes if you want something done well, you better do it yourself. Then how difficult is it to create your own companion in Skyrim? We will tell you about it in 15 steps.

It’s not worth it and says that first you will need your own copy of the game Skyrim, so if you don’t already have it, you can download it here. To create a companion we will use Skyrim's Creation Kit.

Or, if you own Skyrim or Skyrim: Special Edition on Steam, then you already have the Creation Kit. You can find it in Steam in the “Library” tab, “tools” item. Simply scroll through the list and install by double-clicking the right mouse button.

After installing the Creation Kit, you are ready to start. Please remember often save your progress And be patient when working with this application. There are a thousand aspects to work on here, so it can easily get overwhelming.

1. Getting started

Once you run the program, you will be faced with this screen:

Click File > Open and then double-click “Skyrim.esm”. Open it. If a window appears saying that you have not selected an active file, then ignore it. Likewise, if you get a message saying there are no plugins, just click yes.

Right-click on the massive list of Actors that appears on the left and select “new”. This will open the character creation window. Now we are ready to get started.

2. Give your companion a name

In the upper left corner of the page that appears, you will add the character ID. This is a unique code with which the game identifies your new character. This is not a visible name! So, try to make the character's Ref ID balanced and easy to remember, something like “JohnDoe101ActorFollower”.

After this you need to enter the character's name. “Short name” can be written as desired. Your character's name will be displayed in the game, while the "short name" will be a shorthand for quests. For example, “Jane Doe” will appear as “Jane” in the quest log.

Other options, like Invulnerable or Protected, should not be touched yet. This will be done later.

3. Assign the main features

On the right, you'll be presented with several handy trait selection checkboxes. At the top, select your character's race and gender. This tutorial will create a human character, not an animal one.

The height and weight of the character are very finely tuned, so if you make adjustments to the standard settings, they should be minimal, otherwise it will all look very strange in the game. For reference, check out the character via the preview on the right.

4. Give your companion a voice

The next part is very important. In the “Traits” tab, if you go to Voice Types, it will seem like there are a lot of settings there. It's a delusion. Unfortunately, most of them simply won't work with companion characters. To find suitable options, you have to rummage.

In the window on the left, find the Miscellaneous settings and click on FormList. In the filter at the top, enter “follower”. Then double-click on the “VoicesFollowerAll” option and scroll to select the appropriate voice for your follower. If you don't know what certain voice types sound like, watch this video as a sample.

5. Set companion stats

In the options window, you can select the level and skill level in the game. You can start by simply entering your character level into “Level Mult”, but we recommend a different approach.

Check the “PC Level Mult” checkbox, which will unlock 2 fields: “Calc Min” and “Calc Max.” Here you can enter the minimum and maximum level of the character, so that it will better suit the main character and cope with enemies. For example, the lowest character level is 30, but is limited to 55:

The lower window presents a wide variety of builds: Blade, Beggar, etc. Choosing between them will change the priority skills for your character. How good a companion will be at a particular skill is determined by the combination of their "class" or level. Two CombatMonk characters can have different Stealth levels depending on their level.

6. Set faction

This and the next tabs don't give you much choice and aren't as subjective as the last couple. So you will have to follow the next steps as written. Fortunately, everything is extremely simple:

Go to the Faction tab. Then right-click on the empty field and enter “new”. Then write “follower” in the filter. Select the “CurrentFollowerFaction” and “PotentialFollowerFaction” options. They should both appear in the window.

Now select “CurrentFollowerFaction” and press F2. Then enter “-1.” All this makes the companion not tied to the main character by default. This means that the companion will only join you after talking to him.

Honestly, if you enter anything other than -1, it's likely that your companion won't work at all. If you did everything correctly, your screen should look like this:

7. Can your companion be killed?

CharGen Face: Your companion's face will be available to generate the main character's face at the beginning of the game. Essential: Your companion cannot be killed. Protected: You cannot kill a companion, but enemies or falls can. Respawn: After his death, the companion will return. Unique: The companion is unique, that is, there will be no duplicates of this character in the world. Summonable: This character can be summoned using spells. Ghost: Weapons and spells pass through this character. They will cause damage, but not very effectively. Doesn't Bleed: There is no bleeding animation when a companion is hit. Simple Actor: Hides some of the given character's facial animations. Doesn't Affect Stealth Meter: The stealth meter does not react when a companion spots the hero.

Here you can choose any combination, but be sure to mark Unique.

8. Relationship between the main character and the companion

In the Relationship tab, right-click and select “new”. Again, make your ID direct and official—something like “JohnDoe101FollowerRel.” Your Parent field should be autocompleted according to the Companion ID.
Then simply select in the Child NPC field “Player” and the relationship level “Ally.” Once finished, everything should look like this:

Skip the “Keywords” tab and click on “AI Data”.

9. Install AI Data

This section gives you a little more options at your discretion. AI attributes here affect your companion's expression and behavior. We can recommend that you, at a minimum, set Aggression to “Unagressive” and Confidence to “Average” so that your character does not behave like a berserk and start attacking you when you accidentally hit him. The Mood field determines your companion's facial expression. . his section is a little more up to your discretion.

The Assistance and Morality setting will influence whether he will perform such questionable actions as assault or theft. Finally, your fighting style should more or less reflect the class you choose. Again, only by trial and error can you choose the most suitable option.

Skip AI Packages. We'll come back to them later.

10. Set up equipment and inventory

In the Inventory tab you will need to select clothes for your companion. Open the list by clicking on “Default Outfit” and select the option you like. Whatever you choose here will be worn by the character while he is not accompanying you. That is, while they are wandering around their starting location, etc. It's best to give them armor already in the game.

11. Choose your companion's perks and spells

Here you can choose perks or spells if your companion will use them. This example shows a mage companion. If you use magic, right click on “Spells” and select any you like.

Please note: Your companion will always use the strongest spells available. This means that he defaults to high-mana spells like Incinerate, Ice Lance, or Lightning Bolt. If you don't want them to run out of mana too quickly, don't choose these spells! You can see how much mana your companion has by going back to the options page.

Next, choose your perks. There may be some guesswork involved in what each perk means, but they can always be corrected later. We made our character a destruction mage with some alternative items:

For a warrior, the page might look different:

Now you need to scroll a little to get to Character Gen Parts.

12. Create a face

Finally, you've reached the fun part - choosing your companion's face. We recommend that you start by clicking on the “head” item at the bottom of the screen to adjust the position of your head for even greater precision.

Start by browsing through the presets to become familiar with the Basic Head Parts settings. To customize your aesthetic, switch to the next tab – Character Gen Morphs.

13. Where will your companion live?

If you still haven't saved your progress, now is the time to do so. The next part, as you know, requires very painstaking work, and the designer most often hangs here.

Remember the “Cell View” window at the bottom right side of the Creation Kit. All game locations are collected here. Select the one where you want your companion to spawn (We chose Riverwood since it is very easy to get to at the beginning of the game). Skip all error messages while loading your location.

Navigating the Creation Kit takes a little practice. Shift controls at a vertical angle, and the mouse wheel zooms in or out of the screen. Make sure you take into account the entire starting location in the game world so you don't end up with a missing roof or something like that. If you accidentally deleted something, the best thing to do is probably restart the program.

Once you've decided where to place your companion, all you have to do is move the Object Window onto the map. Press “F” to make sure your character lands properly without getting caught in the dirt or anything like that.

14. No one just stands still

The icing on the cake is the addition of the AI ​​package. Select the appropriate tab and right-click in the window. This time we select “add” instead of “new”. The latter should only be selected when creating a new AI package, but we recommend using one of the standard ones, especially if you are creating a character for the first time.

In the filter, enter “defaultsandbox” and select one of 4 options whose names begin with “DefaultSandbox”. The subsequent number determines the radius in which your companion will walk, so the larger the better.

Save all progress after this!

15. Meet your masterpiece

After that, you just need to load Skyrim and go to the desired location, where your companion is located. If something goes wrong, don't be afraid. It happens to even the best of us. Just go back to Creation Kit and try to troubleshoot.

It can also help to check Bethesda's core characters in the Creation Kit to see how best to style your character. For magicians, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with Tolfidir or Nirya; for thieves - Brynjolf or Karliah; Faendal or Aela for archers; Lydia or Farkas for warriors.

Don't worry if you still have any problems. Creating your first companion is always a difficult undertaking. Even if you carefully follow the points in this guide, you may not get a character that satisfies all the requirements 100%.

Trial and error are your best teachers. All subsequent characters can be made based on your first one, which will save you a lot of time later.

At the beginning of the game, you should choose the race and gender of your character, then decide on his/her appearance. The process of character generation in Skyrim has become simpler in comparison with previous games in the series: there are no classes, no birth signs (instead, you can choose the patronage of one of them), attributes such as strength, dexterity, intelligence, etc. also abolished (only health, magic and stamina remained). In addition, there is also no opportunity to correct anything in your character after completing training; whoever you blind from the beginning is who you will play...


Traditionally, there are ten races to choose from: Altmer (High Elves), Argonians, Bosmer (Wood Elves), Bretons, Dunmer (Dark Elves), Imperials, Khajiit, Nords, Orcs and Redguards. The character's race determines the receipt:

  • bonuses to the initial values ​​of skills,
  • special abilities and talents (can be used once per day).

Note: the choice of race and gender of the character will not significantly affect the gameplay later.

Altmer or High Elves

Natives of the mysterious Summerset Isle, the High Elves are the most magically gifted of all ten races. By calling upon the power of the Highborne, they can quickly replenish magic (once per day).

  • +10 to skill: Illusion
  • +5 to skills: Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration, Enchantment
  • Abilities: High Origin (+50 Magic)
  • Talents: Magic regeneration (magic is restored faster within 60 sec.)


Intelligent reptiles are able to breathe underwater and are not susceptible to disease. They are well adapted to life in the dangerous swamps of Black Marsh and can quickly restore their health by turning to the sacred Hist tree.

  • +10 to skill: Hacking
  • +5 to skills: Pickpocket, Stealth, Light Armor, Alteration, Recovery
  • Abilities: Disease Resistance 50%, Water Breathing
  • Talents: Hist Bark (Argonian restores health 10 times faster for 60 sec)

Bosmer or Wood Elves

The inhabitants of the forests of Western Valenwood have long had a reputation as cunning thieves, scouts and unsurpassed shooters. They have an innate resistance to poisons and diseases, and they also know how to subjugate animals to their will, forcing them to fight on their side.

  • +10 to skill: Shooting
  • +5 to skills: Stealth, Hacking, Pickpocketing, Light armor, Alchemy
  • Abilities: Resistance to poisons and diseases 50%
  • Talents: Order a creature (the animal becomes an ally of the Bosmer for 60 sec)


All Bretons have a spark of natural magical talent, each of them boasts the ability to resist magic, and "Dragon Skin" allows them to absorb spells. The Bretons are particularly adept at spellcasting.

  • +10 to skill: Witchcraft
  • +5 to skills: Illusion, Recovery, Speech, Alchemy, Alteration
  • Abilities: Magic Resistance 25%
  • Talents: Dragonskin (Breton absorbs some hostile spells for 60 sec.)

Dunmer or Dark Elves

Dark elves specialize in the magic of destruction and they are very good at it, in addition, the Dunmer are distinguished by their developed stealth skills. They are born with resistance to fire and the ability to surround themselves with protective fire.

  • +10 to skill: Destruction
  • +5 to skills: Illusion, Alteration, Stealth, Light Armor, Alchemy
  • Abilities: Fire Resistance 50%
  • Talents: Ancestral Wrath (Dunmer surrounds himself with fire, causing damage to enemies who approach him)


Cyrodiilians have always been drawn to diplomacy and trade, so they somehow manage to find a little more gold everywhere than others. They are skilled with weapons and magic, and the "Voice of the Emperor" allows them to calm their opponents.

  • +10 to skill: Recovery
  • +5 to skills: Destruction, Enchantment, One-handed weapon, Block, Heavy armor
  • Abilities: Imperial Luck (more gold found)
  • Talents: Voice of the Emperor (the imperial calms nearby human opponents for 60 sec.)

Khajiit (Khajiit)

Natives of Elsweyr, Khajiit are smart, very fast and agile, and naturally have the gift of stealth, making them excellent thieves. All Khajiit can see in the dark and deliver deadly blows with their claws.

  • +10 to skill: Stealth
  • +5 to skills: Hacking, Pickpocketing, Alchemy, Shooting, One-handed weapons
  • Abilities: Khajiit Claws (claws deal additional damage in unarmed combat)
  • Talents: Night vision (Khajiit sees perfectly in the dark)


Tall and fair-haired, Nords are distinguished by their strength and endurance. Their military talents (especially in handling two-handed weapons) and insensitivity to cold are well known.

  • +10 to skill: Two-handed weapon
  • +5 to skills: Blocking, Light armor, One-handed weapons, Blacksmithing, Speech
  • Abilities: Cold Resistance 50%
  • Talents: Battle cry (hearing this cry causes enemies to flee for 30 seconds)


Native to the Wrothgarian Mountains and Dragontail, orcs are skilled blacksmiths. Heavily armored Orc warriors are some of the finest soldiers in the Empire, and their berserker rage makes them even more fearsome.

  • +10 to skill: Heavy armor
  • +5 to skills: Blocking, Enchanting, One-handed weapons, Smithing, Two-handed weapons
  • Talents: Berserker's Rage (the orc takes half damage and deals double damage for 60 sec.)


The Hammerfell Redguards are rightfully considered the best warriors in Tamriel; they are distinguished by their strong physique, have an innate resistance to poisons, and outbursts of uncontrollable rage help them in battle.

  • +10 to skill: One-handed weapon
  • +5 to skills: Alteration, Shooting, Blocking, Destruction, Smithing
  • Abilities: Poison Resistance 50%
  • Talents: Battle Fury (Redguards restore stamina 10 times faster over 60 sec.)

Stones-symbols of the celestial constellations of Tamriel

As you travel through Skyrim, in various parts of it you can find thirteen special stones, each of which is associated with one of the celestial constellations of Tamriel. Almost certainly, the first you will see are these three stones - Warrior, Mage and Thief, located on the way from Helgen to Riverwood. Your character can take the patronage of one of these stones and, thereby, gain the effect of increasing the growth rate of military, magical or thief skills. Subsequently, having found other standing stones, it will be possible to change the patronage - this is not forbidden to do at any time, you just need to remember that you cannot get more than one effect at the same time, so you will have to focus on blessing one stone, the most valuable for your hero.

The Warrior Stone
  • Effect: All military skills (shooting, one-handed and two-handed weapons, heavy armor, blocking and blacksmithing) grow 20% faster.
The Mage Stone
  • Effect: All magical skills (alteration, conjuration, destruction, illusion, restoration and enchantment) grow 20% faster.
  • Location: On the way from Helgen to Riverwood.
The Thief Stone
  • Effect: All thieves' skills (stealth, hacking, pickpocketing, light armor, alchemy and eloquence) grow 20% faster.
  • Location: On the way from Helgen to Riverwood.
The Apprentice Stone
  • Effect: the speed of magic recovery is doubled (+100% to magic regeneration), but at the same time the vulnerability to magic is also doubled (+100% to magic vulnerability).
  • Location: Between Morthal and Solitude.
The Atronach Stone
  • Effect: permanent increase in magic by 50 units, 50% chance of absorbing spells, magic is restored twice as slow.
  • Location: south of Windhelm.
The Lady Stone
  • Effect: the speed of health and stamina recovery increases by 25%.
  • Location: North of Falkreath.
The Lord Stone
  • Effect: Magic resistance increases by 25%, 50 units are added to damage resistance.
  • Location: East of Morthal.
The Lover Stone
  • Effect: All skills grow 15% faster.
  • Location: East of Markarth.
The Ritual Stone
  • Effect: once a day you can raise all the dead in the area so that they fight for you for 200 seconds.
  • Location: East of Whiterun.
The Serpent Stone
  • Effect: once a day you can paralyze an enemy for 5 seconds. and inflict 25 damage on him. damage.
  • Location: East of Winterhold.
The Shadow Stone
  • Effect: once a day you can cast invisibility on yourself for 60 seconds.
  • Location: south of Riften.
The Steed Stone
  • Effect: equipped armor does not give penalties to movement speed, carrying capacity increases by 100 units.
  • Location: West of Solitude.
The Tower Stone
  • Effect: You can open one expert-level lock once a day.
  • Location: Between Dawnstar and Winterhold.

There's a lot more to the Skyrim character creator than meets the eye, so it's important to understand what character creation actually entails. It's easy to choose a character type in The Elder Scrolls Skyrim based on aesthetics alone—perhaps you think reptilian Argonians are the most interesting, or perhaps a feline Khajiit piques your curiosity. There's more to it than that, though, so you need to know what exactly you're getting into when you create your first Skyrim character.

Understand hidden statistics with each race

First of all, each race has its own unique range of characteristics. Wood elves start out with a natural affinity for ranged combat, which is why they have a higher base archery stat than Nords. However, Dark Elves are more attuned to the arts of destruction magic, so this is one of their stats that is inherently enhanced.

This doesn't matter much in the long run, since you can always just level up anything else - just because Destruction is initially leveled up doesn't mean you have to refrain from using swords and shields. However, it makes a difference early on. If you get this initial boost, you should try to use it. There is no point in avoiding Destruction from the start if you are a High Elf, as your pursuit of it will result in a much easier task early in the game. Here is a complete list of starting buffs for each race in Skyrim:

  • Argonian: +10 lockpicking, +5 sneaking, light armor, pickpocket, restoration, alteration
  • Breton: +10 Affliction, +5 Speech, Alchemy, Illusion, Restoration, Alteration
  • Dark Elf: +10 Destruction, +5 Stealth, Alchemy, Light Armor, Illusion, Alteration
  • High Elf: +10 Illusion, +5 Destruction, Spell, Alteration, Restoration, Enchanting
  • imperial: +10 Recovery, +5 Enchanting, Heavy Armor, One-Handed, Block, Destruction
  • Khajiit: +10 theft, +5 lockpicking, archery, pickpocket, one-handed weapon, alchemy
  • Nord:+10 Two-Handed, +5 Smithing, Block, Light Armor, One-Handed, Speech
  • orc: +10 heavy armor, +5 blacksmithing, one-handed, block, enchanting, two-handed
  • Redguard: +10 One-Handed, +5 Archery, Block, Smithing, Destruction, Remodeling
  • Forest Elf: +10 Archery, +5 Stealth, Alchemy, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, Light Armor

Hello Friends! This is my first blog (and far not last in this direction), dedicated to fashion on Skyrim. In this article I have collected the best (on my look) fashions that will help make us look good character in our favorite The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

P.S. All mods that are listed in my blogs are on Playground. Go..

Advanced selection of exterior shades

The choice of shades for your character in standard Skyrim is very poor, but this mod will fix everything.

Mod adds 25 degree options brightness, 34 shade, and 4 degrees saturation, Total - 3400 tones for hair. 34 shade 18 degrees of brightness to all others that require coloring with a slider (skin, etc.). And also 26 gradations gray.

Now you can make a character with any shade of skin and hair that you can think of and personally get the appearance of a goth, vamp, drow, clown, or even an alien!

Expanded color palette

Another mod from this category. Now your heroines will appear new kit cosmetics, new colors for eyelids, cheeks, eyelashes and lips. New colors will be added to the character customization menu.

Realistic faces for male races

Great mod that affects faces everyone male races in Skyrim.

Global improvement of elves

Elves in the original Skyrim, to put it mildly, are not handsome). This mod is designed to fix that. " Ethereal Elven Overhaul" is a comprehensive overhaul of the elven races of Skyrim. It changes literally every aspect of their appearance, making them much more attractive, while maintaining the original concept and inherent realism. EEO also affects every elven character in the game and adds new types.

Improved Khajiit

AND kittens We didn’t deprive you! Retexture making the Khajiit more beautiful. Textures included high permissions, new colors And eyes.

Retexture of beard and braids in Nordic style

A man's beard is like a woman's big tits, only cooler! HD Retexture of beard and braids in Nordic style for your hero. High textures 2048x2048px.

Girls from Final Fantasy XIII

Essentially, these are just textures for your character, affecting the Nord and Imperial races.

Long-legged women

For those who love model looks. The mod is compatible with any body replacer, clothing and animation.
Doesn't conflict with anything; replaced by mods that change the female skeleton.

IMHO, the best replayer of female bodies. Also, all standard armor and clothing are adapted for it. In general, I won’t list all the delights, it’s better to take a look at fashion page.

Jewelry for Lady Body

Collection of jewelry for body replacer Lady Body. Includes over 100 decorations. Earrings, tiaras, pendants, beads, crowns, neck jewelry, ear piercings and face piercings.

84 new eye textures for female and male characters. I say on my own: it looks great!

Continuing the theme of eyes. This time the mod brought us Aber. A whole collection of new beautiful eye textures that are suitable for both women and men, human and elven races. In total there are about 150 new eye textures for women and men.

P.S. Some textures are non-lorn)

Mod adds to Skyrim 17 new fantasy eye textures for all races. Let's finish with the eyes and move on to a very important part - the hair.

Animated hair

The mod adds an animated and physics-based hairstyle to the game that can be used by characters of both sexes. Watch the video on the mod page!

Women's hairstyles with physics

Five more hairstyles with HDT physics, there is also an alternative collection containing 8 static hairstyles.

I think everyone knows Apachii, and the mod requires no introduction. 39 new hairstyles for women, 21 hairstyles for men and 5 hairstyles for Khajiit women - 2 hairstyles for Khajiit men. This mod is also required for hairstyles to work with physics (see above)

Hairstyle set from SG

As many as 268 New high-quality hairstyles for female characters of the human races.

Hairstyle set from RadioReggae

Another hair pack from a very good mod maker. A large number of very high-quality hairstyles for your characters, enough for everyone, even Khajiit, orcs And argon !

The latest mod for today, for real nefors, skinheads and goths!) Ten combat tattoos for ladies and gentlemen. Use it!)

That's all friends. I know you can’t please everyone, but I think everyone will find the mod they need on the blog)

P.S.S my Dunmer drug addict and Nordic warrior)

To be continued..

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Are dragons bothering you? Are you having problems with local wildlife such as bears, wolves and saber-toothed tigers? No need to worry, we have a solution! No matter what playstyle you prefer, we will still try to create the perfect legendary Dragonborn as you travel through the province of Skyrim. Accumulating the necessary skills and using your current ability points will allow you to pick up the key to creating this time the perfect Dovahkiin.

For professional assassins and battle-hardened warriors, we have a guide that will help you develop your skills the right way so that those pesky dragons won't bother you anymore.

Choosing a race

For an assassin, we need a race that has initial bonuses to Shooting, Alchemy, Stealth and at the same time to Light armor, which will also be useful. Races such as Dark Elf, Khajiit and Wood Elf are great for creating assassins due to their innate skills. The easiest way to start is with the Khajiit because this race has an initial stealth skill of 25.

Choosing the right perks

As an Assassin, you must focus on sneaking towards your target in order to deal as much damage as possible, and the Stealth perks will help you in this difficult task:

  • Stealth: By learning all 5 ranks, you will be 40% harder to detect while sneaking.
  • Backstab: Sneak attacks with one-handed weapons increase to 6x damage.
  • Assassin's Blade: Sneak attacks with a dagger deal 15x damage.
  • Strong hand: Learning all 5 ranks will allow you to deal twice as much damage with one-handed weapons
  • Double vortex: Learning all 2 ranks will allow you to strike with two blades 35% faster
  • Double meat grinder: Two-handed power attacks deal 50% more damage.

Other perks you need to distribute between Light Armor and Alchemy. Reducing the weight of your armor will allow you to loot more items from dead bodies. Alchemy is useful if you like to create poisons, they do quite a lot of damage without your killing attacks.

Let's play as an assassin

As an Assassin in Skyrim, you must be fast and silent, detection can be fatal for you. To prevent this from happening, you should wear light armor and arm yourself with two daggers. You can equip a bow to launch sneak attacks from afar, or use it defensively if you're spotted. As you approach the enemy you will try to stay in the shadows, get close to them and stab them in the back, a similar tactic can be successful with a bow. If you still haven't been spotted, this is a great opportunity to continue killing your targets with one hit. If you're more interested in one-hit kills, I advise you to use the Razor of Mehrunes Dagon - a powerful dagger, just right for an assassin. Invisibility spells are a great thing, especially if your stealth level isn't as high as you'd like, a great alternative is the Mark of Shadow spell, which allows you to become invisible once a day.

Choosing a race

As a warrior, you must be tough as you carry heavy armor and heavy weapons such as greatswords, battle axes, and hammers. The famous warriors have always been the Nords and Orcs, if you are attracted to two-handed weapons, and the Imperials and Redguards, if you prefer one-handed swords and shields.

Choosing the right perks

You'll have to wear heavy armor like a second skin and wield one-handed weapons as if they were an extension of your arm. You should pay attention to the following perks:

If you're going to wield a shield and sword

  • Strong hand: Learning all 5 ranks will allow you to deal twice as much damage with one-handed weapons
  • Fighting stance: Power attacks with one-handed weapons cost 25% less stamina.
  • Flat power strike: You can perform power strikes with the flat of your hand.
  • Disarm: You have a chance to disarm your opponent when you land a power strike with the flat of your hand.
  • Elemental protection: When protected by a shield, you reduce damage taken from fire, cold and electricity by 50%

If you just want to crack a couple of skulls

  • Barbarian: Learning all 5 ranks will allow you to deal twice as much damage with two-handed weapons
  • Champion Stance: Power attacks with two-handed weapons cost 25% less stamina.
  • Juggernaut: Learning all 5 ranks will increase your heavy armor class by 100%
  • Good equipment: You get a 25% bonus to armor if you wear a full set.
  • Center of gravity: When wearing only heavy armor, you are 50% less likely to lose your balance.
  • Power Strike: You can throw a power punch.

Let's play as a warrior

Your warrior is built to go head-to-head, and the word “stealth” will make you laugh. Try to meet your enemies with a force attack, and then they will stagger from the first seconds of meeting you. While they are moving away from the first attack, try to land as many hits as possible with your weapon. After they have recovered, use your shield or two-handed weapon to break their attack. You can use a bow, which will allow you to shoot weak opponents from afar before you engage them in close combat.

Choosing a race

To create a mage, we need a race with a large supply of mana. Races such as dark elves, high elves and imperials are excellent magicians, since most of their initial bonuses are addressed specifically to the school of magic. If you are inclined towards battle mages, then you should choose the imperials, as they are well versed in destruction and one-handed weapons.

Choosing the right perks

Mages require a high level of magical training to more effectively cast spells that burn, freeze, and electrocute enemies to death. You will spend most of your time on the School of Destruction and the School

Witchcraft in order to cause the greatest damage and not forget about your own safety. The following perks you should learn:

  • Double destruction: When using spells from the school of destruction with two hands, a stronger form is obtained.
  • Fire, Cold or Electricity Boost: Fire, Cold and Electricity deal 50% more damage.
  • Summoner: Learning all 2 ranks will allow you to summon atronachs or raise the dead three times further.
  • Elemental Power: Summoned Atronachs are 50% faster.
  • Double illusion: When using spells from the school of illusion with two hands, a stronger form is obtained.

Other perks you can use to learn the Twin Souls skill, which will allow you to summon two atronachs or raise two zombies at the same time.

Let's play as a magician

A physically weak character, so during the battle we must be at a distance from the enemy. Wear robes that will give you an extra bonus and mobility. Always use summon spells in battle to summon creatures, but be sure that this creature can take the brunt of the attack, otherwise you will die. Atronachs are your best friends, they are resilient and capable of inflicting significant damage on your enemies. As your enemy approaches, summon an atronach and let him engage in close combat, stand back, cast your powerful destruction spells, and watch your enemies fall.

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