Tomb raider croft estate. Treasure from Lara's expedition

Tomb Raider Lara Croft is the heroine of many interesting computer games. If you want to know more about the zest of the game Tomb Raider Legend - the passage of the estate, then this article is for you! Here you will learn how to complete this level. This stage of the game is not only the most interesting, but also has its own difficulties. However, the brave Lara will stop at nothing.

Croft Manor in Tomb Raider Legend.

The Croft estate in this game is an additional mission, the tests of which were invented by the heroine's friends, so that she would train well and prepare for new adventures. Some players recommend passing it in between tasks, as you can train additional skills. Others believe that it is better to leave her for "dessert", because all Lara Croft's skills will be pumped up, and it will be much more interesting to play.

In Lara's home, various artifacts and awards are safely hidden: bronze - 16 pcs., Silver - 10 pcs. and one gold. However, finding them will take a lot of effort. Many of them cannot be found without the acquired skills. If you are tired of searching, use the tips that are described below. But keep in mind that it is much more interesting to cope with the tests on your own.

Tomb Raider Legend. Passing the fireplace and gym

Lara Croft should take a close look around the fireplace room. There is a magnetic harpoon in this room, which is hidden in the safe behind Zip. To remove an object, press the "E" key. Two bronze medals are to the left of the central window (above and below), and one silver medal is in the upper right part.

There are six bronze medals in the gym. You can find them in all corners of this room, on the wall next to the stairs (to remove, press "Q") and in the water. Look for the three silver ones on the two platforms under the ceiling and on the platform near the water.

Tomb Raider Legend. Greek hall and library walkthrough

On the more distant balcony, near the statue of the horse, binoculars are hidden. On the left side of the sculpture in the shape of a fish and behind the lounge chairs (chaise lounges) there are two bronze awards. Look for a couple more on the trampoline and at the bottom of the pool. Look carefully at the pipe under it, as it contains a silver award (press "E"). The other two are located behind the previously viewed figure of the fish and on the side on the right side. To withdraw, you need to jump over from the flower pot and press the "E" key.

There is a lantern on the table next to Alistair in the library. Three bronze awards are located behind the closet on the second tier (you need to press "Q"), in the corner of the room and in the basement box. Three silver ones - to the right of the entrance behind the boards (you will have to press "h"), near the cabinet and in the basement.

Tomb Raider Legend. Walkthrough the bedroom and find the gold reward

In the room of the main character of the game, behind a shield on the wall, pistols are hidden ("E"). One bronze award can be found behind the bed. In this room, the player can choose clothes from the wardrobe for Lara.

Finding the gold reward is the most difficult test in the passage of Croft Manor. It takes place in several stages.

1. Open the basement. To do this, go to the library and drop two bookcases ("Q"), put them on the plates, between which is Alistair.

2. In the Greek Hall on the very first balcony, turn the two statues away from each other. If everything is done correctly, a video will start showing the following hint about the order of books in the library.

3. Find the displayed books in the room and press them in the required order: blue, yellow, green and red.

4. In the fireplace room, have time to push the faces of both lions, moving between them along the lowered spears.

5. Turn the raised sculpture to face the light on the central platform.

The passage of the game Tomb Raider Legend is an exciting pastime filled with secrets, adventure and the fight against enemies. Achieving her goals, the heroine travels through the most beautiful and at the same time dangerous corners of nature.

Rise of the Tomb Raider: Blood Ties is a small adventure in which Lara tries to find the will of her late father so that her estate does not fall into the hands of Atlas' uncle.

We are at the Croft Manor. The game begins with reading a letter from a “caring” relative. When control passes to the player, you need to examine the safe. Naturally, it is closed, so you first need to find a combination. The room (as well as the entire estate) contains a lot of various documents and artifacts. Most of them are not needed for the passage, but it is worth reading them at least in order to better understand the plot. In this walkthrough, we will not paint the search for all the items, but only those necessary to complete the quest.

We leave into the corridor and pull the door to the library. Closed. Take the map on the right side. It indicates a workaround to the library. We open the door with handprints. It's dark, you need a flashlight. You can find him in the main hall, in a box near the front door.

Armed with a lantern, we go down into the wine cellar. There you will need to clear the passage by moving the rack with bottles. We go to the next section. Then right and left. Alternately, we push back the objects that block the passage. We return and turn left. The passage is now clear.

Next, we go through the basements until we come out to the stairs. We go upstairs and open the secret door to the library. Here we need to take the journal of Lara's father, which contains a hint about the code from the safe. There is a box with a lighter under the magazine.

Treasure from Lara's expedition

First we go to the back table of the library. We find a drawing with hieroglyphs. This is the clue. Each of the hieroglyphs represents a number. You can always view the leaflet from the menu.

Next, you need to go upstairs using a mobile ladder. First, we move it all the way to the left, climb up and slide the cart over ourselves. Then we go down and move the stairs to the right. Upstairs again, to a closed box located not far from the door. We take a blank sheet. It is actually a map, but written in invisible ink. We go downstairs and kindle the fireplace. This will give us a map that shows the location of the master key.

It is necessary to move the small table near the bookshelves. Now that we have the key, we can open the door and chest on the second floor (this key opens all doors and chests in the Croft estate). Inside there will be a paper crown - treasure from the expedition. The hieroglyph on it means the number 5.

Parents' wedding anniversary

Lara does not know the date of her parents' wedding, so she will have to look for clues. From the office we go to the opposite wing. Straight into the bedroom. We study all the objects near the bed. The wedding date is October 9th.

Father's favorite painting

Now we go to the workshop in the same wing. I must find my father's favorite painting. It's even easier to do this: a note nearby has a direct answer to this question. Favorite painting - with red rectangles. There are 4 of them.

Opening the safe

We now have everything to open the safe. We return to the office and enter the code (549). Among the heap of papers we find an empty piece of paper. We heat it up again in the fireplace (you can use it in the main hall). As a result, we get a map showing one of the shelves in the wine cellar and three hieroglyphs.

Aircraft remains

Do not rush to get on the plane, but go around it on the right. Look at the glittering debris on the right. Hook the cable onto them and pull. The wreckage will fall into the abyss. Jump over the abyss and take "Silver 3". Return to the plane.
If you enter the plane now, it will fall down from the cliff. To prevent this from happening, you must balance the plane. To the left of the plane, find a piece of skin and hook it with a cable. Bring the piece to the plane and drag it into the cabin. Climb one notch up so that it is convenient to drag in the debris. If everything is correct, you will see how the game will automatically save itself. Now go to the cockpit.
During the video you must have time to press the keys: "right", "up", "down" and "up" to save Lara.
Continue down to the temple. Drive down the slope and grab the pin with your hands. The pin is about to break, so jump on quickly. Go down the slope and jump over to the next one. Jump on one more descent from it. You will see an ice wall ahead. Don't be nervous and don't get your pistols, just when you're close enough, jump and Lara will break the ice herself. Drive down the last ramp and grab the pin. The camera is at a slightly crooked angle here, so jump over to the ledge quickly, as the pin will collapse in a couple of seconds.
Go to the cave, but do not rush to enter. Turn around and find with your eyes "bronze 3". Use the rope to pull the artifact towards you. Enter the cave.
In front of you is a type of beauty, according to Alistair, but for me it is a real headache. Jump over the chasm ahead. From the platform, jump onto the pin, and from there onto the ledge. Crawl to the left and jump over to the next ledge. This ledge is blinking - it means that it will soon fall, so quickly move your hands and get to its end and jump down to the level below.
Look back and notice the pin. Jump on it, swing it and jump on the icicle. Jump from the icicle onto the adjacent stalactite. From this stalactite, jump onto the platform on the right, ready to collapse, and from there quickly climb onto the ledge. Crawl a little to the right and get out upstairs. Well, thank God!
Now turn around to face where you just came from. Notice "bronze 4" and hook the cable onto it. Pull the artifact towards you.

GOLDEN artifact

So, you are standing on an ice bridge, on the sides of which there are abysses. Turn around so that the ledge that you can grab onto is on the left. Go to the edge of the bridge and hang on your hands. Look down and you should see a ledge. Go down two levels. Crawl to the left and soon you will see "gold 1". Take the artifact and return to the bridge.
Now grab the ledge on the left with your hands and crawl to the end. Jump over to the ledge on the right and go down to the level below. Grab the pin and get out onto the rock. From there, jump to the right to the ledge and from it jump over to the adjacent one. This ledge will not last long, so quickly crawl to the right, jump up and grab the edge of the cliff. That's it, you did it!

Meeting with the bandits

Come out to the ice clearing. Kill all the soldiers and start looting. Search the clearing and find Bronze 5. Now climb to the lowest bunker of all and look for an ice niche in the rock with your eyes. Shoot the ice to open the passage. Jump in and get Silver 4.
Go back and climb now to the higher bunker. Take "Bronze 6". Climb to the highest bunker and grab the cord.
When you find yourself in the cave, look for "bronze 7" in the niche on the left. Now go to the mountain river. Remember that if you fall into water, you will get frostbite. Jump onto the ice floe, and from it onto the neighboring one. Look up and aim for a block of ice on the ceiling. Knock the ice down into the water and jump onto it. Get to the exit from the cave on the left.
Ice floes are floating past you on the river. Use them to get to the exit on the left. Pick up "Silver 5" on the way. Exit into the passage and enter the temple.

Climb up the stairs, but do not enter the hall yet, as a leopard is running nearby. Get your weapon and finish off the beast. Now go down the stairs to the right to the very bottom. On the right you will see a piece of a shimmering wall. This wall can be pierced. Shoot and, when the dust settles, take "Silver 6". Go back upstairs.
Look at the ceiling and you will see lamps that you can use to hook the cables. Run, jump and release the cable. Swing, jump and hook the rope again. Repeat the operation one last time and land on the roof above the closed doors of the tomb.
Shoot the leopard from the roof and jump down. You must now collect Bronze 8 and Bronze 9. Both artifacts are located at the ends of two corridors, to your left and right. Do not be lazy, run after them, and then return to the Buddha statue with weights.

The riddle of the Buddha with scales

You must put the box with the image of Buddha on the press on the upper platform above the door. How to do it? Very simple!
Climb into the weighing pan and hook the cable to the small box. Drag the box onto the bowl. Now go to the adjacent bowl and stand on it with your feet. Both bowls will be on the floor again. Hook the cable to the box with the Buddha and drag it onto the bowl. Get off the bowl and go to the bowl with a small box. Stand in the bowl and drag a large box onto it with the help of the rope.

That's it, now the box with the Buddha is at the top. Climb up and drag the box onto the platform. Place the box with the Buddha EXACTLY on the mechanism to open the doors of the tomb. Enter the tomb.
You now have a sword. Go along the corridor to the closed doors and get your sword. Break the door with the sword (do not stand close to the door, move away a little). Step out into the great hall and get ready to run!
As soon as you regain control, jump to the left onto the ledge. From it, jump forward and further to the right. Don't stand a second! Run on, jump, jump! Grab the balcony with your hands and you are saved! Mission completed!

Eighth mission - Bolivia, mirror - The last boss

First, warm up. Draw out your sword and teach a lesson in good manners to the bandits on the platform. There are many bandits, but you are not bastard either, one swing of the sword - and around you there are only the dead with scythes.
After you put everyone on the way out, the cutscene will start and you will meet the last boss. Well, what can I say, the boss is, of course, scary, but defeating him is not so difficult if you know what to do.
Advice. First: stay as close to the center of the platform as possible and make sure that there is an obstacle behind you, as the creature loves to push Lara into the abyss. Second: stay close to the creature when it falls down, as you only have a couple of seconds to reduce its health. Third: try to inflict as much damage as possible immediately after the defeated creature begins to rise, so you will save a lot of nerves and health.
Now the principle of struggle. So, you have to hit the creature several times and wait for the moment when it collapses to the ground. Then the exclamation mark icon will light up. Run quickly to the creature and get as close as possible to Amanda's hologram. Press the "use" key (default "E") to rip some of the energy out of Amanda's hands. In total, you need to drop the creature FOUR times and snatch the energy from Amanda's hands. Mission, and with it the game passed!

Side Mission - Croft Manor - Modest Abode

Artifacts: 16 bronze, 10 silver and 1 gold.

I will not dwell on how to collect all the artifacts, I will only talk about how to get the gold one. So, first of all you have to get the "crampons" with the tether. You go into the room where Zip is sitting at the computer. Use the computer on the floor to the right, a safe will open, and you can pick up the "cats".
Now go up to Lara's bedroom on the second floor. Lower the levers on both sides of the round safe and take the pistols. Go to the pool room.
Walk around the perimeter of the pool and slide out the fish statues. Use the cable to pull out the spear from one of the statue. Now climb onto the pedestal of the fish statue and jump from it to the spear on the right. Swing and grab onto the balcony. Crawl to the right end of the balcony and jump onto the statue. From her to the spear and further to the balcony. On the balcony, turn the spear statues so that their spears cross. If everything is correct, the video will start, and a head with a lever in the form of a tongue will appear in the wall next to it. Pull the lever to open one of the two grates in the pool.
Jump into the pool and pull lever number two. Both grids will open. Walk down the tunnel to the gym. Exit the water and run to the second floor to the library.
Go to the library and look at the shiny pipe to the right of Alistair's desk. Hook the cable and pull. A shelf with books will fall from above. Drag this shelf onto the press to the right of Alistair's desk. Now go to the exit from the library and turn left so that you can see the wooden wall. This wall can be torn down. Get out your pistols and shoot her. Take out the second shelf with books from the secret room. Drag and place it on the second press to the left of Alistair's table.
If everything is correct, then a secret door will open on the side. Take the flashlight from the table and go into the tunnel. Turn on the flashlight and find the head on the wall with a lever in the form of a tongue. Pull the lever and read the first clue, which says that the statues in the pool room should have their backs to each other.
Go to the pool and turn the statues with their backs. If you did everything correctly, the video will start, and you can read the second hint. The tooltip tells about the order of books in the library.
Head to the library, which now has four fully extended books on the shelves. The order in which you need to slide in the books is: blue, yellow, green and pink. If everything is correct, then after the video you can read the third hint.
Exit the library and go to the living room balcony with fireplace. Heads with tongue-shaped levers appeared on the right and left of the balcony. Your task: to press one lever and press the second as quickly as possible. To do this, hook a cable to the crossbars between the balconies and push three poles out of the wall. Now press the lever, quickly jump to the pole, then to the second and third. Jump down to the balcony and press the second lever. If you were fast enough, a statue will rise from the floor below in the living room, and you can read the fourth clue, which says that the statue must be turned to face the sun.
Go downstairs and turn the statue to face the stained glass window. Step on the press in the form of a rug, and a pedestal with a GOLDEN artifact will rise in place of the statue. Return to the balcony, jump onto the pole, and from it onto the second. Move your hands along the pole so that Lara's legs are directly above the golden artifact. Let go of your hands and jump onto the pedestal. Collect the golden artifact!

The add-on starts after a short cutscene. The task is to find any evidence that Lara has all the rights to the Croft mansion, and to prevent her uncle Atlas from taking possession of it.

The safe needs to be unlocked, but Lara doesn't know the combination. The answer may be in the library, in the documents of the father.

The door is closed there, so another way is needed. We select a children's drawing from the boxes next to it - a map of the servant's path to the library. With the help of instinct we find the entrance - to the right of the real entrance.

We go to the main entrance to the estate and take the Lantern from the box to the right of the door. We return to the corridor for the servants and go down.

From the obstacle, carts blocking the road and narrow passages await you. Otherwise, the road is quite straight, and it makes sense to look under every corner only if you collect all the documents and relics in the estate.

In the library we read the diary of Lord Croft. The code from the safe is encrypted in various records and objects scattered around the house. Two out of six right in the library.

To begin with, next to everything with the same table, from the case, we take out a lighter.

Then you need to climb up. We move aside the ladder on the shelves, then we climb, move aside the interfering boxes, go down, return the ladder to its original position, and climb again. We go right to the locked door, next to which we take an empty sheet. We go down to the fireplace, light it, and bring the sheet.

On the developed sheet we find a cache with a hidden Universal Key. We return to the shelves and move the table. We take the key and now the entire estate is available for research without restrictions. It's time to find all the clues.

In the library, you need to study all the records of Lord Croft, find Lara's children's drawing and the decoding of the hieroglyphs.

We go to the west wing. Here we need to inspect the parents' bedroom and the mother's studio. Attention to the box with decorations and paintings (with rectangles). When you get all the tips, return to the office with the safe and open - the code 549 .

Alas, the document we need is not here. But there is a hint. We go down to the basement, to the wine cellar, go to the wall, and open the cache on the shelf next to it. The clue was in the safe - the sheet with the hieroglyphs needs to be converted into a familiar form. Code 142 .

We enter the open tunnel and search everything in the room. But the most important thing is notes, a box with a crowbar (new equipment) and either a star or a compass from the wall. We hammer the wall with a crowbar and get out of the basement.

Return to the main entrance to the mansion and place the star in the hole on the floor. Then, with the help of instinct, we find the way to the answer. We break the wall and go to the end of the expansion.

After we watch the cutscene.

Passage of story quests Shadow of the Tomb Raider on the location "Croft Estate" (Lara's dream): how to solve the puzzle with the White Queen

Fearless Adventurer

It's time to set off to storm the palace! Do not be alarmed, all this, firstly, happens in Lara's dream, and secondly, it is a figment of the fantasy of a little girl. It is possible that these are her real memories from childhood. After the video, look around and examine the base of the tree to find relic - white queen... Then go to another tree in the yard to find the targets.

Target test

They belong to a separate test which you can complete right now. You need to find a round projectile in the area of ​​the playing area and throw it at each target. Three targets are located around the second tree, and the fourth is suspended near the tree with the relic at the base.

Return to the playground built especially for Lara and examine the tree stump to find document - letter to Winston... After that, inspect other toys to earn experience points.

Examine the top of the play area for additional dialogue, then look for a raven's nest in the corner. You can drop a special basket in the area and collect the treasure - a family photo.

As soon as you are ready to continue your journey, go to the opposite side of the courtyard and collect document - a letter from Winston lying on the ground next to a red cart. Then climb up the corner of the trellis to get to the balcony belonging to the office of Richard, Lara's father.

On the other side of the balcony, find a grate that you can climb higher. Move up the side of the tower, go through the partially open window and follow the path that resembles the letter C up to reach the very top.

Follow the ledge to see a cutscene, then climb up and jump to the right to reach another ledge with a red cloth fluttering in the wind. You can now walk through the opening in front and climb the stairs to the rooftop for breathtaking views of the local surroundings. Continue forward to see a new cut-scene.

Lara on the roof

Enter the library opposite the balcony Lara will fall onto and check the various artifacts on the stands. When you are ready to continue, then go to the huge globe and rotate the special devices so as to expose the coordinates seen in the Croft drawing - 90E and 30N.

Interacting with the globe

Climb the stairs to the upper balcony and look left to find document - letter to the contractor lying on a small table. Then turn the other way and go there until you find a wheel. Rotate it to reveal the wings on a mock bat suspended from the ceiling.


Go downstairs and notice two luminous spots on the floor, where there are also various chess pieces. They indicate the positions where the pieces with red shields on their back should be placed. Move them, removing the rest of the figures from the path in order to find the very White Queen behind the stairs.

Run back to the globe and interact with it to set other desired coordinates. Now move the White Queen to a position between the pieces with shields on their backs, where there is also a crosshair of two red beams. A mechanism is activated that will open access to the secret room. Go there and watch the cut-scene.

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