Compass minecraft. Additional ways to use the compass

Often players ask the question: "?". The sailor is with you and now I will answer your question.

Minecraft compass

There is no division into cardinal points in minecraft. But there is a compass. Players often ask the question: "Why is it needed?" In single player, the compass constantly points to the spawn location. That is, it is best to make a house right in the place where you appeared. And if you go on long journeys, then you just need to take a compass with you. Finding a home in this case will not be difficult for you. And online, he points to the bed without a private, which is closest to you. That is, it shows the place where you can go to sleep.

Let's move on to the craft itself. First of all, we craft an iron pickaxe (or diamond) and go to the mine. We will need to get four iron and one red dust. We smelt iron into iron ingots.

We go into the workbench (you already know how to craft it) and lay out the craft itself: in the center (5th slot) we put the redstone. On top of it is iron. We do the same on the right, left and bottom. We get our compass.

I told you today how to make a compass in minecraft... The editor sailor was with you. I advise you to read other articles on our forum. Until next time on PlayNTrade.

Greetings, dear minecraft people, brave heroes and travelers, explorers of new lands in our beautiful cube world of minecraft. To facilitate your journey on long journeys, we will tell you about such an important subject as a compass.

Why do we need a compass in the game?

As you know, dear friends, in the human world, in unfamiliar places without navigation systems, it is easy to go astray. And therefore, everyone who sets out on a long journey must take a compass with them on the road.

With us, in minecraft, sometimes you have to get quite far from home. In search of the resources needed to create other useful things in minecraft, various villages and mines, and in general on travels out of pure curiosity. Therefore, it is also very important for us to have this important navigation system. In addition, it will also be needed later, to create another important item in minecraft, namely a map, which is also a useful thing in wandering around minecraft.

Traditional shorty roller:

3 facts about the compass

Many of us are probably familiar with the situation when, having climbed quite far from the home and not knowing to leave along the way, even landmarks in the form of blocks, for example, land, we suddenly discover that we are literally lost. And then, for a long time we wander in search of our home. And in order to avoid this unpleasant situation, and not to get lost in the endless expanses of our cube world of minecraft, we need to acquire a reliable navigation system:

  1. He will always show us the right direction, but of course, not to the north, but to the point of our spawn. This is where we first appear in the game. By the way, friends, I would advise, having appeared for the first time in the game, to build your dwellings exactly in the place where they appeared, or close to this place
  2. you don't need to hold it in your hand, it always works in minecraft, wherever it is:
  3. Unlike single player, where he points to the spawn point, in multiplayer, he points to our bed.

How to craft a compass in Minecraft

In order to make a compass in a minecraft game, we need: iron ingots and red dust. Let's place them on the workbench in a certain way:

What items are needed for crafting?

To make the navigation system important for us, we will have to, my friends, work a little and get the necessary items. You may have to go deep underground, in mines, to find the necessary ore and coal. We also need an oven. I hope you already have it, if not, be sure to read our how to make a stove in minecraft. And we also need red dust. I will tell you how to get it a little later.

How do I get the iron ingots I need for crafting?

In order to make the required ingots that we need when receiving our navigation device, it is necessary: ​​to make a stone pickaxe, to extract iron ore in mines and melt it in a furnace. To do this, we place the coal in the lower square, and the ore in the upper one and after smelting we get the ingots we need.

Compass ID: 345.

NID: compass.

Compass - English name compass in Minecraft.

As the proverb says: "A good compass does not show the weather." This device, which belongs to the "Tools" section in the game, does not work in the Nether world and in the End, and its arrow rotates randomly. Where does the compass show in Minecraft, in its ordinary world? It turns out that the compass arrow shows the direction of the player's spawn location, even in inventory, chest, and in hand. But in this matter, there are several nuances regarding the modes and versions of the game. For example, in the single-player mode of Minecraft, the compass points to the point of the first appearance of the player, in multiplayer mode, to the bed. Also, up to Mine 1.9 in statistics menu the compass was working, and you could not carry it with you, but after removing it after creation, you could navigate the terrain, looking at the statistics. And until 1.9, orientation was possible with a compass installed on the floor.



The compass will help you navigate the terrain.

How to make a compass

Without a compass and maps, a sailor without eyes (proverb).

The compass can be found with a small chance in the library chest in the fortress. It can also be purchased from the librarian for a few emeralds. But it's still more interesting to make a compass in Minecraft. This will require four iron ingots and one redstone (red dust). Thus, making a compass in a game is not an easy task. But the crafting recipe is not the most difficult one.

How to use a compass in Minecraft

On dry land with a staff, on the sea - with a compass (proverb).

The main thing is to craft a compass or get it in some other way. The rest is a matter of technology, but it depends on the version and mode of the game. If the compass does not point to the bed, then you are probably in Hell or Ender, or you are playing in Minecraft's single player mode. Since in this case the arrow is directed to the point of first appearance. And in multiplayer mode, the compass will indicate the direction of your spawn. This is the secret and the answer to the question: "where does the compass show in Minecraft?".

Changes to the use of this item appeared in Minecraft version 1.9. When the compass is thrown or recorded in the game statistics, it does not show the direction to the spawn point and the arrow only looks north.

The compass arrow will show the direction of your spawn location (up to version 1.9).

Crafting, or how to make a map

Any sailing with a bad compass is dangerous (proverb).

Using a compass and paper in the right amount, you can craft a map (blank). In this case, it is placed in the center cell of the workbench.

Blank card

How to make a map:

Note that the blank map for the PC version, the console edition, and the pocket edition are different. The specified crafting recipe is suitable for Java Minecraft and Legacy Console. In a pocket edition, to make a blank card, you need to fill all the cells of the workbench with paper.

Maps do not initially show location. To add this function, you need to combine the map with the compass on the anvil (or in the crafting grid in Windows 10 edition).

Lodya without a compass is like a child without a mother (proverb).

In real life, there are several types of compass:

  • magnetic;
  • mountain;
  • astronomical;
  • gyro-compass.

But that's not all - there are compasses that are guided by the position of artificial objects: a radio compass, a satellite compass. Compass - compassio (Italian) from compassare - measure in steps.

A compass is an item that is required to create a map and to navigate the terrain. Its arrow always points to the place of appearance (single-player mode) or to the point of location, at home (multiplayer mode). In the EDGE and the Lower Worlds, it (like the clock) does not work. Its arrow rotates at random.

How to craft

To make a compass in minecraft, you need to take 4 iron ingots and a bar of red dust , place all this on the workbench as follows: - in the center, and place the iron in the shape of a cross around it and then craft the item.

After that, wherever he is: in his hands, in a chest, on the ground - the compass will work.

Using a compass when crafting

As already mentioned, this item is needed to craft a card. To make it in minecraft, you need sheets - 8 pieces and a compass ... The first thing is placed in the center, and around it all the free space is taken up by paper and the card is ready. It is very necessary for orientation on the terrain. Having these two objects, it is impossible to get lost and not find where they came from.

If you want the cardinal points to correspond to the real, then when crafting things, you need to remember a few points:

  1. A hacksaw and a hammer are located on the west and north sides, while pliers are on the east and south;
  2. In addition, in the game, the direction of movement of the clouds is always west.

In addition to these things, you can make a daylight sensor in minecraft. It is used both to determine the day and to create time bombs. And you can also create an alarm clock, night light, etc.

Moonlight and daylight sensor

In order to make a daylight sensor, you need to take 3 wooden slabs, 3 pieces of glass and 3 blocks of quartz from the Nether world. Then arrange them on the workbench in this order. The top line is glass, the middle one is quartz, the bottom one is wooden.
The daylight sensor sends a signal to the red stone according to the strength of the sunlight. The signal strength of the stone changes during the day. This item will signal all blocks that are nearby, that is, within the same block.

If you need a lunar sensor, then you need to press the RMB on an existing device. After that, it will transmit a signal not from the sun, but from the moon. That is, the daylight device gives a signal during daylight hours, and the lunar one only in the dark. If connected to this device, it will be able to broadcast messages or ensure the change of day automatically. And if you connect this device to an inverter, then you can make an automatic lighting system: while it is light, the sensor works and there is no lighting, as soon as it gets dark, the lighting turns on.

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