Download maps for minecraft rpg. RPG games in the genre of card games

If you are tired of the monotony and want to entertain yourself, bring at least a few drops of multi-colored paints to the gray mass of the gameplay, then you have come exactly where you need to, because, after installing the new Kirio RPG Adventure for Minecraft PE, you will soon forget about the current game mode: survival, as now turn into a real RPG game.

And, if you are a fan of this genre, and even a Minecraft PE player, then you are doubly lucky. On the surface of this map, you will find a decent amount of a wide variety of structures, they are unusual and look in a special way, and all because they are designed in the style of those buildings that were in the Middle Ages.

It turns out that the entire gameplay will be based on the historical past. This adds even more interest. And the most basic and attractive in this map: the storyline, and the opportunities provided.

You will play as a certain Picko - this is a brave warrior who no one notices and does not pay attention. But in order for everyone to understand this, he needs to complete a huge number of tasks and missions in order to save his city from evil in the end, and achieve universal recognition of a real warrior and knight.

The map even includes several cities, on the territory of which different, unique and different tasks are located. You can go through them and get stronger. Although this is not necessary, then, you will simply not go through the map and will not get to the final. In your free time from assignments, just walk around, make deals: exchange, purchase, sale. Improve your character and make him strong, so that every difficult task is given to you easily, then you will become the richest and can buy absolutely any item for your player.

About purchases: in order to acquire what you want, you need to have money, and they can only be obtained after a successfully completed mission. Especially for such cases, there are even reusable tasks for you to go through and constantly receive your reward.

If something is not clear, then look for the signs, each of them will inform you about something, and in the end you will find what you were looking for.

Approximately the following Kirio RPG [Adventure] map for

We have collected for you collection of the most popular maps for WarCraft 3... In the collection, maps for Warcraft are divided by genre. Each map has a detailed description, list of changes, available versions, map creators from their official sites.

To Map Developers: Add New Map
Help on adding a card or how to add a new card

RPG map ... 4 locations / cardon from build / swamp from build / proving ground
from the photographer / laboratory-x invented / ... There is a raft of mutants and stalkers ... the birth of artifacts is present in anomalous zones ... anomalous zones-11 ... there are only 15 tasks ... there are caches like in the RFP ... ATTENTION ... tasks are indicated by red questions, come close and the task appears ... pick up questions so that they do not interfere ... each question is a task or is related to a task ... and follow the location of interest ...

The RPG map is winter. In fact, the same map has only been redone for one player / dialogs / hero / items and the number of mutants / .. ATTENTION: NONE OF THE CHARACTERS SHOULD BE KILLED AS STILL.

Winter RPG map .. A story about a military helicopter flying to the city of a ghost after receiving a strange signal .. ATTENTION MAP COLLECTIVE FOR THREE PLAYERS .. MAYBE ONE ONE WILL NOT AFFECT THE JOBS .. BUT IT WILL BE VERY DIFFICULT .. AND EVERYTHING MORE JOBS AND EVERYTHING REMOVE RELATED ONLY THE SQUAD LEADER DOES. / That is, the red player / .. TASKS only three well, very long .. there are anomalies and artifacts well, mutants .. resplavn is not needed here .. and there are no merchants here all the swag needs to be found or on assignment. . AND YET NOT ONE CHARACTER SHOULD KILL ALL SIX OF THEM .. OTHERWISE ALL THE PLAYERS LOST ..

Events unfold 2,000 years after the cataclysm. The main character is the wizard Kelen, who is a powerful magician and also the guardian of his world, he is half elf and half demon, he received his demonic power during the opening of the portal. He and two other wizards tried to close the portal to the demon world, they succeeded, but they lost their memory and in return acquired demonic power. Now Kelen has to challenge evil again using all his spells.

Features of the card:
1. Five schools of magic fire, light, protection, darkness and nature.

2. The system is a mercenary who will follow the hero himself to attack and apply spells.

3. Arena - in the arena you can fight monsters.

4. Unique heroes, each of which has its own spells.

5. Unique villains with whom you can fight in battle. Each villain has his own spells. For example, a necromancer summons hordes of skeletons that attack our hero. If the necromancer is wounded in battle, then he can drain health from skeletons to heal.

Hint: Save more often, even though the hero can be revived, but there are tasks where revival does not work and if the hero dies, then there will be a loss.

The map is difficult in some places. In time, it is designed for 3-4 hours of passage.

This page of the "site" portal contains an extensive list of RPG games in the genre of card games. Each RPG from this catalog has been carefully selected by us, and we are sure that all the games collected here are worth your attention! After reviewing the games in this category, you will definitely find the right game for you. Our list of RPG games in the card game genre combines the best and most memorable RPG games of all time. Games are conveniently broken down by dates from 2017 - 2016, and early years. It is also worth paying attention to our TOP 10 RPG games, for which we have selected only the best games of the genre.


The amount of information on games may confuse you, but we have worked it out as much as possible, and with all the convenience you can choose the game you need by watching the videos and screenshots, or by reviewing the information in detail on the corresponding game page. The OnyxGame site has collected a wide variety of game genres and sorted them by games on PC and other platforms. Now you will definitely find only the best computer games for yourself!

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