What they do in Russian prisons with gambling debtors. “They won’t kill, but they will punish. What can happen to a card debtor in the zone?

Let's talk about such an interesting topic as games. Since there is more than enough time in prison, games occupy a significant place in the lives of prisoners. If we also take into account that the vast majority of those there are in a difficult mood, then games serve as both a distraction and an outlet for them. There are several well-known ways to do this - talking, reading, handicrafts - an ordinary person cannot be happy with himself. But games, of course, come first.

There are two options for games - “without interest” and “with interest”, i.e. the first involves simply passing time, the second involves betting on the game.

Games are a very common means of breeding suckers. Skillfully playing on feelings of importance and importance, an experienced scammer leads the victim to the game for a long time, often losing to him, lavishing praise or teasing, forcing him to lose his vigilance and bet everything he has and even more on the game, and then delivers the decisive blow.

If a person has nothing to pay with, he can turn into a slave - a “horse”, he can work his ass off, forever joining the caste of roosters, he can be faced with the need to perform any task, including murder. A gambling debt is a debt of honor, and those who refuse to pay it can be killed or maimed or raped with impunity.

In prisons and zones with a predominance of human concepts, the beholders usually set the upper scale of rates. For prisons it is usually about 200 dollars, for zones - 1-2 thousand. Such measures are usually taken by unspoken agreement between the operatives and the thieves, the former of whom solve their problems in this way with the hands of others.

A very common way to punish or simply throw a person on order is to drop the victim for a certain amount, even a small one, but enough for him to ask for help from outside. Usually, a real period of time is given for payment, during which relatives or friends could add up the required amount - everything is “in accordance with the rules”. But then the opera begins to work - either the letters don’t arrive, or for some reason someone can’t get a pass because of some trifle, or the money is siphoned off... The payment deadline passes - and the man is in margarine. The debt immediately increases several times, or “legal” physical violence begins, or the operator recruits a new agent, promising help...

Often there is a conceptual rule - you can’t bully (play for fun) with a person who has been in the camp for less than 1 year. In prison (pre-trial detention center) - there was once a period of three months, but now it is usually not respected. Playing for fun, in addition to other nuances, is economically beneficial for the elite - captive players (players for fun) usually pay at least a quarter of the winnings into the common fund.

There are still a lot of options designed for a sucker, for a person who has not had time to get comfortable in prison. The most common of them is that a beginner is offered to play something. When he loses, he is told that the game was for, say, $100. He says that he didn’t play for anything, to which he hears - “But I played out of interest - I don’t know anything” - turns to the hut - “Has anyone heard that he sat down to play without interest?” No one, of course, heard...

Or - “What are we playing for?” - “No matter what.” Losing - "Pay 200 bucks." “We played for nothing...” - “And for me, 200 bucks is nothing.” Despite the apparent comedy, everything is very serious. If you manage to evade the fee, it is often with a seriously damaged reputation.

Another option is “just play.” At the end - “And you know that in prison it’s “just” an ass. You lost your point.”

Therefore, if you sit down to play, in any case you must announce: “We are playing without interest.” This is a universal formula - and hear the consent of your partner. And the advice is not to start playing for fun at all, but if you really can’t do without it, then at least in the first weeks of being in the cell.

There is another option - “sports interest”. They play squats and push-ups. It often turns out that the loser cannot perform, for example, several hundred push-ups in two hours, and then they announce that the loss will be “replaced” with something material - money, food. This option is often considered limitless, but it works among young animals.

The games where it is easiest for a sharper to work are cards, all games with dice. Cards are prohibited in prisons, and playing them is severely punished. But, as you understand, this stops few people. Probably, the ban on cards was introduced based on the high possibility of using cheating techniques, to prevent the exchange of experience, or maybe this is just an old ideological glitch.

Maps are usually made by hand. By the way, they turn out very beautiful stosy(decks) made using all the technology. They are glued from newspapers with bread paste, they are leveled and sanded for a long time, drawings are applied (at the same time, secret marks) - thus, one deck can take up to 3 days of work.

By the way, we have opened a small store with goods from Russian camps, where you can buy real goods and much more.

By the way, card games can be played with dominoes - for example, in poker, which is often done.

If you are not a professional gambler, never sit down to play cards in prison for fun. And without interest they don’t play cards there - there’s no point in taking risks. And a non-professional will never risk keeping the cards - so if you are offered to play, you can be sure that you are under attack.

All other board games are permitted - chess, checkers, dominoes, backgammon (shyshbesh), dice (zary, zariki), as well as sea battle :) But, of course, all of them can be used with no less success for playing for fun.

The most honest games in this regard are chess and checkers, where it is difficult to adjust anything. Games where three or four people participate - for example, dominoes - are already more dangerous, since it is possible to communicate with secret signs and influence the outcome of the game.

One more piece of advice right away - if someone is playing, under no circumstances should you not only suggest, but even discuss the game next to the players. If the game is even more interesting, the loser can always demand that the tipper pay, no matter which side he gave the tip to or simply dropped a word.

Games with dice, among which the most popular are backgammon ( shishbesh), are quite dangerous in terms of cheating. Firstly, there are several simple techniques for picking up chips, and secondly, most importantly, a specialist with a high degree of probability can throw out the number he needs. To reduce this probability, use either a glass in which the dice are “shaken”, or special methods of throwing stones - for example, from under a table, or by hitting an obstacle. Although this works, it is not always reliable.

Most people still play in prison to kill time. And the most popular game is precisely . You can play them all day long, until you are completely stupefied, switching to full automation, while still getting a lot of pleasure.

Despite its apparent simplicity, this is a very interesting and instructive game. Having somehow realized that I didn’t like playing uselessly, just to kill time and distract from pain, I found in backgammon an inexhaustible reservoir for internal practice. Chess and checkers are purely intellectual games. Here, whoever is smarter and has more experience wins. You can train, analyze, grow, but the goal? If you win, it’s only thanks to yourself, because you’re smart, because you’re the best...

Purely probabilistic games - poker with dice, for example, are devoid of almost completely intellectual component, and everything depends on chance - are also of little interest.

In backgammon, these two components are harmoniously merged - you must do everything you can - the best move, calculate the combinations, very quickly, at the levels of intuition, and then surrender to the will of fate - as the stones fall. A very good model for our life: “do what you must, and come what may”

Since I began to approach the game in this way, I began to get a lot of pleasure and benefit. In general, these two components are present in any other game, but in backgammon they are very well balanced. Among similar games, I would also mention preference, but in prison it is simply not available.

To achieve mastery of backgammon, you need to learn just two of these components - to act in the best way for a given situation and at the same time to be submissive to fate. Distinguish between what can (and should) be changed and what cannot be changed. Live fully and be humble at the same time. Don’t fall into despair when faced with “undeserved” life difficulties, don’t take credit for the results of victory, accept your fate, be able to lose in winning situations... you can learn a lot with this approach. In such a game model of the world, it becomes possible to see yourself and your reactions to situations, your weaknesses - your irritation, anger, despair, pride... And seeing is already half the way to liberation from them.

So you can learn to live, learn to love, always and in everything - if you have the desire...

Living in this way, I have now come to create real and virtual projects in which I share my knowledge, understanding, help others find freedom from fears and other destructive emotions and suggest the direction of life, what my

Much depends on the character and spirit of the prisoner, his determination and intelligence. Support from the outside, criminal experience and connections are of great importance. All this, in general, can be called “authority”. We can confidently say: all prisons live by the same laws, and, without very compelling reasons, no one oppresses or beats anyone. Incidents of assault are very rare and are harshly suppressed by the elite of the criminal world.

To each his own, but everyone has the right to live. Cases of direct extortion are almost excluded. But a prison is a prison. Analogies with army hazing are unacceptable!

A special case is gambling debts. They must be paid on time and on time. The consequences of non-payment of a debt can make the life of the debtor, the “bummer,” unbearable. This is a stain and an infringement of rights until the end of the term! You need to do everything possible to help your ward pay off these debts on time and in full, if God forbid this happens!

Special advice for relatives - try to put transfers on a clear schedule. The prisoner needs to be able to plan his life and needs.

Visits from the lawyer and visits, if allowed, must also follow strictly as planned. This makes it easier to live and wait there. The main thing is to correctly assess your strengths and capabilities; it may very well be that this is all for years.

During the investigation and, later, the trial, much depends on the tactics you choose to defend the prisoner. Such a decision should be made by you as quickly and accurately as possible - a lot will depend on it, and first of all, of course, the fate of the accused.

First of all - in any case, this will not be superfluous - guarantees and petitions from public organizations, references from the place of work and place of residence, if any, are of great importance. If the arrested person has chronic diseases or disabilities, it is necessary to collect certificates about this. The specified documents must be kept with you until they are provided to the investigator, when one is appointed.

Now about the lawyers. It’s good if you have a family lawyer or a good friend. As a rule, this rarely happens in our society. You need to know that according to the Constitution, the accused has the right to a free lawyer. This lawyer is not necessarily a bad one. Meet him, talk. Perhaps his help will be effective. However, when deciding to use the services of such a lawyer, you must keep in mind that a lawyer who “serves duty” in free services for obvious reasons gives preference to his paying clients, and may treat your case more than formally.

There is another danger lurking along this path, namely, lawyers cooperating with the investigation. In this case, his “client” may be in serious danger.

If you have the desire and opportunity to hire a lawyer, then, of course, you count on effective assistance and protection of your interests. If you've never encountered a problem like this before, you'll probably find the decision difficult.

The desire for maximum efficiency at minimum costs is understandable. That is why, before hiring a lawyer, I would recommend that you seek advice from an experienced lawyer - it is possible that his constant services will not be affordable for you, but in just one consultation he will be able to explain to you the task facing you and the arrested person, give legal overview of what happened, warn against possible mistakes and mistakes. You will need this when you manage the activities of the lawyer directly defending you, it will allow you to choose the right lawyer and plan your costs.

We must remember that the opinion that you form at the very beginning of the process after a conversation with an experienced lawyer, whose reputation is a guarantee that his advice is optimal and effective, will protect you from possible mistakes when hiring a lawyer.

It's no secret that sometimes there are unscrupulous lawyers who understand perfectly well the state you are in and your willingness to give everything for the speedy release of your loved one, solely and only for unsubstantiated promises, who unjustifiably inflate the cost of their services and demand money for additional expenses, often in advance, and then conduct the defense poorly and unprofessionally. Sometimes it happens that as a result of their activities they can cause irreparable harm and only worsen the situation of the accused. In other words, not only money can be wasted, but time can also be lost forever.

Many, unfortunately, have experienced this firsthand. We would like to warn you against this. Defending the arrested person is the task not only of the lawyer, but also of the arrested person. In general, one head is good, but two are better.

Whether the arrest was made correctly and legally;
- whether sanctions and warrants are properly executed;

In general, the first mention of maps in Russia dates back to the 16th century. And it gained popularity, like a game of chance, under Peter II. Everyone knows that playing cards for money was one of the entertainments of the nobles. And as you yourself understand, we couldn’t do without gambling debt. So what is gambling debt? Why was gambling debt considered a “debt of honor”? Have people always been prone to gambling? Now I will try to answer these questions based on historical facts.

Card debt is a sum of money or material assets that a person must pay back when losing at cards.

Why was gambling debt considered a “debt of honor”?

Perhaps when players lost, they did not always give up their money. And the game lost its interest. Therefore, at that time the nobles decided to legalize these rules. And around the end of the 18th century they began to be called “debts of honor.” Those who did not pay were put on trial. In general, it was believed that you could commit any crime, but “a gambling debt is sacred” and you are obliged to repay it. There is also a belief that cards are a game of the devil. And a gambling debt is a contract between the devil and man. And if a person does not repay the debt, then the devil can take his soul.

Have people always been prone to gambling?

Apparently, yes, because now I will give examples of great people whom everyone knows and even quotes. One of the famous people who played cards was Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Alexander Sergeevich treated excitement with trepidation, and, as we know, he had a lot of debts. Pushkin even once said: “I would rather die than quit playing.” Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky also loved excitement, who won substantial sums of money, and sometimes lost, leaving him with “empty pants.” The poet was very worried, and this probably passed on to the heroes of his books. And the fabulist Krylov, for example, because he played a lot, was at one time not allowed to enter Moscow and St. Petersburg. He, like Pushkin, was on the governor’s so-called list of avid gamblers. And Derzhavin is no exception; he lost the money with which he was going to buy a village at cards. But then he managed to win back, winning 30 thousand from Count Apraksin. You can also add Yesenin, Mayakovsky and Leo Tolstoy to this list.

In conclusion, I want to say that under no circumstances let the excitement take over you. And remember the risk is not always justified.

Games are a very common means of breeding in the criminal world. Skillfully playing on feelings of importance and significance, an experienced scammer leads the victim into the game for a long time, causing him to lose his vigilance. All about prison games and the criminal world.

Let's talk about such an interesting topic as games. Since there is more than enough time in prison, games occupy a significant place in the lives of prisoners. If we also take into account that the vast majority of those there are in a difficult mood, then games serve as both a distraction and an outlet for them. There are several well-known ways to do this - talking, reading, handicrafts - an ordinary person cannot be happy with himself. But games, of course, come first.

There are two options for games - “without interest” and “with interest”, i.e. the first involves simply passing time, the second involves betting on the game.

Games are a very common means of breeding suckers. Skillfully playing on feelings of importance and importance, an experienced scammer leads the victim to the game for a long time, often losing to him, lavishing praise or teasing, forcing him to lose his vigilance and bet everything he has and even more on the game, and then delivers the decisive blow.

If a person has nothing to pay with, he can turn into a slave - a “horse”, he can work his ass off, forever going into the caste of roosters, he can be faced with the need to perform any task, including murder. A gambling debt is a debt of honor, and those who refuse to pay it can be killed, maimed, or raped with impunity.

In prisons and zones with a predominance of human concepts, the beholders usually set the upper scale of rates. For prisons it is usually about 200 dollars, for zones - 1-2 thousand. Such measures are usually taken by unspoken agreement between the operatives and the thieves, the former of whom solve their problems in this way with the hands of others.

A very common way to punish or simply throw a person on order is to drop the victim for a certain amount, even a small one, but enough for him to ask for help from outside. Usually, a real period of time is given for payment, during which relatives or friends could add up the required amount - everything is “in accordance with the rules”. But then the operation is already starting to work - either the letters don’t arrive, or for some reason someone can’t get a pass because of some trifle, or the money is siphoned away... The payment deadline passes - and the person is in margarine. The debt immediately increases several times, or “legal” physical violence begins, or the operator recruits a new agent, promising help...

Often there is a conceptual rule - you can’t bully (play for fun) with a person who has been in the camp for less than 1 year. In prison (pre-trial detention center) - there was once a period of three months, but now it is usually not respected. Playing for fun, among other nuances, is economically beneficial for the elite - the shpili (players for fun) usually pay at least a quarter of the winnings into the common fund.

There are still a lot of options designed for a sucker, for a person who has not had time to get comfortable in prison. The most common of them is that a beginner is offered to play something. When he loses, he is told that the game was for, say, $100. He says that he didn’t play for anything, to which he hears - “But I played out of interest - I don’t know anything” - turns to the hut - “Has anyone heard that he sat down to play without interest?” Nobody, of course, heard...

Or - “What are we playing for?” - “No matter what.” Losing - “Pay 200 bucks.” “We played for nothing...” - “And for me, 200 bucks is nothing.” Despite the apparent comedy, everything is very serious. If you manage to evade the fee, it is often with a seriously damaged reputation.

Another option is “just play.” At the end - “And you know that in prison it’s “just” an ass. You lost your point."

Therefore, if you sit down to play, in any case you must announce: “We are playing without interest.” This is a universal formula - and hear your partner’s consent. And the advice is not to play for fun at all, but if you really can’t do without it, then at least in the first weeks of being in the cell.

There is another option - “sports interest”. They play squats and push-ups. It often turns out that the loser cannot perform, for example, several hundred push-ups in two hours, and then they announce that the loss will be “replaced” with something material - money, food. This option is often considered limitless, but it works among young animals.

The games where it is easiest for a sharper to work are cards, all games with dice. Cards are prohibited in prisons, and playing them is severely punished. But, as you understand, this stops few people. Probably, the ban on cards was introduced based on the high possibility of using cheating techniques, to prevent the exchange of experience, or maybe this is just an old ideological glitch.

Maps are usually made by hand. By the way, the stos (decks) made using all the technology are very beautiful. They are glued from newspapers with bread paste, they are leveled and sanded for a long time, drawings are applied (at the same time, secret marks) - thus, one deck can take up to 3 days of work.

By the way, card games can be played with dominoes - for example, in poker, which is often done.

If you are not a professional gambler, never sit down to play cards in prison for fun. And without interest they don’t play cards there - there’s no point in taking risks. And a non-professional will never risk keeping the cards - so if you are offered to play, you can be sure that you are under attack.

All other board games are permitted - chess, checkers, dominoes, backgammon (shyshbesh), dice (zary, zariki), as well as sea battle :) But, of course, all of them can be used with no less success for playing for fun.

The most honest games in this regard are chess and checkers, where it is difficult to adjust anything. Games where three or four people participate - for example, dominoes - are already more dangerous, since it is possible to communicate with secret signs and influence the outcome of the game.

One more piece of advice right away - if someone is playing, under no circumstances should you not only suggest, but even discuss the game next to the players. If the game is even more interesting, the loser can always demand that the tipper pay, no matter which side he gave the tip to or simply dropped a word.

Games with dice, among which the most popular are backgammon (shyshbesh), are quite dangerous in terms of cheating. Firstly, there are several simple techniques for picking up chips, and secondly, most importantly, a specialist with a high degree of probability can throw out the number he needs. To reduce this probability, they use either a glass in which the dice are “shaken”, or special methods of throwing stones - for example, from under a table, or by hitting an obstacle. Although this works, it is not always reliable.

Most people still play in prison to kill time. And the most popular game is backgammon. You can play them all day long, until you are completely stupefied, switching to full automation, while still getting a lot of pleasure.

Despite its apparent simplicity, this is a very interesting and instructive game. Having somehow realized that I didn’t like playing uselessly, just to kill time and distract from pain, I found in backgammon an inexhaustible reservoir for internal practice. Chess and checkers are purely intellectual games. Here, whoever is smarter and has more experience wins. You can train, analyze, grow, but the goal? If you win, it’s only thanks to yourself, because you’re smart, because you’re the best...

Purely probabilistic games - poker with dice, for example, is devoid of almost completely intellectual component, and everything depends on chance - are also of little interest.

In backgammon, these two components are harmoniously merged - you must do everything you can - the best move, calculate the combinations, very quickly, at the levels of intuition, and then surrender to the will of fate - as the stones fall. A very good model for our life: “do what you must, and come what may”

Since I began to approach the game in this way, I began to get a lot of pleasure and benefit. In general, these two components are present in any other game, but in backgammon they are very well balanced. Among similar games, I would also mention preference, but in prison it is simply not available.

To achieve mastery in backgammon, you need to learn just two of these components - to act in the best way for a given situation and at the same time to be submissive to fate. Distinguish between what can (and should) be changed and what cannot be changed. Live fully and be humble at the same time. Don’t fall into despair when faced with “undeserved” life difficulties, don’t take credit for the results of victory, accept your fate, be able to lose in winning situations... you can learn a lot with this approach. In such a game model of the world, it becomes possible to see yourself and your reactions to situations, your weaknesses - your irritation, anger, despair, pride... And seeing is already half the way to liberation from them.

So you can learn to live, learn to love, always and in everything - if you have the desire...

Few people know that there is a clear distinction between the law of thieves and prison. Thus, the first refers to a set of unwritten rules and norms of behavior established in certain circles, which is mandatory for the so-called thieves in law. What are prison concepts and laws?

Prison law

Of course, you wouldn’t want anyone to experience what it’s like in their own skin. But if “the job is already done” and a person is sent to a prison camp, that is, to places of imprisonment, he should find out what prison concepts and thieves’ laws are.

Naturally, there is no clear term defined anywhere. Based on established unspoken rules, prison law is rules and traditions that are mandatory for all prisoners without exception. It is these norms that regulate relations among persons serving sentences.

Thus, the prison law is only a certain part. The only difference between them is that absolutely all convicts and prisoners are required to comply with the first. But the specific norms of the thieves’ law are observed only by “crowned” thieves and prisoners seeking to obtain the specified “status”.

What is it, prison law?

Prison concepts and laws, prohibitions are strictly observed by the “correct” prisoners. In essence, the meaning of the rules of behavior in places of deprivation of liberty is the same as the norms of life in freedom. It’s just that the prisoners express it in their own, more understandable, language (or jargon).

So, the basic prison concepts and laws of prisoners boil down to the following:

To allocate a share to the common fund, that is, to be able to share, to give what is yours.

Treat old people and parents with respect.

Do not snitch, that is, do not inform on other prisoners to the administration of the colony or prison.

Don’t “raft,” that is, don’t steal from your own people.

Do not make accusations without grounds or evidence.

Do not swear, do not insult without reason (surprisingly, in places of deprivation of liberty it is forbidden to use obscene language).

Be responsible for your words. This means that you can’t just threaten someone: if you already said it, that’s what you need to do. There are no changes in situations, or “accidentally” in them.

All of the above laws are quite vital and humane, and also easily applicable (with some amendments) in everyday life in freedom.

There are also prison laws and concepts, rules that are quite difficult for an ordinary person to understand. For example, you cannot interfere. So, if one prisoner decides to commit suicide, the rest of the convicts cannot dissuade him. If he asks for a blade (to cut veins or throat) - they will give it.

It will also be strange for a law-abiding citizen that in prison it is forbidden to pick up anything from the floor. Even if a prisoner’s hat falls to the floor, it is no longer possible to pick it up, much less wear it.

"Crime and Punishment"

Failure to comply with the norms of prison law will not pass without a trace for any of the prisoners. It does not matter whether the prisoner belongs to the prison “elite” or is part of the most disreputable group of “inmates”.

For violating the established rules, the guilty convict (the one who “messed up”) may be subject to:

Beating up.

A blow to the ears (to hit the ears means to transfer a prisoner from the “thieves’ caste” to a lower one, that is, to the category of “men”). This can only be done by a thief in law or a convicted person with the same status.

Fractured limbs - arms and legs are broken, as a rule, by persons who have not repaid a gambling debt (and he is considered a saint in the zone), as well as by those who, without any reason, beat up a cellmate.

A violent act of sodomy, after which the prisoner automatically falls into the most despised “caste of the debased”; This type of punishment is widespread in places of deprivation of liberty where juvenile offenders are serving sentences, as well as in general regime zones. In high-security and special-security prisons, these cases are extremely rare.

The symbolic act of sodomy (in the zone this expression is replaced by the concept of “paraffin” and consists of passing the genital organ across the lips of the offender). The sexual act itself does not occur, but the convicted person is also transferred to the category of “roosters”.

Murder (this type of punishment is used quite rarely and only for committing particularly serious acts). For example, a prisoner can be killed for grand theft from a common fund or for a proven connection with law enforcement agencies. At the same time, the decision to kill is never made solely by one of the prisoners.

Types of prison concepts

Concepts are rules, a kind of code of honor. Conventionally, all existing prison concepts and laws are divided into two large groups:

Positive, that is, those that, according to prisoners, are correct and acceptable for themselves;

Negative ones are those that guide the lower categories of “prisoners” (for this reason they fall into the castes of “roosters”, “goats” and others).

Positive concepts, in turn, are divided into human and thieves. And the negative ones are “nasty” and cop (the complete opposite of thieves).

Are concepts the foundation of relationships?

It is on concepts that the relationships of persons serving sentences are built. Their communication is based on human concepts. It is these that are followed by the so-called decent prisoners, as well as other “castes” of prisoners, which will be discussed below.

There are also those who follow vile concepts, which are the absolute opposite of human ones. Usually these are “rats”, “hens” and “lawless men” - that is, prisoners who have committed an offense quite significant for the prisoners. This could be the theft of something from one’s own cellmate, denunciation of another prisoner to prison or colony staff, as well as groundless beating of a prisoner.

Colonies and prisons are places of confinement where mistakes are not forgiven. In this regard, a prisoner who has violated the norms of “human” coexistence is deprived of the opportunity to atone for his guilt. Such a prisoner will most likely be subjected to humiliation and bullying from fellow inmates throughout the entire period of imprisonment.

Thus, prison concepts and laws, rules of behavior are the platform on which relationships between prisoners are built. At the same time, human concepts, in meaning, are aimed at self-sacrifice, the desire for mutual assistance, sympathy, humanity and mutual understanding. Whereas the nasty ones are the complete opposite and are based on the desire to satisfy only their own needs and interests, to put themselves above others.

Basic Concepts

Many prison concepts and laws have already smoothly entered into life outside. In modern society, you can often hear terms such as “jamb”, “zapadlo”, “parasha”, “present”, “stuffy”, “steer”, “fuflyzhnik” and many others. Moreover, people who use prison jargon in their vocabulary do not always know the correct meaning of concepts.

So, not everyone knows that the term “stuffiness” means the creation of conditions unbearable for normal existence. And a “jamb” is not just an accidental mistake, but a serious violation of prison law.

In general, almost all words frequently used in everyday life in the zone are designated by “their” terms. For example, street robbery is a “gop-stop”, murder is a “wet case”, language is a “broom”, a particularly dangerous repeat offender is a “mansion”, a prison corridor is a “continuation”, a showdown is a “showdown”, escape or hide - “get on wheels” and others.

Without knowledge of prison terminology, it is almost impossible for a prisoner to exist in places of confinement. Therefore, if a convicted person does not want to have unnecessary problems, he, as a rule, while still in the pre-trial detention center, begins to comprehend the “thieves’ language.” After all, without knowledge of specific prison terminology, it is impossible to understand, for example, the expression: “The overseer with a mandate presents it to authoritative thieves.” When “translated” into simple language, it means that “the chief of the zone conveys the important information contained in the note to a group of prisoners revered and respected in the zone.”

Thus, prison concepts and thieves' laws (or rather, prison laws) are mandatory knowledge that a prisoner acquires while still in pre-trial detention centers (pre-trial detention centers).

However, the convict needs to know not only prison concepts and laws, rules of conduct, but also the so-called castes, that is, categories of prisoners (one of which the convict himself will necessarily be included).

Prison "castes"

There are no prisoners who do not belong to one of the categories of prisoners. All persons held in places of deprivation of liberty are conventionally divided into groups or, as the prisoners themselves say, “castes”. A transition from a privileged category to a lower category is possible (for example, in connection with the commission of some act that prison concepts and laws, the behavior of prisoners classifies as a “jamb”). But the transition from lower to higher is excluded.

So, there are four main prison “castes”:

  • thieves;
  • men;
  • goats;
  • outcasts.

The first “caste” is the thieves. These are the so-called experienced professional criminals. Representatives of this group themselves do not call themselves thieves, but use such concepts as “lads”, “prisoners”, “tramps”, “travelers”.

This group is the top of the hierarchy, and not everyone can get into it. There are strict requirements for prisoners belonging to this “caste”. Thus, anyone who held leadership positions in freedom, had any connection with government structures, or served in the army will never become a “vagabond.” Those who worked in the service sector (for example, as a waiter, delivery person, taxi driver) will not be included in the “caste.”

Several decades ago, the “thieves,” while free, did not have to work a single day. They were also forbidden to marry or perform compulsory work in the zone. Currently, these requirements are not enforced in most prisons.

In addition to a “clean” biography and the status of a professional criminal, a prisoner who wants to get into this “caste” must comply with absolutely all prison concepts, laws, and traditions.

The thieves have enormous power in the zone and in prison (or as the prisoners themselves say, “in prison”). They are the ones who resolve all conflict situations and disputes that arise between prisoners and ensure that none of the convicts are unreasonably offended or humiliated.

Representatives of this group also have special privileges. So, they may not work and independently decide what from the so-called common fund they can keep for themselves.

It is from this “caste” that the “godfather” is selected - the main one in the zone. Moreover, if there is a recognized “thief in law” in prison, then he must occupy the specified “position”. By the way, “thieves in law” are a privileged, top group of prisoners. It includes only lawbreakers recognized by the criminal world who meet all of the above requirements.

If there is no thief in law in the zone, then the person performing his duties, that is, the “supervisor,” is sent there. He performs all the functions of a “godfather”.

Currently, in some places of deprivation of liberty, the so-called godfathers secretly cooperate with the administration of the colony: they establish such order in the zone as is necessary for the management. The administration of the colony turns a blind eye to many things for such cooperation: for example, to the fact that vodka, marijuana, etc. get to the “boss”.

It is worth noting that the development of market relations in the country has not bypassed the place of imprisonment. Recently, you can become a thief in law for money, that is, you can buy this title. And, despite the fact that prison concepts and laws of clarity do not fit in with this fact, it is still impossible to exclude it. Such newly minted and not very ideological thieves in law are called “oranges.”

Who is there more in the zone?

The “men” caste is the largest, and, as a rule, it includes about 60-70 percent of all prisoners. This group includes the most ordinary prisoners who are serving sentences for minor (by the standards of criminals) punishments: fights, minor thefts and other similar acts.

The “men” do not have the right to vote in “showdowns”, they do not make any decisions in the zone, in a word, they simply serve their sentence, trying not to interfere anywhere, and after their release they plan to return to the life of an ordinary law-abiding citizen.

Who are the “goats”?

The next caste is the “goats”. It includes prisoners who, either voluntarily or by force, cooperate with the camp administration. They can hold the position of librarian, caretaker, zone commandant, that is, any position that actually exists in the state

This group includes persons serving a sentence either on their own initiative (for example, so that the administration writes in their personal file that the convict has taken the path of reform) or at the will of the colony administration. Thus, a prisoner can be persuaded, intimidated, or forced to work for the benefit of the prison administration.

It can be extremely difficult to refuse said work, so many prisoners can only accept their fate and follow the instructions of the colony authorities.

The rest of the convicts have a negative attitude towards representatives of this “caste”: they are considered certain “traitors”. And this is no coincidence, because many “goats” report to the prison administration about everything that happens among prisoners, that is, in their language, “knocking.”

“Goats” are not allowed to enter the “common fund”, but at the same time, other persons serving their sentences can greet them, talk to them, and touch them.

The most horrible

Last in both number and status is the caste of the “omitted”. The persons included in it are also called “roosters”, “offended” and other similar terms. Those prisoners who were “omitted” fall into this group (in this case, an act of sodomy does not necessarily have to occur; this process can be carried out purely symbolically).

Prison concepts and laws are not for this category of convicts. In the zone they are not considered people at all. So, it is forbidden to touch them (if an object needs to be handed over to someone “lowered”, it is simply thrown on the floor for the prisoner to pick it up), they use separate utensils, and they are not allowed to touch the things of other prisoners. In general, they live as an isolated group that does not have any rights.

Statistics show that most prisoners fall into this group in areas intended for juvenile prisoners. They have their own prison concepts and laws, responsibilities, and sometimes even more severe ones than in real prisons and “adult” camps.


Life does not stop in prison. It continues to flow... There are just certain prison concepts and laws. A book that would contain all the standards of conduct for prisoners has not yet been written. And it is unlikely that such a thing will ever appear.

Despite many nuances and amendments, camp life is still built on generally accepted principles: do not steal, do not inform, do not lie, do not violate established norms and the order of communication between prisoners.

Prison concepts and laws, advice from experienced prisoners are what help the convict adapt to prisons and camps. By following the established norms of behavior and communication, the “inmate” will be able to acquire a “strong rear” and “sidekicks” in the zone and will be in relative safety.

Also, by fulfilling all the “instructions”, a person (if he, of course, has such a desire) will be able to achieve certain “heights” in camp life and even enter the category of privileged prisoners.

Respecting prison concepts and laws, the advice of “authoritative” prisoners, a convict who ends up in prison will most likely be able to find his “brothers in misfortune” and will not become an outcast. And no matter how strange it may sound, “criminals are people too,” most of whom adhere to the rule: “in any situation you need to remain human.”

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