Industrial craft compressor

Today we will talk about how to make a compressor in Minecraft. It is necessary to create new items from the original elements, among them you can use, for example, snow.


In order to solve the problem of how to make a compressor in Minecraft and ensure its operation, we will need energy. To lead it to the desired area, we use wires. Note that the compressor in Minecraft is one of the most important devices. It is exclusively present in a mod called Industrial Craft II. We can get energy by connecting the device to special ones using wires. We can also use generators. There are 3 types of them. So, there are wind generators, longwall and conventional generators. The latter type requires a lot of coal to provide us with energy. we place them in the air at a considerable height, since they need wind. Appliances of this kind, which operate on lava, are often located in the Nether, as there is enough fire there. This should not be done, since there is a high probability of losing generators. So, we create a compressor and provide it with energy. Next, let's move on to working with it.


After solving the question of how to make a compressor in Minecraft, with its help we will be able to create various previously inaccessible items. Let's look at a few examples. We find biomass. We put it in the device. We get a biomixture. Next, we get a hellish brick. A similar stone is used here as a starting material. If a charcoal mixture is required, a similar wet dust should be used with the compressor. Sandstone is made from sand in the same way. From a capsule of water, you can get snowball, which, in turn, is needed to create ice. The composite is produced in the device from the corresponding ingots. We get carbon fiber by transforming a fabric of a similar composition. With the help of a compressor, it is easy to make a compressed carbon ball from a regular one. The most valuable component is considered to be diamond. From now on, we can make it from a block of coal. Compressed construction foam is easily created from ordinary foam. It is even possible to obtain from conventional or appropriate ore.

Necessary addition

Now we know how to make a compressor in Minecraft, but we should not forget that for this you need to install a modification of the Industrial Craft II game. We are talking about a large-scale continuation of a quality industrial addition. This modification adds a large number of blocks to the gameplay, as well as various items for all sorts of purposes. Here, mechanisms for the extraction of resources and their processing, agro-industrial equipment and previously inaccessible equipment for our character appeared. All of the above possibilities became available thanks to the implementation of a special energy system that provides automation of many processes. So we solved one more important question about the Minecraft game: how to make a compressor, we also considered the principles of interaction with this device.

Forgive the banality, but we will still voice it: all people are different. Everyone has their own interests, preferences. That is what Minecraft is good for, that it allows everyone to "inflate" their universe. We all begin to play Minecraft games, in general, occupying the same positions. Then, proceeding from the gravitation towards something, we try to branch off, to make our own world. By installing these or those mods, we turn our Minecraft sector into something original, not like other "branches". Some are fond of creating a militarized world, others are interested in the agricultural direction. A paradise for techies, without a doubt, is becoming a game "flashed" with an interesting modification of "Industrial Craft2". Technocrats gain power over electricity, acquire new tools, devices, blocks.

These are the components that go into the compressor: wiring diagram, stone, and mechanism case. It is them that you need to get in Minecraft and throw them on the workbench. Six stones and one unit of the remaining elements, be so kind as to place them in the same order in which they are located in the picture presented. You will definitely not have problems with the case and stones in Minecraft, and although you will have to tinker a little more with the electrical circuit, in general, it is not difficult to make it either.

In addition to the fact that the compressor craft items, it itself acts as a component when creating a recycler - a block that processes other items in Minecraft. The rest of the elements involved in the creation of the utilizer are light dust, refined iron ingot and earth.

What can we get?

What items can be made using a compressor? There are many of them. Here they are:

  • Compressed biomass
  • Hell brick
  • Hydrated coal
  • Sandstone
  • Snowball
  • Carbon ball (compressed)
  • Composite
  • Diamond
  • Carbon fiber
  • Enriched uranium
  • Construction foam (compressed)

It will be useful for you to know some points. The accumulator built into the Minecraft compressor has a capacity of 800 EU. This device can also work on a red stone, if the latter is placed in a battery power cell. And further. The compressor is able to draw water from a nearby pump. In practice, this means that you can make snowballs from the water that the pump pumps out. In this case, you do not need to put additional capsules with water in it.

It's no secret that our minecraft game is fraught with a whole paradise of possibilities. There is a place where the imagination and imagination of the most avid crafter will manifest itself. As soon as you get a place for crafting, everything goes from the beginning in about the same scenario. You craft and collect only the items you need. However, over time, the situation can change quite dramatically. At some point, you will want to add some new things to the game. And then you start to study new materials and get the first bumps. The time is right when it comes to mechanisms in minecraft. What do you think is the game, "flashed" by the well-known modification of Industrial Craft 2? What is it in general and what is it used for in minecraft?

That's just today we will consider this mod, more precisely in what it can benefit us. You've probably already crafted hundreds of items in minecraft and you know that some can only be done using the pressing process. The above mentioned modification of industrial will help with this.

How to squeeze objects

For these purposes, we need a compressor. This device provides an excellent ability to compress blocks and objects. As we have already noticed, this process allows you to make interesting new items in this game. And sometimes it cannot be replaced in any way, especially with regard to various blocks. They cannot be created in another way. However, there are those that can be done in other ways. But about everything in more detail. In any case, this compressor is a very important and necessary thing. Crafting it is not at all difficult: just take time and patience. You have probably already acquired these skills with the experience of playing.

Process of creation

So, this is what our item will consist of (you need to get them):

  • electrical circuit;
  • 6 stones;
  • mechanism body.

Once you have them in your hands, place them all on the workbench. Place all six stones and other items in a strictly defined order on the workbench. As you already understood, there will be no obvious problems with the pebbles and the body, they are easy to get without special skills. But what about the wiring diagram? Moreover, you should know a little more about our compressor: it not only allows you to compress the necessary blocks, but is itself a component of the utilizer. But more about this device in our next articles.

There are also other nuances. You should take into account that the battery that you insert into your new device operates with a capacity of 800 EU. It can also work fine on red stone, it's just a little more complicated. Moreover, this excellent mechanism can be used to extract water from a pump. Do you know what it is? You can easily make snowballs from the very water that the pump pumps out. At the same time, you do not need to bother with water capsules.

Here is such an interesting mechanism for our compressor. It is worth doing it as soon as you get the chance. We hope you enjoyed this material and can do it. Good luck and cool crafting!

This Industrial Craft 2 mod can be downloaded in the article about

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