How to quickly find craft diamonds. How can you find precious diamonds? Diamonds in Minecraft

How to make a diamond in Minecraft?

Diamond in Minecraft is considered the most valuable ore. Without it, you will not be able to make most of the really necessary items. There are several ways to make a diamond in this game. More details about them will be written below.

Mining diamonds in Minecraft

In Minecraft, a diamond can be mined. To do this, you must arm yourself with an iron pickaxe. Diamonds can be found 1 - 16 blocks from the admin. As a rule, a mineral is located in veins of 1 - 8 blocks. Most often there are 2 - 3 blocks together. The easiest way to find a diamond is to go down into the caves to the required depth. However, the caves are fraught with many dangers, because you can run into an evil mob or fall into the lava. For this reason, care must be taken.

To find a diamond in Minecraft, you need to dig a passage down and go to level 16. Then make a corridor 20 blocks in length, then on both sides of it dig corridors through the block. It may happen that you will not find diamonds; in this case, you will need to go down below and continue working. Dig all the way down to the admin and you're bound to stumble upon a diamond mine. When it is found, dig in it from all sides. Such a measure will preserve the find, and not a single diamond will fall into the lava.

How can you make a diamond in Minecraft?

Not everyone wants to go down into a cave and search for diamonds. This element can be easily done. You just need to install the Industrial Craft2 mod. You can download it here: You will also need the following components to craft diamonds:

Convert all coal to coal dust using a grinder. Make a charcoal ball out of coal and flint, and then squeeze it in the compressor. Then create a block of coal, squeeze it. This will result in a diamond. As you can see, making your own diamond in Minecraft is not difficult, you just need to install the mod.

Where can I find diamonds in Minecraft?

If you don't want to make diamonds and go down into the cave, you can look for this element. He can be stored in chests that are found in treasuries, temples, and NPC villages. Here are just a few of them, and they come across very rarely.

You can also try increasing the amount of diamonds available. However, this requires an enchanting table. If you cast the "luck" charm on a pickaxe, then when you break a block of diamonds, you will receive more units.

Where can diamonds be used?

Diamond is the best stone and the most valuable item in the Minecraft game. After all, you can make strong and highly effective tools from it. Among them are the following:

For example, only with the help of a diamond pickaxe can you get obsidian, which is used for a portal to the underworld. In addition, powerful armor is crafted from a diamond, which means that the player will prevail on evil mobs.

Many players are racking their brains over how to find diamonds in Minecraft, we will help you and give you some practical tips to help you in your search for the much needed diamonds.

How to find diamonds in Minecraft video

In the story, our specialists will show by examples how to find diamonds, what will need to be done for this. After watching the video, you will begin to quickly find gems and be able to exchange them profitably. The video is understandable for everyone, experienced players describe how to find diamonds correctly, explain everything in an understandable language.

Diamonds in Minecraft

Diamonds are considered the most valuable material in Minecraft, they are very rare, and many users simply do not know how to find diamonds in Minecraft, but there is a solution, our specialists have created a special video, which gave some practical advice to help players in their search for gems.

Items created from diamonds are durable and reliable, finding them you feel lucky, but however, the video shows all the ways to search and places where much needed diamonds are most often hidden. To make you feel how important precious stones are, we will give one interesting case from the game, objects made from diamonds will last for 1562 use, but from iron only for 251. Another advantage of diamonds in Minecraft is their aesthetic beauty.

To begin with, you will need to take a pick made of iron, maximum three pieces, you will have to break several picks before finding the long-awaited diamond. In no way do you use a stone pickaxe to extract a diamond, it will break a gem leaving you with nothing. When looking for diamonds, it is better to use iron pickaxes, most often you will need to spend 2 pairs to find diamonds. We advise you to equip yourself with an iron shovel, this way you will save pickaxes. An obligatory attribute of work in the dark is a torch, stock up on them, and spend 15 one hundred percent. Apples are not the main attribute, they are needed if your character gets hungry. So here's the most interesting, where you can easily find diamonds for Minecraft, in hidden places in the caves, the developers hid precious stones, in places that a person would not even think about.

In Minecraft, the player is in danger, there are many mobs that are eager to kill you, so for greater safety, it is best for you to get an iron sword, so you will feel safe. A tree is needed if you are going to create a tool or object.

Diamonds are most often hidden underground, in order to get them you will have to dig under you until you stumble upon a long-awaited gem. You need to dig carefully, there is a high probability of falling into the lava and dying, so be vigilant. Dig until you come across a black stone that cannot be broken.

At the level of the black stone, you can find a large number of diamonds, a real treasure. Continue digging if you get to the adminia (black stones) go up one level and so on until you find enough diamonds.

In fact, if you set out to get more diamonds, then it will not be difficult. There are several principles that must be followed when mining any mineral. Therefore, if it seems to you that gravel is easier to mine than diamond, then you are deeply mistaken. To explain this, let's look at how to get diamonds in Minecraft.


The first way to get the item you are looking for without cost and special preparation is provided by Minecraft itself. It won't work out quickly anyway.

You can start by exploring the surface of the world. Find an abandoned fortress or temple. There, in the chests, you can find a small amount of diamonds. This will be a great help before you dig deep into the mines.

Besides the abandoned places, you should visit the village. In it, you can either buy diamonds from the villagers, or try to steal them from the blacksmith's chest. But how can you get diamonds in Minecraft in another way?


If long hikes are not for you, then it is worth preparing for a fairly long excavation of the earth's interior. Where to get diamonds in Minecraft? Rocks can be located at very different depths. In particular, it was noticed that deposits of this mineral are found in large quantities at a depth of 12 blocks. Moreover, they can be found even more often near lava. But more on that later.

Before you go digging for diamond ore, you will need to make some items to take with you, namely:


So, how to get diamonds in Minecraft if you are already fully prepared? You have at least two options.

  1. We descend to a depth of 12 blocks and equip ourselves a room with all the equipment indicated above. We fully illuminate it. Be sure to put a door at the entrance. You now have three bare walls. Start digging straight to one side. The hole should be 2x2. Every two blocks you create a semi-room, from which a branch will then be built. It will also be 2 blocks in height, but already 4 in width and length. Then again we dig a 2x2 corridor. And so - as long as the endurance is enough. It's better not to go too far: you can fall into a cave or open a lake. In the same way, from the initial room, we dig to the remaining sides. After digging in all directions, you can tackle the branches and dig them according to the same principle as the main tunnels.
  2. We descend to the maximum depth and find lava. Dig along and next to it, and also try using the tips from the previous paragraph.

Big boom

The fastest, but also the most dangerous way to get diamonds in Minecraft. Having descended to the required depth, which was mentioned earlier, you dig a long tunnel. At the end, place dynamite and activate it. Now run as far as possible. The explosion will be strong, but it will "work out" a huge layer of earth. The main thing is to make sure that there is no water or lava above and below, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted.


Diamonds are a rare resource in Minecraft. The value of this block is in its strength. A diamond pickaxe is much more durable than an iron one, although iron products in Minecraft are also very strong. The number of uses for which a mineral pickaxe is designed is several times greater than the number of strikes with an iron tool. A diamond drill is generally cool. This drill produces obsidian faster. Such a drill, as a component of a drilling rig, is irreplaceable. Finally, such a drill, in comparison with a saw (chain), does less damage. This is the reason for the race for diamonds. The question is where to find them, and is it possible to get these minerals quickly and very much. Yes, since we mentioned the drill, we also need a mod that adds power tools to Minecraft, including the drill.

Natural way

Diamonds are mined from diamond ore. This is, if we talk about the standard method (but there is also an industrial, artificial, giving infinite reserves). The ore is located underground in Minecraft, at levels 1-16. The most popular levels are from 8-13. Well, the most “diamond” is level 12. It is here that the main deposits of diamonds are. Here it is most logical to look for them. The local ore, if you're lucky, can donate 10 diamonds at a time. Ore is often found just beneath lava. By the way, this is a good reason not to dig under yourself - you can easily "swim". To hammer over yourself in Minecraft is no less dangerous. The ore that you find under the lava will give you its diamonds if you pour the molten rock into a hole dug nearby with a bucket.

The ore will not give up its treasures so easily. Only a diamond pickaxe, and an iron pickaxe, are capable of extracting the desired mineral in Minecraft. Before "digging in", you need to get ready. Here's the minimum to take with you:

  • Pick.
  • A bunch of torches.
  • Sword. To defend against mobs, you need to make a sword. A sword is like a knife in the kitchen.
  • Then, when you are already scouting, drag the chest under the ground. Why constantly go up, if you can put a chest next to it and, once, and the diamond is already there. Like a sword, a chest is an indispensable thing in Minecraft.
  • Stove. An extremely useful item, as well as a chest and a sword. By the way, the mined diamond can be given to the "defense industry" - a diamond sword is cooler than others. Again by the way, if you make a double chest, it will be an incentive to mine more cool blocks like diamond.

An approximate algorithm: you dig in Minecraft in the intended place, if you manage to find it, quickly work with a pickaxe, the ore is melted into a diamond, put it in the chest, continue.

Artificial methods

Diamonds can also be found on the surface. In fortresses, mines, if you're lucky, you can find them, but if you need endless sources, then this is all wrong. Endless resources will be provided to you by the al. Or, if you like, call it a plant, or a farm. A plant is an industrial, artificial method of extracting these minerals. How to make such a generator? There are different tricks, but we propose to make the generator, perhaps, the simplest (and fast). Details can be found in the video, but for those who like reading a short guide on how to make a diamond generator in Minecraft:

  • To begin with, you have to make an artificial portal to the Minecraft hell.
  • Make parapets 9 blocks long from both portal columns. For example, wool. Again, the details on the video about the generator.
  • Pour 2 blocks of water into this pool.
  • Such a plant requires the installation of two workbenches on the parapets.
  • To clone endless al., You need to jump into the water. How exactly, see the video about the generator.

We told (and showed a video) how to make a diamond generator in Minecraft. Infinite supplies are possible, as the wiki says, if you use cheats, codes (commands). Artificial diamond can be obtained by prescribing a certain code. You can find out what code in the reference book. Codes are, by the way, completely different. But this method, like the diamond, is too artificial. Another artificial (non-industrial) method is cheating. But he, moreover, still in Minecraft does not provide endless al.

For being with us, you get a bonus - a super diamond armor skin for Minecraft. You can find it here.

Everything in the game has 6 types of ores: coal, iron, gold, lapis lazuli, red ore, and the most valuable is diamonds.


Coal is a substance that is always in circulation. It is needed for everything and a lot: to explore the caves you need torches (craft: 1 coal on top + 1 stick below). After exploring the caves, you need to process the found ores and stone in the stove, where coal is also needed. Therefore, do not pass by. It should always be in the chest near the stove.


You can't do without iron in the game: How can you go to caves or at night on the street, where a bunch of monsters live, without uniforms? From iron, you can create a pretty strong sword and armor for yourself, and you can go on a hike without fear that a creeper will sneak up behind and explode into shreds. By the way, for a hike you need a compass and a map, which include a fair amount of iron. But you can also secure your home by making a fence and an iron door out of iron.


Of course, you can also create armor from gold, but it is very soft and breaks quickly. But this is not a reason not to collect gold: it is necessary in the construction of railways. The most important benefit of gold is gold nuggets (1 gold -> 9 nuggets), which are used to create golden apples.

Lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli is only used in one direction - the dye. But even though there is a lot of it in the caves, use it wisely: it is better to dye a sheep once than to waste hundreds of lapis lazuli.

Red ore

Red ore is used by players to optimize their game and build destructive mechanisms and invisible traps from mobs and opponents. There is a lot of it in the caves, but if you have planned that grandiose, then it ends so imperceptibly.


Diamond is the most valuable and durable everywhere, including in MineCraft. With it, you can create flawless armor and sharp weapons, by enchanting the first and second, you will swim across the lava river and kill the end-dragon. By the way, the enchantment table and the music box must be made using diamonds.

Extraction and storage

Normal use of a pickaxe drops only iron and gold into a block of unprocessed ore, but if a pickaxe with a silk touch enchantment, then all will drop a block of unprocessed ore anyway. This block can be melted in a furnace, but this action will bring only 1 ore (and using a pickaxe on redstone drops 3-4 pieces, on lapis lazuli - 4-6. This is useless and brings a loss, but it is better to know about it.

Also, from 9 identical ores (with the exception of coal and redstone), you can create a block from this ore. It is used for compact storage or for the construction of "expensive" buildings. Of course, ore blocks can be inverted back into ore.

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