How clothes hangers are made in minecraft. How to make a coat hanger in Minecraft? detailed instructions

In this article we will consider the question of how to make a hanger in Minecraft 1.8. The aesthetic component plays an important role in this project. Given the lack of a plot or tasks, the user is busy with the direct formation of the gameplay.


To begin with, the solution of some questions, for example, how to make an armor hanger in Minecraft, is possible only if special modifications of the game are installed. For example, you can use the Bountiful add-on to get the required item.

A hanger in this virtual world is a special rack. It allows you to store items of clothing. So, a practical solution to the question of how to make a hanger in Minecraft, let's start with installing the Bountiful modification. This add-on adds some features, recipes and items to the process. Next, we create a concrete slab. We find 6 wooden sticks. We get the item we need by combining the above components on the workbench. This recipe is not too complicated, since its constituent parts are publicly available.


Above, we looked at how to make a coat hanger in Minecraft. But this subject will be of little use if you do not understand how to apply it. In its original form, the resulting piece of furniture does not look very attractive and stands idle in the allotted place. We will describe the principle of use below.

We need to take an item that should be placed on the hanger. Next, click on it with the right mouse button. Depending on the external data of the selected item, it will take the place designated for it on the hanger. If the item cannot be hung, it will remain in the hand. Now let's look at how to remove something from the hanger. Hover the cursor over the required item. Press the right mouse button. As a result, it will go back to your inventory.

Why do you need a hanger?

You already know how to make a coat hanger in Minecraft, but all its possibilities should be discussed. It is useful to use it in several cases.

First of all, it is an attractive decorative element. You can decorate the house with hangers. Then place armor made from various materials on them.

If the question of how to make a hanger in Minecraft is fully resolved, this element can be applied in other ways. In a multiplayer mode, players create a similar element, hang it with armor, put a pumpkin in place of the head, cover it with a helmet, and give a sword in their "hands". It turns out to be an excellent bait for rivals who may think that they are a real user.

It should be borne in mind that the creation of hangers in early versions of the game is not possible. The corresponding modifications work optimally in newer editions, starting from "1.8". Anyway, the client can always update if needed.

There is another option for creating. The ArmorStand modification adds only one item to the game world, namely the hanger we need. It is much easier to create. Three cobblestones and two sticks are required, but the manufactured item can only be used for decorative purposes. In any case, the main principle of this game is that the user independently creates everything that he considers necessary and useful.

For all fans and loyal players of the popular minecraft game, another generous update to version 1.8 has become available. Now it is possible to put armor on a hanger or a special rack. It resembles an exhibition of battle armor and the glory of each minecraft character.


It is convenient enough for storing not only armor, but also pumpkins, heads, and other objects and things. You need to pick up any part of the armor, then right-click on the hanger with the computer mouse, as a result of which the necessary element will be on it. As you can see, this is not a problem. To remove a thing, follow the exact same procedure with the mouse, and everything will be done in an instant.

You can move it to another place using a stream of water and a piston. Highly flammable, but not afraid of lava. In minecraft, there is a funny opportunity to make such a thing with your hands. How can this be done? Nothing complicated. It is enough to use several developed commands:

The first command is / summon ArmorStand ~ ~ ~ (ShowArms: 1). The result is an amazing Armor Stand.


  • availability;
  • quickly and easily done;
  • does not cause problems and hassle;
  • convenient and practical to store combat, armor;
  • a statue can be made on its basis.


In order to start creating such an element, you need some materials:

  1. One unit of stone slab. This is a special block that you can climb without additional jumps. It is made using three stones, it is done quite easily, simply and quickly.
  2. Six pieces of sticks. Can be crafted in inventory. To do this, you need two boards. The production does not take much time and labor.

After you prepare all the necessary components, you can start crafting. Use a workbench. Take the sticks and place them in the top horizontal line of the crafting grid, as well as in the center square of the middle row. Then place the stone slab in the center slot of the bottom row and place the two remaining sticks on the sides. In a moment, a hanger, rack or armor stand will be made.

On some minecraft servers, rich and advanced players compete with each other, and arrange various exhibitions and sales of enchanted armor. You can also use it as a funny and extraordinary scarecrow. Many gamers have made sure in practice that with its help it is quite easy to mislead some players while playing Minecraft.

The armor rack is another thing that, as the name suggests, is primarily intended to ensure the safety of the armor. Next, you will learn how to make an armor rack in Minecraft and use it. It is worth noting that not only armor can be hung on it - the placement of blocks such as a pumpkin or a mob's head is supported. The only exception is Jack's Lamp, which is a torch submerged in a pumpkin.

Frankly speaking, this is not a complete list of objects allowed for storage. Special console commands allow you to significantly expand the range of things available for placing on the rack.

According to their dimensions, these objects are divided into two types (large and small), each of which can be equipped with "hands". This is the name of the special holders that allow you to install the player's sword on the rack. Since we are still talking about an entity, it can be transported by trolleys, bounced on mucus, and finally be moved by pistons. And when a player passing by touches the rack, the latter sways weakly for some time, resembling the behavior of a real object.

An armor rack cannot be simply found at any location, of course, unless you have chosen co-op mode, in which it has already been created by any player participating in the battle. Therefore, there is only one way to get the essence - to create it on the workbench. This requires six sticks and one stone slab.

The first ones in sufficient quantities are formed after the destruction of the witch, prolonged fishing, the destruction of several dry bushes, or the examination of a couple of bonus chests. The list of ways to obtain the required number of sticks is completed, of course, by craft, which requires only four boards.

The same method can be used to obtain a stone slab - only three units of stone are required. The latter is widespread underground, and individual deposits even have outcrops and sometimes form mountains. Returning to the ingredients of the stand, we note that sometimes the stone slab is found in the composition of buildings generated when the map is loaded.

How to use the armor rack?

The essence is used not only for storing armor or other things, but also as a decorative element. This explains the possibility of setting the heads of various mobs and the presence of sword holders ("hands").

Nevertheless, in terms of its main function, the rack resembles a chest, which, however, allows you to store a much larger assortment of objects. They have several more factors, both uniting the entity with the block, and, conversely, indicating their serious difference. The first refers to the fact that when the product is destroyed, all the things in / on it are thrown away (in other words, they do not disappear). And the feature that distinguishes the rack from the so-called container is the lack of its own interface, so any interaction with it is carried out exclusively directly.


As for the direct location, by analogy with the flags, the armor rack in Minecraft can be installed in eight different directions. It is even allowed to place it in water or lava, and, in the latter case, the objects will not be completely absorbed.


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Having started playing, the gamer has a small number of items and is familiar with a limited list of crafting. Those. collects everything that turns up under the arm, everything that breaks off, digs up or finds underfoot. At this time, the main thing is not to overload yourself. Excess armor or weapons can be placed on a stand, also called a hanger or armor stand. The initial items will help you craft it.

The constituents

1. Stick - created by crafting from two boards, which in turn are made of wood, you can make several types of boards, but the properties are the same for all.

2.Stone Slab - Merge three stone blocks together and you're done. Stones are everywhere, this is the basis of minecraft.


It's pretty simple. You will need six sticks and one stone slab. The recipe is characterized by simplicity and availability of ingredients. Next, we expose everything as shown in the screenshot.

How the Armor Stand can be used

1.Take off the armor on the structure.

2. Put the sword on the rack.

3.Prick the pumpkin onto the hanger, this will create a scarecrow.

4. Set fire, but the stand will not burn.

It is possible to create a hanger with hands, for this you need to enter the following into the game console.

Good afternoon, dear users and guests of our portal. The sailor is with you and today I will tell how to make a coat hanger in minecraft.

Bountiful mod for minecraft

Continuing the theme of mods. Today we'll take a look at bountiful. This modification adds a couple of items to the game, having studied which you will get access to decorations, tools, and so on.

One such item is a hanger. Why is it needed? As in real life, the hanger in minecraft is used for its intended purpose. We will be able to hang our armor on it without taking up space in the chests. It is also a great decoration element for your home.

Let's move on to crafting. We need a concrete slab and six wooden sticks. A concrete slab is made in the same way as from any other material. After you get it, we can proceed to crafting the hanger itself. We open the workbench and lay out everything in the following sequence: in the first, second, third, fifth, seventh and ninth stick slots, and in the eighth a concrete slab. We put what has turned out on the floor and we can hang our armor.

There is also a mod that adds an armor hanger called ArmorStand. I won't talk about it now, since basically everyone uses bountiful.

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