How to make a map in Minecraft and how to expand it

In each new game of the Minecraft project, you act in a different, unknown world. Can't remember all the key points while exploring? Create a map, otherwise you will get lost in Minecraft. Go with her to explore the fantastic world. The entire explored area will be displayed on the map, and by the marks you can easily get back. To create a map, you will need 8 sheets of paper and a compass.

We extract paper for creating a map in Minecraft

Get paper from the cane. Try to make it bigger, this is the most necessary material for crafting a map. You can get cane in the following ways:

  • find a reed. It will grow near the water, carefully examine all the surroundings;
  • grow your own cane. Look for its seeds in warm biomes or in chests located in an abandoned mine. Plant the seeds along the shore of the pond or elsewhere if your shelter is far from water. The reed will not grow quickly, the maximum height is reached in three blocks. Destroy the plants at the level of the second block and harvest.

To create paper, you need a workbench and a multiple of three reeds. Fill any horizontal row with this plant on the workbench and get three paper leaves out of three of its units. The card requires 8 sheets of paper.

Making a compass for creating a map in Minecraft

To make a compass you will need:

  • red dust. Get redstone blocks deep from the ground. Use a pickaxe. Destroying one stone block - you get 9 portions of dust. Take one of them for the compass;
  • iron ingots. You get them by crafting from iron blocks or by melting iron ore in a furnace. Find ore underground or in nearby caves. The compass requires 4 iron ingots.

Start creating a compass. Place red dust in the main slot of the workbench. Place iron ingots along the edges of it crosswise. You just have to get the item.

Making a map in Minecraft

Follow the simple steps to create a map:

  • place a compass in the central cell of the workbench;
  • put sheets of paper in free cells around the compass. He will be surrounded by sheets;
  • take the finished card.

We use the map correctly in Minecraft

You have created a blank map, it is not suitable for use. Activate the map - right-click on it. You will see an image of a nearby region appear on the map. The territory, researched before its creation, is not displayed. Expanding the map will help you see uncharted areas of Minecraft. It's very simple:

  • place a card in the center slot of the workbench;
  • spread the paper around it around the entire perimeter. The larger your world, the more extensions you perform.

You will never get lost with a wonderful guide in Minecraft. We wish you the best of luck in your exploration of uncharted territories!

Everyone knows that Minecraft has one hundred percent replayability - this project has a random terrain generator that randomly generates your world every time. And every time you start a new game, you will act in a completely new world. And whatever its size, you still will not be able to keep in your memory all the key points that you will find in the process of research. Therefore, you need a map that could display all your movements - with its help you could imagine exactly where which area is located, how to find a certain important object, or how far you left a chest with important things. Accordingly, you need to know how to make a map in Minecraft and how to use it.

Map crafting stages

If you are wondering how to make a map in Minecraft, then you will have a rather long crafting chain, since you will not be able to create this item right away. You will have to start small, namely collecting reeds. From three blocks of cane, you get three sheets of paper. But what do you need them for? First, take care to create a lot more sheets, as this will be the most used material when crafting a map at all stages. After that, you will need a compass - this item is already only needed in the singular, so make sure you have at least one redstone and four iron ingots. Once you get the compass, you can combine it with eight sheets of paper to create the object you want. Now you know how to make a map in Minecraft, but so far it is completely empty and, accordingly, unusable. You need to learn how to use it.

Using the card

Seeing an empty sheet of paper in front of you, you will understand that it is not enough to know how to make a map in Minecraft - you still need to activate it. To do this, you will need to pick it up and right-click on it. Immediately after that, it will be filled with a fairly detailed display of a small region close to you. Please note that the territory that you explored before creating the map will not be displayed on it, so if you want to document everything as accurately as possible, you need to create a map before you go on a trip, otherwise you will have to repeat your route. However, are the possibilities of the map for "Minecraft" so small? After all, only a tiny region is displayed on it, and the rest is simply not available. In fact, there is one more stage for you - expansion.

Expanding the map

As mentioned earlier, you need to initially stock up on a lot of paper. When creating a map, only eight sheets are used, but at the same time you will need at least three more times the same amount. As you already understood, initially the map displays only your small region where you are. but if you place it in a workbench and surround it with additional sheets of paper, then expand it - there will be uncharted areas on it. The larger your world, the more map expansions you will have to do. But then you can explore the world around you without remembering the surroundings, since everything will be displayed on your map.

Another type of card

It is definitely worth noting that the object described above in the game is far from the only type of card that can relate to "Minecraft". There are also special maps that users develop by modifying the randomly generated landscape to match their ideas. This is how survival maps and adventure maps appear in the Minecraft project, which you can then download and try on your own.

Dear user, the modifications for obtaining a mini map with the ability to put marks, receive data without reconnaissance, as well as setting an auto point of death are described below. Thanks to these mods, you can easily find the village or easily find the way out of the dungeon.

How to make a map in Minecraft without mods

There is a map in the standard version of Minecraft, but it is not very convenient to use it. When you create it, you appear in the middle of the map, and when you start moving, the map fills up.

Recipe: (compass + 8 sheets of paper)

To fill the card, you need to hold it in your hands. There are several map sizes. The smaller its scale, the longer you will fill it, and the more it can display. But keep in mind that the smaller the map, the smaller all the items displayed on it. To reduce its scale, you need to put the map in a workbench and surround it with sheets of paper.

By the way, there is a small bug here. If the map has not zoomed out after such manipulation, you need to re-enter the game.

Attempting to zoom out on an already explored map is a bad idea. When you zoom out, whatever you've scouted will disappear.

Conveniently, the map can be copied, especially when playing in multiplayer. To copy, place your and an empty card in the crafting slot.

All players who have a copy of your card will be displayed on it with a yellow dot.

And if you put the map in a frame and hang it at home, then the location of the frame with the map will be displayed on your map as a green dot. This will help mark your home or other places of interest.

Minicap for Minecraft using mods

But it is much more convenient to use maps from modifications! They do not require crafting. You just need to install the MapWriter or Rei "s Minimap mod and enjoy all the amenities!


In MapWriter mod, pressing the M key opens a full sized map. You can easily change its scale with the mouse wheel and move around it, as well as put labels with names in any places by pressing RMB. You can sort the same tags by groups. Switching between groups is carried out using a space.

And in single player mode with cheats enabled, or when playing on a server, having administrator rights, you can, by selecting a mark and pressing the T button, teleport to it. For this mod, there is also a function of automatically placing a marker at the place of your death. In addition, throughout the game you can see a mini-map displayed in a circle in the upper corner of the screen.

Rei "s Minimap

The Rei "s Minimap mod is in no way inferior to MapWriter. The only thing is that there is no way to move around the map with the mouse, and you can only change the scale with the keys.

Marking is possible by pressing the C key. You can give it a name and select the color of its display. It will be displayed as a point in your field of view and on the map when you press X. The map will also show the distance you are away from the mark.

This mod also has a function for the appearance of a mark at the place of your death.


Paper card or modifications? You decide. However, sometimes it is better to have a map and know the way home than to wander in the dark, fleeing from zombies and creepers.

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