How to make a survival hatch in minecraft. How to make a hatch in Minecraft and what is it for

To make the exit from any mine truly convenient, as well as to protect yourself from uninvited guests, you just need to create a hatch in Minecraft. In addition, this item will become an excellent basis for the construction of various traps, as well as an automated system for issuing and storing minecarts. So, let's talk about creating a hatch and its properties.

You will need planks to craft the hatch. Since they can be obtained from wood, there will be no shortage of them. For the hatch, you can take boards from any tree. Having folded them in a rectangle, we get a hatch.

In use, you guessed it, hatches are installed as a door on the side of blocks made of solid materials. If you break a block with a hatch, then the hatch will drop. After a recent update of the game, two new positions have been added for installation on the block, allowing you to place a hatch in the upper part (the door opens downwards) and the lower part (the door, respectively, opens upwards) of the block. One of the main properties of the hatches is that neither rain, nor snow, nor water passes through them. They don't even burn. However, light passes through them in full.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the hatches can be moved using pistons. In addition, they do not disappear when moving to a new position, if there is a block there that allows the hatch to attach to it.

The hatches can be powered by everyone's favorite redstone. Activating a switch connected to the hatch will open it, which can be used, for example, when building an elevator.

The hatch can also be used for decorative purposes in several versions: as a folding kitchen table or a pretty bar counter. Using the hatches as platbands, you can decorate flower beds with them. As you can see, hatches can also become a real home decoration.

Good afternoon, guests and users of the Play`N`Trade portal. The editor is with you - Matros. Today I will tell you how to make a hatch in minecraft.

How to make a hatch in minecraft

As far as we already know in this game there is such an object as doors. But in one of the articles I talked about how to make a tree house. You can't put doors there. What to do in such a situation? Minecraft developers made hatches. They are made of wood and iron. I will teach you to do both.

To make a wooden one, we need boards. You can get them by chopping down a tree and throwing it into a workbench. So. To make the hatch, we need to lay out the craft in this order: put one board in the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth slots. We'll get two items.

To make iron we need iron ingots. You can make them like this: We extract iron ore in the mine and put it in the furnace. After melting, we can start crafting. Either we go into the workbench, or open the inventory and lay out the following craft: In the first, second, fourth and fifth slots, one iron ingot. Ready.

There are many applications to this subject. For example: decorating a house, entering a mine, a door to a tree house, and so on.

Everyone knows very well about doors in Minecraft - this is one of the most popular items, because you need to make a shelter from monsters before the first night. What is the best way to protect your home by leaving yourself the opportunity to go inside? Naturally, create a door. In single player mode, it is simply irreplaceable, since it blocks the passage to your house, and monsters cannot get inside, since they cannot open doors. However, doors can be installed purely vertically, but when given such a huge creative space, you want something a little more sophisticated. It is at this moment that the hatch comes to your aid. In fact, it is a door that is installed horizontally and takes up one block less. In this article, you will learn what this item is, how to make a hatch in Minecraft, and how to use it.

Luke in Minecraft

So, you decided that you need a hatch, but first it would be worthwhile to find out exactly what properties it has and what can be useful for you, and then think about how to make a hatch in Minecraft. You have already read about the fact that it is installed horizontally, but it has other pleasant properties. For example, it cannot catch fire, and also does not allow moisture or any other precipitation to pass through. In addition, the advantages of this item can also be attributed to the fact that it provides such reliable protection, but still allows sunlight to pass through. Therefore, the hatches can be used in fairly wide ranges, but not all gamers think of this before. Therefore, immediately it is worth telling how to make a hatch in Minecraft.

Making a wooden hatch

There are two types of hatches in the game - wooden and iron. Between themselves, they practically do not differ in anything - only in appearance and a slightly higher strength of the iron sample. made of wood? This issue is very easy to solve, but you need a workbench for this. You need to fill the two lower rows of the workbench cells with boards of any type of wood, that is, you need six boards, but from them you will get not one, but two whole hatches. Accordingly, this recipe is quite profitable, but for comparison it is necessary to consider how to make a hatch in Minecraft from iron.

Making an iron hatch

The main advantage of the process of creating this hatch is that you do not need a workbench for this. You can use this recipe in your inventory as it only requires four ingredients - four iron ingots. Combine them together and you have one iron hatch with increased durability and a more stylish look. You can create multiple trapdoors from both materials, but then you may be faced with a serious question: "Why do you need these items?"

Using the hatch

You learned how to make a hatch in Minecraft, figured out the advantages and disadvantages of each of the types, but at the same time it is absolutely not clear why you need to create these hatches at all. Naturally, first of all, you can use them as doors if you need to enter the room from above. For example, on the first day of the game, many gamers do not have time to collect enough materials to make a full-fledged house, so you can dig a dugout, and close the entrance to it with a hatch, which monsters also cannot open to enter your home and get for you. However, if you use your imagination, a sunroof can be a wonderful decoration for your home. You can use it as a folding wall table, as a window in the ceiling and so on. In general, the recipe for creating hatches is not difficult, and they themselves have a huge range of applications, but the resources for them are extremely cheap and they can be easily found in nature and processed.

Quite often it happens that there is not enough space in the game to store items. You have already built your house, filled it with everything you need, but there is nowhere to put new things? It is for such purposes that a hatch is created in the game, which can also be used as a basement. Of course, it must be closed with a lid, otherwise you will fall into it every time and lose your health.

In order to craft such a useful item, six boards are needed. You can get boards from trees, of which there are a lot in the game.

It is noteworthy that the type of wood in this case does not matter. Now we place everything in the correct order on the workbench and get a hatch.

We got something that does not at all look like a regular door, but it opens in the same way as the doors. It should be noted that if the hatch is closed, then monsters or other mobs cannot enter, so it can be used as an excellent defense. In addition, with such an object, you can close the passage to the mine and not be afraid that guests from the surface will attack you in the dark.

There are several ways to install a hatch in Minecraft. First of all, you can install it on the border of the lower block. Thus, it will open up. If you install it in the upper part, then the hatch will open downward. The second method is usually used to create a passage to the basement.

As for opening the hatch, this can be done with the help of a hand or additional mechanisms. One of the distinguishing features of the hatch is its ability to transmit light, but not allow water and precipitation to pass through. This property can be used to create various traps.

In addition, the hatch is not exposed to fire. If you don't like the initial position of the item, you can move it with the piston. By the way, if you want to destroy the hatch, then it will not disappear, as is the case with most objects, but will fall out.

Finally, let's take a look at some interesting facts about hatches:
They can be actively used during construction. For example, when erecting drawbridges, various traps or trolleys;

The hatch can turn into a great element of the interior, imitating tables or counters;

You can destroy an item with a pickaxe or ax.

Thus, we have learned how to make a hatch in Minecraft. As you can see, this item will be very useful in the house. Thanks to him, you can create a passage to the basement and not worry that monsters will pass through it. In addition, the hatch will provide excellent protection during the descent into the mine.

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