Skyrim headless horseman. Secrets of Skyrim: the headless horseman Jester - philosophers and politicians

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (Ancient Scrolls 5: Skyrim) is a well-known multi-platform computer game from Bethesda that has won the hearts of many gamers. The action of this game takes place on the mainland of Tamriel in the province of Skyrim, 200 years after the events of the last game in the series. It has a lot: an open world, a huge number of characters, quests and even in-game books.

The plot of the game is connected with the appearance of a powerful dragon named Alduin in the northern province. The main character, Dovahkiin, who by chance finds himself in Skyrim, faces a difficult task - to stop Alduin, and with it the end of the world and the return of dragons.

Skyrim has a redesigned disease system, new and old perk branches, a lot of different guilds, organizations and factions, as well as voice acting unique for its time. The developers did not neglect even such little things as the ability for the character to earn gold by cooking various foods and chopping wood.

This game provides the player with a lot of opportunities: to travel without obstacles through a huge and diverse world, to find new places, villages, cities and tasks. The player character can visit the afterlife, become the head of the Thieves Guild or a Listener in the Dark Brotherhood. The possibilities in Skyrim are truly endless: you can do anything, even become a vampire or a werewolf.

Naturally, such a large-scale game from such a popular studio should contain (and, oddly enough, contains) many Easter eggs. We will talk about one of them today. In Skyrim, the headless horseman can suddenly appear. He looks like a ghostly man on a horse, dressed almost entirely in plate armor (he is not wearing a helmet for obvious reasons). As for weapons, he has an axe. What kind of ax he will have depends on the player’s level.

The Headless Horseman and his horse cannot be damaged, spoken to, or dismounted.

If you follow this character, he will lead you to a location called “Hamvir’s Rest,” where he will safely disappear into thin air. On the way, the rider stops in some places and occasionally comes into contact with the gamer's character or various objects. Let’s say that if a killed creature or person lies not far from the rider, then he can utter a creepy phrase. By the way, he pronounces all his rare remarks in a terrifying afterlife voice.

If he fails to reach his final destination before sunrise, he will disappear after saying something like, "This game has ended unexpectedly."

There is one interesting fact: the Skyrim headless horseman does not participate in either the story or secondary quests. When a rider gets off his horse, it can be stolen from him. The ghost horse can also be summoned with the command in the console:
player.placeatme 0010bf90
This character may be a reference both to the work of the same name by Mine Reed, and to the bardic in-game song about the valiant warrior Ragnar the Red: according to the plot of the song, his head was cut off during a fight.

A month has already passed and I and my friend (Hobo, he is one of the 15% of people who completed the game to the end (in 2 days), judging by this article) found several Easter eggs (well, we weren’t the only ones who found them... But still! )

Enjoy reading.

1. Roll.

[There should be a picture here, but my fraps (More precisely - I DAMN) did not have time to capture... So be content with what is below]

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Easter eggs and interesting things about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim...(Too small update)

Easter eggs and interesting things about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim...(Too small update)

Easter eggs and interesting things about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim...(Too small update)

As you pass by the guards, you can hear the phrase “Let me guess, someone stole your sweet roll?”

This is almost a classic Easter egg in the Elder Scrolls series of games. In Daggerfall, this was a question during character creation. In Morrowind this was an issue in the office. And in Oblivion this was one of the stories of the guards (the guard in... what's that city... where else was this paranoid guy).

This Easter egg also appeared in Fallout 3 as a clash at a birthday party - when talking with the bully Butch, you could also give or not give the bun to him. (See this post.)

2. M"Ike the Liar.

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Easter eggs and interesting things about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim...(Too small update)

Here he is. Himself

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Easter eggs and interesting things about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim...(Too small update)

He's in Morrowind

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Easter eggs and interesting things about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim...(Too small update)

He's in Oblivion

Hitting M"Ike is bad.M"Ike and sweet roll.

In the game you can meet a character named M"ike the Liar (Yes, baby), who we have met since the days of Morrowind. And this despite the fact that 200 years have passed since the events of the previous part of the game (!) (Stsuko, he is immortal.. .Actually see video).

It can be found in a completely random place. All that remained from “Hints” and “Excuses” were dissatisfied reviews about the new combat system and a philosophical (???) discussion about Winterhold.

At the next meeting he may tell you about the snow in Skyrim. But it’s still interesting to listen to the old Khajiit:

    How do we know that there is a city of Winterhold? M"Ike didn't see it with his own eyes, and you?

    Too much magic is dangerous. M"Ike somehow cast two spells at the same time and burned his sweet roll.

    What does it mean to combine magic? Magic plus magic is still magic.

    I love looking at snowflakes. What difference does it make where they then disappear?

    Don't try to block with two swords, you'll only end up embarrassed.

    Something strange happens to the Khajiit when they arrive in Skyrim.

    M"Ike is a realist! Why does he need some kind of mysticism?

This is where the interesting remarks end and then you will only hear:

    M´Ike is tired. Hit someone else.

    M´Ike ended the conversation.

He also says something like

    "Werewolves. Bears. Werebears. Bear People"

Z.Y.: M"Ike really likes to disappear SUDDENLY (Thank you, Hobo).

ZY: "M"Ike was spotted outside the map, in the so-called "clouds of Skyrim", and can also be found on the borders of the map and near cities."

3. Headless Horseman.

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Easter eggs and interesting things about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim...(Too small update)

In the game you can meet the Headless Horseman (Hobo met him in the vicinity of Whiterun (which caused a fierce bad death in the first (Hobo: Ghost. With a hammer. Galloping straight at you.))). This is a reference to the novel of the same name. If you follow him, you will reach a cemetery where... you will find a treasure (?).

Added: Headless Horseman, appearing during the mission "Missing in Action".

4. Game book.

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Easter eggs and interesting things about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim...(Too small update)

5. Russian localization

In the Russian localization, the main ally in Whiterun speaks with the voice of the computer president from Fallout 3.

Boethiah speaks in the voice of Morrigan from Dragon Age: Origins (and at the same time Sheals from the game The Witcher 2)... I know, this is not an Easter egg, but it’s still nice;)

6. Notch's Jagged Pixel Pickaxe.

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Easter eggs and interesting things about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim...(Too small update)

The game will feature the Notched Pickaxe in the Throats of the World region. "Notch's Pickaxe" (Aesthetes rejoice, because I could not recognize the Easter egg in the Russian localization where it was called "Jagged Pickaxe", but thank God that this is the most common known Easter egg in TES!), which is a reference to the game Minecraft (Game Developer - Markus "Notch" Persson). The developers themselves mention this game as one of their favorite games... It’s strange, given the fact that Bethesda and the Mojang company ended up in court (don’t you think that the gazebo runs there for any reason given the history with Interplay) at the hearing of the case about new Scrolls game, which according to Bethesda's lawyers could harm the previously registered The Elder Scrolls... in the end.


I know it's not an Easter egg, but it's still nice ;) .

8. A good old friend, recruiter and Dark Brotherhood.

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Easter eggs and interesting things about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim...(Too small update)

Lachance and his horse Shadowheart.

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Easter eggs and interesting things about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim...(Too small update)

After one of the Dark Brotherhood quests, you can receive a spell that summons the character Oblivion a - Lucien Lachance. Lucien Lachance appears in Oblivion (Lucien comes to the player if he has killed one innocent person.), where he dies, in Skyrim he is a spectral assassin. You are also given a horse - Shadowmane (Black t(hr) with red eyes...), which was also in the previous part. If you call Lachance next to Shadowheart, he will recognize his former horse. Also, if you call him in the Dawnstar hideout when you go to kill Cicero, he will give interesting comments. After (entering the Dark Brotherhood) they give you the “Blade of Woe”, from the same Oblivion. Thanks to ZaCon45 for the information and screenshot.

9. The jester is a philosopher and politician.

The jester Cicero from the Dark Brotherhood is most likely a reference to Marcus Tullius Cicero, an ancient Roman philosopher and politician.

10. [This should have been a quote from The Lord of the Rings, but I don't remember the quote from The Lord of the Rings]

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Easter eggs and interesting things about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim...(Too small update)

In the fortress of the city of Whiterun, at the throne of the ruler, Jarl Balgruuf the Elder, a very interesting scene takes place, no doubt familiar to fans of “The Lord of the Rings” - the adviser tries to persuade the ruler not to believe in dragons and not to send an army to the village of Riverwood, but the ruler does the right thing.

Also in Whiterun there is another reference to "The Lord of the Rings" - this is the Prancing Horse tavern. Well, the activated quest about the search for a Redguard woman by a group of Alikr warriors is the search by the nine horsemen for Frodo. The Prancing Horse tavern is a reference to the Prancing Pony tavern, again from The Lord of the Rings.

The Goldenflower tree in Whiterun is a direct parallel to the White Tree from The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.


Balgruuf - Elder, based on Beowulf!11!!110100110

The city of Upper Hrothgar is named after the character from Beowulf named Hrothgar. Simple but true!

12. Our fan... who was.

[Your (my) screen could be here]

In the house of the Dark Brotherhood faction, read the first volume of Cicero's notes, there is a reference to an "enthusiastic admirer" (similar to the toy troll from the film "Toy Story") in the Arena in the Capital of the Empire.

13. He wrote a book about it...

[Do I need a screenshot here? Hm...]

You can find a very funny book called "The Lustful Argonian Maiden" in several volumes. It is noteworthy that the author of this book, Krasius Curio, is a libertine character from Morrowind. To pass his quest in Morrowind, you had to undress your character... Although if you remember, many books migrated from Morrovid and Oblivion to Skyrim. So “I’m looking, looking, looking...”.

Try talking to the mage named Nelacar at the Frozen Hearth Inn in Winterhold. If you fail to convince him, he will refer to him as a “lustful Argonian.”

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Easter eggs and interesting things about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim...(Too small update)

In Skyrim, the Falmer are present not as ordinary snow elves, but as monsters. (The Falmer are mythical creatures who, according to legend, are distant descendants of the first elves who lived in Skyrim. They were mentioned (if my memory serves me correctly) in TES3 - Bloodmoon.)

15. Alice in Wonderland.

[There could have been a screenshot of Hobo here... if he had fraps by that time or...]

When you see Sheogorath, you'll be a little freaked out... He's having a tea party in the middle of the forest (in his head). This is similar to the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland, not to mention the fact that Sheogorath is the Lord of Talent and Madness.

Sheogorath can be perceived as our main character from the last part (Oblivion)... of course, if you completed the Shivering Isles expansion.

16. Legends of King Arthur.

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Easter eggs and interesting things about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim...(Too small update)

There is a place called Rebel Mound. You will find a pile of rocks with a sword stuck into it on top. This is a reference to the legend of the Sword in the Stone.

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Easter eggs and interesting things about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim...(Too small update)

You can find a pond with a skeleton hand holding a sword. This is a reference to the legend of the Lady of the Lake.

17. Game of Thrones.

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Easter eggs and interesting things about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim...(Too small update)

Easter eggs and interesting things about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim...(Too small update)

Easter eggs and interesting things about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim...(Too small update)

The city of Winterhold may be a reference to the city of Winterfell in A Game of Thrones. Both are located in the snowy north, and the leaders (Ulfric and Eddard Stark) were both discounted and labeled traitors.

That's all for now. I will look for more Easter eggs, or rather make screenshots... screenshots, screenshots, screenshots, screenshots and more screenshots.

18. Good old... Monty Python.

When watching Roggvir's execution, he will shout "Let's get moving!", which is similar to the scene with the same line at the end of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

And then...during battle, enemies will often shout, "Just a scratch!", which may be a reference to the Black Power Knight saying this after having his arm...and his other arm cut off...and then and legs.

19. Small box.

During the quest "The Unfathomable of the Deep", you find a small box that resembles a puzzle from the movie "Hellraiser".

20. Clive Barker.

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Easter eggs and interesting things about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim...(Too small update)

Babette, a girl from the Dark Brotherhood's lair, may be a reference

Skyrim is an amazing game. Even after spending hundreds of hours in it, you will find something new along the way every time you play through it. Moreover, the developers did not disappoint and added many interesting “Easter eggs”. For example, did you know that in the vastness of Skyrim you can meet a real headless horseman? If not, then you will definitely like this article.

How to find?

So, you decided to find the headless horseman in Skyrim. From this moment your problems begin. The fact is that this character appears at an arbitrary point in the game world, which cannot be determined in advance. That is, not at all. The only thing that remains is to just take long walks around the territory of Skyrim and hope for luck.

The second thing to consider when searching for the headless horseman is that he, like any self-respecting ghost, appears exclusively at night. If we talk specifically about game mechanics, then this is the time between ten o’clock in the evening and five o’clock in the morning. Be sure to pay attention to this if you want to succeed in your business.


Of course, up close it is quite difficult to confuse the headless horseman with anyone else. But if you have never seen the character before, and even look from afar, you may well mistake him for an ordinary ghost. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to first study the description of this NPC and only then start looking for him.

In Skyrim, the headless horseman looks like a ghost, dressed in a set of heavy helmets. For obvious reasons, he, of course, does not wear a helmet. The character most often rides on a ghostly horse, but under certain circumstances he can also be on foot. This NPC also has his own weapon, which is a random ax corresponding to the level of your hero.


Armed with the information above, you will one way or another find the headless horseman. After this, you will most likely have a question: “What to do with it next?” Unfortunately, you won't be able to talk to the ghost. In addition, he does not react to hits from either the hero or NPC enemies. The latter, by the way, will actively attack the headless horseman if they meet him on the way.

However, you can follow the ghost. Ultimately, he will lead you to the Hamvir's Rest location, where you will find a helmet with good characteristics. There is also a locked chest with a “Master” level lock. Its content directly depends on the level of your hero.


If the headless horseman is your thing, you can use a special mod that allows you to make the ghost your companion. The modification is called Headless Horseman Companion, and you can download it from any specialized website.

This companion is fluent in any one-handed weapon, and can also use a weapon in each hand. In addition, all kinds of mines and traps do not affect him, but this is understandable, because he is still a ghost. Well, and finally, the headless horseman companion is upgraded at the same time as your hero, which means he will be an effective companion at any stage of the game.

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