Raid foundry of the black mountain clan how to get there. WOW. Foundry of the Black Mountain Clan. Infernal Strike and Stunning Strikes

Blackrock Foundry was the home of the clan's orc ancestors. Here, master smiths smelted and processed the incredibly hard ore for which the clan was named. Now the giants captured and captured by the Thunderlords feed huge furnaces with heat, the fire tamers of the Burning Blade endow the ore with internal fire, and the engineers shape the slag in accordance with mysterious drawings. Blackhand's foundry creates weapons to destroy Azeroth. The entire military power of the Iron Horde is concentrated in it.

Once you've gotten comfortable in Highmaul (as much as you can in the gladiatorial arena), it's time to shake things up a bit. We decided to tell you what to expect in the next raid - Blackrock Foundry, and also introduce Rukhmar, the newest raid boss outside the dungeon.

We asked senior 3D artist Andy Matthews to talk about the visual design of the dungeon:

The first spark of inspiration was the creation of a “hall with a Crucible” in the Slag Shop. The ideas used in the design of this room were subsequently transferred to the whole raid, which turned out to be very “industrial”.

The most interesting task for me seemed to be the implementation of the Creepy Grotto in the game. Early in development, we wanted to show the Iron Horde Shipyard from different angles to hint at future content. In the workshop you can see the workdays of the Iron Horde workers. Most of them hate “Fiery Fridays”.

They say the motto of the Iron Horde is “When in doubt, add spikes!”

To get to the foundry using the raid finder, your average equipment level must be at least 635. The level of loot you can get ranges from 650 (Raid Finder) to 695 (Mythic).

Let's see what bosses await us...

Slag shop

Gruul - Garrosh knew that the gronn could be broken by subjugating their great father, Gruul. Gruul, known in another reality as the Dragon Slayer, was reduced to a laborer in this one. In keeping with the brutal tradition of the Shattered Hand warriors, Gruul's arm was replaced with a hook to help him load fuel into the furnace.

Rudozhuy - The warehouses of the Blackrock Clan foundry store large reserves of unprocessed ore - a veritable feast for the voracious, stone-eating goren who have broken through into the warehouses. The ore beetle stands out among the uninvited guests due to its enormous size. Gluttony made him the largest goren on Draenor.

Crucible - The most closely guarded secret of the Blackrock Clan is the technology of smelting Blackrock Ore, which ordinary fire cannot even soften. In the very heart of the foundry languishes a power as old as Draenor itself. Raging in its prison, this force generates supernatural heat.

Black Forge

Hansgar and Franzok - twin brothers Hans'gar and Franzok were considered one of the most skilled fighters of their clan. The military glory of both brothers flourished, but fate had other plans. The brothers refused to fight each other to the death in a ritual duel Mak'gora, and they were expelled from their native clan . For a long time they fought for survival in the wild lands of Draenor, and then responded to the call of the Iron Horde, in whose ranks they finally found their calling and found a new home.

Ka"graz Flame - Under the banner of the Iron Horde, Ka"graz the Flame was summoned by Blackhand himself. She had to work in the foundry of the Black Mountain clan and endow weapons with the power of flame. Day and night, without knowing fatigue, Ka"graz, together with his assistant Aknor Stalenos, produces the weapons necessary for the Iron Horde to conquest of Draenor.

Kromog - ancient and mysterious magnarons are mysterious and unpredictable creatures. Miners working to expand the foundry to meet the growing needs of the Iron Horde were horrified when they unearthed a chamber containing a living Magnaron. To their surprise, Kromog began to help them. With his large fists, he hammers out huge metal plates to build siege engines and plating the Iron Horde's dreadnoughts.

Iron shop

Darmak Beastmaster - Even in his youth, Darmak was one of the best animal tamers in the Thunderlord clan. In his charges, he, unlike many others, saw not only animal instincts, but also enormous potential, hidden not in the physical capabilities of the animals, but in the strength of their minds. When the Iron Horde called Darmak into service, he considered it a great honor and began training the most ferocious creatures of Draenor.

Operator Togar - Responsible for the work of the Grim Paths, Togar is known not so much for his strength as for his cruelty and intelligence. He leads the battle against the draenei in Talador from his foundry depot. Entire battalions of fighters and artillery are ready to join the battle at his command.

Iron ladies - the ancient traditions of the orc clans did not allow Gar"an to fully demonstrate her talents as a warrior and strategist. That is why she was one of the first to volunteer to serve in the Iron Horde fleet. Gar"an immediately distinguished herself in battles and eventually became the admiral of the Iron Horde fleet. Together with her faithful assistants Marak and Sorka, she will crush everyone who stands in their way. No wonder they are called the Iron Ladies.


Blackhand - The leader of the Black Mountain clan is a ruthless tyrant and a mighty warrior. He ranks second in the Iron Horde hierarchy and reports only to Grommash. Few mortals can withstand the sweltering heat in which Blackhand works. He presides over the foundry from the crucible of Blackrock Mountain, forging weapons of unparalleled quality with his red-hot hammer.

Boss outside the dungeon

Rukhmar - From time to time, Rukhmar appears in the form of a blazing fire hawk that flies over the Spiers of Arak. No one knows the true nature of this great bird, but the arakkoa consider Rukhmar to be a deity - the embodiment of the sun itself.

More information about bosses, their abilities, and loot items can be found in the game's Dungeon Atlas.

You can find out when the different parts and difficulty levels of the raid will be released.

Blackrock Foundry was the home of the clan's orc ancestors. Here, master smiths smelted and processed the incredibly hard ore for which the clan was named. Now the giants captured and captured by the Thunderlords feed huge furnaces with heat, the fire tamers of the Burning Blade endow the ore with internal fire, and the engineers shape the slag in accordance with mysterious drawings. Blackhand's foundry creates weapons to destroy Azeroth. The entire military power of the Iron Horde is concentrated in it.

Once you've gotten comfortable in Highmaul (as much as you can in the gladiatorial arena), it's time to shake things up a bit. We decided to tell you what to expect in the next raid - Blackrock Foundry, and also introduce Rukhmar, the newest raid boss outside the dungeon.

We asked senior 3D artist Andy Matthews to talk about the visual design of the dungeon:

The first spark of inspiration was the creation of a “hall with a Crucible” in the Slag Shop. The ideas used in the design of this room were subsequently transferred to the whole raid, which turned out to be very “industrial”.

The most interesting task for me seemed to be the implementation of the Creepy Grotto in the game. Early in development, we wanted to show the Iron Horde Shipyard from different angles to hint at future content. In the workshop you can see the workdays of the Iron Horde workers. Most of them hate “Fiery Fridays”.

They say the motto of the Iron Horde is “When in doubt, add spikes!”

To get to the foundry using the raid finder, your average equipment level must be at least 635. The level of loot you can get ranges from 650 (Raid Finder) to 695 (Mythic). Let's see what bosses await us...

Slag shop

Gruul - Garrosh knew that the gronn could be broken by subjugating their great father, Gruul. Gruul, known in another reality as the Dragon Slayer, was reduced to a laborer in this one. In keeping with the brutal tradition of the Shattered Hand warriors, Gruul's arm was replaced with a hook to help him load fuel into the furnace.

Ore Muncher - The warehouses of the Blackrock Clan foundry store large reserves of unprocessed ore - a veritable feast for the voracious, stone-eating goren who have broken through into the warehouses. The ore beetle stands out among the uninvited guests due to its enormous size. Gluttony made him the largest goren on Draenor.

The Crucible - The Blackrock Clan's most closely guarded secret is the technology for smelting Blackrock ore, which ordinary fire cannot even soften. In the very heart of the foundry languishes a power as old as Draenor itself. Raging in its prison, this force generates supernatural heat.

Black Forge

Hans"gar and Franzok - twin brothers Hans"gar and Franzok were considered one of the most skilled fighters of their clan. The military glory of both brothers blossomed, but fate had other plans. The brothers refused to fight each other to the death in a ritual duel of Mak'gora, and they were expelled from their native clan. For a long time they fought for survival in the wild lands of Draenor, and then responded to the call of the Iron Horde, in whose ranks they finally found their calling and found a new home.

Ka"graz the Flame - Blackhand himself summoned Ka"graz the Flame to the banners of the Iron Horde. She was to work in the foundry of the Black Mountain clan and imbue weapons with the power of flame. Day and night, never tired, Ka'graz, together with his assistant Aknor Stalenos, manufactures the weapons necessary for the Iron Horde to conquer Draenor.

Kromog - ancient and mysterious magnarons - creatures mysterious and unpredictable. Miners working to expand the foundry to meet the growing needs of the Iron Horde were horrified when they unearthed a chamber containing a living Magnaron. To their surprise, Kromog began to help them. With his large fists, he hammers out huge metal plates to build siege engines and plating the Iron Horde's dreadnoughts.

Iron shop

Darmak the Beast Master - even in his youth, Darmak was one of the best beast tamers in the Thunderlord clan. In his charges, he, unlike many others, saw not only animal instincts, but also enormous potential, hidden not in the physical capabilities of the animals, but in the strength of their minds. When the Iron Horde called Darmak into service, he considered it a great honor and began training the most ferocious creatures of Draenor.


This guide provides you with a complete description of the battle with Gruul in the Blackrock Foundry raid and is aimed at people who want to understand the mechanics of the battle.

The guide has been updated for World of Warcraft WoD 6.0.3.

Gruul is the first boss in the Slag Works wing of the Blackrock Foundry raid dungeon and is a relatively simple encounter that tests your raid's positioning (especially your tanks).

1. Basic information

1.1. Normal, Heroic and Mythic difficulty

The guide includes both the Normal and Heroic versions of the encounter (basic strategies and mechanics). The only difference between the modes is the amount of health and damage dealt.

If we are talking about extreme situations (enrage/soft-enrage timer or too much damage to survive), most often we mean Heroic mode.

Also in this guide there is a “Mythic Mode” section, in which we describe in detail the strategy and differences between Normal/Heroic and Mythic modes.

1.2. Enrage timer

Gruul becomes enraged after 6 minutes of battle. The mechanics of soft enrage in this battle have been discovered.

2. Player actions

In this section, we briefly summarize the actions that players of each role need to perform throughout the battle. Here you can only get a rough idea of ​​the moments of the battle that should not be missed.

2.1. Tanks

2.2. Hillers

  • Be prepared for increased raid support during Second Phase.
  • In Mythic difficulty, be prepared for higher raid damage from Inferal Strike.

2.3. DD

  • Just beat Gruul.

2.4. Comply with everyone

3. Review of the battle

The fight with Gruul is divided into two phases. The phases alternate one after another for a certain amount of time, regardless of the actions of the players.

  • First phase lasts 70 seconds. Gruul will use a number of abilities against the raid and should be tanked.
  • Second phase lasts 30 seconds. Gruul will move to the center of the room where he will spam one of his anti-raid abilities (he is not tankable during this phase)

4. First phase

The first phase lasts approximately 70 seconds. During this time, Gruul uses a number of abilities against the entire raid.

4.1. Capabilities

4.2. Strategy

There are two parts to the strategy for this phase. The first focuses on playing correctly around abilities Infernal Strike And Stunning Blows, and in the second around Strike Petrification.

You will also need to dodge Strike with a swing. When Gruul starts casting it, just run out of the affected area.

4.2.1. Infernal Strike and Stunning Strikes

Infernal Strike And Stunning Blows apply debuffs not only to tanks, but also to all nearby players. Therefore, the raid must use an unusual strategy.

  • In the boss's melee zone, split the raid into two large groups.
  • The tank must keep Gruul 10 meters away from other raid members (including the second tank).
  • When Gruul starts casting Infernal Strike, the tank must enter one of the groups to share the damage from Infernal Strike and then return. On the next Infernal Strike, the tank should rotate the boss into another group to split the damage.
  • As the debuff stacks from Staggering Blows increase, tanks should rotate

Ideally, the two groups formed should be roughly the same size and positioned on opposite sides of Gruul to prevent Infernal Strike from hitting both groups

The tank should wait until the last moment before casting Infernal Strike before running into one of the groups, since it can catch other raid members with Staggering Blows. For the same reason, he should run out of the group of players immediately after casting Infernal Strike.

A non-tank Gruul tank must position itself in such a way that it also does not get hit by Infernal Strike or Stunning Blows.

This diagram shows the correct positioning of the raid.

4.2.2. Petrification Strike

After the cast Strike Petrification, all raid participants must move at least 8 meters away from each other. You have about 3 seconds to run away (since it is impossible to move during the last 2 seconds). If all raid members successfully complete this action, the next Crushing will not cause damage. The damage from Crushing is not very high and forgives small mistakes, but in large groups that have not fled, the damage will become lethal.

5. Second phase

The second phase lasts approximately 30 seconds. During this time, Gruul is placed in the center of the room and is not tanked.

5.1. Capabilities

After the start of the second phase, Gruul moves to the center of the room and begins casting Zaval, causing rocks to fall from the ceiling. The location of the falling stones will be graphically marked on the ground. All players hit by this ability will be stunned and take massive amounts of damage.

After the first Zaval, Gruul will start casting Destructive Rampage, dealing a small amount of Nature damage to the raid every 5 seconds. By remaining motionless for 25 seconds, Gruul will begin spamming Swing kick in a random direction.

5.2. Strategy

The strategy for the second phase is extremely simple. In the beginning, players must focus on dodging falling rocks. Watch for the area where the first stone falls. The part of the floor where the stone falls becomes safe, since it can only hit the same area once.

After this, players must avoid getting hit Swing kick, while healers must heal raid damage dealt A destructive rampage..

6. When to use Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp

We recommend using Heroism/Thirst for blood/Time Warp at the beginning of the battle, while players have all DPS cooldowns available. During the entire battle you will not find a more opportune moment.

7. Mythic Mode

Gruul is the first Blackrock Foundry boss you will encounter in Mythic difficulty. Technically, combat isn't all that different from Normal or Heroic mode, but some mechanics can actually make it harder for you to kill.

7.1. Differences from Normal/Heroic mode

As with any battle in Mythic mode, the boss will have significantly increased damage and health compared to Normal/Heroic mode. In the second phase, a new ability appeared, and several existing ones were changed.

The only new ability is Flash. There are several smelters located around the perimeter of the entire boss room. Three of them will shoot fireballs throughout the fight, which will move in a straight line until they reach the opposite wall. You can see the path along which the fireballs fly in the picture below.

Each fireball upon contact with a player deals a huge amount of fire damage and leaves a debuff that increases fire damage taken by 20% for 15 seconds (the effect stacks). In addition, when the fireball is released, the smelter itself also deals a lot of damage in a small radius in front of it.

Changes to existing mechanics:

7.2. Strategy

The Mythic mode strategy for fighting Gruul consists of two parts, namely proper positioning and movement (the need to evade each Flashes). In addition, players should pay closer attention to With a blow of petrification so that all players maintain a distance of 8 meters from each other. Due to the fact that the boss began to cast more often Infernal Strike, you need to change your behavior a little while pronouncing it.

7.2.1. Positioning during flash

Unlike Normal/Heroic mode, where movement is relatively free, in Mythic mode the raid must find a position so that the tanks and two groups share the damage from Infernal Strike stood out of the flight path Flashes

Using the image above, we will consider two options:

Players who are hit by Flare but survive should stand outside the raid while splitting the damage from Infernal Strike, as the fireball applies a debuff that increases damage taken from fire abilities and surviving Infernal Strike will be very problematic.

8. Study the battle

The fight with Gruul, first of all, shows the importance of correct positioning and movement. Tanks play almost the most important role in this. It is important that they understand how to properly deal with debuffs and move around.

In addition, you may encounter some problems when dodging falling rocks while Zavala. It is necessary to emphasize the importance of moving to a clean area after the first fallen stone, since this method is the simplest and safest. For this method to work, no raid member should be on the edge of the room when Zavala is cast, as they may not be able to reach the safe zone in time (if it is located on the opposite side of the room).

9. Extraction

In this section you will find a table of loot from Gruul, which in turn is divided into three subsections: armor, weapons and others (necklaces, rings, cloaks and accessories).

9.1. Armor

Item name Type Slot Secondary Characteristics
Hood of Blazing Eyes(Heroic, Mythic) Textile Head
  • Critical hit
  • Versatility
Rockfall Belt— LFR Textile Belt
  • Mastery
  • Multiple attack
Cave Breacher's Leggings— LFR Textile Legs
  • Speed
  • Multiple attack
Cave Dweller's Boots(Heroic, Mythic) Textile Feet
  • Critical hit
  • Mastery
Glance of the Gronn Slayer— LFR Leather Head
  • Speed
  • Critical hit
Vest of Mighty Wrath(Heroic, Mythic) Leather Breast
  • Multiple attack
  • Critical hit
Bound Power Grips— LFR Leather Hands
  • Speed
  • Multiple attack
Gronn Hide Crown(Heroic, Mythic) Chainmail Head
  • Critical hit
  • Versatility
Spaulders of Reflected Stone(Heroic, Mythic) Chainmail Shoulder
  • Versatility
  • Mastery
Speleologist's Chestguard— LFR Chainmail Breast
  • Mastery
  • Critical hit
Explorer's Belt— LFR Chainmail Belt
  • Critical hit
  • Versatility
Gruul's smallest shackles— LFR Armor Wrists
  • Critical hit
  • Mastery

Boss Abilities:

Phase I: Blackrock Forge:

  • Burning slag - inflicts 7143 units of fire damage to the player once every half a second, additionally once every half a second the damage dealt increases by 50%, cumulative.
  • Collapse - the collapse of the cave roof, inflicts 14,000 units of physical damage to players within a radius of 12 meters from the crash site.
  • Massive Collapse - a massive collapse of the cave roof, inflicts 209,000 units of physical damage to all players, at the site of the fall a pile of debris is formed that can be destroyed with a Piercing Throw and Burning Slag.
  • Marked for Death - received by a random player, after 5 seconds the boss applies the Piercing Throw ability to the player. If there is another player between the marked player and the boss, he gets the throw.
  • Piercing Throw - deals 80,000 points of physical damage, knocks back and pierces the player, dealing an additional 21,000 points of physical damage every 3 seconds.
  • Throwing Slag Bombs - bombs are triggered after contact with Burning Slag, the bomb deals 107143 points of fire damage to players within a radius of 6 meters, affected players receive the Slag debuff, increasing damage taken by 100% for 10 seconds.
  • Crushing blow - deals 430,000 units of physical damage, damage is distributed evenly between players within a radius of 5 meters, knocks them back and stuns them for 3 seconds. The threat posed by the tank is nullified.

Phase II: Warehouse:

  • Siege tank - summoned by the boss once a minute, the tank targets a random player and pursues him. During the pursuit, the tank fires a cannon, uses an increase in armor that reduces damage received, and uses a Battering Ram, throwing back players in front of the tank (deals 80,000 units of physical damage).
  • Iron Fighter - appears on the balcony, fighters throw explosive shells at random players, causing 13392 units of fire damage to players within a radius of 6 meters from the affected person.
  • Death Mark and Impaling Throw are used in the same way as in the first phase, Cinder Bomb Throw is also used, but in this case the bomb explodes on contact with the Siege Tank.
  • Crushing blow - deals 322500 units of physical damage, damage is distributed evenly among players within a radius of 6 meters, knocks them back and stuns them for 3 seconds. The threat posed by the tank is nullified.

Phase III: Iron Crucible:

  • Death Mark and Impaling Throw are used in the same way as in the first and second phase. The damage from the throw increases, the player receives 90,000 units of physical damage, and the additional damage is reduced - 15,400 units of physical damage every 3 seconds.
  • Overheating is a kind of aura that increases fire damage received by all players.
  • Cinder Eruption - All cinder craters erupt.
  • Attaching slag bombs - received by a random player, deals 107143 points of fire damage to players within a radius of 6 meters. Players who receive damage receive the Slag effect, and the explosion also creates a flaming dross.
  • Powerful Smash - a powerful blow that deals 285,000 fire damage, with an additional 45,500 fire damage distributed among players within a 6-meter radius. The impact knocks players back and creates a slag crater.

Tactics: the battle consists of three phases. The phases change when the boss's HP decreases to 70 and 30%. When transitioning from the first to the second phase, players receive damage from the collapsing floor; when transitioning from the second to third phase, players will receive heavy damage.


Phase I: gradually move the boss from the outer circle to the center of the inner one; change after the active tank receives a Crushing Blow; do not stand next to the second tank when the boss uses Crushing Blow; move away from the Slag Bomb; Use defensive abilities depending on the situation.

Phase II: keep the boss in the center of the hall; change after the active tank receives a Crushing Blow; do not stand next to the second tank when the boss uses Crushing Blow; move away from the Slag Bomb and the Battering Ram used by the Siege Tank; if you are on the balcony, kill the Iron Fighters.

Phase III: keep the boss on the edge of the platform; when a slag crater appears, move the boss further along the edge of the platform; turn the boss towards the center of the platform before using Slam; change when the boss uses slag bombs.


Phase I: Be careful about the tank receiving the Crushing Blow, use defensive abilities; Piercing Throw damage can be avoided if you are behind a pile of rubble; use AoE healing during Collapse and Massive Collapse; do not stand in places where the cave roof has fallen; move away from Slag Bombs and Burning Slag; when moving to the second phase, heal the raid well.

Phase II: Be careful about the tank receiving the Crushing Blow, use defensive abilities; Damage from Piercing Throw can be avoided if you are behind the Siege Tank; move away from Slag Bomb and Flame; if you are being chased by a Siege Tank, drive it around the hall through Slag Bombs; when moving to the third phase, heal the raid well.

Phase III: be attentive to the tank receiving a powerful crushing blow, use defensive abilities; during a Powerful Crushing Strike, use massive saves and defensive abilities; During the Powerful Crushing Blow, do not stand on the edge of the platform, otherwise the boss will throw you off; divide Powerful crushing blow; the damage from the Piercing Throw can be reduced if you are in an area free of players; move away from cinder craters; If you have a Slag Bomb, move away from the raid.


Phase I: do not stand next to an active tank; move away from Slag Bombs and Burning Slag; if you are Marked for Death, go behind the pile of rubble;

Phase II: move away from the Slag Bomb; move away from the Flame; if you are being chased by a Siege Tank, drive it around the hall through Slag Bombs; quickly kill the Siege Tank; if on the Siege Tank Black Iron Armor there is no point in hitting it, wait for the debuff to disappear; if you are on the balcony, kill the Iron Fighters; if you are Marked for Death, go behind the Siege Tank;

Phase III: if you have a Slag Bomb, move away from the raid; move away from cinder craters; share Powerful crushing blow, do not stand on the edge of the platform; Damage from Piercing Throw can be reduced if you are in an area free of players.

Still don't know when Blackrock Foundry will be released? New WOD raid will become available from February 14, at the same time, the heroic mode will be immediately available along with the normal difficulty level. The Mythic mode will become available only after the 11th feral, and only after that the raid will gradually appear in the raid search system. Also, from the first day of its opening above Arathi Peak, you will, not as often as you would like, be able to spot the firebird, the new outraid boss of Rukhmar.

Well, if you want to see the new bosses with your own eyes, then here they are, in all their glory:

Slag shop

Gruul - Garrosh knew that the gronn could be broken by subjugating their great father, Gruul. Gruul, known in another reality as the Dragon Slayer, was reduced to a laborer in this one. In keeping with the brutal tradition of the Shattered Hand warriors, Gruul's arm was replaced with a hook to help him load fuel into the furnace.

Ore Muncher - Large reserves of unprocessed ore are stored in the warehouses of the Black Mountain clan foundry - a real feast for the voracious, stone-eating goren who have broken through the passage into the warehouses. The ore beetle stands out among the uninvited guests due to its enormous size. Gluttony made him the largest goren on Draenor.

The Crucible - The most closely guarded secret of the Blackrock clan is the technology for smelting Blackrock ore, which ordinary fire cannot even soften. In the very heart of the foundry languishes a power as old as Draenor itself. Raging in its prison, this force generates supernatural heat.

Black Forge

Gans'gar and Franzok - twin brothers Gans'gar and Franzok were considered one of the most skilled fighters of their clan. The military glory of both brothers blossomed, but fate had other plans. The brothers refused to fight each other to the death in a ritual mak'gora duel, and they were expelled from their clan. For a long time they fought for survival in the wild lands of Draenor, and then responded to the call of the Iron Horde, in whose ranks they finally found their calling and found a new home.

Ka'graz the Flame - Blackhand himself summoned Ka'graz the Flame to the banner of the Iron Horde. She was to work in the foundry of the Black Mountain clan and imbue weapons with the power of flame. Day and night, never tired, Ka'graz, along with his assistant Aknor Steelnose, crafts the weapons the Iron Horde need to conquer Draenor.

Kromog - ancient and mysterious magnarons - creatures mysterious and unpredictable. Miners working to expand the foundry to meet the growing needs of the Iron Horde were horrified when they unearthed a chamber containing a living Magnaron. To their surprise, Kromog began to help them. With his large fists, he hammers out huge metal plates to build siege engines and plating the Iron Horde's dreadnoughts.

Iron shop

Darmak the Master of Beasts - even in his youth, Darmak was one of the best beast tamers in the Thunderlord clan. In his charges, he, unlike many others, saw not only animal instincts, but also enormous potential, hidden not in the physical capabilities of the animals, but in the strength of their minds. When the Iron Horde called Darmak into service, he considered it a great honor and began training the most ferocious creatures of Draenor.

Operator Togar - Responsible for the work of the Grim Paths, Togar is known not so much for his strength as for his cruelty and intelligence. He leads the battle against the draenei in Talador from his foundry depot. Entire battalions of fighters and artillery are ready to join the battle at his command.

Iron Ladies - the ancient traditions of the orc clans did not allow Gar'an to fully demonstrate her talents as a warrior and strategist. That is why she was one of the first to volunteer to serve in the Iron Horde fleet. Gar'an immediately distinguished herself in battle and eventually became admiral of the Iron Horde fleet. Together with her faithful assistants Marak and Sorka, she will crush everyone who stands in their way. No wonder they are called the Iron Ladies.


Blackhand - the leader of the Black Mountain clan - a ruthless tyrant and a powerful warrior. He ranks second in the Iron Horde hierarchy and reports only to Grommash. Few mortals can withstand the sweltering heat in which Blackhand works. He presides over the foundry from the crucible of Blackrock Mountain, forging weapons of unparalleled quality with his red-hot hammer.

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