What gives a kinetic gem in Dota 2. Kinetic gems

There are many cosmetic items in Dota 2 that change the appearance of the heroes. Velves are constantly creating new and new items. Most of them only change the appearance of the character, some change the animation of movement, teleportation, hero abilities, and sometimes even the character icon. As I said, most of them only change the appearance of the hero, most often these are common, uncommon and rare items. But thanks to kinetic gems, you can change the animation of these items. This is what we'll talk about.
Kinetic Gems are virtual gems that have introduced many changes to Dota 2. No, the mechanics of the game do not change, they do not increase the characteristics or abilities of your heroes. They only change animations. It is also possible to forge gems into couriers and wards. The gem can only be inserted if the cosmetic item has free slots.

How do I insert a kinetic gem?

To insert kinetic gems into cosmetic items, the item must have sockets. If there are none, you need to buy Artificer’s Chisel in a bunker store for 76 rubles. I do not advise buying it on the trading floor, because there it will be more expensive, at the moment in the region of 86 rubles, moreover, it may have less than five charges, in contrast to the pillbox one. As a result, we buy a chisel more expensive at the trade and get fewer charges.
You need to forge a gem in an empty socket, but if you chain it into a slot, for example, with a help rune, then the help rune will disappear. To do this, you need to free the socket and a mighty hammer to extract gems Artificer’s Hammer will help us. 76 rubles in a pillbox store and in the region of forty rubles for a trade. Again, we look at the number of charges.
As for the prismatic and otherworldly gems, there is only one type of nest, so a chisel will work for us, but we need a different hammer. We need a Master Artificer’s Hammer, and when applied to an item, the item itself disappears and only the gem remains. You can buy such a hammer only at the trade and it costs about one dollar there. Unfortunately, the number of charges is not written on it.

Kinetic Gems Belonging to Heroes.

The problem is that for each hero, special gems are most often required, which change exactly his animations. If you insert, for example, the Kinetic Allure of the Succubus intended for quop into a kunka's gear, you are unlikely to start twirling the kunka with his sword. So if we want to change the animation of a specific hero, we have to google it a bit. Of course, filters can be configured on the trading platform, which simplifies our searches, but we want to know what exactly will change for our Persian. I will try to speed up your searches:

  • Centaur warrunner
    For the Kent, the Velves created just one gem, Stallion's Double Edge, which changes, as you already understood the animation of the double age. The blood is getting more.
  • Clocwerk
    Clockwork watchmaker transforms victory animations, cog animations and more with Kinetic Teleboltin
  • Crystal Maiden
    She uses the Kinetic: Impatient Maiden gem. It improves smke animation in the hero view mode. Such a gem in my opinion. But there is also Yulsarias Glacier, which improves the appearance of CrystalNova.
  • Death Prophet
    In Krobelus, or as it is also called the banshee, Kinetic Krobelus transforms the animation of the first Crypt Swarm skill.
  • Doom
    One Kinetic: Flames of the Pyre gem transforms two doom attack animations from hand at once. And the second Kinetic: Pits of Omoz again changes two animations: Auto Attack and View Mode. The main thing is that they can be chained into one item and the effects will be summed up. Also Kinetic Crown of Hells! Changing the idle animation (doom will stand still nicely when you afkshit. Maybe even save you from a couple of reports) and Kinetic Burning Fiend changing the appearance from the tavern.
  • Dragon knight
    Dragonborn spartan dk will not have a shield on his wrist, he will use it like a cane with The Knight's Repose. Only changes come only in the hero's view mode. It would be cool to watch dk run with a limp.
  • Ember spirit
    Or as it is called ginger, well, I've heard it a couple of times, it can change the poses of the remenants
  • Faceless void
    It is said that the Void transforms the first Timewalk skill and weapon light effect with the Kinetic: Trimphant Timelord. But apart from the animation of victory and teleportation, I personally did not notice anything.
  • Juggernaut
    Jaga is spinning, laveha is muddied, of course, you can change blade furi (first skill) with the help of Kinetic Bladekeeper "s Bladefury, crit Blade dance with the help of Bladekeeper" s Blade Dance and the ultimate Omnislash from Bladekeeper "s Omnislash. Fireborn Assault. back flip taunt, crit again and auto attack animations with Fireborn Assault.
  • Keper of the light
    The cauldron loves to blow. And I'm talking about just blowing it up (1 skill), drug addicts. Illumination changes with Kinetic Northlight Illuminance. As for Kinetic Obeisance of the Keeper, it transforms the view mode again.
  • Kunkka
    Arrrrr, and a bottle of rum. Kinetic Bladebiter "s Strike changes the animation of the equipment, the Kinetic Mark of the Divine Anchor makes the cross blue and beautiful, the Torrent of the Divine Anchor torrent effect, and the kinetic gem Tidebringer of the Divine Anchor changes the passive ability in previous patches and activated in this ability Tidebringer. For some reason unknown to me, the Kinetic Tidebringer of the Divine Anchor gem is quite desirable for many players.
  • Lich
    Kinetic: Deadwinter "s Soul Changes the animation of the lich's ultimate ability. There are no obvious differences. In general, the lich throws the kettle not from one hand, but from two at once.
  • Lina
    As for the Kinetic Twister, nothing special, well, the revival effect changes, and okay. But Everlasting Array changes the animation of the Light Strike Array's stun, with which you can confuse the enemy. As we are used to, when Lina casts a stun, she scrolls her hands twice. With this gem, she will twist her arms only once, albeit at a lower speed. Although the speed of the procast does not change, the enemy can get confused from habit and easily fall under the camp.
  • Luna
    The Elf Luna immediately launches an auto attack, afk, revival, tp, victory animation, hasta and an ultimate eclipse with the help of only one gem Kinetic Liveliness of Lucentyr.
  • Nature's Prophet
    Kinetic: Turbulent teleport that changes the position of the truck in which it teleports with its Teleportation ability. Do not confuse it with a regular scrolling. Also, When Nature Attacks adjusts all types of furion basic attacks.
  • Necrophos
    With Kinetic: Twin Deaths "Haunting Ultimate
  • Phantom Lancer
    The Kinetic Serene Honor stand will be different in view mode.
  • Queen of pain
    Kinetic on kvopa activates a rather interesting animation of the view mode. Now kvopa will not stupidly stand and look at you, she will start teasing you with her knife, twisting it in her hand. Kinetic in kvopa is called Kinetic Allure of the Succubus.
  • Puck
    For the pack, 4 semi-precious stones have been created: KineticOrb of Reminiscence transforming the appearance of the ball, Rift of Reminiscence astral, Ambience of Reminiscence automatic attack and DreamcoilOfReminiscence, respectively, dreamcoil.
  • Pudge
    The Crow "s Feet gem improves several things for the padjik's eye at once: the movement of appearance, victory, hook, afk, etc., the view mode and even the icon in the game.
  • Skywrath mage
    The Kinetic Empyrean Pebble transforms Ultimate and View Movement.
  • Sniper
    Deadshot sniper gains gear movement, afk, character icons, attack, death and chain with CineticMuhKeenGun.
  • Slark
    Kid Slarkevich can change his Pounce (Second Skill) jump animation with the Pounce of the Silent Ripper Kinetic Gem. Usually, a slark in a jump does a single forward somersault, but with this gem it will scroll around its axis. In parkour, this trick is called a screw. And so if you want to make your slarkevich a professional tracer, forge a skadi or any other knife with the Pounce of the Silent Ripper.
  • Sven
    Free to Fear transforms idle, loadout, and auto attack movements.
  • Templar assassin
    Danae gains the effect of PsionicTrap's ultimate. Quite a good gem
  • Timbersaw
    If you put Timberthaw Chakram into his object, then the timbersow blades will cut more beautifully and clearly. Kats, katskatskatskatskats.
  • Tinker
    The most hellish mid-lane tinker gets unique abilities with the help of Kinetic Booties of Travel! BootsofTravel image, audio, circle and teleport animation will be changed for the better. Standing gem.
  • Tusk
    Kinetic Kinetic DizzyingPunch has been created for the Tuskar! Change the animation of Walrus Punch's Ultimate Punch.
  • Wind ranger
    Sylvan Cascade Gem! The effect of the third skill of the windrun diminishes. She may be even better at dodging attacks. This is one of the best gems for me.
  • Wraith king
    For the lyoric, the velves created the kinetic gem Wraith Spin, which transforms the movement of his sword during a crit. There is one more equipment of the Salvaged Sword hero, but it is unlikely that anyone will like it.

Most of the gems listed above are only suitable for specific heroes. And there are also interesting gems that change courier animations, but more on that in another article. The main thing is not to try to stick the kwopa gem into the kunka.

The most expensive kinetic gems in Dota 2.

There are many autographed gems in seven pieces on the marketplace, but most often they are sold for 1 stupid person. Nobody will buy an autograph of a smiley for 30 thousand. If you get a good gem, you shouldn't attach a random price tag above a reasonable bar to it. I will try to describe which gems and why they are expensive in the top of the most expensive gems in Dota 2:

  1. In the first place we will have Trapper "s Treachery
  2. Its price at the time of this writing is one thousand rubles. The lowest price tag was posted on February 7th at 621.87 rubles. The maximum sale took place on February 5 at 1289.77. This gem improves the puja hook. In fact, nothing special, there are only 19 of them on the trading floor, which speaks of rarity and raises the price.
  3. The second place is taken by an ordinary gem that does nothing, autographed by everyone's favorite Dendy. To find it, enter in the search bar of the marketplace: Autographed Kinetic Gem. There you can, of course, come across all sorts of autographs of a versuta or a solo. First, look at the quantities, then think about it, a gem autographed by the most famous doter in the cis and possibly around the world is ten times cheaper than a versuta. This cannot be, unless of course you want children from versuta, then you will not buy such a thing.
  4. Ranked 3rd for Fireborn Assault
  5. The gem, as I said, is worthwhile. It changes almost all juggernaut animations, adds awesome taunts and crit animations. Even the Bladefury is changing, I think, but I'm not sure about that. The cost of this lot is in the region of three hundred rubles. Although if you're lucky, you can buy for two hundred, but you will have to check the trading one every day for six months. And you won't be able to overpay much, the price is quite stable. It rarely rises to 350.
  6. Fourth place: Twister on Tinker. Included in the top without question. Transforms travel icon, sound, tinker animation. The price almost does not jump, in the region of two and a half hundred. Although there are quite a few of them, so if you want, you can knock out and cheaper than two.
  7. Fifth Place Bladekeeper's Blade Dance
  8. Changes the animation of the Juggernaut Ultimate. Omnislash looks pretty good and the gem is definitely worth its money in one hundred and fifty rubas.
  9. Then there are gems cheaper than a hundred rubles and there are a lot of them. So I see no point in continuing

Do gems stack ...

The Velve certainly thought that you might want to insert multiple gems at once. Of course, in order for them to stack correctly, you had to sacrifice something. In general, if you insert two gems Kinetic Fireborn Assault and Kinetic Bladekeeper "s Blade Dance into the jager's sword, then most likely the second simply will not work, if you are lucky, it will work randomly. Velves prioritized most of the items.

Every Dota player knows that in this project, a lot can depend on what items you collect. Of course, how you will level up your character also plays a very important role, but sometimes the build of skills is not enough - in order to achieve perfection, you need to be able to collect high-quality and effective builds of items. Moreover, you should pay attention that many items have slots - they are designed for gems that can give things or a character certain abilities, as well as enhance existing characteristics and other parameters. But kinetic gems deserve special attention. "Dota 2" is a very beautiful game that will give you a lot of pleasure not only because of the exciting gameplay, but also because of the excellent graphics. And you can influence this factor, but, of course, to a very small extent. And this is done with the help of kinetic gems, which will be discussed in this article.

How to get the?

First of all, you need to find out how you can get kinetic gems. Dota 2 is a game in which you won't get rare items just like that, so you have to work hard. So, in the course of the game, you may drop a treasure chest, and if its type is appropriate, then by opening it with a special key, you can find gems there. They are very diverse, but in this article we will focus specifically on kinetic ones. Each chest contains three gems, so you have a good chance to get the one you want the most. However, so far you don't even know what the kinetic gems give you. Dota 2 is a fairly large project, so you shouldn't be surprised when you find out exactly what this type of gem has to offer you.

Kinetic gems and their effects

So, it's time to find out what the kinetic gems do. "Dota 2" is a game in which you can insert gems into the slots on objects, as discussed above. However, if the conversation comes exactly about kinetic gems, then it is worth noting that they will not affect the characteristics of your character. Then a completely logical question arises - why are they needed? From the point of view of benefits, they are not needed, but from an aesthetic point of view, this is a real find. When you insert such a gem into the slot of an item worn by your character, then the animation of any of the actions changes. This can be both movement and effects when casting spells, and the icons of your skills, as well as much more. In general, you can customize the display of your character in the game, and this will be seen not only by you, but also by all the gamers with whom you will play. Needless to say, how long the list of kinetic gems is - Dota 2 divides them into very highly specialized groups.

Each hero has his own gems

How are kinetic gems divided ("Dota 2")? Kunka can get one type of gem, Clockwork a completely different type, just like Doom. Accordingly, we can conclude that each character has his own kinetic gems that affect the hero and his animation in different ways. For example, Juggernaut can find four different gems, each of which changes the effect of his skills, as well as the display of automatic attack, movement, and even equipment. Some characters only have one gem that suits them.

A priority

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the hero can use several gems at the same time, and here the priority is spelled out in the game code. Some stones and their effects are stronger than others, so they will be displayed first.

Every Dota player knows that in this project, a lot can depend on what items you collect. Of course, how you will level up your character also plays a very important role, but sometimes the build of skills is not enough - in order to achieve perfection, you need to be able to collect high-quality and effective builds of items. Moreover, you should pay attention that many items have slots - they are designed for gems that can give things or a character certain abilities, as well as enhance existing characteristics and other parameters. But "Dota 2" deserves special attention - it is a very beautiful game that will give you a lot of pleasure not only because of the exciting gameplay, but also because of the excellent graphic component. And you can influence this factor, but, of course, to a very small extent. And this is done with the help of kinetic gems, which will be discussed in this article.

How to get the?

First of all, you need to find out how you can get kinetic gems. Dota 2 is a game in which you won't get rare items just like that, so you have to work hard. So, in the course of the game, you may drop a treasure chest, and if its type is appropriate, then by opening it with a special key, you can find gems there. They are very diverse, but in this article we will focus specifically on kinetic ones. Each chest contains three gems, so you have a good chance to get the one you want the most. However, so far you don't even know what the kinetic gems give you. Dota 2 is a fairly large project, so you shouldn't be surprised when you find out exactly what this type of gem has to offer you.

Kinetic gems and their effects

So, it's time to find out what the kinetic gems do. "Dota 2" is a game in which you can insert gems into the slots on objects, as already mentioned above. However, if the conversation comes exactly about kinetic gems, then it is worth noting that they will not affect the characteristics of your character. Then a completely logical question arises - why are they needed? From the point of view of benefits, they are not needed, but from an aesthetic point of view, this is a real find. When you insert such a gem into the slot of an item worn by your character, then the animation of any of the actions changes. This can be both movement and effects when casting spells, and the icons of your skills, as well as much more. In general, you can customize the display of your character in the game, and this will be seen not only by you, but also by all the gamers with whom you will play. Needless to say, how long the list of kinetic gems is - Dota 2 divides them into very highly specialized groups.

Each hero has his own gems

How are kinetic divisions Kunka can get one type of gem, Clockwork is a completely different one, just like Doom. Accordingly, we can conclude that each character has his own kinetic gems that affect the hero and his animation in different ways. For example, Juggernaut can find four different gems, each of which changes the effect of his skills, as well as the display of automatic attack, movement, and even equipment. Some characters only have one gem that suits them.

A priority

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the hero can use several gems at the same time, and here the priority is spelled out in the game code. Some stones and their effects are stronger than others, so they will be displayed first.

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