What is a chest trap in minecraft. How to make a trap chest in Minecraft and what is it for

Articles / Guides for Minecraft | How to make a trap in Minecraft

Everything about how to make a trap in Minecraft and what types of traps can be created in the game.

There are a lot of traps in Minecraft. There are bait traps, trap chests, camouflaged traps, various types of traps using mines, the so-called lava traps, a falling room, a death button, and many, many others. In fact, the number of traps is limited only by your ideas and the ability to implement them. In this article, we will consider only some of the options for traps, plus we will show you a few videos on how to make a trap in Minecraft.

Trap Chest

The trap chest, when opened, gives a signal about this. Thus, you will know that someone has crept up to you.
To create it, you need to acquire:

Tension sensor. To create it, you need to have a stick, an iron ingot and boards. The recipe is below:

Chest. It is crafted using 8 boards and this recipe:

Once you have a chest and a tension gauge, use this recipe to craft a trap chest:


The essence of this trap is simple - to lock up the griefer or mob so that it can no longer roam around the territory. To create this trap, create:

4 doors. To create one door, you need 6 planks or 6 iron ingots, at your discretion. Crafting recipe:

Pressure plate. To create it, you need 2 boards or 2 stones. The recipe is below:

After collecting the necessary materials, place the pressure plate on the surface, and then arrange the doors in the following sequence around the plate:

Then just mask the doors by making it look like a corridor. When an undesirable character steps on the tension plate, the doors will slam shut and he will not be able to get out of the trap.

Trap "Surprise Floor" or Mousetrap-2

To create this kind of trap, you need to have:
4 pistons. Earlier we already wrote how to make a piston in Minecraft.
Red stone. It is mined from red ore using a diamond or iron pickaxe.
Pressure plate. Read how it is done above.
Eight fence blocks. We also have material on our website on how to make a fence.

After obtaining all the "ingredients", dig a cross-shaped depression two blocks deep and place a red stone in the center. Install four pistons on the sides, 1 piston on each side. This is how it should look:

Then install one intake block on each piston. On the red stone in the center, place any block, and on it a pressure plate. Thus, we still have 4 blocks of the fence left. they need to be installed as shown in the screenshot below:

Congratulations, the mob trap is ready!

As you can see, there are enough options for traps, but above there are only three ways to create traps. How to make an easy version of a trap, a death trap, a trap for zombies in Minecraft and their other types, watch the video:

How to make a death trap in Minecraft

How to make the easiest trap in Minecraft!

How to make a trap for zombies + Saving Drop bonus! (minecraft) (minecraft) 1.5.2 -

Minecraft-how to make a sliding trap

Minecraft trap for noobs (or mobs)

The question of how to make a trap chest in Minecraft sooner or later is asked by all users of the game. This tool is used for several purposes and plays an important role in the protection of valuables. That is why it is important to know all the information and methods of creation about it.

A Brief Description of the Universe

If a beginner entered this game for the first time, then it is too early for him to be interested in how to make a trap chest in Minecraft. We'll have to figure out the mechanisms of resource extraction, character management and modes that are implemented on the server. The game gained its popularity thanks to the endless possibilities of constructing various buildings and creating objects. Any person can create their own Universe in the chosen style and become the head or an ordinary resident there. For example, there are cases when a team of gamers built real fortresses in the style of the Middle Ages, and the players took on the role of knights of the round table, as in the days of King Arthur. They defended the land from hordes of monsters and other enemies. This concept made it possible for fans to develop mods for Minecraft, which add new locations, expand the world, the number of resources and items to create.

Description of the trap chest

This item appeared in the update under the number 1.5, and after that the hunt for it began. Before making a trap chest in Minecraft, you need to know about all of its properties. The mechanism looks like a regular chest, but when it is opened, a lever is triggered and a loud signal is emitted. The radius of sound propagation depends on the number of people who were standing next to the trap chest at the time of opening. You can identify the catch only by a barely noticeable line in the orange lock. Once opened, there is also a red stripe on the inside, which is missing in regular vaults. At the same time, a red wire must be connected to it, which the owners of the trap are trying to hide in every possible way, so as not to give out the properties of a trap.

Crafting an item

Before making a chest trap in Minecraft, you need to get an item called a tension sensor, because it is part of the recipe. Take stick, wood block, and iron ingot. Place these ingredients in the mechanism to pick up the tension sensor from the outgoing bin. Then we connect it with a simple chest, and we get a trap for unwanted guests. A regular storage is created by placing eight wooden blocks in the crafting system. In this case, the center hole must be left empty. This knowledge can be useful when creating other items in the game. The tension arm is part of many mechanisms that will come in handy in a built home.

Methods for using the trap

If you do not know what the trap chest does in Minecraft, then it is better to experiment with its properties. First, call a friend and accumulate the necessary resources. After creating the thing, move back a certain radius from the house and tell your friend to activate the mechanism. He will emit a twang, which will alert the owner of the house about the invasion of enemies in his domain. This is a great way to protect resources and valuable items, because after the signal is triggered, opponents will begin to retreat, knowing about the imminent threat. In this case, the trap chest can be combined with other interesting things. For example, put a pit with lava under the four upper blocks. Create such a mechanism that, when the vault is opened, will move the blocks, and the enemies will meet inevitable death. The number of such combinations depends only on the user's imagination. The more traps, the better the property is protected. The main thing is then not to get into them by negligence.

Today we decided to talk about an important subject that is present in the Minecraft game. It is called a trap chest. Sometimes it can be quite useful. Before deciding how to make a trap chest in Minecraft, let's first figure out how this miracle device works. This vault is practically no different from the usual one, but it deliberately gives a false redstone signal when someone opens it.

Principle of operation

Naturally, the one who installs such chests will receive a notification that the enemy is trapped. Then everything is at the discretion of the user. For example, you can use special pistons that are installed in the storage, and then the mechanism will begin to work, and the floor under the player will be open. Thus, you can eliminate the opponent in the game "Minecraft". How to make a trap chest? This issue is closely related to signal strength. Which, in turn, will depend on how many users decide to open this repository.


Let's now figure out, in "Minecraft", and also how to distinguish an ordinary storage from a fake one. The difference is that the "snag" on the lock has a small orange spot that not many people notice. You can also notice the red wire, which is attached directly to the structure itself. This is the main difference.


Now let's look at the question of how to make a trap chest in Minecraft. To create one "ambush" you should build a conventional storage and a tension sensor, which will act as a piston mechanism. Now you know how to make a trap chest in Minecraft. However, this is not all the trick. You can also create a large chest-trap, and for this you need to place two ordinary storages with a trap next to it, after which it will merge into one.

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