Where can I install minecraft. How to install a skin in "Minecraft"

Even the most novice gamer knows that before playing a game, you need to install it. Installation is the first step on the path to an exciting experience. This post is dedicated to all those who do not know how to properly install this toy.

Even the server owners themselves have repeatedly requested that installation information be made widely available. So that for a person who is interested in the game, unnecessary problems do not arise already at the installation stage.

The installation of the Minecraft game consists of 3 stages.

So, let's figure out the installation step by step:

1. First step.

This stage begins with the installation of the JAVA environment. First of all, you need to download JAVA, especially for, on which this game is written. This can be done on the official website. It is very important not to be mistaken when choosing with the bitness of your PC's operating system. As you know, it can be 32 or 64 bit.

To determine the bit depth, in the Start menu (except for WINDOWS 8) on the Computer icon using the context menu, the Properties window opens. In this window there will be a line System Type. It indicates which system you have.

2. Second step.

It is necessary to find a file with the extension - exe in the game folder. They are usually called launchers. This file is designed to run the game.
This file must be moved to your desktop. They differ depending on:

Which server is chosen (different servers may have different launchers);
what version of the game itself;
what build of the game (that is, different mods can be installed, INDUSTRIAL CRAFT or DECORATIVES MOD)

3. Third step.

At the last crucial stage of installing the game, you need to work with the files of the game itself. Files must be discarded for the system to detect the installed game.

  • If your operating system is WINDOWS XP, then copy the game files to the APPLICATION DATA / APPDATA folder. It is located on the C: / drive, in the DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS folder.
  • If you have - WINDOWS VISTA or WINDOWS 7, then you need the USERS folder on the C: / drive. The next thing to do is find the APPDATA folder in the USERS folder. And in the APPDATA folder, you need to find the ROAMING folder and put all the game files here.

APPDATA folders can be hidden. To display hidden folders on XP - select C: / -> Tools -> Folder Options -> View ->

On WINDOWS VISTA / 7, select Start -> Control Panel -> Folder Options -> View -> Show hidden files and folders.

On this note, the installation of the game is completely complete and you can start playing.

In light of the popularity of the game Minecraft, many are interested in how to install this game. This is what this article will be about. Let's try to describe in detail how to install Minecraft on a variety of operating versions, for example, Windows 7, Windows vista, windows XP, etc. The Internet is full of various instructions on this topic, however, we will try to make our contribution to the details of how to install it in detail and in detail, and most importantly without errors.

Of course, you need to start by downloading the game itself. Each gamer can download the original version, or clients with mods. Let's start by offering links for both options:

It is possible from the main page of our site or by selecting the desired version on the right in the block.

Instructions on how to install minecraft:

Let's start installing Minecraft.

  • + Place the exe file on your desktop. This file is usually called a launcher or launcher, it can be the same for different versions of the game. For example, you can use one launcher for versions 1.2.5, 1.4.5, 1.4.7, and so on.
  • + The next step is to copy the .Minecraft folder to the following location:
  • + for Windows 7 \ vista.
  • C: / users / user name / App data / roaming
  • + For Windows Xp.
  • C: / Documents and Settings / ”User name” / Application Data /.

There may be a problem of how to find these same App data or Application Data folders.
To search for the App data folder, we suggest doing the following:
Open the Run window, which is in the start menu and enter the following line there:% appdata%. Then click OK and the folder will open.

Now the Minecraft game is installed on the computer, all that remains is to run the exe file installed on the desktop. If a problem (error) occurs at startup:

Could not find the main class: net.minecraft.MinecraftLauncher.
Program will exit

you just need to download the Java installation.

Minecraft is a recently very popular computer game in the sandbox genre, the plot of which is built on the basis of various resources of the game world, using which virtual characters build their world, settle down in it and defend themselves from hostile forces. Moreover, you can build a civilization both alone and by collective forces in an online multiplayer game. It is difficult to say why this game with a very primitive by today's standards "square" graphics was able to gain great popularity. The only way to find out is to install Minecraft on your computer and try to play it.

How to install Minecraft on Windows
Minecraft is written in the Java programming language and in order for the game to work on a computer, it needs to be supported in the form of a virtual machine that will execute Java code. Therefore, first of all, we check the presence of a Java machine on the computer and only then proceed with the installation of the game. To do this, follow these steps.

By using the Java programming language, Minecraft can run on a wide variety of platforms and operating systems: Windows, Linux, Android, Mac OS, iOS, Xbox and others.

After installing the Java virtual machine, you can start installing the game itself. Minecraft is a paid game. You can search the Internet, download and install the Minecraft client program for free. We will not provide links to resources that distribute this game, since this does not comply with the rules of our site and violates the rights of the creators of Minecraft.

Instead, we will tell you how to buy and install the licensed version of the game.

  1. Open the game's official website on the new user registration page at.
  2. Fill in the required fields: email address (it will be your login in the game), password, first name, last name, date of birth and three answers to the selected security questions in case you forget your password and want to restore it. Agree to the terms and conditions of use by checking the appropriate box and clicking the Register button.
  3. Open your email and look for the registration confirmation letter. Follow the link it contains to complete the registration process.
  4. Log in with your username and password to minecraft.net and go to the payment section using the link, then click on the button that says "Buy Minecraft for this account".

  5. To purchase, you will need a plastic Visa or MasterCard card on which an amount of 19.95 euros will be available, which corresponds to about 800 rubles. If you have a ruble card, then there is nothing wrong with that. The money will be converted automatically at the exchange rate of the payment system.
    On the page that opens, enter your address in Latin, select the type of payment system Visa or MasterCard and click the green button "Proceed to Payment Details".

  6. At the final stage of payment, select your country, indicate the name and surname engraved on the plastic card, as well as the expiration date of its validity. Enter the three-digit CVV code located on the back of the card and press the "CONFIRM AND PAY" button.

  7. After completing the payment on the page, download the Minecraft.exe installation file and run it on your computer.
  8. In the installer window, enter your username and password and click the "Login" button.

  9. The installation process of the game will start. The files and folders necessary for the game will be downloaded to the folder with the installer. You can observe the installation process by filling the green scale with the status of the bar.

  10. After the download finishes, Minecraft will be fully installed on your computer. You will find yourself in the main menu of the program and you can start playing.
Separately, we note the advantages of the licensed version of the game. With it, you can always have the latest and stable version of Minecraft, which does not contain viruses and malicious code, as well as receive official technical support if you have problems with the game.

Minecraft Download (Minecraft)

It is difficult to explain to an ignorant person in one word what the game Minecraft is, and even more difficult - why it has become wildly popular among players all over the world. After all, there is no intricate plot or dizzying graphics in it. Nevertheless, more and more people are willing to download Minecraft on PC.

To put it simply, Minecraft is a so-called "sandbox", that is, an open world game. The player throws himself into this world completely defenseless, now he must build his own life. Moreover, in the literal sense. You need to extract resources, and from them build a house for yourself, equip it, interact with other players, etc.

Minecraft 1.14 Java Edition Download

A new update for the Minecraft game will be released soon, which again brought with it a large number of various innovations. This time, you can easily download Minecraft 1.14 "Village and Pillage", which will bring with it a large amount of content, among which there will be new opportunities, weapons, flowers and much more. And in order to carefully deal with all the updates, we will try to consider each item in detail.

Minecraft 1.13.2 Java Edition Download

The developers have been collecting information on their 1.13 and 1.13.1 versions for several months in order to find and fix serious performance problems. Therefore, this version was born!

Minecraft 1.13.1 Java Edition Download

The developers do not change themselves and release a large release field, several small ones, with various minor changes and many bugs found after the release.

Minecraft 1.13 Java Edition Download

The Minecraft game continues to evolve and offers much more varied and interesting additions. For example, already now users can easily download the new version of Minecraft 1.13 which has received quite a few interesting content and technical improvements. Minor changes, mobs and various blocks were not ignored.

Download Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 (Torrent)

Finally, the sequel to the successful Minecraft Story Mode series with a storyline has come out. In season 2, new adventures with old friends, new acquaintances, and even more serious enemies await us. We have no doubt that the episodes will delight their fans!

Minecraft 1.12.2 Download

The guys from Mojang decided to remind you of the name of the edition for computers based on the old Java engine. They added Java Edition to the logo on the home screen.

Download Minecraft Story Mode Season 1 (Torrent)

Minecraft Story Mode will help you immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft, which has its own storyline and its heroes, the main one of which is Jessia. He and his friends will not voluntarily go on an exciting adventure filled with dangers, as well as funny situations.

Minecraft 1.12.1 Download

Enough time has passed since the last major release, and of course the developers have released the next version with a focus on bug fixes and minor changes.

Minecraft 1.12 Download

Minecraft is a game project that has not stopped at the achieved development since its inception. Each time, the developers are ready to delight us with interesting innovations, as well as the players themselves, who create modifications. This time we are waiting for the game version of the client Minecraft 1.12 which you will surely like. After all, it is she who brings into the game a lot of new and interesting game moments that can become not only important, but also quite interesting. Next, we will analyze what new will bring the new version of the game.

Minecraft 1.11.2 (1.11.1) Download

The developers have once again released a couple of release versions with bug fixes, after a major update, which was 1.11. This time, these are Minecraft versions 1.11.2 and 1.11.1. Why two at once? This immediately becomes clear after reading the changelog.

It is noteworthy that outwardly the whole world is represented by primitive textured cubes. And the main character himself consists of them. Today it is this style that has become recognizable. Moreover, many followers and imitators of this game have appeared.

Meanwhile, the gameplay is very simple: you need to extract resources and exchange them for other resources. Or use what has already been mined in your buildings. The ultimate goal, as in life, does not exist in Minecraft. In principle, you can develop indefinitely.

Surely one of the main reasons many people want download Minecraft for free, is great freedom in self-expression and creativity. After all, you can build not just the house of your dreams, but also a whole castle, equip it with underground passages, decorate it according to your own taste ...

However, no one will interfere with living in some modest shack, hiding the resources obtained from intruders.

Open world games have certainly been around long before and after Minecraft. In the world of Minecraft, you can freely walk around the world and:

  • to extract resources;
  • explore the environment;
  • hunt animals;
  • interact with other players;
  • engage in battle with enemies.

There are also special mods for Minecraft and texture packs that can change this or that version of Minecraft beyond recognition or create a themed world around them. For example, immerse yourself in the universe of Star Wars or the Wild West.

Perhaps rivalry with other players is exactly what makes many Minecraft download: it’s always nice to feel your superiority over other players.

You can build huge structures, equipping them with the latest technology, just to show off to others. Or you can just fight with your neighbors and take all their wealth for yourself. Everyone can go in the game exactly the way that suits him best.

Minecraft has several worlds and several types of game modes - for the widest range of players - for both casual and real hardcore. Currently there are versions for PC, mobile devices and game consoles. The game incorporates several genres at once, so it is difficult to single out any one here. This is an open-world sandbox, an economic strategy, a construction simulator, a survival game, an RPG, and even a first-person shooter. Perhaps this versatility is the secret of Minecraft's success. However, who knows ... Much more ambitious projects have long been forgotten, and this toy is not only actively living, but also developing.

It is possible to describe all the possibilities and features of the game world for a very, very long time. And the developers continue to introduce more and more new possibilities into the Minecraft world.

Installing Minecraft on your computer is quite simple, regardless of which version you need 1.5.2, 1.7.2 or another. It won't take long if you are at least a user-level computer savvy.

For the Minecraft client to work, you need to have Java installed on your device. Go to java.com, select your operating system version and download the utility. Run the setup file and restart your computer.

Then you can start downloading and installing the game client itself. You can find two versions of Minecraft: free and paid. To install the latest version and updates of Minecraft, you should go to minecraft.net and download the download file. The paid version costs about 500 rubles, while you will have access to the entire set of features that you can use in the game over the network on various servers. Also, to get started, you can try using the demo version, for which you do not need to pay. There are clients for mobile devices based on iOs and Android.

To download the file for installing Minecraft, you must first register on the site.

On the desktop, you can see the Minecraft shortcut after the installation is complete. Double click on it. In the window that opens, enter your username, which was indicated when registering on the site, select the option of the game (network or single player) and enjoy the construction and battles in the cube world.

How to install a crack for Minecraft 1.5.2 or 1.7.2

If you know English well, then the version of the game installed from the official website will suit you perfectly. However, if you want to play Minecraft in your native language, you need to install the crack for Minecraft.

To do this, download a special add-on from any site dedicated to the game or from a torrent and start making changes to the Minecraft folder.

Find it through "My Computer". Remember which path you prescribed when installing Minecraft itself, or go to the place where the games are copied by default. Open the folder there

"bin". In it, find the Minecraft.jar file, right-click on it and select the "Open with an archiver (Zip, Rar)" command.

Hover the mouse over the downloaded crack files, right-click and copy them. Go to the open Minecraft.jar folder, drag the crack there using the "Paste" command. For the game to work after installing the crack, find the META-INF file and move it to the trash can.

Now, thanks to this instruction, you can independently install Minecraft on your computer and crack on it.

If you need earlier versions of the game, for example, the most popular Minecraft 1.5.2 or Minecraft 1.7.2, you can download the installation files from torrents or from amateur sites, but do not forget to check them with an antivirus first.

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In "Minecraft" there are many beautiful worlds that you can travel through using portals, however, this is not enough for the fans of the game, so they create new maps on which it is even more interesting to play. If you have created or downloaded a new world of the game, then you are probably interested in learning how to install the map on "Minecraft" version 1.5.2 and higher.

How to install a map in Minecraft on a computer

If you have already chosen and downloaded an interesting map for the game, then it will not be difficult to install it in Minecraft 1.5.2. Pre-unpack the downloaded set of files with any archiver into an empty folder.

Open it and find the repository with the level.dat file. It is in it that all information about the created game world is stored. Here is the spawn point, the difficulty level, the weather, the name of the world and other important parameters. The same folder contains the region section, which contains the .mca files with information about all the blocks of the map. In the players section, the .dat files store all information about the players (experience and hunger levels, inventory, bed placement, and more). DIM1 and DIM-1 have built-in data about the lower, upper and other worlds in Minecraft. The data stores the in-game cards that the players made.

A very important function in this folder is performed by the session.lock file. It protects the map of the game world from unauthorized changes, so that new errors do not arise in the game.

Thus, in order to install the map on "Minecraft", you need to copy and transfer these files to the saves folder. It can be found in Windows by going to "Start" and clicking the "Run" button by entering% appdata% \. Minecraft in the search bar.

If you have a Linux operating system, then the root directory of the game can be found at /home/%username%/.minecraft, Mac OS X - users /% username% / Library / Application Support / .minecraft.

If you are running the Minecraft client, you can open the desired folder through the game menu. To do this, click on the "Texture packs" section in the menu, click on the "Open folder" line and go to the section above.

When the map files are transferred to the saves folder, you can start a new game on the updated Minecraft playing field. To do this, select a new card in the menu.

How to install a map on "Minecraft" 1.5.2 and higher on the server

It is quite easy to create a new map on the server. To do this, the folder with the necessary world files, which was mentioned above, must be renamed to world. It needs to be moved to the server files, replacing the old folder of the same name.

You can go the other way. Copy the unnamed folder with the map to the folder with the server, open the server.properties settings file there and make adjustments to the "level name" line, after the equal sign, type in the name of the folder with the map.

Now you know how to install maps for "Minecraft" on the server and home computer, and therefore you can further diversify the game life of your character and achieve even greater success.

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