How the gate is made in minecraft. Sliding gates in Minecraft. Minecraft gate types

Hello dear Play`N`Trade users. Matros are with you and today I will tell you how to make a fence and a gate in minecraft.

How to make a fence and a gate in minecraft

In order to craft our items, we need a tree. More is desirable. Therefore, we go into the forest and cut down several trees. Next, we go to the workbench and start crafting. If you do not know how to make a workbench, then you can find an article about this on our forum.

First, I will tell you how to make a wicket. To begin with, we make four sticks. We spread the craft as follows: in the first, third, fourth and sixth slots, one stick at a time, and in the second and fourth, one board. We get the gate.

Now let's move on to crafting a fence. For this we only need sticks. Just put one stick in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth slots (if you want to make a larger fence, then put several) and we get two fences.

These items may be required for farming in the game. You can make a corral, or a vegetable garden. They can also be made from other materials. The iron fence requires six iron ingots. Everything is done the same way, only instead of sticks we put iron ingots.

There was a sailor with you and today I told how to make a fence and a gate in minecraft... Until next time and enjoy the game!

Every home needs a fence. If you managed to make a fence, it's time to think about how to enter the site, that is, how to make a gate in minecraft. Despite the fact that the gate is, by and large, an analogue of the door, which is installed in the fence, it is crafted according to a completely different recipe, and it opens in other ways. But more on that later. An interesting feature of the wicket is its ability to hang in the air. True, hanging it initially will not work, but you can install it on a fence, and then remove the lower blocks.

Now we figured out how to make a gate in minecraft. It's time to learn how to open it. A blow, that is, pressing the left mouse button, will not help here, so you have to take care of creating special mechanisms. The gate in the game can be opened using a redstone, pressure plate, button or lever. Let's see how to make these blocks.

To make a block redstone, or redstone, you need nine red dust blocks. The latter, in turn, is mined with a diamond or iron pick from the bedrock - red ore. As a rule, it lies deep enough - at a depth of up to 20 blocks. For creating lever on the lower middle cell you need to place a cobblestone, placing a stick on top of it. The same arrangement of ingredients in the recipe buttons, but here, instead of a stick and a cobblestone, two blocks of cut stone are used. To do pressure plate, place two blocks of processed stone or wood in the lower left corner of the board.

How to lock a gate in minecraft?

Making a gate in minecraft is, of course, good, but if it is not bolted, it will not protect your site from enemy mobs. How to lock this block? Everything is quite simple here: enter the command “ / cprivate»And right-click on the gate.

If you have recently started playing Minecraft, then you are probably wondering how to protect your farm. The fence will keep the mobs away from the dwelling, and also will not let out the animals that you have tamed. Thus, a fence in Minecraft is an indispensable component of your home plot.

Materials (edit)

In the world of "Minecraft" there are a variety of types of fences and fences that can be made from a variety of materials: wood, iron, a fence and a gate? The easiest way to make them is from wood. There is a lot of it in the district, and it is mined very quickly, so it will do for the first time. So, if you want to put yourself together a fence in a quick way, go to the nearest forest and chop some more firewood.


The process of creating a fence is outrageously simple. For its construction, we need boards and sticks. If you are using the console edition, then the answer to the question of how to make a fence and a gate in Minecraft is even easier. You only need sticks.

Remember that the color of the fence depends on what kind of wood it is made of, so choose the material well so that you don't end up with a complete tastelessness.

The fence in Minecraft is done as follows. All ingredients are placed on the workbench in the bottom two rows. You need to put boards in the first and third columns, and sticks in the center. As a result of crafting, you will get 3 Thus, it will take 2 sticks and 4 boards to create them.

In the pocket edition, an exclusively oak fence is created from 6 sticks, placed in the lower two rows of the workbench. The result of crafting will be 2 blocks with a fence.

Remember that the fence is placed exclusively on a hard surface. Despite the fact that its height looks like a standard block, in software it is equal to 1.5 blocks. Thus, neither you nor hostile mobs will be able to jump over it, with the exception of spiders. Having dealt with the creation of a fence, you need to consider how to craft a gate in Minecraft.


Crafting a gate is not much more difficult than crafting a fence. To do this, you need 4 sticks and 2 boards. Place them on the workbench in the bottom two rows as follows: in the first and third columns - sticks, and in the center - boards. That's all. Remember that a wicket door has the same features as a fence in terms of color, height and placement. Having figured out how to craft from wood, let's start looking at other materials that can be used to create a fence.

Behind a stone wall

Now, let's look at how to make a fence and a cobblestone gate in Minecraft. Unfortunately, the gate cannot be manufactured in any other way than that described above. However, they can be combined not only with a wooden fence, but also with a real stone wall.

To make a cobblestone wall, you need at least six blocks of this material or the same amount of mossy cobblestone, but then the finished wall will be covered with moss. To craft a stone fence, place all the cobblestones in the bottom two rows of the workbench, resulting in 6 wall blocks.

Alternatively, you can make a kind of wooden fence out of hellish bricks. To do this, go to the hellish fortress and play vandals. The walls of the castle are made of this material. Remember that you need six blocks to craft a hellish brick fence, not items. That is, if you dig up objects that look like ingots, then you still have to make blocks of them. As a result, it turns out that to create 6 fences of hellish bricks, you will need either 6 blocks of material or 24 ingots. Crafting is carried out according to the same recipes that were indicated above in the article.

That's all, we hope we helped you figure out how to make a fence and a gate in Minecraft.

Almost all users have needed this item at least once. In practice, almost everyone needs to know how to make a wicket in Minecraft and what materials are needed for it. Actually, for the manufacture of one gate leaf, these components are required:

  • Sticks 4 pcs.
  • Boards 2 pcs.

Planks can be used from oak, spruce, birch, jungle (tropical), dark oak, acacia. Trees are listed in ascending order of durability of the gates they receive. They come in a variety of colors. Place the materials in the bottom two rows of the workbench window in this order:

  • Second row: stick, board, stick.
  • Third row: stick, board, stick.

Are you still a completely newbie, and do not know or have forgotten how to make boards, a workbench, and where to get sticks?

Quick reference

Before you craft a wicket door in Minecraft, it is important to know a few things! Planks are obtained with an ax or by hand from the appropriate tree (which can be found or grown by yourself from a seed, cone, etc.). Sticks fall from witches, dry bushes, are found in chests and garbage caught by a fishing rod, and are also crafted from 2 boards at a workbench. You can use a ready-made neighbor's workbench (in the village), or craft from 4 boards in survival mode.

The gate has three main functions - framing the openings of the house instead of a door or window, creating a corral for livestock, erecting strong protective gates for greater security of the home. Zombies and villagers are not able to break such gates (unlike spiders and flying creatures), you cannot jump over them either, since the height of the gate is 1.5 blocks (in fact, you can, with the help of the jumping ability potion). The wicket door cannot be built into glass and grill.

  1. The same iron door is expensive, so if you haven't saved up for it yet, use a wicket door. Another convenient difference from doors is bilateral opening and visibility.
  2. The use of a gate in the fence will provide the owner of the house with free entry and exit and will not allow (or hinder) the entry of extraneous and dangerous creatures. The fence is also made of wood of a similar species.
  3. If you are thinking of raising livestock or poultry, you will need a corral so that animals do not trample your crop. By building a fence and placing a gate in it, you will get a completely functional space for resource extraction and a nice little shepherd look to boot.

It just happens that animals strive to escape through this loophole the moment you enter or exit. To prevent this, create a larger enclosure: then the animals will not be crowded. A one-leaf gate will not be very convenient for the passage of large creatures.

By placing a gate in the window opening (loopholes) instead of glass, you will have a sufficient view, while you will be able to fire at enemies who cannot get close to you and will not see you. The gate prevents water from entering, but not lava.

Drag the finished wicket from the workbench to your inventory window and take it in your hand, then right-click on the fence at the intended location for the wicket. For the doors to work correctly, they must be installed on a solid (complete) block. If you put it on a block and then remove it, the gate will not open. We recommend that you review the tips and additional tips.

  • The hand (LMB) does not open the gate, only RMB.
  • Also, using levers, pressure plates, pistons, buttons, stretch marks, redstones, you can make the opening of the gate mechanized (automatic).
  • You can install the opening mechanism in any convenient place (1 wire is enough for 15 blocks), connect to a power source (for example, a red torch, Redstone Torch) with a red wire (Redstone Wire). Further, to open the wicket, press the mechanism.

  • A red torch is crafted from 1 red dust and 1 stick; the wire, in fact, is red dust (redstone). About electricity, voltage, insulation in the game, you better find and read additional information to understand.
  • A lever is created from 1 stick and 1 cobblestone; pressure plate - 2 blocks of processed stone or 2 boards; button - from 2 processed stones.
  • To craft a redstone, you need 9 blocks of red dust, which is extracted with a pickaxe from red ore (with a pickaxe, the depth is about 15-20 blocks).

What is important to know about a wicket?

  1. Such gates open in both directions, if correctly set. You can only jump over using a potion. Some hostile mobs will be able to climb or fly over them, but not break. Only the player can destroy, using his hands or various weapons.
  2. The carriage passes through the gate only at very high speed. The boat can pass without difficulty.
  3. The gate can be private (make it available for use only by a specific player, that is, you) by entering the / cprivate command into the command line.
  4. Entering the command / cpublic makes the wicket inaccessible to destruction by anyone except the selected player, first it must be made private.
  5. The command / cmodif name of the player (s) will give access to the other listed players. If you write "-" in front of the name, it will exclude the player from the list, the prefix "@" in front of the name will give the specified player the right to change the list on his own, while preventing him from unprivatizing and changing the owner of the gate.

Secrets and Tricks

  • The hellish fence and walls made of mossy stone do not suggest placing a wicket in a color (in the standard version of the game), but a wooden one can be inserted into them.
  • You can make a high gate - for this, place the gate on the block, remove it, and put another gate in its place. Gates 2 blocks high are ready!
  • Using the plug-in, you can create a two-way control of the gate with a lever. For this, a fence is placed in the opening. Then a plate is hung on both sides, on the 2nd line you need to write "gates". You can control the opening and closing of such a kind of gate by right-clicking on the plate. You can make the system automated using redstones.
  • Chickens will be able to pass at the bottom of the gate if you build them above the ground (pull the block out from under them), or put the gate on a pressure plate.
  • The gate can be placed on the floor, making hatches and masked with a carpet or painting. By hanging a picture on a gate in the wall, you make yourself a hiding place or a back door.


Now you are aware of how to create a wicket in Minecraft: you need very little material for it, and there are many applications - already invented and those that you can develop yourself, showing your imagination and turning on creativity to the maximum. Rather try it and you will succeed. Good luck!


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A huge number of mobs will constantly try to enter the territory of your property. So they are programmed in "Minecraft", so you have to somehow deal with them. The easiest way to do this is by building walls and fences. The more obstacles, the higher the reliability, although the mobs are not able to overcome even a single fence, so the remaining layers of defense are just a precaution. But at the same time, pay attention to the fact that you yourself will not be able to climb over a fence or wall, so you will have to learn how to make a gate in Minecraft.

Using an element

To protect yourself from mobs, you need to build a fence or build a wall. By doing this, you protect yourself and your property from an invasion that will leave absolutely nothing behind. But there remains a very important question about how to make a gate in "Minecraft", because without them, not only mobs, but the character himself will not be able to overcome the obstacle on the way. This is the whole point of the gate, which, by the way, is also called a wicket by gamers, since, in their opinion, this structure does not pull on the gate. In any case, you need to put them in order to be able to enter and leave the house (in the case of doors) and leave your territory (if we are talking about a fence). Installation is a simple question, let's take a closer look at how to make a gate in Minecraft, because they will be very useful to you, and the sooner you craft them, the better.

Gate manufacturing method

It will hardly be a discovery for you that the gate has its own recipe. After all, it is on the principle of crafting according to recipes that this game is based. So, if you want to understand how to make a gate in Minecraft, then you need to stock up on a tree. From it you craft sticks and boards, which will be useful to you in creating many other items.

Now we are talking specifically about the wicket, so we will specifically consider its recipe. Open the workbench and arrange the ingredients as follows: in the central slot, as well as in the one below it, place two boards, and set sticks along the edges of them. As a result, it turns out that to create one gate, you need two boards and four sticks. The recipe is incredibly simple and affordable, you can craft wickets from the very beginning of the game, so there should be no problems. Now you know how to build a gate in Minecraft. It's time to talk about some of their features.

One and a half blocks

Both the fence and the gate visually represent one block. Therefore, many players wonder if they can be easily jumped over. After all, everyone knows that both the character himself and all the mobs have jumping ability by one block, but if two are installed, then it will not be possible to overcome them. But there is one secret here: the fact is that, as well, the gates themselves are not single, but one and a half. This means that visually they look about the same as single ones, but neither you nor the mobs will be able to jump over them. This feature makes the gate a very important protective element, because you can pass through it, but the mobs do not know how to open doors and gates, so this path is not available for them. Now it becomes finally clear how important it is to know how to craft a gate in Minecraft.

No gaps

Some players may get the impression that the player will have a wicket. After all, it will stand out against the background of the fence, which is not very aesthetically pleasing. Anyone who strives for beauty in everything, including in Minecraft, can breathe a sigh of relief, because the block of the fence is connected to the gate. This is a property of some items in the game - when placed next to each other, they merge into one common element. For example, you can take a chest: if you put two of them side by side, they will turn into a long storage. This way, you can create a chest ten blocks long. The same thing happens with gates - they combine with the fence, creating a one-piece structure. Therefore, nobody's aesthetic sense will be hurt.

Another plus

By the way, beauty lovers can use one feature of the gate to build a more impressive fence. The fact is that the wicket remains hanging in the air if the block on which it was installed is knocked out from under it. This means that you can create a gate twice as high as the original, and nothing prevents you from increasing the height of the walls. This will create a larger barrier. As mentioned earlier, mobs will not be able to overcome the fence, since it is one and a half, but this technique more affects the aesthetics. In addition, with its help, you can use any, even single blocks to create an obstacle, since you will place them on top of each other, thereby preventing the mobs from jumping over them. And this, in turn, opens up much broader opportunities in the design of our own defense complex.

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