How to make a multi-colored fireworks in minecraft. How to make a salute in Minecraft: step by step instructions

Today I will tell you about how to make a holiday in Minecraft. And what is a holiday? Yes, it's fireworks and fireworks in the MineCraft night sky. This feature appeared in version 1.4.6, so update your minecraft to this version in order to make salute and fireworks in Minecraft without mods. So let's go in order.
First, we need to create a rocket in Minecraft, which we will already transform into salute and fireworks.

Our rocket is crafted according to the recipe in the picture, for this we need gunpowder, which we combine. By the way, the height of the rocket, salute and fireworks in minecraft depends on the amount of gunpowder that we fall asleep when crafting a rocket - from 1 to 3. Accordingly, the more gunpowder, the higher our fireworks will fly. But we only created the rocket, in order to create a more spectacular salute and fireworks, we need to add another ingredient to the rocket - stars. This is an additional component in the fireworks, which is responsible for the color, shape and other parameters of the fireworks.

Colored fireworks in Minecraft.

To make a colored fireworks, you need to mix the dye with gunpowder, then the fireworks will be the desired color. Also, interestingly, you can make a two-color fireworks in Minecraft. It is enough only to mix 2 colors with gunpowder, but the colors do not mix, but are complemented, therefore it turns out exactly 2 colors, and not a mixture. For example, by mixing yellow and blue, there will be a salute of yellow and blue, and not green. In total, you can add 7 colors, as a result there will be 7 balls (fireworks explosions) with the indicated colors. I think everything is clear with the colors of the fireworks in Minecraft.

Various modifiers (stars) for a variety of fireworks.
If everything is clear with the color of the fireworks, then with the control of other characteristics it is not. But everything is also simple there, you just need to add an additional ingredient to the stars, thereby giving it uniqueness. Here is a list of modifiers:

  • Diamond - Colored particles leave a bright trail in the sky.
  • Feather - the explosion of fireworks becomes asymmetrical.
  • - Fireworks particles flicker before disappearing.
  • Gold Nugget - Gives the fireworks the shape of a star.
  • The head of any mob - gives the fireworks the shape of a creeper's face.
  • Fireball - makes the diameter of the fireworks explosion larger.

Do not forget that these components are incompatible with each other. So add no more than one to each star.

How to start fireworks in Minecraft.

There are two ways to launch fireworks. The first, the simplest, is just to bang out of hand. We take the fireworks in hand and right-click. By the way, rockets will not be spent in creative mode.

You can also put on a real show, for example, in honor of a holiday, as originally planned. To do this, you need to make a dispenser and then you can arrange a mega-salvo of hundreds of missiles, making a truly analogue of the New Year in reality! With the help of the distributor, you can launch rockets, all at once, or arrange some lengthy show - it's up to you.

Possibility crafting fireworks appeared in the snapshot of Minecraft 12w49а, and already in the next, jubilee 12w50a, the fireworks system was slightly changed and is stable today. Officially, the ability to craft fireworks appeared in Minecraft 1.4.6, for which, in fact, it is a highlight, since Minecraft 1.4.6 is a festive update of the game before the New Year.


Below we have compiled a complete list of ingredients that are likely to be supplemented.


Paper. Dye. Powder.

Ingredients affecting the effect:

Creation of the color part of the fireworks

The basis of any color part of the fireworks is gunpowder. If you add a few dyes to it, you get a color part, which will be the future fireworks of the stars, which will scatter across the sky after the launch and explosion of the fireworks.

Attention, when creating the color part of the fireworks, you can use any amount and any available type of dyes. The more different dyes you add to the color part, the more colorful stars will appear on the night sky when you start the fireworks.

Below is one of the options for creating the color part of the fireworks

In order to see what colors are already in the color part of the fireworks, just hover over it with the mouse cursor.

Fireworks creation

The game provides the ability to create a rocket without using the color part. In truth, such a rocket will not be interesting to anyone, but still.

To create a pacifier, use gunpowder and paper:

Now let's consider the option of creating a full-fledged fireworks.

To do this, use the color part, paper and gunpowder. By combining all the ingredients at the workbench, we get a full-fledged fireworks, which is ready to launch.

Attention, when creating a full-fledged fireworks, you can use up to seven different color parts. This will only give your fireworks an unforgettable beauty.

Now let's try to run it.

As you can see, after several launches, the fireworks appear a little "square". Fortunately, this is not the whole chapel of the fireworks crafting system, so for even greater beauty and individuality, it is worth working on the effects, which will be discussed below.

Application of ingredients

All the ingredients that are listed above, except for gunpowder, are used exclusively at the stage of creating the color part. After placing the gunpowder and colorant on the workbench, you can add one or more of these ingredients to it. Some of them are added in one unit, that is, 64 units of light dust will not fit into one color part.

In addition, one should take into account the fact that those ingredients that change the shape of the future fireworks are not compatible for one color part. But they can be used in the same fireworks by simply adding to different colored parts. This way you get a double or even triple fireworks (depending on the colored parts) that will explode in different shapes.

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If you want to see what effects and colors are already present in the color part, you just need to move the mouse cursor over it.

Fireworks launch

Fireworks can be launched in two ways:

Manual start- to do this, just go to the place you need, select the finished rocket and right-click on the block that surrounds you. This will be the launch point for your fireworks.

Automatic start- it is not difficult to guess that the launch in this way is carried out from the distributor. To do this, place the fireworks you need in the dispenser, draw a diagram or put a button / lever and press it at the right moment. All the fireworks inserted into the dispenser will soar upward with joy and brighten up your night sky.

Everyone loves holidays, and the Minecraft developers did not stand aside, giving players the opportunity to enjoy colorful fireworks. This feature is available in version 1.4.6, so you can safely update your game and make fireworks without mods. Moreover, it can be different every time, it all depends on the ingredients used in the craft.

Crafting rockets

To enjoy the fireworks, you first need to make a rocket, which will later be transformed into fireworks. To craft it, you will need the following resources:

  • 1 portion of gunpowder;
  • paper.

These ingredients must be placed on the workbench, after which the rocket will be obtained. If you want it to fly higher, then you should put 2-3 portions of gunpowder on the crafting table.

How to start fireworks in Minecraft.

To enjoy fireworks in minecraft, you need to launch a rocket. This can be done in two ways. You can just pick up the rocket and right-click and it will pop. But in order to get a spectacular show, you should put a distributor on the missiles, which will fire a volley. As a result, the show will turn out to be long and very enchanting.

Color fireworks

In Minecraft, you can also make a colored fireworks, for this you need to add one more component when crafting a rocket - stars. They are responsible for such parameters of the fireworks as:

  • the form;
  • Colour.

Due to this component, the fireworks are really spectacular, so you shouldn't feel sorry for it. It is important to know that stars come in several colors. If you want to enjoy colorful fireworks, then you need to mix gunpowder with several colors when crafting a rocket. However, they do not merge: mixing yellow and blue shades, you will not get green fireworks. There will be two colors in the fireworks. In total, you can add up to seven colors to gunpowder.

Various fireworks

Since making fireworks in minecraft is not particularly difficult, you can diversify the spectacle with additional ingredients. They are called modifiers. Here is a list of them:

  • Diamond - colored particles that leave a bright trail in the sky;
  • Light dust - particles of fireworks will flicker before fading;
  • Feather - makes the explosion of fireworks asymmetrical;
  • Head of any mob - will give the fireworks the outlines of a creeper's face;
  • Gold nugget - the fireworks will be in the shape of a star;
  • Fireball - the explosion of fireworks will be larger in diameter.

When using these components, remember that they are incompatible with each other. For this reason, it is recommended that you add one to each star. Otherwise, instead of a spectacular spectacle, you will not see anything, since the craft will not take place.

Many newcomers to Minecraft are similar. When they first hear about rockets, they think there is space in the game to fly to. Technically, Minecraft's capabilities allow you to build an aircraft, but this time we'll talk about a different rocket - a festive fireworks display. As you can see, Minecraft developers make sure that the user can get as many positive emotions as possible.

Device and craft

You need to start by creating fireworks. As you can see, in the figure, the rocket consists of three components: an asterisk, paper and gunpowder.

If everything is clear with gunpowder and paper, then the question arises: what is an asterisk? This is a charge of fireworks, which determines what color and shape the explosion will be. The system for their extraction is complex, since there are a lot of variations in the components of the asterisks. A maximum of seven stars can be attached to one rocket. You can do without them, but then you will not be able to distinguish the rocket explosion, because its color depends on the dyes that make up the asterisk.

In addition to color, you can also influence the shape of the explosion, for this you need auxiliary modifiers such as a gold nugget and a feather. The difficulty lies in the fact that not all modifications are compatible. Also, if you add a dye to an already finished star, then right in the process of explosion, it will change its color from the old to the new.

Now that everything is clear with the asterisk and the paper does not raise any questions either, it remains to find out what the gunpowder is for. Its amount controls the duration of the fireworks explosion, as well as the height to which it will take off. Some of the gunpowder gives the fireworks a second of life, so you can calculate the amount you need yourself. Fireworks are launched by pressing the pkm or with the power of the rocket launcher.

Six facts about rockets

  1. Liquid and non-solid blocks are not an obstacle to the flight of a firecracker, unlike solid blocks.
  2. The web will not only keep the rocket from flying further, but will also slow down the explosion.
  3. If there are more than five stars in the rocket, the height of the explosion will be small.
  4. The rocket from the rocket launcher flies vertically at any position of the rocket launcher itself.
  5. The glass block is not an obstacle for fireworks.
  6. If you launch firecrackers while standing in a reservoir, then the direction of their flight will be directed towards the flow of water. If on lava, then the rule does not apply.

Video lessons

"Minecraft" is a huge collection of various recipes with which you can create the most unexpected things. For example, if New Years is approaching, you might be thinking about how to bring the New Year's mood into the game. It is very easy to do this, as there are a variety of toys and decorations that will make the game world brighter. But at the same time, it is worth paying special attention to the fireworks in Minecraft, as it can offer you something incredible - a real heavenly show. And you will be the conductor of this show, as you have complete control over what patterns appear in the night sky.

Fireworks, salutes, rockets

Everyone can launch fireworks in Minecraft, as this does not require specific skills. You just need to take this item in your hands and click on the right mouse button. Officially, it is called a rocket, but nevertheless, users are used to calling it a fireworks or a cracker, as is customary in real life. However, if you want to make fireworks in Minecraft, then you will have to learn a fairly large number of subtleties.

Crafting rockets

First of all, you need to deal with the manufacture of the rocket body itself. To begin with, we will look at the basic recipe for preparing fireworks in Minecraft. To do this, you will need gunpowder, paper and an asterisk, which will be discussed later. It is worth noting that already at this stage, you can start experimenting and bring personality to your fireworks. You can add from one to three blocks of gunpowder, which will affect the height of the rocket, as well as the duration of its action. If the recipe contains one block of gunpowder, then the explosion will last one second, and if three, then three seconds. But keep in mind that you can still fill in empty cells with asterisks to vary the color, so distribute the materials however you like. You need it to be longer and higher - use more gunpowder, and if you want brighter, then add more stars. By the way, the asterisks can be completely excluded from the recipe, but then the rocket will simply fly into the sky, and the explosion will not happen. This is how the crafting of fireworks in Minecraft happens. And now it's time to figure out what kind of asterisk you added to the cells of the workbench.

Asterisk as a key component of fireworks

The asterisk is the main charge that fireworks carry. If you want to know about that, then you cannot do without knowledge about the asterisk. It is very simple to craft - dyes are added to the block of gunpowder, it is they who determine what color the spark will have when the fireworks explode. But do not dwell solely on this, because you will have the possibility of secondary crafting. However, this time you will be able to set the color transfusion, that is, red can turn into yellow or blue. To do this, you need to craft a finished star with one more dye. There is a fairly wide variety of effects that you can add. But at the same time, colors and shimmer are not all that you can bring to fireworks in Minecraft. The recipe can vary even more thanks to modifiers that will make your fireworks truly unique.

Sprocket modification

When crafting stars, do not use all the dye slots - leave one or two empty, as you have the opportunity to modify your fireworks. The first thing to consider is a couple of effects you can add. If you include light dust in the recipe, you get an exciting visual crackle effect. If, instead of light dust, you use a diamond, then the explosion of fireworks will not disappear instantly from the sky, but will leave a trail behind it. Naturally, you can combine these two effects, but do not forget that the number of cells when crafting an asterisk is limited, and you still have the opportunity to change the shape of the explosion itself to make it even more spectacular.

Different shapes of fireworks

You already know how to craft a rocket, add an asterisk to it, change and diversify colors, and even improve the fireworks with visual effects. The last point to consider is the shape your explosion will take. If you do not use any of these modifiers, then your explosion will have a standard round shape. But if you put a feather instead of one of the dyes, then the fireworks pattern in the sky will be asymmetrical. The gold nugget in the recipe turns the explosion into some pretty stars, and into a huge circle. But the fun part is adding a mob head to your fireworks. If you do this, the fireworks will look like a creeper's head. You can make it colorful and iridescent, or you can add naturalness and use only green dye. It goes without saying that, unlike visual effects, you can only use one ingredient to change the shape of the explosion.

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