Texas poker rules combinations. Rules and combinations in the game Texas poker (Hold'em). Texas poker: poker combinations by seniority

Continuing to familiarize ourselves with the rules of our favorite game, we come to one of its most important aspects - combinations in Texas Hold'em poker. They collect from five cards and this should be remembered. Next, we will look at the combinations in order - from frequent to rare, or, if you prefer, from simple to complex.

You may already know this, or it will become clear after reading this material. But the strength of poker card combinations directly depends on the rarity of their appearance at the table. That is, the lower the chance of collecting a combination, the older, and therefore stronger, it is in the poker hierarchy.

Texas Hold'em combinations in order of frequency of their appearance at the table

Here we will look at all possible options on the topic of Texas Hold'em card combinations. To simplify the perception of the material and gradually immerse yourself in the atmosphere of poker analytics, we will mark the combinations from frequent to rare:

Sometimes situations occur at the table in which not one of the players collects a combination. More precisely, at least the highest card is collected, but if you do not take it into account, then there is no hand. It is precisely for such situations that the high card was introduced. The comparison of this hand, as you might guess, is based on the card of the highest value. If they are the same, the second highest comes into play. Then the third and so on, until the fifth. Texas hold'em combination rules state that a hand consists of five cards, which means that in cases where all the cards used by the players to create the hand turn out to be the same, the pot is divided equally.

One of the most common combinations at the poker table. The frequency of appearance on the table is more than 50%. It is created from two cards of the same rank (for example, a pair of eights - 88) and three, higher, third-party ones. The strength of a given combination in Hold'em poker is assessed by the face value of the cards that form the pair. In cases where their rank is the same (since there are four cards of each rank in the deck), the value of the highest of the three auxiliary cards is evaluated.

Such auxiliary cards in poker are called kickers.

An extended version of a pair that includes another card of the same value. That is, together these are three cards of the same rank, plus two as kickers. The comparison, as usual, is based on the seniority of card denominations. In this case, you will have to resort to kickers only in cases where trips are compared (when the pair is on the table). Since if you have a set (a pair is in your hands - a pocket pair), then there is no chance of identical hands.

Contains both the regular version of the pair and the expanded version of the three. That is, this is one of the options for improving your combination in Texas Hold'em poker. Anyone holding a pair, or flopping two pairs, wants their hand to become a full house. The chances of this hand appearing are much less than that of a flush or straight, which makes it much stronger than the latter. Comparison of combinations begins with three; in case of equality, attention is drawn to the pair. As usual, in case of equality, the pot is divided.

Four cards of the same value is quite a rare thing. That's why this combination is so powerful. The second option is to strengthen your hand in Hold'em poker. That is, having a pocket pair, the chance is still not high, but not negligibly low. Comparison, as in the example with a pair, occurs according to the seniority of the denomination. The kicker of this combination comes into play only if it lands completely on the table.

The second in the Texas Hold'em section is a combination of cards that involves suit. In fact, it is the last one, but more on that later. It consists of five cards, the denominations of which are arranged in order, only different from the straight, of the same suit. The comparison follows the same principle as in a straight - the highest card in the combination. I said that it is the last of the suit combinations. Because, considered the strongest, Royal Flush (royal flush) is not a separate combination. This is the same straight flush only the highest possible (from ten to ace).


Texas Hold'em combinations are the very basics that you should know by heart. After all, all the other components will have no meaning if you cannot determine the strength of your combination. That is, you can be a super psychologist or a poker math prodigy, but it will not make any practical sense. It's like not knowing the formation in chess and sitting down to play. I hope I described all the combinations sufficiently and clearly and quite convincingly outlined the need to memorize them. In the future, we will definitely share with you other knowledge in the field of poker. Thank you for your attention.

Texas Hold'em is the most popular form of poker in the world. This article is dedicated to introducing you to the rules of this wonderful card game.


According to popular belief, Texas Hold'em poker originated in the state of Texas in the early 1900s. In 1967, it was first introduced in Las Vegas, where its rules were changed so that aces were considered the lowest, rather than the highest, cards. In 1972, the game became the main event in the newly created World Series of Poker. At that time, 8 people took part in the tournament. By 1982 the number of players exceeded a hundred, and by 1991 - 200 people. Hold'em continued to grow in popularity after games began being played online in 1998. And after some time, an event occurred that caused a real boom in Texas hold'em. In 2003, the World Series of Poker was won by an unknown participant named Chris Moneymaker. By 2004, interest in the tournament tripled. People have realized that they can win big money with just a few dollars in their online account.

Today, no-limit Texas hold'em is still the most popular form of poker, although admittedly the word "Texas" is often dropped today. In general, if someone says that they play poker, then most likely they mean this particular type of poker. Most films with game scenes also depict Texas Hold'em, while older films usually show stud or draw. In 1998, the cult film "Rounders" also played a big role in the growth of the popularity of poker, which everyone plays today.

Account management

Like all other variants of the game, each participant starts with a certain number of chips (tokens). These are small round pieces of plastic or clay that are used for betting and scoring. Typically, they can be exchanged for money after completing the game. The goal of Texas Hold'em is to win your opponents' tokens. In a poker tournament, a participant wins when all the chips on the table go to him.

Blind and position

From 2 to 10 players can sit at the poker table, with one of them being the dealer. A special chip is placed near it, which is a plastic disk with the inscription “dealer”. It moves around the table clockwise after each hand, indicating whose turn it is to deal. If the game takes place at home, then the participant with the dealer's chip shuffles and deals the cards, but in a casino this work is performed exclusively by an authorized dealer. The dealer's chip is still used to indicate the difference in the positions of the players at the table.

To create a starting pot, certain participants must place mandatory bets before cards are dealt. Directly to the left of the dealer is the small blind (SB), to the left of which is the big blind (BB). Both participants are required to place bets blindly. In most cases, the BB pays twice as much as the SB, although this may depend on the casino.

To the right of the dealer's chip (BTN) is the cut-off (CO), then the middle position (MP) and the "under the gun" (UTG). Specifically, on a table with 9 or 10 players, the place immediately to the right of the CO may be called hi-jack, and further to the right - lo-jack. The fundamental difference between a table with 6 and 10 players is that the latter will have 3 middle positions and "under the gun", while the former will only have one. Place plays an important role in hold'em as it determines the order of bets. The best position at the table is usually considered BTN, and the worst position is SB or UTG.


After all the participants are seated, you can start playing poker! The game is divided into bidding rounds called streets. Each hand of Texas Hold'em is broken down into 4 streets called preflop, flop, turn and river. On each street there is a round of betting. If there is more than one player left at the table by the river, then it is time for “showdown”. All remaining participants show their cards and the one who made the best combination takes the chips or the bank, which is located in the middle of the table.

Round 1: preflop

Before any action is taken, all players are dealt 2 hole cards, starting with the player to the left of the dealer in a clockwise direction. In Texas Hold'em poker, these cards are kept secret and should not be revealed to others. At the time of the hand, the SB and BB must make their mandatory bets. There is a round of bidding before any additional cards are dealt. The UTG (to the left of the BB) makes the first move and so on around the table clockwise. The BB will be last preflop. Once all bets have been placed (more on this below), players move on to the next street. On each street, as a rule, you can declare a bet, call, raise or fold. However, depending on the situation, not all of these options are possible.


The betting order on the flop changes slightly. On each street, SB will be first and BTN will be last. This is why BTN is considered the most profitable position on the table. This player knows the actions of everyone else even before his move.

Round 2: flop

Before bets are made, three draw cards, called the flop, are dealt face up to the center of the table. Together with one or two of their own, each player can use them to build a combination of 5 cards. You can check, bet, fold or raise.

Round 3: Turn

After the betting round is completed, an additional community card (turn) is dealt face up and another round of betting is held.

Round 4: river

Finally, the last community card is called the river. This answers the question of how many cards are there in Texas Hold'em. A total of 5 community cards and 2 pocket cards are dealt to each player. Next comes the final round of betting. After this, all remaining participants must show their hole cards. The player with the strongest hand wins the pot.


Below is a list of actions that participants can take during the bidding round.

Bet is the player’s desire to bet some of his chips on the outcome of the hand. Generally, the bet assumes that no one has acted yet on the current street (and therefore cannot be called preflop since the blinds have already been posted). Players must place their chips in the center of the table or bank. When playing online, this is done automatically.

Check - refusal to take any action. The move passes to the next participant to his left. Note that this is the only valid option when there are no bets on the current street (and therefore cannot be executed preflop). If this happens, then the rules of “Texas Hold'em” are limited only to calling, raising or folding.

Call is an action allowed when the previous participant made a bet on the current street. To continue the game, you must put at least as many chips into the bank. For example, if a bet of 5 tokens was made, you must also bet 5. If you do not want to continue with this layout, you should fold, that is, instead of calling or raising, put the cards on the table.

Depending on the actions of the previous player, you can check, bet, call, fold or raise.

Fold - the player’s desire to stop playing after the previous beta. At the same time, he agrees that he no longer participates in the distribution and has no chance of winning. The cards are returned to the dealer unopened.

A raise is possible if the previous player made a bet. It can be increased by putting more chips into the bank. The next player, including the first raiser, must now call, fold, or raise. The round will end only after a call that stops any action, or a fold.

Players can repeatedly raise each other's bets until one of them goes all-in. After this, the next participant chooses only from two options. He can either call or fold.

The rules prohibit increasing the bet more than the player has chips. Texas Hold'em is sometimes portrayed in films as a game in which participants can bet on watches, phones, houses and yachts. In any casino, players can only bet what is on the table. Although a standard bet can also be considered a raise, this term is only used when the previous player has already made a bet and there is a desire to raise it.

Card combinations

Naturally, the above information is useless without understanding how to determine hand strength. Below are all possible poker combinations. Texas Hold'em allows you to take into account combinations of five cards. For example, if we assume that two players have a pair, then the remaining 3 cards or kickers will help determine the winner. In a situation where they are the same, the pot will be divided equally between the winners.

A royal flush is a 10, a jack, a queen, and a king of the same suit. In Texas Hold'em poker, combinations of this kind are extremely rare.

  • Straight flush - 5 cards of the same suit in a row. For example, 56789 worms.
  • Four of a kind - 4 cards of equal rank. For example, DDDD.
  • Full house - 3 cards of the same rank and 2 others. For example, DDD44 or KKKVV.
  • Flush - 5 cards of the same suit. For example, 579DK worms.
  • Straight - 5 cards in order. For example, 56789, regardless of suit.
  • Three of a kind (set) - 3 cards of equal value. For example, KKK75T king or 3 queens). Since all hands consist of five cards, the remaining two are called "kickers". KKK97 loses to KKKT9. This combination is called a “triplet” when it is made up of two community cards, and a “set” if both hole cards are taken into account.
  • Two pair - a combination of 2 cards of the same rank with two others. For example, KKDD5 or BB447. The combination is also called a "doper".
  • Pair - 2 cards of the same value. For example, 99523, or DD764.

The secret of popularity

So what makes No Limit Hold'em so popular and exciting? Firstly, it is very easy to learn. The rules may seem complicated, but after a few hands you realize that the concept of the game is extremely simple. However, learning to win at Texas Hold'em is difficult. Developing a strong strategy can take a master's entire life.

One thing that sets Texas Hold'em poker apart from other variants of the game is the betting structure. Many varieties set their maximum amount. The Texas Hold'em rules do not provide for such restrictions - each player can risk all his chips at any time. This speeds up the game and makes it more exciting.

And although at first it seems that Texas Hold'em poker strategies are about making the best possible combination, this is not true. After some time, the beginner understands that the pot can only be won by pretending to have good cards. This is called "bluffing". The excitement that a player experiences when he wins big without having a winning combination in his hands attracts many people to this game.

It is also important to remember that the game of Texas Hold'em is only partly about luck. Ultimately it is a matter of skill. Although good players may lose for a long time, they will always win if they have enough experience. While any given hand is more about luck than skill, given a large number of games, the best strategists are likely to make a profit. For experienced players, Texas Hold'em can be a source of income, regardless of whether poker is just a hobby or a profession.

  • In Texas Hold'em poker, combinations should be assessed very critically. Typically, only 25% of hands are played. And beginners should limit themselves to only the best 20%.
  • You should take advantage of your current position at the table, playing more often in the dealer's place and less often at gunpoint.
  • The bet must be correlated with the bank. Instead of counting in chips or money, it is better to focus on a certain percentage of its size. This means that as the bank grows, the rate must also increase.
  • Slowrolling should be avoided. This is the practice of delaying the moment of calling on the river when there is clearly a good combination in hands. This tactic of playing on the early streets allows you to mislead your opponents. However, delaying the end of the game on the river, when all actions are completed, is considered bad manners and will make the player an unpopular opponent.
  • Partial bets are also not allowed. Texas Hold'em poker on a computer does not have this problem, since the order of actions is limited by the program. If you need to raise the bet, you should declare a raise and place the tokens into the pot in one smooth movement. There is no need to imitate players from some films, when when they call they add chips and immediately raise the bet, repeating the contribution. If you try to do this in a casino, only the first action will be taken into account. This allows you to avoid unethical play when a participant, seeing a reaction to accepting a bet without raising it, changes his decision and announces a raise.
  • You can't always open cards. Showing your hand after a fold is made is prohibited by the rules. Texas Hold'em does not allow cards to be revealed, as this affects the decisions of other players. In a casino, such actions may result in a fine. At the end of the game, you are allowed to open the cards, but you need to remember that this is not necessary if no aggressive actions were taken before the end of the game. So if someone bets big on the river and the player calls, then the opponent should open first. If you lose, you don’t have to show your cards to anyone. At the same time, no one has the right to insist on their opening, except in situations where this is agreed in advance. Those players who assume they have the best hand and claim the pot must, of course, always show their cards.
  • Conversations during the game that are not related to the game, although practiced even by professional players, are considered bad manners. You cannot scold or insult your opponents. One of the signs of a true professional is the ability to accept the blows of fate with dignity.

Poker hands are the first thing you need to learn. Poor knowledge of this issue can cost you money, be careful.

After a general familiarization with the rules, be sure to begin intensive study of winning poker combinations in Texas Hold'em, Omaha or other variations of the game.

Your knowledge will help you in the future to react correctly and adequately to the situation at the poker table and will definitely save your bankroll from significant losses.

Well, since there are only 10 card combinations in Texas Hold'em poker, it will be very easy for you to remember them. Moreover, most often only 5-7 of them are found, the weakest.

Strong hands in poker are rare and you won't see them very often. But they allow their owners to win big pots.

Naturally, before you start studying poker combinations in pictures, you should know the general hierarchy of cards: 2 is the smallest card, Ace is the highest. This is the basics that every newbie poker player must remember.

Royal flush

The probability of its loss is the smallest - about 0.0002%.

It consists of cards that are arranged in ascending (descending) order of seniority and have the same suit: from 10 to Ace.

This is the strongest possible hand in poker. Unfortunately, professional players who regularly play poker may see a royal flush only once every year or two. But you understand how big the pot will be if you collect such a combination!

Straight flush

The probability of receiving it is about 0.0015%.

It consists of any cards, but arranged sequentially in order of seniority, which also have the same suit.

The strength of this combination is determined by the highest card, although the presence of a straight flush between two players is unlikely.

As you now understand, a royal flush is a kind of straight flush, the highest one. But it is placed in a separate category, apparently to make it more interesting to play.

Four of a kind

The probability of getting this poker combination is about 0.024%.

A four of a kind consists of four cards of the same value. The fifth card is called the kicker. It is he who determines the winner in controversial situations when poker combinations of the same seniority are collected.

For example, if there are four nines on the table and two players have a king and an ace respectively, then the winner will be the player with the ace.

Full House

The probability of its collection is about 0.14%.

Full House is a pretty strong combination, so you won't see it very often either.

A full house consists of 3 cards of one rank and two more cards of a different rank. For example, 9-9-9-7-7.

If there are two or more players at the table, then seniority and the winner are determined by the first three cards, and then by the second pair.


The probability of getting it is about 0.2%.

It consists of any cards that have the same suit. When there are multiple flushes, the one with the highest card is determined to be the highest. If the highest cards are the same, the bank will be divided between such participants.


Although it would be correct to say “straight”.

The probability of it falling out is about 0.39%.

It consists of any five cards of any suit, which are placed sequentially. For example, 2-3-4-5-6.

By analogy with the general rules for determining seniority - if there are several participants with different straights, then the one with the highest card will win.

With the same rank of high cards in a street, there will be several winners - they will divide the pot among themselves.

An Ace in the combination A-2-3-4-5 is considered a low card. This combination of cards is called a “wheel”.

Three of a kind

The probability of receiving it is 2.1%. This is already quite common, considering that professional poker players fold 80% of their hands without fighting for the pot even preflop.

Three of a kind consists of any 3 cards of the same value. For example, A-A-A.

There are some differences in the formation of this combination: depending on the number of pocket cards involved in it.

If there are two of your cards there, then you have completed a set. This is the most powerful combination hidden for everyone, which will allow you to win huge pots if used skillfully.

When the three of a kind consists of one of your pocket cards, the kicker begins to play paramount importance - the higher it is, the better. Ideally, it’s an ace, of course, but a king or queen is also great. As a rule, they are enough for a convincing victory. High card

Very often this combination (or rather, its absence) is called a kicker.

The probability of such an outcome is 50.12%.

As you already understand, this means that you have not collected any of the above combinations - you have nothing.

With several such participants, the one with the highest high card, for example, an ace, king or queen, wins.

A strong combination in your hand is not a guarantee of winning a big pot. To carry out their draw competently, you need experience and even a little intuition and luck.

Study the meaning of cards in poker, read literature, watch educational video materials, and then very soon your average bank and bankroll will grow.

will begin, of course, with the rules. There are many different variations of poker: Omaha, Texas Hold'em, Stud and others.

Texas Hold'em is most popular variety of poker in the world. Therefore, in this article we will analyze the rules of playing this type of poker.

If we talk about the exact date and place of birth of this game, then it is unlikely that reliable figures and facts can be found anywhere. The most acceptable version is that it came to us from North America (in particular, from Alaska) in the form in which we know it now.

The rules of Texas Hold'em were first approved in 1900 in Texas (Robstown), which is where its name actually comes from. But its popularity really began to gain momentum with the holding of the first tournament in this poker discipline in 1969.

World Poker Tournament (WPT) commentator and poker professional Mike Sexton likes to say: " It only takes a minute to learn the rules of Texas Hold'em poker, and a lifetime to become a master.".

How to learn to play poker? Poker is like an onion - you peel back layers of knowledge one by one. As you travel through the world of poker, you will never stop learning something new.

How to play Texas Hold'em? Rules

Now we will analyze in detail all the stages of playing poker. You can also learn the combinations and rules of Texas Hold'em with the help of videos from the Poker Academy. Below video information about the rules of Texas Hold'em poker is described in more detail.

  • Landing

Hold'em is usually played by nine or ten players. On Figure 1 shows a typical seating position for this type of poker. In this example, ten players are sitting at the table with identical banks (number of chips).

Picture 1

  • Dealer's chip

Dealer chip, disc with inscription "Dealer" or "D", is a very important part of the game as it shows who is dealt and who is in position "button". Each player will have to be the dealer once per round. If you play in a casino, then there will be a professional dealer at the table with you, dealing cards to everyone except himself. However, in this case, the dealer's chip passes around the circle from player to player.

First of all, cards are dealt to the player to the left of the button, and then clockwise. On Figure 1 Player 1 has the dealer chip. In the next hand, Player 2 will have it, and then Player 3, and so on. In a company without a professional dealer, players deal cards (they are dealers) in turns.

Dealer position (button) is the most favorable in the game. The player in this seat is the last to bet, after he has seen what decisions the others have made. The exception is the first round of betting, since the blinds come into play immediately after the dealer.

  • Blinds ("blind bets")

Before players receive cards, according to the rules, the two players to the left of the dealer are required to bet so-called blinds– mandatory bets that are made by default in each hand. The player to the left of the button (Figure 1) bets half the required bet – small blind. The next player bets the full bet - big blind. In our example, the small blind is $1 and the big blind is $2.

  • Giveaway

After the small and big blinds have been posted, each player is dealt two cards face down and face up. These are pocket cards. The best starting cards, as the rules of the game in Texas Hold'em say, are two aces. The first round of preflop betting begins.

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