Dishonored 2 technical room key

Dishonored fans have been eagerly awaiting the release of the sequel, and now a few years later they can once again step into the shoes of a skilled killer and plunge headlong into a mysterious world full of amazing stories and mysteries. Like the original, the second part boasts an interesting plot and great variety in gameplay - you can complete missions in several ways, some of which are much more effective than others. In this walkthrough of Dishonored 2, we will not describe the plot in detail, but will focus on the versatile implementation of the main plot tasks.


Fans of the series will probably remember that Corvo Attano, the main character of the original, still managed to save Emily Kaldwin, the new empress of the Island Empire, from the hands of terrible conspirators. However, from that moment on, he began to be constantly tormented by the fear that new murder attempts might be more successful, and therefore he decided to turn the girl into a real death machine. It is thanks to this decision that in the second part players will be able to play not only as Corvo, but also as Emily.

In the end, it turned out that our brave warrior was not worried in vain, since another coup d’etat took place in Dunwall, during which the empress and her bodyguard had to move to the city of Karnaka, located in Serkonos (a neighboring state). Here our heroes have to think about how to return to their homeland and at the same time take the reins of government again.

According to the developers' description, Emily is no longer a frightened girl, but a skilled warrior, ready to do anything to regain her throne. Corvo trained her well, but she is not a copy of her master, as she has her own unique fighting style and set of magical skills.

Although the main part of Dishonored 2 will take place far from Dunwall, where the events of the original took place, you will still be able to meet many familiar characters, for example, Anton Sokolov, a talented scientist.

Mission 1: Long Day in Dunwall

The main character (heroine) is locked in the room of the new Empress, to later be taken to Coldridge's prison cell. Try to exit the room through the main door. It will be locked. Therefore, it is worth opening the right window and climbing into the adjacent opening. Approach Captain Mayhew. With her last breath, she will tell you that the owner of a small ship named Megan Foster has been looking for you everywhere.

Get out of the turret. To do this, you can go to the ladder and eliminate the guard. Take the key to the royal chambers from him. Go down to the bottom floor and deal with the second guard. Enter the throne room. You can simply try to stun the desired target or send it to the next world. It's up to you to decide, but we will still describe the passage from the point of view of stealth and a minimum of chaos. Wait until the subject approaches the exit, get out of cover and stun him from behind without attracting attention. Take the ring from the body and head to the treasury, where you can leave our friend (he will not die of hunger, since there is food and water here). Open the door using the ring, bring in the body and lock the poor fellow from the inside. Here you can find gold and your equipment. Take everything and leave.

Get onto the roof of the building and slide down from it. Don't worry - falling from such a height will not remove hit points from your character. There will be an enemy below. Jump on top of him and hold Ctrl to stun him. Then run to the ship, passing the city. Jump down, open the hatch and go down to solid ground. Go around the guards on the left side. In the building located on the left side of the main street you can find a safe.

Then take cover behind the wall from your opponents. After passing through the gate, enter the bar and exit through its back door. Take out two more guards below and jump straight into the water. Swim to the ship, climb on it and chat with the captain. She will agree to help you sail away from the city.

Strange visit

After the character wakes up, try to leave the cabin. The door will be locked. Turn back and watch in amazement as a passage appears in the wall. Exit the room through it and reach the Alien via the floating islands. Talk to him and choose your path: you can take the mark and gain unique abilities, or refuse it and remain an “ordinary” person (which makes the passage noticeably more difficult). Using the Transfer skill, move to the opposite platform and take the heart (a special device for searching for various artifacts). Use the heart to find the rune.

Fallen House

Examine the cabin, take the bone amulets from the box on the table and go to the exit. On the door you can find a surprise from Sokolov - a powerful crossbow. Leave the room and take the to-do list lying on the table. As a result, you will receive an additional quest to unlock the storage room door. You can enter this room through a window located outside the ship. Go out onto the deck and go down to one of the walls of the ship. Climb through the window and destroy the obstacle lying by the door.

Go out onto the deck again and go to the bow of the ship, where the hatch is located. Open it and go downstairs. So you will find yourself in Sokolov's room. Walk up to Megan and chat with her. Thus, you will learn that Sokolov was kidnapped by the Royal Assassin. The girl managed to track him to the Addermis Institute, but then the trail disappeared. In the future, you will need to deal with this killer and find out the fate of the scientist.

Go up to the deck and approach the Foster boat. Now you can go on the next mission.

Mission 2 – At the End of the World

Exit through the door and go to the nearby alley. At the turn, a dangerous zone will begin, where guards can attack you at any moment. In addition, the road will be blocked by a light wall, which is a deadly device capable of burning any trespasser. This structure is powered by a wind turbine. Take him out to go through the light wall.

Walk forward a little, and then climb the wall on the left side. Eliminate one guard and go through the sleeping guard through the gate. Then turn left and go to the trash cans. From here you can climb the wall. Jump over the fence and go down to the train tracks (you can do this if you previously completed Mindy Blanchard's side quest and brought her the body). If you didn’t complete the side effect, then you can get to the desired location through the station - you just have to first turn off the power to the wall of light by pulling out the tank with blubber in the room on the right, not reaching the wall. Run along the tracks until you come across a train going to the Addermere Institute. If necessary, you can deal with the guardsman standing not far from the luggage.

Mission 3 – Good Doctor

After arriving at the Addermere Institute, you will need to find your old friend Anton Sokolov. You should ask Alexandria Hypatia, the head of the institute, about him.

Enter the building through the main entrance, located on the right (This is not the only way to enter; before reaching the entrance, you can jump from the ledge onto the rocks and go around the building on the left, where you can get into the kitchen through the open window - secret penetration). You will find yourself in the lobby. Go around the opponents on the left side. Move to the wall in front. Near the wall of light, move to the container with blubber in order to deactivate the power supply. Wait until the guard in red is distracted, and then go behind the fence. Look at the map of the building. In it you can see that Hypatia’s office is located on the 4th floor. Go into the elevator and press the desired button. When you reach the desired floor, hide on the left side so as not to be seen by the guards. Listen to the conversation of the guards, and then knock out the one who remained at his post.

Go into the office and find Alexandria's key on the table. Go down one floor and go into the department where they keep patients recovering. To do this you will need the above key. Go through the room with bloodflies (you can use transfer). In the next room you will find Hypatia. Chat with her - you will learn that Sokolov was kidnapped by Kirin Jindosh.

Now it’s worth searching the room for recovering patients. Vasco can be found on one of the beds. He will tell you that the Royal Assassin is actually Dr. Alexandria. Now she is not herself, as some serum has zombified her. However, the girl can still be saved. Vasco's storage room contains all the necessary ingredients for crafting an antidote. Before he dies, he will tell you the code to his safe.

Go back to the stairs and go down one floor. Go through the first door on the left. Deal with the two guards, open the door and find a safe in the room. Unlock it using code 551. Take Vasco's diary and go to the room opposite - here you can find a syringe. Now head to the wasp room and collect blood from the infected corpse. Return to the laboratory and create an antidote. Turn on the burner and wait a few seconds. Fill the syringe with the antidote and head to the doctor (royal assassin). Move behind her and inject the medicine. Hypatia will be able to return to normal.

You need to go to the lobby to the elevator and get to the back patio. Go around the guards and head to the tower. Stun the two guards near the tower and take out the container with blubber. This will give Megan the opportunity to swim closer to you and transport you from the island to the continent.

Fallen House

It turned out that Sokolov was captured by another genius inventor, whose name is Kirin Jindosh. It was with them that Karnaca was armed with mechanical soldiers capable of fighting at the level of the best warriors in the city.

Wake up and leave the cabin. Talk to Foster. She will say that it would be nice for you to chat with Hypatia, who has decided to live on the ship for a couple of days. This is kind of a side quest. Go to the doctor and have a heart-to-heart talk with her. She is sitting in the pantry.

Mission 4 – Mechanical Mansion

The entrance to the house where Jindosh is located is under 24-hour security and can only be entered with the help of a crew. However, the passage to the transport is blocked by a wall of light.

The first step is to get out of the sewer system and move to the upper part of the city. Using the balconies on the buildings on the right side, get to the rails. At this location, you can complete an additional task to obtain an installation tool from a black market store. To do this, bypass the security and go to the underground trading shop. Go down the stairs and talk to the sellers. She will tell you that at the moment she cannot sell this little thing, since unsavory individuals should come to her. You need to hide under the table and eavesdrop on the conversation. When the criminals leave the store, come out of your hiding place and buy the tool. If the bandits see you, a fight will break out.

Next you can head towards the wall of light. Teleport to the visor located not far from the panel with the device settings, and wait until the guard decides to retreat to the fence. Stun the guard and reconfigure the panel. Now you can get inside without worrying about your character’s life.

You can also not deactivate the light wall, but go a little forward and go around the fence between a couple of buildings. Behind the station where the fence is, climb onto the freight train and jump onto the roof. Find the windows at the top and use them to find yourself on the roof of a new train that can take you to Upper Aventa.

The gate leading to the desired building will be locked. To open them you will need a special code. However, there is another route that can lead you to the territory of the house - you will need to move between small islands using transfer. In the second case, you will first have to cut down the light wall, which is located near the building or head into the alley, but for this you will need the key to the gate, which is kept by an experienced soldier located on the top floor of the above-mentioned building.

If you decide to still find the gate code, you will thereby complete an additional mission. So, to do this, you should go into a nearby building and go up to the top floor. Here you will find an office where an experienced military man sits. Deal with him and take the required code (641) from the table. Next, you should open the window and move to the panel using your abilities.

Then you need to get into the wagon and go straight to the mad scientist's house. You can only get inside through the main entrance.

Once in the lobby, turn on the audiograph to learn the safety rules. Enter the main room and use the configuration lever. Then run forward and wait until access to the door located in the middle of the two stairs opens. Go through it, and then open another door and climb through the window opening on the left. Behind the walls you can find a small free space. Head straight ahead, make one circle and climb onto the pool table. From here you will be transported upstairs.

Turn right and walk around the hall where the charging pole is located. Open one of the 3 windows and deal with the girl by the guard using a tranquilizer. Then you need to shoot the man. Try to make sure that the guard does not notice the woman's body. Otherwise, you will also have to eliminate the sentry soldier. Once in the new room, turn right again and head to Kirin's chambers. Try not to make too much noise, as there is a guard inside. Thanks to this little room, you can immediately find yourself in Jindosh's laboratory by using the configuration lever. However, these actions can lead to the activation of the clock soldier. Go forward, ignoring the bedroom, and get to the hatch located at the base of the turret. Then go into the elevator.

You need to go up to the top floor. Here you will have to make another decision: kill the enemy or find a more humane method of eliminating the target. Since we decided to complete the game in stealth style without killing, we will choose the second method. Our target is guarded by two sentry soldiers. First, lure one of them to the elevator, and then eliminate it - jump from behind and blow off its head, and then carry out a finishing attack. Killing a sentry is not murder. Next, deal with the second guard.

Now you should teleport behind the scientist and knock him out (you can use darts). Go down to the laboratory and find two panels with settings. On one of them you should select the Optical stand, and on the other, the Anatomical one. Next, you need to put Jindosh on the chair of the electroshock device and activate it. This equipment corrupts the brains of the test subject. After one charge, the target is considered neutralized.

Next you need to start searching for Sokolov. During interrogation, Jindosh accidentally names the place where the protagonist’s old friend is located - he is sitting in the testing room. Go to the elevator and go down to the desired room. Exit and move forward along the corridor. Cut down the wall of light. There is a guard on duty nearby, who will immediately see that someone has turned off the fence. Stun him from behind and go into the hall. Reach the entrance and pull the configuration handle. Eventually you will end up in puzzle rooms. A sentry soldier is walking here. Stand on the button on the floor and wait until the walls go down. Then teleport to the room located on the left.

Next, go straight a little and break a couple of boards on the floor covering the button. Stand on it and wait a bit. The walls will lower and you will be able to move upstairs. Next, head to the room where Sokolov is being held. Take it and exit the same way.

Climb the ladder and transfer to the pipe located on the wall. Walk along it and get to the elevator. Go to the hatch located on top of the lifting device. Open it and go inside. Click on the button for one of the upper floors that is currently available to you. Exit through the window, and then make your way behind the walls back to the windows. Leave Sokolov here and climb through the window again. Head to the door you previously had to run to at the beginning of the mission (the first time you used the configuration). Near it, pull the lever and return behind the walls. Take Sokolov again and follow the path that is perpendicular to the corridor. Jump over the lowered walls and use the next lever. As the platform descends, climb onto it and be transported upstairs to the main hall to be closer to the exit. Then teleport directly to the door of the building and exit without causing an alarm.

Go to Nizhnyaya Aventa with the required composition. Now you should head to the Foster ship and sail as far as possible. Take the artist from the crew and move to the top of the station. Go to the left side and go down to the canopy. Make your way along the balconies of the buildings to the sewer system, and then put Sokolov in the boat.

Another strange visit

Wake up while in your cabin. Get out of it and you will find yourself in the Abyss, but it is not similar to the past reality. The fact is that you were called here by Delilah. Take a walk through this eerie place and learn a lot about the past by looking at the “living” drawings. Sometimes Delilah will appear and tell you about her childhood. Then a portal will appear and you can leave this location.

Fallen House

Wake up again. Ahead you will see Jessamine's soul. Leave your room and approach Foster and Sokolov to talk to them about your future plans. While in captivity, the artist was able to learn that one of Delilah's main allies was Brianna Ashworth. It's time to deal with her. Go to the boat to take on the next mission.

Mission 5 – Royal Cabinet of Curiosities

Several soldiers guard the entrance to the Kunstkamera. Megan will advise you to first go to caretaker Byrne, who has been watching Ashworth for a long time, being in a secret outpost.

As a result, you can take on an additional task and find out what information Byrne has. It is not necessary to do this. If you decide to go through it, then go upstairs near the stairs and enter the building located in front. Then go out onto the balcony and move from it to the roof of the structure. Then jump to the other balcony. On the roof you will have to deal with three guards. Two of them stand near the fence, and the third is on duty on another part of the roof. The first one can be knocked out with a dart, and the second one can be stunned. You shouldn't have any problems with the third one. Find an open window on the roof and look through it. You will see a sleeping caretaker below. Jump down and knock him out. Then take out the audiograph and listen to the voice message. You will learn that Byrne suspects Ashworth that she is beginning to meddle in the affairs of the Order of Oracles.

Go back up to the roof and go through the light wall. Near the fence, move to the right to the guard post. Then make your way to the red building, going through the houses, pipes and roofs. On the roof of the red building, go through the door and go down the stairs to the lower floor. Go into the open room and from it get out onto the balcony. Then jump onto the balcony located on the opposite building.

Go inside the house and get to the far side. Go out to the balcony on the other side. There you will find a door knocked onto the wall. Climb onto it and be transported to a tower equipped with a spotlight. Deprive her of access to electricity and go downstairs. Find out where the fence gets its power from by following the wires. Cut down the light wall and go through the main entrance to the courtyard of the Kunstkamera. Then turn left and go to the end of the area. There you will find a ledge on a building. Walk forward along it and find an open window located on the right. Make your way to the roof by moving along the chandeliers and ledges in the walls. Once on the roof, you will see a small courtyard below and an unlocked window at the 2nd floor level. Teleport to the pipe located near the window, and then make your way inside. So you will find yourself in the Kunstkamera. Now we need to find Brianna.

Here you can also complete another secondary task (optional) and find out how exactly Ashworth manages to influence the Order of Oracles. To do this, go through the door located opposite the window you crawled through earlier. This will give you access to the main hall. Find the Oracle. Near it you can read a warning written by Brianna. It reports that the first version of the oracle lenses nearly killed her, and almost deprived her of all her powers.

Go hunting for old lenses. Climb to the top floor and walk along the corridor to the window. Look out of it and move to the roof of the building. Here, find another window leading to one of the rooms of the mansion, in which the lenses you need lie. Brianna sits in her office downstairs. Return to the Oracle and install the item you found earlier. Fire up the equipment and enjoy the show as Ashworth loses all his powers. The target has been eliminated.

Now you should rummage through her office. It is worth picking up a piece of paper on the table, where the maid tells the hostess that she has put all the old audiograms in the basement. Go to the elevator located in the main hall and break the boards on the stairs leading to the ground floor. Below you should move the cabinet standing near the wall in order to find a secret passage. Go inside and find the audiogram you need. Listen to it, and then exit through the gray door. You will find yourself in the sewer. Follow it to the end to get out of the cabinet of curiosities. The exit from the sewer system is located near the place where you knocked out the security tower earlier. Next, return to Foster’s boat and sail with it to a safe place.

Fallen House

Wake up and go to your allies to discuss future plans. Megan went to the city, so you will receive further instructions from Sokolov. He will tell you that you will have to visit a dusty quarter where two factions are at war: the Wailing, led by Paolo, and the caretakers, led by Byrne. Both leaders dream of dealing with each other. They all dislike strangers, and therefore immediately attack them. But if you bring one of the leaders the body of his sworn enemy, he will accept you as his own.

Go to the boat, and then go on the next mission.

Mission 6 – Dusty Quarter

Aramis Stilton has many secrets related to Delilah. Perhaps it is thanks to this information that you can find out how to deal with her. However, his mansion is locked with the help of a cunning Jindosh lock, which cannot be opened by conventional methods. Go to Foster, who figured out how to get inside.

Exit the sewer and you will find yourself near the entrance to the Dusty Quarter. Take cover behind the trash can and then move to the building on the left. Climb to the roof using the ladder. Here you will meet two guards. Wait for the storm to start and knock out the guards. Then turn off the windmill. Jump from the roof onto the officer wearing a red uniform. Then approach the light wall located on the left. Move over the fence and meet Megan inside the building.

If you eliminate one of the leaders of the two factions (Byrne or Paolo), then the remaining faction will help you penetrate the Stilton estate. Leave the house. There are neutral lands here, but in front the territory is divided into several regions controlled by one faction or another. Approach the gate leading to the mansion. On the right side of the gate, pick up the Jindosh riddle. Tips for solving it are presented in our separate article.

Go to the entrance to the rangers' territory. Climb onto the roof of the left building and move to the balcony. Next, teleport to the lantern standing nearby, and then to the stand and scaffolding near the structure. Climb to the top window. Open it and climb inside. You will be taken to Byrne's office. Wait until the High Overseer is alone in the room. Strangle him and take him with you. Exit through the same window and take the body to Paolo. He will tell you how to solve the riddle. Now you can walk the streets without fear of being killed by crowds of bandits. Go to Jindosh's castle and open it.

Mission 7 – Crack in the Universe

Three years ago, an occult ritual was performed at the Stilton estate, which is directly related to Delilah. It is necessary to learn about this magical ritual and the secrets of the new empress. Let us note in advance that in this mansion it is impossible to use the abilities granted to your character by Aliens.

Go to the desired building through the main entrance. Inside you will hear strange voices that belong to Stilton. Go to the top floor and take the left passage. After a few steps, turn right and walk forward along the corridor until you reach Stilton's bedroom. There will be a huge hole on the floor. Jump down and find the owner of the estate not far from the piano. Try talking to him. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an Alien will appear and tell you that this person is in a temporary trap. A supernatural being gives the hero a special device, thanks to which you can travel through time.

Press the "F" key to open mirrors that show what happened in a particular room in the past. There are several guards behind the door. Eavesdrop on their conversation and then wait until they move further away. Click on the right mouse button to make a time jump. On the other side of the door, find a note saying that Stilton is walking in the courtyard. The code for his workplace is on him.

Exit to the lobby and move to the present. There is a door to the right of the main staircase. Get up close and take a trip back a few years. Another note will appear on the door, informing you that it is closed due to the Duke's imminent arrival. You can find the key to it from the captain, who is in the dining room. This key is universal, that is, you can use it to open almost any door in the mansion. We talked in more detail about his search in a separate article. After finding this item, you should go to the windows. As soon as there are no guards nearby, get out from under the table and return to the present time.

Turn in the opposite direction and go through the opening. Next, turn right and look for an unlocked door that allows you to get into the storage room. It has a secret passage blocked by a statue. Travel back in time, where the statue stands in a completely different place. Destroy the lift by hitting one of its parts to bring down the statue. Return to our time - the passage will be open.

Go forward through the hole in the wall and reach the door opened with the master key. Then turn left and jump down the elevator shaft. Using the Alien device, travel back several years and go up to another floor using the elevator. Exit through the hatch in the ceiling and take the left corridor. Change the time again to hide from the guards. In the present, you may be disturbed by one mourner walking near the bloodfly nest. Stun him from behind immediately so you don't waste your time on him in the future. Deal with the guards standing near the door leading to the courtyard. This is easy to do - distract them by hitting them with your weapon against the wall, and then stun them one by one.

Next, climb the fence and look around. Travel to our time and use darts to put the two dogs to sleep. Approach the gazebo. Behind her is a small wooden structure with wasps. Jump on it and go back in time. Wait until Stilton's back is turned to you, then jump on him and neutralize him. Take the code and then travel to the present.

Return to the building, go up to the top floor and go to Stilton's office. Once you reach the door, travel back in time and enter the code into the panel. Enter the room and watch the Duke and his companions. Here you will find strange anomalies, since this is where the past intersects with the present. After listening to the conversation, head to another room where a seance will take place.

It turned out that Delilah's soul was hidden in a special vault guarded by Luka Abele, that is, it is impossible to kill it by ordinary means (game version of Koshchei).

Go to the exit of the building. Near the door you will fall back into the Abyss. Walk around the flying islands and listen to the Alien. He will then return you to the present. So, to neutralize Delilah, the first thing you need to do is take her soul, hidden in a secret place.

Fallen House

Wake up - you will again see the image of Jessamine next to you. Go out onto the deck and talk with your companions, among whom will be Stilton. He will tell you that getting into Abele's house will not be difficult. Plus, there is a hidden door in the closet that leads to the Duke's treasury. Most likely, this is where Delilah's soul is located. We board the boat with Foster.

Mission 8 – Grand Palace

Luka Abele hired a double as insurance. However, it is quite easy to recognize him, since the hired “actor” likes to smoke.

Once on the pier, go up the stairs and walk between the two buildings. Enter a hostile area. Go up the stairs again and get to the metal platform located near the tree. Carefully move to the balcony located at the neighboring building, and try not to get caught in the light of the spotlight installed on the security tower. Go inside the building and exit to the balcony on the opposite side. Move to the tower and knock it out by taking out the tank.

After passing through the tower, you will be transported to the balcony where bloodflies live. We advise you to burn their nests to reduce the chance of being bitten by them. Break the barrier on the door and make your way to the stairwell. Climb up and exit to the roof of the structure. Deal with two guards here: one can be put to sleep with a dart, and the other can be stunned from behind. Then press the lever to shut down the windmill and deactivate the wall of light. Nearby there will be an underground shop where you can purchase a document, using which you will be able to cut down the rails. This railway will take you to the palace.

Listen to a conversation between two characters standing near the entrance to the building. From them you can find out that the Duke always carries the key to the treasury with him. Transfer to the pillars with lanterns, and then get to the roof of the structure. Here, find an open window that leads directly into the elevator shaft. Go downstairs, call the elevator and press the button for the floor where the Duke's chambers are located. Climb into the hatch to hide from prying eyes and find the Duke (or his double). We remind you that the fake Luca loves to smoke. Observe your target. If he doesn't smoke, then this is the real Abele. Now we need to find the “actor”.

You can find the desired NPC on the left side of the dome, located on a triangular platform. There is also a discharge column here that should be deactivated. Follow the cable and find the desired panel near the ladder that leads to the bottom. Take out the tank and go up to the top floor. Observe the target. At some point he will decide to release the guards. Then you need to talk to them. First of all, we launch a dart at the dog, and then we begin a conversation with the fake Abele. As a result, you will have a chance to remove the Duke without sending him to the next world. You just need to convince everyone in the area that the double is actually Luka. This way, someone else will take over the reins. He will make a good ruler. For the plan to succeed, it is necessary to take the medallion from the real Duke and give it to the impostor.

Again, head to the place where the Duke is. Stun him and take the key to the treasury. Next, take the body and take it to the sofa. A cut-scene will start in which the guards will take Luka away and his double will take his place.

Now we need to find Delilah's soul. Exit to the stairs leading down. Go down to the basement and deal with the two guards. Find a button on one of the shelves and press it to open the entrance to the secret room. Use the key to open the door to the vault. There is a sentry soldier inside. You don't have to deal with them - you can just teleport to the Delilah statue and click on it. This action will cause the mechanical guard to self-destruct. Climb to the upper level and approach the black door. Click on the button and wait for the passage to open. Go inside and turn off the power near the pole. Go down and find Foster's boat. Now you can leave this location.

Fallen House

Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman... that is, leave your cabin and go to Foster and Sokolov to talk about returning to your city. First of all, talk to Sokolov, and then contact Megan. She will tell you that her name is actually Billy Lurk. About fifteen years ago, she was part of a group led by Daoud. At that time, she helped him arrange an assassination attempt on Jessamine. Take a boat and sail to Dunwall.

Mission 9 – Death to the Empress

You now have Delilah's soul hidden in the Heart. It is necessary to get to the self-proclaimed empress and “pour” the soul into the body. As a result, Delilah will become mortal and you will be able to kill her.

After disembarking, head to the pier and move to the structure with the billboard. Go around the next house on the left side and climb onto the roof. Next, teleport to the balcony. Go to the wooden structure in front of which the witch is standing. Shoot her with a dart and move towards her. Go down to the ground and put a couple of dogs to sleep. Run to the Dunwall tower, and then turn onto the street, which is strewn with the bodies of the caretakers. One of them will be alive. Talk to him, and then be transported to the roof of a nearby building and get along it to the palace. Stun the witches that get in your way and get to the door leading to the tower.

You need to get to the top floor into the throne room. Turn right and go to the elevator. Here you will find a note that says that the empress decided to cut off the power supply, and therefore the elevator stopped working. Go back to the door to the tower and try to crawl into the passage that is littered with debris.

Note: However, supplying energy is not the only option. Do you remember Jessamine's secret room behind the fireplace from the first Dishonored? It's still accessible, you can still get there. On the second floor, in the corner (where the lone witch is guarding), pull the lamp and climb through the fireplace into the secret room. And there is a secret passage, unlocked with a ring key. Open it - and voila - you go straight to the Safe Room of the throne room.

Now you will have an additional, but optional goal to complete - you need to search the caretaker chapel. Move to the other end of the hall along the chandeliers so as not to be seen by your opponents. Go downstairs and open the door leading to the corridor. Climb onto the ledge located at the top and go to the chapel. Take the note lying on the table, which tells you about the harmony of the runes. Two defiled and two pure runes should be combined with each other to achieve harmony, but if it is disrupted, Delilah’s magic will turn against herself. Craft a Corrupted Rune using ingredients found in this room.

Now you can leave the chapel. Approach the door opposite. There is a sentry guard in the room, so you should immediately move to the pipe hanging above so that the robot’s sensors cannot detect you. After he passes by, go through the door ahead and go down to the security room. To restore energy you will need one tank of blubber. Find an empty container in the dispenser and place it at the filling station. Then place the filled tank into the system. Electricity is supplied to the elevator again. A witch will enter the room. Go around it and get out of the room.

Move onto the pipe again and turn towards the left corridor. Go all the way until you see a blocked door ahead. Go down and go behind the witch into the door that is not yet locked. Once in the kitchen, turn left and jump into the ventilation. Walk forward along the sewer system and find a door leading to the main hall. Move to the second level, then teleport to the chandelier and exit into the corridor, passing through the blocked hole. Call the elevator and wait for it to arrive. Hide, as the witch will immediately move towards him. Deal with the enemies, go into the elevator and press the top button.

Go to the roof of the building and approach the entrance. Someone had boarded it up with wooden beams. Destroy the obstacle with the blade and go inside. Take the heart in your hands and quietly approach Delilah from behind. Use the artifact to return the girl's soul. She will immediately run into one of the paintings. Go after her, not forgetting to place the desecrated rune on the throne.

If you want to thwart the plans of the villain, then you should place the stunned body of Delilah on the throne, where the desecrated rune already lies. However, this will not be easy, since she is guarded by her terrible copies. Another optional task will appear here, related to the destruction of copies of the Empress. At the location you can find several crowds of characters, in which there is one copy of the enemy. There are five of them in total. First of all, move to the right building. Near the fence, deal with the first copy. Next, go down a little and look for another enemy in the crowd.

Go back and go around the building on the left side. Climb the black wave and deal with the third copy. Now you should move to the opposite side and remove the fourth double. Go down and destroy the fifth copy. If you want to deal with her quietly, then you will have to use long-range weapons. Now all that remains is to take on the secret copy sitting on the throne.

After your actions, the real Delilah will appear. You should immediately be transported to a stone structure supported by columns and jump on top of the enemy to stun him. Raise your body and return to the painting. Exit her and place Delilah on the throne. A cut-scene will begin in which it will be shown that the girl is forever locked in her own drawing. Now you need to save someone close to you - Corvo or Emily (this depends on who exactly you are playing the game with).

Next, you will be shown a final video with the consequences of all your decisions. All possible endings are described by us in a separate article.

Rune on the second floor of Aramis Stilton's mansion in the past (35)

The last rune in Aramis Stilton's mansion is on the second floor in the past. While in the past, go from the entrance to the mansion forward to the tree, then climb the stairs behind the tree, and turn right and right again. Walk along the second floor straight to the worker and guard near the unidentified or broken window. Knock them out or kill them, then warp back to the present and walk along the iron ledge outside the window to the second window on the right.

Enter the room and travel back in time, but beware of the guards. You will find the rune on the cabinet to the left of the mannequins.

Rune location: Mission "Grand Palace"

Completing the "Grand Palace" mission will take you to the Palace Quarter, where the Duke's Grand Palace is located. IN the territory of the quarter you will find 3 runes and 2 more runes directly in the Grand Palace. Total: for the mission “Big Palace” you can collect a maximum of 5 runes.

Rune in the bathroom of an apartment building with a windmill (36)

Find an apartment building with a wind turbine on the roof. It is located near the Winslow store, go right along the alley if you are facing the store. Climb onto the second floor balcony, which is located directly under the windmill, using your abilities. Be careful the house is infested with blood flies. Find the bathroom in the apartment and take the rune under the sink.

Runes on the Alien altar (37-38)

In the Palace Quarter there is an Alien altar on which you will find two runes. How to get there? Find a Winslow store. Go into the alley to the left of it, but beware of the enemies in it. Reach a group of townspeople gathered around the musicians. Behind them you will see a stone wall with a railing at the top. Climb up there along the boxes on the right and find a passage barricaded with wooden boards. Break the barrier and take two runes from the Alien altar.

You can also go into the Winslow store and get the code for the gate to the alley leading to the speakeasy. When leaving the store, turn left and go into the first aisle next to the store, under the "SEIZED!" poster. Enter the received code, climb the stone stairs to the underground shop, and then climb the fence, as if going around the building with the shop on the right. Walk along the grass to the fence, below you will see a square with musicians, and find the passage to the altar.

Rune in the flooded corridor of the Grand Palace (39)

We go in search of the next rune. From the dining room located on the first floor, go into the passage, which is located on the opposite side of the elevator to the right if your back is to the elevator. Go up the steps and enter the door on the right. Behind it you will find stairs leading up and down. Go down to the section labeled "Personnel Only". Go forward to the semicircle shaped cabinet. To the left of it there is an aisle, and to the left of the aisle are shelving, where on the shelf at eye level you will notice a small button. Click on it a couple of times, go through the passage and turn left into the room with the Duke's altar. A small window will open there almost near the floor, through which you need to crawl. Swim through the room you find yourself in, and then dive into the passage on the left, where the water reaches the ceiling.

Having reached the end, you will find a rune. Take it and quickly go back before you start to choke.

Rune in the Guards safe in the Grand Palace (40)

The next rune is in the safe on the first floor. But first you must get the code to the safe, which lies on the table in the Duke's office. To get to the office, take the elevator to the third floor (“Office and Guest Rooms”). Enter the door on the right, between the two lion statues. The table is in the far corner on the right.

Having taken the code, take the elevator down to the first floor (“Reception and dining room”). After exiting the elevator, go right through the door between the two lions, then go right again up the steps and enter the Captain's office. Walk forward until you see a desk and a Guards safe in the corner behind it. Open the safe by entering the code found in the Duke's office and take the rune.

Rune location: Mission "Death to the Empress"

The final mission, Death of the Empress, takes you back to Dunwall, where runes are also hidden on the streets. In total, you can find 3 runes on the streets of Dunwall and 2 runes on the territory of the Tower of Dunwall and in the Tower itself. Total: 5 runes.

Rune in the Dunwall underground shop (41)

You can buy the first rune in the Dunwall underground shop for 400 coins. From the arrival point on the pier, go to the first building on the right, there you will find the black market.

Runes on the Alien altar in Dunwall (42-43)

You will find two more runes on the Alien altar. To get to it, follow from the underground shop deep into the city along the rails that run along the top, in any way convenient for you. Once you reach the broken rail, look around for the balcony shown in the screenshot below. Climb onto it using the Gravity ability and the neighboring buildings and their balconies in order to get to the desired one.

Enter the apartment and go to the second room with a large painting. There is a barometer on the right wall, use it to open the secret door. Behind it you will find an Alien altar with two runes.

Rune in the pumping station at Dunwall Tower (44)

When you reach the courtyard at the entrance to the Tower of Dunwall and the pavilion where Empress Jessamine was killed, go left of the stairs leading to the entrance to the Tower and go down into the small depression. Near the rise on the left you will find the entrance to the pumping station. You can also get there through a skylight, and from there it will be even easier to kill the witches inside.

Climb onto the metal platform above the pipes, find the hole between the wall and the platform and jump into it. There you will find a rune by walking along the pipe to the wall.

Rune in the security room in the Tower of Dunwall (45)

The last rune is in the security room, where you have to go on a mission to turn on the power to the Dunwall Tower elevator and get into the throne room to kill Delilah. The rune lies on the pipes running under the ceiling.

Enjoy your game and find runes easily!

-1) (_uWnd.alert("You have already rated this material!","Error",(w:270,h:60,t:8000));$("#rating_os").css("cursor", "help").attr("title","You have already rated this material");$("#rating_os").attr("id","rating_dis");) else (_uWnd.alert("Thank you for your rating !","You've done your job",(w:270,h:60,t:8000));var rating = parseInt($("#rating_p").html());rating = rating + 1;$ ("#rating_p").html(rating);$("#rating_os").css("cursor","help").attr("title","You have already rated this material");$("# rating_os").attr("id","rating_dis");)));"> I like 12 You are Emily Kaldwin, ruler of the Island Empire, and you have many enemies. Your father is Corvo Attano, the notorious protector of the crown and head of the secret service. In the years since your coronation, Corvo has devoted considerable time to teaching you the arts of combat and stealth.

After loading, move forward and take the stairs on the left. Run while holding down the Shift key. Go down, bend down to C and move on. Jump over the obstacle using the Spacebar. Run up and press C to slide under the lowering gate in a tackle.

Emily Kaldwin and Corvo Attano.

Next, you will need to jump over the obstacle with a running start and make a tackle under another goal. Swim across the water and jump across rooftops to complete the first stage of the tutorial.

After this, you will become familiar with the stealth mode. Press the C key and sneak up behind Corvo. Press and hold CTRL to disable the father. Next time, sneak up on Corvo and steal the key from him by pressing F. In the same manner, get to the door, unlock the key and open it.

Take the crossbow and arrows. Shoot the targets (bottles) and then the screw joint. Go through the door at the end of the room to complete the shooting tutorial.

Next will be a blade fighting lesson. Attack Corvo three times by clicking the left mouse button. Place a block while holding CTRL and reflect three enemy attacks. Next, you will need to block three times at the moment the enemy strikes in order to knock him off balance. After placing a block to knock the enemy off balance, immediately run up to him and hold CTRL again. This is how you begin to strangle your opponent...


In the first mission you can find:

– Pictures – 2.

Today marks the 15th anniversary of the assassination of Empress Jessamine Kaldwin. Guests from all over the Isle Empire arrived at the Tower of Dunwall for the occasion.

Start of the quest "Long Day in Dunwall".

Watch the introductory video. At the end of it, you have to choose who to play the game as - Corvo Attano or his daughter, Emily Kaldwin. In our walkthrough we will use Emily, who is well trained in secretive movement.

First you will need to get out of the Dunwall Tower. On the table in the office where Emily ended up, there is a letter from Councilor Helmswater (finds) and the ceremony of launching the ship (finds). Under the table, from the floor, pick up a plan for the eve of the month of songs (finds). The letter from the Tyvian Trade Mission (finds) is on a small table near where you spawn, opposite the door.

Now get out through the window in the middle of the room (not the one next to the desk). Walk along the parapet to the right, to the pipe. Climb into the royal chambers through another window and approach the wounded captain Alexi Mayhew. In the sideboards and chests of drawers you can find two light wallets. Pick up a request for an audience (finds) near Alexi's corpse.

Go forward along the corridor to the bathroom to find a machine with the first audiograph - “Hard Times”. Go back, closer to Alexi's corpse, go through the door on the left and stun or kill the enemy. To do this, sneak up on him unnoticed by first pressing C. Click on the left mouse button to kill the traitor, or hold CTRL to stun him.

On the stand by the railing there is a book - “Records of ranks and posts - addition. Defender of the Crown" (histories). Around the corner there is a cabinet with a table clock on it. You can turn them on to attract the enemy's attention and disable or kill him silently.

Go down and under the stairs, find a newspaper on the table - “The Royal Assassin Strikes Again!” (finds). Go to the throne room and wait for Ramsay to go to the treasury. Hide so that he passes by you. Stun him in the next room if all previous enemies have been neutralized. You will receive the Imperial Signet Ring (items).

The imperial ring taken from Ramsay.

If you wish, you can neutralize two enemies in the throne room. Pick up Ramsay's body and go upstairs. Open the treasury, bring the body into it and close the door. A special action is counted - “Ramsay's Wealth”. Go down the steps and take Sokolov's healing potion from the table on the left. On the same table read “Amulets. An excerpt from a book about seafaring traditions and bone carving" (history) and "The Royal Assassin Strikes Again!" (finds). You could have found the last item earlier.

Take the eyepiece and revolver from the box on the right. There are also pistol cartridges on the table. Read another entry lying on the sofa opposite the table - “Corvo Attano, Defender of the Crown in our time. Part 02" (stories). Approach the stairs you came down here. To the left of it there is a small cabinet with a table lamp. There is another book on the cabinet - “Barnoli Mulani. “Whisper of the Abyss” (stories). On the floor nearby lies another part - “Barnoli Mulani. “Whisper of the Abyss” (stories). In the cabinet on the left with some equipment there is a box of pistol cartridges.

Look into the small room nearby, where on the sideboard lies “Corvo Attano, Defender of the Crown in Our Time.” Part 01" (stories). On the bed on the right there is a letter from Wiman (finds). There are two safes in the next room. They are open. Inside one of them you can find a gold bar. By collecting it, you will unlock a special action - “Imperial Coin”. Leave the building through the indicated door.

Outside, immediately pick up the “Textbook on Ancient History” from the shelf on the left side. Chapter 12: Whaling" (histories). Go into the corridor and see the first picture - “Custis, Morgan and the Child of the Postulates.” Go a little further and in the same corridor, on the chairs on the left, find two books - “The Tower of Dunwall. An excerpt from a work on the history of the Tower of Dunwall" (history) and "Empress Jessamyn Kaldwin. An excerpt from a book about the late empress" (history).

Go down the rooftops. There is only one path here and it will lead you to the first goal below. Jump down and press the left mouse button or CTRL to kill or disable the enemy, respectively. Go down even lower to the metal observation point. There will be several guards nearby who already know about Emily's escape. There is a hatch on the roof. Jump through it into the cabin and take the “Be Prepared” note (finds) from the table.

Get rid of the guard standing at the steps when the other two leave. Deal with them too. It is advisable to stun the furthest one first. Face your target. On the left side there is a metal cabin with a hatch. A little further on the left side you can find a rental about the search for a killer (WANTED). To the left of it there is a thin door that is open. Go through it into the room and neutralize the enemy in the room on the left. Your first safe will be here. The code for the safe is behind the second picture in the game - Lady Boyle's Minimization Argument. Inside the safe are two silver bars and pistol bullets. The special action counted is “Dr. Galvani’s Safe.”

On the table in the same room, find “The Diary of Doctor Galvani. Second Day, Earth Month, 1852" (histories). In the drawer in the next room there is Sokolov's healing potion. Go outside, return to the metal booth. Turn in the other direction from it, where one of the enemies was walking along the steps. There will be a metal door on the right. Open it and neutralize one enemy. On the table to the right of the entrance there is a note - “orders of Captain Ramsay” (finds). Continue down the street. It will be necessary to neutralize 5-6 opponents. In the guardhouse on the right there will be a newspaper “The Royal Assassin Strikes Again!” A little further there is a turn to the right, where a mustachioed man sits on the steps. There will be a map of the “Tower District” hanging on the wall on the left.

Go out onto the main street and look for an arched passage on the other side. Go there. There will be a man on the steps to the left. Enter the building on the right and go up to the top floor, where you will need to neutralize two enemies. On one of the tables with typewriters, find the “Note from the Editor-in-Chief” (discoveries). On the far left table, under the shelf, there is another newspaper - “Misfortunes Befall Dunwall” (discoveries).

Talk to the journalist. You will earn a special action - “Freedom of the Press”.

Go back to the alley where the map hung on the wall. Turn the corner and go up the stairs. Enter the building and on the second floor go to the stairs leading down. Next to the window, still on the second floor, there is a table with a Letter to Laura” (discoveries). Go downstairs and go into the room outside the cash register windows. Kill the two enemies and examine Boyle's body. On a box nearby, look for “The Case of Ichabod Boyle – Witness Statement” (discoveries).


Strange visit

Something is wrong here. Try to understand what is happening.

Go to the door and try to open it. Turn around and see a hole in the ship. Follow the Floating Islands until you meet the Alien. Talk to him and decide whether you will play with the skills (Accept Alien Mark) or without them.

Our choice: skills. To move to the other side, use the right mouse button to pull. Hold it and aim, then release it to fly over. Navigate through locations using the skill, and then take the heart. Follow the mark on the map. You will need to climb up a little.

Runes No. 1 and No. 2. Take the first runes from the Alien altar - one and the other.

Ship "Fallen House"

Meet with Megan Foster, discuss your plan of action, and then take the boat to Karnaca.

After the cutscene, go to the table in the cabin and pick up Emily's letter (found). From the door on the left, remove the crossbow and the note “Limited funds” (found).

Go outside and turn right. Ahead, on the table, there is another note - “To-Do List” (finds). Climb the steps on the right to the very top and on the cabinet near the bed find the book “Accounting of the Fallen House” (history).

Megan Foster, Captain of the Fallen House.

Return to the place where you found the note with the to-do list. There is a small door to the storage room nearby, try to open it. You will have an optional task: The door is locked from the inside, and you need a way to unlock it. To do this, go out onto the deck by going up one tier of stairs. You need to exit from the side on which the pantry is located. Jump lower to climb inside the room through the porthole window. Here you will find several useful items, including "Memories of a Journey to Pandussia" (stories). Use your sword to break the wooden beam on the door that was making it impossible to open it.

Go towards the main marker, but don't go outside. Go down the steps on the left. Turn left and in the corner, on the dashboard in the corner, look for the note “Repairing the auxiliary engine” (found).

Go through the door to Captain Megan Foster. Don't rush to talk to her. On the table on the right, find Emora Klipswitch’s book “The Gift of Shindeyri. Research" (stories). Walk a little further than Megan and look to the right. On the chair lies the book “The Blood of the House of Abele. Chapter Four" (stories). Go to the far room, open another door and find yourself in another room. On the table on the right, find “Memories of a Journey to Pandussia” (stories).

A little to the left are Sokolov’s notes “Study of cadaveric wasps” (finds). Using an audiograph, listen to the next audiogram - “The Kidnapping of Anton Sokolov.” Take “Anton Sokolov’s Notes on the Investigation” (stories) from the bed. Exit to the deck through any door that is on the stairs leading upstairs (you have already gone up there). In the bow, on the boxes, there will be a book “Memories of a Journey to Pandussia” (stories).

By the way, in the second mission you can find:

– Runes – 10.

– Alien Altars – 2.

– Amulets – 6.

– Drawings – 2.

– Paintings – 4.

Talk to Megan Foster to learn more about Anton Sokolov. All the evidence leads to the Addermere Institute. You need to get on the boat, but first...

Rune No. 3. Go to the boat and jump into the water to the right of it. You can first take out the heart to see the exact location of the rune in the water. Swim to the very bottom to find another rune there.

On the edge of the world

Find Addermere Station and ride the carriage to the Addermere Institute. This is where the tracks of the Royal Assassin lead.

Rune No. 4. After arriving, move to the left along the shore until you see a huge shark. You must get a new rune from her mouth.

Picture No. 1. Return to the pier. Opposite where you docked the boat, there is a wooden stand with a map of the shipyard. Take her. Look up from this stand to see a huge poster of Delilah above the open balcony. You need to get to the balcony using teleportation to find the first portrait “Isometric of High Overseer Campbell” inside the room. To jump onto the balcony, you need to climb to the canopy below, then to the metal device on the right, and then to the balcony itself. Do everything using the Attraction skill.

In the same apartment, on the cabinet is the “Diary of a Witch” (stories).

Drawing No. 1. Look around several neighboring buildings. You can get to the second floor of one of them using an open balcony. Go there and find the safe. You won't have to hack it, but inside there will be a drawing and a figurine of a whale. On the table you can find a letter from Rebecca Fletcher (found).

Move to the very end of the street (to the left along the shore) until you see the passage to the basement. This is an underground shop. If you want to complete a side quest, then on the upper tier of the “underground shop”, look through the window at the street where Mindy Blanchard is sitting. Climb out through the window and talk to her. She is the leader of the bandits. You will have to steal the corpse of the sorcerer from the caretaker's building.

Follow the upper floors of the house to find a display case with bars. This is the “Black Market”. Talk to the merchant about everything. If you suddenly attack someone, the merchant will hide, and you will subsequently not be able to buy back all the necessary goods. We continue the passage of Dishonored 2 on the site site

An underground shop of a merchant on the Black Market.

Rune No. 5. You can buy all these items from a merchant on the Black Market for 400 gold.

Purchase a scroll from a merchant on the Black Market, which indicates the location of the sunken contraband (Search for Sunken Supplies). The cost of the scroll is 250 gold. To find this contraband, you will have to leave the building and face the sea. Huge metal beams stick out from the water, along which the rails run. There is a buoy near the first of them. This is where the sunken boat is located. Swim to the depths and take various ammunition from the box. Beware of the fish swimming here.

Go back to the entrance to the underground shop. Follow the right towards the narrow passage between the houses. Now you can either go up the steps to the building with the infected, on which hangs a white sign with a bloody inscription, or follow further along the narrow passage leading to the light wall.

First, go up the steps on the left and jump onto the fence on the left. In the house ahead on the right there is an open window. You should see a corpse lying on the windowsill. Search to find the note “Cleaning up corpse wasp nests” (finds). Climb inside the house through the same window and start destroying the hives of those same insects so that they do not constantly appear. Use either a knife or bottles of alcohol (just pick them up and throw them into the hive, and they will automatically light up). Pick up “Serkon Folk Songs” (stories) near the place where the hive was.

Amulet No. 1. Inside the building, go upstairs. Go to the second floor, and in the place where one of the hives will be, find the first amulet called “Hot Cocktail”.

Five amulets can be used at the same time. Hot Cocktail increases the damage radius of an exploding bottle.

Eventually, you will find yourself on a balcony leading to another area (you will need to break the boards on the door).

Achievement "Fight the Black Market". Rob the black market. To do this, you will need to carefully search that same infected building to find the key that unlocks the back door on the Black Market. To do this, in the room where the piano will be (on the top floor), next to it, find a door barricaded by a closet. There will be a small hole at the top of the cabinet. Get there. From the corpse on the left you can pick up a letter to neighbors (finds). Climb up, destroy one hive and the nest guard. In the room ahead there is an aquarium with the last hive. Inside the aquarium is the key you need. Take it.

Having done this, return to the underground shop. Follow to where Mindy Blanchard was, on the couch. Open the door located here, carefully sneak up to the Black Market merchant and neutralize him. So you can pick up absolutely all items for free, including that very rune.

If you decide not to go through the infected building, you must encounter a light wall. At the fork you will see two enemies that you need to deal with. The path further will be blocked by a wall of light, upon passing through which the main character burns alive. Therefore, you will have to turn off the wall.

Achievement "Execution Cancelled". Don't let the guard push the man into the light wall. You will have to act quickly. You will see how the guards are about to throw one of the workers onto the wall of light. Put your opponents to sleep using darts. This is how you save the poor guy!

Go to the wall and find a red cable. Keep track of which way it goes. Climb up on the right side and you will see a windmill. Use teleportation to get to the platform above (on the windmill). Pull the lever to turn off the device. The wall of light has been neutralized!

Look around the disconnected device and see an open balcony. Climb there and neutralize the caretaker, who is looking for something on the shelf with books. Search it to find a secret letter to Brother Harold (discoveries).

Amulet No. 2, runes No. 6 and No. 7, picture No. 2. In the room on the side there is an Alien altar. Here you will find the painting “Alien in Conditioned Dreams”, two runes. You will also see a message from the Alien. Near the place where the caretaker was (near the bookcase), look for a gap in the floor on the left. Inside you will find the “Spiritual Wealth” amulet. The Mana Elixir will randomly restore all mana.

Here at the top you can find a letter from Mindy (finds).

Return to the disabled wall of light.


Pay attention to the wall located on the left side. There's a map hanging here. Examine it to save it in your journal if you haven't done so before. Go down into the water in the channel on the right and move to its far end, to the left. There will be a grate here, behind which a rune is visible.

Rune No. 8. You won't be able to get to the rune. Pick up the crossbow and shoot at the piece of wood from below. This will break the board, which will clear the drain. Water will flow, due to which the rune itself will move from behind the grate.

There are several enemies on the other side of the canal. One of them is located on the second floor balcony of the building there. This building is accessible by steps. Do so. Enter the building through the main door, opposite these steps.

Rune No. 9, amulet No. 3. Go outside. You will hear one of the two enemies telling some stories to the villagers. You need to distract them both, but first go up to the balcony and neutralize the enemy from above. Jump down, take the rune and amulet from the wooden table, and then leave this place in any convenient way (teleportation). The amulet is called "Restless Target". In rare cases, enemies will drop grenades or other debris at their feet.

Overseer Outpost (Karnaca Enclave)

Go to the right building to find yourself on the first floor. That building on whose balcony there was an enemy.

Drawing No. 2. Go up to the third floor, since everything on the second floor is closed. Deal with three opponents. It is best to go through the white door and neutralize the enemy at the table with a sleep dart. Afterwards you can deal with the second opponent, located at another table. The third enemy is in the next room - kneeling and praying. On the table where one of the caretakers was sitting, find the Tempering blueprint.

In the far room you will find safe, which is locked with a password. The code to the safe must be found in a note lying on the table next to which one of the enemies was standing. The note is called “Prohibitions that will keep you.” The note lists three prohibitions (randomly). To the right of the safe, on the bench there is the book “Seven Bans”. Compare the prohibitions indicated in the note with their ordinal values ​​in the book. You will receive a three-digit code. It will be different in each playthrough.

Rune No. 10. Inside the safe you can find the last rune for the current level.

Picture No. 3. Search the third floor to find another painting. It's called Viceroy Predicate Logic. There is a picture hanging on the wall of a room with a table at which the caretaker sat and on which there was a drawing.

On the fourth floor you will find two caretakers who need to be eliminated. Search both caretakers and one of them will find the key to the interrogation room.

Amulet No. 4. Go to the interrogation room and on the left side you will see a corpse that you will need for that same Mindy side quest. Leave the corpse for now, but take the amulet lying on the table. It's called "Witch Skin". The damage you receive will not consume your health, but your mana. In this case, mana will not be restored. As soon as the mana runs out, the damage will take away health points.

Amulet No. 5. Get onto the roof of the house and you will see two other enemies. Having dealt with them, jump onto the roof of the neighboring building and go towards the sea. On the last house you will see the corpse of a man, next to which there will be an amulet. Kill the wasps first. The amulet is called “Feast in the Ditch.” After Emily eats a white rat, her mana will be restored.

Go back to the interrogation room and take the sorcerer's corpse. The body will need to be taken to the basement under the dentist's office. Just go downstairs and exit the building. Walk along it to the right. On the right side is a bet marker made of a dotted line. You will see a descent into the basement. Go there and throw the body into the hole as Mindy asks.

Mindy Blanchard.

Achievement "Pathological Thief". Steal the corpse for Mindy Blanchard. The above describes how to complete this task.

Addermere Station

Achievement "Song of Serkonos". Find and listen to three musical duos in Karnak. Exit the basement and you will see two musicians ahead. Listen to their performance until the very end.

Amulet No. 6. Go inside the store and stun the owner with the broom. Go around the stairs ahead and under it you will find a large round safe. Need a password. Look at the cash register nearby, located on the right side of the store entrance. You will find the password. Use it to open the safe and take various items, including the amulet. It's called "Deadly Rise". Using it, you restore your health after a fall much faster.

Picture No. 4. Look into the back room of the safe store (back part) and proceed to the upper tier. Examine the white door that leads to Hypatia's apartment. You will find the key to this apartment only in the next chapter, but you can still get into it.

Nearby there is a door leading to the street. Exit and jump down through the fence on the right onto the metal roof. Climb up onto the ledge ahead. There is a pipe installed along the wall on the right. Climb the pipe onto the balcony and enter Hypatia's apartment. Take the painting “Projective Contemplation of Hypatia” hanging on the wall.

You can go to the balcony and move to the roof of the train station. There will be three opponents at the top. If you move down the slope, no one will detect you. Use teleportation to be on the roof above the crew. Look down, use a dart to put the enemy to sleep and jump into the carriage standing on the rails. So you will go towards the institute.


Eliminate the Royal Assassin - the one who killed your enemies in order to compromise you. And find your old ally, Anton Sokolov, who was last seen at the Addermere Institute. Alexandria Hypatia, who heads the institute, will probably be able to tell you something.

In the third mission you can find:

– Runes – 6.

– Alien Altars – 1.

– Amulets – 5.

– Drawings – 2.

– Paintings – 3.

Addermere Institute

Amulet No. 1. When you find yourself at the institute station, leave the carriage and look to the right. Find the broken railing and jump over it onto the pipe. Go down to the rocks and go right so that you are under the carriage. Find the amulet lying in the boat and move back using teleportation. The amulet is called “Temporary Cunning”. Enemy grenades will explode a little slower.

To get to the top, go left and climb the stones like steps. Ahead you will face three opponents. Wait for two of them to go in different directions. In this case, a third enemy will remain. Deal with each one before others see.


Amulet No. 2. When entering the building you should notice bags of belongings. On the shelf ahead is a new amulet called “Spiritual Reserve”. Mana regenerates a little faster.

Move to the left, otherwise the enemy will see you. Deal with him and neutralize the other enemy who is sitting at the table. The further path is blocked by a wall of light. To disable this wall, you will have to use teleportation and move to the right side of the second floor. Remove the desired tank.

Map of the Addermere Institute.

Picture No. 1. On the right side of the light wall you will find the first painting of the level - “The Judgment of Duke Abele”.

Opponents are waiting for you ahead. When you get close to the elevator, be sure to examine the stand on which the map of this location is located.

On the left side of the first tier there is a kitchen and a restaurant. In the hall you will find four opponents. There are two more opponents in the kitchen. Dealing with everyone one by one will be difficult, and even impossible. Use sleep darts

Rune No. 1. The first rune can be found on the column, in a hanging plate located in the hall, next to the table in the center. It's to the left of the elevator.

There are kennels located in the information desk to the right of the elevator. You can break the glass so that the dogs gnaw off all the opponents who come running when the guards scream in the corridor. Otherwise, sneak past the enemy near the glass, because if he is put to sleep, he may fall on this glass and break it.

Second floor

Go back to the lobby. Use teleportation to find yourself on the second tier on the right, as you did to turn off the light wall. Move to the door on the far side, open it and follow to the end of the corridor. In the room on the left you will see a dead body. This is another victim of the Royal Assassin.

Drawing No. 1. Not far from the headless body there is a safe that requires a code to open. Turn around and go to the opposite wall. On the table to the left of her, under the window, there is a note with the code to the safe. Inside the safe you will find a recipe for a combat sleep dart.

Follow the elevator and go up the stairs to the second tier. There are two opponents here. In the far part you can find a locked door. By breaking it, you can profit from gold. It is not yet possible to open the door on the left side of the elevator - you need Hypatia's key.

Third floor

Move to the third tier. On the landing you will meet two enemies. On the right side of the elevator there is an eastern terrace (EAST TERRACE sign). Follow through the door. Look to the right and you will see an enemy that can be neutralized. You can ignore the three enemies in the far part.

Fourth floor

On the fourth floor there will be two opponents - one is sitting at the table, and the other is standing near it. Make your way past them to get to Hypatia's office. Take various notes, an audiogram and Hypatia's key lying on the right table.

Exit to the floor and go through the door marked PRIVATE ROOM. You will find yourself on the roof. Find the entrance to the building on the roof and...

Runes No. 2, No. 3, Alien altar No. 1. In the central building on the roof there will be an Alien altar with two runes.


Rune No. 4. So, when you go out through the door on the fourth floor onto the roof, you can see a pipe on the left with holes from which steam comes out. Using teleportation, climb to the roof of the central building where you found the altar. Look at the building you came from to see a circular hole. Using teleportation, move to the attic and take the rune from the table on the left.

Note that there is a red button in the attic. Get out through the window and teleport to the next roof.

Amulet No. 3. You need to get to the roof of the building where the attic is located. To do this, you need to climb to the top of the nearest four pipes of the adjacent building. From here, teleport to the roof of the desired building and find the “Lucky Misfire” amulet in the nest. The chance of enemy pistols misfiring increases.

Achievement "Bold Leap". Jump from Addermire's highest point, killing an enemy in the fall. Find the enemy located on the pier next to the sea, to the side. Jump down right on top of him and kill the enemy.

How to get to the lost and found department?

Go down, go to the fourth floor, inside. Call the elevator and enter it. Look around to find that the "-1" (basement) button is no longer here. The floor of the first floor is boarded up, so you have to drop the elevator to get to the bottom. But first you need to neutralize all opponents so that they don’t come running to the noise.

While in the elevator, climb out through the hatch onto its roof and press the red button (on the elevator itself). This will lift you to the highest position. Get out into the attic and look at the elevator. Using a knife, cut the two cables so that the elevator falls down. Climb into the mine and jump on the boxes on the walls to go down to the very bottom, into the basement.

Rune No. 5, picture No. 2. Search the basement, take the rune and the painting “Anton Sokolov in subtractive color.”

To leave this place, take the collapsed elevator and click on the button on the right side of the first floor. This will open the door to the first tier.

Hamilton Rescue

So, a few minutes ago you received Hypatia's key. Follow to the second floor and open the locked door. Take out the two enemies before they kill Hamilton. Chat with a man. The hostage is in the room on the left. And to get Hamilton's key, search the box behind him.

Joe Hamilton.

Drawing No. 3. Follow upstairs, go up the stairs above the fourth tier and open the locked door where there was a trap. Take various items, including the drawing “Distillation of mercury vapor”.

Search for Hypatia

Rune No. 6. With Hypatia's key, proceed to the third tier and open the door on the right side. The room is filled with corpse wasps. Deal with the hives and pick up the rune at the beginning.

Amulet No. 4. In the same wing in the center there is a blocked room. To the left are three sunbathing booths. One of them is open and leads to the same room. Make your way there and pick up the Spirituality amulet, which increases the amount of mana restored by elixirs.

Using the far door along the corridor, you will find yourself in a high hall. At the bottom there is a laboratory where you can find Hypatia herself. Come down and chat.

Amulet No. 5, picture No. 3. Walk past the woman and in the room on the left find the hanging painting “I respect her, inside and out.” Also take the “Zephyr” amulet from the table located here. The amulet increases the damage you take, but increases your walking and running speed.

Follow to the opposite side of the hall to see a barely alive Doctor Vasco lying on the couch. Find out that the royal killer is the same Hypatia. At night, she turns into a monstrous creature due to the effects of the poison. Vasco has a recipe for an antidote that needs to be injected into Hypatia so that she stops turning into a monster. We need to cook it! You will learn the code to the safe. Hypatia attacks Vasco and kills him. She will start looking for you too. If you remember the code to the safe, then good. Otherwise, search Vasco's corpse to find a note with a code combination.

The body of Dr. Vasco.

There are two options - either kill Hypatia or find an antidote. The second is needed if you complete the game without spilling blood. Darts and sleep mines are useless against Hypatia. Leave the hall, trying not to catch the monster's eyes.

Preparation of whey

Go down the stairs to the second tier and open the door on the left side that was closed. You should have already done this when you met Hamilton. Eliminate the enemies or go through the room with the corpse wasps on the right. Go to the safe in the back room and open it. Inside you will find the recipe for Vasco's antidote and the key to his laboratory. By the way, the laboratory is located to the right of the safe, if you look at it.

To prepare the antidote, proceed as follows:

– Go to the room on the right (Vasco’s laboratory) and find a syringe with the serum base.

– Go up to the third floor and go right, towards Hypatia’s laboratory. In the first room, where there were many corpse wasps, find the body of the infected. Use the syringe on him to get the blood of the infected.

– Return to the room to the right of the safe, go to the table located here and pour the blood from the syringe into the flask. That table on which there was a syringe with the base of the serum.

– Activate the burner under this flask.

– Take the medicine from the smaller flask located on the right side.

Take the antidote to Hypatia's laboratory. Approach her from behind and use the syringe. Chat with Hypatia and invite her to the ship.

Alexandria Hypatia.

Disabling the observation tower

Move down the stairs to the first tier. Open the door located behind the elevator. The backyard is filled with enemies. Make your way to the left side past them. To get over the locked gate, you must move away from it to the right side and teleport obliquely, above the gate. Take out the two enemies and climb over the tower to remove the tank.

Go down the chain located here. Eliminate two enemies on the pier, go to the boat and swim to your ship.


Discuss with Megan Foster the best way to get to the home of Kirin Jindosh, Grand Inventor of the Duke of Serkonos.

In the fourth mission, you will be on the trail of Kirin Jindosh, the inventor of clockwork soldiers and the man who will captivate Anton Sokolov. You must infiltrate the watchmaker's estate and deal with him.

– Runes – 6.

– Alien Altars – 1.

– Amulets – 8.

– Drawings – 4.

– Paintings – 6.

Ship "Fallen House"

Returning to the ship, you can make another entry in the travel log. Also, if you saved Hypatia, the Royal Assassin, Megan will give you a note and some gold coins.

Outside, talk to Megan before she leaves. Again, if you saved Hypatia, then you will have the opportunity to go to the woman and chat with her. Check out the new to-do list on the desk near Captain Megan Foster. As it turns out, the boiler room needs your help.

Be sure to talk to your doctor if you can. She will be grateful to you and tell you briefly about the upcoming mission. You can take as much mana potion as you can carry.

Before going on deck, go to Captain Foster's cabin. Go to the workshop (back room) and take the red valve from the table. Find the stairs leading down to the boiler room. It is located to the right of the exit from the workshop. Go down and notice that there is a crack in the pipe on the left. Use the wheel you found earlier on it, and then turn off the water supply. Job done!

Go to Megan, who is waiting for you at the boat. It's time to visit Jindosh at the mansion.

Mechanical Mansion

Anton Sokolov is being held in the mansion of Kirin Jindosh, the Duke's court inventor and creator of the clock soldiers. Get inside, save Sokolov and eliminate Jindosh before he creates an entire army of sentry soldiers.

Get out of here and go up the steps. You will see soldiers searching all citizens.

Lower aventa

Amulet No. 1, picture No. 1. Standing at the gate, look at the building on the right. Lift your head up and see the balconies. Climb onto the nearby balcony using the fence on the left. Inside the house you will find the Shooting Star Amulet. When you kill enemies while falling, you gain mana. On the opposite wall hangs the painting “Ramsay’s Stochastic Eyes.”

Go out onto the balcony and look around. There are three opponents in front of the light wall. The fourth enemy is in the guard booth on the other side of the street. To the left of the light wall you can find a location map.

Rune No. 1. Go down and try to neutralize all enemies. From the map on the wall, go to the alley to the left. You will see some girl calling you. It is a trap. After dealing with the bandits, find the rune inside the chest of drawers.

Altar of the Alien, runes No. 2 and No. 3. Return to the light wall. On the left, as you know, there is a map and an alley. But even further to the left is an infected store. Find the entrance in the far corner behind the barricades and go up to the top floor. There will be a locked door here. There is a window to the upper right of the door. Make your way through it into another room, and on the right you will find an Alien altar with two runes. We continue to play through the game Dishonored 2 on the website portal

Safe Go back to the alley to the left of the light wall. You will see several passersby on your left. Here you can also find the entrance to the building. Go up to the second floor and find a safe in one of the offices. A code combination is required. Exit the room with the safe and you will see a black board on the wall ahead. There are three numbers in its lower left corner. In this case, the last digit is blurred out. Place the first two numbers on the safe, then select the last one.

Amulet No. 2. Go up to the third floor of the same building. There is an amulet behind the locked door. But you can’t get to him from here. Exit the building and immediately find the canopy in the alley. Climb onto it. From the visor, using teleportation, you need to climb to the roof of the building. From the roof of the building you will see a passage to the third floor, to the room where the “Great Spirit” amulet is located, which increases the maximum mana reserve.

Picture No. 2. In the same room where you found the amulet, there is a painting “Axial Asymmetry of the Chief Spy” hanging on the wall.

Rune No. 4. Underground shop. Go to the area with the light wall. Find the descent to the basement and talk to the merchant. Hide and then destroy the bandits - Paolo and two moaners. After winning, talk to the merchant and buy an installation tool from her. Don't forget to buy a rune. You can also buy a key to the ticket office.

Achievement "Three Deaths". If you play by killing enemies, then deal with the enemies that appear, led by Paolo. This is one of three battles that will reward you with this achievement.

Aventa station

Return to the light wall and use the acquired installation tool on the control panel to the right of it.

Amulet No. 3. Go through the wall and go up to the second tier, having dealt with the enemy. Take the “Miracle Needle” amulet from the cabinet on the side, which gives you a small chance to return the sleeping darts.

On the ground floor of the station there is a ticket office on the left. Open it if you bought a key and search it.

Drawing No. 1. Inside the ticket office, on the table on the right, find the “Pyroacoustic Coating” blueprint.

Upper Aventa

There are many enemies in the location. If you go forward and along the slope to the right, you will run into a light wall. First you need to turn it off. Stand with your back to the carriage that brought you here. There is an open building to the right.

Amulet No. 4. Enter this building, go up to the second floor and on the table find the “Unsteady Hand” amulet, which increases the chance of enemies missing in ranged combat.

Drawing No. 3. Go up to the third floor and kill the enemy in the office ahead. On one of the tables there is a drawing “Polarization of the Alloy”.

Go down to the second floor, find the shield, open it and take out the tank with blubber.

Amulet No. 5. Go through the disabled wall. Follow forward along the building on the left. Turn the corner. Find a slightly open window on this building. Climb inside through it, destroy two hives and take the amulet.

Picture No. 3. The next painting is in the same room. It's called "Jindosh Ponders an Odd Calculator."

Rune No. 5. There is a rune in the next building on the second floor. To get there, you must jump from the courtyard onto one of the two balconies. Use the Attraction skill.

Mechanical Mansion

Entrance to the mechanical mansion.

Go through the door on the right and pull the configuration lever. Go up the steps and talk to Jindosh standing ahead. Soon you will need to destroy two sentry soldiers. Use grenades and firearms. Once you've done this, notice the light wall in the hallway to the side. In the hall, find the lever and pull it down to change the room.

Go down and open the door between the stairs. Examine the map on the wall ahead. Go further, destroy or neutralize the enemies in the corridor. When you are in a room with a piano, be careful. If you pull the lever, you will start the room reconfiguration. Instead of the piano, an electric bomb will appear, which will kill the main character if he is nearby.

Mad scientist Jindosh.

If you suddenly raise a discharge column, then don’t even think about approaching it. Will kill you in one go. The room on the left has windows. Open them and get out into the space behind the walls. Go right and you will see a pool table. There is a configuration lever nearby. Pull it and get out into the next room. Here, launch another lever. Jump down when there is a hole in the place where the pool table or dining table was. Go deeper, kill the enemies and find yourself in the testing room.

Approbation hall

Don't rush to go down.

Amulet No. 6. Jump onto the glass labyrinth and run to the right. Climb onto the railing and proceed to the far room, killing the guardsman. Inside the desk drawer on the left, find the Water Spirit amulet. Water from fountains will restore mana.

Go down to the glass labyrinth along the metal steps. Examine the note on the table to find another way to eliminate Kirin Jindosh. You need to find a stun machine to stun the enemy.

Pull the lever and follow into the maze. There are square buttons on the floor. When you stand on them, the rooms will change. Destroy the sentry soldier. On the far left side, look for a button in the floor. Click on it. While the walls are lowered, follow the marker to find yourself in the room with Sokolov.

Picture No. 4. In the same room, the painting “Bloody Topology of Evil Alex” hangs on a stand. Break the boards on the floor, pick up Anton and press the button farthest from the bed. Step on the button in the center of the maze. Next, stand on the button to the left of the entrance to the labyrinth. Then go around the wall and stand on the button right at the entrance to the maze. So you will leave this place.

The enemies who used the elevator will go down. Having dealt with them, go upstairs together with Sokolov.

Use the room with the pool table to go behind the walls and hide from the discharge tower (if you activated it in the room with the piano). Leave Sokolov somewhere nearby and go to the exit. Here you will need to destroy several sentry soldiers. You can place mines on the floor. When the enemies are finished, then follow back, take Sokolov and leave this place. One task completed.

Deal with Jindosh

Return to the mansion.

Drawing No. 4. From the hall with the discharge tower, go to the room on the right. There is a waiting room where two people stand. There is a lever nearby. Pull to lower the waiting room. An office will appear in its place. On the table in this office, find the drawing “Conducting Fibers”.

Amulet No. 7. Take the elevator down to the labyrinth where Sokolov was found. You will be at the top of the maze. Find the lever on the wall. Pull it if there are metal walls near the lever. This will take you down to the bottom of the room with two people waiting for Jindosh. There are holes in the ceiling of this room. Do you see? Use teleportation to get to the top. These are another hidden passages under the floor. Find the corpse and take the “Life-Vital Moisture” amulet. Now water from fountains will also restore health.

There is also a shield from which you need to remove the tank with blubber, thereby de-energizing the discharge column.

Raise the room to the waiting room, on the same level as the room where the piano or discharge post is located. Climb through the ceiling to the top of the room and then go right to find Jindosh's bedroom.

In the bedroom, kill the robot and pull the lever. Go to the far side and pull the lever. Don't rush to leave. Pull this lever again and quickly move behind the screen to the white door that is about to be hidden.

If you go through this door, you will find yourself in Jindosh's laboratory. But don't rush.

Painting No. 5. Pull the lever again, but don't go anywhere from here. The interior will change and opposite the door leading to Jindosh's laboratory, the painting “I am watching the artisan” will hang on the wall.


Rune No. 6. Go to the laboratory and find an elevator on the left behind the door. Call him. Go down to the floor below, into the technical room. The door to the technical room is locked. There is a small hatch on the right. Bend down and climb out through it. The hatch will need to be opened. Outside, on the table between the pipes on the left, find the key to the technical room. Use it to open the white door, go left and take the rune from the table.

Return to the laboratory level. Go to the center and destroy the robots. Climb up and stun Jindosh. Sneaking up from behind. Take him down and put him on the chair of the electric shock machine. Now you need to launch it. There are two remote controls at the bottom right and left of the electric shock machine lever. Choose different stands so that the remote control has as few red stripes as possible. For example, on the left you can choose an optical stand, and on the right - an anatomical one. The more white stripes on the spiral device, the better. As soon as there is enough energy, Emily (Corvo) will talk about it. Pull the lever to disarm Jindosh.

Painting No. 6. Go upstairs to where Jindosh was. Take the painting “Light along an inverse curve” from the wall behind the table.

Drawing No. 5. Search Jindosh's desk, behind which there was a painting. On the front there are several compartments - chests of drawers. In the right one you will find a blueprint for the “Core-Cutting Shutter.”

Amulet No. 8. Return to Jindosh's bedroom. Use the heart to see the amulet under your feet. Remember that it is located under a room with various photo development equipment. There are also three cases on the table. Pull the lever and run into this room. It will go down, and you can pick up the “Bloodsucker Strikes” amulet from the shelf. When you hit with a blade or kill, you gain health.

Leave this place, take Sokolov to the boat and follow to the ship.


Another strange visit

You woke up with a strange feeling.

In the fifth mission you can find:

– Runes – 6.

– Alien Altars – 1.

– Amulets – 9.

– Drawings – 3.

– Paintings – 3.

Move from marker to marker, looking through memories.

Ship "Fallen House"

Meet with Megan Foster and Anton Sokolov to discuss how to get rid of Duke Serkonos and overthrow Delilah.

Make a new entry in your travel journal and read Megan's note. You can chat with Hypatia if you saved her and didn’t kill her. Go to the captain's cabin, talk to Anton and Megan. Go up to the boat and interact with it.

Royal Cabinet of Curiosities

While in captivity, Anton Sokolov learned that one of Delilah's most important comrades was Brianna Ashworth. It was Ashworth who developed the plan for the coup in Dunwall. She is powerful and has many secrets. She is going to create some strange device for Delilah. Brianna Ashworth should be eliminated.

Kyria Gardens

Rune No. 1. Deal with the opponents outside. Try not to make noise, otherwise the workers from the boat will join the battle. Go up the steps. There will be a light wall ahead. Turn left from it, follow the sign indicating an underground shop. Go downstairs and talk to the merchant. You will receive an optional task from him. Buy the first rune and the code for the safe from the merchant, which will be useful to you.

Get out of here and go up the steps. Enter the building on the right. Go up to the second tier. There will be a closed door here. Follow even higher and exit onto the roof. Eliminate the three enemies on the right and find a place on the roof where you can jump down into the room. Stun the caretaker and search the room. There will be an audiograph on the table. You will find out exactly what Byrne thinks about Brianna. But this is not enough for the purpose.

There is a windmill on the roof. Disable it with the lever to disarm the light wall. By the way, you can buy a mounting kit from a Black Market merchant to turn off the light wall using the panel to the left of it. Go behind the wall through the gate.

Amulet No. 1. Immediately climb onto the object on the left and from there teleport to the balcony of the building on the right. After opening the door, go into the room and take the “Electric Explosion” amulet from the table. The impact area of ​​stun mines has been increased.

There is a ledge on the side that you can climb up to. Do so. Use teleportation to move diagonally to a similar ledge. From there you can reach the desired open balcony.

Altar of the Alien, runes No. 2 and No. 3. Disarm several traps in this building, climb up the destroyed beams and take two runes from the Alien altar.

Amulet No. 2. Go up to that same roof again. On the right, find a place from where you can jump to the boarded-up balcony of another building. Jump, break the boards and destroy several hives, as well as the corpse wasp guard. Take the “High Pressure” amulet, which reduces the damage radius of grenades, tanks and bottles, but increases damage from explosions of the same objects.

If you bought a code for a safe from a merchant, then open it, because it is located to the right of the location of the amulet. There will be regular items inside.

Picture No. 1. From the wall in the same room where the safe and amulet were found, remove the painting “Ashworth in an Existential Symbol.”

Please note that the path to the Kunstkamera is blocked by a light wall. There is an observation tower nearby. If you get caught in the light, you will be destroyed in a matter of seconds. Go down and walk past the light wall and tower so that they remain on your left. At the end on the right there will be an entrance to the house you need, where a fellow underground seller lives.

Amulet No. 3 and drawing No. 1. There will be three enemies on the left, but you don't have to kill them. Climb up and jump over the wooden barrier on the stairs. Above you will find the Blade Dance amulet, which allows a spring mine to destroy the bodies of enemies, as well as a note from a merchant friend. You will be able to continue the side quest. Next, you will need to steal the Roseburrow prototype, which is on display in the Kunstkamera. Find the drawing here. Please note that at the stand you can find and save a map of the royal cabinet of curiosities.

Royal Cabinet of Curiosities

There is absolutely no need to turn off the light wall. If you find the lair indicated by the underground shop merchant, then find a window overlooking the Kunstkamera. Get out through the sky and follow the pipe along the rock on the right. You will find yourself on the parapet of the Kunstkamera. Find an open window and climb inside.

Royal Cabinet of Curiosities.

Rune No. 4. Kill two witches and find a rune on the left side of a pile.

Head downstairs to the main hall, which opens onto a courtyard with a light wall. Find the descent to the basement in the hall. Follow there and kill the dog. His skull will need to be broken, otherwise the wolfhound will be reborn. Go into the next room and kill the two witches. The door to the next room is locked. After destroying the hive, go to the right of the locked door and turn left. There is an opening on the lower left. Crouch down and hit the books in the opening several times to move the bookcase aside. Go inside and listen to Brianna's audiogram to complete one of the missions.

Rune No. 5. Next to the audiograph is another rune.

Picture No. 2. Note that behind the audiograph, behind the bars, there is a part of the room with a large painting. To get there, jump over the cabinet on the left or right. Take the painting “I Dipped Her Heart into Hell.”

Drawing No. 2. Go up one floor, optionally using the elevator. Kill the witches and in the workshop on the left, on one of the tables, find the “Sensitive Shell” drawing.

Climb even higher, kill the enemies and find the strange Ashworth device on the right side. Examine the device with lenses and read the note on the right. The task will be updated. We need to find old lenses.

Ashworth's device for communication with the Abyss.

Amulet No. 4. Climb to the topmost tier. Enter the room on the left. Move along the corridor and find a room with a board. On the board there will be an amulet “Duelist's Mastery”. Your bullets do slightly more damage.

Amulet No. 5. On the top floor, call the elevator. Enter it and climb onto the roof through the hatch on top. Jump onto the ledge on the side and pick up the “Armor of the Abyss” amulet, which, if damage is dealt to you, will subtract most of the points from the mana scale.

There is a passage on the side. Crouch down and get out. You will be able to move along the parapet at the wall to the opposite side of the building. Climb to the top floor of the Ashworth Apartments. Find the old lenses on the table on the left. Return to that same device, interact with it to replace the lenses. Start the device using the lever on the right. Ashworth no longer has her former strength.

Picture No. 3. Go to Ashworth's office, go up one flight of stairs and remove the painting “My Fire Burns in Brianna's Blood” from the wall.

Amulet No. 6. Climbing higher, open the door on the left into a small room. Take the Breath of Leviathan amulet from the table ahead. When you swim underwater, if there is a lack of air, you will first lose mana points, and then health.

Rune No. 6. Go back and go through the door on the right. Outside, near the sofas and fire, find the last rune.

Amulet No. 7. The last amulet must be looked for in the same basement. If you haven't done this before. Return to the hall and go down to the basement. There is a quartermaster's room on the right. The door is closed. There is a window on the left. Get out through it and immediately find another window to the right. This will take you to a room where you can find the Fencer amulet, which increases your chances of emerging victorious from the clinch.

As for the additional task, to find the Roseburrow prototype, go up to the same floor of the gallery where Brianna's car (with lenses) was located. If the car is on the right, then you need to go on the left side. There should be a locked door to the security room here. No key needed: climb the boxes to the left of the door, jump to the window above the door and crawl inside. Take the prototype from the stand.

Drawing No. 3. When you give the prototype of a weapon to the seller of the underground shop, you will receive in return a new blueprint “Grilled Production”.

Amulets No. 8 and No. 9. To get the last two amulets, you will have to kill Brianna Ashworth, since she is wearing them. Of course, this is completely optional if you complete the game without sacrifices. The first amulet is called "Changeful Beasts". White wolfhounds will fight on your side. The second amulet is called “Alchemy of Corpse Wasps”. The first projectile that hits you will turn into corpse wasps.

Return to Megan Foster and complete the mission.


Ship "Fallen House"

Meet with Anton Sokolov and discuss further actions with him, and then take the boat to the Dusty Quarter.

In this mission you can find:

– Runes – 5.

– Alien Altars – 1.

– Amulets – 8.

– Drawings – 2.

– Paintings – 3.

Go to the room where Hypatia was. The woman is not here, but you can listen to her audiogram. Go to the captain's cabin and talk to Anton.

Dusty Quarter

Go through the Dusty Quarter and enter the mansion of Aramis Stilton: it holds some important secrets of Delilah. Viceroy High Overseer Byrne and his pious subordinates are engaged in a protracted war with Paolo, the leader of a band of moaners. Both Byrne and Paolo will help you, but both will demand something in return.

Having arrived at the place, go outside.

The Rise of Batista

Climb higher and you will see a light wall. From time to time, dust from the quarries will appear in this place. You can use it for your own purposes. Enemies will have difficulty seeing you!

There is a building to the left of the wall, about 30 meters away. Climb up and neutralize two opponents. Go down and deal with the remaining guards. To turn off the light wall, you can use the installation kit. Fortunately, by this point you should have found several pieces in previous missions.

Go forward and climb into the building on the right. After destroying the hives, follow deeper into the house and jump higher. After opening the door, talk to Megan Foster.

You will be faced with a choice. To get to the Stilton estate, you need to kill either Paolo or the caretaker. After this, you will need to take the dead body to the one you left alive. Or you can look for another way to get into the estate without helping anyone or killing anyone.

If you want to collect all the amulets, you will have to kill Paolo. You need to kill Paolo twice.

Rune No. 1. Jump down from the balcony, break the boards behind you and go into the room under Megan's location. Behind the box, find the first rune in the area.

From this square, where the statue of Lord Serkonos is located, there are two ways. The path on the right leads to the door to Stilton's estate. Listen to the conversation of the townspeople - men and women. You will learn that a certain Duran tried to break into the door, but he was kidnapped by the caretakers. Here's a workaround!

Take the other path. To the left is a wailing checkpoint. You will be warned that you cannot go further.

Rune No. 2. Before the checkpoint on the left side, find a boarded up door. Destroy the boards, go up to the second floor and somewhere in the far room, behind the screen, inside the cabinet, find the second rune.

Climb to the top floor and climb out through the window onto the pipe. Follow the pipe on the right, and then follow the pipe near the other building. There will also be an open window here. Get inside and kill the hive guards, and then destroy the hives themselves.

Rune No. 3, No. 4 and Alien altar. Go out onto the balcony and find yourself in the “Witch’s Hand” location. Jump onto the canopy of the adjacent building and make your way inside through the open window. Go down the stairs and find the Alien altar in the far room, on which there are two runes.

Picture No. 1. Next to the altar is the painting “Faith of Moray and the Absolute”.

Picture No. 2. In the next office hangs a huge portrait of “Paolo and the Unattainable Supreme Truth.”

Amulet No. 1 and No. 2(not sure - maybe Paolo drops three amulets). Go downstairs and deal with Paolo. Kill him twice, and then search the body and take two amulets. The first is called Iron Roots and reduces the chance that enemies will be able to knock down Emily or Corvo. The second is called “The Hunted Beast.” Low health increases the damage you deal.

Amulet No. 3. Below where the musicians played, on the right side find the descent into the basement. There will be a caretaker tied up there, and on the table beyond him you will find an amulet called “Trouble with Moving.” After the magical transfer, the witches howling against you may lose their balance.

Drawings No. 1 and No. 2. You will find the “Secondary Winding” drawing in the same basement as the previous amulet. You will find another drawing in the house, one floor below the Alien altar, which you have already examined.

Grab Paolo's corpse and take it to the caretakers. Go upstairs and talk to the Deputy High Overseer to find out the code to the door to the estate.

On the other hand, you can kill everyone and find Duran.

Amulet No. 4. When you are in front of the checkpoint to the Abbey territory, pay attention to the door to the building on the left. I need the key to the silver printing. But a little further on the left side there is a boarded-up window on the second floor. Jump onto the canopy, break the boards and climb inside. In the room on the left, find and pick up the Ignite amulet, which increases the damage dealt by grenades.

Amulet No. 5. Examine the cabinets in the governor's office and take the Deep Grave amulet. The Grave Hound can die as soon as it emerges.

Rune No. 5. When you enter the Overseer Outpost building, go up the right stairs and enter the room ahead. Open the metal long box and take out the rune from it.

Picture No. 3. From the office of the Viceroy Supreme Overseer you need to go higher. Stand with your back to the window and see a balcony on the left side. Climb onto it using teleportation, and in the room on the left, find the painting “Undivided Time Discovers Aramis Stilton.”

So, if you killed Byrne, then go down the landing around the elevator, into the very basement. Here you must find an unidentified corpse. On the door of the room in which the dead body lies, there is a note - “Prisoner Durand.” Read it to update the task.

Go upstairs and on the cabinet on the left, opposite Byrne’s desk, find a note and the key to Duran’s room.

Amulet No. 6. Return to the bar, open the indicated door and find the Lucky Killer amulet in Duran's room.

Take the note “Code from Stilton’s house” from the table.

Go to the Black Market through the ranger camp. Go downstairs, kill the moaners and buy the map of Aramis Stilton's house from the merchant.

Amulet No. 7. To get this amulet, you will have to break into the Black Market door. This time, instead of a key, you need a code combination. So, from the merchant, go through the door on the left, and then turn right to see the right door. It needs to be hacked. There is a staircase nearby. Go upstairs and try to open the door - it is locked from the inside.

Go downstairs and stand with your back to the merchant's window. Exit here, turn the corner to the left and look for a hole in the wall. Climb through it. You will find yourself in enemy territory. Go forward and left. In the alley on the left hand there will be two slightly open windows. Look through the distance to see a wooden plank on the door. Shoot it to break it. Now go up the stairs again and open the door. Find the calendar hanging on the wall.

Find the number highlighted in red in the fourth line from top to bottom. The first digit of the code combination is always “4”. The second and third are the same number in the fourth line. Enter the code, open the door and stun the merchant. Take the “Sliding” amulet, which increases the speed of tackles.

Return to the door to Aramis Stilton's house. On the top line, select five different last names. Under each surname, select different jewelry, depending on what solution you found. By the way, you can solve the riddle yourself by reading the letter in the box to the right of the door. Once the combination is correct, the door will automatically open.

Combination for opening the door (yours may be different).


Three years ago, a strange ritual was held at the mansion of Aramis Stilton, somehow connected with Delilah Copperspoon and her followers. Once in the house, find out as much as you can about Delilah's secrets.

In the seventh mission you can find:

– Runes – 3 (4).

– Alien Altars – 0.

– Amulets – 3 (7).

– Drawings – 1.

– Pictures – 2.

The maximum possible number of runes and amulets is indicated in brackets. It is possible if you decide to save Stilton from suffering.

Go forward.

Aramis Stilton's mansion

Rune No. 1. Go inside and go up the flight of stairs ahead. Enter the room and look for a rune on the floor on the left side.

Go into the next room until you find yourself in the bedroom. Find a hole in the floor and jump down where Stilton is sitting at the piano. Chat with Stilton, and an Alien will appear. Take the temporary compass floating near it.

By clicking the right mouse button, you can switch the timeline. The F key allows you to see through time.

Stilton is locked in this room, you have no choice but to use the compass. Click on the right mouse button to travel back in time.

Distraught Aramis Stilton.

Aramis Stilton Mansion - 1849

Eavesdrop on the conversation outside the door. You must find the code that opens the office. The door is locked, you need a master key. On the right wall hangs a calendar from 1849. Take it away. This is a required item for the "Souvenirs" achievement.

Return to the present, approach the grate located in the passage and move into the past to find yourself on the other side of the door. On the door itself you can find a note that says that the password is in the notebook.

There is a kitchen on the right side. To open the door located inside it, you will need a kitchen key. The door is currently locked. Walk to the end of the hallway to find yourself in a living room with a long table. Deal with the enemies and search the chair on which the leg of one of the guards was. In addition to the wallet, there is a universal key. In the past you will run into a huge metal door. Return to the present and go forward, then go back in time to continue playing Dishonored 2 on the website

Picture No. 1. In this room there will be the first painting, which is called “Contamination of Rats and Weepers.”

Drawing No. 1. Inside the round safe is a blueprint for the Powder Chamber Hinge.

There is a statue suspended in the center of the room. Use your sword to break the red mount to drop it. Return to the present and you will see that the statue is no longer blocking the hole in the wall. Make your way through it, return to the present and go to the end of the corridor. Use the master key to open the door.

There are simply a huge number of enemies here, so try not to catch their eye. Go left, past the elevator. Go down to the basement and deal with two enemies. One of them was looking into some hole in the wall. To the right of the hole there is a note that tells you about the leak in the basement. To the left of the hole behind the glass, find the red valve. Take it, climb up the crates and throw it into the hole.

Using the compass, return to the present. At this time the hole is larger, so you can crawl through it. Do so. You will find yourself in a flooded basement. Pick up the valve and throw it behind the bars into the next part of the room. In the present, swim past this grate, which is not blocking the path. Climb onto the protruding part of the cabinet, above the water, and go back in time. Select the valve and insert it into the mechanism on the wall. Turn the valve to shut off the water.

Rune No. 2. Now in the present there will be a rune on the box on the left. (the room will not be flooded).

Rune No. 3. Climb the stairs to the top floor and find a locked door that leads to a room with a rune (use the heart). In the present, to the left of the door, around the corner, there is a broken window. Get out and follow the metal frame along the building, and then climb inside through another broken window. Go back in time, kill the enemies and take the rune.

Drawing No. 2. Take the elevator to the top tier and on the workbench with a vice on the right, find the drawing “Spiked Grenade Casing.”

Amulet No. 1. It's called "Water Essence". In the past, call the elevator in the basement, not far from the hole through which they climbed to turn off the water. Enter the elevator and climb onto it. Climb up to some ledge, and then go back in time to the present. Jump into the elevator car and take the amulet, which slightly increases your swimming speed.

Amulet No. 2. On the main floor, next to the elevator, there is a locked door ajar. In the present tense, there is a nest of corpse wasps here. In the past time you can find an amulet. To get into the room, walk past it in the past tense, leaving the door on the right, and turn the corner to the right. There is a table here. Climb under the table, crouching down, and then move in time to the present (you will need to choose a place where nothing bothers you). In the present tense, instead of a table, there are some debris here. And you will find yourself right under the rubble. Make your way through the hole into the room with the beehive.

In the past time, you will find a safe, inside of which lies that same amulet. Also on the floor is the corpse of a wolfhound, and under it is a note. It was because of the wolfhound that a nest of corpse wasps formed here in the present tense. Open the oven door on the left, throw in the corpse of the wolfhound, close the door and press the red button.

Now there will be no bees' nest here. Return to the present and you will see a fallen safe. Look at its door to see the combination. Remember it, go back in time and enter it to get the “Ship Fighter” amulet from the safe. Drawing your weapon does not slow down your movement.

Amulet No. 3. Follow the amulet icon in present time. Move into the past to open the door at the top (in the present it is blocked). In the present tense you will see a hole in the ceiling. But how to get to her? After all, it is at the top that the amulet is located. In the past time, there are three levers on the side of the wall that lower and raise huge chandeliers. Align all chandeliers at the same height, closer to the ceiling. Take a running jump onto the nearby chandelier. Jump to the farthest one, since in the present time it is the one that remains in the position in which you installed it. Jump onto the destroyed beams and climb up. All this must be done in the present tense. On the floor, find the Swift Shadow amulet, which increases your movement in stealth mode.

Feel free to go back in time to the indicated door marked "Code" and move to Stilton's backyard.

Stilton's backyard

Go downstairs, kill the enemies and find the diary in the gazebo. Read it to find out the code to Stilton's door. Go to the indicated door and enter the Stilton mansion.

Stilton Mansion

Picture No. 2. In the Stilton mansion, go to the hall with the elevator. Go upstairs and in the present time find an open window. You have already used it to get into a closed room. Climb out through the window onto the metal structure and go back in time. You will see two opponents. Deal with them. One of the enemies was standing on a wooden bridge, which was held in place by two red fasteners, the same as in any elevator. Shoot them and then return to the present. You will see that you can now climb up the wooden structure on which those same fasteners have been destroyed. Climb up, go forward and kill the two enemies on the right. Film "Quaternion Switching of the Executioner".

Go to Stilton's office by entering the code found in the diary. You can always view it in the “Tasks - Details” section. Watch the ritual. Go downstairs where the spiritual ritual was performed.

Spiritual ritual: the call of Delilah.

ATTENTION! Now your task will be to “leave the Stilton mansion.” If you do this, you will leave Aramis insane forever. But you have the opportunity to change time and save not only Stilton, but also his mansion. True, this had to be done at the moment when you were looking for the code combination. Read below!

How to save Stilton?

When you look for the code to the safe, you can meet Stilton in the backyard. Stunning him (not killing him) will change a lot of things. But be careful! First you need to collect all the previous objects, otherwise you won’t be able to get some of them.

After Stilton is rescued, a lot will change in the mansion. It will be possible to pick up new items.

Amulet No. 4. If you stunned Stilton, take the elevator to the second floor. There will be a man's office there. In the past, you could find a map there about the planned expansion of the mansion. Find another amulet on the desktop.

Dusty Quarter

Leave the mansion. If Stilton's mind was saved, the Dusty Quarter area would see better days. You'll even be able to chat with Lucia Pastor, the head of the United Miners' group, who you'll meet at Megan's house.

Amulet No. 5. In Lucia's back room, in the corner by the open window, find a well-hidden amulet.

If you saved Stilton, then there will be no light wall or guards here anymore.

Rune No. 4. On the right side of where the light wall once was, there is a large brown beam. Climb it and find the hidden rune.

Amulet No. 6. The building near the wall of light is now sealed. You can move to the roof where the light wall windmill was. There will be an amulet near the sealed entrance.

Amulet No. 7. You will find the last item in the sewer where the sixth mission began.


Duke Luke Abele cares only about his own interests, it was he who staged the coup. Get into the Grand Palace, find the Duke and eliminate him. Remember that to protect against assassination attempts, the Duke keeps his double in the palace. In addition, you have to find the soul of Delilah Copperspoon: this is the only way you can cope with her immortality.

In the eighth mission you can find:

– Runes – 5.

– Alien Altars – 1.

– Amulets – 7.

– Drawings – 4.

– Paintings – 3.

Go upstairs and talk to Megan located on the deck. Get on the boat and go to the palace of Duke Abele.

Climb up to find yourself in the first location.

Boulevard Ravina

At the fork, go right and left. Destroy two corpse wasp hives.

Amulet No. 1. Use the heart to determine that the amulet is above you. Go outside and deal with two enemies. Use Pull to climb up to the balcony above. Destroy the three hives, open the vice and pick up the fallen Dark Extraction amulet. When killed in light shadows, you gain health points.

Please note that the Wislow Safes building is located on the other side of the streets. To the right of it there is an alley with a closed gate. Read the note to the right of the gate. The code from them is in the Wislow company. Go to the safe shop and in the back on the first floor find the note “Gate Code”. Enter this exact code on the device in the next alley, to the left of the gate. This is how you open them!

You will find yourself at the back door of an underground shop (Black Market). There will be a messenger girl here. You can steal the key to the delivery ship from her.

Return to the safe shop. Facing him, go left. Turn into the alley on the right and find an underground shop in the building on your right. Climb onto the balcony of the building opposite the underground shop. Climb to the roof to find a windmill. Disable it as you did earlier to disarm the light wall.

Rune No. 1. Go to the square with the observation tower. Climb onto it using the balcony on the side and turn off the power by sticking out the tank with blubber. Activate the heart and jump onto the balcony of the adjacent building, where the rune marker leads. Inside, find a cabinet with a rune and take it.

Picture No. 1. In the same building, in the back room where there is a bed, remove the painting “Daud and the Parabola of Bygone Days” from the wall.

Altar of the Alien, runes No. 2 and No. 3. Go to the entrance to the Black Market. There are boxes and other items on the left. Climb up them, break the boards and go down to the basement to find the Alien altar with two runes.

Amulet No. 2. Go to the building on the other side of the light wall and observation tower. Go through the doorway and go upstairs, where there will be a locked door to the merchant's apartment. Need a key. Go down and walk along the building to the right. Go inside through another passage, go to the very top and open the white door on the right. In the cabinet under the sink, find the Bitter Blood amulet, which forces corpse wasps to stay closer to their nests.

To get through the light wall, even if it is neutralized, you will have to fight a huge number of opponents. By the way, you can buy a “secret loophole” from an underground dealer. You will bribe an engineer who will de-energize the rails. It will be possible to move along them!

Drawing No. 1, amulet No. 3. So. You need to find the key to the merchant's apartment. Go to the Wislow safe store and find the same key in the cash register on the first floor. Return to the high wall by the observation tower. Go into the house to the left of the wall, go up to the third floor and open the metal merchant door. In the apartment, find the “Small Improvement in Burning” blueprint and the “Piercing Scream” amulet. Wailing bolts are louder. Their range of action has been increased.

By the way, to pick up the amulet, you will need to cut the pillow on the bed. The amulet lies precisely under this pillow.

Move to the next location through the light wall.

Grand Palace

Move forward, swim to the other side and deal with the enemies. Go inside the palace.

Reception and dining room

Amulet No. 4. Go down and find the room on the right. Go behind the red screens and from the bed on which the corpse lies, take the “Spiritual Sacrifice” amulet. Killing rats or corpse wasps restores your mana.

Rune No. 4. Find an elevator on one side. Go to the right of it. Behind the wall on the left, a heart will show a rune. Keep to the left wall until you find yourself outside, where there are huge targets with the corpses of servants. There is an open window on the left. Climb through it and kill the enemy. There is a safe in the room with a rune hidden inside. Take the elevator to the third floor and go to the Duke's office. Kill him or his double, and then find a note with a code combination on one of the tables. Use it to open the safe and take the rune.

Amulet No. 5. On the third floor, find Delilah Copperspoon's chambers. In the bathroom, under the sink there is a “Fuzzy Silhouette” amulet. Enemies will see you better, but they will miss more often in ranged combat.

When you kill the Duke or his double in the office on the third floor, search the body and take the key to the treasury.

Amulet No. 6. Go to the throne room below. Don't rush to run to the throne to pick up the amulet. There is a discharge column on the right. Look to the right as you enter and you will see a door. Exit through it to the balcony and deal with the enemies. There will be another door on the left. Open it and on the wall you will see control panels for the discharge column. You can either pull out the blubber tank on the right, or use the installation tool on the panel on the left. Take the Sharp Eye amulet, which increases the damage done by crossbow bolts.

When you have the key, find the door leading to the balcony. Follow the direction of the glowing blue haze. Kill the sentry soldier. Do not rush to run to the treasury door, because there is a discharge pillar on the left. Save. Quickly run to the panel next to the door and remove the blubber tank from it.

Duke Abele's Treasury

Go down and use the statue to interact with her. You will receive Delilah's soul.

Below, find a niche with a black wall. There is a red button on the right. Click on it to open a secret room.

Drawing No. 2. Inside the room, on the table, find the blueprint for Galvani's Folded Resin.

Amulet No. 7. On the side, find the painting of Delilah and the “Fading Light” amulet lying underneath it. For the first second after killing, “Attraction” and “Transfer” do not consume mana.

Rune No. 5. To the left of Delilah's painting there is a screen. Break it with your sword, bend down and jump into the water. You need to swim down into the abandoned storage facility. Swim to the bottom of the pile of barrels to reach the rune. Go back the same way.

Picture No. 2. Go to Delilah's room and on the wall next to the piano find the painting “Her face is my smile.”

Picture No. 3. On the wall above the fireplace in the Duke's office (where you killed or stunned him), there is a painting called "My Name on My Lips."

Duke Abele's chambers

Go upstairs to the fourth floor to Duke Abele's chambers. There is a double here. As soon as you stun both characters, the game will automatically sign the double and the Duke himself.

When you have Delilah's soul and Duke Luke has been killed, go to meet Megan Foster. Leave this place.


Ship "Fallen House"

Meet with Megan Foster and Anton Sokolov and discuss returning to Dunwall.

In the ninth mission you can find:

– Runes – 5.

– Alien Altars – 1.

– Amulets – 9.

– Drawings – 2.

– Pictures – 1.

Talk to Anton.

Amulets No. 1 and No. 2. The first two amulets are on the ship, in Captain Megan Foster's cabin. To get into it, you need a key. The door to the cabin is in the room where Anton paints a picture. Go to the deck, sneak up on Megan and steal the key from her. Open the door and take the amulets. The first one is called Bird of Prey. Falling kills give you health. The second amulet is called “Explosion Resistance”. Explosions now deal less damage to you.

Drawing No. 1. Go to the workshop behind the wardroom with Anton and from the table on the right take the drawing “Double-layer Galvani impregnation”. Travel to Dunwall.

Death to the Empress

You must fight Delilah Copperspoon before she changes the world. Make your way to the Tower of Dunwall and try to unite Delilah's soul with her body. Then the impostor will become mortal again, and you will have a chance to eliminate her and regain the throne.

Rune No. 1. Go upstairs, kill the hounds and in the building on the right, where the Black Market is located, buy the first rune and the key to the arsenal.

Altar of the Alien, runes No. 2 and No. 3. If you go further along the street, you will see an altar marker on the right side high, high (use the heart). There is a destroyed building on the other side. Use "Gravity" to climb onto the destroyed rails and from them onto the building on the left. Climb higher through the ruins and use the metal beam to get to the desired balcony. In the apartment, deal with the robbers. Examine the wall in the back room and find a hanging barometer. Use it to open a secret room and find an altar with two runes.

Amulet No. 3. Go out onto the balcony of the same building and go right along the pipes. Jump along the roofs and move towards the marker pointing to the amulet. Enter the room and find the Shadow Restoration amulet on the pipes near the ceiling. Light shadow restores your health.

Go inside the Dunwall tower.

Dunwall Tower

Go forward and find a wounded caretaker on the left. Talk to him. The gate ahead is closed. There is a control room on the right. Right at the entrance there are two devices - one dispenses empty tanks, the other fills them with blubber. Pull the handle of the device in front, pick up the tank and insert it into the device on the right. Pull the other handle. Take the blubber tank and go to the back of the control room. Insert the tank to the right of the control panel, then press the red button. This will open the gate.

Amulet No. 3. Go outside and go up the hill. Get over the fence and kill the witches. Follow the steps above and in the building on the right (greenhouse) find the Healthy Appetite amulet. Any food will restore more health points.

Rune No. 4. Go up the slope and go left. Jump into the water and look on the left side for a window leading to the pumping station. Go down and kill the witches. The rune is in the corner. From there, follow the bridge along the right wall and find a place where you can jump down. Crawl to the rune and take it.

Picture No. 1. Go to the big fire where the witches were. Do you see a building in the distance? Go down to him. The heart points to it, because there is an amulet inside. Jump down from the bridge and go up the slope to kill the hounds and find the painting “Luke, His Eyes and Me.”

Amulet No. 4. Follow the pipe to the right of this building, rising towards it from the painting. Behind the building, on the roof, in a box there is a “Whirlwind” amulet, which increases the speed of attack with a blade.

Enter the Dunwall Tower.

Inside the Tower of Dunwall

Examine the elevator on the right. Read the note. You need to turn on the electricity, and to do this you will have to visit the security room. Climb over the closet where there is a hole, directly opposite the entrance. At the top of the stairs there is a corpse with two amulets hanging on it. The first is called "Stolen Breath": the attraction always costs more mana, but the attraction of enemies occurs secretly and quietly. The second amulet is called “Dangerous Block”. When you block with a blade in melee combat, you knock the enemy down, but take damage.

Defeat the enemies, go upstairs and talk to the Delilah statue. Once in the hall with steps, go left. Keep Right. Destroy the witches and the robot. Go down and see that one of the holes is missing a tank with blubber.

Use the device to get an empty tank, then insert it into the adjacent device and pump it with blubber. Place the blubber tank in the empty cell. Elevator power has been restored.

Rune No. 5. In the same basement there is a rune on a pipe near the ceiling.

Amulet No. 7. Go up to the second tier. There is an amulet inside one of the rooms. But the passage is blocked by a closet. Go around the room in a circle and above one of the doorways in the corridor, find a place where you can climb. There is a hole leading to a room with an amulet. Take the “Mind of Leviathan” amulet. Staying underwater restores mana.

Amulet No. 8. In another room on the second floor you will find the Ill-fated Work amulet. The room is open. The amulet gives a small chance that an enemy grenade will not work.

Call the elevator and go upstairs to the throne room. Go outside.

Tower Roof

Sneak up behind Delilah with the heart in your hand and use it on her. Click the right mouse button when you are behind Delilah. She will hide in the picture.

There are two options - either you follow Delilah into the picture and kill her. Or you use another way to stop the empress. Inside the painting you will need to fight copies of Delilah. Destroy them yourself using stealth (light shadow), or summon doubles. Once the duplicates are defeated, Delilah herself will appear. Kill her or assign the work to doubles.

By the way, Delilah can be left alive. You need to install the rune (skull) under the other two to the left of the throne.

Elimination of Delilah.

After killing Delilah, return through the painting to the real world. Keep the throne for yourself or save Corvo. There are many possible endings - it's up to you!

And here we are again on the ship, discussing with its captain Megan a plan for further action. During the previous task, it was possible to find out that Kirin Jindosh, one of Delilah’s most important associates, a brilliant scientist and inventor, whose intelligence is quite comparable to the same Sokolov, is behind the kidnapping of Sokolov, but his sharp mind does not work for the benefit of people, but rather the other way around.

You still have to get to his estate, as always, however: the approaches are quite reliably guarded, so traditionally you will have to try a little to just get to the mansion. During this mission you can find six runes, one Alien altar, eight amulets, four drawings and six paintings at once. Before setting off on the mission, talk to Megan and Hypatia, from the latter you can take the maximum possible supply of potion to restore mana.

Having set off on a boat and arrived at the place, go up the steps, this is the Lower Aventa location, you can traditionally immediately start collecting runes and amulets - for this, take out the Heart. We need to board the crew, just like in the previous mission. And again, the crew cannot be reached so easily; the station is guarded by a light wall, and in front of it there is also a handful of guards.

To the right of the station, in the courtyards in the basement, there is another black market outlet, which can again be robbed, but this time without the keys - by blowing up the wall on the other side. If you decide to do this, stock up on a tank of blubber, otherwise the two bandits who had already started such an operation did not have enough blubber. You can get to the place from where you can set off an explosion through the balconies of the upper floors of that same high-rise building.

But our task is different, on the black market it is advisable to buy everything that there is enough money for; neither assembly tools, nor stun mines, nor grenades will be superfluous - everything will be useful. By the way, the leader of one of the local gangs, Paolo, will come here and behave extremely impudently, and if you try to deal with him (put him to sleep or kill him), he will turn into a pack of rats. We will meet him again if desired in the next task, but for now, having prepared, go to the Aventa station.

You can get inside the station using an installation tool (reprogram the light wall so that it recognizes you as one of its own), or in simpler ways. The most convenient way is to go in from the other side and climb onto the roof; there are openings in the roof through which you can freely enter. There is also a rune in the backyard, although there is a high concentration of guards. In the station building itself, you can open a safe if you bought the key to it on the black market, you can take an amulet, getting rid of a couple of enemies who have arrived, or you can just immediately go further by carriage to your destination.

It will not be possible to get to the mansion itself, since the crew’s path is blocked by a door locked with a combination lock. The code can be found from one of the guards in the building on the left, on the top floor. There are also various useful things in the building. There are also runes with amulets nearby, collect them using the Heart. By the way, from here you can already get to the Jindosh mansion even without a crew, but it’s easier to still open the gate, since getting back with Sokolov in your hands and dragging him with you, jumping over the abyss, is not the best idea.

Get the code for the door (it traditionally varies for the game, you won’t be able to tell it), at the same time getting rid of interfering enemies, of which there is a fairly large concentration here. The light wall to the left of the building can be turned off on the second floor of the same building by pulling out the blubber tank there. Now you can search the buildings behind the light wall, where those same runes with amulets are, and from where you can jump to the Mechanical Mansion without the help of a crew.

One way or another, you will arrive at that same mansion. You probably had an idea of ​​what it was even before you started playing Dishonored 2 - the location was simply enchanting, which is why fragments of it were actively demonstrated in trailers before the game’s release. So, you went inside, you have a huge variety of options for moving towards your goal - levers are scattered throughout the not-so-small mansion, the activation of which rebuilds the mansion in the nearest rooms literally before your eyes. Each lever has two positions, so all rooms equipped with levers can appear in two different views.

And of course, for all the walls to move, you need mechanisms, and for mechanisms you need space. So there is also space behind the walls where you can move freely and this will not be a bug. So, you have entered, you are greeted - pull the first lever, go up the steps and talk to the owner of the mansion, who will easily recognize you. Therefore, he activates his main pride - the clock soldiers.

Let's take a closer look here: these are real death machines if you don't know their weaknesses. If you just try to fight them, mindlessly swinging your sword, the outcome will most likely be disastrous, because they have two limbs with long blades on each side, they hit painfully with electric charges, if you move away from the distance, they see you from the front, and behind, however, on the sides there is a blind spot, which should be used.

In addition, the head is very vulnerable; one shot at it can be enough to tear it off, after which the robot becomes blind and navigates only by sound. Because of this, he attacks anything that moves, including other robots and your enemies. The latter is worse if you want to go through the game without bloodshed. The easiest way to eliminate a robot is to approach it unnoticed at point-blank range and press the strike button in the knee area as soon as you see the corresponding icon on the screen. And there are many records scattered throughout the mansion, from which you can learn about the weak points of the sentry soldiers.

Having dealt with the first two robots that attacked you, look to the left - there is a light wall that can be turned off by crawling under the floor and pulling out the blubber tank there. You can get under the floor by slipping through a gap in the process of restructuring a room; the restructuring is traditionally triggered by a lever. You have quite a few options to get to Jindosh’s bedroom; collect amulets and other useful items along the way.

Jindosh's bedroom is nearby, you need to go through the corridor where the light wall was, then turn right. True, it won’t be possible to get through so easily; you will have to go into the next room and activate the lever there so that the room will be rebuilt. If you go out into the room where there is a piano, it is better not to pull the lever, although with a high degree of probability your opponents will do this for you. The lever changes the piano to a light pole that kills you in one shot - Jindosh modified Sokolov's device.

There are several exits from the room with the piano - one leads towards the place where Sokolov is marked, and that’s where we’ll go. This is the testing room, it can be accessed not only through the hall with the piano/discharge column, but also through the space behind the walls, where you can easily get out through the windows. So you get to the billiard table, there is a lever there again that changes the configuration, activate it, go to the next room, the lever again, jump down as soon as a gap appears in the place of the table.

Once in the testing room, pay attention to the guard - if you play as Corvo, you can move into him provided you level up this skill in order to turn off the light wall that closes the corridor on the alternative path to Jindosh. Otherwise, it is better to stun him immediately. After going down the stairs to the labyrinth of durable glass, read the note on the table. Now you know a non-lethal way to eliminate Jindosh: as it turned out, he has an electroshock machine, which, if configured incorrectly, can erase almost all of the test subject’s memory, with the exception of primitive cognitive functions.

There is also a sentry soldier wandering around in the labyrinth, and our ally, Sokolov, is being kept under guard there. The labyrinth can hardly be called complex; there are buttons scattered on the floor, by stepping on which you lower some walls and raise others. The main thing is to quickly deal with the sentry soldier. You will make your way to Sokolov by finding a button clogged with boards on the far left side of the room. So you make your way to Anton, talk to him, then pick him up and take your feet away from here along the same route that you came here.

Only this time two more enemies will appear, who arrived on the elevator. You can go around them, you can deal with them - whatever is more convenient for you. It’s better to take Sokolov somewhere closer to the exit from the mansion; if you’ve brought a carriage, put him right in the carriage, he won’t go anywhere, and return to Jindosh’s soul. If the option of turning off the light wall in the testing room one way or another did not suit you by moving in, then return to the room where the piano/discharge column is, there you can climb through the ceiling to the upper part of the room, from there follow to the right - that’s where Jindosh’s already mentioned bedroom is located .

There is also a mention of an electric shock machine, by the way. And another hourly soldier. In the far part of the bedroom there is another lever that opens the exit to the balcony. Jindosh will assure you over the loudspeaker that this is the best view of Karnaca. From the balcony we need to climb onto the ledge on the right far below. There you will find a small hatch in the wall, open it, and get out into a small room with an elevator.

It is here that Jindosh's laboratory is located, two watch soldiers wander around in it, in addition to their owner and inventor. Don't cut off the robots' heads if you want to eliminate Kirin without killing him. However, it is still necessary to get rid of them. Jindosh himself should be put to sleep (with a dart or strangulation), and then placed in the chair of his electric shock machine. The latter does not have enough energy, so it is necessary to distribute its consumption so that the charge is enough to clear the inventor’s memory.

IN Dishonored 2 walkthrough starts as Empress Emily Kaldwin. Go out into the city and meet the father of the main character - Corvo Attano. A short tutorial will begin, during which important plot events will occur. You will need to take a couple of lessons: an agility lesson, a secret movement lesson, a shooting lesson and a fencing lesson. Nothing complicated, the main thing is to follow Corvo's instructions and the prompts on the screen.

Long Day in Dunwall

Now the events of the game take place 15 years after the events in the original game. According to the plot, a maniac nicknamed “Royal Assassin” appeared in Dunwall, killing all the enemies of the empress. The killer's goal is to frame Corvo Attano.

An important event begins, which is dedicated to the anniversary of the assassination of the Empress's mother. The Duke of Sirkonos arrives to visit, guarded by mechanical warriors. Next, he brings to light the supposedly older sister of the once murdered empress, Delilah. It turns out that for some unknown reason, the Brigmore Witch Delilah survived the ritual, which was ruined in the past by Daud according to the DLC plot from the first part. Now she plans to seize power by posing as the rightful heir to the throne. So she kills all the guards. As a result, only Emily and Corvo remain alive. At this point, you will have to make an important decision, who will you play next:

  • Option one - Corvo. By choosing this character, Delilah will turn Emily into a gray statue, and remove the Alien mark from the man, thereby depriving the hero of all available spells. At the end, Corvo is locked in the Dunwall tower.
  • Option two - Emily. In this case, Corvo will be turned into a gray statue, and Emily will be sent to rot in the tower. The main difference between the two characters is only slightly changed spells, but nothing more.

Either way, the chosen character wakes up inside an unknown locked room. There are several notes from the empress's advisers on the table. To get out, open the window and climb through it to the window nearby, which leads to the queen's chambers.

Take the blade from the wounded captain. Inspect the private rooms - you can find some gold in the closets. Near the bathroom you can listen to an audio recording from Emily. There will be a lone guard walking in the next room - strangle him and take the key to the royal chambers from his belt. Go down to the floor below. Eliminate the guard in the corridor and through the next doors return back to the throne room.

From an overheard conversation, you learn that Captain Mortimer Ramsay (who betrayed you) wants to search the queen's treasury. There will be several guards standing nearby. Follow the captain quietly, and when he is completely alone, strangle him from behind. Be sure to take it from Ramsay's corpse signet ring. Then go straight to the treasury. Secret doors can be opened with a previously taken ring (insert the ring into the diamond on the wall).

Inside you can read a couple of books, take a mask and another pistol. There will be gold bars in the safes - you should take them too. Mortimer Ramsay's corpse should be dragged inside and the doors closed. You should exit the treasury through other doors with the same diamond-shaped lock.

In the small room, take the Samuel boat figurine (from the first part) - this is the first collectible item that you need to collect for the achievement. In the same place there will be a painting with the three Peddleton brothers - you should definitely pick it up too. One way or another, you will need to exit through this room to the balcony. Go down the roofs to the street on the right side. There will be guards on the streets looking for your character. There will be five soldiers standing near the large gate - you should go around them. There is a barracks on the right side, but you won't find anything interesting inside.

On the left side there is a passage into the house (a little to the left of the “For Rent” sign). There will be one guard inside the house - strangle him. A painting of Lady Boyle will hang above the fireplace. Under the removed picture is code for the safe – “451”. Inside are cartridges and silver bars. There will be many guards on the street directly under the railroad. On the right side there is a building called "Boyle" (with two guards and a couple of useful things inside).

Moving a little further along the road, you will come across a checkpoint through which even local residents will not be allowed to pass, so you need to bypass it: turn to the left, find yourself in the territory of a gang of hatters, dive into the water and swim to the ship. On the ship you will meet Megan (the captain). She will take the main character (heroine) away from Danuol.

On the edge of the world

Now the passage of the game Dishonored 2 begins with sleep. Leave the cabin and find yourself in the abyss. The character stumbles upon an Alien. He offers to accept his mark again.

  • Option one - Take the mark. In this case, the character will have access to all supernatural abilities.
  • Option two - Refuse the label. This mode is a complicated passage, because it will not be possible to use magic.

Use the jump to teleport to the following small islands. Talk to the spirit of the murdered empress - from her you will receive a mechanical heart that will help you find the runes. Next, approach Delilah, who is surrounded by her henchmen. Directly behind it there will be a small island, jumping onto which you can take two runes.

Next, the character actually wakes up in the cabin. Take two amulets nearby. Be sure to take a crossbow and go to the captain of the ship. She will talk about a doctor named Anton Sokolov. On the ship you can find a couple more notes and an audio recording. Before you get on the boat, be sure to dive into the water and look for another rune at the bottom. After this, return back to the deck, get into the boat and the captain will transport the hero to the shore.

Move to the left along the road until you see a sign on the wall that indicates an underground market. At the market you can buy potions, ammunition and other improvements. Go up to the 2nd floor. There will be a girl standing in the window who will beckon to the character. Through the windows you will find out what she wants. She will introduce herself and say that she can help get into the Addermere Institute, but in exchange for this she will need to get a body. The required corpse is located inside the caretaker outpost.

Exit through the doors nearby and go into the alley. After the first turn the danger zone begins. The path will be blocked by a light trap. There are several ways to get past this trap. For example, if you turn off the windmill or if you go around the wall through the houses nearby.

Move to the windmill, climb up and pull the lever. After this, you can safely move on. Move straight and climb the wall on the left side as soon as possible. Kill the guard, go past the sleeping guard and follow through the gate.

Almost immediately after the gate you will need to turn left and go straight to the garbage bins. From the trash cans, climb higher along the wall. Get over the fence. The electricity on the tracks will be turned off, so run along them until you come across a train that goes to the Addermere Institute. When you meet a guard, stun him.

Good Doctor

Upon arrival on the island of the institute, you will need to find an old friend - Anton Sokolov. Go through the main entrance on the right side. Once in the lobby, go around all the guards on the left side. Using a jump, teleport to the wall a little further and, near the wall of light, move to the tank with blubber to turn off the electricity. Now wait until the attention of the guard (in red uniform) is diverted, and then go behind the wall. Study the map of this institute carefully. According to the map, Doctor Hepatia's office located on the 4th floor. Therefore, get into the elevator and select the number “4”. Before you go down to the desired floor, be sure to hide on the left to avoid unnecessary attention. Listen to the dialogue between the guards, then knock out the one who remains in place.

Make your way unnoticed to Hypatia's office to pick up the doctor's key inside. Go down to the 3rd floor and enter the department, which is intended for recovering patients, after using the key. Go through the hall with corpse wasps - teleportation jumps will help in this passage. In the next room, find Alexandra Hypatia and talk to her. From her you will learn that Sokolov was taken in by a certain Kirin Jindosh.

Now we need to go search the convalescent rooms. You can find Vasco on one of the beds. This person will tell you that in fact the Royal Assassin is Doctor Hypatia. And although she is not herself, the serum helped change her mind. Vasco claims that she can be saved, but she will need to get to his safe in the clinic, where there is everything she needs. At the last minute of his life, he will tell you the code to his safe.

Go back to the stairs and go down one floor. Turn into the doors on the left. Get the two guards out of the way. Open the doors, enter the room and open the safe on the left. The code for the safe is “551”. Take the diary inside and follow it into the room with the syringe. After that, go to the room where the corpse wasps are located and collect infected blood in this place. With the blood, return back to the laboratory and create an antidote: turn on the burner; wait for the liquid to pour into the container; fill the syringe and return to the doctor. Using a teleportation jump, jump behind her and inject the antidote. As a result, the doctor will return to his previous state.

Now you can return to the lobby, and from there you can go out to the back patio. Go around the guard, move carefully to the tower, along the way you remove two more guards and take out the tank with blubber. After this, Megan Foster will be able to swim a little closer to the institute, thanks to which she can pick you up.

Mechanical Mansion

The entrance to the mansion is guarded by soldiers. You can only get inside in a carriage. The passage to the crew will be blocked by another light trap. Get out of the sewer and teleport up closer to the city. Move along the balconies of houses on the right side closer to the rails.

Now get to the light trap. Move to the canopy of the house nearby and wait until the guard standing nearby moves closer to the fence so that you can knock him out without any problems. Then you can safely reconfigure the panel, and after that you can go inside.

Behind the station where the light trap is located, climb onto the train and move to the roof. Through the windows a little higher you can immediately get to the roof of the train, which will transport the character to Upper Aventa.

The gate to the scientist's mansion will be locked. To go further you will need to get the code. However, there is another way: you can teleport along small islands, but first you will have to turn off the next light trap next to the building. You can also go through the alley, but for this you will need the key to the gate, which is kept by an experienced soldier on the top floor of the house.

Get into the carriage. Once you reach the mansion, go inside through the main entrance. In the lobby, turn on the audio recording. Enter the main hall and pull the lever in it. After this, immediately run forward and wait for the moment when the door between the two stairs is accessible. Come inside. Open the next doors and make your way further through the window on the left side. Go straight. Go around and be transported upstairs on the billiard table. Go to the right side. Walk around the hall in which the charging posts are located. Open any of the three available windows and eliminate the guardsman. Then another one follows. If you eliminate two guardsmen at once, then there will be no additional obstacle in the form of a sentry.

In the room, turn to the right and go to Kirin's chambers. Try not to make too much noise so as not to attract the sentry. Through the room you can immediately go to Jindosh. Pull the lever. Walk past the bedroom. Move to the hatch near the base of the tower and finally enter the elevator.

Take the elevator directly to the floor called “Office”. Again, you can go through the location either through a mountain of corpses, or through safe elimination and secretive movement. Therefore, as soon as you pass this section, go down to the laboratory. Inside there will be two platforms with settings. On one platform select “Anatomical Stand”, on the second – “Optical Stand”. After this, put Jindosh on the electric shock machine (in the chair). It will worsen his thinking and memory, so this person can be considered neutralized.

Now all that remains is to find Sokolov. Go to the testing room. Use the elevator for this. Get out and go forward along the corridor. Stun the guard. Make your way to the entrance and pull the lever that is responsible for the configurations. There will be a guard walking around inside. Stand on the button on the floor and as soon as the walls go down, quickly teleport to the room on the left. Then go straight, break the boards on the floor and close the button nearby. Stand again and wait for the walls to lower. This time it is necessary to quickly move upstairs, and then to Sokolov’s room. Take your friend and leave this place in the same way.

Go up the stairs. Teleport to the pipe that is located on the wall. Go through the pipe to the elevator. Move to the hatch (at the top of the elevator), open it and make your way inside. Go upstairs. At the top, exit the building through the window. Behind the walls, make your way to the windows next door. Leave Sokolov and make your way to the doors. Near the doors, pull the lever, change configuration and return behind the walls. Take Sokolov again and move along the path that is perpendicular to the corridor. Jump over the lowered walls and pull the next lever. While the platform on the floor is lowering, climb onto it and then teleport upstairs - to the main hall closer to the exit. Next, teleport to the doors of the mansion to get out of it.

Now select the option “Go to Nizhnyaya Aventa” and go to the station. All that remains is to return to the boat and get out of this place.

Royal Cabinet of Curiosities

The entrance to the Kunstkamera will be guarded by soldiers. Megan suggests first visiting the local caretaker, Byrne. Byrne, in turn, conducts secret surveillance of Ashworth from his secret outpost.

Get onto the roof and go behind the light wall. Near it on the right side there is a security post, but from it further along pipes, houses and roofs you can reach a red building. Find a door on the roof. Come in. Inside, go down the stairs one floor below and go into the room next to it. Get out of the room onto the balcony. Go along the balcony to another task (opposite, go into the open room, and through it go out to the balcony on the opposite side).

In front of you is now a door that has been knocked down on the fence - climb onto it and then teleport to the tower with a searchlight. Turn off the power to the spotlight and go downstairs. Trace exactly where the wires from the light trap lead to in order to turn it off. After this you can go through the main entrance.

After the light wall, turn left and at the end climb onto the ledge located on the building. Walk along the ledge to the main building and look for an open window on the right side. Use the balconies and chandeliers to get to the roof. There will be a patio on the roof. Teleport to the pipe nearby and make your way inside. So you will find yourself inside the Kunstkamera. Now all that remains to do in the story is to find Brianna.

Go looking for old lenses. Climb one floor higher and go along the corridor all the way to the window through which you will need to teleport to the roof. Make your way through the next window into the room where the old lenses for the oracle will lie. Brianna's office is on the floor below. Return to the Oracle to install the obtained lenses.

Now all that remains is to search Brianna's office. Take the paper on the table. After that, go straight to the elevator at the very end of the hall and break the boards on the stairs that lead to the basement. Below you need to move the cabinet near the wall. This will open a secret passage. Go through the gray doors and then leave the Kunstkamera through the sewers. Get back to the boat to leave the location.

Dusty Quarter

According to the plot, Aramis Stilton keeps some important secrets of Delilah that need to be obtained, because perhaps he will be able to find out how to defeat her. However, Aramis's estate will be locked with a very ingenious Jindosh castle. There is no way to pick the lock, so find Megan to find out how you can get inside.

Exit the sewer and find yourself near the entrance to the Dusty Quarter. First of all, hide behind the tank, then move immediately inside the building on the left side. Climb the stairs to the roof. If you look at the wall, then you will see a window - another way to the roof. There will be guards on the roof. Wait until the storm starts to make it easier to get further. Kill the guards and turn off the windmill. Next, jump from the roof onto the officer in the red suit. On the left side, approach the light trap, which will already be de-energized. Move past the guard and get to the building where the meeting with Megan will take place.

If you now eliminate one of the leaders of the warring parties (Paolo or Byrne), then their enemies will help them get inside the mansion. Exit the mansion, where there are no man's lands. After this, there is a division into various controlled territories. Get to the mansion gate. On the right side, take riddle of Jindosh. Since this riddle is generated randomly each time, even a search engine will not give an exact solution. Therefore, you will have to solve it either yourself, or turn to the leaders of those same groups.

Get to the entrance that leads to the rangers' territory. On the left side, climb onto the roof and teleport to the balcony. From the balcony to the lantern. Next to the counter and wooden scaffolding near the building. Now all that remains is to get to the window above and open it. This will take you to Byrne's office. Wait until the Supreme Overseer is left alone, then strangle him and take him with you. Exit through the window you used to get inside and get to Paolo. For the corpse of his competitor, he will give the solution to the puzzle. Now all that remains is to get to Jindosh Castle, set up a combination of the lady's surnames and use Paolo's hint.

Crack in the Universe

Three years ago, a ritual was performed in the mansion of Aramis Stilton that is associated with Delilah, so you need to try to find out what happened then. The level is noteworthy in that it will not be possible to use abilities on it, because it will drain all spiritual energy.

Enter through the central gate. Go up to the 2nd floor and turn immediately to the left. After walking a little forward, turn right at the first opportunity and move along the corridor all the way to Stilton's bedroom. There is a hole on the floor in the room - jump down through it. Stilton will sit near the piano. Trying to talk to him will result in the Alien coming and telling you that Stilton is stuck in time. So you get an analogue of a time machine.

Open the mirror and see what happened in the past. There will be guards behind the door - eavesdrop on their conversation and wait until they leave. Travel through time. Now we need to find office code, which is located at Stilton. Exit to the lobby and return to the present time. There is a door on the right side of the stairs - go to it and go back in time. This will give you a new clue. Return back to the present and go up the stairs to the 2nd floor. At the top, go to the doors on the right side. To go through the doors, go back in time. Go through the doors to the very end along the corridor. Behind the fence on the 1st floor there will be a dining room. Return back to the present and jump to the 1st floor. Climb under the table and use the mirrors to find the key on the chair. Go back to the past, take the key and go further under the table to the windows. When no one is around, get out and return back to the present time.

Climb onto the fence and look around. Return to the present time and euthanize the two dogs. Go to the gazebo. Jump on it from behind (on the wooden structure with corpse wasps) and immediately change the time. Wait until Stilton turns his back to jump into the gazebo and eliminate Aramis to collect the code. Moreover, you will immediately need to change the time to the present. On the right near the structures, return inside the building. Go higher to the office. Change the time again and enter the code on the special panel. Go inside the office.

After long dialogues, you can leave the mansion. At the exit, you will find yourself in the Abyss, where, after walking through the islands and listening to the Alien, you will again return through the portal to the present time.

Grand Palace

Another henchman of Delilah, Luca Abele, who also needs to be killed, but he has a double. He got a double in order to confuse the killer if something happened. However, the difference between the doppelgänger and the original is that he smokes.

When you get to the pier, go up the stairs. Move between the houses and you will soon find yourself in a hostile zone. Walk in a straight line and climb up a small ladder to end up on a metal platform near a tree. Move extremely carefully to the balcony, which is located in the neighboring building, while avoiding the spotlight from the security tower nearby. Go through the rooms inside to the balcony on the opposite side. Using a jump, move to the tower and turn off the electricity supply to get a tank with blubber. After passing the tower, teleport to the balcony, where corpse wasps will fly. Next, break all the boards on the doors and climb onto the staircase. Climb the stairs higher and get out onto the roof. You can get further inside either through a window in the wall or through a window located on the roof. Inside, get rid of all the guards. Pull the lever to turn off the next windmill and thereby deprive the light trap of power. Nearby there is also an underground shop where you can buy a piece of paper, thanks to which the rails will be de-energized for you. These rails will take you straight to the palace.

After overhearing the conversation, you learn that the key to the treasury is kept by the Duke. Teleport to the lanterns and follow them to the roof of the palace. On the roof, find a window that leads into the elevator shaft. Go downstairs, call the elevator and ride it to the floor where the Duke's chambers are located. To prevent enemies from noticing you, climb into the hatch and thus discover either Luka himself or his double. Don't forget that the double smokes, so watch the target carefully. If a man does not smoke, then he is a real duke, so you will need to find a double.

The double is located on the left side of the hemispherical dome (on a triangular platform). There will also be a discharge pole in this place, which must be turned off before killing. Follow the wires. At the end, near the stairs that lead down, there is a shield. Take out the tank with blubber in this place and go back up. Teleport to the wooden roof and go to the very end of the triangular roof. Now watch your double. At a certain point, he will ask the guards to leave him, so this will be an excellent moment for a kill. You can kill the Duke, or you can choose the option with a double, overthrowing the Duke. In this case, the double will rule. He will become a better ruler. However, to do this you will have to get the real Duke's medallion. To do this, you will have to sneak into Luke’s personal chambers again, stun him and take the key to the treasury. Take the body to the bed.

After this, all that remains is to find Delilah’s soul. Leave the Duke's chamber and find the stairs that lead down. Go down to the very bottom of the basement. There will be two guards below, so eliminate them and look for a button on the floor near the wall. Press the button and the doors will open. Use the key to open the doors to the treasury. There will be a sentry inside - you can easily bypass him. So you can simply immediately move to the statue of Delilah and thereby receive the Soul. Now all that remains is to leave this place. Get to Megan and leave the palace on the boat.

Death to the Empress

Since you now have Delilah's soul, you need to combine the soul with the body so that the girl eventually becomes mortal. Move to the pier and teleport to the billboard. Behind him, go around the building on the left side and climb up to the roof. From the roof, move to the balcony. Along the balcony you will reach a wooden structure. Neutralize the witch and go down to the ground to put the dogs to sleep. Run to the entrance to the tower. At a certain moment you will stumble upon a half-dead caretaker. From him you will learn that the gates are locked, so you will have to make your way along the roof to the palace. Along the way, knock out all the witches. At the end, using a jump, you will need to get inside the tower.

So now we need to get to the throne room. To do this, go to the right side to the elevator. Along the way you will come across a note. Based on the note, you learn that Delilah gave the order to turn off the power in the security room, so the elevator is not working. So you have to go back to the doors inside the tower, and then crawl through the blocked opening.

Exit the chapel and move towards the doors opposite. Due to the fact that there will be a sentry walking there, you will need to teleport to the pipe, which is located at the top (a little further from the sensors). As soon as the sentry has passed, go straight to the doors and follow them down into the security room. In order to restore energy, you will need to find a tank with blubber. The tank is located in the dispenser. After the energy is supplied, take the elevator to the throne room. A witch will then arrive in the room - you will need to go around her and make your way upstairs. Teleport to the pipe and move along the corridor to the left. Get to the very end of the corridor.

The doors at the end will be blocked. Go down and behind the witch go to the last accessible door. In the kitchen, turn left and jump down the shaft. Now go through the sewers to the doors that lead to the main hall. Teleport to the 2nd floor, and then to the chandelier and exit through the opening that is blocked in the corridor where the elevator will be located. Call the elevator and wait for it to arrive, standing on the boxes on the right side. Kill everyone inside the elevator, then go inside and select the “Throne Room” button.

Once you reach the roof, go to the entrance. The entrance will be boarded up with several boards, so break the barriers. Take the heart in your hands and carefully make your way behind Delilah so that the soul returns to the body. As a result, after this action, she will escape into a magical picture. So you have to go after her. When the real Delilah appears, quickly teleport to the stone structure with columns and jump on top of the girl. All that remains is to take her body and return to the painting. Come out and place the body on the throne. At this point Dishonored 2 walkthrough comes to the end.

Dishonored 2 endings

An epilogue will follow, which will be divided into several parts. In each part you can see the consequences of all actions. IN Dishonored 2 endings presented exactly in this form. The final outcome is influenced by the fate of Serkonos, the fate of Delilah, the fate of Sokolov and the fate of Billy Lurk.


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