Lane launchers. Positive aspects of Tlauncher. Screenshots of launcher for minecraft TL

To start playing on servers, you just need a specific launcher to download the required version of Minecraft, the best for this, of course, is TLauncher. It will help you download absolutely any of the released versions of the game, and you can run them without removing others.

Undoubtedly, this launcher gives you free to download the game and the entire version, that is, the user will not have to pay anything! But you can always log in under a licensed Mojang account, to play on licensed servers and to use other goodies. The launcher does not store passwords in clear text and sends only for verification to the Mojang servers on the first input, so everything is safe!

Nice design that fits perfectly into the atmosphere of Minecraft sets it apart from others, sometimes completely bad in this regard. The bottom green panel contains all the main functions, and this is the choice of an account or a field for entering a nickname, a field for selecting a version, a button to install and start the game, update the list of versions, open the folder with the game and the button to open the launcher settings.

The central part contains the main news from the Minecraft game, for example, a list of changes in versions. And also a list of recommended servers! On the right, on a dark blue background, are the links of the TLauncher community.

If you do not have an account for a licensed game, but you still want to play with the skin, then you can register at and install any skin there. And then log in to the launcher under this login and launch the version with the TL icon, then you will have a skin, by the way, for free.

The TLauncher skin system really has a lot of advantages, because of the huge audience of the launcher, the skin is seen by a lot of other players on the servers! Also, there are additional benefits in Premium accounts, giving HD skins and cloaks that people also see.

We recommend that you involve your friends in this system (that is, give them a link to download TLauncher 2.22 from our project or from the official website), because the faster the community grows, the more players will see each other's skins. It is TLauncher that has the necessary resources to maintain and develop such a system, other launchers show a drop in the statistics of the number of users. Therefore, the choice is obvious!

Thanks to our project, TL Launcher has a new function that is directly related to us, this is the launch of a game of a certain version from the website in the program and automatic login to the server. It works for the user very simply, on the main page of our site there is a button "Enter the server" (in the full description of the server, this is a blue button with a gradient "TLauncher"), by clicking on which a window appears where you need to select the version of the game, and then click on one more button "Log in to the server", only this time blue.

If you have TLauncher running (versions higher than 2.22) and there are no problems, then the game will start immediately and log into the server. It's so easy to start your game on the selected server with one click! If there is a launch problem, a corresponding window will appear on the site.

Naturally, in such a program there are many settings and more subtle tuning of the launch of the game. By clicking on the gear to the additional tab, we find ourselves on the settings page. Where on the first page we see the following options: Change directory, if, for example, there is no space on a standard disk; Game resolution at startup; List of versions, for example, not everyone likes snapshots with bugs and it is better for them to hide them; Next are the Java arguments; The path to the Java program itself; And the allocation of RAM to the game;

On the next page "TLauncher Settings" you can see the following: Developer Console, which is used to display all events occurring in the launcher and the game, to analyze for errors; Connection quality, to determine the number of seconds before the timeout; The language of the program, well, this is already clear.

We hope that for you this program is an excellent tool not only for easy installation of the game, but also for a whole system with many services that you really want and want to use. And those who still have not been able to learn such joy from this software, then you definitely need to download minecraft launcher under the name TLauncher and check it yourself! Good luck!

TLauncher is one of the best and most user-friendly alternative Minecraft launchers. With it, you can play your favorite Minecraft in just a few clicks.

For more details, as well as to find out how to install mods for TLauncher, visit the official page.

Features of TLauncher:

  • Work faster and more productively
    TLauncher works faster than the official launcher due to the fact that it removes all unnecessary checks. Only Minecraft - nothing more.
  • Simple and intuitive interface
    The interface in TLauncher was written from the ground up to show how simple the process of downloading and launching Minecraft can be. The launcher is widely used by newbies, which is why it is so popular. Try it, you should like it!
  • Forge and OptiFine support out of the box
    Improved version support allows TLauncher to launch modified versions of Minecraft without additional actions from the user - everything has already been done before him, he just needs to press the desired button. It's so simple!
  • Support for mirrors and multithreaded downloads
    Most of the files used in TLauncher have multiple copies located on different servers. This allows you to download resources from the most appropriate sources. And multithreading minimizes the download time of any files. We try to use your internet connection as efficiently as possible.

Creating an account in TLauncher:

How to install TLauncher for Minecraft:

  1. Download TLauncher.

  2. Run the downloaded file.

  3. Follow the instructions of the launcher.

  4. Add a new account.

  5. Enjoy the game!

TLauncher is one of the most convenient launchers for the Minecraft game, which offers a lot of interesting features and will be of interest to any minecrafter. The main function of the program is to download and launch the game client. Now you do not need to do it "manually" - the launcher will help you download Minecraft of the required version and with the required mod in a couple of clicks (Forge and OptiFine are supported). Just select the above options in the drop-down list and click "Install". In the vast majority of cases, the download will take less than a minute.

Another important advantage of the program is that it can recommend you various free servers with a wide variety of game modes and a large number of players. TOPs are updated daily, as well as the program itself. In the main window of TLauncher, you can always see a list of the latest changes that have appeared in the launcher. The developers are constantly improving and improving it. At the time of this writing, the most interesting, in our opinion, built-in function is the ability to change skins for characters and some objects in the game environment.

TLauncher is suitable for playing both official (licensed) Minecraft and unofficial versions. The program can optimize the performance of the game, and also makes it possible to limit the amount of RAM that will be available to it (it helps a lot when using multiple windows in parallel). If necessary, in the launcher settings, you can change the folder where the client is installed, the resolution of the game and its launch parameters. The nickname for the network game is indicated just before the launch. It is not saved anywhere, so you can change it every time you connect to the server if you want.

The program interface is fully translated into Russian. You can download and use its basic version completely free of charge. There is also a Premium version in which HD skins are available to players.

Key features

  • downloading and running different versions of Minecraft with modifications;
  • the function of increasing the frequency of FPS and limiting the amount of used RAM;
  • lists of the best servers to which you can connect with the press of a single key;
  • the ability to change the character's skin;
  • section with news;
  • nice and fully Russified interface.

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What is MRLauncher?

MRLauncher Is a free launcher from the team site. Our monitoring is integrated into this launcher with the ability to enter the server in one click. The parameters by which the servers are displayed in the launcher were selected based on popularity. Now you no longer need to download Minecraft for each version separately. Through our launcher, you can download and play on any version of Minecraft in one click.

All services purchased for servers on our monitoring work in MRLauncher. So, as a server owner, now you can attract even more players. In addition, a unique opportunity will help you get the maximum online on the server - the button "play through MRLauncher", which appeared next to each server on the site. Due to it, players will be able to enter your server from our monitoring in one click!

Benefits of the launcher

Launching the game directly from the site

A button "play through MRLauncher" appeared near the servers.
Now players can enter the servers from our monitoring in one click

Built-in monitoringServer list from site

Our monitoring is integrated into MRLauncher. Color highlighting and promo points purchased on the site work in the launcher too

25,000 players online daily

We are promoting the launcher on the most popular Minecraft sites on the Runet. The number of MRLauncher users is growing daily

All versions of Minecraft

Through MRLauncher, you can play on any version of Minecraft, including the newest one. Forge and Optifine are also installed via the launcher

Convenient interface

The launcher is very easy to use. You can easily create accounts, use settings and log into servers in one click

Quick start and installing versions

MRLauncher does not need to be installed, you just need to launch it. After launch, you can immediately play both a single player game and on servers

What's new

Version 1.1

1. Added a system of skins
2. Launching the launcher is faster
3. Accelerated work of the launcher on weak computers
4. Added search by servers
5. Now favorite servers can be added to bookmarks
6. Fixed many bugs in functionality and design

Version 1.0

Release of the first stable version of the launcher

Frequently asked questions

MRLauncher does not require installation, you just need to start it. First, download the launcher from one of the links at the top of the site, and then launch it.

If the launcher does not start, then you do not have the latest version of Java installed. You can download it from this link - After installing the latest Java version, launch MRLauncher again. If this does not help, then write to our support team.

MRLauncher includes absolutely all versions of Minecraft, including alpha, beta, snapshots and old versions. As soon as a new version of Minecraft comes out, it immediately appears with us. In addition, using our launcher, you can automatically install Forge and Optifine.

To install the required version, click on the version next to the "start playing" button. Then select "Version Control". Here you can install, reinstall and uninstall Minecraft versions.

If you do not want snapshots or alpha versions to be displayed here, go to "Settings", uncheck the corresponding checkboxes and click "Save".

To start playing, download and launch MRLauncher. At the top of the launcher, you can view your account. Initially, each user has an account with a nickname like MRLauncher_11111... You can change your account by clicking on your nickname and then on "change account".

After you have created an account or left a standard one, you can start playing single player or on servers.

How to start playing on servers?

To start playing on servers, select any server you like from the list. You can search for servers by the Minecraft version, as well as by the parameter or mini-game you are interested in.

When you have selected a server, click on the "play" button. After that, the download of the Minecraft version, which is installed on the playground, will begin, and then you will immediately find yourself on the server.

How do I start playing single player?

If you want to play a single player game, then click on the "start playing" button to the right of your nickname.

If you need to select a different version, then click on it, and then click "version control". In this section, you can install, reinstall and uninstall Minecraft versions.

If your server is in MRLauncher, but our standard logo is displayed next to it, then your server does not have an icon.

To install an icon on your Minecraft server, you need to do the following:

1. Create a picture with a size of 64x64 pixels. You can make it using Photoshop or find a ready-made one on the Internet;

3. Rename the picture to server-icon.png;

4. Upload the picture to the root folder of the server;

5. Restart the server;

6. The icon is installed. Click the "refresh server list" button in the launcher and an icon will appear next to your server.

You are logged into the server and you cannot budge. In the chat window, you are required to register.

To do this, open the chat with the "/" key and enter:

/ register "your password" "repeat password"

You create the password yourself! The most important thing is to remember it, because when you return to the server, you will need to enter it again, only in a different way:

/ login "your password specified during registration"

MRLauncher does not include servers that cannot be launched through our launcher for technical reasons. These include licensed server, server Minecraft Pocket Edition as well as the server with its own launchers... In addition, the launcher did not include the Minecraft version servers. 1.5.2 and below, since the auto-connect feature appeared only in version 1.6.

If your server has version 1.5.2 and below, but you can access it from a newer version, then you can select it on monitoring. Then your server will be included in MRLauncher.

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The launcher is equipped with all available versions of the game from the developers, at any time you can install one of them, even the newest version of Minecraft 1.10.2. No changes were made to them, all files are downloaded from the developers' servers, which means that you get a perfectly clean Minecraft.

Thanks to TLauncher, you have the possibility to install a modified version of the game: Forge - needed to work with mods, Optifine - to optimize the game and increase FPS. All this can be installed separately, but you have to search somewhere and are tormented by the setup, the launcher will do everything for you, you only need to select the required version. Imagine how much time you will save, but you only need to download TLauncher

On our website, you can install your own skin, which will be seen by all our users, but we can assure you that most of them use our launcher. The skin system is in no way inferior to the official one, it even has several advantages: the installation of a cloak and HD skins. Because of these advantages, TLauncher skins are considered to be the best and their installation is simple and free!


Do not stop playing through your licensed account, use all its advantages: Licensed servers, skins system, your nickname and all the best aspects of TLauncher, just log in with your email and password. Of course, requests are sent straight to the developers' servers in encrypted form, no one will ever gain access to your account - only maximum security! Someone may say that the launcher is pirate, but it is better to call it alternative.

Mods for different versions of Minecraft can be loaded directly from the program. Also, the search for new mods for you becomes easier, because we have everything sorted by categories and versions, the files are checked and are definitely working. Therefore, sites that distribute mods without proper health checks are a thing of the past. Watch the launcher for updates to immediately download the latest version of TLauncher with this function after the release.

We are constantly improving our product, so, in principle, there can be no errors that interfere with your stay in Minecraft - they have all been fixed! Of course, thanks to our players who contact us through the site or directly from the launcher and report all their problems. We help everyone, so don't be afraid to write to us! Of course, do not forget to update our launcher to the latest up-to-date version, at the moment it is - TLauncher 2.0

Obviously, you have seen more than one launcher for the game, but you clearly found many flaws and not improvements in them, so you are here to get the maximum emotions from Minecraft, due to the huge amount of content and functions provided by us. We are one step ahead of many and it will always be like this, because the development of TLauncher does not stop for more than one day!

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