Story-based role-playing games in the senior group in the fall. “Autumn Journey to the Forest” (role-playing game in a dhow). General rules for conducting role-playing games

Junior group

List of games:

1 quarter: "Family", "Kindergarten", "Shop", "Visiting the nesting doll", "Puppet show", "Mishka's Birthday", "Bus", “Let’s put the doll to sleep”, “Moidodyr visiting the guys”, “For a walk with the doll Sonya”, "Lunch hour has come".

2nd quarter: "Hospital", "Salon", "Big Wash", "At the Christmas tree festival".

3rd quarter: "A toy shop", "Steamboat", "Zoo", "Chauffeurs", "Talking on the phone".

The rest of the games are more difficult.

Middle group

List of games:

1 quarter: "Sailors", "At the dentist", "Laundry", "Vegetable shop".

The rest of the games are more difficult.

2nd quarter: "Beauty saloon", "Winnie the Pooh Bear's Birthday", (Carlson, "Theater", "Excursion to the Museum", "Puppet show", "Dining room", "Concert for dolls".

3rd quarter - all games with complication.

Senior group

List of games:

1 quarter: "Confectionery Factory", "Shop"(confectionery, bread, dairy, "Polyclinic", "Harvest", "Steamboat"(the work of river workers, "Steamboat"(we are sailing along the river Vorona, Khoper, "Transport"(land, air, "Livestock breeders", "Journey to Atlantis or to another planet", "Journey to Distant Lands", "Hospital with different departments", "Pharmacy", "Cosmodrome Builders".

2nd quarter: "Building a city of the future", "Airport", "We are artists", "Studio", "Circus", "Adventure Journey"(on land, at sea, "Border Guards", "We are artists", "Fishing vessel", "Library".

3rd quarter: “We are building the city of Borisoglebsk”, "Animal hospital", "Mail", "Mom's holiday at home", "Space trip", "We are circus performers", "Newsstand", "Cooking", "Disco", "Forest School", "Spring Ball", "Traffic", "Premiere at the theater", "In the Botanical Garden".

Preparatory group

List of games:

1 quarter: "School", "Travel to Russia", "Toy Factory", "Autumn Fair - Gifts of Nature", "We are farmers", "Library", "We're playing theater", "We are going to another country", "Canning factory", "Journey through the desert, or steppe", "Journalists", "Photo studio".

2nd quarter: "Stadium", "Family"(grandmother's, grandfather's anniversary or other family holiday, "Cinema", "Circus", "Ambulance", "Farewell to winter", "A television", "KVN", "I'm doing an interview", "Pantomime Theater", "Livestock breeders", "Sewing Studio", "Railway", "Space".

3rd quarter: "Fire Department", "Ambulance"(burns, poisoning, "Animal hospital", "We are aliens", "Morning Star", "Carnival in Africa", "Dentistry", "Polyclinic"(bites, injuries, "Fashion house", "A space flight", "Field of Dreams", "Voyage on the bathyscaphe", "Herbal Pharmacy", "Stadium"(sport games, "Beauty contest"(clothing modeling, "Ambulance"(ingress of foreign bodies, donors, "Flight to the moon", "Dog show", "Border Guards".

Approximate distribution of role-playing games by year of study

First year of study

October, November, December, January, February - training in actions with various toys (dolls, animals - dog, cat, chicken, horse, hare, fox, squirrel, bear, hedgehog).

March, April, May - training in operations with engines (truck, train, bus).

Second year of study

October - sequential playing with the doll.

November, December - "Mothers and Daughters".

January - "Bus".

February - "Toy Store".

March - “Family” (playing with a doll, bus trips, walks, visiting guests, etc.).

April - "Doctor" (doctor's appointment in kindergarten).

May - "Kindergarten" (using the game "Bus" and "Family").

Third year of study

September, October - "Toy Store" and "Grocery Store".

November - "Doctor".

December - “Family” and “Bus” (combination of plots).

January - "Kindergarten".

February - "Barbershop".

March - “Calling a doctor to your home”, “Family”, “Shop”, “Hairdresser” (combination of plots).

May - "Puppet Theater" (the game includes dramatizations of fairy tales).

June - "Zoo".

Fourth year of study.

September - "Store" (Supermarket). October - "Polyclinic". November - "Polyclinic" and "Pharmacy". December - "Doctor's house call", "Ambulance". January - "Kindergarten". February - "Sailors". March - "Mail".

April - “School” and “School Supplies Store” (plot combination). May - "Zoo".

Approximate list of topics for playing with dolls (1st year of study ): “Our guest is the doll Anya (Vanya)”; "The doll wants to sleep"; "Anya's doll's breakfast"; "Dani Bear's Birthday"; "Baby Walk"; "Matryoshka has a housewarming party"; "Bathing naked babies"; "Wash"; "Christmas tree holiday"; “Matryoshka dolls came to our new house”; “The nesting dolls came to visit us”; “Let’s dress my daughter for a walk”; "Anya woke up (morning doll)"; “A trip to visit by bus,” etc.

Preparatory work: didactic games to clarify the names of objects and actions; reading children's literature.

An approximate list of topics for playing with animal toys : “We’re going to visit the dog in the yard (doghouse...)”; “They gave us a kitten”; "Let's feed our hen and chicks"; "Let's ride a horse"; “A walk in the forest (meeting the animals)”, etc.

An approximate list of topics for playing with motor toys : “We’ll bring cubes on a truck to build a house”; "Housewarming" (transportation of furniture by truck); "Let's ride the animals on the train"; “Let’s ride the animals on the bus,” etc.

Approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Family"": "Morning in the family"; "Lunch in the family"; "Evening in the family"; "Day off in the family"; "A child in the family got sick"; "We help mom wash clothes"; "Big cleaning of the house"; "Family to came to visit the family"; "Moving to a new apartment"; "Family holiday: mother's day, New Year, birthday, etc."

Preparatory work: examination of the painting “Family” and “Washing Laundry” (see various sets of paintings for kindergartens); pictures "Object in action", reading children's literature.

Attributes: dolls in images (mother, father, children, grandmother, grandfather, baby dolls), clothes for dolls; apartment equipment for dolls (kitchen and living room): wardrobe, sofa, bed, table, chairs, clothes hanger, kitchen furniture, stove, sink, dishes, ironing board, irons, basins, children's washing machine, vacuum cleaner, drying stand linen, clothespins, children's sewing machine, aprons for children, toy mixer, "Little Housewife" set, etc.

Approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Kindergarten" ": "Admitting children to a group"; "A trip on the bus to a kindergarten and receiving children to a group"; "Exercise in a kindergarten"; "Nanny's work in the morning - breakfast"; "Nanny's work - cleaning the group"; "Cook's work in kindergarten"; "Work in the laundry of a kindergarten"; "A teacher conducts a lesson in a kindergarten"; "A speech therapist conducts a lesson in a kindergarten"; "A teacher conducts a lesson in a kindergarten" (children observe the work of a speech therapist, a speech pathologist and can sufficiently accurately convey it); “The music director is conducting a lesson in kindergarten,” etc.

Preparatory work: a set of sequential pictures (individual pictures or a screen) to familiarize a nanny, teacher, cook with the work; paintings from the series “We Play” (paintings for kindergartens); an excursion to the doctor’s office, the kitchen, the laundry room, observation of the work of the assistant teacher and teacher (in his group, in the younger group), music director, teacher, speech therapist, etc.; reading children's literature.

Attributes: dolls with a set of clothes, furniture, dishes, small toys, mops, buckets, rags, aprons, bathrobes, washing machine, basin, drying rack, ironing board, irons, gas stove, cookware set, food, vacuum cleaner , musical instruments, various games (for playing teacher and speech therapist), etc.

An approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Bus" ": “We are building a bus”; “Learning to drive a bus”; “We are going to kindergarten”; “We are going to the park”; “We are riding around the city”; “We are going to visit”; “We are going to the theater”, etc.

Preparatory work: examination of the paintings “The Driver” (from the series “Who to be?”), “Riding on the Bus” (from the series “We Play”), various illustrations, pictures about transport, etc.; excursion to the bus stop, observation of the bus and the driver’s work; reading children's literature.

Approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Shop" ": vegetable, grocery, bread, clothing store, toy store, etc. The game "Department Store", "Universam" is organized with children of senior preschool age.

Preparatory work: examination of the painting “Seller” from the series “Who should I be?”; a set of sequential pictures (individual pictures or a screen) to familiarize the seller and cashier with the work; didactic games for classification, highlighting unnecessary things, etc. (vegetables, fruits, food, toys, etc.); excursion to various stores (depending on the theme of the game), reading children's literature.

For the game, money, checks, wallets, and bags for customers must be prepared. A stationary counter on which all kinds of goods are beautifully laid out (depending on the theme of the game), scales if necessary, next to a cash register, a adding machine, and a robe for the seller. Additionally, everything necessary for a specific type of store is included.

Approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Barbershop" : “Mom takes her daughter to the hairdresser (playing with a doll)”; "Dad takes his son to the hairdresser (playing with a doll)"; “Children go with their parents to the hairdresser (distributed in the halls)”; "We're going by bus to the hairdresser"; “The sailors went ashore and went to the hairdresser”; "Doing hairstyles for the New Year's holiday"; “We invite a hairdresser to a kindergarten,” etc.

Preparatory work: examination of the painting “Hairdresser” from the series “Who should I be?”, a set of sequential pictures (individual pictures or a screen) to familiarize oneself with the work of a hairdresser; excursion to the hairdresser; reading children's literature; didactic games.

Attributes: dressing table with a mirror, washbasin, towel, large and small hairdryer, set of napkins, cape, robe for a hairdresser, cologne, perfume, cream, shampoo, varnish (all toy, you can use empty bottles at the beginning of the game), scissors, set for shaving (everything is made of cardboard or a children's "Hairdresser" set is used), combs, brushes, curlers, ribbons, albums with hairstyle drawings (hairstyle samples), a set of special toys "Children's Hairdresser". A salon is equipped for the game, a place for the hairdresser - a table with a mirror, a table with a washbasin, a stationary hairdryer (as in real hairdressing salons), a waiting area (a table with a set of pictures of hairstyles, books, magazines, etc.).

Approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Doctor" " (2nd year of study): "At a doctor's appointment in kindergarten"; "Calling a doctor at home (the doll got sick)", "Katya the doll got sick (visiting a doctor at the clinic)", "Dad calls a doctor to the sick person's house daughter" etc.

Preparatory work: examination of the painting “Doctor” from the series “Who to be?”, a set of sequential pictures (individual pictures or a screen) to familiarize yourself with the work of a doctor and nurse; excursion to the medical office; reading children's literature; didactic games.

Attributes: robe, cap, doctor's bag, play set "Doll Doctor", phonendoscope tube, spatula for examining the throat, thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, iodine, tablets, medicine (all toy, made of unbreakable material), heating pad, prescription forms .

Approximate list of topics for role-playing games "Policlinic" ", "Pharmacy", "Ambulance" (3rd and 4th year of study): "Reception of a doctor and nurse"; "Work of a registrar at the clinic reception desk"; "Work of specialist doctors: pediatrician, ENT specialist, ophthalmologist" ( all acquaintance is carried out at the most accessible level); “Mom calls a doctor at home”; “An ambulance is coming to treat Katya”; “The ambulance is taking Katya to the hospital”; “The doll Katya has recovered and is being discharged from the hospital”; “Pharmacy and pharmacist”; “Visiting a doctor at a clinic and buying prescriptions at a pharmacy.”

Preparatory work: examination of the painting “Doctor” from the series “Who to be?”, a set of sequential pictures (individual pictures or a screen) to familiarize yourself with the work of a doctor and nurse; pharmacist; excursion to the clinic, pharmacy; observation of ambulances on the street (during any walk, excursion); reading children's literature; didactic games.

During the entire training process, children’s experiences are actively used; if children have negative experiences, it is important not to focus on them; on the contrary, one should give a positive assessment of the doctor’s activities and try to switch the child to positive emotions.

Attributes: for this game you need to equip a doctor's office and a waiting room where patients will wait their turn. In the office for the appointment, medications and instruments should be prepared: in a jar or glass - thermometers, in a box - syringes, a pack of mustard plasters (neatly cut rectangular sheets of velvet or plain yellow paper), a spatula, a stethoscope, a hammer, a pipette, a stick for smearing with iodine or ointment, cotton wool, bandage, a mirror for examining the nasopharynx or ears, “alcohol” for lubricating the injection site, “iodine” for cauterizing wounds, drops, medicine, medicine for injections, powders, tablets, ointment, tables for testing vision with pictures and etc.

It is necessary to equip the registrar's office, make each child his own card and number during manual labor classes. A special place should also be allocated for organizing a pharmacy. It is necessary to present a wide variety of “medicines”, medical items, and personal hygiene items.

When organizing this game, you need to pay special attention to the selection of things, to what all the equipment is made of, since preschool children with intellectual disabilities can put in their mouths, suck medications, etc. You cannot use natural medicines!

An approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Sailors": "Learning to build a ship"; "Sailors are sailing on a ship on the sea"; “Sailors fish, work as fishermen”; "Sailors check their health with the ship's doctor"; “Sailors sail the sea, fish, have lunch”; “Sailors go ashore, go to the theater”; “Sailors bring their catch ashore and sell the fish to the store”; “Sailors sail to a big city and go to the “Zoo”, etc. Thus, the game “Sailors” is gradually united with the games “Bus”, “Policlinic”, “Shop”, “Puppet Theater”, etc.

Preparatory work: examination of the painting “Sailor” from the series “Who to be?”, a set of sequential pictures (individual pictures or a screen) to familiarize yourself with the work of a captain, sailor, ship doctor, fisherman; excursion to the port, river or sea embankment (based on possibilities), involvement of parents in this excursion (individual excursions of children with parents); excursions to the Naval Museum or any other relevant type (with parents); reading children's literature; didactic games.

Attributes: a ship from a large builder, a steering wheel, an anchor, binoculars, caps, jacks, nets, fish, etc.

This game can be played in another scenario. For the game, the teacher makes a large ship out of children's chairs, on board of which a lifebuoy is attached. A large pipe is installed in the center, a ladder board is placed, and a ticket office is installed on the pier. Passengers with children (dolls) take food with them on the trip to feed the children when they get hungry, as well as money for tickets. Passengers arrive at the pier - some by bus, some by car, some on foot; buy tickets and board the ship. The sailor on duty stands at the gangway, checks tickets and helps passengers board. The captain walks along the deck with a telescope, the helmsman is waiting for his order; When everyone is settled, the ship departs. The ship makes a stop, the passengers go for a walk in the forest, then sail back home.

An approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "School": " To the store for school supplies”, “Merry counting lesson”, “At a big break”, “Puppet theater visiting schoolchildren”, “Schoolchildren on a city tour”, “In the school library”, “Lunch in the school canteen”, “ At a physical education lesson," etc.

Preparatory work: examination of the painting “Teacher” from the series “Who should I be?”; school excursions; video film about the school (author's materials); reading children's literature; didactic games.

A play corner for playing “School” is equipped, in which desks and a table for the teacher are placed, a corridor for walks during recess is fenced off, a school cafeteria is set up, etc.

First, the children go to the “Shop” (the group is equipped with a “School Supplies Store”), where they buy everything necessary for the schoolchild. Most of these supplies are pre-made by children with teachers during manual labor classes (small notebooks, albums, pencil cases, etc.). After that, they can go to the hairdresser to get a haircut to be neat. Then the children visit the clinic, where they undergo a medical examination. Only after this do they go to school, where the teacher meets them. The role of the teacher is assumed at the beginning of the game by a speech pathologist. She introduces the children to the school, tells them what they will do here, how they should behave at school, etc. During subsequent play sessions, the children sit down and the teacher conducts the lesson. During recess, children leave the classroom, walk along the corridor, have breakfast at the buffet, etc. The game ends with the children going home after school.

Gradually, the role of the teacher is transferred to each of the children in the group; with the help of a speech pathologist and educators, he plays out the entire plot or part of it. Particular attention is paid to the bell, the clock showing the time of lessons, etc.

When organizing the game, teachers constantly come up with different communication situations, alternate “lessons,” and conduct the entire game very emotionally, showing children how interesting it will be to study at school.

Approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Zoo" ": "We're building cages for animals", "A tour of the zoo", "We're going by bus to the zoo", "We're sailing on a ship to the zoo", "Where did the sparrow have lunch? (game-dramatization based on a poem by S. Marshak), “Cleaning animal cages,” “Feeding the animals,” etc.

Preparatory work: excursion to the zoo (if there is one in the city); viewing a painting from the “Wild Animals” series; examining and constructing according to sample drawings, followed by playing out the “Zoo” from the Lego constructor; reading children's literature; didactic games.

For the game, teachers and children build cages for animals, depending on their size, and place them conveniently. The entire territory is surrounded by a fence, a gate is made, and a cash register is placed next to it. Children go to the zoo by bus. At the entrance, they buy tickets at the box office, which are then checked by the controller. At the zoo they are met by a guide (defectologist), who tells and shows the animals. Children see how to care for animals (an attendant takes care of them; at the first lesson this could be a teacher): feed, wash cages, etc. After the excursion, children can buy ice cream and ride a pony. At the end of the game, the children go home.

The plots for this game can be varied; the game provides teachers with a great opportunity to activate children’s speech and consolidate existing ideas about the environment.

Card index of plot -
role playing games in secondary

Tasks: Strengthen children's ideas about family and the responsibilities of family members. Develop interest in the game. Teach children to assign roles and act according to the role they assume, to develop the plot. Encourage children to creatively reproduce family life through play. Learn to act in imaginary situations, use various objects - substitutes. Foster love and respect for family members and their work.
Resource support: Furniture, dishes, attributes for equipping a house, “kindergarten”, large construction set, toy car, baby doll, toy stroller, bags, various substitute items.
Preliminary work: Conversations: “My family”, “How I help my mother”, “Who works for whom?” “What do we do at home?” Examination of plot pictures, photographs on the topic. Reading fiction: N. Zabila “Yasochkin’s kindergarten”,
A. Barto “Mashenka”, B. Zakhoder “Builders”, “Driver”, D. Gabe from the series “My Family”:
“Mom”, “Brother”, “Work”, E. Yanikovskaya “I go to kindergarten”, A. Kardashova
"Big Wash".
Game roles: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, eldest daughter, preschool children, doll - baby.
Plots played out:
"Morning in the Family"
"Lunch in the family"
"Dad is a good boss"
“We have a baby in our family”
"Evening with the Family"
"Mom puts the kids to bed"
"Family Day Off"
“A child in the family fell ill”
“We help mom wash clothes”
"Big House Cleaning"
"Guests have come to us"
"Moving to a new apartment"
“Holiday in the family: Mother’s Day, New Year, birthday”
Game actions:
Mom teacher gets ready and goes to work; prepares everything necessary for activities with children; accepts children and works with them; plays, walks, draws, teaches, etc.; gives children to parents, cleans the workplace; returns home from work; relaxes, communicates with her children and husband; helps grandma, puts the children to bed.
Mom is a housewife collects and escorts her daughter to kindergarten, her husband to work; takes care of the youngest child (doll), walks with him, cleans the house, prepares food; meets a child from kindergarten, a husband from work; feeds them, communicates, puts the children to bed.
Dad the Builder gets ready for work, takes the child to kindergarten, goes to work; builds houses, bridges; returns from work, picks up the child from kindergarten, returns home; helps his wife around the house, plays with the children, communicates.

Dad Driver gets ready for work, takes the child to kindergarten, goes to work; delivers loads (bricks) to the construction site, unloads them, goes for new ones; picks up the child from kindergarten and returns home; helps his wife around the house; invites neighbors over for tea; sees off neighbors; communicates with children, plays with them, puts them to bed.
Grandmother collects and escorts grandchildren to kindergarten and school; cleans the house; turns to her eldest granddaughter for help; picks up her granddaughter from kindergarten and asks the teacher about her behavior; cooks dinner, bakes a pie; asks family members how the work day was; offers to invite neighbors to tea (dinner), treats everyone to a pie; plays with grandchildren; gives advices.
Grandfather helps grandma, dad, reads newspapers, magazines; plays with grandchildren, communicates with neighbors.
Eldest daughter helps grandmother prepare food, wash dishes, clean the house, iron clothes; plays and walks with his younger sister, communicates.
Preschool children get up, get ready and go to kindergarten; in kindergarten they do: play, draw, walk; return from kindergarten, play, help parents, go to bed.
Tasks: Expand children's understanding of the content of labor actions of kindergarten employees. Induce in children a desire to imitate the actions of adults. Foster friendly relationships in games between children.
Resource support: Dolls with a set of clothes, furniture, dishes, small toys, mops, buckets, rags, aprons, bathrobes, washing machine, basin, drying rack, ironing board, irons, stove, cookware set, food, vacuum cleaner, musical instruments .
Preliminary work: Supervising the work of a teacher and assistant teacher. Conversation with children about the work of a teacher, assistant teacher, cook, nurse and other kindergarten workers. Excursion-inspection of the music (physical education) hall, followed by a conversation about the work of muses. manager (physical supervisor). Excursion-inspection of medical. office, observation of the doctor’s work, conversations from the personal experiences of children. Inspection of the kitchen, conversation about technical equipment that makes the work of kitchen workers easier.
Game-dramatization based on N. Zabila’s poem “Yasochkin’s kindergarten” using toys. Excursion to the laundry. Organization of children's work - washing doll clothes, handkerchiefs.
Game roles: Doctor, nurse, teacher, music worker, sports director, nanny, cook, laundress.
Plots played out:
"Morning Reception"
"Our classes"
"Exercise in kindergarten"
"Nanny Job - Breakfast"
"Nanny's job - group cleaning"
"On a walk"
"At a music lesson"
"At a physical education class"
"Medical examination"
"Lunch in the garden"

"The work of a cook in a kindergarten"
“Working in the laundry room of a kindergarten”
Game actions:
Educator receives children, talks with parents, plays with children, conducts classes.
Gym teacher does morning exercises and physical education.
Junior teacher keeps order in the group, assists the teacher in preparing for classes, receives food...
Music supervisor conducts music class.
Doctor examines children, listens, makes appointments.
Nurse measures temperature, height, weighs, gives vaccinations, checks the cleanliness of groups and kitchens.
Cook prepares food and gives it to the teaching assistants.
Laundress washes the clothes, dries them, irons them, folds them neatly, and gives them clean clothes to the nanny.
Tasks: To arouse children's interest in the medical profession. Develop the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Fix the names of medical instruments: phonendoscope, syringe, spatula.
Cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.
Vocabulary work: phonendoscope, spatula, grafting, vitamins.
Resource support: doctor's gown and cap, nurses' gowns and caps, medical instruments (thermometer, syringe, spatula), bandage, brilliant green, cotton wool, mustard plasters, patient cards, vitamins.
Preliminary work: Excursion to the medical office. Observing the work of a doctor. Reading fiction: J. Rainis “The doll got sick”, V.
Berestov "Sick Doll". A. Barto “Tamara and I”, P. Obraztsov “Treating a doll”, A.
Kardashov "Our Doctor". Dramatization “The Animals Are Sick.” Looking at the album
“We play doctor.” Making attributes for the game. Conversations with children “We are being treated by a doctor and a nurse”, “How should we behave in a doctor’s office?”
Game roles: Doctor, nurse, patient.
They act out the following stories:
"At the doctor",
"Calling the Doctor Home"
"I hurt my finger"
"Sore throat"
“Let’s put an injection”
"Let's get vaccinated"
Game actions:
Doctor accepts patients, listens carefully to their complaints, asks questions, listens, looks at their throats, makes prescriptions.
Nurse gives injections, gives medicine, vitamins, puts mustard plasters, lubricates wounds, bandages.
Sick comes to see a doctor, tells what worries him, and follows the doctor’s recommendations.

"I am a driver"
Tasks: Expand children's understanding of the profession of a driver or auto mechanic. Develop the ability to build role-playing dialogue, use role-playing speech, creativity in the game, using real objects to create a game environment. Cultivate goodwill and willingness to help.
Foster a culture of behavior in transport.
Vocabulary words: gas station, gasoline, canister, tanker, conductor, mechanic, baton, inspector, license.
Resource support: tools for car repair, gas pump, building material, steering wheel, canister, hose for simulating filling a car with gasoline, a bucket with a rag, tickets, money, a bag for the conductor, a traffic light, a baton, an inspector’s cap
Traffic police, driver's documents (licence).
Preliminary work: Excursion to the bus stop, observation of the bus, taxi and driver's work. Introduce simple control gestures:
“stop”, “get ready”, “passage is permitted”. Outdoor games: “Pedestrians and Taxi”, “Traffic Light”. Reading and looking at illustrations on the topic “Chauffeurs”. Di
“Attentive driver”, “Recognize the car”, “Repair the car”. Reading: V. Suteev
“Different wheels”, 3. Alexandrova “Truck”, A. Kardashov “Rain car” E.
Motkovskaya “I am a car” B. Stepanov “Chauffeur”, “Bus Driver”, B. Zhitkov
“Traffic Light”, N. Kalinina “How the Guys Crossed the Street”, N. Pavlova “By Car”.
Game roles: Taxi driver, bus driver, conductor, passengers, truck driver, mechanic, gas station attendant, policeman (traffic police inspector).
Plots played out:
"Building a bus"
"Learning to Drive a Bus"
"The bus carries passengers"
"Car repair"
"I'm filling up the car"
“A truck is carrying furniture to a new house.”
“The truck carries cargo (bricks, sand, snow)”
“A grocery car carries food (to a store, to a kindergarten, to a hospital)”
“I’m taking passengers to the station”
"I'll go to the garage"
"We're going to kindergarten"
"Riding around the city"
"We're going to visit"
"Trip to the Dacha"
Game actions:
Taxi driver delivers passengers to their destination, takes money for travel, takes care of passengers, helps stow luggage.
Truck driver loads and unloads cargo.
Bus driver drives the bus, turns the steering wheel, gives a signal, troubleshoots problems, makes stops, announces them.
Conductor sells tickets, checks travel tickets, keeps order inside the bus, answers passengers' questions about where it is most convenient for them to get off.
Passengers get on the bus, buy tickets, get off at stops, yield

seats for elders, passengers with children, help them get off the bus, follow the rules of behavior in public transport, communicate; preparing for a long trip
– collect things, water, food for the road; they dress up and comb their hair if they go on a visit or to the theater.
Mechanic carries out repair work, checks the condition of the car before the trip, washes the car with a hose - wipes it.
Refueler inserts a hose, pours gasoline, takes money.
Police officer (traffic police inspector)– regulates traffic, checks documents, monitors compliance with traffic rules.
Tasks: Introduce the specifics of the work of male and female hairdressers. To form children’s understanding of how women care for their nails. To teach them to perform several sequential actions aimed at fulfilling their duties. Develop the ability to engage in role interaction and build role dialogue. Foster a culture of communication with
Vocabulary words: master, hairdryer, apron, cape, razor, manicure.
Resource support: Mirror, bedside table for storing attributes, various combs, bottles, curlers, hairspray, scissors, hair dryer, cape, apron for hairdresser, manicurists, cleaners, hairpins, elastic bands, bows, towel, magazines with hairstyle samples, razor, hair clipper hair, towels, money, mop, buckets, dust cloths, floor cloths, nail polish, nail file, cream jars.
Preliminary work: Conversation “Why do we need hairdressers.” Ethical conversation about the culture of behavior in public places. Reading stories by B. Zhitkov “What I Saw”, S. Mikhalkov “In the Barber Shop”. Excursion to the hairdresser.
Consideration of items necessary for the work of a hairdresser. Didactic games
“Beautiful hairstyles for dolls”, “Let’s learn how to tie bows”, “Choose a bow for a doll”, “Miracle hairdryer”. Consider shaving items. Making game attributes with children (aprons, capes, towels, nail files, checks, money, etc.).
Making the album “Hairstyle Models”.
Game roles: Hairdressers - ladies' and men's stylists, manicurists, cleaners, clients (visitors): mothers, fathers, their children.
Plots played out:
“Mom takes her daughter to the hairdresser”
"Dad takes his son to the hairdresser"
“Let’s give the dolls beautiful hairstyles”
“We’re going by bus to the hairdresser.”
“Doing hair for the holiday”
"Let's get ourselves in order"
"In the men's room"
"Purchasing goods for the hairdresser"
“We invite a hairdresser to a kindergarten”
Game actions:
Women's salon hairdresser puts a cape on the client, dyes his hair, washes his hair, wipes it with a towel, cuts his hair, shakes off the cut strands from the cape,

puts hair in curlers, blow-dries hair, varnishes it, braids hair, pins it, gives recommendations on hair care.
Men's salon hairdresser shaves, washes hair, blow-dries hair, gives haircuts, combs clients' hair, shapes beard and mustache, offers to look in the mirror, refreshes with cologne.
Manicurist files his nails, paints them with varnish, applies cream to his hands.
Clients they greet politely while waiting in line - look at albums with illustrations of different hairstyles, read magazines, can drink coffee in a cafe; asking for a haircut or manicure; they consult, pay money, thank you for your services.
Cleaning woman sweeps, dusts, washes the floor, changes used towels.
"Shop - Supermarket"
Tasks: To form children’s ideas about the work of people in a store, the variety of stores and their purpose. Learn to perform different roles in accordance with the plot of the game. Develop visual and effective thinking and communication skills.
Cultivate goodwill, the ability to take into account the interests and opinions of playing partners.
Vocabulary words: showcase, cashier, confectionery.
Resource support: showcase, scales, cash register, handbags and baskets for customers, seller's uniform, money, wallets, goods by department, vehicle for transporting goods, cleaning equipment.
“Grocery store”: dummies of vegetables and fruits, various baked goods made from salt dough, dummies of chocolates, candies, cookies, cakes, pastries, boxes of tea, juice, drinks, sausages, fish, milk cartons, cups for sour cream, jars from yoghurts, etc.
Preliminary work:
Conversations with children “What stores are there and what can you buy in them?” “Who works in the store?”, “Rules for working with the cash register.” D/i “Shop”, “Vegetables”, “Who needs what?”. Reading the poem “Toy Store” by O. Emelyanova. B. Voronko “A Tale of Unusual Shopping” Making bagels, buns, cookies from salt dough, making candy.
Game roles: Seller, buyer, cashier, store director, driver.
Plots played out:
“Bakery-confectionery (bread department, store)”
"Vegetable shop (department)"
"Meat and sausage shop (department)"
"Fish shop (department)"
"Dairy store (department)"
"Grocery store"
"Musical Instrument Store"
"Book Shop"
Game actions:
Salesman puts on a uniform, offers goods, weighs, packs, puts goods on shelves (designs a display case).
Store director organizes the work of store employees, makes requests for goods, pays attention to the correct work of the seller and cashier, and monitors order in the store.

Buyers come for shopping, choose a product, find out the price, consult with sellers, follow the rules of behavior in a public place, pay for the purchase at the cash register, and receive a receipt.
Cashier receives money, punches a check, issues a check, gives change to the buyer.
Chauffeur delivers a certain amount of various goods, receives requests for goods from the store director, unloads the delivered goods.
Tasks: Enrich children's knowledge about wild animals, their appearance, habits, and nutrition. Expand children's understanding of the responsibilities of zoo employees. To develop in children the ability to creatively develop the plot of a game using building floor material and to act with it in a variety of ways. Develop speech, enrich vocabulary.
Cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards animals.
Vocabulary words: veterinarian, guide, aviary (cage).
Resource provision:“Zoo” sign, building material (large, small), truck with cage, animal toys, plates for food, food models, brooms, scoops, buckets, rags, apron with sleeves for workers, tickets, money, cash register, white coat for a veterinarian, thermometer, phonendoscope, first aid kit.
Preliminary work: A story about a visit to the zoo. Talk about animals using pictures about the zoo. Conversation “Rules of behavior in the zoo.”
Guessing riddles about animals, Reading poems by S.Ya. Marshak “Children in a cage, “Where did the sparrow have dinner?”, V. Mayakovsky “Every page, then an elephant, then a lioness.”
Making the album “Zoo”. Drawing and sculpting animals. Didactic games:
“Animals and their babies”, “Riddles about animals”, “Who lives where? ", "Animals of hot countries", "Animals of the North".
Game roles: Zoo director, tour guide, zoo workers (servants), doctor
(veterinarian), cashier, builder, visitors.
Plots played out:
“Building cages for animals”
“The zoo is coming to us”
"Tour of the Zoo"
"We're going to the zoo"
"Purchasing food for animals"
"Feeding the Animals"
“Cleaning enclosures (cages)”
"Animal Treatment"
Game actions:
Zoo director manages the work of the zoo.
Guide conducts excursions, talks about animals, what they eat, where they live, their appearance, how to treat animals, talks about safety measures and how to care for them.
Zoo workers) receives food for animals, prepares

special food for animals, feed them, clean cages and enclosures, wash their pets, and take care of them.
Doctor (veterinarian) examines the animal, measures the temperature, gives vaccinations, treats zoo inhabitants, gives injections, gives vitamins.
Cashier sells tickets to visit the zoo and excursions.
Builder builds an enclosure for an animal.
Visitors buy tickets at the box office and go to the zoo, look at the animals.
"Sailor Fishermen"
Tasks: Teach children to take on and play out the roles of captain, helmsman, sailors, cook-cook, and sailor-fishermen. Continue to teach how to use substitute items and clearly carry out the chain of game actions. Activate children's speech.
Foster friendly relationships and a sense of teamwork.
Vocabulary work: Cook, anchor, steering wheel.
Resource support: large building material, captain's cap, caps, guy collars, lifebuoy, medical gown, medical instruments, anchor, steering wheel, binoculars, bucket, mop, cook suit, tableware, toy fish, nets, fish box, money.
Preliminary work: Reading fiction about fishing, ships, sailors. View photographs, paintings about the sea, sailors, ships. Conversation
"Who works on the ship." Drawing and sculpting fish.
Game roles: Captain, fishermen, doctor, cook (cook), driver.
Plots played out:
"Building a ship"
"Sailors sail on a ship on the sea"
“Sailors fish, work as fishermen”
"Sailors check their health with the ship's doctor"
“Sailors sail the sea, fish, have lunch”
"Sailors go ashore and go to the hairdresser"
“Sailors bring their catch ashore and hand over the fish to the store.”
“Sailors sail to the big city and go to the “Zoo”
“The sailors returned from sailing and went to the store”
Game actions:
Captain steers the ship, turns the helm, looks through binoculars, gives the command to cast off, drop anchor, fish, controls the work of the fishermen, gives the command to moor to the shore.
Sailor fishermen they carry out orders, wash the deck, unwind the net, throw it into the sea, catch fish, put it in boxes.
Doctor examines sailors before sailing, allows them to go to sea, treats those who are sick on the ship.
Cook (cook) prepares food, feeds sailors.
Driver drives up to the ship, checks the quality of the fish, buys the fish from the fishermen, loads it into the car and takes it to the store.

Tasks: To form children's ideas about the work of postal workers. Expand children's understanding of ways to send and receive correspondence. Develop imagination, thinking, speech. Foster independence, responsibility, and the desire to benefit others.
Vocabulary work: printing, parcel, postman, sorter, receiver.
Resource support: a table for sending and receiving parcels, a mailbox, a postman's bag, envelopes with paper, stamps, postcards, parcel boxes, children's magazines and newspapers, attributes for the "pigeon" character, money, wallets, stamps, a car.
Preliminary work: Excursion to the post office, monitoring the reception of correspondence and mail dispatch. Conversations about different types of communication: mail, telegraph, telephone, Internet, radio. Watching the films “Holidays in Prostokvashino”, “Winter in
Prostokvashino", "Snowman-Postman". Reading S. Ya. Marshak “Mail”, Y. Kushan
"Postal History". Making stamp seals, envelopes, postcards, stamps, mailboxes for letters, bags, money, wallets, etc. Collecting postcards, magazines, calendars. Didactic games “Send a letter”,
“The journey of a letter”, “What you need to work as a postman”, “How to send a parcel”. Listening to “The Postman's Song” by B. Savelyev.
Game roles: Postman, sorter, receiver, driver, visitors.
Plots played out:
“A letter arrived, a postcard”
« The carrier pigeon brought a letter"
"Send a greeting card"
“Buying a magazine at the post office”
“Send a parcel to your grandmother”
"A message from a fairy-tale hero"
"The driver is carrying the mail"
Game actions:
Postman picks up letters, newspapers, magazines, postcards from the post office; distributes them to addresses; sends correspondence to the mailbox.
Visitor sends letters, postcards, parcels, packs them; buys envelopes, newspapers, magazines, postcards; complies with the rules of behavior in a public place; takes a turn; receives letters, newspapers, magazines, postcards, parcels.
Receiver serves visitors; accepts parcels; sells newspapers, magazines.
Sorter sorts letters, newspapers, magazines, parcels, puts a stamp on them; explains to the driver where to go (to the railway, to the airport...).
Chauffeur takes letters and postcards out of the mailbox; delivers new newspapers, magazines, postcards, letters to the post office; delivers parcels; delivers letters and parcels by postal machines to trains, planes, and ships.

Irina Kulikova
Role-playing games for children of senior preschool age (5–6 years old) Card index of games for planning.

Source: Krasnoshchekova N.V.

Role-playing games

For preschool children.

U senior preschoolers The group develops the content of the games. Various social relations and actions begin to be reflected. Games reflect the specifics of adults’ activities, their interactions at work, and their attitude towards work. The change in topics is associated with the expansion of their sources. Children reflect not only those events in which they themselves took part, but also those that they observed on excursions, walks, and everyday life. For this age Our task is to show how a role can be included in various relationships with other roles. The teacher often takes on an additional role. Gradually fails children to more complex changes in the familiar plot, then to inventing new ones stories.

U children are increasing demands on the quality of the role performed. The main task of managing games is to develop their independence and self-organization, and to develop the ability to agree on a topic. games, distribute roles, prepare the game environment. Also, the teacher must constantly enrich the content of the games. It is advisable to use children's literature.

Card index of role-playing games for older children

Game 1. "Family"

Target: Encourage children creatively reproduce family life in games. Improve your ability to create your own ideas plot game setting. Formation of valuable moral feelings (humanity, love, sympathy). Game material: Dolls, toy dishes, furniture, game attributes (aprons, scarves, musical instruments, substitute items).

Game roles: grandfather, grandchildren, mother, father, brother, sister.

Game2. "Shop"

Target: Promote the emergence games, merging a series of stores into one (book, vegetable, clothes).

Game material: Construction material. Toys, dummies, cash register, mirror, display cases, dolls, wallets, substitute items, screens.

Game roles: sellers, cashier, buyers, driver.

A game "Journey"

Target game plot. Getting to know the labor of a guard. Pinning views children about the work of adults at the river station, on the ship. Consolidation and generalization of knowledge about the work of rural workers. Fostering a respectful attitude towards work. Getting to know the life of people in the North and South of our country.

Game material: Construction material. Technical toys - wind-up machines, map, motor ships, steering wheel, clothing for sailors, set "Road signs", a set of toy animals and birds, substitute items.

Game roles: Policeman, port master, cashier, salesman, captain, duty officer, boatswain, doctor, sailor, border guards,

A game "Factory"

Target: Formation of the ability to develop creatively game plot. Consolidating knowledge about different types transport: land, water, air. Expanding knowledge about the work of drivers, sailors, pilots. Familiarization of children with the work of the bus station, river station, railway station, airport. Expanding knowledge about blue-collar professions.

Game material: Construction material. Technical toys: wind-up cars, buses, boats, ships, airplanes, helicopters, trains, substitute items.

Game roles: driver, passenger, builder, engineer, mechanic, technician, gas station attendant, washer, remote control operator.

A game "Pilots"

Target: Formation of the ability to develop creatively game plot. Strengthen knowledge about air transport. Expanding knowledge about the work of pilots. Introducing the children to the work of the airport.

Game material: Construction material. Toy - airplane, propeller, wings, dolls, substitute items, clothing items, pilot uniform.

Game roles: pilot, flight attendant, controller, passengers.

A game "Russian army"

Target: Formation of the ability to develop creatively game plot. Formation preschoolers specific ideas about the hero-warrior, the moral essence of his feat in the name of his Motherland. Enrichment of knowledge children about the feat of tank warriors and sailor warriors in their hometown (village). Expansion of representations children about types of military ships: Submarine. Cruiser, missile boat, aircraft carrier, tank landing ship. Raised by children's feelings of patriotism, pride in their homeland, admiration for the heroism of people.

Game material: Construction material, caps, scarves, handbags, helmets, substitute items.

A game "Construction"

Target: Formation of the ability to develop creatively game plot. Formation preschoolers specific ideas about construction and its stages. Consolidating knowledge about working professions. Fostering respect for the work of builders.

Game material: Construction material, helmet, substitute items, equipment set.

Game "Medical Center - Clinic - Hospital"

Target: Disclosure of the activities of medical personnel. Formation of the ability to develop creatively game plot. Fostering respect for the medical profession.

Game material: screens, set "The Puppet Doctor", a set of dolls, substitute items, medical gowns.

Game roles: teacher, cashier, controller, cleaner, veterinarian

A game "Mail"

Target: Education children implement and develop game plot. Expansion and consolidation of knowledge children about different forms of postal communications: post office, telegraph, telephone, radio. Cultivating a sensitive and attentive attitude towards comrades and loved ones.

Game material: screen, postman's bag, postcards, mailbox. Children's magazines, wallets, pencils, envelopes, raincoat.

A game "Library"

Target: Encourage children create the plot of the game, develop interest in the work of a librarian. Cultivating a caring attitude towards books.

Game material: books, forms, pencils, cards, shelves.

Game roles: librarian, readers.

A game "Factory"

Target: Formation of labor skills, ideas about the professions of workers at our plant (factory), development of creative imagination. Cultivating interest in the professions of their relatives.

Game material: sets of cars, pipes, passes, construction sets, gowns, helmets, mittens, a set of boxes.

Game roles: plant director, mechanic, worker, driver,

A game "Theatre studio"

Target: Formation of positive relationships in the game.

Game material: screen, games attributes: money, tickets, wallets, signs "Cash register", "Theater", sets of different types of theater (set of soft toys, set of masks.)

A game "Zoo"

Target: Formation of skills to develop creatively game plot. Cultivating a kind attitude towards animals.

Game material: homemade products, animal kits, construction kit, natural material, waste material.

A game "Hairdresser-Beauty Salon"

Target: Revealing the meaning of a hairdresser’s activity. Formation of the ability to develop creatively game plot. Fostering respect for the profession of hairdresser, makeup artist,...

Game material: substitute items, real items (combs, curlers, brushes, bottles, mirror, set "Children's hairdresser", magazines, screen.

Game roles: Hairdresser (hairdresser, cashier, clients, cleaning lady.

Publications on the topic:

Role-playing games in the development of middle group children (from work experience)“Plot-role-playing games in the development of children of the middle group.” Message from work experience. Volodina Elena Vasilievna “Plot-role-playing games in development.

The use of Lego technology in cultural practices among preschool children. Games with rules and role-playing games Cultural practices represent a variety of independent activities based on the child’s current and future interests.

Card file "Games with balls". For children of senior preschool age This card index of games was created by me specifically for the project “Balls are different”, to help teachers and to supplement educational information.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 13" Summary of the role-playing game for children of senior preschool age "City of Masters" Developed by: Savina.

Games for any child are the main source of information about the world around them: they prepare them for adulthood and help them adapt to new living conditions. Role-playing games in the senior group of a preschool institution help to learn the rules of behavior, teach how to behave in various situations, and strengthen the child’s psyche.

The child develops a character and an idea of ​​morality based on the social and public experience he has gained. Role-playing activities are an opportunity for a preschooler to “try on” the life of adults, where he so strives to get. Activity demonstrated in this way allows you to feel your inner freedom, independence, and interact with others on equal terms.

The development of a little person is impossible without a variety of games. At an early age, it is enough for the baby to take a rattle in his hands and shake it. Children grow up, they are attracted to new toys, and the rules of the game become more complicated. The baby strives to involve those around him in the gameplay, first his mother, then other children. The creativity in the personality of a preschooler is manifested.

A plot appears in the gaming activity: the children begin to assign playing roles and agree on the rules. Thematic role-playing games of preschoolers in the older group are already becoming more specific on the topic: not just “play with dolls,” but depict a plot scene, for example, a tea party with guests, where each child has a specific role, or act out a scene of disobedience. The child creates an imaginary situation that allows him to try on any role and feel like the main character.

The preschooler is absolutely independent in his actions: he can cut off bread with an imaginary knife, or with a small stick, imagining it as a key, open the lock on the door. The kid imagines himself in the hospital, at school, in the store, acting out various situations. The child’s self-expression manifests itself especially clearly in story-based play situations.

Experts identify role-playing games as a separate creative type, which are characterized by the mandatory presence of a plot, distribution of roles, and are subject to certain game rules. Any game process with a plot and distributed roles is a gaming activity of a team. Several people are involved here.

Significant socialization occurs precisely in joint activities, when preschoolers interact with each other in accordance with accepted roles. The baby learns the norms of social and moral behavior, and develops communication skills. The fidget learns to show independence, find a way out of complicated situations, and engage in constructive communication during conflicts. The child gains experience of behavior in different situations.

Among the characteristic features of all role-playing games of older preschoolers, many experts attribute the duality of the nature of the game process, which manifests itself in the combination of the fictional, imaginary world of adults with the reality of the actions of preschoolers in the game. For example, a baby is sitting on a chair, and at the same time in game reality this child is a bus driver.

Game objects replace in the imaginary world objects that are inherent in the world of adults. The duality of the situation allows preschoolers to receive information and acquire knowledge about aspects of reality previously unknown to them. The kid cannot cure a sick person or pull out a tooth, but in the gameplay he learns what a doctor does, how to behave in a hospital, and that helping people is good.

The role of the teacher in organizing the game process

Often adults believe that it is not worth organizing children's leisure time; it is enough to give dolls, cars, puzzles, construction sets and give complete independence to the child. Do not forget that the game process contributes to the full development and upbringing of children.

Left to their own devices, unorganized leisure of preschool children will not carry any cognitive information. The opposite situation is also possible, when children left without adult supervision can insult each other and start fights during play activities.

Most preschoolers are conservative by nature - they prefer to play and act out those storylines in which they are familiar with all the rules and conditions. If preschool children are given the task of independently choosing what to play, then most likely it will be “mothers and daughters”, “hospital”, “shop” or war games with catch-up, which boys usually prefer.

Constantly repeated stories do not contribute to broadening one’s horizons and acquiring new skills and knowledge. Sometimes children begin to develop aversion to any changes. A proposal to change or supplement the plot causes a sharply negative reaction. A child who proposes something new is not accepted into the team and begins to be ignored.

The inability to change the plot, act out a new scene, or endlessly repeat the same actions is a consequence of the inability to use imagination and lack of knowledge. Very early in any children's group a leader appears, recognized by the rest of the kids. He quickly organizes gaming activities, distributes who will portray whom, and sets the rules.

The strict rules dictated by such a leader do not allow other children to express themselves and limit their development as independent individuals. It is the educator, teacher or parents who must take a leading, guiding role in organizing play time. Adults, in order to broaden the horizons of preschoolers, organize new role-playing games, monitor the development of the plot, and unobtrusively help in the gameplay.

You can’t just offer a game to play: for preschoolers, the process of preparation, discussion of the storyline, distribution of roles, and adherence to the rules discussed in advance are important. It is necessary to give every preschooler the opportunity to fantasize, to offer his own version of the plot development, so that the kids develop a desire to invent and create.

Any story-based game requires the presence of game attributes: for a hospital you will need white coats and caps, for a store - scales, a cash register. Adults can help organize gaming activities, while slightly complicating the game rules and adding new conditions. For example, when playing “mothers and daughters,” you can play around the arrival of another child in the family.

At home, parents can also arrange joint story games with their child: play at the hospital, at school, at a cafe. Adults have a decisive influence on children, their behavior, adherence to moral standards, ability to negotiate and communicate.


One of the most popular is the role-playing game “family” for children in the older group. Every child often imagines himself in the place of his mother or father. The preschooler likes to act out various family scenes, often changing roles.

  • reproduce the everyday life of a family, learn to create your own environment for a given plot using toys and other things;
  • developing a sense of the value of family relationships, mutual assistance, love;
  • involvement in work activities around the house through gameplay;
  • create an understanding of what a family budget and joint housekeeping are.


  • invite preschoolers to remember how holidays are celebrated at home, for example, the birthday of a family member;
  • discuss what the parents are doing at home, how the family spends their free time, how they clean the house, prepare food, and welcome guests;
  • choose a topic.
  • Each child must be assigned an independent role in the game plot.

Items: dolls, toy furniture and dishes, car, apron, scarf. A variety of items that will be needed in the process.

Plot. Grandma's birthday. We are waiting for guests. Spring-cleaning. My daughter is capricious. A car ride into nature. The child got sick.

Actions. For example, when choosing a “Birthday” plot, many characters will be required. Some kids are preparing a holiday dinner, others are buying gifts. It is necessary to set the table beautifully, put the house in order, and prepare ceremonial congratulations. Adults observe how family members communicate, how they help each other, and suggest correct behavior to preschoolers.

Elements of labor activity are also introduced into the process: it is necessary to wash and iron clothes, repair a TV or iron. For realism, they act out everyday scenes: a pipe burst, a light bulb burned out, planning a joint budget.

"In the cafe"

Preschoolers should already know the rules of behavior in public places. A role-playing game “in a cafe” will help kids understand how to behave correctly in public places.

The goal is to become familiar with public places, the work and responsibilities of a waiter, cook, and cafe director, and to develop a culture of behavior.

Items: furniture, cafe dishes, dolls, aprons for waiters, chef's hat, money, bank cards.

Plot: after a walk, go to a cafe with friends.

Actions: children enter the cafe, take tables, and place an order. Waiters bring orders and serve customers. The children thank the waiter and cook for their work and pay.

Preschoolers can change roles: those who were clients will next time become waiters and treat guests of the cafe. During the gameplay, kids must understand that it is not nice to shout loudly, wave their arms, or run between tables. Fidgets must learn to behave well.


Currently, few children know about the work of librarians or about why libraries themselves are needed. Preschoolers get used to using a computer from early childhood, without paying attention to books. The plot-role-playing game “library” for preschoolers in the older group reveals the importance and value of books.

The goal is to develop a caring attitude towards literature and books, increase vocabulary, broaden horizons. Give an idea of ​​the work of a librarian, instilling respect for the profession. Learn to find the book you need in the library and be able to use the catalogue.

Items: bookshelves, tables, books, coloring books, sets of postcards.

Preparation and plot. Preschoolers remember what a library is, who works there, what they do, how can they borrow a book from the library? Several kids are selected to play the role of librarians, the rest are readers and library visitors.

Actions. Each librarian has several books and magazines. Readers come up and ask to see books. When the child has chosen a book, the librarian asks why the reader chose this particular book? Registration of the reader's form. The librarian gives books to real lovers of reading, and to prove this, the little reader recites a poem.

The librarian offers to look at magazines and sets of postcards in the reading room. After completing the game, preschoolers share their opinions on which books they saw and which they liked. Evaluate the work of librarians.


Unfortunately, all children encounter diseases in their lives, and as a result, doctors. The role-playing game “clinic” introduces fidgets to the work of doctors.

The goal is to introduce preschoolers to the medical profession, to cultivate a sense of compassion and kindness towards the sick. Kids learn to be attentive and sensitive.

Items: toy sets for doctors, white coats and caps, disposable masks, shoe covers. Thermometer, syringes for injections, bandages, scissors. Recipe paper.

Preparation, plot. The actions of different doctors are chosen for the plot. For example, an appointment with a pediatrician, dentist, or ophthalmologist. Variations of the plot include: taking tests, conducting vaccinations.

Before offering such a plot, the teacher carries out preliminary preparation. He talks about the work of different doctors, can organize a visit to the clinic or invite a medical worker to the group. Preschool children are divided into doctors and a group of patients. Some may take on the role of a nurse.

Actions. The patient comes to the clinic, puts on shoe covers, takes a card from the reception desk and a referral to see a doctor. The doctor examines the patient. He asks what complaints there are and listens carefully. Checks blood pressure, examines throat and ears. Prescribes a course of treatment. The nurse makes dressings, injections, and changes old bandages.


Often the game of clinic turns into a role-playing game "hospital".

The goal is to cultivate respect for the work of doctors, nurses, orderlies, and other health workers. Sensitivity, attentiveness, compassion, and the desire to help are formed and strengthened. An understanding of the importance of the doctor’s work is created.

Items: gowns, hats, phonendoscope, syringes, scissors, bandages, cotton wool, tablets, tonometer.

Plot, preparation. The patient is in the hospital undergoing treatment. The teacher asks what doctors do in hospitals, introduces the children to the rules of treatment, the responsibilities of doctors and nurses. Tells about the daily routine for the patient, the rules for visiting him. All suggestions are listened to and the development of the plot and role is discussed.

Actions. The patient arrived at the hospital emergency room. The nurse takes the documents, formalizes it and takes him to the ward. The doctor comes and conducts an examination. Listens to complaints, measures blood pressure and temperature, prescribes a course of treatment. The nurse gives pills, makes injections, bandages. The nurse keeps order and cleanliness. The patient is visited by friends and relatives.


Preschoolers look forward to going to school with great anticipation. The role-playing didactic game “school” in the senior group will help them prepare for this.

The goal is to give children an idea of ​​school and prepare them for the rules of conduct accepted in educational institutions. Teach polite behavior, instill respect for the teacher’s work, and love for school.

Items: notebooks, pens, books, pencils, pencil cases, briefcases. Furniture for classes.

Before starting the game itself, the teacher invites the fidgets to come up with several storylines. For example, a teacher is teaching a lesson or the director comes to check on a lesson. Preschoolers learn the rules that must be followed. The children are explained that during lessons they cannot shout, jump up, or interrupt the teacher or other students. Tasks must be completed carefully and diligently. Listen carefully to the teacher.

The teacher organizes a film about the school, they study books together, and learn songs about the school. Together with preschool children, a classroom and school supplies are prepared. Pencil cases are made from boxes. Notebooks, textbooks, and a class magazine are being prepared. To write on the board and erase inscriptions, place chalk and a cloth on a stand near the board.

Actions. The teacher enters the class, the students greet the teacher. The teacher explains the task, students solve problems, answer questions. The teacher may ask you to count to 10 or name the letters and write them on the board. The teacher checks the notebooks and grades the answers. Students must sit at a desk. If the child wants to answer, he must raise his hand. The teacher praises the student and gives a grade for the correct answer.

Game activities can be done in the same way as school lessons. The first lesson is mathematics. The teacher asks to name the numbers and solve a simple addition or subtraction problem. The second lesson is physical education, so that the kids can run and jump. The third lesson is drawing. Offer to draw school or summer. After the second lesson, take the fidget to the school cafeteria.

The school principal may come into class and take notes in a notebook. After lessons, the director asks the teacher to come to his place and gives him assignments. After the end of the lesson, the bell rings, students must wait for the teacher to inform them that the lesson is over. Students should not run during recess.

For such a story-based game with many events and participants, a lesson plan must be drawn up, where all the rules are spelled out in detail. The desire of preschool children to play at school should be supported and encouraged.


Preschool children should have information about different types of work activities, respect and appreciate the work of others, and understand that creating any thing requires a lot of effort, time and labor. The role-playing game “atelier” introduces preschoolers to the work of tailors, cutters, and fashion designers.

The goal is to teach the value of work, provide knowledge about working in a studio, and instill respect for people in the working profession.

Items: patterns, measuring tape, pieces of fabric, patterns, chalk, dolls.

Boys can also be involved in the gameplay, as they can check sewing machines, repair them, and deliver orders to the studio’s clients. The teacher introduces preschoolers to the work of the atelier. He explains what tailors do, what cutters do, how measurements are taken.

Actions. The client comes to the studio. Together with the tailor, he selects the style, color of the material, and places the order. The tailor takes measurements, makes patterns, and sews the product. Trying on in the studio, fitting to the figure. The client receives a completed order and pays for it.


The role-playing game “mail” allows you to get acquainted with how work is organized in post offices and instills respect for the work of the postman and other postal workers.

The goal is to increase your vocabulary, learn and understand the meaning of new words: parcel, parcel, registered letter. Develop the ability to listen, be polite, and the ability to work in a team.

Items: envelopes, stamps, parcel boxes, magazines, newspapers. In the parcels department there are scales and postage stamps. Postman's bag.

This story game is characterized by a large number of participants. There are roles of postman, mail operator, driver, manager, and clients. Preschoolers can send parcels and parcels, receive registered letters, and subscribe to newspapers. The driver delivers and unloads parcels. The postman delivers mail, pensions, newspapers. The operator processes postal orders, sorts letters, and sells newspapers. The postal manager controls all the work and checks how everyone is working. Places orders for the supply of fresh press for sale, issues wages to employees.

Actions. Customers send packages and ask questions. The postal employee quickly weighs, writes out a receipt, puts a stamp and places stamps on the parcel. People write letters, come to the post office, and drop them in the mailbox. A postman with a bag delivers newspapers and letters.

For parents

You shouldn’t put your child in front of the computer after a whole day in kindergarten. It’s better to play with him using everyday family stories. This improves family relationships and establishes a special closeness between relatives.

Kazakova Olga
Summary of the role-playing game “Journey to the Autumn Forest”

« Journey to the autumn forest» .


Kazakova O. V.


Improve children’s ability to play the role of a builder and develop collective skills designing simple buildings;

Strengthen children's knowledge about seasonal changes;

Strengthen word formation skills;

Teach children relationships in play, cultivate friendliness, and a desire to play together.

1. Children look autumn picture, remember autumn signs. They talk about how they would like to get into autumn forest, but there is a river in front of them. How to get there? We need to build a ship!

2. Children and their teacher begin building a ship. As construction progresses, the teacher asks questions:

Why does the ship have a sharp nose?

Who is the most important person on the ship?

What do you call people who sail on a ship?

How passengers get on the ship

What holds the ship in place?

3. The captain, having boarded all the passengers, gives the assistant teams:"Remove the ladder" "Raise anchor".

Passengers are sailing on a ship with a guide, talking about autumn changes, sing a song “I put on a sundress autumn» .

4. The ship has sailed, the captain gives the appropriate

commands, passengers go ashore and end up in the forest. There They:

Collect leaves by flowers;

Playing hide and seek (find out by shoes);

Playing a game "Who is faster"(Similarly "Burn, burn clearly")

Sing a song "Mushrooms";

They talk about the difference between trees and shrubs;

They make a sun out of acorns;

5. The children return to the ship and go back journey. The captain gives the assistant the commands necessary to set sail, and the ship sets off on its return journey. To thank the captain for the pleasant journey, the children sing him a song "Captain".

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