GTA 4 Jeff dies in an accident. Random character missions. Cluckin Bell Cafe, Wauauxit Street, North Algonquin

Chases, shootouts, explosions, deals with gangsters, always ending in shooting and a mountain of corpses, are common occurrences for any part of the series about great car thefts. However, against the backdrop of the life of the huge Liberty City, the adventures of the emigrant Niko in the original GTA IV faded, because the passage of story missions was diluted only by dates with friends, gatherings on the gaming Internet and quests from random citizens.

In Episodes, the situation suddenly improved. Tired of plot showdowns inside the Lost biker club? No problem. You can entertain yourself by taking part in a gang fight or winning a race without rules. Tired of Tony Prince's constant whining and reproaches in the second episode? So feel like a real extreme sports enthusiast - jump with a parachute, win a triathlon or wave your fists in a fight club, and finally help old friends steal heroin from competitors. Life in the city of the “American Dream” has sparkled with new colors, and this gives us a good reason to take a closer look at all the entertainment available to our new heroes - Johnny and Louis.

  • Showdown "Lost"
  • Racing, theft and big politics
  • Nuances of club life
  • Eventing in the style of "Liberty"

The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony are two episodes of the same story, two different points of view on the same events, dramas of two completely different people. Despite the general plot, they are in many ways opposite: the despondency and devastation of the biker brotherhood against the shining neon lights of nightclubs, the showdown of the criminal underclass against the war of influential criminal gangs and, in the end, a gloomy bald biker against a prominent Latino in an expensive suit.

This is interesting: if you are playing one of the episodes and load a save from another story from the current session, on the loading screen you will be able to see several new pictures depicting its characters.

Even the ways of spending leisure time between the two heroes are different - Johnny is not averse to competing in arm wrestling or trying his luck in the card game “over-under,” while Louis prefers golf, and only table hockey suits both of them and is available in two stories at once.

By inheritance from GTA IV, “Episodes” also inherited random passers-by; however, now you don’t need to look for them throughout the city - they are always visible on the map.

On a note: in the first story, one of the random passers-by may be Brian if he survived the Bad Standing mission. True, completing his task does not affect 100% completion of the game, but you still won’t get anything good from a renegade.

Showdown "Lost"

Johnny Klebitz (the main character of the episode The Lost and Damned) is a tough guy, disdains cars, rides his stylish bike and spends most of the game time just trying to survive and stand up for the honor of his native club. Unlike the capabilities of his South American “colleague” from the episode about Blue Tony, Johnny’s capabilities in the game world are very limited, but the experienced biker will always be able to not only get into trouble, but also get out of it.

Homemade bombs? Why these toys when I have an RPG?

Barricades are not a barrier to two-wheeled vehicles.

The first episode of GTA adds three mini-games as ways to spend your leisure time. Johnny can compete in arm wrestling, try your luck at card game "more and less" or play with friends table hockey. The rules of the mini-games are quite simple, and the key to success everywhere, except cards, will be dexterity and speed of mouse movements.

You can only play cards in the Lost Club (please note that you will not be able to return to this game after completing the last mission due to plot endings). Arm wrestling is also available on the second floor of the club, and after the Action / Reaction task, the opportunity to measure strength will appear in the North Holland and Northwood areas, and the second place will not appear on the map right away, you must find it yourself. Air hockey is available at bowling alleys in the Slaughterhouse and Firefly Island areas.

Motorcycle racing

Not a single part of the series was complete without high-speed races in various vehicles. The Lost and Damned is no exception. After completing the Liberty City Choppers task, another fun will appear - racing without rules on motorcycles.

Not only is there no smell of fair play here, but also each participant is armed with a bat and is not afraid to use it. Just one slight blow, and in the best case your motorcycle simply turns to the side, and in the worst case you fly off the track at speed and you can safely start the race all over again. Johnny is also armed, but in order to hit a competitor hard, you need to get close to him, and the chances that he won’t hit you before are about 50 to 50.

The key to victory in such dirty races is a quick jerk at the start and careful passing of the distance so as not to let anyone go ahead. Either beware of your opponents and their batons like fire and, conversely, linger a little at the start, and then methodically go around them, maintaining a distance when overtaking.

The owner of a stolen motorcycle will no longer be able to report the theft.

The prize for winning all twelve races will be a new Hakuchou motorcycle - you can always find it near the club (and at the end of the story - near Brian's house) or order it from Clay. After completing all races, you will be able to go through them again.

Motorcycle theft

After the same Liberty City Choppers, Jim will call you and tell you that Angus has a job for you. Now you can call at any time and start a mission to steal motorcycles. This is an analogue of Brucie’s tasks from the original GTA IV, only together with the cars there are two-wheeled vehicles.

In total you need to steal ten motorcycles. This can be done in different ways, but there are two simplest and most effective: shoot the owner of the bike on the move with a machine gun, or get into the car and simply knock down the unfortunate motorcyclist. Just keep in mind that the more damaged the motorcycle is, the smaller the reward for it will be. Bring the bike into the garage in perfect condition and you are guaranteed to receive $1,400.

The reward for completing all thefts is a brand new Bati 800 motorcycle.

Working for a Congressman

The end of The Shit's Cursed mission will be marked by a small event - Congressman Thomas Stubbs will contact the hero and offer to work for him for the benefit of all of Liberty City. Of course, behind the “good” lie murders, hijackings, espionage and collection of incriminating evidence...

In total, Mr. Politician will give five instructions. For completing each of them, Johnny will become richer by $1000. The amount is small, but these tasks can be completed just for variety. Successful completion does not bring additional bonuses.

Live at 100% in The Lost and Damned

    Story missions - 65%;

    50 seagulls killed - 3.33%;

    Success in 25 showdowns - 3.33%;

    12 motorcycle races won - 3.34%;

    Completed tasks of random passers-by (without Brian’s task) - 5%;

    10 motorcycles stolen for Angus - 5%;

    Completed 5 Stubbs orders - 5%;

    Spent time with friends (table hockey, darts, billiards, drinking at a bar, lunch, strip club, comedy show) - 5%;

    Victory over an opponent in 4 mini-games (table hockey, darts, billiards, arm wrestling) - 5%.


That's what this episode is worth playing for. Start your unsurpassed “Hesker”, call your best friends and rush with the wind to show the “Angels of Death” (or “dead guys”, as your gang members like to call their competitors) who is the real boss in this city.

This exciting activity becomes available after the Coming Down mission, when the unloved Billy Gray finally goes to jail and Johnny heads the Lost biker club. In terms of meaning, the showdown is reminiscent of the gang war from GTA: San Andreas, only here there are no areas or diversity of enemy clans; in general, you just need to find idle “Angels” in the city and send them to the next world.

After the successful completion of every tenth skirmish, new types of weapons will be added to Brian’s house (there are five in total - from a sawn-off shotgun to a grenade launcher), but the total number of these mini-missions is unlimited.

On a note: gang warfare is a good way to save money; for the first battle won we will receive $1000, and for each subsequent battle we will receive $250 more.

The bandits decided to stop and fight back - it would be better if they didn’t do this...

A whistling limousine had better shoot out the wheels first and then the gas tank.

Plus, fighting is good training for the rest of the gang. All their indicators will increase, their total health will increase, and they will also acquire new, more powerful weapons. Jim, Terry and Clay are immortal, and even if they are hit by a stray bullet, they will simply leave the fight, but will return to duty after the battle is over. Ordinary “Lost” can die and do this very often - you shouldn’t pay much attention to them, they are here only for extras. The main work will still go to you.

There are three options for biker showdowns. Simplest - reprisal against enemies who took refuge in some “stationary” place and don’t ride around the city on their bikes. There are many enemies, but they are scattered and always marked with red markers - there is no trick to expect from anywhere. In addition, there is a good chance of finding a first aid kit or body armor in the bandits’ hideout.

The second type of showdown - destruction of a moving column of motorcyclists (or motorists). Such battles are fleeting, but fraught with loss of health, so I advise you to take the first shot and hide. Then get off the bike and shoot at the remaining enemies, who (apparently out of solidarity) also dismount. Shooting right on the city roads may attract the police, but do not panic - after the death of the last enemy, the wanted stars will disappear on their own.

The last option is convoy. This is simply the standard of the entire series - the destruction of a car with escaping bandits and a showdown with their escort. You only need to destroy one car marked with a marker, but if the target car is guarded, it is better to shoot the escort first. In any case, you shouldn’t go to such things without a bulletproof vest. When firing at the main car, aim not at the driver, but at the gas tanks or wheels - soon the car will start smoking, and you will witness a colorful explosion and the successful completion of the mission.

Extreme on the streets of Liberty City

Luis Lopez (the protagonist of The Ballad of Gay Tony) is Tony Prince's personal guardian angel, a participant in a completely different war. Only expensive sports cars, fashionable clothes, elite nightclubs, the most prominent “cover girls”, the most extreme story missions and life in a prestigious area of ​​the city.

Armando - gunsmith from
God and will get you anything.

In the fight club, Louis feels at home - it is impossible to forget his past life.

The second episode of GTA is all about extreme action, high speeds and air battles, not to mention crazy story missions and spectacular shootouts. The most harmless entertainment of the entire “Tale of Blue Tony” - playing golf, but even the player is introduced to it under very interesting circumstances (mission Practice Swing).

Fights without rules

Completing the Momma's Boy mission will open access to underground fights. The goal is to survive six rounds in the arena, in each of which to kill three strong guys who enter the ring in turn.

The first two stages need to fight with unarmed opponents. In rounds three through five, Louis will be confronted alternately by an unarmed enemy, a fighter with a bat, and a punisher with a knife. And finally, the final battle will take place against three fighters armed with knives. Winning six rounds affects 100% completion of the game, but does not give anything else.

It is important: In underground battles, a bulletproof vest will not help you. Melee attacks and melee weapons deal damage directly to health.

The key to victory in fight club is the right tactics. The enemy needs to be kept at a distance, for which kicks are well suited. But you shouldn’t use various combinations and blocks of blows - their effectiveness leaves much to be desired, and they are not easy to perform.

Drug showdowns

After the Corner Kids mission, a new type of additional tasks will open - Drug Wars. Your task is to help your unlucky friends Armando and Enrique steal a shipment of heroin from their competitors, and then safely deliver the stolen goods to the hideout. This is a direct analogue of the biker showdowns from The Lost and Damned.

Louis drives, the passengers shoot. Typical division of labor in action.

For every tenth successful operation, Louis will receive one of the unique types of weapons that are not available for purchase in weapons stores (however, they can always be bought in Armando’s weapons van). After the fiftieth completed mission, a “golden ultrasound” will appear in Lou’s apartment, provided that the Departure Time story mission is completed. To complete the game 100%, you need to complete at least twenty-five of these showdowns.

There are four mission options: theft, escort, robbery and goods.

In tasks like "hijacking" you need to steal a vehicle (car, boat or helicopter) full of drugs and deliver it to the base. The target will be guarded, and if an alarm sounds, the vehicle may try to escape, so it is better to kill the driver with a long-range rifle with the first shot, and then take care of the escorts. However, the target may not be guarded at all, but when you get behind the wheel, you will receive two “wanted stars” and the police “on your tail.”

At "robbery" you need to disrupt a deal between two gangs and take possession of their goods. Usually such an event is held in some secluded establishment. You can just wait until the gangsters kill each other after the deal goes wrong, but it’s better to act on your own. Kill everyone and capture the goods (initially, all enemies are marked with a marker, but after one of them drops the goods, the enemy “gunner” will stop working), then simply leave the area.

On a note: When delivering goods to your shelter, you may be followed by a “tail” in the form of one or two cars with bandits. Ignore them and calmly drive to the base - their shots rarely reach their target.

Sometimes your friends will just tell you to pick it up "product" from a rival gang and take him to a hideout. In such cases, the map only shows the location of the “goods” - but there are many enemies, and their location is unclear. Carefully, using cover, shoot everyone, take the goods and leave the area. Often you can find a helicopter in a showdown area, and in such a situation it would be a sin not to use it.

"Escort"- the most interesting of all types of drug showdowns. The target is moving around the city (either alone or with an escort), and you need to take possession of this transport. The difficulty is that the car does not want to stop under your shots, but is trying to hide. You will have to kill the driver, trying not to damage the vehicle. The right decision: when chasing, stay as close to the key car as possible - your partners will deal with the bandits themselves, and all you have to do is drive the vehicle back to its place, not paying attention to the pursuers trailing behind.

Live your life 100% in The Ballad of Gay Tony

Everything you need to do to achieve absolute performance in completing the game:

    Story missions - 60% (with the condition that each task, in turn, is completed 100%);

    50 seagulls killed - 2.5%;

    15 parachute jumps completed - 2.5%;

    Success in 25 drug busts - 2.5%;

    3 triathlons won - 2.5%;

    Completed tasks for random passers-by - 4.75%;

    6 rounds of underground battles won - 1.25%;

    Spent time with friends (table hockey, darts, billiards, golf, drinks at a bar, lunch, strip club) - 5%;

    Victory over an opponent in 4 mini-games (table hockey, darts, billiards, golf) - 6%;

    Completed entertainment in Tony's clubs (successful dance in "Maisonette 9" and "Hercules"; won the champagne drinking mini-game) - 3%.

Club management

One day Dessie will call you and remind you that it would be nice to devote at least a little time to your direct responsibilities - working at the Maisonette-9 nightclub. To get started, you need to arrive at the club by nine o'clock in the evening, and it is advisable not to be late - otherwise you will miss all the fun.

At first glance, this is the most boring and repetitive activity in the game - all you have to do is run back and forth, inspect visitors, punish drunks, drug dealers, force especially greedy clients to pay and receive “special thanks” from the manager Joni in her personal account .

The most important thing usually happens in the middle of the shift - Louis will suddenly receive a call and be ordered to urgently rush to the Hercules club to fulfill the will of some model or celebrity. The assignments can be different - from a simple walk around the city to the store and back to shooting annoying paparazzi who caught a star in such an extraordinary place as a gay club.

These special tasks affect the completion rate of the game and must be completed. You can only complete one celebrity task per shift.


You need to land on the back of a truck. If only I could see him first...

After Luis learns how to skydive in the High Dive mission, you can perform several of the same free jumps available throughout the city. There are fifteen jumps in total, and if you want to achieve absolute performance in passing the game, you will have to complete them all.

This is the most difficult type of additional tasks: you not only need to jump and open the parachute before Lou turns into a cake, but also fulfill additional conditions.

Condition one: you jump from the top of a skyscraper, and the goal is to land on a moving car marked on the map. This is difficult to do - when falling, you need to calculate everything, from the time the parachute opens to the pace at which you fly just before landing.

The second class of tasks is jumping from a helicopter and flying through control points. This is much simpler, the main thing is to open the parachute as quickly as possible and calmly control it, flying through the air rings. Difficulty may arise only before landing. Try not to crash into a stone or a billboard, for example.


Not the best start to the triathlon - the competitors later opened their parachutes and took the lead.

Successfully completing the story mission This Ain't Checkers will give you access to the latest entertainment in crazy Liberty City. The triathlon is an uncompromising race in the air, on the water and on the roads of the city, and in that order. The rules of this race will be explained to you by Mori during the main mission, the only difference here is that instead of one opponent there will be three.

There are three races in the city, which are marked on the map with checkered flags. The whole difficulty of a triathlon is to successfully jump from a helicopter, open the parachute in time and land on the boat or at least close to it. If you are hopelessly behind in this section, you don’t even have to start the boat engine and feel free to start all over again. To prevent this from happening, try to open the parachute while at the lowest altitude possible so as not to lose precious seconds.

There should be no problems in controlling the boat - there is simply nothing to crash into in the expanses of water, so press on the gas and follow the control points.

The final frontier, the car race, shouldn't be a problem if you don't use an accelerator. The car is already fast and difficult to control - if you are already ahead of everyone in this section, just calmly drive to the finish line without any troubles.

Liberty City has never been known for its friendliness to game heroes. Here, danger can lurk at every turn, only here an easy car ride is accompanied by the howling of police sirens, and only in this city do business negotiations end with the exchange of “courtesy” from shotguns. And nothing has changed in it for many years...

As you progress through the game, you will have friends and girls. Just five friends and five girls. Friendship with each character will grant you privileges. Each friend (and three girls) will offer you unique opportunities, so it's important to be on good terms with them.


There are a total of five friends in the game. Each friend will open up unique opportunities for you when you reach a certain level of relationship. The success of each of your friends depends on how often you meet with them. Call him, invite him for walks and to various establishments and then you will have a good relationship with him. You can look at the level of your relationship with a friend in the Stats section in the pause menu.

Don't invite your friend to places he doesn't like, otherwise your relationship will get worse. During each meeting, you can go with a friend to four different places. If a friend calls you, and you cannot meet with him at this time, then agree to the meeting and immediately call him back and cancel the meeting, then your relationship will not be disrupted.

Friendship with Roman will become available after the mission "Bleed Out." Meeting time: You can call Roman at any time of the day. Favorite activities:

  • Bowling
  • Darts
  • Alcohol
  • Food (Loves to eat everywhere, but prefers Burger Shot the most)
  • Strip club

Call Roman and select "Car Service", then he will send you a taxi that will take you to any place on the map.

Friendship with Jacob will become available after the mission "Shadow." Meeting time: You can call Jacob from 1:00 pm to 4:00 am. Favorite activities:

  • Darts
  • Food (likes fast food, especially Cluckin' Bell)
  • Strip club

Call Jacob and select "Guns" and he will come to you wherever you are and supply you with guns, ammo and gear at discounted prices.

Friendship with Brucie will become possible after mission "No.1." Meeting time: You can call Brucie from 7:00 am to 1:00 am. Favorite activities:

  • Boating
  • Bowling
  • Liquor (prestigious bars)
  • Food (doesn't really like fast food)
  • Helicopter rides
  • Strip club

A special opportunity appears when you reach 75%: Call Brucie and select "Chopper", then he will fly for you by helicopter and take you to any point on the map.

Friendship with Dwayne will become available after the mission "The Holland Play." Meeting time: You can call Dwayne from 11:00 am to 3:00 am. Favorite activities:

  • Bowling
  • Liquor (Club Liberty in Northwood)
  • Food (Cluckin' Bell or prestigious restaurants)
  • Strip club

A special opportunity appears when you reach 60%: Call Dwayne and select "Backup", then he will send a couple of his thugs to help you.

Friendship with Patrick will become available after the mission "Three Leaf Clover." Meeting time: You can zone Patrick from 3:00 pm to 6:00 am. Favorite activities:

  • Bowling
  • Darts
  • Liquor (Donnie's Bar)
  • Strip club

A special opportunity appears when you reach 75%: Call Patrick and select "Bomb", then a radio-controlled bomb will appear near you. Find it and attach it to the car.


There are several girls in the game that Niko can date. Two of them will be available as you progress through the game's storyline, and the rest can be found through the in-game Internet. Call a girl to set up a date with her, and then pick her up within 1 in-game hour (2 minutes of real time) and take her to some establishment on the map. Note that you will not be able to ask a girl out on a date during a mission. After the date, at least 5 in-game hours (10 minutes of real time) will have to pass before you can ask your girlfriend out again. Don't call her too often, otherwise you will ruin your relationship with her.

Carmen and Kiki can be found on Love Meet (left), and Alex can be found on Crap List (right)

You can date several girls at the same time, but the more you have, the more difficult it is to maintain a relationship. It's better to go through the main storyline first before dating girls from the internet. Remember, the more girls you have, the more attention they require and the more often they will call you. Dating multiple girls at the same time is a dangerous business if one of those girls is Kiki Jenkins. She will keep an eye on you and will leave you if she finds out that you are dating another girl.

Michelle will become your girlfriend after the mission "Three"s a Crowd." After the mission "The Snow Storm" you will no longer be able to date Michelle. Meeting times: You can call Michelle from 6:00 am to 11:00 pm. Preferences:

LovesDoes not loveLovesDoes not love
- Roman's Cab - Merit - Voodoo - Banshee - Blista- Futo - Fortune - Uranus - Primo - Solair- Russian - Hats - Glasses- Modo - Perseus

Kate will become your girlfriend after the mission "Waste Not Want Knots." Meeting time: You can call Kate from 8:00 am to 12:00 am. Preferences:

LovesDoes not loveLovesDoes not love
- Rebla - Patriot - Comet - Habanero - Super GT- Peyote - Voodoo - Sultan RS - Moonbe am - Solair - Stretch- Russian- Modo - Perseus - Hats - Glasses


Carmen can be found on after the mission "Out of the Closet." Her online nickname is "SoBoHoe." Meeting time: You can call Carmen from 1:00 pm to 6:00 am. Preferences:

LovesDoes not loveLovesDoes not love
- Sultan RS - Dukes - Stallion - FXT - Contender- Marbella - Dilettante - Minivan - Stratum - Merit- Modo - Perseus- Russian - Hats - Glasses

Special Feature: You can call Carmen to replenish your health.


Kiki can be found on the site as soon as you open the Algonquin district and complete the mission "Out of the Closet". Her online nickname is "LawChick." Meeting time: You can call Kiki from 6:00 am to 2:00 am. Preferences:

LovesDoes not loveLovesDoes not love
- Washington - Chavos - Dilettante - Marbella - Willard- Saber GT - Turismo - Infernus - Coquette - Super GT- Russian - Hats - Glasses- Modo - Perseus

Special Feature: You can call Kiki to get rid of the two chase stars.

ALEX CHILTON ("Liberated Woman")

Alex can be found on the website as soon as you open the Algonquin area and complete the mission "Out of the Closet". Her online nickname is "Liberated Woman." Meeting time: You can call Alex from 6:00 am to 2:00 am. Preferences:

LovesDoes not loveLovesDoes not love
- Huntley - Turismo - Stretch - Infernus - Cognoscenti- Dukes - Bobcat - Pony - Emperor - Willard- Perseus- Modo - Russian

Special Feature: Call Alex and she'll give you 50% off all clothing in Liberty City for the next 24 hours.

Dating and preferences

Every girl has her own preferences and whims that you must cater to in order to get the most out of your date. Every girl has an initial opinion about each type of recreation. After visiting one of the vacation spots, the girl’s opinion about it will drop by five points, while her opinion about other similar vacation spots will drop by 1 point. For example, if you and a girl visited Cluckin' Bell in the Star Junction area, then her opinion of this place will drop by 5 points. At the same time, her opinion of all other Cluckin' Bells will drop by 1 point. When her opinion about some establishment falls below 25 points, she will refuse to go there.

Take your girl where she likes (left) and then try her luck (right)

To get the most out of your date, you should consider the girl's initial opinions about all activities. To do this, use the table below and try to diversify your dates from time to time. The better the date, the more the girl will love you. After that, you can try your luck and try the “hot coffee”.

Example: To get the most out of your first date with Carmen, pick her up in a Sultan RS while wearing Modo clothes and take her to any place she thinks highly of (eg Comrades Bar on Hove Beach). On the second date, take her to another place that she thinks highly of, but make sure that you have not been there with her yet (if the first time you were at Comrades Bar, then now go to, for example, Club Liberty).

Girls' initial opinions about vacation spots

Kate KikiAlex
Cluckin' Bell
Any Diner
Mr. Fuk's Rice Box

Missions for random characters Below on the list: random GTA 4 characters found on the streets of Liberty City and giving Niko various extra-plot tasks. Some can only be encountered at a strictly defined time, others are available around the clock. They are marked on the map with a little blue man. Completing missions for everyone except Jeff, Cherise Glover, Ivan Bytchkov, Clarence Little is mandatory for 100% completion of the game.

Brian Meech

  • First meeting
Near Roman's taxi. He will laugh at you, give you $100 and run away.
  • Second meeting
Near your safe home in Broker. He will ask you to take him to Hove Beach. There he does his business and asks to be taken to Wappinger, after which he leaves.
  • Third meeting
Brian can be found in Downtown. He will ask you to take him to the dealers. They will beat him, you will intervene and kill them. Pick him up and take him back to Wappinger.


Appears after the mission "Shadow"

Bad Guy is known to be Little Jacob's friend. You'll find him sitting on a bench in front of the pharmacy in East Island City. He will ask you to take him to Carrollton Street. There you must kill six well-armed bandits and save Bad Guy. As soon as the last of the attackers is killed, Bad Guy pays you and leaves. You won't see him again.


Appears after the mission "Escuela of the streets"

You'll meet him at the old safe house in Broker. He will ask you to take him to a meeting in Outlook. There you will have to fight three opponents. After that, take Mel home. You won't meet him again.

Ilyena Faustin

You can meet Ilyena near the bowling alley in Broker. She will talk about how hard it is for her to live without her husband (a lot of people call, demanding debts, you can see this for yourself by calling Mikhail Faustin and listening to the answering machine) and ask you to take her on a motorcycle to her daughter Anna’s boyfriend on Dillon Street. She thinks he wants to turn his daughter into a stripper. Upon arrival, a very interesting conversation with some fighting. You won't see Ilyena again.


Appears after the mission "The Puerto Rican Connection"

You will meet Hassan (he is from Egypt) on the corner of Garnet Street, Suffolk, Algonquin. He has three tasks for you. The first is to take him to Castle Drive. There will be a battle there, that's two. Shoot at the tires of the attackers; when they come out, removing them will not be difficult. Collect money from them, that's three. Take Hassan home to Feldspar Street.


Appears after the mission "The Puerto Rican Connection"
Available only at night, between 9PM - 6AM

  • First meeting
You can meet Sarah near Hassan's house in Suffolk. She wants Nico to take her home. Her husband will meet you there. He needs to be beaten...
  • Second meeting
Meet Sarah at Pier 45, south of the Fishmarket. She will ask you to pick up the box from the Perseus store near Middle Park East. You need to have $500 in your pocket to pick up this package. Once you bring it to Sarah, she will return your money.


Appears after the mission "The Puerto Rican Connection"

  • First meeting

You can find it near Star Junction. He will ask you to talk to the guys who are blackmailing him. Run after him when the villains start chasing me. In the alley, kill them, but do not accidentally hit Patos.

  • Second meeting

Patos still hangs out there, at Star Junction, selling CDs. And again some guys are annoying him. Deal with them. Then take Patos to the hospital. All.


Appears after the mission "Photo Shot"

  • First meeting
You will meet Jeff on a street corner in East Holland after completing the Playboy X mission "Photo Shoot".

The backstory is that he is an extremely jealous husband who wants to spy on his wife, she is kind of cheating on him. So go after his wife and lover. When you are near the restaurant where they are going, do not get too close to the car with the couple. But don't let it go too far either.

At the Superstar Cafe, capture the moment of “betrayal” and send an MMS to Jeff. You can take photos directly from the stairs, do not choose the best angle, otherwise you will be noticed.

  • Second meeting
In the garages on Silicon Street, near Middle Park. He will give you a car and send you to Walnut Way. By the way, if anything, the body of Jeff’s precious wife rests in the trunk of the car. On the coastline, accelerate and jump out of the car. May she rest in peace. Or whatever...
  • Third meeting
Sitting on a bench in Suffolk. He will ask you to kill his new wife. Niko will refuse the newly-minted Bluebeard and he will be run over by a car. You can take the family maniac's money.

Cherise Glover

Appears after the missions "The Holland Play" and "Ruff Rider"
For the mission for Cherise to be available, she must be rescued in "Ruff Rider"

She stands in front of the Cluckin Bell, in Northwood Algonquin. You need to "talk" to her new friend. Go to him. It is located at the skateboard ramp. During a fight, if you take out a weapon, he will do the same. If you prefer to fight hand-to-hand, he will also fight with his bare hands. After the guy is dead, Cherise leaves.

Marnie Allen

Appears after the mission "Three Leaf Clover"

  • First meeting
You can find Marnie in City Hall, between Liberty Lane and Diamond Street. Next, she needs to be taken to Alderney City to buy drugs. Yes, and don’t forget to give her $500 for this matter.
  • Second meeting
Find Marney between Quartz Street and Ivy Drive South in Varsity Heights (Algonquin). Since she is slightly impaired, she must be taken to the Grand East Terminal, through which she will return home to the Midwest. Give her another $500 for travel.

Gracie Ancelotti

Located in a house between Babbage Drive and Hardtack Avenue in Actor (Alderney).

Walk near Gracie and she will recognize you as the kidnapper. He will scream, thereby setting off Ancelotti’s five guys. One of them is on the balcony, the others are on the same level as you. Kill them.

Eddie Low

Appears after the mission "Action Speak Louder than Words"
Only available between 12:00AM - 4:00AM

  • First meeting
Near the AutoEroticar dealership in Berchem (Alderney). He tells you some nonsense and in the end he needs to be taken to the port pool, from there to the Westminster area.
  • Second meeting
South of the last meeting, in Berchem (Alderney). This time there is no need to deliver any packages. This time Eddie goes crazy. And he rushes at Niko with a knife. Kill Lowe.

Clarence Little

You will meet him on the condition that you complete the mission “Holland Nights”, saving Clarence’s life.

So, when you meet him, he will immediately remind you who he is and where he comes from. Like, I’m the same guy that you, Niko, saved life on the roof. But you are unlikely to be happy about this meeting, since Clarence will take out a gun and try to convince you that pity is not for Liberty City. Kill him and take the money near the body.

Ivan Bytchkov

You can find Ivan if you leave him alive in the mission “Ivan The Not So Terrible” and complete the mission for Paki - “Three Leaf Clover”.

In general, Ivan started a new life here, borrows money from people, lives on interest. He will ask you to take him around the corner to meet his next client. And, although “around the corner” there will be a path at least a mile long, take him there. In the cutscene, Ivan's client will begin to be indignant, saying that the money given to him was a gift. Guys (five in number) with guns will immediately appear and you will have to engage in battle. Afterwards, collect money from them and approach Ivan. He will give a reward of $1000 for saving a life a second time.

Despite the wide variety of tasks in GTA4, random encounters with various characters in the most unexpected places in Liberty City are of particular interest. The ability to interact with random passers-by is another successful discovery by the developers, which allows you to take a step towards realism, enliven the city, and add variety to the gameplay. Perhaps the idea will find its way into GTA5. Most random encounters are closely related to the main plot of GTA4. Most often they occur after completing tasks. Places where you can find random passers-by are marked on the map with a blue figure of a man, which appears only a short distance from the target. Some characters will appear on the streets several times, others will prefer to limit themselves to just one meeting with Niko. There are no special rewards for fulfilling requests, except maybe money, additional difficulties and a few percent in the total treasury of 100% completion of the game. Closer to the end, a letter will be sent to your email inbox from Chiliad8888 with the subject “World of Enlightenment Awaits”, which will contain a link to a site where you can view maps showing how to find all the pigeons, make all the jumps, take weapons and first aid kits...

Random encounters in Liberty City in Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA4):

  • Broker, Bohan, Dukes(Broker, Bohan, Dukes): 6 random encounters.
    1. Brian(Brian) #1: will be waiting for a meeting near Roman's taxi depot on Hove Beach after the mission "First Date". Having finished his touching and full of pathos speech, he will give $100.
    2. Brian(Brian) #2: Will appear some time after the mission "Hung Out to Dry" near Niko's first apartment in Hove Beach. He will ask you to take him first to the point where he usually buys drugs, and then home.
    3. Brian(Brian) No. 3: The last meeting with an avid drug addict will take place after the task “Rigged to Blow” not far from the gun store in Downtown. He will ask you to deal with the drug dealer to whom he owes money. When it's all over, we take you back home.
    4. Badman(Badman): will be waiting for a meeting on a bench near the police station in East Island City, in Dukes. He will ask you to help deal with Russian gangsters.
    5. Elena(Ilyena): You can find her near the closed amusement park on Firefly Island, south of Niko's first apartment in Hove Beach in Broker, after the quest "The Puerto Rican Connection" from Manny.
    6. Mel(Mel): Will appear near the Hove Beach Police Station after the quest "Escuela of the Streets". When we meet, he will tell you that he saw Niko at the Comrade bar. He will ask you to go with him to the moneylender to whom he owes money and try to settle everything peacefully. After disassembly, we take the unfortunate debtor home.
  • Algonquin(Algonquin): 12 random encounters.

    1. Cherise(Cherise): Dwayne's ex-girlfriend will appear in North Holland after Playboy X's "The Holland Play" mission, unless killed in "Ruff Rider" mission. We help solve the problems with her new boyfriend, who is engaged in assault, and knock the crap out of his head.
    2. Jeff(Jeff) #1: The first meeting will take place in East Holland after the "Photo Shoot" task from Playboy X. He will tell you about his problems with his wife, that she is cheating on him, and will ask you to follow her and take a couple of photos.
    3. Jeff(Jeff) No. 2: some time later, after fulfilling the first request, a call will ring on your mobile phone, Jeff will offer to meet. We pull into the underground parking next to the Lancaster police station. The entrance is located next to the "PARK" sign on the opposite side of the street. We get rid of the wife's body.
    4. Jeff(Jeff) No. 3: the last meeting will take place in Suffolk, not far from the famous high-rise building - the Rotterdam Tower, after a long time. The manic type will again follow some woman, watching through binoculars. It turns out that he has a lover, whom he also suspects of treason. When asked to kill her, Niko refuses, Jeff flares up and gets hit by a car.
    5. Patos(Pathos) #1: The cool street rapper can be found on Star Avenue after completing the quest "The Puerto Rican Connection" from Manny. We get the guy out of trouble without letting the villains kill him. In gratitude, he will promise to dedicate his next hit to Niko.
    6. Patos(Pathos) No. 2: the second meeting on Star Avenue - a couple of days after the first - will also not be without incident. We save the singer from the mercenaries, who will still make a couple of holes in him. We deliver the wounded man to the local hospital. Nico's place on the next album is booked.
    7. Hossan(Hossan): Nico's old buddy can be found in Suffolk, south of the high-rise, after completing "The Puerto Rican Connection" from Manny. He will be busy selling handbags because his boss is delaying his salary. We go to meet the debtor, catch up (after shooting out the tires of a fast car), take the money, and take Hossan back.
    8. Sarah(Sara) No. 1: you can find the girl in the dark on Suffolk, south of the high-rise, after helping Hossan. When we meet, she will ask about her attractiveness, we will accompany her home, carefully listening to the story about the husband with whom she is divorcing. We dodge the blow near the doors.
    9. Sarah(Sara) #2: The next encounter will take place during the day at Pier 45 in the northern fish quarter. The girl will ask you to pick up a package from the Perseus store. The costs will quickly pay off when the package is in her hands.
    10. Mary(Marnie) #1: The drug addict can be found on a bench in City Hall, south of the high-rise, after completing the task "Actions Speak Louder Than Words" from Jerry McReary. She will ask you to take her to Alderney for heroin, and at the same time pay for it.
    11. Mary(Marnie) #2: The second meeting will take place a couple of days after the first in Varsity Heights, west of Central Park. The girl finally realizes her mistake and decides to return to her family, we take her to the station, and pay for the ticket.
    12. Clarence(Clarence): will appear on the streets of East Holland after completing the "Blood Brothers" quest from Francis McReary, if he remains alive in the "Holland Nights" quest. The mercy shown will not affect the gangster; he will decide to get even with Niko, making the last mistake in his life.
  • Alderney(Alderney): 4 random encounters.

    1. Grace(Gracie): will wait to meet her captor on Ecter near the house, not far from the gun shop, a few days after completing the quest “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend” and receiving a call from Jerry McReary. When Niko appears, he will call his bodyguards for help, and he will have to fight back or run away.
    2. Eddie(Eddie) #1: Can be found between 20:00 and 4:00 in Alderney City near the AutoEroticar car dealer after completing the mission "Three Leaf Clover" from Patrick McReary. A casual conversation will quickly lead to a task.
    3. Eddie(Eddie) No. 2: will appear between 20:00 and 4:00 in Bercham two days after the first mission. Eddie Lowe will happily meet Niko, a Balkan psychopath, but the conversation will end in a fight. If you can’t defeat your enemy hand-to-hand, you can simply shoot him. Immediately after the showdown, sensational news about the execution of a serial killer will appear on the Internet.
    4. Ivan(Ivan): the meeting after a long break will occur in Ekter, if you release Ivan in the task “Ivan the Not So Terrible” from Vlad. He makes his living from moneylending. Not everything goes smoothly - problems have arisen with a persistent defaulter who does not want to return the money. We go to the meeting, kill five gangsters, and return back.

Missions for random characters Below on the list: random GTA 4 characters found on the streets of Liberty City and giving Niko various extra-plot tasks. Some can only be encountered at a strictly defined time, others are available around the clock. They are marked on the map with a little blue man. Completing missions for everyone except Jeff, Cherise Glover, Ivan Bytchkov, Clarence Little is mandatory for 100% completion of the game.

Brian Meech

  • First meeting
Near Roman's taxi. He will laugh at you, give you $100 and run away.
  • Second meeting
Near your safe home in Broker. He will ask you to take him to Hove Beach. There he does his business and asks to be taken to Wappinger, after which he leaves.
  • Third meeting
Brian can be found in Downtown. He will ask you to take him to the dealers. They will beat him, you will intervene and kill them. Pick him up and take him back to Wappinger.


Appears after the mission "Shadow"

Bad Guy is known to be Little Jacob's friend. You'll find him sitting on a bench in front of the pharmacy in East Island City. He will ask you to take him to Carrollton Street. There you must kill six well-armed bandits and save Bad Guy. As soon as the last of the attackers is killed, Bad Guy pays you and leaves. You won't see him again.


Appears after the mission "Escuela of the streets"

You'll meet him at the old safe house in Broker. He will ask you to take him to a meeting in Outlook. There you will have to fight three opponents. After that, take Mel home. You won't meet him again.

Ilyena Faustin

You can meet Ilyena near the bowling alley in Broker. She will talk about how hard it is for her to live without her husband (a lot of people call, demanding debts, you can see this for yourself by calling Mikhail Faustin and listening to the answering machine) and ask you to take her on a motorcycle to her daughter Anna’s boyfriend on Dillon Street. She thinks he wants to turn his daughter into a stripper. Upon arrival, a very interesting conversation with some fighting. You won't see Ilyena again.


Appears after the mission "The Puerto Rican Connection"

You will meet Hassan (he is from Egypt) on the corner of Garnet Street, Suffolk, Algonquin. He has three tasks for you. The first is to take him to Castle Drive. There will be a battle there, that's two. Shoot at the tires of the attackers; when they come out, removing them will not be difficult. Collect money from them, that's three. Take Hassan home to Feldspar Street.


Appears after the mission "The Puerto Rican Connection"
Available only at night, between 9PM - 6AM

  • First meeting
You can meet Sarah near Hassan's house in Suffolk. She wants Nico to take her home. Her husband will meet you there. He needs to be beaten...
  • Second meeting
Meet Sarah at Pier 45, south of the Fishmarket. She will ask you to pick up the box from the Perseus store near Middle Park East. You need to have $500 in your pocket to pick up this package. Once you bring it to Sarah, she will return your money.


Appears after the mission "The Puerto Rican Connection"

  • First meeting

You can find it near Star Junction. He will ask you to talk to the guys who are blackmailing him. Run after him when the villains start chasing me. In the alley, kill them, but do not accidentally hit Patos.

  • Second meeting

Patos still hangs out there, at Star Junction, selling CDs. And again some guys are annoying him. Deal with them. Then take Patos to the hospital. All.


Appears after the mission "Photo Shot"

  • First meeting
You will meet Jeff on a street corner in East Holland after completing the Playboy X mission "Photo Shoot".

The backstory is that he is an extremely jealous husband who wants to spy on his wife, she is kind of cheating on him. So go after his wife and lover. When you are near the restaurant where they are going, do not get too close to the car with the couple. But don't let it go too far either.

At the Superstar Cafe, capture the moment of “betrayal” and send an MMS to Jeff. You can take photos directly from the stairs, do not choose the best angle, otherwise you will be noticed.

  • Second meeting
In the garages on Silicon Street, near Middle Park. He will give you a car and send you to Walnut Way. By the way, if anything, the body of Jeff’s precious wife rests in the trunk of the car. On the coastline, accelerate and jump out of the car. May she rest in peace. Or whatever...
  • Third meeting
Sitting on a bench in Suffolk. He will ask you to kill his new wife. Niko will refuse the newly-minted Bluebeard and he will be run over by a car. You can take the family maniac's money.

Cherise Glover

Appears after the missions "The Holland Play" and "Ruff Rider"
For the mission for Cherise to be available, she must be rescued in "Ruff Rider"

She stands in front of the Cluckin Bell, in Northwood Algonquin. You need to "talk" to her new friend. Go to him. It is located at the skateboard ramp. During a fight, if you take out a weapon, he will do the same. If you prefer to fight hand-to-hand, he will also fight with his bare hands. After the guy is dead, Cherise leaves.

Marnie Allen

Appears after the mission "Three Leaf Clover"

  • First meeting
You can find Marnie in City Hall, between Liberty Lane and Diamond Street. Next, she needs to be taken to Alderney City to buy drugs. Yes, and don’t forget to give her $500 for this matter.
  • Second meeting
Find Marney between Quartz Street and Ivy Drive South in Varsity Heights (Algonquin). Since she is slightly impaired, she must be taken to the Grand East Terminal, through which she will return home to the Midwest. Give her another $500 for travel.

Gracie Ancelotti

Located in a house between Babbage Drive and Hardtack Avenue in Actor (Alderney).

Walk near Gracie and she will recognize you as the kidnapper. He will scream, thereby setting off Ancelotti’s five guys. One of them is on the balcony, the others are on the same level as you. Kill them.

Eddie Low

Appears after the mission "Action Speak Louder than Words"
Only available between 12:00AM - 4:00AM

  • First meeting
Near the AutoEroticar dealership in Berchem (Alderney). He tells you some nonsense and in the end he needs to be taken to the port pool, from there to the Westminster area.
  • Second meeting
South of the last meeting, in Berchem (Alderney). This time there is no need to deliver any packages. This time Eddie goes crazy. And he rushes at Niko with a knife. Kill Lowe.

Clarence Little

You will meet him on the condition that you complete the mission “Holland Nights”, saving Clarence’s life.

So, when you meet him, he will immediately remind you who he is and where he comes from. Like, I’m the same guy that you, Niko, saved life on the roof. But you are unlikely to be happy about this meeting, since Clarence will take out a gun and try to convince you that pity is not for Liberty City. Kill him and take the money near the body.

Ivan Bytchkov

You can find Ivan if you leave him alive in the mission “Ivan The Not So Terrible” and complete the mission for Paki - “Three Leaf Clover”.

In general, Ivan started a new life here, borrows money from people, lives on interest. He will ask you to take him around the corner to meet his next client. And, although “around the corner” there will be a path at least a mile long, take him there. In the cutscene, Ivan's client will begin to be indignant, saying that the money given to him was a gift. Guys (five in number) with guns will immediately appear and you will have to engage in battle. Afterwards, collect money from them and approach Ivan. He will give a reward of $1000 for saving a life a second time.

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