Interesting facts about minecraft pe. Interesting facts about minecraft. Play Minecraft in Survival Mode

120 facts about Minecraft that you may not know (but that does not mean that all)

1. A bow at maximum tension can break the boat and minecart
2. Milk removes the effects of poison and potions
3. If shower sand is placed on top of ice, it will slow down even more
4. If you shoot through the lava, the arrows will also inflict fire damage
5. Pumpkin on the head scares off endermen (they do not attack, even if you look directly at them)
6. Dragon Egg can be obtained by sliding it with the piston
7. Slugs only jump in a straight line and cannot swim
8. TNT explosion removes lava
9. If you click on the mushroom cow with the right button with a bowl held in your hand, then you will get stewed mushrooms
10. If there is a torch under the falling block of gravel or sand, then the blocks of gravel or sand will collapse when falling
11. In the rain, fish is better caught
12. If an object is thrown into water flowing on ice, it will float incredibly fast
13. Pressure plates block the spread of water and lava
14. You cannot see the player's name through chests and signs
15. If an iron golem kills an enderman, a pearl always drops
16. Fish can also be caught underwater
17. Hell fence and normal fence do not connect
18. Obsidian and the Administration cannot be moved by pistons
19. Health is not restored if the food scale is less than 79%
20. If there is a cat on the chest, the chest cannot be opened.
21. If creepers and skeletons are unable to attack, they cannot see the player through the glass
22. With the help of a cactus, you can destroy an item
23. Rain fills the cauldron with a small chance
24. If there is a web near the creeper, then the countdown to the explosion takes longer
25. During growth, seedlings destroy glass in their path
26. During the day and in a fully lit room, spiders are friendly unless attacked
27. If you set fire to a cow or pig, they will drop fried meat
28. Lava cube does not take damage from falls
29. Some time ago, the octopus could be milked
30. TNT explosion destroys 70% of objects around
31. An egg has a 1/256 chance of spawning four chickens at the same time
32. The minecart can be driven like a car if there is a saddled pig in the minecart and you are on it
33. Signs, fences, stairs, gates and hatches block the path of water horizontally and vertically
34. Water and lava flow to the nearest depression
35. Pig zombies are not affected by lava and fire
36. If you throw an egg at a calm spider, it will still remain neutral
37. During a thunderstorm, you can sleep, even if it's daytime
38. Wolves don't attack creepers
39. Enderman cannot be damaged by an arrow, egg or snowball
40. Lava cubes and efreet glow in the dark
41. If during the day the spider falls and gets damage from the fall or pricks on a cactus, then it will again become neutral
42. Half-blocks do not break the redstone chain
43. It takes 4 minutes and 10 seconds to break obsidian with your hand
44. If zombies and skeletons stand on the sand of souls, then in the morning they will not burn
45. If there is a fire under the wooden pressure plate, then it can be activated with an arrow
46. ​​Fireball can be critically hit
47. Eating a spider's eye, you will be poisoned
48. Unlike small slugs, small lava cubes do damage to the player
49. If a huge slug is sitting in a trolley, then the trolley is not visible, and you can only push it with another trolley
50. The sounds of the ghast belong to the cat C418
51. A chest can be opened if there is another chest above it or an incomplete block (steps, half-blocks, glass, fences, etc.)
52. Red torches are the only source of light (other than natural) that does not melt ice and snow
53. Turntables can be used as fuel
54. When you sneak, it affects the distance at which you can be reached.
55. Most of the sounds that endermen make are the voices of people saying "Hi", "Hello" and "What" s up, only fired in the opposite direction, slowed down and distorted
56. Tamed wolves can attack if you shoot yourself with a bow
57. When using night vision potion on spiders and endermen, you can still see their eyes
58. If you cut wool with scissors, then they are not damaged
59. Water Destroys the Cobweb
60. When using an item for other purposes, its durability is reduced by two points instead of one
61. To create an iron golem, the pumpkin must be placed last
62. Ice and water cannot be seen from above through ice
63. Roses are less common than yellow flowers
64. Rain and snow cannot be seen through broken glass
65. Endermen appear more often on the young moon
66. Pumpkins are harder to find than diamonds
67. If you shoot at a loaded TNT, the arrow will return
68. Fixing two items gives a 10% bonus
69. An object thrown on the rails will stop the minecart
70. There is one in 10,000 chance that the title will say Minceraft, not minecraft
71. The door cannot be placed on ice
72. Through broken glass, the sky is always blue, even if there are clouds on it
73. Dragons of the Ender destroy chests, but do not destroy minecarts with a chest
74. Potion of harm will heal the skeleton
75. Healing potion will harm the skeleton
76. Monsters do not appear on half-blocks
77. Ghasts do not explode cobblestones
78. The steps interrupt the sprint, but the half-blocks do not (fixed in the new version)
79. If you hit a spider during the day, it will start attacking you
80. Pistons and sticky pistons move any rail
81. In Hell, lava flows into 7 blocks, while in the upper world it spreads into 4
82. If Enderman touches the water, he will become passive again
83. Iron golems and wolves can become hostile in peaceful mode
84. If the coordinate z or x is divisible by 16, then you are on the border of the chunk
85. When the game is paused, the hostile enderman still moves
86. When you kill the Ender Dragon, the sword does not receive damage (fixed in the new version)
87. If there is an exit from the room, the snow golem will try to exit
88. There are green clothes for the settlers, but they are not used
89. No spider can climb the ice
90. Lava outcrops are most common in taiga and snowy biomes.
91. Cats don't take fall damage
92. Despite the lack of hands, creepers climb stairs
93. Sheep has a 0.5% chance of appearing with pink wool
94. Infernal growths can be placed in the upper world, but they grow only in Hell
95. When moving vertically (jumping, climbing and descending stairs, swimming) food has no effect
96. If the half-blocks and cakes are on ice, the sliding effect persists
97. Creepers are afraid of ocelots
98. If you use bone meal on a block of grass, flowers and tall grass will grow
99. The cake will disappear if you break the block under it
100. Most diamonds are at level 12
101. When you press f3, Hell (Lower World) is called Hell (actually, Hell), and the Edge is called Heaven
102. Silverfish are the smallest mobs in the game
103. Zombies pick up dropped objects and put on armor
104. There is a chance that the settler will appear near the portal to Hell
105. The Wither is immune to all flying objects
106. Hostile mobs will not spawn in underground caves of mushroom biomes
107. If you leave the seed field blank, the current time on the computer will be used
108. In order to cure a zombie settler, you need to throw a potion of weakness into him and give him a golden apple
109. Animals can be lured to the Land
110. All cows in Minecraft are female (because everyone gives milk)
111. In the game there was a block called "weeping obsidian", which Jeb planned to use as a spawn place, but then beds began to perform this function, and the block was removed from the game
112. In reality, a golden apple would weigh 154 tons. Like a blue whale
113. Wooden half-blocks do not burn
114. A fully charged bow does more damage than a diamond sword
115. Snowballs Inflict Half-Heart Damage to Ender Dragons and Efreet
116. Reed grows faster on sand than on land
117. Creepers are not a finished pig model
118. The ability to throw eggs was added after one player said he would eat his USB if Notch did (and he did)
119. Skeleton Rider has a spawn rate of approximately 1/100
120. If the creeper almost caught up with you and you press E, you will die

Interesting facts about Minecraft December 29th, 2017

In 2009, Swedish programmer and designer Markus Persson (better known to fans under the affectionate nickname Notch) decided to create a sandbox game that would allow free and easy exploration of the virtual world, and at the same time create his new company, under named Mojang AB.

Today, in addition to the Minecraft game itself, excellent browser and flash games have been created based on this game.

1. The first version of Minecraft was created in just six days.

Persson began work on Minecraft on May 10, 2009 and made the final changes to the game on May 16 of that year. The alpha version of Minecraft was released the very next day.

2. The game was not considered complete for another two years.
After the release of Minecraft on PC, Mojang periodically released updates to the game, announcing the full version of the game only on November 18, 2011.

3. The first name of the toy was not Minecraft.
When Persson first started developing the game, he named the project "Cave Game". And only after a while it grew into the name Minecraft: first, the project was renamed Order of the Stone, and then, finally, just Minecraft.

4. The author was inspired by other games to create Minecraft.

The Minecraft developer draws inspiration from other PC video games: Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Keeper, RollerCoaster Tycoon, and Infiniminer. Persson also paid special tribute to Infiniminer, saying that he wanted his game to match the aesthetic level of this adorable RPG game.

5. Creation of creepers - code error.

One of the weirdest Minecraft characters is the creeper, an electrically charged hissing predator. Person didn't really think about creating such a monster, he just wanted to create a pig, but accidentally mixed up the coordinates of the height and length in the code. The result of such a mistake was a monster that many players know and love.

6. Enderman's language is English in reverse order.

A very interesting character in Minecraft is Enderman. The speech of this creature is almost incomprehensible to the human ear, but most of its exclamations can be seen in English words and phrases (including "hiya", "here", "this way", "forever", and "what's up?") Voiced in reverse okay.

7. Jasts are voiced by a dozing cat.
Another monster from Minecraft owes its voice to a real creature. Perhaps every player remembered Just's piercing howl, but you never know the story of his creation. It all started when music producer Daniel Rosenfeld, known as C418, accidentally made an audio recording of a dozing cat. It was previously planned that the voice of the ocelot would be the voice of Just, but the purr mixed with the meow cleared all the questions.

8. The huge role of MINECRAFT in one of the Swedish schools ...

In 2013, Viktor Rudberg High School in Stockholm introduced Minecraft as a mandatory part of its curriculum for all 13-year-olds. Teachers tell what the game teaches students: "They will learn about environmental issues, about creating objects, and even how to plan for the future."

9. Denmark and MINECRAFT
Sweden's southern neighbor has expressed an even greater affection for Minecraft. In 2014, Simon Kokkendor and Thorbjörn Nielsen, both at the Ministry of the Environment, created an exact scale replica of Denmark in Minecraft to increase interest in the geographic data of their home country.

10. The popularity of the game is the work of free marketing.
According to a study by Alex Levitt of the Annenberg School of Communication, a third of the first Minecraft users first heard about the game from friends, and another third started the game after watching a YouTube video.

11. Finite endless world.
In 2011, Persson in his personal blog talked about the boundaries of the supposedly previously limitless world of Minecraft:
“Let me be clear about a few things about 'infinite' cards: they are not infinite, but in this world there are no hard limits on anything. This allows you to get more and more the further away you are. The landscape is generated, saved and loaded, and partially displayed (size 16 * 16 * 128 blocks). These pieces can move. If you go outside this range (about 25% of the distance from where you are now), old pieces start to be overwritten. "

12. A few words about the devoted fan and the endless quest.
Players need to travel roughly 7,500 miles before they can witness a major coding crash. This virtual wasteland became known in the game as "Far Lands."

After a blog post about Far Lands, gamer Kurt J. Mack decided to reach the end of the world called Minecraft. He started his quest in March 2011. And this is not a waste of time; Mac has earned quite a bit of YouTube fame, and has raised over $ 250,000 for a charitable foundation.

13. The Minecraft avatar has unique features.
It's only natural that Persson reserved another trick as a personal avatar for Minecraft. It manifests itself only in the game, when the character dies, then ... apples fall out of him.

14. The opening of trading on Minecraft began with a tweet.
After announcing that he was tired of corporate politics, the notorious video game developer sent out tweets in June 2014, hoping to raise demand for Mojang shares. Three months later, he officially sold the company to Microsoft for $ 2.5 billion.

15. Incorrect spelling of the name of your own game.

In one case out of 10,000, the wrong spelling of the name of the game itself flashes in the game menu. The letters "E" and "C" are swapped to create a new name - Minceraft.

Many teenagers, young men, and sometimes even adult men are obsessed with minecraft. Many people devote a fairly large amount of time to this game, plunging into the world of minecraft. So let's take a closer look at this game.

We present to your attention the most interesting facts about minecraft:

  • 1. As the popularity of this game grows with it and the income of the main developer Markus Alexei Persson increases, which is 350,000 dollars per day;
  • 2. Notch has a fairly high IQ level, which only 2% of the population can boast of;
  • 3. In March 2012, sales were so high that Minecraft entered the top 6 best-selling games;
  • 4. Such high sales are due to expensive advertising, you might think. But this is actually not the case at all, but rather the opposite. Not a cent was spent on advertising;
  • 5. Thanks to statistics, another interesting fact about Minecraft was found out - about 5% of Minecraft gamers are actually architects;
  • 6. But the players may have noticed that every June 1, you can see congratulations on Notch's birthday;

  • 7. Marcus, apparently, does not like to make stereotyped decisions, because otherwise how to explain the fact that at the trial he offered to settle the conflict with the Bethesda party in Quake3: arena;
  • 8. Alexey Persson also loves to play computer games. After all, as it became known, in the game Team fortress 2, he has his own hat;
  • 9. Notch can be called the heart of Mojang, because it is he who is listed as the owner, developer and creator of Minecraft;

  • 10. For the information of minecraft gamers, we present another interesting fact - Markus sometimes visits various servers to please fans of this game;
  • 11. Nick Jeba is another minecraft developer. He has his own name, so to speak, a space on the keyboard;
  • 12. Sony invited Notch to their press conference. The invitation was painted gold, and he was also handed a copy of the original Dungeon Master 2;

  • 13. Today the popularity of this game has grown so much that the number of visitors per month exceeds 240 million people;
  • 14. Many schoolchildren around the world dream of playing various computer games in class. For the students of one of the schools in Stockholm, this dream has become a reality. After all, their obligatory lesson is learning Minecraft. According to teachers, this develops children's thinking;

  • 15. Throughout the history of its existence, this game has had several names. First "Cave Game", then "Minecraft: Order of the Stone" and only then it became known as "Minecraft";
  • 16. Changed not only the name of the game, but also the characters. Initially, the Minecraft character was called "Minecraft Guy", and after a while he was renamed to Steve;
  • 17. Did you know that at the moment about 500 people are purchasing this game;

  • 18. Many people argue that computer games are designed for teenagers, etc., but this is not entirely true. After all, 5% of Minecraft players are architects;
  • 19. There are also those who wished to remain incognito. JunkBoy didn't want anyone to know about him;
  • 20. At the beginning of creation, the game was one cave, where the first blocks were cobblestone and grass;

  • 21. Every player knows that the workbench is used to determine the parts of the world;
  • 22. For the information of users of "Minecraft" - to understand who is hiding behind the snowman, it is enough just to become in it;
  • 23. Everyone knows that the iron golem protects the villagers, but few people know that he can also give them a flower;

  • 24. At the beginning of the game, the sun was round, but later the developers decided to make it square;
  • 25. But the ability to throw eggs has been added thanks to Notch's dispute with the player, who promised that he would eat his USB cable if he, in turn, added this innovation;
  • 26. Did you know that the skeleton begins to age at the moment when you begin to approach it;

  • 27. 1000 houses made of mud - this is exactly how many are created every minute in the world of "Minecraft";
  • 28. But if you use tools out of place, then he immediately loses the level of strength;
  • 29. 121 hours of play is a year of playing time;

  • 30. The cake disappears immediately when the player presses the piston on it;
  • 31. But zombies need to beware, because they can set on fire with a small probability;
  • 32. Silverfish is not afraid of the effect of desiccation;

  • 33. Players are advised to take a closer look at the sand of souls, there you can see the faces of the griefers;
  • 34. If the game wins the "Indie Game of the Year" nomination, Notch will add a cake to it;
  • 35. Pocket Edition can be seen in the iOS7 trailer.

We invite Minecraft fans to watch an interesting video with facts:

From the very first days of its appearance, Minecraft gained such unprecedented popularity that even the most advanced developers of computer games began to ask the question: "How is this possible?" The main creator of this virtual entertainment, Markus Persson, who is also known as Notch, did not at all seek to attract players with stunning graphics and intricate storyline. The main point of the game is to create your own world from many elementary blocks, while repelling the attacks of various monsters. For several years of its existence, some interesting facts about Minecraft have accumulated, which even seasoned gamers do not even suspect.

1. Several years after the release of his creation, Notch still continues to receive about $ 370,500 daily, which is equivalent to five brand new BMW X6s.

2. On the favorite holiday of Markus Alexey Persson - his birthday, which he celebrates on June 1, the inscription “Happy Birthday Dear Notch!” Appears in the main menu of all Minecraft clients.

3. Every hour more than 1000 people log into numerous Minecraft servers from just one licensed account. For a month, all this number exceeds the mark of more than 240 million players from all over the world!

5. Do you think that Minecraft is just another "toy"? You are wrong. So, one of the comprehensive schools in Stockholm (Sweden) called Viktor Rydborg School introduced constant lessons on this game for all thirteen-year-old students. But here the most interesting facts about Minecraft are just beginning.

6. It is very curious that the game was originally called Cave Game, and later the name was changed to the ambiguous "Order of the Stone". And only at the very end of its creation, virtual entertainment received the name Minecraft. At the same time, the very first blocks in the game were grass and stone, and the gameplay itself was a simulator of small caves.

7. In the earliest versions of the game, skeletal archers used special purple arrows. And in the client of the 2009 game, there was a special mob - the Giant Zombie. Its size even exceeded some rocks, and it could only be killed by attacking the monster in the legs. At the same time, the level of health and damage of the giant zombie was simply enormous.

8. During the time that you spent reading this proposal, 500 licensed copies of the game were purchased.

9. In some official versions of Minecraft, an iron golem is also found, which protects the civilians of the settlements. It is interesting that sometimes he gives flowers to his wards.

10. An interesting ability to throw chicken eggs was added to the game after a funny incident. One of the Minecraft fans told Markus Persson that if such a feature is added to the gameplay, the gamer will eat his computer USB cable. Notch almost immediately made an innovation to the game, and the player had to keep his promise.

These turned out to be the most interesting facts about Minecraft and the process of its creation. But this is only a small part of those exciting events that can happen to you during the game itself. As you can see, virtual entertainment can be much more interesting than it is commonly believed.

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