How to set a region in minecraft. Minecraft, easy ways to privatize territory. Minecraft teams for private territory

You have been building your home for a long time and painstakingly in Minecraft. Have chosen or developed a project and design. We carefully selected the blocks and carefully installed them. As a result, you have a great home in which you enjoy spending time in the game. And you proudly show it to your friends and say that you did it all with your own hands. And suddenly, one fine moment, someone came and occupied your house.

To exclude the possibility that someone in the game without permission and brazenly occupies your house, there is a system of private territories. There are several ways how to lock a house in Minecraft.

  1. First, we need a wooden ax. If you don't have it, just type // wand in the chat. Press the "T" button to open the chat. Now we need to define the perimeter of the private area. Go to point "A" and mark it with an ax. Now go to point "B" and do the same. Now we need to expand our rectangle upwards (if you have a house) or downwards (if you want to add a basement as well). There are commands for this: // expand 20 up - expands the territory by 20 blocks up; // expand 20 down - expands the territory down also by 20 blocks. Of course, choose the number of blocks yourself, depending on the height or depth of your house.
    But you can immediately designate the entire private territory. First, as in the first case, mark the point "A" with an ax. And then point "C".
  2. In the second method, we don't need any items. You just need to stand on point "A" and type the command // pos 1. And then stand on point "C" and type // pos 2. But to get to point "C" you have to build something that looks like a ladder or a pillar. You can, of course, as in the first method, specify points "A" and "B", and then expand the territory with the command // expand.
  3. In the third option, you need to point the cursor to point "A" and write the command // hpos 1. Then specify point "C" and again write the command // hpos 2. The easiest and easiest way to private at home.

After defining the territory (region) for the private, dial the command / rg claim [name of your territory]... For example, if you privatize a house, we will call the territory home and the private command will look like this: / rg claim home.

Now you know how to lock your house or any territory in Minecraft. But the game also has several useful commands related to private.

  • / region addmember [territory name] [player nickname] - add the owner of the territory, he will have the same rights as you.
  • / region removemember [territory] [player nickname] - we remove the co-owner.
  • / region redefine [territory] - change your private territory.
  • / region select [territory] - choose the territory.
  • / region list- displaying a list of private territories.
  • / region remove [territory] - we delete the private territory.
  • / region info [territory] - we display information on a private territory.
  • / region flag [territory] [flag name] [position] - we protect your territory from creepers and other mobs that can

1. Mark the territory that you want to have in your domain.

This should be done with pumpkins. The main thing is that these pumpkins do not stand on the same line, but are slightly oblique.

2. An ax is an obligatory tool for privatizing a territory. You can either craft it or call the console - put two slashes and write " // wand".

3. With an ax in hand, you can mark your territory. On the first pumpkin, which is in your land markup, you need to press the left mouse button - the console will write to you that the first position is set.

4. Near the second pumpkin press the right mouse button - the second part of your territory will be marked.

You marked the territory itself on the surface, now you need to mark it in the air so that you are not flooded with lava from above, and underground so that no one can dig into you.

5. To capture the underground part of the territory and airspace - launch the console and write

  • "// expand 20 up"(this will mark your land 20 blocks up) and
  • "// expand 20 down"(marking the territory 20 blocks down).

6. With these actions you marked the territory.
To privatize it - turn on the console and enter " / region claim ****"

Replace the asterisks with the name of the territory.

Ready! This will now be your marked locked region.

If you do not know how to lock a house in minecraft, then this article is for you. Most of the players who have just got on the server are faced with griffing, not knowing how to lock a house in minecraft on the server.

To make a private in minecraft, first of all you need to know the necessary commands and rules that tell you how to seize territory in minecraft on the server. You need to have a wooden ax in your inventory, which can be crafted or obtained by entering the command // wand. He is the primary thing in order to lock the region into minecraft.

After you have a wooden ax in your hands, you will need to mark the area by marking two points along the edges of the diagonal. Do not forget that the rules explaining how to privatize a house in minecraft on the server provide for the maximum size of the territory.

So, we mark our first point

To do this, go to the desired block and click on it with the left mouse button. There are also servers, in the rules for how to privatize in minecraft on the server, which are not provided for the presence of an ax. In these cases, you just need to enter a specific command (most often // hpos1), while looking at the desired block with the mouse pointer. If everything is done correctly, then in the chat you will see a system message stating that the first point is indicated and, in fact, the coordinates for X, Y and Z.

Now mark the second point

To do this, select a suitable second block for ourselves and click on it with the right mouse button (if an ax is provided). If not, then looking at this block, enter the command installed on the server (usually // hpos2). Here, a system notification in the chat should also appear, stating that the second point has been set and, in fact, its coordinates X, Y and Z.

Now you need to know how to private in minecraft in the up and down directions.

Immediately after the extreme points were marked, you have a one-cube plane that needs to be increased in volume. This is very easy to do via chat, by entering certain commands.

// expand the number of cubes up - expand upward.
And // expand the number of cubes down - expand downward.

Again, here, too, do not forget about the restrictions established by the rules in the rules that tell you how to privatize it to minecraft.

After that, a system notification via chat should also appear. He will tell you that the region is expanded and show the number of blocks occupied by your house.

Further, the region can be given a name

This is very simple, you just need to enter the command: "/ region claim your chosen name."

This completes the privatization of the territory. The marked region is now completely at your disposal.

You can familiarize yourself with the process in more detail by watching the minecraft video how to lock a house.

You will need any other player on the server to make sure the perfect process is successful. It is enough for him to just try to destroy one of the blocks in your new territory. If he fails, then you did everything right, because other players are not allowed to do something on your site.

If you play on the same server with a friend, or just found a playmate and want to live with him, or at least just give him the rights to act in your house, then you can do this using a simple command: "/ region addmember" the name you have chosen for your territory and the name of the character you are about to add. "

To remove it from your region: "/ region remove name character name".

Delete private: "/ region delete name".

You decided to acquire a private territory on the server while playing Minecraft. But everyone knows how to do this. After reading this article, you can avoid many unnecessary problems and learn all about the intricacies of private.

Translated from English private means - private. The WorldEdit plugin has a similar function. With its help, you can make your territories inaccessible for flooding and destruction, save them from the dangers that may threaten from the side of griefers. This function, unlike others, is available to everyone who plays on the server.

It is very important to know that if the WorldEdit plugin is not installed on the server, then 99.9% private will be unavailable!

Private has several options:

1) with a wooden ax and the following command - / regionclaim
2) using the WorldEdit flags.

The first method is the easiest and safest to use, as you will see later. Where does the private territory begin? How and how to privatize it?

The first thing we need for this is a wooden ax. You can make it manually, or get it using the // wand command, which is much more convenient, since everything can be done right on the spot, instead of crafting an ax.

So with the wooden ax already in place, what's the next step? Next, we need to select the boundaries of the required territory, which will become the boundaries of your home on the server.

To select the territory that you decided to privatize, you need to go to its first point and click on the block with the left mouse button.

An inscription will appear: "First position set" with coordinates. Then we find the second point (most often this is the opposite vertex of the cube) and, taking the ax, click on it with the right button. the chat (by default - T) and write / regionclaim

2. press the space bar and write the name that you want to assign to the region, for example "Myhouse111" or "VasyaNagibator666"

3.we write our nickname, which is the name on the server

If you depict it schematically, you get the following: / regionclaim - name of the region - your name on the server - enter. Now the desired territory is sealed by you!

Why do you need to privatize the territory?

To ensure personal safety and protect your precious diamonds from the encroachments of the insidious uncles of the griefers. Faced with such protection, they will no longer be able to destroy your blocks or install new ones, much less open chests and create other troubles. However, there are other ways to defend against attack by griefers. They look like this:

1. You can find a hard-to-reach place (Land, mountains, Hell, a cave, etc.) and build a house where the griefers don't want to go.

2. If all things are hidden in secret chests, it will help to recover from the attack.

3. Traps can be configured, however this is a very delicate matter - they should not be visible to X-Ray. In addition, you need knowledge of redstone.

Private commands

change of territory - / regiondefine (/ regionredefine)
assign region - / region claim
region select - / region select
information about your region - / regioninfo
adding (removing) region owners - / regionaddowner (/ regionremoveowner)
list of your regions - / regionlist


1. During the privatization of the territory, it is best to make a ditch 5-6 blocks down under the first point, and at the second point put a pillar made of blocks, which will increase the height of the privat.

2. During a private chat, you must be extremely careful not to make mistakes in choosing points, otherwise completely different places will appear in the private area. Check everything at once on the spot!

3. Be careful adding private owners! Some of them may be griefers. In this case, you will lose your beloved home.


While playing on the server, private is one of the most important things. When selecting a region and assigning a name to it, you need to be very careful. Don't make everyone the private owner. Try to create a reliable defense against griefers. And the last - do, finally, straight arms for yourself and everything will work out for you.


Every player starting out should know;
What is private territory or how to private a house in Minecraft
otherwise, you can lose everything you have acquired, this is not a single player game where only you and you play! There are many different people on minecraft servers and
not everyone has a good intention.

So that this does not happen, let's figure it out in detail - what is

Territory privacy in Minecraft

For a private territory in Minecraft you will need; a stack of any blocks and a wooden ax, an ax for private, and blocks to build a pillar underneath to mark the second top point. You will have to dig up the blocks, but wooden ax for privat can be obtained by writing a command to the chat // wand and hitting Enter.

And so, you dug up the blocks, you have a wooden ax, now you need to find a territory for building a house and lock it.

When choosing a territory for your house, pay attention to nearby houses, as their private can interfere with your future private, giving an error like
Having chosen a place for a house, imagine what kind of one you will have and go to private.
Grab the territory diagonally, as shown in the picture.

How to make a private in minecraft

In order for you to know how to make a private in minecraft, I paint in detail. Having chosen the territory, we are preparing to mark the first point, we make a deepening,
(the depth depends on how much you go down when building a house, often a basement is built under the house, so this also needs to be taken into account)
and by clicking the left mouse button mark the first point of the private.
Next, go along the diagonal of your chosen territory and begin to build a pillar,
(the pillar should be at least 5 - 6 blocks higher than your future home) and with the right mouse button mark the second point of the private (right the block you are standing on).

Having marked both points, we register the private command / region claim [region name],
for example: / region claim dom7, then press Enter,
at the same time, a recording should be made in the chat
Region saved as dom7, in your case, instead of dom7, the name of your region.

That's all! Your territory is sealed!

How to check private in minecraft

I think everyone knows how to check private in minecraft - skin.
Therefore, we take the skin in our hands and check the correctness of the private,
this entry should come out:

If everything is ok, we start building a house, without forgetting
put a full stop at home by registering the / sethome command.
Also, when building a house and after the completion of construction, check all corners with leather for the presence of a private.
But if this inscription did not come out, then a reason should appear in the chat why
failed to seize the territory.
Possible causes and solutions.
The selected area touches another region
We'll have to look for where exactly your region comes into contact with someone else's private.
You have exceeded the region limit - marked more than 30,000 blocks
Help: By purchasing, you increase both the size and the number of private regions.
Reduce the size of your region
You have used all your regions (they all have different ways, we have 3 regions available on our servers)
What are you doing here at all).
I am sure that everyone understood how to privatize a house in Minecraft,
and yet for those who are in the tank, I advise you to watch the video about the private too.
Private home in Minecraft

Commands for private in Minecraft


The main team of private territory in Minecraft
/ region claim [Region name] - Create a region.
(All this is written separated by a space and without parentheses)

How to add a friend to private

When thinking about how to add a friend to private, you must remember;
Prescribing | by adding a friend or someone else to your private you endanger both your house and your property!
Since after adding your "friend" can simply break everything, you are solely responsible for this action! The administration will not return anything to you and will not help you with anything, so think about whether it is worth adding someone to your private.
/ region addmember [Region Name] [Player Nickname] - Add a resident to the region
(Nicky separated by a space if there are a lot of people).

/ region addowner [Region name] [Player nickname]Add owner to region
(just like you can manage the region)

/ region select [Region name] -Highlight the selected region.
/ region info [Region name] - View information about the region.

How to delete a region in Minecraft

- Removing a private.

Decided to expand the region or move, you should know how to delete the region in Minecraft. B is - if the house does not have a private, then it is nobody's and any player has the right to pick it up or break it, so remember;
Deleting a private will lead to the loss of everything acquired!
/ region remove [Region Name] -
/ region delete [Region name] - Delete the region you created.

How to remove a friend from private

To remove a friend from private, you need to know the appropriate commands.
/ region removemember [Region Name] [Player Nickname] - Remove a resident from private.
/ region removeowner [Region name] [Player nickname]Remove owner from private.

That's all! Now knowing the command of the privat territory and your territory will be under reliable protection. Build houses, fortresses and castles, create clans and guilds, play at your pleasure on the servers.

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