Top 10 best shooters. The best first person shooters

Good day, dear readers!
So it's time to draw a line under the next material from the series "TOP-10: Your Choice", the theme of which is the best first-person shooters. If anyone missed the beginning, then we remind you that the choice of dozens was done exclusively by our users, who first offered their options on the forum, and then voted for the best of them. Our task now is to tell about the results in this material and, in fact, show them in the video attached to the article. What will we do.
So, here we are - the ten best first-person shooters in the opinion of our users!

Unenviable at the sequel F.E.A.R. fate - some people clapped employees Monolith Productions on the shoulder and praised for the shimmering Almu and walks on heavy furs. Others quite expressively spat in the direction of the game and loudly expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that the enemy special forces were completely dull, the levels were eaten alive by a terrible beast named "copy-paste", and Michael Beckett- no match for the nameless fighter against the paranormal.

The fan camp was split into two parts. But the warring parties nevertheless agreed on one thing - from what many call a "failure", F.E.A.R. 2 separated not only by a pair of buildings, but by several flights of stairs. The sequel, by and large, has retained all the bright and beautiful from the original game, with shooting in slow motion, pitch darkness and constantly flapping lights. It is pointless to blame the second part for all mortal sins. Yes, it's not a milestone in the shooter genre, but it doesn't make shooting monsters jumping around corners boring.

But what will happen to - it's hard to say. New studio, new approach, old heroes. Will it work? Time will show.

From my very birth Bioshock attracted the attention of more than one hundred thousand players. Not so much because Ken Levine not without pride I uttered the phrase "Spiritual heir" how many opportunities because of the sea to go through different parts of the game, using hacked bots in one case. In the other - a frenzied splicer or "Big Daddy", which can be pitted against each other using plasmids. And in the worst time - successfully using the environment and roasting the maddened inhabitants of Rapchur in time.

The options were really dark. For this, not only the people, but also the press en masse carried in their arms and sang songs of praise Ken Levine... Even in spite of the conspicuous linearity, the game won over with its variety and atmosphere. The underwater city, the fallen utopia and the water pouring from the cracks in the glass quickly insisted people on the right radio wave.

Well, where is it without a winged "Would you kindly ...". Bioshock honestly earned ten Best Game of the Year titles.

Adventures Doom 3 people waited for a very long time - it took almost ten years id Software to concoct a full-fledged sequel to "the one that gave birth to the FPS genre." But the game was worth the candle.

id Software headed by John Carmack, for so long teasing the audience with simply divine graphics, managed to very successfully combine the light arcade shooting of the ancestors with a very gloomy, cold and frightening environment. Only one play of light and shadow on the bodies of plump zombies seemed like some kind of "Hello" from the future. If not, which also made modern computers blush and puff, then Doom 3 could easily have taken over the title of the most technologically advanced project for a couple of years.

And it's even hard to imagine what it will look like Doom 4, which has been under lock and key for more than two years id Software... One thing is clear - the developers will certainly try to squeeze the maximum out of the current hardware.

WITH Left 4 Dead 2 a funny situation happened - immediately after the announcement, the masses began to actively write petitions and organize groups opposing the release L4D2... After all, by that time Valve Software managed to buzz everyone's ears about how she is going to long and sweetly stuff the original game with free DLCs. And then bam - and a knife in the back from the developers together with the announcement Left 4 Dead 2.

Gabe Newell and marketing department Valve it took a lot of effort to convince people that no one will forget about L4D... Like, both games will coexist perfectly. And so it happened - zombies die at the speed of light in both the first and second parts L4D to this day. Over time, all former opponents L4D2 Appreciated all the changes and quietly ran under the roof of the sequel - there still they were waiting for new weapons, campaigns, packs of unique "infected" and the ability to properly move the ghouls with a bat or a chainsaw. And this is a true paradise for those who understand.

Employees Crytek started to develop Crysis already in the status of famous developers, and not people from the street, as it was in the days Far cry... So, certain expectations among the public managed to form even before the very first demonstration of the game - its technological base should not only be exemplary, but truly revolutionary, setting a new standard for all future projects.

The Germans did not disappoint their expectations. became a kind of guest from the future, who laughed heartily at powerful computers and with grief in half gave out 15-25 frames per second at the highest settings. The level of detail and elaboration of the wide open world was truly grandiose. And freedom, coupled with a nanosuit, which made it possible to destroy flimsy houses and grab the Koreans by the scruff of the neck, helped to write the name Crysis into the long history of the gaming industry. What is there! Even three years after the release, Crysis continues to be a kind of GOST, with which people do not stop comparing the external data of new games.

It is easy to see that two games from Ukraine are spread out in the top at once. Apparently, in the entire post-Soviet space, only there they know how to make high-quality shooters. "Metro 2033" just from this category of games.

Post-apocalyptic Moscow and gloomy subway tunnels with mutants turned out to be perfect as a backdrop for the game. And the absence of a huge HUD-hotbed on the screen and a total shortage of cartridges - gave it a certain charm, originality, which is not something you will find in the game. And that's not counting the great engine forged in the walls 4A Games and showing more than a modern picture.

The atmosphere is in place, the plot keeps the players in constant tension - what else do you need to be happy? Well, maybe Metro 2034, the development of which is already in full swing.

At the studio DICE quite a long track record stretching from the very end of the 80s of the last century. But real fame and recognition in the global development arena came to her already in this century with the release Battlefield 1942 in 2002. So the relation to the series Battlefield the Swedes have a special one. After all, there would not be Battlefield- there wouldn't be that DICE that we all love for its multiplayer delights.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 the honor of the series did not shame. Nobody argues, the single player campaign in the game, to put it mildly, turned out to be not the most successful, interesting and not worth the time spent. But who buys shooters these days just for some paranoid plots with a political aftertaste? The multiplayer mode is the holy of holies in which fans spend tens and hundreds of hours.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 I patched all the holes, sewed up all the holes in the torn pants of the first part and presented truly exciting online battles to the court of the warriors. With big cards, destructibility and a real team game, where everything is decided by the well-coordinated work of a squad of four fighters. What can you say, DICE managed to make Bad company 2 a truly worthy sequel.

Without Valve Software nowhere. In 1998, they created a science fiction tale about a scientist with glasses, a higher education and an ordinary name. Proud Freeman, which is fighting the invasion of alien organisms. The game quickly gained cult status, everyone was waiting for a sequel, and received a couple of add-ons and several years of anxious waiting.

But in 2004, "he" returned. For six years, Gordon managed to put on polygonal weight, learn the basics of physics and even acquire a gravity gun, which is still the favorite weapon of many veterans who have gone through all the circles of hell. Engine Source even if it didn’t look like "technological perfection", but who will start to find fault here, when the emotions of the characters are not only reflected in the voice, but also in their movements, on their faces - the animation of the heroes in the second part was performed at the divine level.

As, however, everything else - Valve Software rarely disappoints players. We hope and believe that it will not interrupt the winning streak. Until then, bronze.

Silver goes to another Ukrainian studio. And another project in which people like to wear gas masks and wander through all sorts of abandoned basements. The only thing is that the place of action is no longer Moscow, but the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and a huge "zone" stretching for many kilometers.

It was not for his beautiful eyes that he won the love of the public. Recreated with documentary accuracy, the Zone literally lures people into its networks, offering to take part in the hunt for untold riches. So slipping under his nose a big adventure in a small world of stalkers, divided into factions, greedy for loot, vodka, sausage and rare artifacts. Here, willy-nilly, but want to take part in this little celebration of life, maneuvering between different sides of the conflict and trying to get hold of expensive junk.

What is cooking for us? We will probably find out very soon. After all, the "Zone" does not like to wait for adventurers.

First place, victorious fanfare, and a familiar name to the multimillion-dollar audience that grew with the series Call of duty... It all started small - the Second World War, with its landing in Normandy and the battle for. And it continued with the "modern war", equipped with a fashionable terrorist theme, simplified shooting at virtual blanks and a performance that Hollywood fighters never dreamed of.

And the most important thing is multiplayer, where can we go without it. Millions of people continue to fight on virtual battlefields, despite the fact that the store shelves are gradually filling up with more and more games. It's all about simplicity - the system of perks and gaining experience points is understandable even for kids, and nine-on-nine battles captivate with their arcadeness and the speed with which people send each other to the next world.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Is, in fact, a formula for success, which Infinity ward withdrawn for six years. And the more interesting it will be to look at the next project IW, and at the same time for a new brainchild Respawn Entertainment organized by the very mathematicians who gave birth to Call of duty.

Well, that's all for today in terms of texts, but there is still an excellent video material ahead, which you will find just below. We just have to say thank you for your participation and say goodbye until October 1st. I was with you today Evgeny "Mumby" Molodov.

In addition, we remind you that right at this moment the first stage of preparation of the next material from the cycle "TOP-10: Your Choice" started, in which you can take part. The theme was the best games released before 2000.

Before you start talking about the 10 best shooters, you need to understand that there are a lot of games in this genre, and good ones. It is impossible to put them in one ten, having done it in such a way that all "shooter fans" are satisfied. It remains only to highlight the most rated products that have already collected many positive reviews, and tell a little about them. So let's go!

Bioshock Infinite

In general, all parts of the Bioshock trilogy deserve to be here, but the number of places is limited, so today only the third chapter falls into the category of "top best shooters".

The game takes place at the beginning of the 20th century, in the most beautiful flying city - Colombia. It was a nice place, just perfect for living, everyone loved it. But at one point the city disappeared, and for several years it was not possible to find it. But, probably, they tried badly.

The plot revolves around the former detective Booker DeWitt from the well-known agency Pinkerton. A large monetary debt hangs on it, and it's time to pay the bills. Therefore, some people hire him to search for the missing girl Elizabeth, who was lost somewhere in Colombia. Interestingly, the mysterious customers know how to get there. And from this moment, the "incredible adventures of an American detective in Columbia" begin, which have a very unexpected ending.

Far cry 3

Probably, many will agree that the multi-part game Far cry should definitely be included in the list of the best shooters on PC. During this time, Ubisoft has already released 4 parts, but, as in the first case, we will focus on the third.

There, a group of extreme students decides to spend a vacation on a beautiful tropical island. The guys jump there from a parachute and land right into the arms of a hospitable pirate gang led by a crazy addict Vaas Montenegro, who invites friends to sit in their comfortable cages. On the same night, the main character, Jason Brody, manages to escape with his brother. Of course, the relative dies in the end, but he manages to show several army tricks that will come in handy for the guy.

Wolfenstein: new order

This project also fits into the top 10 best shooters. The adventures of Captain Blazhkovich continue in an alternative world dominated by Nazi Germany, and the main antagonist is a mad scientist named Skull.

The problem is that the enemy troops are not only human. It includes robotic dogs, monster-like creatures and all those on whom the villain put his experiments. Only the fearless captain does not care, because in his arsenal there are more weapons than there are stars in the sky. And he deftly besieges the endless minions of the Skull with it.

Metro 2033: Last Light

A place in the category of "best shooters" should be allocated to this game. This is a continuation of the story about a guy named Artyom, who again finds himself in the center of events taking place in the underworld. By the way, in the first part, he already tried to do the best, but in the end he almost ruined everything. But everyone deserves a second chance, and Artyom was given that.

The developers did their best, so the game turned out to be beautiful and quite optimized. And this is good, given its high requirements for computer hardware. It has been fully translated into Russian, which makes the game even more enjoyable. After all, the writers put a lot of effort into the dialogue of the game.

Crysis 3

On a PC in the first person, we are ready to present another contender, the number of copies sold of which was simply amazing at one time. This is a more global problem than in previous games. The entire planet is in danger as alien creatures have decided to settle here. Therefore, a special detachment was urgently prepared to confront the "dear guests".

In the third part, the main character is the only one from the team who survived. He has the same nanosuit and the highest technologies at his disposal, using which he will be able to save the planet from invaders once and for all.

Dead space 3

The fact that the best shooters can also be from a third person is shown by the successful game from Visceral Games - Dead Space. Of course, the next adventure of engineer Isaac no longer makes the player flinch every minute, but the tension still persists.

Events take place no longer at the Titan station, but on the strange planet Tau Volantis. There was once a secret base, which also survived the infection. It is in this place that the secret of the appearance of the necromorphs is kept, so Isaac and his partner are sent there to put an end to the race of monsters. Of course, they have little chance, because they are going to climb, one might say, into the enemy's lair. But Isaac is no longer a simple technician with an ordinary one, but a real soldier with real weapons.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

This time the action of the multi-part shooter Call of Duty is transferred to the distant future, where one military organization called Atlas decided to confront all American states at once. Its founder decided that the government is not capable of bringing order to the world, which means that he simply must do it on his own. True, he chooses not entirely democratic methods for this. But who is he against the usual private of the American army - Mitchell.

In general, Atlas chose the wrong time to create a conflict, because in 2054 the weapons and equipment of soldiers changed significantly. Now each fighter had his own exoskeleton, which expands his capabilities several times. They can jump high, become hardy, strong and practically immortal. Because of this, hostilities are becoming more spectacular and global. Not that the best games now have to be that, but it's worth playing for a change.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Oh, this is the future! What it is, no one knows. And this gives endless possibilities for the developers of computer games. So, according to Square Enix, in 2027, implants will be freely implanted into the human body, helping to enhance its abilities. True, not everyone will be able to walk with them, but only those whose body will accept them.

The protagonist works in the security service of a company that deals with this problem and tries to make implants generally available and suitable for any organism. But there are people who are against it, so they organize an attack on the organization and kidnap several important scientists. Adam Jensen himself remains alive, however, not without the help of implants. And now he has to save the scientists and at the same time figure out who is behind their abduction. Several ways of passing missions, lively atmosphere, big world and interesting storyline easily earn the game a place in the category "Best shooters on PC".

Max payne 3

Those who remember Max from the first two games may not recognize him in this part. Apparently, the events that happened to him earlier had a negative impact on the former policeman. He goes all-out, making friends with alcohol and drugs, and so is going to live out his remaining days.

But one day he receives an offer to work as a bodyguard for a very influential person. Oddly enough, but he agrees, stops ruining his body and goes to Brazil for an interview. There he tidies himself up, regains his fighting skills and starts work.

Only Max was not really explained what he would have to do. He figured it out for himself, but it was too late. Hot days await him, because Payne crossed the path of a whole gangster group. However, he had already gone through all this once, and on this hunt he is clearly not going to become a game. And if today the best shooters on PC are being discussed, then this game is the place here.

Battlefield 4

This challenger is far from new to the genre. And in terms of the scale of the battles, it has no competitors at all. Therefore, in the Best Shooters category, Battlefield 4 should feel right at home. And although this is already the eleventh member of the "Battlefield" family, he is the second among those who have at least some kind of storyline.

And this time, humanity is on the verge of a third world war, which, as is traditional for such games, was provoked by the eastern countries. After the coup in China, power passed into the hands of the leader - Chang. He, having enlisted the support of Russia, decided to invade the United States. And then a chain of incredible, sometimes fantastic events begins to take shape, but this is not the point. The main thing is that the spectacle that appears before the eyes of the players will remain in the memory for a long time. Isn't that what the best shooters should be?

22.03.2017 Pavel Makarov

The article is devoted to one of the oldest and most famous genres in the world of computer games - shooters or shooters. Over the past two decades, a huge number of good titles have been released, and their number is increasing every year. This TOP-10 contains some of the most suitable projects, regardless of the year of release or the budget spent on the game. Let's get acquainted with the principles of the genre and with the criteria by which the top games were compiled.

When playing a shooter - the player is in a 3-dimensional space, having either unlimited or limited freedom of his actions. Objects are often similar to those that we can observe in reality, and the laws of physics are repeated. Most shooters are linear, that is, they have only one possible outcome of events. The "shooters" themselves are both from the 1st and from the 3rd person. The latter, moreover, appeared later, but still correspond to the canons of a real shooter.

This top was compiled based on the general acceptance of a particular project by the players, as well as expert assessments and general impressions of the titles. So, here are the top ten truly mind blowing shooter games.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R Call of Pripyat

Let's start from the very end, so to speak, from the foot of the mountain. A very sensational project at one time, which belongs to the well-known Exclusion Zone. The developers took into account the mistakes of the previous parts and made a fascinating project that remained for a long time in the hearts of fans of the stalker universe. Improvers weapons, suits for protection, beloved and well-known artifacts, artifacts with anomalous zones. A lot of mutants, the atmosphere of the apocalypse and the gloom of the picture plunges us into a world of disaster.

And besides the main tasks, there are many additional ones that run parallel to the main plot.

The game takes place during the Second World War. Until now, the game has been recognized as one of the best projects from the developer. The game covers the events from 1941 to 1945. In total, the game will have to go through 27 missions. One of the advantages is that the title echoes the actual passage of time in those years. It is based on real events and all the maps, objects, the form of the soldiers are taken from the real world. Multiplayer mode is available. Be sure to download or re-run this masterpiece.

A fairly sensational project at the time, which immerses the player in the South Pacific. Trigens are monsters that distinguish the first part of this game from the following. They are endowed with speed or vitality, depending on the species. The picturesque places of the islands, rather difficult missions and simply incredible graphics for that time make the game top-notch in every sense.

The action of the shooter takes place in the first person, but the game contains minor RPG elements. Flying city of Columbia in 1912 - becomes the center of the plot. The city soars in huge airships and literally hangs in the air. Detective Booker is brought to Colombia, but almost immediately he has a conflict with the authorities. Throughout the plot, we observe colorful landscapes and, unlike other parts, here we see more open space. The game has won numerous awards and prizes.

A futuristic shooter set in the year 2277. Continues the idea of ​​restoring peace from nuclear war. We begin the passage of the game with the birth of our hero. You need to determine gender, race and appearance. Unusual is the fact that you can control characters in different periods of his life (early childhood, adolescence, adolescence). You can fight with both hands and weapons with explosives. The world is presented so realistically that you will need to look for food, water and various drugs. At one time, the Fallout series of games caused a resonance in the industry.

The plot of the game describes the events of 2016 - 2017, namely the third world war. A huge number of characters and weapons from all over the planet. There are also special operations. The game left a good impression on the players and fans of "witchcraft", so everyone, without exception, should play it.

Due to its dynamism and tact, this game has attracted huge attention of players around the world and has become one of the most significant in the series. Well thought out locations and a reward system, excellent graphics and endless combat possibilities. The action of the game dates back to 2020. You have to go to Baku and reconnoiter information from the escaped Russian general. After that, you will be taken to Shanghai, where you will need to evacuate VIPs, and then the story will unfold on the Singapore map. The title has high marks in the world ranking, which once again proves its well-deserved position in our ranking.

A huge universe, an advanced storyline and incredible missions - all this refers to Far Cry 3. The plot takes place on the island of Rook Island. You need to clear the island from pirates and develop your skills in different crafts. Hunting animals, weapons and drugs to enhance the character's abilities make the game extremely realistic and cinematic. The plot is not linear and you often have a choice of answers during dialogues, you seem to be watching a movie, immersed in it, participating in dynamic scenes. Deserved third place.

Super dynamic and very juicy color toy. There was a lot of excitement and noise around the overwatch. The goal of the plot is to restore justice in a shattered world after the crisis. This shooter with a fantastic world and characters, as if copied from a cartoon. If you want to freely and unconstrainedly enjoy playing something dynamic and colorful - the world of Overwatch is at your service.

The award for the iconic game of the decade, the army of fans around the world and the highest ratings from all reputable publications - no other game has received this. The plot of the game is intertwined with fantasy and the war between the Council of the Alliance and the Earth. The game has multiplayer and new maps have been introduced relatively recently. Even if you have played this game, you can replay it a hundred times and each time it does not get boring, but only enhances the experience, like the best game of the decade.

This is how the top 10 best shooters on PC came out - be sure to go through all these games to feel the atmosphere of battles and mesmerizing stories.

Nowadays there are more than enough shooters. Sometimes you even get the impression that shooter games are riveted every day. And most of them turn out to be either a pathetic semblance of any successful project, or just a meaningless world with beautiful graphics at best.

You may be interested in TOP 10 first person shooters and TOP 10 free shooters on PC.

Here we want to bring to your attention the TOP of the best shooters, which includes only offline games from the first and third person. Therefore, such masterpieces of online shooters as, for example, Warframe are not present here, although it deserves first places in this TOP.

10. ARMA

To a greater extent, ARMA is a military simulator with realistic ballistics, physics, tactics and an unimaginable arsenal of equipment and weapons.

The technique here is very different - all kinds of tanks, armored personnel carriers, cars, drones, fighters, helicopters, trucks, ships and much more. There is even no point in listing the types of weapons - there are too many of them.

The game is quite hardcore - the battles are difficult and realistic, so for a beginner, ARMA will be too difficult. However, serious players will be able to appreciate the AWP at its true worth. Acting as a team and completing special missions is a pleasure. And the available editor will allow your imagination to create your own war and take part in it yourself or with your friends.

It's nice that in Steam you can download a lot of cool missions designed to be completed with friends.

9. Far Cry 3

An excellent shooter that combines a beautiful picture and a gorgeous plot.

The main feature of Far Edge is that the game takes place in an open world. Nobody will drive you in the neck. You don't have to follow the narrow corridors of the plot. You can just wander, explore this world, capture enemy bases, hunt wild animals, craft your own equipment. All this is done very well.

In addition, there are very good hand-to-hand combat techniques. The overall picture is sometimes spoiled by bots, which often do not see you point-blank or go straight to be eaten by wild animals.

8. BioShock Infinite

One of the most unusual and really cool shooters. This is because this game combines nice graphics, mind-blowing plots and great gameplay.

Bioshock constantly keeps the player in suspense, forcing him to empathize with the heroes and want to get answers to the many questions that arise during the game.

The plot of the game is complex and gorgeous. Some scenes in the game cause anger and hatred, others are shocking, and still others make you sympathize and empathize with the characters. Not every game from our TOP is capable of this.

It is also interesting that the game has a lot to explore. The locations are well thought out and very beautiful - even just walking around them is a pleasure.

7. Metro 2033

Although the game Metro 2033 was created by the citizens of Ukraine, according to the old habit, we attribute to ourselves the merits of the fraternal peoples. So, following the tradition, let's say that domestic developers do not so often please us with such noticeable and high-quality projects.

Metro 2033 was created based on the book by comrade Glukhovsky, who described the post-apocalyptic world of the future so thoroughly that game developers could not help but pay attention to the idea.

The atmosphere that was present in the book has successfully spilled over onto the monitor screens as never before, and we are faced with a fascinating first-person shooter with an interesting setting. That's why Metro 2033 was on the fourth line of our TOP.


The fifth place is firmly established by the Stalker series of games, which is one of the most famous in the whole world. Another creation from nearby Ukraine, to this day confidently multiplying an army of fans - their energy, but for peaceful purposes, eh ...

A game that spawned a whole culture. A huge number of amateur films and a number of masterpieces about the Stalker universe.

To this day, despite the fact that the game is far from new, graphically it looks pretty good and can even compete with some modern games.

5. Battlefield

Welcome to the battlefield. We are looking for a server in realism mode and find ourselves in a real tactical paradise. We mine, defend or capture points. We use weapons, military equipment and, of course, our own heads. Gather your comrades into a squad, choose the class you need, and go ahead!

Get points, awards, levels and, of course, fun. Just awesome animation, great weapon physics and just gorgeous graphics in all the latest Battlefields.

Battle is very dynamic. The multiplayer is simple and straightforward, the maps are thought out, there are a lot of tactical possibilities. Here you can do anything, even sit on a tank and crush everything that comes across.

Trying to explain what Battle is is useless - you just need to play it.

4. Tomb Rider

Of all the games in the series, the last part is perhaps the best. The story of the famous heroine Lara Croft, told from the very beginning, is a very correct, high-quality and timely restart tomb Raider.

In terms of gameplay, the game is very diverse and combines many mechanics. There is action, survival, puzzles, pumping, stealth, interactive screensavers - everything is rich, dynamic and cool conveys the development of a fragile girl as a legendary tomb raider.

The plot encourages to truly empathize with the heroine, but they mocked her solidly.

3. Half Life

The most not-to-eat shooter-legend. Since the time of the first part, the Half Life universe does not leave the minds and hearts of the players in peace.

Yes, this game is not new for a long time, but to this day it impresses with its atmosphere, beckons with its riddles, the answers to which have yet to be found, and never ceases to amaze with a deep dramatic plot. The army of fans and the results of their adoration are impressive - many mods and even amateur short films have appeared during this time.

So it is not at all surprising that the cool and silent Mr. Freeman scattered all competitors and ended up on the third line of our TOP of the best shooters.

2. GTA 5

The benchmark of the open world and a well-deserved champion in development and sales value. A game that even those who hate games know.

GTA amazes with its liveliness and capabilities. It's amazing how, over so many parts, the gameplay with the same unchanged content still looks fashionable and serious.

The concept of the game is simple - to give the player a sense of freedom in a world as real as modern technology allows. Perhaps in this regard, the game is far from perfect, but there is simply nothing better.

1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Needless to say - already starting from the third line of our TOP, it became clear that the main struggle unfolded between the heavyweights in the genre. So all that remained was to guess at what moment the cherished Call of duty.

Project Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 to this day he feels better than ever.

Players have at their disposal not only a single company, but also a game on the network. The game's multiplayer proved to be so successful that the servers are full to this day.

Well, let's take off our hat. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is, in our opinion, the best shooter game.

Anyway, all parts of the series were good. One of the pluses is a rather strong plot part. Passing the game, you literally feel like the main character of a cool American action movie. And even some jambs of the plot do not interfere and do not catch the eye. And after passing the companies, the overall impression of the game remains positive.

Constant action, well-staged scenes and memorable characters - all this is in all the games in the series. The situation is a little worse with multiplayer. Although overall good, it falls short of the highest grade.

The shooter genre is one of the most popular in the entire gaming industry. The main advantages of these games are graphics and fast, extremely dynamic gameplay that does not allow the player to get bored while playing them. Unfortunately, the payment for this was the corridor. Most shooters have a single storyline without the ability to choose something, and the locations are one continuous "line" along which the player walks. However, in some projects, the developers managed to create a semblance of an open world, borrowing experience from some RPGs. Currently, the shooter genre is one of the most active and rapidly developing. This review presents the most best shooting games on PC- top 10.

10. Crysis 3

The sci-fi shooter Crysis 3 opens the rating of shooters. In the final part of the trilogy, the player will have to control the Prophet himself to prevent the invasion of cephalopods, which survived after biological attacks. In addition, along the way, he will have to coordinate with the rebels and destroy the dictatorship of the powerful corporation C.E.L.L. The Crysis series has taken the genre graphically very seriously. Despite the fairly simple plot, the gameplay of the entire trilogy is reasonably well thought out.

9. Wolfenstein: The New Order

The Wolfenstein series has long been considered a classic in the world's best shooting games. The New Order is the ninth game in the series. The plot takes place in an alternate universe where Germany was able to win the Second World War and establish a worldwide tyranny. The player will have to fight again with many German soldiers and robots in several locations. Critics reacted favorably to the project, considering it a worthy continuation of the classics.

8. Arma 3

Arma 3 is the most famous of all military action simulators. The developers at Bohemia Interactive Studio have managed to achieve the highest possible level of realism. Unlike many shooters, the player has no health here, any accidental hit can be the last one. The gaming company is deployed on the fictional island of Altis, which was attacked by CSAT troops. The NATO army needs to hold positions and counterattack the enemy. The main character of the company was an ordinary corporal Ben Kerry. In the course of completing missions, the player will have to learn how to properly command small detachments of rebels, destroy armored vehicles, and also participate in large-scale offensives. This shooter will not be an easy walk, but the pleasure of the level of graphics and a well-thought-out gameplay system will not leave anyone indifferent.

7. Homefront

Homefront is a fairly standard first person shooter. According to the plot, the United States was occupied by the DPRK army, since according to an alternative history, it was this country that managed to unite almost the entire East. Since Korea's technology was superior to that of America, the United States began a massive purchase of weapons, unaware of the fact that all weapons were supplied with a "hidden button" that disables all systems. Thus, the Koreans took over the country with little or no resistance. The player is a fighter of a partisan detachment, his task is to fight the invaders and attract the attention of European countries to provide assistance.

6. Far Cry 3

The developers at Ubisoft managed to create a really high-quality open-world shooter. In Far Cry 3, gamers will have to fight pirates and other criminals for control of Rook Island. Their leader is Vaas, who quickly became one of the most popular characters on the Internet, the scene with the protagonist throwing off into the river was re-voiced many times. The game adopted some elements of the gameplay from the RPG. For example, a gamer can upgrade his level and various skills to open up new opportunities for the quiet destruction of opponents.

5. Stalker

Stalker is in the middle of the rating of the best shooters. The trilogy includes the main game called "Shadows of Chernobyl", as well as two standalone add-ons "Clear Sky" and "Call of Pripyat". The plot was based on the Strugatskys' Roadside Picnic, which set the atmosphere for the whole game. In addition, it was in this franchise that the revolutionary A-life system at the time of 2009 was implemented, regulating the behavior of AI in the open world. Thus, the developers managed to simulate some everyday situations in the life of stalkers. Traveling the world, the player will never feel like he is alone. The trilogy gained immense popularity throughout the CIS, the Internet literally exploded from the number of modifications to this legend. Anomalies, mutants, lonely wandering stalkers, a gloomy and oppressive atmosphere of suddenly abandoned places after the Chernobyl accident - all this is S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

4. Doom

Few hoped for a continuation of the legendary series. However, it happened, and the fourth part of Doom was released. Once again, Mars was flooded with demons, and the player is tasked with freeing him from the creatures that have appeared. Thanks to the possibilities of modern technology, the creators of the game have implemented a huge amount of violence. During the game, the player's monitor will be constantly flooded with the blood of demons. The options for killing opponents have also become more diverse, now the player can carry out "fatalities", a particularly brutal murder that is done when the enemy is low on health. In general, the graphics have become very juicy, and the hurricane, very fast gameplay will not let you relax.

3. Titanfall 2

The top three shooting games are opened by the first-person shooter Titanfall 2. The game focuses on multiplayer, but a single-player company is also provided so that novice gamers can understand the controls and all the features of the game. According to the plot, a certain IMC corporation is fighting against the militia in the Frontier system. The rebels are going to counterattack the forces of the corporation, but this turns into defeat. The main character, Jack Cooper, needs to survive and prevent the IMC from launching an ancient artifact called the Ark. In Titanfall 2, compared to the previous part, the speed of parkour has been significantly reduced, so that beginners and people with a slow reaction feel more comfortable.

2. Battlefield 1

Battlefield 1 was the logical evolution of the series. EA needed to find new themes to attract the public. As a result, the choice fell on the final period of the First World War, when massive offensives of the Entente countries began along the entire front line with the active use of tanks and artillery. Critics, as well as players, left extremely positive reviews, because in comparison with the previous parts of the series, the gameplay has been very seriously improved. A single-player company is divided into chapters, the story is told from the perspective of characters who fought in different theaters of war, from France to Arabia. Battlefield 1 is considered to be one of the best multiplayer shooters of our time.

1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Topping our ranking of the top 10 best PC shooters Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. This is the final part of the story of the Third World War and the eighth game in the Call of Duty series. Gameplay is an ordinary action game with not the most advanced artificial intelligence, which just strives to overwhelm with numbers. But the developers left some of the interactive, so the player will be able to slightly change the standard course of the story. The game has a wide variety of weapons, well-thought-out multiplayer, and there is also a unique cooperative mode "Special Operations", where scenarios for repelling waves of opponents have been added. The graphics still look good, and given the franchise's iconic status, these games should be familiar to every gamer.

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