Walkthrough of the game sniper elite 3 sniper positions. Collectibles Guide - Main Game. Sniper of all trades

In the game Sniper Elite 3, the developers focused on providing gamers with maximum freedom of choice. The game shows a diverse and wide world. It allows you to choose a variety of tactics and play styles. As for the action, it takes place in North Africa during the Second World War.

OSS Special Agent Karl Fairbairn infiltrated enemy territory to use his skills as an excellent sniper to assist the Allies in the fight against the formidable German Tiger tanks in the Western Desert.

But Karl's main concern is to destroy the new weapon, which is capable of crushing everything in its path. If he does not do this, then the course of the war will be unpredictable.

Siege of Tobruk

As in most cases, the passage of the game Sniper Elite 3 begins with watching the introductory video. After him, the main character collects the rifle and heads to the position. Run to the place indicated by the star, turn on the optical sight and eliminate the enemy spotters. There will be two of them in total. They are marked with stars. To hold your breath, hold E. This is the case if the pulse is not higher than 80 beats. To zoom in or out of the target, use the mouse wheel.

After eliminating the spotters, move to another position. From here we need to deal with the spotter who has settled on a hill. It will also be marked with a star. Change your position again, take binoculars and mark the enemy truck with anti-aircraft guns. Do this using the left mouse button. You will see vulnerable spots on the equipment you mark. This time the engine and gas tank will be vulnerable. To destroy a German truck, you only need to shoot at the gas tank once.

When you wake up after the explosion, you will immediately learn how to use the equipment and weapon menu. Press the Q button and select a first aid kit. Then your health will be improved. Then go to the new position, which is marked with a star. In order to climb the wall, you need to approach it and press space. You can also navigate the area using a map. Open it by pressing the M button. As you further progress through the game Sniper Elite 3, you will reach enemy positions with rocket launchers. Crouch down to avoid being noticed. Get under the obstacle. When you eliminate two soldiers, for example, from the back with a knife, or using a pistol with a silencer, search the corpses. To do this, hold Z. You can also optionally lift the body and hide it by holding Spacebar.

Then go through enemy positions, killing soldiers. Your main goal is to deal with the four “nebelwerfers” or eliminate their crews. The stars mark the positions where the rocket launchers are located. Additional task - eliminate eight enemies with a knife. Also, inspect drawers, tables and boxes in tents. You need to look for documents, diaries and letters. When you neutralize all the mortars, go in the direction marked with the star. To jump over a small gap on the path, press Spacebar. Watch the next video on the spot.


At the very beginning of the chapter, move forward and take out the enemy standing with his back to you. Then you need to eliminate the officer who is marked with a star. To hide your position, shoot at those moments when an icon appears at the top of the screen showing a loud sound. For example, from a thunderstorm or a broken engine. So, when the marked enemy is eliminated, go down to the body and search it. You can shoot the soldiers patrolling around from your sniper position. You can also go down and deal with them manually.

Walkthrough of the game Sniper Elite 3 - when the body of the killed German officer is examined, a new mission will open for you - get information from three officers. One of the side quests is eliminate the closest of 3 officers. The sniper's position will be marked with a star.

When you reach the indicated location, press Spacebar. Then the position will be taken. Eliminate the enemy, and then approach the body and examine it. This will give you intelligence. Then you need to go to the second officer and inspect the tents and houses along the way. Collect playing cards, diaries, documents.

The second officer is located at the crossroads. When you get there, eliminate the enemy in any way that seems convenient. After this, quickly deal with the enemy soldiers who will be nearby. Search the dead man's corpse and collect another piece of intelligence information. Go left to the tower. You will need to climb onto it. Defuse the sentry on the tower. You will be in an excellent position to fire on the third officer. When you shoot him and search the body, you will receive more intelligence.

Your new mission - eliminate another officer. You will find it on the right side of your position. Along the way you will receive another task in addition "Destroy the Garage". To be more precise, five marked cars. Do this in the way that seems most convenient. At the same time, destroy the guards, which consists of soldiers. As a result, you will get to the last officer. Eliminate it in any way acceptable to you. It is also worth taking care of clearing the area around the building.

As you continue through the game Sniper Elite 3, climb inside and examine the corpse. Last task - eliminate the general, who leaves in an armored personnel carrier. There are several options for you here. One of them is shooting at the engine of an armored car. When you fire two well-aimed shots, the task can be considered completed.

Halfai Gorge

From the very beginning you need to explore the village in the mountains. Cross the bridge and head to the indicated point. You can either walk along the road or through the gorge. When you get there, you will receive a new main mission - deal with three Flak 88 anti-aircraft guns.

You will find the first artillery position on the left ahead, if you take a landmark on the map. First of all, go there. But first you need to clear the settlement from enemies. You should also examine him. In one building on the right side you can find documents with intelligence data. They will open a side quest for you - kill one of the German generals. But first it is necessary to find documents that will clarify the location of this very general.

When you get to the first cannon, you need to destroy it. To do this, shoot at the shell that lies nearby. By the way, you can find explosive objects using binoculars. You will destroy the first weapon. Afterwards, eliminate the remaining German martinets. Then go in the direction of the two remaining intact artillery positions. When you leave the cave, you will find yourself in a small village. Look around the area with binoculars. So you will see the roof of one building not far from the antenna and the “Intelligence” label. Get there and get your documents. You will learn that the desired general is now located at one of two artillery positions.

The walkthrough of the game Sniper Elite 3 continues. Go further in the indicated direction. So you will come across an enemy garage, a small area with 2 tanks. This is where a side mission awaits you. "Create sabotage". To successfully complete everything, you can climb the largest building behind the garage. This is a chapel or bell tower. Take a sniper position there and shoot at the fuel tank. To be precise - into the faucet sticking out of it. After the explosion occurs, you can consider the side quest completed. In principle, it is not necessary to climb into the sniper position. You just need to get into the tank tap from any place you find convenient.

Also in the basement, which will be in one of the neighboring buildings, you will find a panel with wires. Damage them and side quest " Cut communications" will be executed. As a result, you will gradually figure out all the side quests. But the general has yet to be killed. Go to the remaining artillery positions. In both cases, you will have to shoot explosive objects from a distance close to the guns. In addition, in one position you will find a general. He will need to be killed to complete the mission.

After destroying three Flak 88 anti-aircraft guns, return to the sabotage group. You arrived here with her at the very beginning of this chapter. As you continue to progress through the game Sniper Elite 3, on the way back you will end up on an enemy Panzer 3 tank. We will have to start eliminating it, which will be the final task at this stage. The tank has weak points - these are the grilles at the rear. In addition, the driver's viewing slot is also vulnerable (in frontal armor). In addition, you can figure it out with the help of Panzerschreck. This is a grenade launcher, but it won't always be at hand. Another option is to throw dynamite towards the tank and shoot at it, moving away. In any case, after destroying the tank you need to return to the sabotage group.

If you are having problems with walkthrough of the game Sniper Elite 3, you can always use our advice and information to take action. We describe in detail the steps that need to be taken to completely complete the game. Sniper 3. In the most difficult places we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough Sniper 3 read on our website.

Siege of Tobruk

The city of Tobruk, which is located in North Africa, is a very important strategic point, so under no circumstances should it be given away. This is where the events of the game begin. Watch the introductory video. A soldier appears and asks you to kill the snipers, go outside, sit down near the wall. Two fascists are marked with a marker, eliminate them. Go downstairs. The shelling continues, find the spotter (he is standing on the mountain) and kill him so that the Germans stop shooting at you with mortars. A short video follows. There is an enemy machine gun on the horizon and it is attached to the car, turn on the special vision mode - shoot at the tank or under the hood, this will cause an explosion and all enemies will die.

The task does not end here, you need to find enemy checkpoints. Open the map to see the approximate location of the enemy. Go north through the mountains, climb through the gorge and kill two fascists. Exit the cave. Now you have 4 checkpoints on the map. There are 3-4 Krauts on each of them, just kill them. Try to act carefully and quietly, because it is very easy to kill you. After the clearing is completed, watch the video, which shows how the plane blows up the gorge and the path opens for you. Continue along it.


General Walen is Hitler's right hand, he has extremely important information. You need to find at least some data about him. A little time has passed since the loss of Tobruk, but now you will be in the Gaberun oasis. It is through it that the German intelligence officers continue their journey. Go through the bushes, kill the fascist. Now the entire garrison will be visible in front of you, your task is to kill the officer. You can simply clear the camp from above. If this option does not suit you, run left along the path to find yourself in the center of the fascist gathering. Finally, after killing everyone, examine the body of your target.

Now you need to kill three more officers and search their bodies. Go to the river, and then along it. You will come across a small gathering of fascists, throw a grenade at them (there will be an officer in the crowd, do not forget to examine his corpse). Then go through the ruins, cross the road and go to the tents. Go into the right one, wait for the officer - kill him quietly, also examine the body. Now go to the left side of the garages, blow up cars with ammunition along the way. Go straight ahead. In the distance you will see a temple, your final goal is located there. Continue on the left side through the ruins and then the bushes. Climb through the window of the building, quietly kill the guard and your target. Receive a note. Watch the video. There is a German convoy driving in the distance, plant bombs on the road or simply shoot at its battery (when the car is in sight). Leave the area through the checkpoint.

Halfaya Gorge

You continue to search for Valen. In order for a friendly squad to move forward, you need to destroy the Nazi camps and anti-tank installations. This is exactly what you will do during the task. Go to the first point, if you look through binoculars, you will notice that there is a red barrel next to the gun - shoot at it. The explosion will destroy your first target. Next, go through the settlement, stick to the rocks that are on the left. At the intersection, go left, and then follow the tropic to the right straight up the mountain. In the hole you will see your second target and another barrel next to it, you probably already understood what to do next. Go right, continue to the left side of the mountains. Climb up, then straight ahead. Eliminate the outpost with 4 Germans. Then go up and to the right again. Kill the guard on the tower. Get to his place. Take the rocket launcher and destroy the last target on your list, which is located in the next gorge. Watch a short video. Go to the exit, on your way you will meet a familiar city and a tank in it. Surround the machine and shoot at the middle openings; after 4 accurate hits, the tank will explode. Reunite with the squad.

Fort Rufigio

The Nazis are holding your partner hostage, he needs to be saved. There are a lot of enemies in this level, so try to be silent and don't kill your enemies unless you have to. First you need to get to the fort. It’s better to go directly through the houses and kill the guards in close combat. Enter the building through the left side. A small video. Throw a grenade at the guys on the right. Go straight and enter the tower. Kill the guard in the right room, examine his body. You need to get to the farthest tower. Walk towards it quietly (although you can make noise, but you will have to shoot a lot and accurately). Having reached the desired tower, go up. Open the cage, talk to the prisoner. Lead him to the place from where you came. Another video. Take a firing position. Now kill the fascists on the way of your comrade.

Oasis Siwa

Walk through the clearing through the bushes into a closed, isolated city. In the central region there is a certain height from which it is easy to monitor the fascists. Go down, go through the labyrinths. There are a lot of enemies in them, but they are easy to kill due to the huge number of corridors. Climb up the three ladders. Watch a short video. Keep an eye on the three officers, tag them all. One of them will become your target, watch it with binoculars. When the officer receives the documents, kill him. Take the folder from the corpse. Go right, destroy the tank near the gate and unite with the troops. A small video. Kill the remaining fascists in the city and leave it at the end.

Kasserine Pass

In the area of ​​the pass there is a secret base called Valena, you need to get to it and steal important documents from the safe. After the cutscene, go straight through the gorge to the enemy base. You need to destroy 3 small gathering points for fascists. Climb the mountain, shoot the red barrels and watch the Nazis die. Next, go north. Go to Valen's headquarters. Examine the documents on the table. It turns out that important information is in the safe. Go back, find the officer and kill him. Get the codes, go back to the temple and open the safe (kill all the fascists first). Now you need to meet with your partner. Go to the place where the posts were destroyed. In the video your friend will be killed. You need to destroy the tank (run from one house to another to make it easier to surround it). When you're done, kill a bunch more fascists and bury your friend.

Pont Du Fa airfield

Before launching the final assault, you need to deprive your enemy of military support. Go down, go left to the barracks. quietly walk along the corridor, then left and open the gate to the underground part of the military base. Get into it through any entrance. Quietly kill the soldiers (you can make noise, help won’t come anyway). Get to the very center, examine the documents and free your allies. Return to the place where the mission started. Eliminate the scout on the tower on the right and the squad of soldiers below it. Go right along the grate, climb the mountain and take a fighting position. In the video, your troops will arrive, kill the fascists and don’t let them destroy a friendly squad. After you're done, watch another video with military equipment. Destroy 2 tanks and 2 machine gunners (there are no restrictions, try to get a rocket launcher in one of the towers to make it easier to destroy enemy equipment). Once you're done, go to the hangar and get into the truck.

Factory "Ratte"

You have reached the main factory where Valen is located and the "Rat" is being created. Go along the gorge, eliminate two fascists. Go straight ahead a little more. Kill everyone in the room on the left (try to do everything quietly). Cross the railway to the right side. Eliminate the fascists on both floors. Next you need to return, but first you can clear the hangar opposite you. When you're done, go to him, and then right and straight. Go down the stairs and blow up the first electrical block. Now kill everyone in the hangar on the right and follow the iron path across the abyss again. Further left and straight, beware of the fascists. In the room with the generator, throw a grenade, and run along the bridge on the left, do not forget to send the Germans to the next world. Activate the elevator, watch the video with Valen. Going down you will understand that you need to plant five more bombs to completely destroy the complex. Stick to the left and plant the first two bombs. Return to the elevator, kill the two guards on the right. Go upstairs, quietly kill the Nazis and plant two more bombs. Now go down and go to the tank on the right. Up the stairs, quietly pass the guards and climb up. Plant the last bomb, go down and quickly run to the exit. Once on the street, get rid of the last 10 fascists. Climb the mountain, activate the detonator. Watch another video. The game is over.

Dear friends, we offer you a detailed and complete walkthrough of the game Sniper Elite 3. In the new part of this shooter, the developers have focused on freedom of choice. You will be shown a large and diverse world where you can use any playing styles and tactics.

Mission One: Siege of Tobruk

Our first war will begin in Tobruk - a city located in northern Africa, at one time there were fierce battles here. After watching the video, the first task immediately is to kill the snipers who are scattered in the surrounding area. Go outside, sit down under the wall, then destroy the targets, they will be marked with a marker. Next we are looking for a spotter; after his death, the mortars that were interfering with the city were neutralized.

Our next task is a machine gun on a car. Here you will need the “special vision” mode; by turning on this mode, aim at the gas tank or the engine compartment.

Next you need to clear the roadblocks. They are located in the north, be sure to look at the map to get there without any problems. Walk quietly through the gorge, kill two freaks, and now you can neutralize the roadblocks. Don't forget that there are 3-4 Germans at each post.

Where you need to go at the end, the game itself will tell you by showing you a video. In the video, the plane will destroy the gorge and the passage that will appear there and will be our new goal.

Mission two: Gaberun

In this task you will need to hunt General Valen - a very important shot among the Germans. Carefully and carefully remove the first target, then take a comfortable position from which the location of the Germans will be visible. Your goal is an officer, there are only two ways to reach him. The first is that the camp is very easily protected from above, and the second is that it is possible to go down, then to the left, and then walking along the path, find a place where you can work perfectly on targets. Don't forget that you need to search the officer's corpse.

The final goal is the convoy. You can neutralize it by laying mines and shooting at the weak points of the equipment.

Mission Three: Halfaya Gorge

Since General Valen is not yet a corpse, we continue the hunt for him, but this time our friends will help us. We move forward, along the way we destroy enemy points and their anti-tank guns, thus helping the allies advance. In the first position, be sure to shoot the barrel. Thanks to this maneuver, the first target will be destroyed with one bullet. We move on, passing all the obstacles. Through the hole you will see the next point, the goal is the same - a barrel.

We move on, keeping to the mountains. On the way we will encounter a checkpoint and 4 enemies, they need to be carefully eliminated, rising even higher, we will need to remove the sentry. From his corpse we take the “beauty rocket launcher”. With the help of such a baby, we destroy the last target, which is located in the gorge. At the end of this task there will be a battle with a tank, so fire 4 shots at the weak points of the tank.

Mission Four: Fort Rufigio

In this mission, our ally is captured, so we need to free him. This is a normal stealth mission. There are a lot of freaks, so going into battle with them is just crazy. Therefore, we practice covert penetration into an enemy base.

Our goal is the fort. All the guards that we come across along the way can be killed in hand-to-hand combat, thereby not making a fuss. You need to enter the fort from the left; we kill the first batch of Germans with a grenade. We head towards the tower, don’t forget about the guard in the room on the right, we need to search him. You need to move to the tower that is farthest from all the others. Having gone upstairs, we open the camera, while our colleague leaves, we provide him with cover.

Mission Five: Siwa Oasis

We go to a small town that is cut off from the whole world. We are looking for a convenient elevation in the center - this will allow us to conduct convenient observation. Next we go down into an ingenious web of passages, killing freaks along the way. When you go upstairs, you will immediately notice three German officers, they need to be marked. When we determine the main target, we observe the officer through binoculars. We need to wait for the moment. When the officer receives a stack of documents, after that you can safely “remove” him. After looking at his corpse, we go to pick up the documents. From the German’s corpse we go to the right, compare the tank to a pile of metal and meet with the allies.

Mission Six: Kasserine Pass

Here our goal is the military base of General Valen, we need, as always, very important documents. You can get to it through a narrow gorge, but first you need to kill a couple of enemies. Climb up and three checkpoints will be visible at the top. At each post there will be a barrel with explosives, I think everyone understands what needs to be done with it. We move further forward to the headquarters. Clearly, there are documents stored here that need to be picked up, but there is a problem, they are in the safe. You need to find the officer and find out the codes. When found, be careful on the way back, there will be new freaks. When we opened the safe, we go to our partner, he is waiting near the mountain. The mountain was where they fired at the beginning of the mission. It's sad, but your partner is killed. Next, we destroy the tank and the soldiers who follow it. We're burying a friend.

Mission seven: Pont Du Fa Airfield

We begin our journey to the barracks, after the barracks we go to the bunker, we need to open the gate. We bring down all the enemies, in this task they can no longer call for help, we move forward, take the documents found and, of course, free the allies.

We move back to the beginning of the game. We pass the fence and take a firing position a little higher. We are providing cover for allies who came under enemy fire. In the finale, as always, we destroy the tanks, a couple of machine-gun points and then run to the hangar, where the finale comes in the form of driving out on a truck.

Mission eight: Ratte Factory

Our target, General Valen, is holed up in this plant. We move along the gorge, killing all the Nazis on our way. Having reached the room, we kill the enemies who were inside, we pass along the iron “bridge” to the other side of this gorge. Here we begin clearing the hangar, move on and destroy the first electrical unit.

We go down using the elevator, the new task is to plant five detonators. We start walking along the left edge and immediately set up two installations. We return to the elevator, there are guards here, we kill them, rising higher, we install the 4th and 5th installations. Run down again, to the right to the tank, up the stairs and place the last installation. On the street you need to destroy the last batch of Germans.

Having killed everyone, we go to the top of the mountain, where we activate the explosives. Big explosion, factory collapsed, congratulations on completing the game, thanks and other honors.

Sniper Elite 3

Greetings, dear friends. For many who play computer games or just want to spend time, they can watch the video walkthrough of the game Sniper Elite 3. This game will tell you about the snipers fighting in the Second World War. In this part, agent Karl Fairbairn will help his allies in the war in North Africa against German Tiger tanks. But as the game progresses, it becomes clear that the Germans are preparing a “wunderwaffe” and creating another weapon of retaliation.

The game itself entered the market on June 27, 2014. The Russian version of the game appeared for Xbox One and PS4 consoles from Buka. You can also start playing Sniper Elite 3 on your Sony Playstation 4 yourself. If you don’t have this game console, you can buy it in the online store. Delivery of goods will be carried out by mail or by pickup from the store. It is also possible to purchase games for the console; check with the store managers about this. Have a good game.

For those who want to play the game on their own, you first need to learn the shooting buttons. If possible, try to make sights in a semi-sitting or lying position. In these options it will be easier for you to aim and fire a shot.

We hope that the video walkthrough of the game Sniper Elite 3 will help you not only learn the entire plot of the game, but also complete additional secret bonuses. You can also find out how Karl was able to defuse bombs and mines, knock out a tank, and most importantly, protect himself in close combat. Having such experience, the command gives tasks behind the front line and they have to be carried out. At the end of the game you will be able to learn about the miracle weapon and how to disarm it. Watch all this in the video walkthrough of the game Sniper Elite 3.

So let's begin. But before you start watching, we advise you to read and watch interesting articles and video reviews on the gaming portal website. We wish you good luck and pleasant viewing.

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