Minecraft animal leash. Leash in Minecraft: application and creation


The thread is a very useful item in the game. It is quite difficult to get it at the initial stage, since for this you need to kill several spiders, and they are quite dangerous monsters. The thread can also be obtained from the web, but many spiders usually live next to it, which makes this method no less dangerous.

You will need a sword to hunt spiders or extract threads from spider webs. It is advisable to use stone, not wood. To create it, you need one stick and two cobblestones, they need to be placed vertically on the workbench, while the stick should be in the bottom cell. If you are going on a long expedition, make a few or take boards with you so that you can make a workbench and tools on it at any time.

Please note that it is not necessary to go far from home in search of spiders, usually at night they, like other monsters, spawn (appear) on unlit areas of the map near your house. If you are afraid of aggression from other monsters, go out to hunt spiders on. Zombies and skeletons are damaged by the rays of the sun, and spiders simply do not attack. As soon as you land the first blow on the spider, be ready to retaliate. These monsters know how to jump, which makes them not the most pleasant opponents. By the way, before you attack the spider, make sure that there are no skeletons or creepers next to it. The first ones are very unpleasant to shoot from a distance, removing a fairly large amount of health, while getting close to them is difficult due to constant attacks. The latter tend to sneak up and explode in the immediate vicinity of the player, such a detonation has a very negative effect on health. In the heat of a fight with a spider, such a surprise can be fatal.

One spider drops up to two units of threads. This resource is used to create a fishing rod, which can greatly simplify the production of food in the early stages of the game, a bow, which makes it easier to protect against monsters, and a leash, with which you can create an animal farm, which helps to solve the issue of nutrition completely.

To create a bow and fishing rod, you only need threads and sticks. A fishing rod is easy to craft on a workbench. To do this, you need to place three sticks diagonally, and two threads "lower" and the upper corner of the diagonal down. To create a bow, you need to fill one of the extreme verticals with threads, and place the sticks as follows - in the middle vertical they need to fill the upper and lower cells, and in the remaining - the middle one.

To make a leash, you need slime. It can be obtained from, which are quite rare monsters. You can find them in swamps or at the bottom of large canyons. These monsters come in three sizes, and the slime is obtained from the smallest ones. On the workbench, you need to fill three cells that form the upper left corner with three units of thread, put mucus in the central cell, and put another thread in the lower right cell. You can lead animals on leashes and tie them to the fence.

Today we'll talk about how to craft a leash in Minecraft. This item is incredibly useful, because thanks to it we will be able to create our own livestock farm.


In this section, we will describe in detail how to craft a leash (1. 5. 2. and other versions of the game). We emphasize once again that this item is useful for housekeeping. With its help, you can transfer animals, bypassing various obstacles and bodies of water.

In order to solve the question of how to craft a leash, we need the following ingredients: 4 threads and a clot of mucus. It is impossible to create these components, so we go in search of them. We extract the thread by destroying spiders. We can also do otherwise. We go to one of the we find there a web and cut it off with a sword or scissors. A thread is also not uncommon in treasuries. We proceed to the extraction of the next ingredient, we destroy the small slugs. You can meet them in the swamps. Thus, we get the necessary clot of mucus. Once we have all the components, we place them accordingly in the crafting window. Fill two cells on the left in the first row horizontally with threads. Next, we use the mucus. We put it in the central cell of the second horizontal row. Place the thread to the right of the slime. We proceed to filling in the third horizontal row. We put the thread in the cell on the right. All is ready.


So we figured out how to craft a leash, but you need to understand how to use this item with maximum efficiency. First of all, we take it in hand. Next, right-click on the animal (cat, sheep, horse, chicken, wolf, cow, pig) and put a leash on it. This item may tear or fall out. This often happens if the character is far from the tamed livestock. Similarly, the leash is put on the created snow and iron golems.


The instructions given are suitable for different animals. Thus, we now know how to craft a leash for a horse, but we still need to find it. It should be noted that we are talking about friendly and very helpful creatures. They will be useful for exploring the territory, as well as long-distance travel. Horses are more elaborate compared to other creatures in the game. Thanks to this, they are able to perform various actions: eating grass, waving their tails, rearing up, expressing dissatisfaction. These animals can be found in the plains. This type of territory is one of the most common in the game. The plain is a relatively flat surface, on which, however, sparse hills with tall grass can occur. There are practically no trees here. Sometimes there are ravines, ponds and canyons, so you need to move carefully. Finding horses in such conditions is quite simple. First, you need to go around the territory around the perimeter, but if at the same time it was not possible to find the desired animals, we move in a spiral, reducing the circles. That's all, now we know how to craft a leash and where to find an animal in order to tame it.

What then can we say about cows and sheep, which are very inattentive, fall into pits on the way home or scatter in different directions. However, this problem will no longer happen, since now you can make a lasso or leash in minecraft. It's time to find out how to make such a useful thing in minecraft on your own. The recipe for crafting a leash appeared only with the 1.6.2 version of minecraft. It is very convenient, reliable and practical to use.


The creation is quite difficult, and for some players it is too expensive and too expensive. For crafting, you will need the following minecraft elements:

  1. Four strands is a material that only drops from spiders you kill. Benefits: Huge number of uses, very easy to mine. Disadvantages: It takes a good weapon to kill the spider and also needs scissors to get the thread out.
  2. One unit of mucus. You can find such a thing only in a specific biome, namely the Swamp. It drops out of small slugs. Benefits: Huge amounts of mucus can be found, many uses. Disadvantages: slugs must be found.

A leash is a very useful item in minecraft. It is used to lead animals, train them, and also cling to the fence. Do you want to bind, but do not know how to do it? Trust me, it's as easy as shelling pears. It is enough to pick up the leash, then right-click on the horse, so you will put the bridle on it. Press the same key on the fence where you want to tie it. The leash can stretch ten blocks in the hand, and the tied one five blocks.

Positive features:

  • Multiple use.
  • The ability to tie, lead animals for a long time.
  • A very practical and convenient thing.

Negative sides:

  • If you move a very long distance from the pet, it can tear.
  • Requires slime to craft.

Interesting facts about leash or lasso in minecraft.

  • You can catch ocelots, even those that are not tamed.
  • With the help of such an object, you can easily hang any mob. The only exception is the bat.
  • Can be used as an arrow.
  • If you hang the horse, the leash will break.

After the information received about the manufacture of such a useful little thing, you can proceed and enjoy your success in the game.

The leash is very handy when it comes to taming or trapping animals. Therefore, it makes sense to tell you how to make a leash in minecraft. The ingredients to create a leash are likely to require killing. Since there are two ingredients in the recipe, one of which can only be knocked out of monsters. Slime can only be obtained by killing slugs, and the thread falls out of spiders or is found in caves underground in the form of a cobweb. You will need four pieces of string and just one lump of mucus. By arranging them in a certain order on your workbench, you will receive two leashes at once.

Leashes in minecraft are also called lasso. Leashes will be the best helper when capturing animals. By clicking the mouse, or rather the right button on the animal with a leash in your hands, you will tie it. And now it will follow you, urged on by the leash.

Thus, you can tie as many animals to yourself as you have leashes in your inventory. You can call the animal to the fence. It is enough to click on it and all the leashes with the animals will be tied to this part of the fence.

Be careful, the leash is not rubber and tears. If you have it in your hands, do not move further than ten blocks from the animal, otherwise the leash will break and fall out. If the animal is tied to the fence, it cannot be lured away further than five blocks. To remove the leash from the animal, click on the cattle and the leash will fall to the ground. Having such a cool device for catching animals, you do not have to run around them shaking the air with various vegetables, constantly making sure that they do not lose sight of the delicacy.

To craft a lasso (this also includes a rope with a leash) in Minecraft, you need to stock up on four threads and one ball of mucus. We will talk about what it is and how to find these items a little later. To begin with, we will tell you why you still need to make a lasso in Minecraft and what are its advantages.

Do you need it on the farm?

Surely every player would like to have a couple of animals on their site in Minecraft. And if this couple grows into a whole household, which you need to look after and keep always at hand - how can you control them? An interesting patch came to the aid of users, which added not only funny horses to the gameplay, but also a special lasso that allows you to keep any animal next to you.

Now you can forget about the constant manipulation of food and intimidating actions in order to lure the lamb you like. With the help of a lasso, you can tie an animal to a fence or move it from one place to another. In addition to harmless mobs, you can also put several monsters on a leash, except for bats. Before making a rope lasso, it is worth remembering one useful thing - you can simultaneously lasso several mobs at once. Naturally, using several leashes, and not one.

The hooked animal will dutifully follow the player. If you move further, ten blocks, then the leash will simply break in half and remain on the ground, while the freed mob will hasten to hide from sight. The positive side of this situation is the fact that the same lasso is suitable for multiple uses.

Now let's talk about how to make a cowboy lasso. This is really possible with our guide. We've already mentioned the required ingredients for crafting: thread and slime. If you can easily do the first yourself, then finding the second will take a little effort.

Where to get the mucus?

This material can be obtained from special mobs - slugs. Their habitat is deep caves (below the fortieth level) and open canyons. Large individuals give themselves away with characteristic flapping sounds, by which they are easy to find. After the game was updated to version 1.4.2, slugs began to appear in swamp areas at night. You should be careful when hunting these mobs - "giants" inflict serious damage, and before death they are able to divide into several smaller individuals. Baby slugs are completely harmless and can be easily killed with just one blow. The only thing worth fearing is that the player may end up in lava because of them.

One mob can drop from zero to two units of mucus. Using this material, you can create not only a rope - you can also craft a sticky piston and lava cream. A good solution would be to build a farm in the place where the most slugs appear.

After you managed to get the slime and thread, you should put them on a special workbench. Upon completion of crafting, the required item will appear in two units. By following these simple instructions, you can create a lasso at any time.

A little about practical application

If we have already figured out the question of how to make a lasso, then it is time to look at how this object can be used in practice. You need to take it in your hand, and then right-click on any animal that is close. Thus, the lasso will control the mob. If you need to bind it to something, then you just need to click on the fence (taking into account, if it is already built). The distance on the leash should be five blocks, and if the leash is in your hands - ten blocks. Recall that the lasso can break if the animal lags behind.

Using such a leash can be useful in many cases, for example, when you need to move a mob across a river. If the animal falls into the water, it can be easily rescued by simply pulling on the other end of the rope.

Users have the ability to keep a tethered animal next to them and simultaneously perform a number of other actions: fight monsters, collect resources or break blocks. Lasso captures almost all the inhabitants of the cube world of "Minecraft", except for other inhabitants, horses, which appeared using console commands, and bats. As for the portals, when passing through them, the leash simply breaks off.

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