The legendary maniac from the horror film "Halloween" appeared in the horror film Dead by Daylight. Scary stories and mystical stories Perks of Michael Myers

There are currently seven maniacs in Dead by Daylight that you can play as killers while hunting down their victims. This guide will tell you about all the maniacs from Dead by Daylight, including their origin story.

Hunter ( The Trapper from Dead by Daylight

Hunter(in English. The Trapper) - one of the characters in the game Dead by Daylight as a killer. Available for selection immediately after purchasing the main game. The killer's real name is Evan Macmillan. To capture victims, he uses bear traps, skillfully camouflaged in tall grass or near important objects in the location.

Hunter's Weapon Dead by Daylight

Cleaver(eng. The Cleaver) is the main weapon of the Hunter. For a normal attack you need to swing it, but it has a very short and narrow hit radius. If you miss, the Hunter will begin to stumble, but if you hit accurately, the maniac will pause, wiping off the blood.

Bear trap(eng. The Bear Trap) - a trap made of steel. Traps can be found lying around the map, picked up and placed anywhere.

  • Immobilizes and wounds the victim caught in it.

List of personal skills:




Ghost ( The Wraith) from Dead by Daylight

Ghost(English) The Wraith) - one of the characters in the game Dead by Daylight as a killer. Available for selection immediately after purchasing the main game. The real name of the killer is Philip Ojomo. To capture victims, he uses the ability to become invisible, which allows him to quietly sneak up on survivors who are busy fixing the generator.

Ghost's Weapon Dead by Daylight

Azarov's Skull(eng. Azarov's Skull) is the main weapon of the Ghost. He turned his boss's skull and spine into a dangerous weapon.

Mournful Bell Wailing Bell is a heavy cast iron bell imbued with ancient powers. Allows its owner to enter and walk in the spirit world. The player starts the match in stealth mode.

  • Guarantees almost complete invisibility;
  • Accelerated movement while invisible;
  • There is no way to interact with the game world other than jumping through windows.

List of personal skills:



Child of darkness

Hillbilly ( The Hillbilly) from Dead by Daylight

Hillbilly(in English. The Hillbilly) - one of the characters in the game Dead by Daylight as a killer. Available for selection immediately after purchasing the main game. The killer's real name is Max Thompson. To catch victims, he uses a “crazy sprint” with a chainsaw, which allows him to send any victim immediately to a dying state.

Hillbilly Weapons in Dead by Daylight

Hammer(eng. The Hammer) is the main weapon of the Hillbilly.

Chainsaw(eng. The Chainsaw) - a massive and deadly chainsaw of terrifying power. Saws through flesh, bones and soul. Once wound up, it sends its owner into a violent frenzy.

  • Sends into a crazy sprint when activated;
  • Automatically activates the dying (lying down) state for survivors.

In addition, a chainsaw can quickly cut through partitions left by survivors.

List of personal skills:




Nurse ( The Nurse) from Dead by Daylight

Nurse(English) The Nurse) is one of the female characters in Dead by Daylight as an assassin. Available for selection immediately after activating the free Last Breath add-on. The killer's real name is Sally Smithson. To capture his victims, he uses his superpower to quickly move between parts of a location through the world of spirits.

Nurse Weapon in Dead by Daylight

Medical arc saw, Bonesaw(English: The Bonesaw) - the main weapon of the nurse. Jigsaw has the same attack range as other assassins. If the hit is unsuccessful, the Nurse loses her balance slightly. Unlike other killers, when hit, she carefully cleans off the blood with her hand.

Spencer's last breath— A strong and violent last breath taken from the caretaker of the Crotus Prenn Orphanage, Patrick Spencer. By channeling its energy, the Nurse can break through the entrance and jump into the spirit world many times in a row using movement. However, only one jump at a time can be a long distance, the rest only a short distance. The order of long and short jumps can be alternated. Having made the maximum number of jumps, she goes into a state of exhaustion.

  • Gives 1 long and one short movement without addons (improvements).

List of personal skills:




Shadow ( The Shape) from Dead by Daylight

Shadow(Michael Myers) The Shape) - one of the characters in the game Dead by Daylight as a killer. Available for selection after purchasing the Halloween expansion or activating the Black Shard offering. The killer's real name is Michael Myers. To capture his victims, he uses the superpower “Pure Evil,” which allows him to move quickly, hide his presence and inflict pre-mortem injuries on his victims.

Shadow Weapons in Dead by Daylight

Knife(eng. Knife) is the main weapon of Michael Myers.

Pure evil— The darkness within fuels his determination to take the life of his victim. Activating Pure Evil allows the Shadow to clearly see its victims and accumulate more evil powers while pursuing them. The three levels of Pure Evil power have different benefits:

List of personal skills:

Leave the best
at last


Play with
his victim

Witch ( The Hag) from Dead by Daylight

Witch(English) The Hag) is one of the female characters in Dead by Daylight as an assassin. Becomes available for selection after purchasing the paid DLC "Flesh and Mud" or activating the Muddy Splinter tribute. The killer's real name is Lisa Sherwood. To capture its victims, it uses phantom traps, which allow it to instantly move to them from different points in the location and inflict damage with powerful claws.

Witch Weapons in Dead by Daylight

Claws(English) Claw) is the witch's main weapon. Her arm has the same attack range as other assassins' weapons. When damaging survivors, the Witch drinks their blood, which remains on her claws after the blow.

Blackened Catalyst(English) Blackened Catalyst) is the source of the Witch's power, a blackened finger used as a catalyst for her terrible power. The witch directs and shapes the dirt at will. Through simple ritual drawings, she creates insidious copies of herself, made from dirt and rot, which she can use to various effects.

  • Grants the ability to create and store 10 phantom traps.
  • Gives you the ability to instantly move to created phantoms when within a radius of 32 meters.

List of personal skills:

Corruption: devouring

Corruption: third

Corruption: death

Doctor ( The Doctor) from Dead by Daylight

Doctor(English) The Doctor) is one of the characters in the game Dead by Daylight as an assassin. Becomes available for selection after purchasing the paid DLC “Spark of Madness” or activating the “Shock Shard” offering. The killer's real name is Herman Carter. To capture his victims, he uses electroshock therapy to drive the survivors mad.

The Doctor's Weapon Dead by Daylight

Electroshock stick(eng. The Stick) - the doctor's main weapon. Has the same impact radius as the Hunter.

Carter's spark(English: Carter's Spark) - Is it a gift or a curse? The entity lit a harmful, unquenchable spark in the doctor’s heart, allowing him to generate energy for electric shock at will. His insidious healing damages the minds of those it touches. Victims struck by the harmful spark begin to lose touch with reality, and with repeated exposure inevitably fall into madness.

  • Allows you to switch between modes "Punishment" And "Treatment".
  • In mode "Treatment", generates a shock zone around itself equal to the terror radius. By accumulating parameter for survivors "Madness", the closer to the Doctor, the faster.
  • Mode "Treatment" allows you to accumulate and discharge "Shock Therapy", which will significantly increase "madness" survivors.
  • Survivors in Madness Stage I, II, or III will involuntarily cry out, giving away their position.
  • Madness II and III will cause survivors to hallucinate the Doctor.
  • In Stage III Madness, survivors often scream, giving away their positions.
  • During Stage III of Madness, survivors cannot interact with objects until they come to their senses.
  • More different effects are available through improvements

List of personal skills:

This is a game about maniacs. There is Halloween. It's a dress-up carnival. And a film about a maniac. How will developers take advantage of such pleasant and completely non-random coincidences? And they will put a maniac into the game who gets excited by the sight of the victim...

At the very least, the creators made it through the fall and hope to survive the winter by adding a little holiday content to the game. Which, alas, has nothing to do with the German metallers Halloween. Only with the long-gone series of films about the autistic blockhead Michael Myers, known for his unhealthy passion for flaying young women.

Yes, finally, not just a reference, but a real (artistic) character appeared in the game under his own name. Myers and his victim, a girl named Laurie played by Jamie Lee Curtis, come straight from the original 1978 film. It’s sad, but Curtis is not personally involved in the project: it’s probably already difficult to live up to the title of “scream queen” at 57 years old. And the model is ugly. But both famous characters will play tag in the familiar scenery of the town of Haddonfield. And, unlike the film, this time the girl is by no means helpless.

Laurie Strode feels the aura of a killer, skillfully survives alone and has a lot of advantages from the deaths of her comrades. In addition, she is able to counterattack the maniac (once per match). If the killer grabs the girl, with a successful combination of circumstances, she will wriggle free and stun the scoundrel who has let his hands loose. The insidious essence of the character is almost invisible behind the innocent image of a teenager.

Myers received very strange abilities. Old Mike slowly wanders around the area, looking out for fresh meat with a keen eye. If something interesting catches his eye, Myers gets excited, vitality flows into him, filling a special scale and making him faster and more ferocious. And if he manages to find time to mock him, he will speed up even more. There is something completely unhealthy about this...

Everything would be fine, interesting characters, classics of the genre, funny mechanics... But! The add-on costs seven bucks. Two heroes. One card. It’s good that for the Russian Federation and CIS countries the price was reduced by 2 times - to 170 rubles, although there is still a residue. Remember the last update? Yes, the one that is free. Just compare them.

The game was released on June 14, 2016 on PC. Paid add-on The Halloween Chapter available from October 25th.

Wow, I hope the developers feed the kids with candy for the holiday. Perhaps if they had introduced characters like Pinhead, Freddy, Chucky, Jeepers Creepers, Fly, Scream into the game and asked for twenty for it, there would have been no objections.

"Evil Within I"

At the first level of the perk, Michael will have a reduced terror radius (pulse audibility range), reduced movement speed and attack range. Therefore, the main function of the perk is to look for survivors and pump out evil from them. This is an intermediate stage. Using some addons (for example, “Scratched Mirror”), the perk can even be used for attack.

"Evil Within II"

At the second level, movement speed increases, attack radius and terror radius increase slightly. Once you reach this level, you will not be able to return to the previous one.

"Evil Within III"

At the third level, all Shadow debuffs are removed, and its terror radius becomes normal. The main advantage at this level is access to an instant attack for 60 seconds, which means that survivors will fall after the first hit, even if they were not hit before.

But there are also addons that enhance the effect of phase 3 of anger for Michael. Let's say the same addon that allows Michael to hold phase 3 for the entire game, from the moment it is mined.

Tactics for playing as a survivor, against Michael.

It is worth noting that this maniac is endowed with good abilities, and if Michael notices you, you need to urgently run, as he begins to earn phase II, then III.

The tactics of playing against this maniac are not that complicated. I myself adhere to this tactic, and so far without problems. (There are merged skating rinks).

“First of all, under no circumstances should Michael be allowed to assemble phase II and III. Some players make a big mistake when they stand next to him near the boards, repairing generators, etc. Michael earns a phase, thereby becoming very strong. Always try to run behind some objects, boards, etc. (I'm not saying don't let him earn points at all, that's impossible, but don't stand next to Michael)."

Break the hooks. If you break the hooks, then Myers will not drag the survivor to the basement. Exception: the basement is nearby, Myers has a perk that makes it much more difficult for a survivor to get out.

“If you know how to make money, then it’s very good. As a rule, if you do a good job, then the maniac starts to get tired of running after you, also, if the maniac is new, then while he is running after you, by that time a couple or even three generators will be repaired.”

“Well, the old rule, when a maniac puts up boards and then breaks them, don’t run straight away from the board, run to the right or left, try to confuse the killer, if the maniac doesn’t listen well, he won’t notice and will pass by you.”

Do not sit in the bushes at a short distance from this maniac, when Michael begins to chase you, his models of survivors are highlighted in white. Michael's surveillance distance for a survivor is about 10 meters.

Here I have cited the banal mistakes of the players, there are still no tactics, but thanks to these banal mistakes, the survivors lose. I adhere to these tips and don’t drain rollers in a row. Good luck to you too :)

Tactics for playing as Michael.

I don’t even know what kind of person doesn’t know how to play for Michael, since I think this maniac is still an idiot, at least for now)

“Maniac is designed to farm BP (BloodPoints). In one game for this maniac, you can earn about 15 - 25 thousand BP. »

Strategy for playing as Michael Myers

1. Find survivors and, as soon as possible, pumping out the evil from them, get to the second level of the perk.
2. Continue to pump evil out of the survivors, but if possible, attack them. Again, you need to get to the next, third level as soon as possible.

3. As soon as you reach the third level of "evil", attack as many survivors as possible. When the perk drops to the second level, then return to knocked down opponents and hang them on hooks. Even if the survivors manage to save their buddies or heal, you will still waste their time and slow down the process of restoring the generators.

4. Repeat steps two and three until you win.

The ending.

As some players said, they will fix the maniac, perhaps they will fix him, but there is nothing “imbal” in this maniac. Also, I noticed that they began to forget about Myers a little, and this maniac ceased to be the main one. For this maniac, as I said above, it’s good to earn points, and nothing more. If you are an advanced survivor, then you can beat Myers without any problems. I wish you good luck in the game :)

The Shadow (aka Michael Myers, aka the Boogeyman, aka “Aaaaah! He grabbed me. How did that happen! Where did he come from?”) is the very first paid character from the Dead by Daylight: Halloween set Chapter". The Boogeyman has a huge number of advantages, but there are also disadvantages. In this article I will tell you everything about playing as Myers.

Previously, Michael was a very dangerous opponent, but since then a lot of water has passed under the bridge, as a result of which Myers has become a more or less balanced character with his own characteristics and playing styles.

Three stages of anger

1. A silent “collar grabber” of careless victims near generators. There is practically no radius of terror, the lunge is small, the movement speed is reduced and the time for accumulation of bloodthirstiness is increased. It's interesting that there is a huge element of surprise waiting for us at the beginning of the match.

2. “Stable state” of all maniacs. There is a radius, the lunge is normal, and the speed is normal. Plus, everyone on the map already understands that you are Myers.

3. “Psychopath with a knife.” The radius of terror has been increased enormously, the lunge has been doubled, allowing you to reach most race walkers around the palette. In addition, the speed of movement and penetration through window openings has been increased. In other words, this stage is intended for prompt tracking and lightning-fast killing of the unfortunate victim.

Shadow's Strengths

1. Michael has the most powerful offerings that can lead him to victory within minutes of the start of the game. Just one offering in the form of a tombstone (or a piece) can reduce the number of survivors significantly, dispensing with “memento mori” and hooks. Infinite stage 3, which greatly speeds up the character, who now carries out the killing procedure in one hit.

2. Of course, we can mention such a dangerous thing as a “mirror”. It is able to show the location of survivors who are at a certain distance from you. True, now this offering has become useless. But it nevertheless has a rather imposing effect in terms of tactics.

3. Stages affect the style of play. This is a fairly flexible tool that can easily be adjusted to suit your tactical needs. For example, you can leave a little scale for the third phase and activate it at the right time and quickly kill two or three survivors who were counting on two hits instead of one. For some time you can walk silently and tug survivors near the generators, although the success of this venture becomes moot a little later: after the first “lap of honor” all the survivors will know who you are and will look around more often.

4. Useful perks: “Fading Light”, which, if the obsession is quickly destroyed, can create difficult conditions for victims. But it also happens that we may not catch the player we need at all. This perk becomes useless. But, nevertheless, (when we want to take a lamp, we take, at a minimum, a bone “memento mori” or an offering to kill the victim. The lamp will probably work).

5. The second useful perk is Michael’s former greatness, which he has not lost.

6. “Save the best for last.” The reverse scheme works here. Obsession does not need to be touched until the very end, so as not to lose this perk. We all remember the “Gun Machines” build and now the use of the perk is not so noticeable among players. Why? The perk remains almost the same: 30% - speed up the reload time of a strike after 10 seconds of a chase.

7. Yes, they removed the cooldown in case of failure and left it for another perk. And so, in general, everything is in place. It’s not clear why no one uses this perk now, although back then it was so relevant - it was taken with great enthusiasm.

8. “Play with your victim.” This bonus is generally considered a Klondike in difficult times. This perk is especially suitable for Michael. 21% acceleration (3 tokens) - and you play with a “mirror”, since you can’t get out of the first phase (there is information about the second mirror, which allows you to reach the second phase. But this is not the same). If you come across a toxic substance, then you can easily collect these three tokens and, when choosing a tombstone or a piece of it, you can easily kill the victim without any loss of the token, which is quite convenient. For the most part, the perks are situational, but they were made specifically for Michael.

Weaknesses of the Shadow

1. Gradual “increase” of strength. Not everyone, you know, finds it convenient to slowly follow a survivor in the first phase, and in order to accumulate strength until the next stage, you still need to try. The victim doesn't really want you to increase your movement speed.
2. Slow down when pursuing. This is of course logical, but just keep in mind that your movement during the accumulation phase is significantly reduced.

Perk builds for Michael Myers

1. “There’s a fire burning for me there.”
Take “Death Grip”, “Intolerance”, “Monstrous Temple” and the last perk of your choice. From practice: you can take “Deer Hunter”, but then you can replace it with “Surveillance and Punishment”. The latter, by the way, is notable for the fact that it fits perfectly with the hare and turns you invisible even for two stages. The essence of the assembly is simple: the basement is your friend, teacher and breadwinner. You should not see hooks on the surface, only in the basement. An exception would be the case when you are far from the basement and realize that your strength is not enough to drag the victim. In the basement, the entity devours the victim faster than on the surface, which is quite beneficial + you still need to have time to run out of the basement and not get caught by the maniac.

Note: You can also slightly skip the power accumulation scale until the third phase. When an unwanted visitor is noticed, immediately activate the third stage. Next, we hang the second victim next to his colleague. Convenient thing!

2. “Michael, destroy!”
We take a piece of the tombstone and some kind of offering to speed up the accumulation of the phase. The perks are as follows: “Play with your prey”, “Snooper”, “Child of Light”, “Beastly Strength”. We gain 21% boost speed, accumulate the third phase and kill the survivor. This way we won't lose the token, which is great. “Snoop” will not allow us to lose sight of the fugitive, and “Beastly Strength” will allow us to break the boards faster. “Children of Light” is also a very useful perk for Myers, as it allows him to follow the victim for a longer time, and so that if the palette breaks, there is an element of surprise, since the survivor will not be confused, and then we will put a knife in his liver.

3. “You’re lying, you won’t leave!”
We take two perks for breaking boards - “Beastly Strength” and “Bright Flame”. Then we’ll take “A Nurse’s Call,” and “Thanatophobia” will be the icing on our epic cake. What will we get? The Call will give us visibility of survival at 32 meters, and Thanatophobia will reduce the speed of actions by a certain percentage depending on the number of wounded.

4. "Let's slow down, please."
Let's take "Thanatophobia" and "Reboot". These perks will allow us to control the progress of generating generators. Then we take Remember Me and Bloody Warden to control the gate and... voila! Survivors are slowed indefinitely.

A few words about improvements

The acceleration and duration of the third phase are perhaps the most useful improvements for Michael. Increasing the lunge and movement speed in the first phase during pursuit can be considered to be of little use, but nevertheless, they play their own special role. The rabbit is a special offering that pairs perfectly with the Surveillance and Punishment perk, which reduces your terror radius to a minimum in the second phase. The survivor will not even have time to figure out what happened, and will catch a hit near the generator that he was trying to start. Tombstones and the endless third phase stand out separately. Things are quite situational and require a certain skill from a maniac, but, nevertheless, they have a stunning effect.

As a result

In skillful hands, a shadow is a cunning and quite formidable opponent. He is able to instantly adapt to the flow of the match and unexpected situations thanks to his stages, and dangerous and powerful upgrades can speed up Michael's victory.


The darkness inside Michael is fueled by the desire to take the life of his victim. Activating the ability allows The Shape to clearly see the victim and accumulate more evil power when pursuing the victim. (Comment from Tian: The writing is very unclear, my guess is that Michael’s ability will somehow highlight survivors (show their aura), since Lori has a perk against aura highlighting, or simply the survivor models themselves will become brighter. The Shape is , I guess, Michael's play name).
Michael's ability comes in three different variations (three levels of ability):
EVIL WITHIN I: Extremely reduces terror radius (heartbeat range). Grants immunity to killer detection perks (such as cat and premonition). Slightly reduced running speed. Slash reduced the range of the charged attack (Lunge).
EVIL WITHIN II: Moderately reduced terror radius. Slightly increased running speed. Charged attack range has been slightly increased.
EVIL WITHIN III: Normal terror radius. Attacks deal double damage. The third level of Evil Within lasts 60 seconds, after which its power is greatly depleted.


Dying Light: You become possessed by one survivor. The possessed victim's speed of performing altruistic actions increases by 38/44/50% (depending on the perk level). When the possessed victim dies or is sacrificed, all other survivors receive 19/22/25% penalties to repair, heal, and sabotage. "Only one survivor per match can become possessed."
Play With Your Food: You become obsessed with one survivor. Each time you chase a possessed victim and allow him to escape, you receive a token, up to three tokens. Each token increases your movement speed by 5/6/7% (depending on the perk level). Each attack action costs one token. "Only one survivor per match can become possessed." (Comment from Tian: It is not entirely clear what is meant by “Offensive action”. Most likely it means any damage to a survivor: hitting, grabbing through boards/windows, from a locker.)
Save The Best For Last: You become obsessed with one survivor. As long as the possessed victim is alive, the cooldown of your misses (hit rollbacks) is reduced by 14/18/20% (depending on the perk level). The cooldown of your attacks that hit the target is reduced by 25/29/33%. "Only one survivor per match can become possessed."


The small terror radius in the early and mid game allows him to get closer to you. However, in certain situations this is rather a minus. (Sometimes and even often it is necessary to scare the survivors so that they do not repair the generators. And the smaller the radius, the shorter the distance at which the survivors will stop repairing the generators and go to hide)

High movement speed and attack range in the mid game.

Towards the end of the game he is able to kill you without memento mori, as he has a purple addon.

Has a built-in No one escapes death, capable of putting him on the ground with one hit.

At the first level of evil, it ignores the effects of the Premonition and Goosebumps perks.

At the third level of evil, it climbs through windows faster.


The most important thing is don’t let him see you, don’t let him stare at you for a long time (immediately dive behind obstacles), don’t take unnecessary risks, knowing that he’s in the third stage (don’t try to out), and everything will be fine.
And remember - He is a killer like everyone else. You can still drop boards on it, jump through windows and hide.
Much information was taken from the group of Russian DbD streamer @TianKami

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