Plastids. Plastids: types, structure and functions. Chloroplasts, chromoplasts, leucoplasts How to get plastids in warframe

Plastids are organelles of plant cells and some photosynthetic protozoa. Animals and fungi do not have plastids.

Plastids are divided into several types. The most important and well-known is the chloroplast, which contains the green pigment chlorophyll, which ensures the process of photosynthesis.

Other types of plastids are multi-colored chromoplasts and colorless leucoplasts. Amyloplasts, lipidoplasts, and proteinoplasts are also distinguished, which are often considered types of leucoplasts.

Types of plastids: chloroplasts, chromoplasts, leucoplasts

All types of plastids are related to each other by a common origin or possible interconversion. Plastids develop from proplastids - smaller organelles of meristematic cells.

Structure of plastids

Most plastids are double-membrane organelles; they have an outer and an inner membrane. However, there are organisms whose plastids have four membranes, which is due to the characteristics of their origin.

In many plastids, especially in chloroplasts, the internal membrane system is well developed, forming such structures as thylakoids, grana (stacks of thylakoids), lamellae - elongated thylakoids connecting neighboring grana. The internal contents of plastids are usually called stroma. Among other things, it contains starch grains.

It is believed that in the process of evolution, plastids appeared in a similar way to mitochondria - by introducing another prokaryotic cell into the host cell, which in this case is capable of photosynthesis. Therefore, plastids are considered semi-autonomous organelles. They can divide regardless of cell divisions; they have their own DNA, RNA, prokaryotic-type ribosomes, i.e., their own protein synthesizing apparatus. This does not mean that plastids do not receive proteins and RNA from the cytoplasm. Some of the genes that control their functioning are located in the nucleus.

Functions of plastids

The functions of plastids depend on their type. Chloroplasts perform a photosynthetic function. Leukoplasts accumulate reserve nutrients: starch in amyloplasts, fats in elaioplasts (lipidoplasts), proteins in proteinoplasts.

Chromoplasts, due to the carotenoid pigments they contain, color various parts of plants - flowers, fruits, roots, autumn leaves, etc. Bright color often serves as a kind of signal for pollinating animals and distributors of fruits and seeds.

In the degenerating green parts of plants, chloroplasts transform into chromoplasts. The chlorophyll pigment is destroyed, so the remaining pigments, despite the small amount, become noticeable in the plastids and color the foliage in yellow-red shades.

Additional resources can be obtained if you buy a drawing in the store and craft an extractor. At the moment there are 2 types of them.

Extractor Titan is the most common drone that independently collects resources on planets every 4 hours.

Distilling Extractor is a drone that independently collects resources on planets, but unlike the Titan Extractor, this Extractor has an increased chance of extracting unusual and rare resources. Unlike Titan, the Distilling Extractor collects resources for 8 hours.

There is also Extractor Titan Prime, collecting twice as many resources. It could be obtained by purchasing the Inferno Prime Access pack. Included with the Prime Extractor itself was a reusable drawing of it. At the moment, it is impossible to obtain this extractor.

Useful facts:

  • The extractor may break! To repair it, take it off the planet and leave it for a while. Every 5 minutes, 1% health is restored.
  • The extractor can only be installed on a planet where all maps are open.
  • The higher the level of the enemy on the planet, the higher the likelihood of damage (destruction). And the shorter the period of his work on this planet.
  • The number of simultaneously installed Extractors depends on the skill level:
  1. Level 1-4 - 1 drone.
  2. Level 5-9 - 2 drones.
  3. Level 10+ - 3 drones.

Plastids are organelles specific to plant cells (they are present in the cells of all plants, with the exception of most bacteria, fungi and some algae).

The cells of higher plants usually contain from 10 to 200 plastids 3-10 µm in size, most often having the shape of a biconvex lens. In algae, green plastids, called chromatophores, are very diverse in shape and size. They can have star-shaped, ribbon-shaped, mesh and other shapes.

There are 3 types of plastids:

  • Colorless plastids - leucoplasts;
  • painted - chloroplasts(Green colour);
  • painted - chromoplasts(yellow, red and other colors).

These types of plastids are to a certain extent capable of transforming into each other - leucoplasts, with the accumulation of chlorophyll, turn into chloroplasts, and the latter, with the appearance of red, brown and other pigments, into chromoplasts.

Structure and functions of chloroplasts

Chloroplasts are green plastids containing a green pigment - chlorophyll.

The main function of chloroplast is photosynthesis.

Chloroplasts have their own ribosomes, DNA, RNA, fat inclusions, and starch grains. The outside of the chloroplast is covered with two protein-lipid membranes, and small bodies - grana and membrane channels - are immersed in their semi-liquid stroma (ground substance).

Grans(about 1 µm in size) - packets of round flat sacs (thylakoids), folded like a column of coins. They are located perpendicular to the surface of the chloroplast. The thylakoids of neighboring grana are connected to each other by membrane channels, forming a single system. The number of grana in chloroplasts varies. For example, in spinach cells, each chloroplast contains 40-60 grains.

Chloroplasts inside the cell can move passively, carried away by the current of the cytoplasm, or actively move from place to place.

  • If the light is very intense, they turn edge-on towards the bright rays of the sun and line up along the walls parallel to the light.
  • In low light, chloroplasts move to the cell walls facing the light and turn their large surface towards it.
  • In average illumination they occupy an average position.

This achieves the most favorable lighting conditions for the photosynthesis process.


The grana of plant cell plastids contain chlorophyll, packaged with protein and phospholipid molecules to provide the ability to capture light energy.

The chlorophyll molecule is very similar to the hemoglobin molecule and differs mainly in that the iron atom located in the center of the hemoglobin molecule is replaced in chlorophyll by a magnesium atom.

There are four types of chlorophyll found in nature: a, b, c, d.

Chlorophylls a and b contain higher plants and green algae, diatoms contain a and c, red algae contain a and d.

Chlorophylls a and b have been studied better than others (they were first separated by the Russian scientist M.S. Tsvet at the beginning of the 20th century). In addition to them, there are four types of bacteriochlorophylls - green pigments of purple and green bacteria: a, b, c, d.

Most photosynthetic bacteria contain bacteriochlorophyll a, some contain bacteriochlorophyll b, and green bacteria contain c and d.

Chlorophyll has the ability to absorb solar energy very efficiently and transfer it to other molecules, which is its main function. Thanks to this ability, chlorophyll is the only structure on Earth that ensures the process of photosynthesis.

The main function of chlorophyll in plants is to absorb light energy and transfer it to other cells.

Plastids, like mitochondria, are characterized to some extent by autonomy within the cell. They reproduce by fission.

Along with photosynthesis, the process of protein biosynthesis occurs in plastids. Due to their DNA content, plastids play a role in the transmission of traits by inheritance (cytoplasmic inheritance).

Structure and functions of chromoplasts

Chromoplasts belong to one of the three types of plastids of higher plants. These are small, intracellular organelles.

Chromoplasts have different colors: yellow, red, brown. They give a characteristic color to ripe fruits, flowers, and autumn foliage. This is necessary to attract pollinating insects and animals that feed on fruits and distribute seeds over long distances.

The structure of the chromoplast is similar to other plastids. The inner shells of the two are poorly developed, sometimes completely absent. The protein stroma, DNA and pigment substances (carotenoids) are located in a limited space.

Carotenoids are fat-soluble pigments that accumulate in the form of crystals.

The shape of chromoplasts is very diverse: oval, polygonal, needle-shaped, crescent-shaped.

The role of chromoplasts in the life of a plant cell is not fully understood. Researchers suggest that pigment substances play an important role in redox processes and are necessary for the reproduction and physiological development of cells.

Structure and functions of leukoplasts

Leukoplasts are cell organelles in which nutrients accumulate. The organelles have two shells: a smooth outer shell and an inner one with several protrusions.

Leucoplasts turn into chloroplasts in the light (for example, green potato tubers); in their normal state they are colorless.

The shape of the leukoplasts is spherical and regular. They are found in the storage tissue of plants, which fills the soft parts: the core of the stem, root, bulbs, leaves.

The functions of leukoplasts depend on their type (depending on the accumulated nutrient).

Types of leukoplasts:

  1. Amyloplasts accumulate starch and are found in all plants, since carbohydrates are the main food product of the plant cell. Some leucoplasts are completely filled with starch; they are called starch grains.
  2. Elaioplasts produce and store fats.
  3. Proteinoplasts contain proteins.

Leukoplasts also serve as an enzymatic substance. Under the influence of enzymes, chemical reactions proceed faster. And in an unfavorable period of life, when photosynthesis processes are not carried out, they break down polysaccharides into simple carbohydrates, which plants need to survive.

Photosynthesis cannot occur in leucoplasts because they do not contain grains or pigments.

Plant bulbs, which contain many leucoplasts, can tolerate long periods of drought, low temperatures, and heat. This is due to large reserves of water and nutrients in the organelles.

The precursors of all plastids are proplastids, small organelles. It is assumed that leuco- and chloroplasts are capable of transforming into other species. Ultimately, after fulfilling their functions, chloroplasts and leucoplasts become chromoplasts - this is the last stage of plastid development.

It is important to know! Only one type of plastid can be present in a plant cell at a time.

Summary table of the structure and functions of plastids

Structure Double-membrane organelle, with grana and membranous tubulesOrganelle with an undeveloped internal membrane systemSmall organelles found in parts of the plant hidden from light
Color GreensMulticoloredColorless
Pigment ChlorophyllCarotenoidAbsent
Form RoundPolygonalGlobular
Functions PhotosynthesisAttracting potential plant distributorsNutrient supply
Replaceability Transform into chromoplastsDo not change, this is the last stage of plastid developmentTransform into chloroplasts and chromoplasts

Everything about resource farming is described here.


To effectively farm a large number of standard resources, you will need a team of four people (friends or a good clan will help here, you can also submit an application to). It is highly advisable to strive to gather a party from specific warframes, namely (through Stealing Tentacles), , , (Sonar only).

Farming with such a build is a pleasure, Banshee uses Sonar, Trinity fills energy and heals, Hydroid constantly uses ult (4th ability), Nekros defiles. It is important that only Hydroid kills. Knowledgeable people will say that this is not important and the main thing is that the target sticks to the tentacle, and anyone can kill. But! Why complicate things?

If you are Batman and work alone, and you can definitely be him, because you have never been seen together, then the best choice would be Nekros .

I advise you to farm on Dark Sector missions, because... there are always bonuses to resources from 15% to 35%. True, the levels of mobs there are higher, and the opponents are always Infected.

Let's get started:

* - the most profitable planets for resource farming are marked.

Ampoule of Detonite

Found on many planets: Mercury, Earth, Lua, Ceres*, Saturn, Uranus, Sedna, Kuva Fortress.

* I recommend the SEIMENI mission.

Recycled materials

Found on planets: Mars, Jupiter*, Sedna, Kuva Fortress.

* I recommend the SINAI mission.


Found on planets: Mars, Uranus.


Obtained from any Excavation mission. I would recommend excavations on Earth - EVEREST.

Argon Crystal

A beautiful pebble that can only be mined in to the abyss. Sometimes in the form of formations - Argon pegmatite, can be found on missions quests. It is better to farm on endless missions such as survival or defense. I get it on a mission ANI. There is no need to store it for use; at 3:00 Moscow time it disintegrates and will most likely disappear. We farm exactly as much as we can spend right now.


A specific resource that is not needed everywhere and can only be obtained from the Kuva Absorber and survival in Kuva fortresses. You can meet the absorber on missions with an identical icon on different planets near the Fortresses.
To obtain it, you need to destroy the Absorber by intercepting flying red clouds; we intercept them using the operator’s abilities (after Wars Within), namely his jerk Ctrl+Space. Let's take four clouds and it's done, 550-700 Kuva in our pocket. There is an even more profitable way - Kuva Flow, a modification of the standard mission, only with level 100 mobs, you can get about 1200 Kuva. It is also possible to farm for survival in Kuva fortresses. The method is specific, because very hemorrhoidal, I recommend it only when the regular missions are over. The point is that there we will need to pick up red “batteries” from mobs, which we must insert into oxygen towers. Then we need to defend them and from one such tower we get 200 Kuva. Considering that this mission itself is not sugar and the fact that it is of progressive difficulty and the oxygen towers provide much less oxygen than ordinary ones, you understand that you need a strong team, it is almost impossible to do solo.

Control module

Found on planets: Europa, Neptune, Abyss*.

*Absolutely any mission when you follow Argon will drop Control Modules


Found on planets: Mercury, Mars, Phobos, Europa, Pluto.

* It’s difficult to highlight something specifically here, because... resource drops rarely. There is universal advice, take Smita Kavat with you with the Talisman. She will begin to generate this resource.


Found on planets: Saturn, Neptune, Eris*, Orokin Ruins.


Found on planets: Earth, Lua, Eris, Orokin Ruins.

* It’s difficult to highlight something specifically here, because... resource drops rarely. There is universal advice, take Smita Kavat with you with the Talisman. She will begin to generate this resource.

Neural Sensors

Found on planets: Jupiter, Kuva Fortress.

* It’s difficult to highlight something specifically here, because... resource drops rarely. There is universal advice, take Smita Kavat with you with the Talisman. She will begin to generate this resource.

Mutagen Sample

Found on planets: Eris, Orokin Ruins*.

*Go to Orokin Ruins: defense. This mission will appear on the map when you purchase and create a key. It is sold, like all the others, in the Store.

Fieldron sample

Found on planets: Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Europa, Neptune.


Quite a rare resource. Dropped from Oxium Drones, only the Corps has them.


Found on planets: Phobos, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, Eris*.


There are always not enough of them. Even in the later stages of the game. Found on planets: Mercury, Venus, Uranus*.

* I recommend the OPHELIA mission, although this is not a dark sector, there are more of them falling there.


Found on planets: Earth, Lua, Phobos, Europa, Pluto*, Sedna, Abyss.

*I recommend SECHURA.


Found on planets: Venus, Phobos, Ceres*, Jupiter, Pluto, Sedna.

* I recommend SEIMENI.


Found on planets: Venus, Ceres*, Kuva Fortress.

* I recommend SEIMENI.


Obtained on missions Archwing. Drops on missions with the ability to use Archwing on Uranus And Kuva fortresses(It's not on Eidolon!).

* It’s difficult to highlight something specifically here, because... resource drops rarely. There is universal advice, take Smita Kavat with you with the Talisman. She will begin to generate this resource.


Found on planets: Mercury, Earth, Lua, Neptune, Abyss*.

Nitain Extract

A fierce thing, due to the shortage and difficulty of obtaining it, many chairs were burned through. It is obtained through sabotage, namely from secret drawers (can be neglected, the chance is extremely small) and from Alarms. You can collect up to four pieces per day. I always recommend picking it up, because... if ignored under the pretext of being unnecessary, then when the need arises, he is able to delay the creation of Vauban Prime or Ivara for up to a couple of weeks, or even months. An insidious resource.

Beginners, as well as experienced players of the Warframe universe, often have to think about where to get this or that resource. After all, in order to create a new weapon or warframe, you need to have a sufficient amount of many materials. In this small guide we will tell you where to find plastids in Warframe. We will also share tips for successfully extracting this resource.

Why are plastids needed?

"Warframe" is a space shooter where, like in any other game of this genre, you have to create and upgrade new weapons. And plastids play an important role in this. Without these materials it is impossible to make rifles such as Ignis, Latron, Soma, Vulkar, Amprex and many others. In addition, plastids will be needed to create most warframes. Amber, Ash, Excalibur, Frost, Nyx, Trinity, Loki, Rhino, Volt, Banshee - this is not a complete list of where plastids are needed. These resources are also needed when creating squad ammo restorers, without which it is sometimes very difficult to complete the game’s missions.

Where can I get plastids?

Players are given several ways to obtain this valuable resource. The easiest way is to purchase the required amount of plastids in the game store. Buying 300 pieces will cost you 30 platinum. Considering that to create any weapon or warframe you will need at least 700 pieces of the resource, then this is a rather expensive way to obtain materials. So it’s better to consider other types of extraction of such a resource as plastids. Warframe (game) will offer them to you.


You can obtain small amounts of plastids using independent drones. It is enough to place one of the extractors on Uranus, Pluto, Phobos or Eris and check your catch after four hours. Most likely, one of the extractors will pull out a small amount of plastids from the location. The disadvantage of this method is that it takes too much time to extract the resource.

Plastid shell

After the update called “Silver Grove”, you can get a small amount of this resource on any mission on all planets. The plastid carapace is a ossified container that looks like a shell. Inside you can find from 30 to 90 pieces. But, since the appearance of the plastid shell is random, you will have to search the entire mission area to find it. And it’s not a fact that you will be able to find it.


This is the first planet of the Warframe game where even a novice player can get plastids. But keep in mind that these materials drop from missions very rarely, and you will need to complete more than one run on any of the tasks. Considering that to create one weapon you will need at least 300 pieces of plastids, then the cleanup on Saturn, which gives about 50 pieces of this resource, will need to be completed more than once. On this planet, plastids are obtained quite well by killing the boss - General Sargas Ruk. In addition, it would be worth visiting the dark sector of Caracol - a defense mission. In five waves of this task, you can get about 200 plastids, and this is without a booster for double resources. This sector will become a favorite place for resource extraction for a newbie to the game, because level 26-36 infected have dug in here and are easy to kill even with weak weapons.


One of the most resource-rich planets in the Warframe game. Where to farm plastids in this area? You can get the material when completing any task, but the survival mission in the Ophelia location has an increased chance of dropping this resource. In this task you will be opposed by the Grineer faction (level 24-29). This is not the most serious enemy, so extracting resources will not cause much trouble. But for successful farming you will need a well-coordinated team, in which their roles are clearly distributed. Ophelia has long been the most popular mission on the planet, because polymers are also well mined here - no less valuable a resource than plastids. "Warframe" in this case makes it possible to get hold of both materials.


This planet, captured by the Infected faction, was created to farm plastids. "Warframe", however, the minimum level of enemies starts at 30 units, so resource extraction will be a little difficult. Only advanced players with sufficient experience and powerful weapons will be able to come here for them. And beginners can test their strength here, but to do this they will have to go a long way to discovering this planet.

The dark sector of Eris - Akkad - has an excellent chance of dropping plastids. This location has long become the most popular place not only for farming, but also for upgrading weapons. The fact is that this comes from increased experience from killing opponents. In addition, this location is quite convenient from the point of view of completing the mission. In addition to plastids, neurons often fall out here, and there is a real hunt for these rare resources. So, if you are wondering where to combine upgrading a weapon or frame and extracting resources, then feel free to go to Akkad. Here you will never be alone.

Pluto and Phobos

Despite the fact that plastids fall on these planets, they have not gained fame as excellent places for farming resources. The fact is that these locations open later than everyone else. In addition, the enemies on Pluto are quite difficult - the Corpus faction with levels 30-45, which makes the difficulty-to-loot ratio quite unfavorable. After all, resources drop only from defeated enemies, and high-level enemies take a long time to kill. If we talk about Phobos, then weak opponents live here, but the chance of plastids falling out is very low, which does not attract players to Warframe. Farming plastids, the guide for which is in front of you, is best done on other planets, such as Eris, Uranus and Saturn.

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