Download hacked cops and criminals. Map for minecraft cops and criminals

The best map since the first Cops and Robbers! Use skype / teamspeak or any other communication program to play.


First corridor



Outside view

Rescue helicopter

Honor rules:

What is the rule of honor? This is a rule that is not provided for by the mechanics of the game and can be easily broken, but by not observing it, the player deprives everyone of the pleasure of the game. For more fun, follow these rules of honor:
  • DO NOT break blocks, levers, buttons, or glowing stones.

  • As a cop, you must release the prisoners and give them orders, for example, go to the shower, etc.

  • Playing as a prisoner, you must obey the cop, follow his orders; at least most of them ...

What's new in version 4?

  • Completely new layout!

  • New rooms, including a cinema, a solitary confinement cell, a gym, a cold store and more!

  • Scene: the island of the strict regime; for those who managed to escape from Alcatraz.

  • 5 ways to escape! Try to find everything!

Objectives of the game:

  • One man plays as a cop: he gives the prisoners commands, for example, orders them to go to the cafeteria or shower. Prisoners must obey orders or be punished. However, in the process, the inmates must find a way to escape without arousing the cop's suspicions.

  • It is recommended to play with friends, as the game provides for many "rules of honor", that is, rules that anyone can break.

How to install the Cops and Robbers 4: High Security map:

  1. Download the map archive

  2. Extract the files

  3. Go to C: \ Users \ Username \ AppData \ Roaming \ .minecraft \ saves

  4. Move the folder with the map there

  5. Start Minecraft

  6. Enjoy the game

(Downloads: 12504)

This map is dedicated to the famous prison break movie. The creators tried to bring as many original ideas into the gameplay as possible. New features are being invented every day, and new versions of minecraft only contribute to this. You will see beautiful graphics and a well-thought-out arrangement of the prison.

For the game, you should use Skype or any other special program for online communication. Thus, it will be much more convenient to pass and get out of prison. There are also several rules - you cannot break blocks and other auxiliary items, such as useful levers and working buttons.

Several people can play for the police. Their task is to keep an eye on the prisoners. You need to periodically take them to the dining room, shower and for a walk with entertainment. The guards have good weapons and armor. Therefore, it will be problematic to get out of prison just like that. If prisoners start to behave violently, then they can be put in solitary confinement. There is definitely no way out from there.

For the prisoners, the meaning of the game is completely different. You need to try to escape. To do this, you need to somehow outwit the guards. There are many ways, but they are all hidden and you need to think carefully to find them.

Download: (Downloads: 12504)

The fourth and largest part of the famous project series. First of all, we recommend downloading the Cops and Criminals map for Minecraft for fans of the series and those who like to play and compete with friends. The Cops and Robbers 4.5 project is an RPG. One player acts as a guard, others as prisoners. The criminals completely obey the orders of the policeman (punishment follows for disobedience), looking for loopholes and trying to escape from prison. The cops are trying to keep them from escaping.

Cops and Robbers 4.5 Card Rules

  • Do not destroy blocks, levels, buttons.
  • In the role of a cop, letting inmates go for walks, ordering a shower, and the like.
  • In the role of a criminal - obey the representative of the law and do as told.

Minecraft map Cops and Criminals is great for playing with friends. If you follow the rules, fun is guaranteed.

Video Cops Against Criminals


On this page you can download a map of Cops and Criminals for Minecraft. After downloading the file, extract the content and copy it to the game folder.minecraft / saves. The section with guides contains instructions on how to install the map with a detailed description.

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