How to draw ships in a sea battle. How to play sea battle. Playing fields of the game "Sea Battle"

We can safely call “Battleship” one of the most famous and popular games. Even people who did not participate in these exciting battles have heard about this entertainment and know in general terms its specifics. Modern computerization, representing a huge range of games, has influenced the popularity of “Battleship”. But even today, many adults and children are addicted to this game and use it to fill their free time. It is not very difficult; anyone can figure out how to play “Battleship” if they wish.

Game description

Despite a certain simplicity, this game has all the properties of educational, exciting hobbies. The goal of the players is to destroy enemy ships and preserve their units located on the field. Letters and numbers help you navigate when choosing a point for a shot, allowing you to assign an address to each square of the field.

Opponents do not see each other's fields, the location of other ships is unknown.

It is necessary to choose a strategy that allows you to detect and “sink” combat units as quickly as possible. Hit may be accidental. This is usually used by beginners.

As you gain experience, you can understand how to play Battleship with maximum efficiency. To do this, you need not only to correctly fire at the enemy’s field, but also to correctly place your ships in order to complicate the opponent’s task. The winner is the player who destroys the enemy fleet first, regardless of how many intact ships he has left.

Types of "Sea Battle"

Until recently, in order to engage in an exciting battle, you needed a piece of paper and a pencil or pen. These tools are enough to create a field and deploy a fleet. The traditional “Battleship” on paper is still relevant today. Its advantage is accessibility. No Internet access, special devices or gadgets are needed.

Board games are great for home entertainment. The rules of the game "Battleship" in such variants may differ from the classic ones. But children like them more because of the colorfulness and maximum naturalness of the battle.

Many modern people prefer the computer option. The latest generation of mobile devices allows you to access the Internet anywhere, play with a robot or a real opponent located thousands of kilometers away. Such entertainment allows you to have an interesting time and hone your skills in battles with strong opponents.

Board game rules

Before you play Battleship, you need to get acquainted with the main tools. To place ships and conduct combat, two identical square fields consisting of one hundred cells are used. One houses its own fleet. On the other, the points of shots and shot down enemy ships will be marked. The dislocation of its units will gradually emerge.

The rules of the game "Battleship" do not provide for strict requirements for the choice of letter symbols located horizontally. In most cases, part of the alphabet A-K or A-I is used if “е” and “й” are not involved.

The numbers are located vertically in the field. This allows you to create your own address for each cell: A1, B4, etc.

If the player does not hit the ship when firing, the opponent says “by”, and the right to move passes to him. If there is an accurate hit, you need to say “killed” or “wounded” the ship. When a shot does not reach the target, a dot is placed on the enemy’s field, the hit points are marked with a cross, and the shelling must be continued to completely sink the ship. A successful shot gives you the right to the next move.

There are certain rules for the placement of combat units. This allows you to determine points at which you do not need to shoot. Ships cannot have points of contact; their cells are not located diagonally.

How to play sea battle on paper

Playing "Battleship" on paper is usually played on checkered sheets of paper, making it easy to draw the fields. Before the battle, players agree on letter designations and begin creating fields.

Playing field

Each participant has two identical 10x10 squares on a piece of paper with alphabetic and numerical designations. On one you need to place your flotilla. The second field is empty. Shots and hits will be recorded on it.

How many ships are in a naval battle?

There are 10 units in the flotilla. Ships vary in size.

You need to place the units on the field:

  • from one cell - 4;
  • from two cells – 3;
  • out of three cells – 2;
  • out of four cells -1.

Ship placement

The chances of winning largely depend on the placement of units. In the rules of the game "Battleship" there are only two prohibitions regarding the placement of the fleet. The ships do not touch, the cells are not located diagonally.

Progress and tactics of the game

The right to move first can be played by drawing lots. Each player has his own combat tactics; there are no special recommendations. A miss transfers the right to move to another player. A hit allows you to continue shooting until the move is unsuccessful. When a ship is flooded, for convenience, it is marked along the contour with dots to eliminate mistakes and not make an unnecessary shot. If a combat unit is knocked out, the player must tell his opponent about it.

How to win a sea battle

Most experienced players have their own secrets on how to play “Battleship” most effectively and create the greatest difficulties for the opponent.

Popular successful tactics include:

  • Placing large units on one half of the field, small ones on the other. With this arrangement, it will not be difficult to sink a cruiser, battleship, or destroyer, but it will be incredibly difficult to find boats; many misses will be made.
  • Diagonal shots. Shooting the opponent's field diagonally allows you to quickly eliminate large units; most likely, they will be caught on these trajectories. By the way, this must be taken into account when positioning your fleet.
  • Sometimes experienced players place all units against the walls of the square, allowing the enemy to waste turns shelling empty territory.

These are just some of the secrets that can be useful in the game. It’s worth looking for your own unique, interesting strategic solutions.

A simple and exciting game that has been known since childhood - sea battle. The rules of the game are not very complicated; anyone can remember them. Sea battle is popular with adults and children; you can play it anywhere.

Rules of the game Sea Battle

The essence of the entertainment is that two players take turns calling certain coordinates on the opponent’s map, which is unknown to them. The named point must hit the ship or part of it. The task of each player is to sink all enemy ships first. There are several options for this game today:

  1. On paper. This method is considered a classic entertainment option. It allows you to play anywhere. A checkered notebook or one piece of paper (not even lined) is suitable for battle.
  2. Tabletop. The first version of such entertainment appeared more than 80 years ago. The board game sea battle was distinguished by its volume and colorfulness. Over time, many variations appeared with different numbers of ships and different field sizes.
  3. On the computer. Modern gadgets can easily be turned into a battlefield for ships by downloading and installing the desired application. There are online gaming options. Features: selected points are recorded automatically, there is voice acting that adds reality to what is happening.


To understand how to play sea battle, you need to understand the basic concepts. You need to start by drawing your playing field. It is a coordinate plane, a 10 by 10 square. Each side has its own definitions: the horizontal side is numbered from top to bottom, the vertical side is numbered with letter designations. The letters of the Russian alphabet from “A” to “K” or from “A to “I” are used if “Ё” and “Y” are omitted. Often, instead of letter designations, the words “Snow Maiden” or “Republic” are used. They consist of ten letters, which corresponds to 10 squares on the playing field.

Next to “your” field you need to draw a “foreign” field, which has the same dimensions and coordinates. This is a site for the enemy flotilla. The field is empty and is used to mark your moves and your opponent’s “hits.” Given that there are several coordinate system options, it is recommended to agree in advance which one will be used. Next you need to arrange the ships.

Number and arrangement of ships

There is a certain layout of ships on the playing field. The ship consists of several decks or pipes (hence the name, for example, “double-deck” or “double-pipe”). On the playing field there are:

  • 1 four-deck, ship, battleship, - a row of four cells,
  • 2 three-deck cruisers, rows of 3 cells;
  • 3 double-deckers, destroyers, – rows of 2 cells;
  • 4 single-deck ships, torpedo boats, – 1 cell.

In the classic game, you must draw ships on the playing field according to the rules. For example, all ships cannot touch each other with their sides or corners. There are variants of the game when ships are placed in the letter “L”, squares or zigzags, touching the corners is not prohibited. There are also battles with a different number of ships or their structure, for example, a five-deck (aircraft carrier), several four-deck. When using more ships, a different field shape is used, measuring 15 by 15. You must decide on the choice of game in advance.

Progress of the game

Playing sea battle on paper must be in accordance with certain rules. The instructions determine the conditions and sequence of moves:

  1. Initially, it is chosen who will go with the first. To do this, players cast lots.
  2. When making a “shot”, the player names the coordinates, for example, B3.
  3. If there is nothing in the cell, the opponent says “by.” The ship is located at the named coordinates, then it is “wounded” - if it is hit, “killed” - when it is completely destroyed.
  4. A cross indicates a hit on an enemy ship. With such a successful shot, according to the rules, the player takes a second turn. The right to move is transferred to the second player if the shot lands on an empty field.
  5. The winner is the one who sinks all his opponent's ships first.
  6. At the end of the game, opponents can request each other's playing fields for verification. The loser will be the one whose fields are filled in incorrectly. Victory goes to the one who fought a fair fight.

There are certain restrictions in the game. The game may end early if rules are not followed. The following are considered gross violations:

  1. Incorrectly drawn field - the number of vessels exceeds the required number, the side dimensions or coordinate system are incorrect.
  2. One of the players spied the location of the other's ships.
  3. Skipping a move due to inattention.

Winning strategy

A simple battle is not based solely on luck. To achieve victory, there is a strategy and tactics for playing naval battle. It is as follows:

  1. The sheet with the lined field must be held so that the enemy cannot see.
  2. For convenience and reporting, it is recommended to mark enemy shots with dots.
  3. The most vulnerable ships are the battleship and torpedo boat. The first one is very large, so it is easy to spot. Torpedo boats are small and difficult to find on the field, but they sink with one hit.
  4. Beginners often aim at the corners of the playing square, so drawing them there is not recommended.
  5. Experienced players advise immediately coming up with a layout for the ships on the field. Good results can be achieved if you arrange the flotilla units according to the scheme. For example, by gathering cruisers and battleships in one place, and placing boats and destroyers in a chaotic order.
  6. Techniques for shooting at a flotilla can be different. To quickly destroy a battleship, it is recommended to start searching for it diagonally. You need to shoot at squares on 4, through 3 cells. Then you need to move in descending order: look for three-decker, two-decker and single boats.


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An incredibly popular paper game. And although there are now special gaming kits for “Battleship”, as well as a lot of computer implementations, the classic version on a piece of paper remains the most popular.

The goal of the game is to sink the enemy's ships before he can sink yours.

Rules of the game "Battleship"

Two players play. Each of them needs a piece of paper (preferably checkered), a pencil or a pen. The game begins with preparing the field. Two squares of 10×10 cells are drawn on a piece of paper. On one of them they will deploy their ships, in the other they will “fire” on enemy ships.

The sides of the squares are signed with letters horizontally and numbers vertically. You need to agree in advance which letters will be written (the main debate arises whether or not to use the letter “Y”). By the way, in some schools, instead of the boring alphabet, they write the word “REPUBLIC” - it just contains 10 non-repeating letters. This is especially useful for those who have never mastered the alphabet.

Ship placement

Next, the deployment of fleets begins. The classic rules of naval combat say that there should be 4 ships of one cell ("single-deck" or "one-pipe"), 3 ships of 2 cells, 2 - 3 cells and one - four-deck. All ships must be straight; curved or “diagonal” ones are not allowed. The ships are placed on the playing field in such a way that there is always a gap of one square between them, that is, they should not touch each other either with their sides or corners. In this case, ships can touch the edges of the field and occupy corners.

When the ships are placed, players take turns firing, calling the squares by their “coordinates”: “A1”, “B6”, etc. If a square is occupied by a ship or part of it, the opponent must respond “wounded” or “killed” (“sunk”). This cell is crossed out with a cross and you can take another shot. If there is no ship in the named cell, a dot is placed in the cell and the turn goes to the opponent.

The game is played until one of the players completely wins, that is, until all the ships are sunk.

At the end of the game, the loser can ask the winner to look at his arrangement of ships.


If you think that sea battle is a game built solely on luck and chance, then you are mistaken. In fact, it contains both strategy and tactics, which we will talk about in conclusion. So - about tricks and various honest and not so honest methods of playing sea battle:

  • First of all (and this is the most important thing!), you need to keep your sheet of ships so that the enemy cannot spy on your location;
  • Be sure to keep a record of your own and other people's moves, marking them with dots. This will prevent shots fired at the same cells;
  • After sinking an enemy ship, also surround it with points so as not to shoot at places where there are obviously no ships;
  • You should not place ships in the corners of the field: usually newbies shoot at them first. However, exceptions will be discussed below;
  • It is necessary to develop a strategy for placement. An uneven distribution of ships gives a good result: gather all the “large” ships into one or two dense groups, and hide the remaining “single-deck” ships separately in secret places on the playing field. In this case, the enemy will quickly identify and destroy the group of large ships, and then will spend a long time searching for the remaining small ones;
  • Having killed a large ship, the enemy surrounds it with dots. This means that, having found a “four-decker”, the enemy immediately opens (4+1+1)*3 = 18 cells (that is, 18% or almost 1/5 of the field). “Three-decker” gives 15 cells (15%), “double-decker” - 12%, and “single-decker” - 9%. If you place the “four-decker” against the wall, then it will allow you to open only 12 cells (10 for a three-decker, 8 for a two-decker). If you place the “four-decker” in a corner, it will allow you to open only 10 cells (8, 6 and 4, respectively). Of course, if the enemy realizes that all the ships are on the edge, he will quickly sink them. Therefore, it is better to use this advice in combination with the previous one.
  • Shooting tactics can also be different. However, it is best to start destroying enemy ships by looking for a “four-decker”. To do this, you can shoot diagonally, or draw a diamond, or shoot through 3 cells to the fourth. As soon as a four-deck ship is found, we look for three-deck ones, then two. Of course, during the search process you will come across “all sorts of little things” and make adjustments to your plans.
  • Here’s a dishonest way: arrange all the ships except the last single-deck (it will serve as the Elusive submarine). And he will be placed (and killed) only in the last remaining cell. It's quite easy to combat this: let the players place ships in one color and fire in another. It is possible, for example, for players to have pens or pencils of different colors and, after arranging the ships, simply exchange pens.

In Game "sea battle" The game is played by two people who take turns calling the coordinates of ships on the enemy map. If the coordinates are occupied, then the ship or part of it is “sinked”, and the one caught has the right to make another move.

The game takes place on a field of 10x10 cells for each player, on which a fleet of ships is located. Horizontals are usually numbered from top to bottom, and verticals are lettered from left to right. In this case, letters of the Russian alphabet from “a” to “k” are used (the letters “ё” and “y” are usually skipped) or from “a” to “i” (using the letter “ё”), or letters of the Latin alphabet from “ a" to "j". Sometimes the word "republic" or "snow maiden" is used, since in these 10-letter words not a single letter is repeated. Since there are various options for specifying a coordinate system, it is better to agree on this in advance.

The fleet consists of

* 1 ship - a row of 4 “four-deck” cells

* 2 ships - a row of 3 cells "three-balloon"

* 3 ships - a row of 2 cells "double deck"

* 4 ships - a row of 1 cell "single-deck".

When placed, ships cannot touch each other at their corners.

Ship decks should be built “in a line” and not in curves. The main thing: you cannot build the decks of one ship diagonally.

Before the start of hostilities, players cast lots or agree on who will go first.

The player making the move makes a shot - calls out loud the coordinates of the cell in which, in his opinion, the enemy ship is located, for example, “K1!” .
If the shot hits a cell that is not occupied by any enemy ship, then the response is “Past!” and the shooting player places a dot on someone else’s square in this place. The right to move passes to the opponent.
If the shot hits a cell where a multi-deck ship is located (more than 1 cell in size), then the answer is “Wounded!” The player who shot puts a cross on someone else's field in this cell, and his opponent puts a cross on his field also in this cell. The player who shot is entitled to one more shot.
If the shot hits a cell containing a single-deck ship or the last unhit cell of a multi-deck ship, then the answer is “Sunk!” or “Killed!” Both players mark the sunken ship on the sheet. The player who shot is entitled to one more shot.

The winner is the one who is the first to sink all 10 enemy ships. The loser has the right to ask the opponent to study the playing field after the end of the game.


The player has his field drawn incorrectly: the number of ships does not correspond to the rules; ships touch each other; incorrect field dimensions and incorrect coordinate system.

The player made changes on his playing field that were not provided for by the rules of the game (during the game you can only put dots and crosses and only according to the rules), for example, he completed the drawing of the missing ship, the player spied the location of the enemy ships or missed his turn.

Type: a game.
Applicability: multiple.
What is needed: two pens and two pieces of checkered paper.
How many people is it designed for?: 2 people.
Dynamism: average.
Location: anywhere.

Description: Each player draws on his sheet of paper (sheets cannot be shown to each other) two 8x8 squares, numbering the columns from a to k, and the rows from 1 to 10:

The first field is your own field, and the second is the enemy’s field, where the player will hit with his blows. On the first field the player places ships: 1 four-cell, 2 three-cell, 3 two-cell, 4 one-cell. For example, like this:

In this case, ships cannot touch or touch each other. But they can rotate 90 degrees. The placement of ships is at the discretion of the player.

Purpose of the game– be the first to destroy all enemy ships.

After the ships are placed, they decide by lot who will start. The player who has been chosen places a point on his sheet of paper on the opponent’s field in some cell and names its coordinates, for example, d7. The second player places a point on his field where his ships are located, with these coordinates. If this cell belongs to a ship, then the player says “hit” if the ship still has undamaged cells, and “killed” if it was the last intact cell of the ship. If this cell is empty and does not contain a ship, then the player says “by.” If there was a ship there, then the dot turns into a cross for both players. If a player hits a ship, then he has the right to an additional shot, if he also hits it, then the right to an additional shot appears again, and so on. After a move, the other player shoots at the opponent's field. And so on until victory. Shown below are two moves: player one and player two.

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