Dark sire carry. Guide to Dark Sira: Learning to live in the moment. How to counter Dark Sira, enemies, friends

Guide to dark sire written for dota allstars v6.78

Dark Seer - Ish'kafel

— Has no problems with farming (gaining money and experience).

— Very versatile, he can be anyone on the team.

- Very useful in ganking (attacking enemy lines).

- Looks good as a support hero

- Relatively easy to kill heroes in the early stages.

— A good counterweight to pushers (heroes who demolish towers and bases).

— The level of initial armor is pleasing.

— The initial damage is not bad.

- He will become the most necessary link for the team.

- Weak in terms of health (like all magicians, with an emphasis on intelligence).

— In the early stages of the game, it needs a lot of mana.

— The increase in agility with increasing levels is small, which reduces his potential as a hero killer (a hero who has good abilities to kill other enemy heroes).

— Difficult for beginners.

— A melee mage.

Let's look at the skills (magic) of the hero.


In the future in the guide we will call Dark Sira - DS. DS pulls enemies to one point, causing damage to them, but does not affect allies.

  1. Level - 40 damage.
  2. Level - 80 damage.
  3. Level - 120 damage.
  4. Level - 160 damage.

Cooldown: 24 seconds.

Costs mana: 100/130/160/190 units.

About magic in simple words: all enemies caught in the area of ​​effect of the spell will be pulled to the center, magic is useful in team combat, since when we pull enemies together, allies using magic that hits the area can cause major troubles for the enemies.

Ion Shell

Envelops the target with an energy shield that burns nearby neutral and enemy units for twenty seconds, without causing damage to the target itself.

  1. Level - 30 damage per second.
  2. Level - 50 damage per second.
  3. Level - 70 damage per second.
  4. Level - 90 damage per second.

Cooldown: 10 seconds.

Costs mana: 70/90/110/130 units.

About magic in simple words: here is our magic, which will provide us with successful development and excess money, by throwing this magic on one of the creeps, which no one is hitting, but he is pushing next to the battle, we can take about three creeps from the flock, and this one is about 120 coins. Now imagine that a large pack of creeps has accumulated, how much gold and experience can we take from it? That's right, quite a lot.


The selected unit begins to move at the maximum possible speed - 522 - for several seconds.

  1. Level - 3 seconds.
  2. Level - 4.5 seconds.
  3. Level - 6 seconds.
  4. Level - 7.5 seconds.

Cooldown: 12/11/10/9 seconds.

Costs mana: 20/30/40/50 units.

About magic in simple words: it saves everyone and everything from imminent death, since an ally under this magic begins to run away very quickly. It will also allow us to quickly move between lines, creating the effect of surprise. Including catching up with the help of this magic can also be quite successful.

Wall of Replica

Creates a wall, when an enemy passes through it, its copies appear, which is controllable and friendly towards us. Can be improved by Aghanim (the value in brackets is the value after assembling Aghanim).

  1. Level - illusions gain 300% and deal 70% (100%), duration 15 seconds.
  2. Level - illusions gain 300% and deal 80% (120%), duration 30 seconds.
  3. Level - illusions gain 300% and deal 90% (140%), duration 45 seconds.

Cooldown: 100 seconds.

Costs mana: 200/300/400 units.

About magic in simple terms: this ult is both complex and simple at the same time. Firstly, its use is quite elementary, we put up a wall and everyone who passes through it receives 150 damage and a copy of themselves on our side. Secondly, the number of different combinations using the wall is huge and you will have to study them yourself, since they would require a separate guide (which may well appear). However, in a team fight, if you throw a vacuum and a wall at the same time, you can sow confusion among the enemies, increasing the team's chances of a successful outcome of the fight.

In what order to pump up magic:

1)Ion Shell
2) +(Stats, yellow pluses)
3)Ion Shell
4) +
5)Ion Shell
7)Ion Shell
15)Wall of Replica
16)Wall of Replica
17)Wall of Replica

When leveling up magic, you need to take into account the features of the game; we have given the most common option. You may have many questions. Where's the ult? At the beginning, it is not relevant, since the enemies are weak and their copies will not cause serious damage. Why do we poop plus signs instead of vacuum? Vacuum does little damage and costs a lot of mana, so it's not profitable in the early game. Why don't we increase the speed? Initially, we need farm, so we take a shield and pluses, and it is unlikely that we will need to run away from enemies in the initial stages of the game.


With his magic causing fat (the inability to cast spells) he will ruin the whole game for us.
Silence (silence) is our main problem.
No nicer than Traxa.
A very unpleasant opponent, since most of us use magic, and Northrom has a good set of anti-magic tricks, it will not be easy against him. Although we can fight with a regular attack, but still.
Under his ultimate we can’t cast spells, plus it takes away a lot of health.
It burns mana and ignores damage from the shield, plus at speed we are unlikely to run away from it, since it has a blink.
Silence combined with high damage from a regular attack will make us really nervous.
He is immune to magic and is very strong in normal combat; we can’t beat him with manual attacks.
It burns mana, and with proper management it will completely destroy all our health with magic.


We throw a shield on him, and he runs around in invisibility and deals damage to enemies.
We pull the enemies towards him, throw the shield, he turns on the first magic and scatters the enemies.
We pull the enemies towards him, and he ults.
We gather his enemies under the dome.
We are preparing the ground for a productive camp with a vacuum.
His ultimate will work most effectively after our vacuum.
We pull the enemies closer to the Tree, and it ultifies.
Our vacuum and black hole combine well, leaving no chance for enemies to escape.

Initial purchase:

Guide todark sirah I consider when playing dota 5x5, i.e. gold at the beginning will be 603.

Forest Dark Seer.

A shield to block damage from neutral animals from the forest, and with the help of a hatchet you will kill them faster and be able to cut down the forest.

Dark Seer - going to the mid lane alone (mid). Stout Shield will be brought by the courier, since at the beginning it is not needed on the middle line (mid), because most often you will be faced with ranged combat, and the shield better blocks damage from melee enemies. A pair of mantles will significantly increase your mana reserve and you will be able to use them more often Ion Shell.

Dark Seer on the top or bottom line. Let the mid player take the courier (well, if no one wants to take it, then you take it). There are often melee heroes on the line, so we definitely take a shield, in extreme cases you can go to the forest or to the diversions, then there will be Vanguard from the shield. The mantle will give a bonus to your mana reserve so that you can cast on yourself, an ally and creeps Ion Shell, Also, twigs will add a little to the characteristics, and tangos are needed in order to stand longer in the line.

Final purchase:

Option #1.

Dark Seer into a Leiter (late game hero). It’s worth getting ready if the game went well at the beginning and you managed to save up to 25-30 minutes for Radiance. Or if there are a lot of magicians in the team who will not be able to play the role of tanks (heroes who take damage) or inflict heavy damage on enemies and by the end of the game they will be of very little use.

Health regeneration, blocking damage in battle, thanks to which we can run into a bunch of creeps under a shield.
Will add damage from a normal attack.
Combined with our shield, it will give just a huge number of killed creeps, plus a good bonus to attack.
It will increase our survivability in battles and give aura for allies and attack speed for us.
It will increase mana and health regeneration and give damage that spreads further, also looks good with a shield.

Option #2.

Leveling up Syrah into a support mage who will always give mana, heal, slow down enemies, throw Surge on an ally so that he can escape or turn the enemy into a harmless little animal. This is the way to go in most cases. Namely, when you have good damage dealers (damage-dealing heroes such as Morta, Troll, Void, Thraxa, etc.) and tanks (Centaur, CD, Ax, etc.) on the team.

Why are we collecting these items?

Very useful for magicians in particular, in addition it will give us additional magic that turns enemies into animals, which will perfectly complement our set of spells, making us an even more useful part of the team.
In any case, we must survive and get money, and how this is done was described in the first version of the assembly.
Adds armor units to us, which increases our overall survivability. As a nice bonus, it gives us one more magic in the form of slowing down enemies and small damage - coupled with the range of the wave, it allows us to leave virtually no chance for enemies to escape. Plus - a constant aura-slowdown.
Improves our ult and gives bonuses to characteristics.
We must bring maximum benefit to the team, right? Therefore, we collect arcana, which, by the way, will be a good increase in mana and its regeneration for us.
If you are going to become a support, hope and support of the team, this should be one of your first artifacts, since used at the right moment, mekanasm can save our comrades from what would seem to be an inevitable death.

Items according to the situation:

We must heroically take on magic as support. And it will be nice to look at if they are trying to finish us off first anyway.
It can be suitable for creating the effect of surprise in order to prevent the enemies from thinking better of it, as you have already flown into their formation with the shield turned on in front of the entire team. Although all this can be done at speed.
If we are beaten often and willingly, then we collect Blade Mail.
If the enemy has a lot of magicians who deal a lot of damage with spells, then it will be more useful to collect Pipe instead of BKB.
Two walls will create even more confusion among the enemies, in addition it will give us good bonuses to mana regeneration and a little to the characteristics.
Could be very useful. Will give attack speed, attack strength and passive and active magic. The passive one will help with farming so that we can instantly destroy creeps, and the active one will be useful in battle, since we must be in the center of it.
It will give bonuses to the characteristics of mana and its regeneration, and a little speed. With the help of active magic, we can turn off dangerous opponents from the battle.
In order for us to have time to pour out all our plans into reality, we need a lot of health, and Taraska is perfect for us.
I think there is no need to describe why all those decent bonuses that this item gives to mana, health, etc. are needed. Plus, even if we die, we will benefit the team.
It is quite expensive, but if the enemy team has someone from the category of strong magicians in terms of damage or casting lard (the inability to cast spells), which are very annoying, then it can be very useful. The benefits fully compensate for the high cost.
It will give mobility, even more mobility, just a hurricane of mobility!
It will give us good damage from a normal attack and periodic crits (increased damage).
It will only be relevant if the enemy has two or more characters with dodge or butterfly on his team.
Will give vampirism to us and our allies. It will look good if we have a lot of melee heroes in our team. But keep in mind that if someone has already collected Vladimir, we do not advise you to collect it too.
It will be an excellent damage artifact for us. It also has a passive ability that reduces the enemy’s armor.
It will give us damage from a normal attack in the amount of mana and its regeneration. As a nice addition, it gives active silence magic, which can shut up the most active magicians.

Dark Seer is a fast and extremely cunning strategist, with all the abilities to disorient the enemy on the battlefield.

In skillful hands, it can completely change the outcome of a battle.

Any team will be glad to see an experienced player in the role of Dark Seer in their ranks.

The main advantages of the Dark Seer Dota 2 hero:

  • Excellent initiator
  • Holds up well on the hard lane, even against triples
  • Great potential in def and push
  • The Ion Shell ability makes farming much easier
  • Difficult to catch due to Surge
  • Relevant from the first minutes to the late game

Cons of Darkseer Dota 2:

  • Not the highest attack speed takes some getting used to
  • Heavily dependent on mana, especially at first
  • To use your ultimate and skills correctly, you need a good understanding of the game and constant training.

Guide to Dark Sir Dota 2 abilities:

Most of Dark Seer's abilities are designed to help the team, but even alone, the hero, with the proper skill, can cause a lot of inconvenience to opponents:


Our “screed” skill is extremely multifunctional: we pull enemies under AoE, interrupt channeling (blackhole, for example), catch up with those running away, clear a place from trees - there are many options, it all depends on your imagination.

Ion Shell

An interesting skill that casts a shield on a unit that will damage anyone who comes too close. For distant farming on the lane, you can hang it on creeps; in a mix we throw it either at ourselves or at our military allies. A classic of the genre - to squeeze out a friendly intruder, try it, although it’s banal, it’s fun!


Dark Seer is a champion in the game of catch-up in Dota 2, because the third skill for a short time gives the hero not only the maximum possible speed, but also protects against any slowdowns. It doesn’t save you from stuns, but it doesn’t make the skill any less useful.

Wall of Replica

Ultimate, a fairly large barrier that creates powerful illusions of enemy heroes. The optimal tactic is to put up a “wall” and pull enemies there with your first skill, finishing off the survivors under a shield and acceleration.

Although, if you and your team do everything right, there should be no survivors at all.

Sequence of leveling up skills for Dark Seera

lvl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
lvl 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Guide “How to play as Dark Sir in Dota 2?”:

Basic skill build for Dark Seer:

Almost any guide advises to always take a shield as your first skill. This one is no exception, Ion Shell will seriously help you farm and push, and can protect you from ganks at low levels.

Then it’s better to pump up acceleration, and, depending on the progress of the game, either improve the second and third skills until the ultimate appears, or pump up the first one if you are sure that this can help your teammates.

Without missing Ultimate Maxim, after it it is necessary to download (and use!) Vacuum; it is better to download acceleration last, because it is not so important for the hero, relative to other skills.

There is also an option for “jungle leveling” for the hero.

Dark Seer doesn't really like the forest, but he stands there quite confidently. If you go there, it’s better to max out the shield and screed, and leave the acceleration at one, and even then, just in case.

Items for purchasing Dark Seer:

The initial purchase is standard: shield, regen (two bottles of mana are better), save up for Soulring, optionally you can collect a healing stick.

For our hero's middle game, Arcana and Vanguard are highly desirable.

If there is no one to break in except us, we take Aghanim and Linka, if there are initiators, we take Shiva and Pipe.

Most often, the game ends before Dark Seer can save up for the fifth or sixth artifact, so in the deep late game everything is purely individual and highly dependent on the pick of the opposing team.

Tactics for playing Dark Sir:

Depending on the position, the tactics for playing Dark Seer in Dota 2 will be very different.
You can write a separate guide for each of the options, but we will limit ourselves to the main points and nuances:

Hard line: We play aggressively, but carefully, we don’t let the creeps push too far, making withdrawals. The closer the enemy creeps are to your tower, the more comfortable it will be to farm.

Easy-line: when we are not alone, we can harass not particularly tenacious opponents with a second skill, hanging it on ourselves or on allied creeps. If it gets hot, you can always escape by turning on Surge.

Mid: in the center, Dark Seer does not feel so good, but it can also give a worthy rebuff to the opponent if it pays close attention to the control of runes and listens to information about misses.

Forest: in the forest, a character can pull off one unique trick: having made double (triple or quad, if you know how) stacks, buy Smoke and turn on our shield under it, killing neutrals in invisibility.

If it doesn’t work out, then it’s better not to die trying, but farm in the usual way.

When serious battles begin, you need to resort to Surge more often, give a screed, a wall, and finish off the enemy allies who survived the procast and AoE.

You can also fight one on one, but it is better to choose your opponent more carefully; many heroes can easily “disassemble” Dark Seer without much effort.

Remember that the more you play, the faster you will achieve mastery, so don't be afraid of failure and practice, practice, practice!

Dark Seer is also known as DS, Seer, Ish"kafel, Russian players call DS, Sir, Dark Seer, and experienced players sometimes say “hare” (that’s what the hero was called in the first DOTA).

Hero laning

The following table shows which lane the hero feels better on when leveling up.

Dark Seer is a very versatile and interesting hero. It’s quite difficult to play as him, but it’s worth learning, he looks great in a line with another hero, and also an excellent combination with those who can be invisible. He farms very quickly, which makes leveling him up quite quickly and confidently. There are several artifacts that he definitely needs to collect. The tactics of playing for him are not quite complicated, throw a shield and speed on yourself, and also gather all the enemies in a heap and run around them or fight. In the next part of our guide, I will tell you which artifacts are best for him to collect to unlock his full potential.

What to collect Dark Sira:

Above in the picture we see probably the most optimal assembly for our hero.
First of all, we start the build with Boots of Travel, or with Bloodstone no less. In principle, if we are lucky and have excellent farm, we can try to immediately collect Radik.

Boots of Travel - will give us excellent movement speed, but this is not the most important thing in these boots, the most important thing is that they give us the opportunity to control the entire map, which means we can keep up with a pack of enemy units in time to drain them and get legitimate gold.

Bloodstone - will give us an excellent increase in mana and maximum lives, and also gives very fast regeneration of mana and lives. It is worth noting that this artifact can still accumulate charges, the more charges the stronger the mana regeneration, and also upon death we reduce the rebirth time and the ransom price.

Blade Mail - will give us the opportunity to return 100% of the damage to the hero who hits us, and also gives a small bonus to armor.

Radiance - having collected this artifact, we will have very fast farming, because the combination of a shield and Radiance gives an excellent effect, which means we will kill the entire pack of units almost instantly.

Guinsoos - what can I say, the most important artifact for any magician, it gives an excellent increase in intelligence, as well as good bonuses to other attributes, and increases the regeneration rate of our mana. But most importantly, we get the hex spell, that is, the ability to turn an enemy hero into a chicken for a few seconds.

Heart of Tarrasque - the logical conclusion of our item order would be this artifact, since it gives an excellent increase to the maximum life pool and fantastic regeneration.

If for any reason you do not like the artifacts proposed above, you can replace them with those below.

Dagon will look good on us.

Shiva's Guard - it will become very difficult to escape from us.

Battle Fury - can be assembled, but Radiance will still look better.

Black King Bar - if there are a lot of magicians playing against us and we need immunity to magic.

Friends and enemies:
We are so fucking friendly, and if we also understand the principle of playing as Dark Seer, then we won’t put a price on it.

Goblin Techies- this is our most ardent friend, since we are able to gather all the enemy units at one point, which means we can easily drive them straight into the mines, and then we will understand what will happen to them.

How to get first blood after two minutes of play?
To do this, you need a combination of Dark Seer and Goblin Techies, the goblin does not mine the store, but places mines where enemy units cannot step on them; behind Sentinel on the bottom line you can place a monument near the monument. Dark Seer pumps up a vacuum, as soon as enemy heroes get close enough to the mines, we throw a vacuum at them and they end up right on the mines.

Nevermore- this combination has an effect in the later stages of the game, Never makes a TP in the midst of enemies and begins to cast an ult, Dark Seer collects everyone with the help of a vacuum right next to Never, the result is that the enemy in most cases is near the fountain.

Ax- Vacum + Ax's cry, everything is in a heap.

Gondar , Clinkz, Rikimaru - they go into invisibility, our hero puts up a shield.

There are no special enemies.

Dark Seer is a very capable hero, especially he looks confident in conjunction with other heroes. I hope you liked our guide.

I’ll start the Dark Sir guide by defining the role of this hero. And the roles of Dark Seer are: Initiator / Nuker / Escape. This means that the tactics of playing for Ish "kafel will be as follows: we must initiate fights with enemies, usually this will be in the middle and end of the game. We also need to focus on attacking the enemy with magic, i.e. use it on CD. We also We have abilities that allow us to avoid death from the enemy. Therefore, the choice almost always comes down to standing (patience) on a difficult lane. This is the top for the sents, the bottom for the scorches.

What to collect Dark Sira?

Starting Items

Primary Items

Main subjects

Items according to situation

Because We need a lot of mana, so we take the soul ring and lasso, and from the items according to the situation, we usually need a pipe and an aganim, but there are times when it is more important to collect a shiva, a refresher, for example. So, here you need to look at what is happening in your game in each specific case.

What can Dark Seer - Ish"kafel do?

Vacuum- Dark Seer creates a vacuum in the selected area, which pulls enemies into it and damages them.
Damage type: magical.
This spell interrupts the casting of spells and items.
Attracts units for 0.3 seconds.

Ion Shell- Surrounds the selected target with a thorny shield, dealing damage to all enemies around.
Damage type: magical.
Does not damage the target that was shielded.
Damage is dealt every 0.1 seconds.
If used on a unit that already has an Ion Shell, the new shield will replace the old one.

Surge- Charges a friendly unit with energy, increasing movement speed to maximum for a short time.
Slowing effects do not affect units affected by this ability. But the acceleration can be removed using Purge or Demonic Purge.

Wall of Replica- Creates a wall of refracted light that deals damage and creates copies of any enemy hero that passes through it. Copies of the enemy serve as Dark Seer.
Damage type: magical.
When a wall creates an illusion of an enemy hero, it deals 150 damage to the hero whose illusion was created.
Does not create the illusion of other illusions or copies of Meepo.
The wall is created perpendicular to the line between the Dark Seer and the point where the wall is placed.

How to counter Dark Sira, enemies, friends

Enemies: jellyfish, because With her ult she nullifies our ult.

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