Set of board games for girls. Board games for girls. Board games for kids who don't like to lose

In winter, we spend more time indoors: in our own cozy apartments, escaping the bitter frost, or at a party - talking and destroying industrial supplies of tea. How can you have fun and bond with your friends and family while learning something new about their personalities? Play board games with them! We have collected 15 of the best games that can be easily found in stores. And to keep up to date with all the new products in the world of board games, we recommend that you also study.

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1. "Carcassonne"

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 2
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 2–6
  • Age: 8+

Carcassonne was invented in 2000 in Germany, and already in 2001 it became the game of the year in this country. The rules of this family turn-based strategy game are simple: players gradually build a field by placing cards depicting the area on the table, and occupy them with their pieces, which become knights, peasants or monks, depending on their position. The task is to occupy as much territory as possible, including fields, rivers and castles, thereby gaining the maximum number of points.

2. "Munchkin"

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 4
  • Duration: 4
  • Number of players: 3–6
  • Age: 10+

“Kill the monsters, grab the treasure, set your friends up” - this is the motto of one of the most popular games this year. Munchkin is a parody of both turn-based and card games. The rules here are quite complex, you will have to figure it out, delving into every detail: there are cards, doors, monsters, races and levels. As well as “clothes” and the possible death of the player. However, having understood this role-playing game, the entire company turns from normal, mentally healthy people into uncontrollably laughing hysterics with signs of paranoia. The fact is that during a game you can help your neighbor (of course, with selfish goals) or hinder him (with the same ones). Due to the complex combination of cards and moves, a controversial situation may arise that is not described by the rules. The creators of the game propose to solve it with a loud squabble between the participants. The winner is the one who first reaches level 10, fighting monsters and cunning opponents.

3. "Monopoly"

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 4
  • Number of players: 2–8
  • Age: 8+

"Monopoly" (in the USSR and Russia also known as "Manager" or "Businessman") is the most popular economic strategy of all times. Since Charles Farrow sold the first 5,000 homemade copies of the game in his native Philadelphia in 1935, one and a half billion people have played it. If anyone has forgotten the rules, here they are in a nutshell: having starting capital at the beginning of the game, participants must increase their wealth and ruin their opponents. All this happens on a square playing field, and the “businessmen” use cards, money and chips. The classic "Monopoly" has acquired many additions that can be found in any online board game store.

4. "Elias"

  • Classic: 4
  • Complexity: 2
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: not limited
  • Age: 6+

The Finnish board game Alias ​​has become the most popular in the country. This is largely due to the simple rules and the excitement that Elias ignites in the participants. The rules, without going into some nuances, are something like this: in a minute, which is counted by an hourglass, you need to explain as many words as possible from the cards to the players of your team. The use of synonyms or English translation is prohibited. In expanded versions, sometimes words have to be drawn, pantomimed, or explained with certain emotions: theatrically sobbing or laughing inappropriately. The winner is the team that is the first to reach the end of the game board, on which all the players' successes are recorded.

5. Marrakech

  • Classic: 1
  • Complexity: 2
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 2–4
  • Age: 6+

Marrakesh is one of the most popular board games in France and Austria. This is a very beautiful family economic strategy, which is primarily unusual for its “chips” made of fabric. The Marrakesh market lives its own fast-paced life, and you will soon have to choose the best carpet seller. It is for this funny title that the participants have to fight.

6. Jenga

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 2
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: not limited
  • Age: 6+

Jenga in Swahili means “Build!” (this is an imperative). But this game is really about breaking as slowly as possible. From the base of the tower, installed at the very beginning of the game, players take turns taking out the bars and placing them on top, making the structure higher and higher and less stable. The loser is the one during whose turn (or immediately after) the tower collapsed. The game of Jenga is quite tense, so the whisper of a walker: “I will kill the one who breathes” is a completely normal situation.

7. Scrabble

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 2–4
  • Age: 8+

Scrabble or Scrabble are as classic as Monopoly. Scrabble has long been the main game for nerds in pop culture, but this has not made it any less popular. Participants receive seven starting letters (104 in total) and lay them out on a field of 15 by 15 squares, making up words. They, of course, should be as long as possible, this guarantees victory in the game. Not everyone knows, however, that in the Russian version of Scrabble you cannot use any words other than common nouns in the nominative case. You can’t use a dictionary either; more precisely, you can, but only to check whether the word that appears on the board really exists.

  • Classic: 3
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 4
  • Number of players: 3–6
  • Age: 10+

Scotland Yard is a game named after the London police headquarters and pays tribute to the legendary British detective stories. The field depicts a map of central London; at the very beginning, players choose a criminal by drawing lots, who puts a cap on his head to hide his eyes. The rest are policemen who will catch the robber. He, unlike his pursuers, walks “secretly,” writing down his moves on a sheet of paper, but not showing it to others. Once every 5 turns he reveals his location. The police must work together to corner the criminal.

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 2–10
  • Age: 7+

“Uno” is a sophisticated version of the 1990s summer camp hit “One Hundred and One.” The game, whose name translates to "One" in Italian and Spanish, was invented in the 1970s, and there are almost no board game enthusiasts who don't know about it. The deck consists of 108 cards, divided by color and number from zero to nine. In addition to these, there are other cards that change the color that is in the game, the direction of moves, or allow players to exchange decks with any other participant. The point is to get rid of all the cards by shouting “Uno” when there is only one left in your hands. After one player wins, the others count the points. Each company sets its own threshold (for example, 400 points), after which the participant leaves the party, having suffered defeat. Experienced players suggest: to add some madness to the process, you can agree not to slow down and play as quickly as possible. If you hesitate, you pass the move to the next one.

  • Classic: 2
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 4–8
  • Age: 6+

"Activity" is not much different from "Elias", but this game cannot be ignored, because some people like it much more than its main competitor. Players quickly explain words to their team: with a drawing, pantomime or synonyms - depending on what was rolled. The task is to be the first to score a certain number of points. You can choose the difficulty of the task: if the team is ready for the test and successfully wins it, then it moves towards victory, accordingly, faster.

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 5
  • Duration: 5
  • Number of players: 3–4
  • Age: 12+

Of all the classic board games, the German game "Colonizers" perhaps has the most difficult rules. Usually it takes hours to understand them, but the time spent pays off later: this is a real military-economic strategy, exciting and fascinating. The players’ task, as you might guess from the description, is to create a colony on the island of Catan and develop it faster than their opponents, gaining twelve victory points. Having one of five resources - wood, bricks, wool, grain or ore - you need to create roads, cities or settlements. You also need to think about the length of these roads and the ability of cities to defend. Everything is like in legendary computer games like “Cossacks”, only on your table.

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 1
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 2–4
  • Age: 5+

Yes, this is a game about how to hug a girl you like around the waist, without having the right to do so in any other situation. This is also the only floor game on the list. Well, who doesn't love Twister? The game, by the way, was not at all popular among Americans until American actress and sex symbol Eva Gabor played it with the TV show host on the evening show.

  • Classic: 2
  • Complexity: 1
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: not limited
  • Age: 18+

The American bestseller Cards Against Humanity was invented by graduates of a regular school in Illinois. The essence of the game is to answer rather funny and sometimes indecent questions as funny as possible or to fill in the gaps in sentences with wit. The driver chooses the funniest answer, and the player who showed a remarkable sense of humor gets one point. As a rule, the most bloodthirsty one wins, because in the USA, where tolerance is the main basis of social relations, this game is the only way to joke about blacks, Jews, Barack Obama and women. The Russian producers of the game have finally made a version in which there are no Americanisms, replacing popular US characters with the same Russians: Philip Kirkorov, Lev Leshchenko and so on. On the official website of the game, the developers offer approximately the following options: “No one can imagine that Lev Leshchenko’s favorite hobby is Baltika 9.” Cards Against Everyone is not recommended for anyone under eighteen years of age to play.

  • Classic: 3
  • Complexity: 2
  • Duration: 1
  • Number of players: 2–15
  • Age: 7+

This game is loved all over the world for the surge of emotions and adrenaline that it gives. The idea is extremely simple: participants gradually reveal their cards and, under certain conditions and coincidences, must be the first to grab the totem standing in the middle of the table. The game perfectly trains attentiveness and reaction, and at the end of the process, half of the players' eyes twitch: each game is tense and exciting.

  • Classic: 1
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 4
  • Number of players: 2–4
  • Age: 12+

The game "Evolution" was invented by Russian biologist Dmitry Knorre in 2010 and has already been republished in English, French and German. The logical strategy is built on the principles of Darwinian theory: during a move, participants choose which features they want to add to an existing species. It is also worth paying attention to food and external conditions. The game lasts until there are cards left in the common deck, and the winner is the one who scores the most points.

When we talk about children, thoughts about active pastime, entertainment, and fun come to mind. The best vacation for children is to spend time outside, with friends, especially at the age of 10-12 years, when the child already has permanent friends and his own company. But sometimes something can prevent children from actively playing outdoors, for example, weather conditions or illnesses of children. In such cases, board logic or educational games are very necessary.

Logic games are very interesting and useful; they develop thinking, logic and many other skills. Some of them are especially popular, including the following educational and educational games:

  1. "Monopoly"
  2. "Jenga"
  3. "Dobble"
  4. "Activity"

Jenga is a fairly interesting and exciting board game, better known as The Leaning Tower. The rules are not difficult to master, especially for children over 10 years old. Wooden blocks are placed one on top of the other in the form of a tower; each new row the direction of the blocks must be changed. When the tower is ready, players take turns pulling out pieces of wood from the bottom and placing them on top. No special skills are needed here, but patience and perseverance will come in handy.

What is the secret of victory?

When pulling out a block, you need to think carefully about which block to pull out and in which direction to put it so that the tower remains intact. The loser is the one who could not maintain the integrity of the tower.

As for the tower, its height depends on the professionalism and excitement of the children. Many people try to build real skyscrapers just for fun, and some, having experience in the game, do it automatically.

Game for children Jenga Play the game Build a tower from wooden blocks

Beneficial features

The usefulness of this game lies in:

  • Development of fine motor skills in children;
  • Accelerating the child's intellectual development;
  • Spatial and architectural thinking develops;
  • Creates a real team spirit among players;
  • Suitable for play from ages 10 and up. Will be an interesting activity for children and parents;
  • Develops the child's logical skills.

The game is not overloaded with gadgets. It includes 54 bars, shapes and very simple teaching rules.

Jenga is very popular with children and adults. Its rules are very simple for a child. Playing it with the whole family, parents and children become closer, spend time together, learn to help and trust each other. This is a logic game that is best played from 10-12 years old; a younger child will quickly get tired of such entertainment.


There is probably not a person in the world who does not know about the game Monopoly. This is the most popular board game in the world, which includes educational and developmental elements. Monopoly has earned a good rating among players. It is based on various types of financial transactions such as: buying and selling land, obtaining loans, loans, paying taxes.

Also, during the process, accidents may occur that are impossible to foresee, this creates even greater interest in the game. The rules of Monopoly are not difficult to master, but you need to choose your own tactics. Of course, no special skills are needed here, but some logical thinking will come in handy.

Board game for children “Monopoly Junior.”

Secret of success

Of course, like in any other game, to win Monopoly you need a lot of luck, but here it won’t be enough. To achieve victory, you need to be able to anticipate possible situations and manage resources correctly. Didactic prudence will come in handy.

It is Monopoly, one might say, that has raised many successful people who have achieved great success in business. While playing, the child begins to understand the basic properties of money. “Monopoly” makes it clear that if the money is in the safe, there will be no more of it, but if you put it into action, it will begin to work and multiply.

Of course, you can’t invest in any business you like, and “Monopoly” teaches you to think through the course of action, calculate profits and the possible success of the company. "Monopoly" is ahead of many logic games; if you look at the rating, it will be among the first.

Game set

The game is sold in a classic cardboard box, like most other board games. The kit also includes: a stand for banknotes and cards, rules where all the features of the gameplay are described in detail, and a playing field.

“Monopoly is not only a useful activity, but also very exciting. No wonder it occupies a leading position in the board games market. Children from 10-12 years old play with great pleasure, captivating their parents. This is a board game for all generations. “Monopoly” is an excellent gift for a child, which will help develop mathematical abilities, logical skills, teach children to act in a team, think several steps ahead, and most importantly, the child will begin to understand what money is and how to handle it.


Activity is a team game, the point of which is to guess words, for which the team receives points. "Activity" has a format for children and adults. The children's game has an interesting design and a lighter set of words that are familiar to children 10-12 years old and older. The child can explain the meaning of words using drawings, oral explanations, and pantomime.

The game is attended by from 2 to 4 teams, with a composition of at least 2 people. There are very interesting words collected here, guessing which has fun and educational elements. "Activity" is a game for children from 10 years old, when children already have some logical skills, and all educational elements are easily learned.

Board game Activity for children

Progress of the game

The rules are that each team is given cards with a hidden word, one player explains this word to his team, which must guess it in just 1 minute. Time is counted using an hourglass. The card shows the points that players receive for guessing the word correctly.

The number of points received, the number of steps forward the team takes. Each cell on the playing field shows how the word should be explained. Players should include acting skills and will also need pencils and paper.

During the game, the children learn to act together and maintain team spirit. During the explanation, they develop creative abilities, learn to formulate their thoughts, and select synonyms. The rules are learned very quickly.

What does the game set consist of:

  1. Field for the game;
  2. 330 cards with hidden words;
  3. 4 chips of different colors;
  4. Hourglass;

"Activity" is a game that is loved by millions of families around the world. If a child is interested in logical tasks, and parents are interested in developmental functions, then “Activity” is ideal, because children think about how best to explain a word so that it is as clear as possible for the team. Also, the child will be able to expand his vocabulary, get used to speaking in front of an audience, feel like part of a team, and learn to think quickly and make decisions. For children over 10 years old, the rules will be very simple.


“Dobble” is a didactic board game with exciting gameplay that will become a favorite activity for a child over 6 years old. For parents who are interested in educational and developmental games, Dobble will be a godsend.
It includes a bright round book with rules and cards with pictures (55 pieces).

The creators offer you to choose from five options for organizing the gameplay that is suitable for you. But no one forbids you to come up with and add your own options, i.e. we can say that you can play Dobble the way you want, adhering to the basic rules.

The first variation of the game “Build a tower”

One closed card is placed in front of the players, the rest are placed in the center open. Participants turn their cards over and compare the pictures on their card and the one on top of the “deck”. If one picture matches, you need to quickly report this and grab the card, opening the next one. The end comes when all the pictures are sorted out, and the one who remains with the most cards wins.

Second variation “Well”

In this version, everything happens the other way around. The players are dealt all the cards, face up, and the last one is placed in the center. Turning over his deck of cards, the player must find a match with the central card, quickly name it and throw his card onto the central one. The loser is the one who got rid of the playing cards later than everyone else.

Dobble is played not only by children, but also by adults. And if with children the game is slower, because the child does not have such a quick reaction, then in an adult game everything is decided in a split second. You just need to have time to grab or throw away cards.

Experienced players advise not to remove your hand from the deck, but when you see identical pictures, grab them first, and only then shout.

"Dobble" has many advantages, which include:

  • Compactness;
  • Easy and understandable rules for children over 6 years old;
  • The ability to choose your own gameplay option;
  • Can be played by 2 to 8 people;
  • “Dobble” will be interesting for both children and adults;
  • Develops logical abilities.

“Dobble” will be great entertainment for a large company or for a family evening. Educational functions will help in the development of the child. By playing it, children develop reaction, attentiveness, memory, fine motor skills, learn new signs and words, and logical skills. Despite the fact that the game is a board game, the gameplay is quite active and, at times, noisy.

Players can have a lot of fun and relax at the same time. Having tried it once, it is no longer possible to forget about the emotions that “Dobble” delivers; you want to plunge into this atmosphere of fun and carefree again and again. It has a high rating according to reviews from parents and children.

Board game “Dobble”

Parents are constantly choosing which board games to buy for their children. This is an important issue, because board games for children and youth should not only entertain, but also educate. During the gameplay, the younger generation develops the ability to work in a team, defend their interests, wisely manage resources and calculate actions several steps ahead.

In this list of the most popular board games in the world for children, you need to remember , , and , which have already been written about a lot, including on our website. Therefore, within the framework of this review, it makes sense to talk about other, no less interesting and useful, although not so well-known board games. And if this doesn’t seem enough, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with

Big Adventure

Everyone remembers their childhood and cozy and simple games - adventure games. They were always fun to play with parents and friends. Big Adventure will allow you to indulge in these bright memories and share them with the new generation of your family.

Everything in the game is extremely simple: you take a die, roll it, and then move your character around the field. At the same time, there are many fun tasks and complications on the playing field. Players can, for example, get into a teleport and move ten steps forward, ahead of everyone else, or they can, on the contrary, find themselves behind everyone. Each participant also has a small supply of coins. They can be spent in Joe's magic shop, buying all kinds of magical paraphernalia.

The player can land on a square with a chest and draw a “good” or “bad” card for himself. It all depends on how successful the throw was, and which particular chest was depicted on the field. “Good” cards bring pleasant bonuses in the form of coins and movement forward, but “bad” cards force you to retreat back or give advantages to other players.

The Big Adventure does not contain rules - just imagine! It will be pleasant, easy and fun to play even for novice players.

Sticky Chameleons

If there's a game that will make kids laugh like crazy and adults laugh like kids, it's Sticky Chameleons. Still would! After all, this is a game of speed and attentiveness, where each player has a sticky slime-tongue with which they need to grab cardboard butterflies, dragonflies and other buzzers from the table.

Sticky Chameleons is very easy to play. We roll 2 dice. One identifies the type of insect, and the other shows its color. At that very second, the hunt begins: each participant strives to slap the desired insect faster than other players and stick it to his tongue. But slapping your tongue on the table indiscriminately is dangerous, because wasps are also scattered among the common insects. They must be avoided, otherwise they will sting.

Sticky Chameleons is the same fun and gambling game in which there will be no winners and losers, because few people will actually pay attention to the scoring in the process. Much more important is the joy that each new game will bring!

Lord of Tokyo

Agree, at least once in our lives each of us asked the question - who is stronger: Godzilla or King Kong? It is possible to resolve this complex philosophical dilemma. You just need to play the fun and exciting game Master of Tokyo.

Each participant here becomes a huge monster who dreams of ruling the city alone. There can be from two to six monsters, and there is only one Tokyo, so a frantic epic battle begins from the very first moves.

The battle takes place on special black cubes. The dropped combinations allow you to perform various actions. Deal damage to other monsters, heal yourself, collect victory points or accumulate energy. In the fight for Tokyo's crown, all means are good. You can upgrade your character by purchasing a new ability for him on the general market. What to do and how much to risk in each move is up to the player to decide.

The Lord of Tokyo has been delighting board game lovers around the world for almost 10 years. The game has earned the highest positions in world rankings for its bright design and stormy, but at the same time simple, mechanics. It was created by one of the most talented game designers in the world, Richard Garfield, the author of the famous collectible game Magic: The Gathering. Do you feel the scale and hand of the master? This is a fun and noisy battle that is equally enjoyed by both adults and children over 8 years old. And for those who find the basic box not enough, the Overlord of Tokyo: Recharging add-on is provided.

Cat's Paw and Doggies, Go! - high-speed puzzles with cute kittens and serious dogs that will help adults and children aged 7 years and older have fun and usefully spend time.

The cute box with the Cat's Paw game hides a lot of cute hexagonal-shaped cats and a set of tasks with different levels of difficulty. The task seems to be simple. You need to arrange the cats as shown on the task card. In reality, everything is much more cunning, because each cat sleeps on one side and is awake on the other. These are similar at first glance, but upon closer examination they are completely different pictures. The player needs to be very careful to place the kitten on the right side and the right side according to his task, and be faster than his opponents!

Doggies, go! - a game about circus dogs that need to be placed in place. They, like cats, are hexagonal and have a muzzle on one side and a tail on the other.

The players' task does not change; they need to quickly place everyone in their places without making a mistake. The difference is that players can complete any task that is laid out in front of them.

Both games are beautifully designed and would make wonderful, inexpensive gifts. An additional advantage for the most diligent children is the opportunity to play them alone, putting together the most difficult tasks, like a puzzle.

Three piglets

For children over 7 years old, the game Three Little Pigs can be a wonderful gift. Everything in it is like a fairy tale: there is a wolf, piglets and houses of brick, straw and wood that need to be built.

Construction is carried out using cute pink cubes, on the edges of each of which windows, doors, roofs of houses, and sometimes a wolf are depicted.

The player rolls five dice and chooses the results that he likes the most. The remaining dice can be re-rolled twice more. Immediately after this, construction of the house begins. The more identical values ​​rolled on the dice, the greater the chances of building the strongest house.

The wolf on the edge of the cube helps to blow away the houses of other players. To do this, just blow on the arrow and, after scrolling several times, it will point to the desired house. The one who succeeds in construction more than others wins the game.

Chicken Run

This is an exciting board game for children 2-3 years old, for whom activity and constant movement are important. The set includes a chicken coop, one cube with colored sides and a set of small chicken figures. The chickens are divided equally between the participants and the game begins.

Before starting the game, you need to click on the chicken coop so that it “sits down.” Each player places three chickens in front of him and rolls the first dice. If the shade of the cube matches the color of one of the chickens (out of three on display), then it is thrown into the chicken coop. The move moves on. From time to time the chicken coop “bounces” and the chickens fly away.

Players catch 2-3 chickens each, and the rest are considered to have escaped. The winner is the participant who was the first to throw all his chickens into the chicken coop - he saved them and they escaped. Children develop fine motor skills, and the chaos they love reigns around. This is one of the best board games for little ones.

Turtle races

Children under 7 years old will like it, and maybe a little older. The playing field consists of 10 cells along which the turtles run to the cabbage. The peculiarity of the game is that no one knows where whose turtle is - the races take place anonymously. Before the start, players draw a card with the turtle's color and keep it secret until the end of the race. A cool board game for the whole family will not take much time, but will bring genuine pleasure to the child.

The remaining cards are divided equally between the participants - they are also the colors of turtles. The participant can only move the turtle whose color is currently declared. But it can be moved both forward and backward, according to the player’s decision. There are special cards that give you the right to make a double move or control any turtle.

Popular board card games that will captivate children of any age, starting from 5 years old. In a distant land, beautiful queens sleep, as many as 12 of them. And the royal warriors must free them from a hundred years of sleep. But on the way they meet knights, merchants, and jesters.

The player wins when he collects 5 beautiful awakened dormouse or the highest number of points. Cards can be replaced and discarded, but only the king can wake up the queen. Children really like this game, because a six-year-old girl came up with it when she didn’t want to fall asleep. Many parents don't think about what popular board games there are, and that they can be very simple.

Popular games for 10-year-old children should be dynamic and exciting. The game is designed for four 2-4 players who must collect as many treasures as possible in the maze and return to the starting point. But here’s the catch: every turn the labyrinth changes, and tasks appear in an unknown sequence.

The set includes a playing field with glued-on (unchangeable) parts of the maze, as well as a set of cards with changeable parts. They are laid out before the start of the game in random order to create a labyrinth. One card is always extra - with its help changes are made.

Each player only knows their own goal, so it's fun to watch them intentionally or unintentionally interfere with each other. And the next task remains unknown. A game for children aged 10 years with simple game mechanics and an intricate plot will bring children many hours of fun, because it simply cannot get boring.

Here you need to carefully think through every move, so it is included in the best logic board games for children under 10 years old.


The rating of board games for children includes options with simple game mechanics, where the plot develops based on the interaction of players. These are games for children 10 years old in summer camp or just in the company of friends.

The series of games includes versions with various thematic tasks that will entertain children and distract them from pranks. Interesting board games from this series consist of hard cards made of high-quality material, enclosed in a beautiful box.

The player draws a card and reads the story. To the other players, he reads only the part of the story printed in bold. They must, by asking leading questions, guess the hidden part. The leader (player with the card) can only answer yes or no.

Players must fight for the right to become the personal consul of Gaius Julius Caesar. To do this, they will have to mobilize all their strength. Connect available resources and complete tasks. Like all board games for young people (teenagers), Augustus is endowed with a complex plot, clear game mechanics and a high level of player interaction.

You can play popular children's board games with the whole family - everyone will be interested in showing off their strategist skills. The game is equipped with task cards, legionnaires (personal army), reward tokens and much more. The game has a competitive element, which further fuels the excitement.

Board games for kids who don't like to lose

There is a category of children (especially if they are preschoolers) who are sensitive to losing. However, if they win, they also perceive this fact quite violently. Below are the funniest and most fun entertaining board games for team play for active and overly active children of different ages.

A popular Russian board game that even the youngest participants (from 5 years old) will enjoy playing. The plot is quite simple - the team catches the Tricky Fox. Who stole a delicious pie and runs away with it into his hole.

Players will need to look at suspects, collect evidence and find the criminal before he escapes. A fun game where participants join forces against a common enemy and learn to work as a team.


A team of detectives arrives at a dark medieval castle. It is necessary to unravel the circumstances of the mysterious murder and free the unfortunate ghost, who has been languishing in prison for hundreds of years.

20 Feb 2014 14:56

Viewed: 6595 times

There is an opinion in society that the vast majority of girls are not able to become interested in board games. But if you look around, there are many representatives of the fair sex who do not just play “for the company”, but show an active interest in games, initiate gaming meetings themselves and often ask to play specific games. Why did such an erroneous opinion arise? Maybe there are special board games for girls that only they understand?

Children's board games for girls

As children, girls play the same board games as boys. Moreover, they love to play together. But there are still games that girls especially like, due to some specific features of little female nature. Of course, these are games about fairy tales, about princesses, fairies and sorceresses, gnomes, giants and knights. After all, every girl wants to be a beautiful and charming mistress of a castle or a kind mistress of the magical elements, ride a shining unicorn or go to a magical forest with gnomes... These can also be games about various animals, funny pets or unprecedented fairy-tale animals.

Games for girls of this age are not very complex or have an intricate plot. But they are colorful and kind. These games evoke magical pictures of unseen lands in children's imaginations and make them believe in miracles and the victory of good over evil.

Examples of such games include:

Board games for girls

Board games for teenage girls are much more diverse. They may overlap in many ways with games for boys or even be common, but they contain the gentleness and kindness inherent in the better half of humanity. You'll rarely see a girl passionately playing wargames, but it's much easier to see a women's circle having a magical card duel. The gaming interests of girls at this age are often influenced by the communication environment, the opinions of peers, or books and cult films popular among young people. Also, one should not discount increased curiosity and independence, which force inquisitive minds to look for new applications for their strengths and reach new heights of knowledge. There are several thematic areas and genres of games that girls in adolescence are interested in:

  1. Games based on curiosity. These are games about travel and adventure in unprecedented countries or, conversely, about world-famous places. For example, the game “7 Wonders (7 Wonders of the World)”.
  2. Games based on literary and film works that are iconic among young people. Vivid examples are the games "

Board games are a worthy alternative to modern gadgets. Contrary to misconception, they not only have an entertaining purpose, but depending on the variety, they can also include educational and educational elements. Unlike the Internet and television, where in most cases a child passively receives information and runs the risk of becoming addicted, board games offer useful leisure time both alone and in the company of friends or family. There are a lot of options on sale, so we suggest you familiarize yourself with the rating of the best board games for children of different age categories.

The best board games for children 2-3 years old

Children aged 2-3 years begin to actively explore everything around them. Everything is new to them - animals, numbers, shapes, etc. The board games presented in this category will help parents make their children’s acquaintance with the world around them exciting and informative.

4 Icoy toys Adventures of the ball

A fun skill game
Country: China
Average price: 1490 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

A fairly simple, but at the same time exciting game that children over two years old will enjoy. You can play alone or in the company of friends, and make the task more difficult by setting a timer. The essence of the game is to control the ball using levers, moving it through the maze on the playing field. The winner is the one who completed the task faster without ever dropping the ball from the playing field.

In addition to having fun, this game develops fine motor skills, dexterity, accuracy, and coordination of movements. Parents speak very well of it; they consider its main advantage to be that children do not get bored with it - they are ready to play it every day for several hours in a row. There are also no complaints about the quality of the game - the plastic is durable, small parts do not break even with daily use.

3 Chicken Run

The most fun game
Country Russia
Average price: 959 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Chicken Run is a fun and simple game for children ages 3 and up. The game is aimed at developing fine motor skills and concentration. During the game, the child learns to coordinate complex chains of actions and has a fun time. The chicken coop suddenly jumps, after which 36 chickens of different colors try to escape. Children squeal in surprise, laugh and again and again send chickens to the chicken coop to see how they will jump out - users share in reviews.

The game involves from 2 to 4 people, the game takes on average 5-10 minutes. All chickens are divided between the players, after which each participant chooses three chickens and places them near the cube. Next, you need to click on the chicken coop so that it begins to slowly prepare to jump. At this time, players take turns throwing dice with different colored faces. If the color drawn matches the color of the chickens on display, they are sent to the chicken coop, and others are chosen to take their place. When the coop bounces, the chickens in it will fly away. Your goal is to catch those running away. The winner is the player who was able to help all his chickens escape by throwing them into the chicken coop.

2 Dobble

Developmental. Find commonality
Country Russia
Average price: 1,190 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The board game Dobble “Numbers and Shapes” is intended for children aged 3 years and older. This is an educational card game that is suitable for friendly and family confrontation. This variety is an adapted children's version of the legendary game Dobble, which has become so popular among users. The peculiarity lies in the combination of entertaining and educational orientation. During the game, kids will learn to distinguish geometric shapes, numbers and colors.

The game usually takes no more than 10 minutes. The game can involve either one player or five opponents. The round cards of the game depict figures and numbers of different colors. And each of the cards always has only one common feature: a number or geometric figure of the same color. The player's task is to find this similarity as quickly as possible.

How to choose a board game for a child?

How to choose a board game - we turned to child psychologists with this question. Here's what experts advise you to pay attention to:

  • Age. All board games are marked on the packaging and/or instructions indicating the age group for which they are intended. Psychologists recommend not to lose sight of this aspect, however, do not forget about the appropriateness of the child’s age to his development, so that the chosen game is truly relevant.
  • Variety. Intellectual games include games of a strategic and logical nature - “Carcassonne”, “Cluedo”, “Ticke to ride”, etc. In this case, the victory is won by the player who managed to calculate the next moves and surpassed the opponent. In board games of the gambling type, the outcome depends largely on luck - “Turtle Races”, “Uno”, etc. In games that test physical abilities, the victory is awarded to the most attentive, dexterous and quickly reacting player (“Jenga”, “Table Football”). Games with communicative overtones (“Activity”, “Imaginarium”, etc.) help to establish friendly contact and overcome embarrassment.
  • Purpose. Board games can be intended for single use, for two opponents, family pastime and for a friendly company. In addition, some manufacturers offer gender-divided games for boys and girls. Traditionally, military and automotive themes predominate for boys, while doll and animal themes predominate for girls.

1 Puzzle "Jungle"

Meeting animals for little ones
Country Russia
Average price: 599 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The “Jungle” floor puzzle is a fun and educational game for children aged 2 years and older, which promotes the development of sensory skills, attention and associative thinking. 34 elements of various shapes are complemented by 8 animal game pieces. This puzzle will appeal to kids and their parents, allowing them to have fun together. While collecting pictures, the child gets acquainted with the animals living in the jungle. Users in the reviews note that a great advantage is the large size of the elements, which allows you to carefully examine the inhabitants of the jungle, talk with your child about the features of the appearance of the animals, their coloring and character.

Compared to tabletop puzzles, floor puzzles definitely win, since children at the age of two are more willing to move during the game, and it is still quite difficult for them to concentrate for a long time while sitting at a table. All you need is to connect the elements correctly to get a complete image, which can later be hung on the wall as a picture, after gluing the puzzles together.

The best board games for children 4-5 years old

4-5 years is the very age when children are incredibly active and inquisitive. The board games presented below will help you channel your energy into a peaceful direction. Among them are the most famous and beloved games that have received the greatest number of positive reviews from parents and children.

4 Piatnik Tick Tock Boom

Largest number of players
Country: Austria
Average price: 1399 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

An exciting board game that can be played simultaneously by up to 12 participants. The set includes 55 cards and a bomb that is activated by pressing a button. The participant in the game must name a word related to what is shown or written on the card. If he thinks too long, the bomb will “explode.” The winner is the one whose bomb explodes least often.

The game helps not only to have fun, but also to develop intelligence, expand your vocabulary, and learn to think faster. The game is fully adapted for children from four years old - all the tasks are very simple. There are a lot of reviews about the game and they are all very good. Parents enjoy playing it with their children.

3 Hungry hippos

Best Road Game
Country: USA
Average price: 513 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

"Hungry Hippos" is the best travel game, according to parents. The exciting game is designed for two players, starting from 4 years of age. This is a compact version of the original game that is convenient to take with you on the road. Catching balls is suitable for friendly and family confrontations, develops accuracy and improves concentration. As users note in reviews, they want to play again and again. Each batch is approximately 5 minutes. All parts are stored inside, so you don't have to worry about the balls getting lost.

The heroes of the game, hippos Vega and Glutton, try to catch the balls using levers. The only negative is that for more accurate fishing you need a flat surface, so when traveling by train or on an airplane, feeding hippos will be convenient, but playing while traveling by car will be difficult.

2 Turtle races

A simple and well-made “walker”
Country Russia
Average price: 890 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Turtle Races" is a board game of the "adventure" subtype. This is an educational game that has received a lot of reviews. Users point out the advantages of high-quality cutting of tokens, high-quality printing and thick paper. This is a simple and calm game that can captivate a child for a relatively long time. Intended for children aged 4 years and older, designed for 2-5 players. The game lasts about 20 minutes.

The goal of the game is to bring your turtle to the cabbage field. The turtle chip, in pursuit of the cabbage, moves in accordance with the drawn cards. A feature that makes the game more interesting is that movement is possible not only forward, but also backward. In addition, turtles love to ride on the shells of their girlfriends. The playing field is presented in 10 steps, thanks to which the child does not have time to get bored with the game.

1 Table football

Most popular game
Country: China
Average price: 5490 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The legendary table football (kicker) is a game loved by many generations, as evidenced by the survey. The optimal age of players is from 5 years. The uniqueness of the game lies in the gambling confrontation that develops dexterity, reaction speed, the ability to concentrate and quickly make decisions. This is a great gift for children that adults will not remain indifferent to.

Sports game represents a football field on footrests with handles for controlling football players. Figures rotating 360 degrees, the presence of mechanical goal counters, durable materials (wood), three additional balls - all these advantages are mentioned in user reviews. Due to the fact that the table is foldable, it is easy to transport and store.

The best board games for children 6-7 years old

At the age of 6-7 years, children demonstrate intelligence, rich imagination and improved coordination. The most active and sociable people will enjoy the following board games, the positive reviews of which are shared not only by our users, but also by experts.

4 Ravensburger Crazy Maze

Thinking game
Country: Czech Republic
Average price: 1690 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

A very interesting game designed for 2-4 children aged seven years and older. The rules are very simple, understandable the first time. This is a spatial reasoning game in which children play as ghosts as they wander through the labyrinth of an abandoned castle in search of treasure. During the game, the field is constantly changing, as participants can move walls and corridors to make way for a piece. The task of each player is to collect as many treasures as possible and be the first to return back. The beauty of the game is that children don’t get bored with it – it only gets more interesting with each move. The game lasts about half an hour.

From a psychological point of view, a board game is very useful for developing thinking and reaction speed. She teaches you to think through moves in advance and develop a strategy. Judging by the reviews, sometimes parents play it even without their children. It is impossible to find fault with the quality of workmanship - the cardboard is very thick, high quality, and the packaging is decent.

3 Uno

Best price. Excitement and fun
Country: USA
Average price: 416 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

“Uno” is the most budget game presented in the rating, but no less exciting. This card board game involves 2 to 10 players aged 7 years and older. The game takes no more than 20 minutes. In Russia the game is better known as “One Hundred and One”. As the reviews say, this is a great solution for a party - excitement, enthusiasm and fun!

At the beginning of the game, each player receives 7 cards. The point of the game is to get rid of cards. The top card of the remaining deck becomes the starting point. The movement occurs clockwise. Players must report from their cards the one that will match the top one at that time in color or picture. Having gotten rid of the penultimate card, the player must shout “Uno!”, otherwise he will be fined - an additional 4 cards from the deck. When someone has discarded all the cards, the round ends and scoring begins for those who still have cards in their hands. Data is being recorded. The game is played over several rounds until someone reaches a total of 500 points, so the one with the fewest points wins.

2 Jenga

For the most dexterous and neat. Bestseller all over the world
Country: USA
Average price: 1,250 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The board game Jenga is incredibly popular all over the world. The peculiarity of the game is that it remains interesting both during single construction and when building a tower with a large friendly company. This game develops fine motor skills, accuracy, balance, quick reaction and stress resistance. You can build a tower at home, in nature, or take it with you on a visit, without worrying about the blocks getting lost or broken.

The rules of the game are extremely simple - after a tower of 54 elements is built, players take turns taking out blocks one at a time, as well as adding upper tiers. The game ends with the collapse of the tower; the loser is the one whose actions led to the fall of the building. If the tower is partially destroyed, the players can continue the game at their request.

1 Imaginarium

The best association game. Development of imagination
Country Russia
Average price: 1,750 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

"Imaginarium" is an associative board game for children from 6 years old, in which from 3 to 7 people participate. Experts consider the game extremely useful for children, as it is aimed at developing imagination and logical thinking, expanding the associative range and improving communication skills. On the playing field, each player is designated by an elephant chip. One person acts as a presenter who explains to others his associations in relation to the drawn card. The right of the leader is transferred to the next player in the circle, so all participants are equally involved.

The peculiarity is that players choose from their cards the one that best matches the descriptions of the presenter. The latter reports the map he explained. The cards are shuffled and numbered, and after choosing from them, everyone votes for the card that they think belonged to the leader. Depending on whether the participant guessed correctly or not, and whether someone else preferred his card, he remains in place, steps back, or moves a few squares forward. There was also room on the map for additional fields, upon entering which the presenter must, for example, come up with an association of 5 words, associate it with a brand, or make a description based on a film.

The best board games for children over 8 years old

For schoolchildren, the combination of the entertaining and educational nature of board games is especially important. A dry presentation of knowledge leaves them indifferent, but a veiled educational message, be it the study of fractions or simply games for the development of logic and strategic thinking, will be received by them with a bang, as evidenced by reviews.

4 Pest Gnomes

Simple but fun game
Country: Belgium
Average price: 1270 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

This game is a kind of analogue of the mafia, but more intense and varied. Suitable for children over eight years old and adults, up to 12 players can participate at the same time, and the game lasts about half an hour. In the game there are “good” and “bad”, between whom there is a struggle for gold. The gnomes plot intrigues for the other characters, preventing them from expanding the passages and looking for gold. The winner is the one who collects the most gold nuggets.

The game is packaged in a reliable and beautiful tin box, so it can be considered as a gift option. Includes a set of game board, action, gnome and gold digger cards. This role-playing strategy game will help develop thinking and intelligence. It is not too difficult for children and at the same time very exciting.

3 Erudite

The most intelligent. Vocabulary expansion
Country Russia
Average price: 1050 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

“Erudite” is a game that you have probably already heard about more than once. Alternate name for Scrabble and Words. This is an educational board game based on players making words from letter chips. Experts recommend the game for children to expand their vocabulary and develop logical thinking.

This game will be interesting for children from 8 years old. It is also often played with friends or at family gatherings. Giving in to excitement, adults sometimes find themselves even more involved in the process than children. Next to each letter there is a number - the number of points that is awarded to the player for using this chip. In addition, there are additional tricks on the playing field itself - multiplying points, adding extra points, etc., which makes the game more interesting.

2 Carcassonne

Strategic game of conquest
Country Russia
Average price: 1290 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The strategic and economic board game "Carcassonne" involves the step-by-step collection of the playing field and the subsequent placement of chips of your subjects on it. Depending on what terrain the piece is placed on, it will become a knight, peasant, monk or robber. A special feature is the tactical component of the gameplay. To win, you need to think through the possible moves of other players and correctly set priorities, for example, completing your facility or blocking your opponent’s path.

Terrain squares must fit together exactly, for example, fields with fields, roads with roads. As you approach the end of the game, the tension increases, because there are fewer and fewer possible options for the development of events, as well as playing pieces. This game is perfect for children aged 8 years and older, helping them build chains of actions and develop strategic thinking. Victory remains with the one who at the end received the most points for his constructed objects.

1 Delissimo

The best math game. Relaxed learning
Country Russia
Average price: 790 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

"Delissimo" was recognized as the best game with a mathematical bias. Being logical and educational, it is relevant not only from the point of view of entertainment, but also of education. “It’s never been easier to teach your child about fractions!” – parents share enthusiastically. The child gets acquainted with fractions and fractions, mastering their features in a fun and relaxed way while delivering pizza.

Reviews emphasize that the game cards are made of thick cardboard. A big plus, according to buyers, is the colorfulness and dynamism. The game is divided into three difficulty levels according to age (from 5, 8 and 10 years), so it remains relevant for many years. Each batch takes 15 to 20 minutes. The players' task is to collect the order of a visitor to an Italian restaurant, composing pizzas in accordance with the list of ingredients and their quantities, which are indicated in fractions and fractions. Soon your child will be cracking fractions like nuts, and the included game-style posters will help reinforce the material visually.

The best board games for the whole family

If you are puzzled about how to spend a celebration or family evening, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of the most interesting board games that will brighten up your leisure time with enthusiasm. The peculiarity of the games below is that they are designed for a large number of players, including children and adults. In a word, no one will be left behind.

4 Monopoly

Famous financial game
Country: Ireland
Average price: 1779 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

For many years, classic Monopoly has remained one of the most favorite games of growing children and adults. In this game, everyone can feel like a real businessman, investing money, purchasing property, and concluding deals. Up to eight people can play at the same time, so it is perfect even for a large family, as well as a group of children or adults.

The game is not only exciting, but also useful. It helps children develop logical, strategic thinking and attentiveness. Parents write that time flies when playing. The only drawback is that restless children do not have enough patience for it, since one game can last quite a long time. Otherwise, this is a classic that needs no comment.

3 Tickets to Ride

The best strategy. Travel game
Country Russia
Average price: 2,990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

“Train Ticket” is an exciting board game in the travel genre for the whole family. Suitable for adults and children from 8 years old. The game teaches you to think consistently, apply tactics and tricks. During the adventure, you can learn a lot about the structure of the railway, as well as consolidate your knowledge of geography. The batch can take from half an hour to an hour.

Throughout the game, participants (2-5 people) enthusiastically move around the map, showing strategic skills. The participants' task is to get as many points as possible, which are given for completing missions and building routes using plastic trailers and stations. Success depends on the chosen strategy. The element of luck is present, but less pronounced than in games with dice.

2 Cluedo

Detective game with a fascinating plot
Country: USA
Average price: 1730 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Cluedo" is a classic detective board game for adult children aged 8 years and older. The game, designed for 3-6 players, is a simulation of a murder investigation. The playing field looks like the plan of a country house. The goal is to find out who, where and how killed the owner of the mansion. Each of the participating players is under suspicion. The number of possible combinations is amazing - more than 324, so the game is absolutely unpredictable and mysterious every time, and certainly will not get boring.

Players move through the cells, scattering around the house, making assumptions about who committed the crime, with what help, and in which room. The decks of intrigue and rumors are designed to inspire thoughts. The one who is the first to give correct answers to the questions posed becomes the winner.

1 Activities

The most popular. Dynamic, team
Country: Austria
Average price: 1,990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The most popular game for family pastime is “Activity”. This board game is known all over the world. Users fell in love with it due to its simplicity, fun and dynamism. A big plus is the ability to involve a large number of people. It can be played by 3 to 16 people at the same time. That's why this game is so popular at parties and family gatherings.

Participants need to divide into teams. There are chips on the playing field that move towards the finish line if the team, using facial expressions, gestures and drawings, can explain the word specified in the task. As users note, time flies with the game - active movements, fun and loud laughter are guaranteed!

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