How to light a portal to heaven. Required materials for creating a portal. Going on a trip to the moon

In this article we will answer your main question " How to make a portal to heaven?"Since this section is called Video about Minecraft, you can get the basic information from the video added above. And for those who are too lazy to watch, you can quickly read everything in the article below.

And so, as everyone knows, there is no paradise as such in the official minecraft. And to add it to the game, you need to install additional modifications. And if in more detail, then a mod called - Aether ii... We install the mod in the game client, its installation is very simple and will not cause you any difficulties.

Install Minecraft forge
File (.jar / .zip) move to minecraft / mods

And now more about the mod: Aether II is the second part of a very popular mod. In this mod, you will find a whole world of floating islands with a large number of different as well as new blocks and mobs. The world is very beautiful and unique, which is very reminiscent of "paradise".
After correct installation of the modification, everything should work correctly. And you can start building the portal, which we will divide into several stages.

First stage... We make a flint, it is done quite simply. Like an ordinary flint, only instead of an iron ingot, gold. We need this flint to activate our portal.

Second phase... We take the blocks of the glowing stone, and use them to construct the frame of the portal 4x6 blocks, similarly to the portal to hell. I will not tell you how and where to get the glowing stone, since you yourself know quite well.

Third stage... This is the most important step in creating a portal. Now we bring the flint to our frame, and activate the portal with it.


Now the portal to paradise is open for you and you can immerse yourself in a completely new world. And also two more important points. Paradise is a very interesting but also unusual place that everyone should visit. But remember, while you are in paradise and move, your health will be taken away a little. And if you accidentally fall into the abyss between the islands, then you will find yourself in the ordinary world, without losing your health. That's all, now you can safely play. And remember to build portal to paradise without mods impossible.

In Minecraft, any player can go to the moon, hell or heaven; for this you only need to make a portal. This is not a big deal, but, nevertheless, a lot of resources will have to be spent. You can find out how to make a portal without mods below.

How to make a paradise portal in Minecraft without mods

Many would like to make a portal to paradise without mods. It's not very difficult. It is important to remember that the base of the portal is a glowing stone, which you must mine in Hell. There is a huge accumulation of this substance, it is located on the ceiling, slopes. You can shoot it down with fireballs.

Also, a portal to heaven can be made from light dust, but not every player has it in the arsenal. If you were able to find it, place this element in the 4 lower cells of the workbench and click on the arrow on the right. As a result, you will have a luminous block at your disposal.

To construct a portal to paradise, you need 12 glowing stones. As soon as they are in your hands, you can start building the coveted portal. So, put 4 glowing stones in a row, 3 stones are added to the outer blocks, as a result, you get pillars. Now you have to place 2 glowing stones at the top of the structure by connecting the pillars. Water will need to be placed inside the structure. After that, a water surface will appear in the stone gate, you can safely enter it. Thus, you will be transported to heaven.

Making a portal to hell in Minecraft

To make a portal to hell without mods in Minecraft, you need to make an obsidian frame. To do this, you will need to take 14 obsidian blocks. They can be found by going down into the cave, do not forget to take a diamond pickaxe with you. Connect them together to make a rectangle. Then take a lighter and light it on fire. The portal to hell is ready, you can enter it.

Create a portal to the moon without any mods

To create a portal to the moon, you will need to get glowing stones in hell and lay out two cubes from them. Then next to them are laid out 3 rows of 2 stones of iron and another single row of 2 glowing stones. Then lay a column of 4 obsidian blocks in the iron wall. Overlay this column with iron blocks on both sides. In addition, you will need to position the left and right extreme corners over the block. Now place 1 iron block on the pillar.

Additionally, lay out iron blocks in front of the foundation and place the block on top of it. Lay this control box on the sides with iron blocks, and add 2 glass blocks at the top. Put on the astronaut's clothes, hit the block with a pickaxe, and you will find yourself on the moon.

Every Minecraft player knows that the game world is simply huge and there is an opportunity to travel to heaven, hell, space and other portals. For example, paradise is a peaceful place where a huge variety of rarities are collected. But in order to sleep there, this space needs to be made. How to make a portal to paradise in Minecraft? What is needed for this and how to get there?

How to make a portal to Paradise in Minecraft

Portals such as Heaven, Hell, etc. are fraught with a lot of dangers for players, so beginners who do not yet have enough skills and uniforms should not even go there. Therefore, before you start creating the entrance to Paradise, you need to get various potions, equipment that will make your journey safe, turning you into an invulnerable player.

It is not possible to make a portal in the basic version. This requires Aether, Pipex or Minecraft Forge mods. Once you install them, you will be able to create portals and travel to other worlds.

Materials for building a portal

Not many materials are needed to build a portal to paradise. Get a bucket of water first, otherwise you will have to look for sources of moisture. You also need a glowing stone. These are only found in Hell, so you have to go down there.

Going to Hell, look for the glowing stone on the ceiling in the cave. Trying to knock this stone down, it will begin to crumble into tiny particles, which then need to be collected into a single stone. To do this, you need at least 56 of these small particles. On a special workbench, dust particles are collected into a single stone.

To build a portal in the game, you need to fold a frame of blocks. In order for the entrance to paradise to become a worker, and you can pass through it, you need water, which pours out into the opening. If it turns blue, then the portal is working, and you can go on a journey to other worlds.

How to use the portal

Using the portal in Minecraft is very simple. In order to pass through it into another world, you need to pour some water from a bucket onto the frame and the transition will be done automatically. If in the future you plan to regularly use the portal, then it is recommended to equip it: make steps, install it near your home, etc.

If you do not plan to use such a portal all the time, then you need to make a button next to it, by clicking on which you can turn it on or off.

Video instruction

Minecraft is a controversial game to say the least. On the one hand, there is a huge scope for exploration - an open world with changing landscapes and cycles of day and night, the ability to create absolutely anything that can come to your mind. On the other hand, this game is made in a specific style, which is terrifying in its squareness. For people who are accustomed to playing modern games with excellent graphics close to reality, this approach can be taken as an insult or unwillingness to follow through. After all, it seems that the game has not been completed yet and they are trying to shove us a "raw" game at a full price.

Therefore, there is no consensus about the game, those who got used to the graphics admire the game and are ready to give the highest marks, who could not get used to it - they say that it is not worth the time spent on it.

Those players who lingered at the monitor with this game were probably surprised at how imperceptibly several hours of their lives flew by. And all because wherever you go you are in danger. For all the brilliance of the game, the world here is clearly not benevolent, and the main question that the player asks himself is whether I can hold out one more night. And this is what rivets to the monitor, the desire to protect oneself from the threat that comes in the night.


At first, it will not be easy for you to build yourself a decent refuge. The first ones will not live up to your expectations, but the more experience you get, the more magnificent they will become in the future. After all, here you can create almost everything, and the boundaries of creativity are measured only by the flight of your imagination. This is the beauty and at the same time the monotony of what is happening. The game gets boring the moment you run out of ideas for new buildings.

Parallel Worlds

In addition to the usual spaces, there are several other realities in the game, which can be entered by building a certain portal. It should be noted that in order to create portals, you need to install special mods, because there is not much in the original. But in the case of Minecraft, it is impossible to say for sure whether this game came out entirely or not, because updates and patches are constantly being released to it, which make the process more varied and more enjoyable. It is constantly evolving, growing and filled with new resources.

Portal to paradise number 1

To get to heaven in Minecraft, you need to have glowing stones and a gold lighter. From the stones you need to create a frame - 4 at the bottom and, respectively, at the top and 5 on the sides, after which you need to use a lighter in the center. A portal will open, and as soon as you enter it, it will take you to paradise.

At first, it's best not to move until the entire surrounding area is fully loaded to avoid freezing the game. When everything is loaded, you will see a rather cheerful picture - green lawns with a cascade of mountains, white cows with gray spots, flying pigs, creepers with halos, or rather, something that you will not find in the original game world, and this adds uniqueness. If you dreamed of running on lush clouds, then you should definitely download this mod.

Portal to paradise number 2

To create a portal to another version of paradise in Minecraft, you also need to use glowing stones, but instead of a lighter, use a bucket of water. In general, the principle of the structure of the portal is always the same,
only made from different resources.

This version is slightly different from its predecessor. Paradise has become much larger and more beautiful. Clouds of different colors have been added, each of which has its own properties, when in contact with some you will be pushed in an arbitrary direction, with others - you will fly up high like on a trampoline. Not only the environment changes, but also the musical accompaniment. If you catch a hare here, then you can not be afraid to jump from any heights, since it performs the function of a parachute being worn headlong.

Portal to hell

There are two ways to go to hell in Minecraft, for those who have a diamond pickaxe and those who do not. In the first case, everything is simple, you just need to get obsidian, lay out a portal from it and set fire to a flint. Another option is more complicated, but it allows you to save diamonds for other needs. You can make obsidian yourself, place stones in such a way as to form a shape for a portal. Pour water there, and then seal everything with lava. Then destroy the form and you can set fire to.

The main task of parallel worlds (in paradise in particular) in Minecraft is, first of all, to diversify the gameplay. You find yourself in a completely new location with different enemies, resources and a completely different atmosphere. You can collect and craft completely unique things. Fight bosses and get the opportunity to combine everything that was before with new details that are added in abundance by new mods.

Perhaps a new version of the Minecraft game will soon be released, which will draw the attention of the most inveterate skeptics. But for now, this game is for those who have enough patience and imagination, as well as an excess of free time.

In the official version of the game, we will not be able to find this world, so we will have to download a modification called - Aether II and install it. If this mod is not available, the portal will not work.

To build it, we need to get a glouston (glowing stone). It can only be found in the world of Hell. We also need water, which can be collected in any nearby reservoir, or we can make a heavenly lighter. Both options can be used, as well as both separately.

To assemble a lighter, you just need 2 resources: gold and flint.

They should be distributed in this order: iron in the very center, and flint in the lower right corner. The picture shows everything in detail:

If you succeed in making a lighter, then move on to the next step. Take the glowing stone and lay out the frame of 6x4 blocks - 6 vertically, 4 horizontally. Like this:

Our portal to Paradise is almost complete. It remains only to activate it. Now we take either water or a heavenly lighter. If we take a lighter, then we bring it to the lower block and activate it, and if water, then to the upper left or right block and release the water.

Our portal should burst into flames and bubble out.

To get to Paradise, you just need to enter the frame and wait a couple of seconds.

Paradise is a world that can overwhelm you with its uniqueness. Unlike other dimensions, it has no caves, rocks or monsters. But, in its own way, Paradise is also dangerous, since movement around its world takes health away, so stock up on provisions in advance.

And yet - if you fell while moving from island to island, then you will simply fall into the earthly world and not waste a single drop of your life.

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