Card file of Mordovian folk outdoor games. Card file "Games of the peoples of the Volga region Mordovian game

MAOU "Bolshemakatelemskaya secondary school"


« Mordovian folk games ".

The work was completed by: students 7kl.

Work supervisor:

Susuikin V.A. (physical education teacher)

with. Bolshoi - Makatelem


    Problem ……………………………………………… ... 3

III... Purpose of the project …………………………………………… 3

IV. Description of the project …………………………………… ... 4

1) Sources of information ………………………………. 4

V. Expected Result…………………………………. 5

VI. Analysis of the resources used

1) Internet resources …………………………………… ..6

2) Literature on the problem ……………………………… 6

3) Results of social surveys ……………………. 6-7

Vii... Applications

1) Passports of school students ………………………… ..8-9

2) Passports of the villagers ………………………………. 10-12

3) Passports of old residents of the village ………………………… ... 13-15

4) Description of the rules of the Mordovian games …………………… 16-23

VIII... Results……………………………………………… 23-25

IX... Bibliography………………. ... ... 26

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We were born and live in the village of Bolshoi Makatelem. The village of B.-Makatelem traces its history back to the 16th century. At one time it was the only Mordovian village surrounded by Russians. Today, in the structure of the population, it is primarily the Russian-speaking population that stands out. But, a large share is also made by the Mordovian population. Every fourth inhabitant of the village has exactly Mordovian roots, many speak the Mordovian language and honor Mordovian traditions.

We are interested in the Mordovian people. Its culture is close and understandable to us. The villagers know little about the Mordovian people. And we decided to learn more about the Mordovian people and involve our friends and classmates in this.

Most of all we were interested in the question: what games did the Mordovian children play? As it turned out, almost no one knows the rules of the Mordovian games, but, probably, they want to know. So we decided to implement a project that will help revive the Mordovian folk games in the village. We believe that it is interesting and necessary to know the games our ancestors played.

Objective of the project.

    Revival of gaming traditions based on respect for one's people, for the Motherland.

    Uniting the students of our school, their parents, children from the kindergarten for active leisure.

    Introducing children and adults to a healthy lifestyle through sports holidays, outdoor folk games, fun.

Description of the project.

Outdoor play - a natural companion of a child's life, a source of joyful emotions. From time immemorial, they vividly reflected the way of life of people, their way of life, work, national foundations, ideas of honor, courage, courage, desire

possess strength, dexterity, endurance, speed and beauty of movements, show ingenuity, endurance, creative invention, resourcefulness, will and desire to win. In folk games, there is a lot of humor, jokes, competitive enthusiasm.

Our project is aimed at reviving folk games and traditions. We want to teach the inhabitants of our village to play the folk games that our ancestors played. As a result of our work, we see strong, healthy families and a close-knit school team, where everyone will find something to their liking.

How? "Brainstorm".

Sources of information.

Relevant literature

Internet resources

Polls of the population, including students and their parents

Surveys of old-timers

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Expected Result:

Publication of a manual for adults and children "Mordovian folk games";

Creation of a card index of Mordovian folk games;

Learning Mordovian folk games at the "Folk Games" circle (supervisor: VA Susuikin);

Placing descriptions of games on the school website.

Analysis of the resources used.

1). Internet - resources helped me to learn that there are many interesting and informative Mordovian games, as well as that there is a lot of literature about Mordovian games. We used some Internet resources:

Site "Shumbrat, Finno-Ugoria".

The site “National library named after A.S. Pushkin ”, in electronic form.

Site of the Information Center of Finno-Ugric Peoples.

The site “Erzyan instrument ASHTEMOR-KUDO.

The site “Finno-Ugric Electronic Library.

2). We obtained the most detailed information about the Mordovian games from the sources of the relevant literature. (the list is attached).

3) More than 30 people over the age of 50 were interviewed. After interviewing the old-timers, we learned not a large number of Mordovian games, since they are already elderly and many did not remember the games they played in childhood.

From a survey of students and their parents, we made sure that no one knows the rules of the Mordovian games.

Results of social surveys.

Questionnaire for a survey.

"What do you know about Mordovian games?"

The purpose of the survey: To reveal knowledge about Mordovian games.

Application form

Dear respondent!

Please answer the questions in our questionnaire. The survey results will help determine the topic of the social project in our school.

1. What games do you prefer to play?

    Describe the rules for the best game.

    What games did your parents play?

    What games did your grandmother, great-grandmother, grandfather, great-grandfather play?

    Ask them to describe the rules of their favorite games.

    Which of the described games did you like best?

    Which of these games would you like to play with your friends?

As a result of a sociological survey, we came to the conclusion that children know very little about games in general, even less know the games they played before, and even more so Mordovian ones, and even grandmothers and grandfathers forgot the games they played in childhood. And only one student of our school called the Mordovian game "Trappers".

At the same time, children would like to learn as much as possible about Mordovian games, they would like to learn the rules of the games, teach others to play.

Conclusion: It is necessary to maintain interest in folk, and, first of all, Mordovian games and study the rules of Mordovian games, disseminate experience.


School passports.

"Passport" of the respondent

    Name of the narrator:

Zhamkova Maria Alexandrovna

    Current residence:

Nizhny Novgorod region., Pervomaisky district., With. Uspenskoe


7th grade



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"Passport" of the respondent

    Name of the narrator:

Kazantseva Margarita Sergeevna

    Full date and place of birth:

    Current residence:


Grade 5



Village residents' passports .

"Passport" of the respondent

    Name of the narrator:

Bezukhova Valentina Nikolaevna

    Full date and place of birth:

    Current residence:

Nizhny Novgorod region., Pervomaisky district., With. Big Makatelem.

Grade 10, Arzamsk Pedagogical Institute named after A. Gaidar (in absentia).

    Current profession and place of work

Orphanage, librarian.



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"Passport" of the respondent

    Name of the narrator:

Gorbunov Ivan Nikolaevich

    Full date and place of birth:

    Current residence:

Nizhny Novgorod region., Pervomaisky district., With. Maly Makatelem.

    Education (how many classes, etc.), where he studied:

Gorky Pedagogical Institute named after M. Gorky

History teacher at Bolshemakatelem School



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"Passport" of the respondent

    Name of the narrator:

Averyanova Tatiana Mikhailovna

    Full date and place of birth:

May 14, 1958, village Bolshoy Makatelem, Nizhny Novgorod region, Pervomaisky district

    Current residence:

village Bolshoy Makatelem, Nizhny Novgorod region, Pervomaisky district

    Education (how many classes, etc.), where he studied:

10 classes, studied to be a master - fruit grower.

    Current profession and place of work:

School cloakroom attendant



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The passports of the old residents of the village.

"Passport" of the respondent

    Name of the narrator:

Ilyushkin Viktor Nikolaevich

    Full date and place of birth:

August 18, 1931., Nizhny Novgorod region., Pervomaisky district., Village Rogozhka

    Current residence:

Nizhny Novgorod region., Pervomaisky district., Village Rogozhka

    Education (how many classes, etc.), where he studied:

Higher education, Pedagogical school, river technician, sudomikhannik.

    Current profession and place of work:




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"Passport" of the respondent

    FULL NAME. narrator:

Garaev Ivan Pavlovich

    Full date and place of birth:

July 15, 1932., Bolshoy Makatelem village, Pervomaisky district, Nizhny Novgorod region

    Current residence:

the village of Bolshoy Makatelem, Pervomaisky district, Nizhny Novgorod region

    Education (how many classes, etc.), where did you study:

7 classes. Studied in Ardatov at the School of Mechanization

    Current profession and place of work:




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"Passport" of the respondent

    Name of the narrator:

Veldyaksova Maria Fedorovna

    Full date and place of birth:

August 18, 1931., Bolshoy Makatelem village, Nizhny Novgorod region, Pervomaisky district

    Current residence:

Bolshoy Makatelem village, Nizhny Novgorod region, Pervomaisky district

    Education (how many classes, etc.), where he studied:

7 classes, did not study. She worked as a nurse.

    Current profession and place of work:




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Description of the rules of Mordovian games.


For this game you need: bats - sticks according to the number of participants (70-80 cm), 1 small wooden block (stick)

Up to 10 people play. Draw two squares (look at our diagram). A little stick is placed in a small square. From the center of a large square (it is called a con), holes are dug at a distance of 8-10 steps according to the number of players.

The driver is standing at the "stick", on the side. The batsmen stand at the holes - heel to hole.

The players take turns throwing bats, trying to knock the bite out of the bet.

Horse line

1 x 1 m

Riveting square

15 x 15 cm

If the bite is knocked out, the driver runs after him: you need to have time to grab the bite, put it in place and take the player's hole. At this time, the player must quickly take his bi-that and return to the hole. The player who managed to occupy his hole becomes the driver.

If the stick is not knocked down by the throw or the bat falls close to the driver, the player must wait for his turn and the next successful throw.

Rules. When throwing, you must not go over the line of the knight and leave the hole. The driver makes sure that no one leaves the hole. If this happens, the driver can take the place of the offending player.

Well, what is the game without a counting rhyme? These are the counting rhymes for Mordovian children.

Counting counters:

Veike, cavto, kolmo, nile, One, two, three, four.

Mon sevin sarazon saw. I ate chicken ear.

Kavto, kolmo, nile, vetes, Two, three, four, five,

Kinen Pong Psakan Pekes? Who will get the cat's belly?

Narmonts yarkhtsay suroda, the bird pecks the grain,

Mon kundaine puloda, I caught her by the tail.

Narmonts yarkhtsay chakshsta, The bird pecks from the pot,

Mon kundaine pakshta. I caught her by the throat.

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Salki (Varenets pongoma. Varyanyas povoma).

Pits are dug by the size of the ball (3-4 cm). The players stand near the tag, and the leader rolls the ball from a distance of 0.5-1 m into one of the holes located not far from each other. Whose tag the ball hits, he takes it, all the children scatter to the sides, and he must hit one of the players with the ball. The player who hit the ball becomes the leader.

Rules of the game. You can only throw the ball at the feet of the players and only from the spot.

Circular (Kunsem ball. Tops nalkhsema)

The players draw a large circle, divide into two equal teams and agree who will be in the circle and who will be behind the circle. Those who remain behind the circle, evenly distributed, try to hit the children in the circle with the ball. If someone in the circle manages to catch the ball, he tries to hit any child around the circle with it. If he succeeds, then he has a point in reserve, if he misses, then he leaves the circle. When all the children are spotted by the ball, the players switch places.

Rules of the game. The ball can only be caught from the air, it does not count from the ground. The salted go out of the circle. The child who catches the ball and hits the player outside the circle remains in the circle.

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Two children are chosen for the game - the gate; the rest of the playing - a mother with children. Gate children raise their clasped hands up and say:

Paradise-heaven, I miss

And I leave the latter.

The mother herself will pass and see the children.

At this time, the playing children, becoming a locomotive, follow their mother through the gate. Children-gates, lowering their hands, separate the last child and in a whisper ask him two words - a password (for example, one child is a shield, the other is an arrow). The respondent chooses one of these words and joins the command to the child whose password he gave. When the mother is left alone, the gate loudly asks her: a shield or an arrow. The mother answers and joins one of the teams. Gate children stand facing each other, hold hands. The rest of the members of each team clung to their half of the gate in a string. The resulting two teams drag each other. The overrun team is considered the winner.

Rules of the game. Children should not eavesdrop or give out the password.


On the site, two lines are drawn at a distance of 3-4 m from one another. The players, divided into two teams, stand behind these lines facing each other. One of the comrades playing at their own will and consent, shouting "Bilyasha!" runs to the other team, each member of which extends his right hand forward. The runner takes someone from the opposing team by the hand and tries to drag him across the court for his own line. If he succeeds, then he puts the prisoner behind him. If he himself turns out to be beyond the line of the enemy team, then he becomes its captive and is located behind the back of the player who pulled him to his side. The game continues, now another team is sending the attacking player. The game ends when one team pulls all the players of the other team to itself.

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Rules of the game. You can pull the opponent with only one hand, you cannot help with the other hand. No one should pull back an outstretched hand. If a player who has a prisoner is pulled to his side by a player of the opposite team, the prisoner is released and returns to his place in the team.


A driver was appointed. The rest of the players are caught. The driver's task is to catch all the players, but it is complicated by the fact that the driver had to take the trapped person to a specially designated place (under a tree, the roof of a bathhouse or another place) and leave him there. Then the driver caught the next one, and the caught one seized the time and freed himself, so he again entered the game and was caught. Or the rules could be as follows: the caught one also became the driver and caught the catch together with the first driver. If they caught the next one, he also acted as the driver. The one who remained the last not caught became the winner.

Blind old womanFor Game"Into the blind old woman" usually not more than five people gathered. At first, one of the players smeared his finger with soot, clenched it into a fist and asked everyone to choose their own finger. The one who chose the smeared one became a "blind old woman". He was blindfolded with a rag, which was taken out of the furnace, and in this form he is obliged to catch. He not only has to catch someone, but also recognize the player by touch. Sometimes the rules were complicated by the fact that the players came up with different names for themselves, and the driver had to remember them and name the person caught with a new name.

OwlIn Game"Owl" players run when the owl sleeps, buthow as soon as he wakes up, everyone has to hide. The first one to be discovered becomes an "owl".

Spider and flies
The game"Spider and flies" assumes the presence of a "house", that is, the place where the driver lives - the "spider". While he is in the "house", the flies are running. When the "spider" leaves the "house", the "flies" run away. The "spider" must catch everyone and bring them to his "house".
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For cabbage
The players, holding their hands, form a circle - "vegetable garden". In one place the chain is broken - this is the "gate". The "hare" through the "gate" makes its way into the garden, he runs, jumps, pretends that he is eating "cabbage". At the signal "Dog!" he tries to escape through the "gate", but it is closed. Then the "hare" looks for a weak chain to break it. If he succeeds, he remains a "hare" one more round. Otherwise, it becomes a circle, and one of the players takes its place.

For a berryA stone is placed on the ground - this is a "house", a "clearing" of 10 x 30 and more meters is fenced off from it (the more players, the larger the "clearing"). As leading choose "grandfather" and "bear". The “grandfather” remains in the “house”, and the “bear” lies away from the “meadow”. The players pick up wood chips - a "belt" and go for the berry. But now the "tuesok" is full, they put it on the ground, and the children begin to somersault, run a race. After a while, a dialogue begins between the players and the "grandfather": - Grandfather, we caught a bear!

Lead here!

Doesn't go!

Well then, come yourself!

Doesn't let it go!

When the players uttered the last words, the "bear" gets up and runs after them, trying to tarnish someone. If this succeeded, then they changed places.

Rules: 1. The player must take his "tuesok" with him.

2. "Bear" can only catch in a clearing. If the player has reached the "home", then he cannot be tarnished.

Option : The game continues until the bear has caught all players. This variation is often played out when a nimble boy plays the role of the bear.

Kevnyasa ("Into the stones")For games, you need five small pebbles a little more than a hazelnut. Before the start of the game, everyone chooses one for themselves and noticed it. To determine the first player, a draw is carried out: all participants in turn must throw stones up and immediately catch them on the back of their palms. The one who managed to catch the most, then started the game. The task of the players is to complete several figures with the help of the selected pebble with one hand. If during the game the player loses his pebble or fails to complete the piece, then he gives up his place

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the next player in the circle.

The first figure is called "fkyanasa" - "one by one". The player throws his pebble and, while he is in flight, picks up one pebble and immediately catches his own, preventing it from falling. In the same way he lifts all the others.

The second figure - "kaftonyasa" - "by two", i.e. now he must toss two pebbles at once.

The third figure is “kolmonyasa and fkyanasa” - “three and one”. It is necessary to raise three at once, and then the remaining one.

The fourth figure - "nilenyasa" - "by four" - throws up its own stone and all four of them catch it at once.

The fifth figure - "orta" - "collar": the left hand was placed on the thumb and forefinger, forming a collar. His right hand throws up his pebble, and at the same time the others are pushed into this wicket. The execution of the figure was considered correct if the player had time to grab a pebble from the ground and at the same time catch his thrown pebble with the same hand. The winner was the one who performed the figures earlier than others.

The ferret
Boys play in the summer. Fifteen people sit in a circle. The players' legs and arms are covered with dry straw.
Instead of a sash, a soft whip is twisted from the grass, this is a ferret. He is quietly passed in a circle and hit on the back of the leader, who is sitting in the center of the circle on the ground. If he
will be able to catch the whip, then the one from whom he took this whip will sit down.

Into the crow
Children 6 - 12 years old are playing.





Klushka walks with hischickens across the meadow. Comes out to meet herCrow .

Crow ... Klushka, and klushka, give me your chicken!

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Klushka ... Oh, raven, I won't! I'm not giving it!

Crow. Well, then I’ll take all your cubs away! And he begins to catch the chickens one by one.

Klushka (protecting the chickens). Wark! Wark!

Crow (catching chickens). Beer! Beer!

When all the chickens are caught, the game ends.

In chickens
The players (owners) put babies (chickens) in a circle. Each owner has his own chicken, only the buyer does not have it. The latter walks in a circle and decides whose chicken to take. Then he approaches the owner of the chicken he has chosen, touches his hand to the head of this chicken and quickly starts to run in a circle. The owner of the chicken also runs in a circle, only in the opposite direction. Whoever comes running to the place earlier becomes the owner, and the rest - the buyer.

Keys to the lock
Four sit at the corners of a house or a square drawn on the ground. The fifth is in the middle. He approaches one, asks: "Uncle (or aunt), do you have the keys?" He points to the neighbor: "Go and ask your uncle (or aunt)." So he will bypass all four. The latter replies: "Look in the middle!"

The driver steps back to the middle. At this time, everyone jumps to their feet and changes places. The driver seeks to get up faster instead of someone. Whoever is left without a place becomes a seeker of "keys". The game continues on.

Circular ball
The players draw a large circle, divide into two equal teams and agree who will be in the circle and who will be behind the circle. Those who remain behind the circle, evenly distributed, try to hit the ball at those who are in the circle.

If someone in the circle manages to catch the ball, he tries to hit any player around the circle with it. If he succeeds, then he has a point in reserve, if he misses, then he leaves the circle. When

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the ball will stain all players inside the circle,

the players change places.

Basic rules of the game: the ball can only be caught from the air, it does not count from the ground. The salted go out of the circle. The player who caught the ball and hit the player outside the circle remains in the circle.


1) A manual for adults and children "Mordovian folk games" has been published;

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2) A card index of Mordovian folk games has been created;

3) Mordovian folk games are learned at the “Folk Games” circle (leader: VA Susuikin);

4) Descriptions of games are posted on the school website.

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      1. Bryzhinsky V.S. "Mordovian folk games"

        Bryzhinsky V.S. "Mordovian proverbs, sayings."

        Samoilova M.A. "Mordovian folk games".

        T.V. Naumenko "Legends, songs, proverbs of the peoples of Russia"

        Encyclopedia "Peoples of Russia".

        Serov A.A. "Folk traditions of preserving health and physical education among the Mordovians: the endXIX- Start XX century.

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Outdoor game "In the crow"

Characters: Raven. Klushka. Chickens.

Klushka walks with her Chickens in the meadow. Raven comes out to meet her.

Crow. Klushka, and klushka, give Teina Lefkssen! (Klushka, and klushka, give me a chicken!)

Klushka. Af maksa, varsi, af maksa! (I won’t give it to you, raven, I won’t give it to you!)

Crow. Mon ton shabbatnen salasaine! (I will steal all your children!)

And he begins to catch the chickens one by one.

Klushka (protecting the chickens). Wark! Wark!

Raven (catching chickens). Beer! Beer!

When all the chickens are caught, the game ends.

An outdoor game "Rucianyasa" ("In kerchiefs")

Characters: Grandmother, Grandfather, Handkerchiefs.

The participants in the game choose Grandma and Grandpa. The grandmother identifies the children in Handkerchiefs, painting each one in a certain color (she calls the color in the ear). The handkerchiefs sit on the floor. Grandpa comes and a dialogue takes place:

Grandpa: Shumbrat, babakai. (Be healthy, grandma!)

Grandma: Ozak, father! (Sit down, father!)

Grandfather: Maryaine, how can you get away with it? (I heard you have handkerchiefs?)

Grandma: Uliht, yes af ramvikh teit. (Yes, but you can't buy them).

Grandfather: Mon kafta chest of yarmacone. (I have two chests of money.)

Grandma: Ramayt! (Buy it!)

Grandpa buys handkerchiefs, i.e. guesses what color the handkerchiefs are. As soon as he names the color of the handkerchief correctly, the handkerchief immediately runs away from him. If Grandpa catches up with him, then he takes it to himself. Sometimes the handkerchief runs and runs, Grandpa cannot catch it. The grandmother will immediately "paint" it in a different color. Grandpa tries again to find out the color of the handkerchief. Play until all handkerchiefs are purchased.

Outdoor game "Selling bast shoes"

(its other names: "Theft of hats", "Into the fish") To play, you need to take old, badly worn bast shoes (this is a fish). Galoshes and torn hats can be used instead. Tie a long rope to the peg. With the help of a rope, like a compass, draw a circle - a "trading row", along the perimeter of which the goods are laid out, that is, old bast shoes, galoshes and so on brought from home.

The fish seller is selected. The seller in one hand holds a bream - a soft worn bast shoe (atyakar), with the other hand he takes the end of the rope. Walking around in a circle, he invites customers to the “shopping arcade”: “Mishendevicht calht! Mishendevikht calht! Come - fly in, don't be stingy - ramak! " ("Fish for sale! Fish for sale! Come - fly in, don't be stingy - buy!"). Players from different sides approach the "trading row". Everyone wants to take something. The seller seeks to overtake him and "coax" on the back with a bast shoe. The "hardened" one stands in his place, and the game starts again. Buyers try to avoid being hit by all means, use deceptive moves, and divert attention from other players. The seller can hit the buyer only at the moment when he bends over to pick up the fish.

Outdoor play « Keys to the lock "

Four sit at the corners of a house or a square drawn on the ground. The fifth is in the middle. He approaches one, asks: "Uncle (or aunt), do you have the keys?" He points to the neighbor: "Go and ask your uncle (or aunt)." So he will bypass all four. The latter replies: “Look in the middle!” The driver moves back to the middle. At this time, everyone jumps to their feet and changes places. The driver seeks to get up faster instead of someone. Whoever is left without a place becomes a seeker of "keys". The game continues on.

In cranes (Karginyasa)

"Crane" and "Old Woman" are selected from among the players. The "old woman" sits down to the side on the meadow and begins to dig up the meadow. "Crane" is gaining a "crane". These "cranes" grab each other and, shouting "Tur-lur, tur-lur", walk across the meadow. They walk, walk and approach the "old woman". "Crane" asks her:

Babay, and babay, meze tiyat? -Grandma, and grandma, what are you doing?

Shuvan tray. - I'm digging a hole.

Lotk mezendi? -Why?

Yarmak vesendyan. - I'm looking for money.

Yarmakt mezendi? - Why money?

Salmox Raman. -I will buy a needle.

Salmokst mezendi? -Need for what?

Keskav is flocked. -Make a bag.

Kescave mezendi? - Bag for what?

Kevnianas päshkods. -I'll fill it with small stones.

Kevnyatnen mezendi? - What are the stones for?

The tone of the Sabbath is pryas. -On the head of your children.

Saying the last words, the "old woman" gets up and begins to catch the "crane". "Zhuravlikha", raising his hands and running in front of the "old woman", defends himself. "Cranes" shout: "Tur-lur, tur-lur". When the "old woman" catches all the "cranes", the game starts again.

The rules of the game: "Zhuravlikha" does not push the "old woman" away, but only tries to stand in front of her, not to give a move in this direction.

Carousel game

Develops rhythm of movements and attentiveness.

Children stand in a circle, while holding onto a hoop or cord with tied ends. The task of children is to make the correct movements corresponding to the words of the song that the adult reads:

Barely - barely, barely - barely, 1.Savor, Savor, Savorne,

The merry-go-rounds are spinning, Balls, balls, shorns

And then, then, then, Mele, mele, sityasta,

All running, running, running. Balls, balls, balls.

Hush, hush, do not rush

Stop the carousel, Tray, tray, roll.

One-two, one-two, Fkya-kafta, Fkya-kafta,

So the game is over. Trample with a ball of a ball.

3. Fkya, kafta, kolma, nile,

Meek balls, balls.

Sate, sate, affectionateness,

Tray, tray, garnet.

Fkya, kafta, kolma, nile

And I did nalhksemas.

After running 2 - 3 circles, you can change the direction and gradually slow down the movement, finish the game

Outdoor game " In chickens "

The players (owners) put babies (chickens) in a circle. Each owner has his own chicken, only the buyer does not have it. The latter walks in a circle and decides whose chicken to take. Then he approaches the owner of the chicken he has chosen, touches his hand to the head of this chicken and quickly starts to run in a circle. The owner of the chicken also runs in a circle, only in the opposite direction. Whoever comes running to the place earlier becomes the owner, and the rest - the buyer.

Outdoor play « Circular ball "

The players draw a large circle, divide into two equal teams and agree who will be in the circle and who will be behind the circle. Those who remain behind the circle, evenly distributed, try to hit the ball at those who are in the circle.

If someone in the circle manages to catch the ball, he tries to hit any player around the circle with it. If he succeeds, then he has a point in reserve, if he misses, then he leaves the circle. When the ball spots all the players inside the circle, the players switch places.

Basic rules of the game: the ball can only be caught from the air, it does not count from the ground. The salted go out of the circle. The player who caught the ball and hit the player outside the circle remains in the circle at



Anastasia Osipova
Card file of Mordovian folk outdoor games

"In handkerchiefs"

Rucianyasa (moksha)

Patsinese (erzya)

"In handkerchiefs" little girls and boys played in huts in winter. This game can be played both in the group and in the hall. Players can be recruited up to 10 people so that the driver can remember their names. Children call themselves different names: Bells, "flower", bunny ", etc. and aloud give their names to the driver. Then they blindfold him with a handkerchief so that he could not see anything. He, after pronouncing a sentence or rhyme, says that he will go to play, begins to catch the players. When he catches him, he must recognize him - say the name chosen by the player. Then the one whose name is guessed drives.

Rules of the game:

If the driver cannot catch someone for a long time, then the players must give him a vote. Players should not hide behind each other or run outside the agreed boundaries.

Mordovian folk outdoor game

"In chickens"

Saraskas (moksha)

Sarazkinese (erzya)

"In chickens" played by boys and girls in spring and summer. Older children were planted on the lawn in a circle of small children who were considered "Chickens"... Each player has his own "hen", only one does not. He walks in circles and decides who to take from "Chicken"... Then he comes up to someone and touches his head "Chicken".

"Master" and the one who seeks "Chicken", immediately start to race in a circle. Which of them comes running first, then it becomes "Master" "Chicken", and the rest leads.

Rules of the game. The driver runs in the inner circle, and "master" "Chicken"- on the outside, but you need to stop just for the chicken.

Mordovian folk outdoor game


"Numolénasa" (moksha)

"Numolkinese" (erzya)

"Bunnies" boys and girls play together in spring, summer and autumn. One player becomes "Doggy", the rest. - "Bunnies". "Dog" moves aside beyond the agreed line, and "Bunnies" scatter across the entire site. "Dog" starts to catch "Bunnies", and when she approaches, they squat down. Bye "Bunnies" sit, you can not catch them. As soon as they start to run "dog" rushes after them. Whom "dog" catches, he also starts to catch "Bunnies"... When all "Hares" will be caught the game will start over.

Rules of the game. So that the children do not get confused "Dogs" and "Hares", you need a child who has become "Doggy" shout out: "I am a dog too"... Or the driver says that this or that steel "Dogs".

Mordovian folk outdoor game

"Into the wolves"

"Vrgazks"(moksha, "Vergiznese" (erzya)

In the summer, six little boys and girls will gather on the streets and they say: "Yes, vrgazks nalhxema!"(Let's in "Wolves" play!"). For example, Petya is talking: “Min Vasya markhta karmatma vrgazks, and

tin - lomat "(Vasya and I will "Wolf-mi" and you are people. "

Vasya and Petya step aside and lie down behind a bush, while the rest choose a place for "at home".

Chose a place, took Sickles and let's go to the field "Reap"... They all walk side by side in the meadow, bend over and wave their hands - "Reap"... Coming close to "Wolves"... "The wolves are jumping out from behind "Bush" and rush to "Reapers" (catch them). "Reapers" with shouts: "Wai, vrgast, vrgast!" (Oh wolves, wolves) running home.

"Wolves" catch only one. After waiting a little, "people" come out again "Reap", "Wolves" again begin to catch them.

Play until "Wolves" will not overfill everyone "Reapers".

Rules of the game. "Wolves" must hide in one place.

Mordovian folk outdoor game

"Into the keys"

"Panjemasa" (moksha)

"Panjomnese" (erzya)

The game can only accept 5 people. Children sit in the corners of the room

or on the ground of a drawn square, and the fifth stands in the middle. He walks over to one of the seated players and asks:

Schakai, (puppy, panzhematne tint kyadsot? (Uncle, (aunt, you have the keys)

He answers, points to neighbor:

Shchakazen (puppy) kizeftk. (Uncle, ask aunt.

So the driver bypasses all four. The last one to him advises:

Kunčkasa vechent. (Search in the middle).

The walker retreats into the middle, while the others jump up and change places. The driver is trying to take someone else's place. Someone is again left without a place, and the game is resumed.

You can run across to any corner. If the child is in the role of the driver for a long time, then he can touch one player and stand in his place. This player will be looking for "Keys" from the house.

Mordovian folk outdoor game

"In circles"

"Krugsa" (moksha)

"Krugso" (erzya)

The game "In circles" resembles a game "In the blink of an old woman"... Children join hands, form a circle, walk and say.

Become a circle

And sooner someone

Touch with your wand.

Answer quickly

Hurry to guess.

These words are addressed to the blindfolded player standing in the center of the circle. When the children finish sentencing, they stop walking, and the driver approaches them and feels them heads: by the headdress, hair length and other signs, he must recognize the player standing in front of him. The one whose name is guessed becomes the leader. If the player is not recognized, he stands in a circle and the game continues.

Rules of the game. After each recognition of the player, the children again stand in a circle, the game starts over.

Mordovian folk outdoor game

"Into the crow"

"Varsinyaks" (moksha)

"Varacax" (erzya)

Is selected "Crow", "Hen", the rest - "Chickens". "Chickens" walk in the meadow for "Brood hen" holding each other's hem. A crow comes out to meet them "and is talking:

Narvay, and pick,

Give teine ​​fkia lefkskiaceni.

Wai, varsi af maksan, af maksan!

Well, mon sembe lefkskyatnen salseseine!

A hen, and a hen,

Give me one chicken.

Oh, crow, I won’t give it, I won’t give it!

Well, I'm dragging all your chickens!

And starts to catch "Chickens". "Hen", arms outstretched, tries not to allow her to "Chickens". "Crow" making circles, catches everything "Chickens" and takes them aside. When everyone is caught, the game starts over.

Rules of the game. "Crow" should catch those chicks that are at the end or in the middle "Queues" but do not knock "Brood hen" and do not put your hands under her wings.

Mordovian folk outdoor game

"In pots"

"Syakanyasa" (moksha)

"Chakshinese" (erzya)

This game is played by children of different ages. Each player chooses for himself "Pot"- a little boy or girl. They put the children in a circle, and they themselves stand behind their backs. One player, the one who is left without "Pot"(there is an odd number of children in the game, approaches one of the standing children and asks: "Misak syakanyatsen?" ("Will you sell the pot?"... That answers: "Misan" ("Sell"). After that, they both touch their hands to "Pot" and run in circles in different directions. Who will have time to run first to "Pot" and touch his head, he becomes his "Master"... The player left without "Pot", starts to drive.

Rules of the game. Both players run on the outside of the circle. The one who has reached it must necessarily stand behind the back "Pot".

Mordovian folk outdoor game

"Into the radish"

"Shaparyaksa" (moksha)

"Kshumannese" ezrzya)

One of the players is selected or appointed "Old man", sowing the radish, and all the others, with the exception of one, sit one after another on his lap. There is only one to stand. He comes up to "Old man" and is talking:

Atyay, and atyay give fkya shaaryakssen.

Tons of the place in the form?

Pereze ash.

Well, targak fkya.

Grandpa, and grandpa, give me one radish.

Why didn't you sow it yourself?

There is no vegetable garden.

Well, get one out.

The driver takes one player (from sitting) and takes aside. Then he again approaches "Old man" and is talking:

Isyak makssen, kov tiit.

Steine, nardaine, putin shrat langs, sas bayaron, kick - salaze!

Well, targak fkya.

Yesterday gave, where to do?

Well, get one out.

"Old man" and is talking:

Atyay, and atyay, give fkya shaaryakssen.

Dried up makssen, pounding makssen, kov tiit.

Steine, nardayne, putin shrat langs, sas bayaron, kick and slide!

Well, targak fkya.

Grandpa, and grandpa, give me one radish.

Yesterday I gave it, the day before yesterday I gave it, where are you going?

I washed it, wiped it, put it on the table, a boyar dog came running - stole it!

Well, get one out.

Pulls out another player, takes it to the side and again goes to "Old man" and asks to take out one "Radish"... And so on until on my knees "Old man" there will be only one child, who usually can be freed with great difficulty.

Mordovian folk outdoor game

"Into the geese and the wolf"

"Macinyaks and vrgazks" (moksha)

"Galinese and vergizex" (erzya)

Children choose "Master" and "Wolf" and the rest become "Geese". "Wolf" hiding under "Mountain"- goes to the side. "Geese" with "Master" are "at home" and then go to "field" or at "meadow" pinching the weed. "Wolf" notices "Geese" and begins to sneak up on them. "Master" at that time shouts:

Matsinyat, kudu garden. Vrgaz aschi pandemon ala. (Geese-swans, home, gray wolf under the mountain).

"Geese" they ask him:

Mesendi Tosa vrgaz? (What is the wolf doing there)

The owner answers:

Tol kryvyast, tin yoryazyaz ryastams. Vrgazt ezda laskoda es prynyanten vanftoda! (He lit a fire, he is going to fry you. Run away as you wish, but take care of yourself.)

After that "Geese" flee "home", a "Wolf" begins to catch them. When he has caught all the geese, the game starts over.

Rules of the game. When the game continues "Wolf" becomes or first caught "goose", or the last, as the players agree.

Lesson number 1 Topic: Introduction
Lesson number 1 Topic: Introduction
Theme: Mordovian folk game "Cauldron", "Circular".

Goals: To form knowledge and understanding, students about the rules

Outdoor games;

To acquaint with the peculiarities of the Mordovian folk games;

To develop quickness of reaction, speed, to educate mindfulness,

Ability to respect the opinion of comrades.

Equipment: smooth stick 50-60 cm long and 2.5 cm in diameter,

Small balls.

The course of the lesson.

I. Org. moment.

III. Learning games.

  1. Introductory speech of the teacher.
- Mordovia is located in the center of the East European Plain. The indigenous population is Mordovians (Erzya and Moksha). The culture of the Mordovians is directly related to peasant labor. The games of the Mordovians, as an integral part of their culture, were a kind of reflection of this labor with the help of a special pictorial language. This included pantomime, rhythmic songs, dramatic dialogue. Child's play is simple. The child in a playful way portrayed the work of adults. Images of birds and animals ("Into chickens", "Into cranes", "Into squirrels", etc.) occupied a large place in the games.

2. Game "Cauldron" (Kotelso nalxema)

Description: A hole is digging in the ground (50 cm in diameter). Small dimples of 10-12 pieces are dug around it, which can be closed with a foot or heel. The players hold a round, smooth stick 50-60 cm long and 2.5 cm in diameter. The leader throws a small ball into a pit-cauldron from a distance of 2-3 meters. The players must knock the ball out of there. The ball that has flown out of the cauldron is taken by the leader and again throws it into the cauldron. The players prevent the ball from hitting the hole with sticks. If the ball hits the cauldron, then the players must make a transition from one small dimple to another, while the presenter tries to occupy the hole. Whoever does not get the hole, he drives. Game continues.

Rules of the game: players kick the ball on the spot. It is only possible to move from fossa to fossa when the ball has hit the cauldron.

Children repeat the game 3-4 times.

  1. Round game (Kunsem ball)
Description: the players draw a large circle, divide into 2 teams and agree who will be in the circle and who will be behind the circle. Those who remain behind the circle, evenly distributed, try to hit the children in the circle with the ball. If someone in the circle manages to catch the ball, he tries to hit any child around the circle with it. If he succeeded, then he has a point in reserve, if he misses, then he leaves the circle. When all the children are spotted by the ball, the players switch places.

Rules of the game: The ball can only be caught from the air. Children showered with a ball leave the circle. The child who catches the ball and hits the player outside the circle remains in the circle.

Children play 3-5 times.

IV. Summarizing.

Exercises to restore breathing. Repetition of your favorite sedentary games.

Lesson number 18

Lesson topic: North Ossetian folk game "Fight for the flags".

The purpose of the lesson: To acquaint students with the rules of the game, to learn the game "Fight for the flags", to develop speed, dexterity. Develop team players.

Equipment: flags.

During the classes.

I. Organization of students.

II. Exit to the site.

III. Warm up.

Let's remember how the clock is ticking. (Children make bends to the sides, saying: tick-tock, tick-tock).

And now we are lumberjacks. (Children clasp their hands in a lock, make bends, saying: wow, wow).

We are pilots. (Students put their hands to the sides and, making rotational movements, say oo-oo-oo-oo).

IV. Learning the game "Fight for the flags".

A. Introductory conversation.

Today we will get acquainted with the games of a wonderful people: strong, proud, hardworking. These are the people of North Ossetia. Ossetians live in the mountains and are engaged in cattle breeding. They are excellent shepherds. (Shepherd is a sheep shepherd). Shepherds walk a lot, because they need to follow the flock of sheep. They need very strong and sturdy legs. Our game will help strengthen your legs.

B. Communication of the topic of the lesson.

Today we will learn the game "Fight for the flags".

B. Familiarity with the rules of the game.

The game involves two teams. The number of players can be any, but equal in both teams. Each team has a flag, which is placed in a conspicuous place and guarded by one of the players. The rest of the team members are divided into defenders and attackers. The goal of the game is to take possession of the opponent's flag while keeping your own. During the game, it is allowed to transfer the flag to another player, to run away with the flag.

Rules of the game. It is necessary to start the game on a signal; in the fight for the flag, rude actions should not be allowed.

D. Repetition of the rules of the game. Learning the game, correcting, correcting errors.

E. Play the game 2-3 times.

V. Outdoor games at the choice of children.

Vi. Lesson summary... Homework: learn the rules of the game "Fight for the flags".

Lesson number 19

Lesson topic: Chuvash folk game "Fishermen".

The purpose of the lesson: To acquaint students with the rules of the game, to repeat the game "Fight for the flags", to develop speed, dexterity, accuracy. Cultivate friendship.

During the classes.

I. Organization of students.

II. Exit to the site.

III. Warm up with clapping hands.

1). 1-2 .Rising on toes, arms outward, clap overhead

3-4- Starting position.

2) .1- tilt to the left, arms up, clap with the right hand on the left leg,

2- starting position.

3) .1. Bend forward, hands back, clap under the knee

2. Starting position.

4). Clap bounces front and back.

IV. Learning the game "Fishermen".

A. Message of the topic of the lesson.

What time of year is it? (Winter) Today we will play a game that is desirable to play in winter, when there is a lot of snow. This is the game "Fishermen". Chuvashia call it "Pula".

B. Introductory conversation.

What do fishermen do? What should they be? What kind of fish is caught in the northern seas?

On the site, two lines are trampled in the snow at a distance of 10-15 meters from each other. By counting, the driver is selected - a shark. The rest of the players are divided into two teams and stand facing each other behind opposite lines. At the signal, the players run across from one side to the other. At this time, the shark is swarming across the river. The score of the fired from each team is announced.

Rules of the game. The dash begins at the signal. A team loses in which the agreed number of players is defeated, for example, five. The hardened ones do not drop out of the game.

D. Repetition of the rules of the game. Play the game 2-3 times. Correction of errors, correction of the rules of the game.

V. Repetition of the North - Ossetian folk game "Fishermen".

Vi. Lesson summary... Did you like the game? What does this game develop? What does she teach us?

Vii. Homework: tell the rules of the game to friends, learn the game.

Lesson number 20

Lesson topic: Games of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East. "Ice, wind and frost."

The purpose of the lesson: To acquaint students with the games of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East, to learn the game "Ice, Wind and Frost", to develop quick reaction, dexterity. Foster collectivism.

During the classes.

I. Organization of students.

II. Exit to the site.

III. Warm up.

Complex number 1.

The first exercise is "Stretching".

I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, palms behind the head, elbows forward.

1-2 - Take your elbows back, straighten your torso. 3- 4- Return to starting position.

The second exercise is Bows.

I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the back. 1- Turn the body to the left. 2- The same to the right without stopping at and. NS.

The third exercise is "Doll".

I. p. - the main stand. 1-4 turn 360 degrees over the left shoulder, stepping over with straight legs. 5-8- The same over the left shoulder.

The fourth exercise - "The wind shakes the Christmas tree."

I. p. - feet shoulder width apart. Hands to the side. 1-2 - Tilts to the left. 3-4- The same to the right, without stopping at and. NS.

Fifth exercise - "Big birds are flying."

I. p. - the main stand. 1- Hands up, rise on your toes. 2 - Return to starting position.

The sixth exercise - "Jumping sparrows".

I. p. - hands on the belt. Jumping in place on two legs with the transition to walking.

IV. Learning the game "Ice, Wind and Frost".

A. Message of the topic of the lesson.

Today we will get acquainted with the games of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East. Let's learn the game "Ice, Wind and Frost",

B. Introductory conversation.

Siberia and the Far East, the northern regions of our country. The climate in those places is harsh, winters are cold. Therefore, there are winter words in the title of the game.

B. Acquaintance with the rules of the game.

The players put their hands together facing each other, saying:

Cold pieces of ice

Transparent pieces of ice

Sparkle, ring

Dzin, dzin ...

They clap each word, first in their palms, then in the palms of a friend. They clap their hands and say dzin, dzin until they hear the wind signal. Children-ice floes scatter in different directions and agree who will build a circle with whom - a big piece of ice. At the signal "Frost", everyone line up in a circle and join hands.

Rules of the game. Those children who have more players in the circle win. It is necessary to negotiate quietly about who and with whom will build the big piece of ice. Those who agree join hands. Movement can be changed only at the signal "Wind" or "Frost". It is desirable to include different movements in the game: jumps, light running, side gallop.

D. Playing the game 2-3 times. Clarification of the rules of the game.

V. Free air games.

Vi. Lesson summary... Homework: repeat the rules of the game "Ice, Wind and Frost".

Lesson no.30

Theme: Relay "Calling numbers"

Goals: teach how to dribble, respond quickly to signals, education

Responsibility to the team.

Inventory: skittles, balls.

The course of the lesson.

I. Org. moment.

Construction and access to the sports ground.

III. Relay "Calling numbers"

Content: participants are divided into 2 teams. Each team is calculated in turn and becomes a column. 5-6 pins are placed in front of the column at a distance of 1m. one from the other. The driver randomly calls the numbers, and the called players begin dribbling the ball, circling the pin in a zigzag pattern. The last pin should be run around and return in the same way.

Rules: the team that drops fewer pins wins.

WMD: dribbling is possible with right and left hand.

The relay is held 2-3 times using all numbers.

IV. Game "Happy starts"

  • Overhead pass

  • Passing the ball under your feet

V. Summing up.

Lesson no. 31

Theme: Relay in a circle.


Inventory: gymnastic hoops.

The course of the lesson.

I. Org. moment.

Construction and access to the sports ground.

II. A set of general developmental exercises. ORU No. 3 (with a hoop)

  • I. p. - the main stand in the center of the hoop lying on the floor. 1 - sit down, spread your arms, take a hoop; 2 - stand up, lift the hoop up, stretch; 3 - sit down and put the hoop on the floor; 4 - return to I. p. while squatting to exhale, getting up - inhale.

  • I. p. - stand feet together, hoop over the head. 1 - putting the right leg on the toe to the side, tilt to the right; 2 - return to I.p .; 3-4 - the same to the left.

  • I. p. - stand feet apart, the hoop vertically behind the back. 1 - turn of the body to the left; 2 - return to I.p .; 3-4 - the same to the right. Do not move your legs from their place, do not tear your heels off the floor.

  • I. p. - Sitting legs apart, hooking the hoop with toes and holding it with straight arms in an inclined position. Roll on back and roll in I. p.

  • I. p. - leg stand together. Leaps from foot to foot through the hoop, rotating it back and forth.
III. Relay in a circle "Tunnel with zigzags"

Content: the members of each team, except for the first numbers, hold their hoop with one hand, and the neighbor's hoop with the other, forming a large circle. The first numbers, standing next to the second, begin to zigzag through all the hoops (from the outside - from the inside). Having passed the circle, they take the place of the second numbers. Who repeat the same, then replacing the third player, etc.

Rules: the first team to complete the task wins.

IV. Game "Happy starts"

  • Overhead pass

  • Passing the ball under your feet

  • Dribbling the ball to the finish line and back with your hands

  • Jumping with the ball sandwiched between the legs

  • Dribbling the ball to the finish line and back with your feet.

  • Toss the ball to each other while running.
V. Summing up

Lesson number 32

Theme: Relay in a circle.

Goals: the development of dexterity, speed of reaction, endurance, the ability to act in concert in a team.

Inventory: gymnastic hoops, balls.

The course of the lesson.

I. Org. moment.

Construction and access to the sports ground.

II. A set of general developmental exercises. ORU No. 1 (without items).

  • I. p. - the main stand. 1-2 - hands up, rise on toes and stretch (inhale); 3-4 - return to the starting position (exhalation).

  • I. p. - stand feet apart, hands on the belt. 1 - turns of the body to the right, the right arm to the side; 2 - return to I.p .; 3-4 - also in the other direction. Do not move your legs, breathing is even.

  • I. p. - a stand with closed toes. 1-2 - deep squat, knees together, arms forward (exhale); 3-4 - get up with your hands down (inhale). The squat is performed on the entire foot.

  • I. p. - the main stand. 1 - hands up, clap over the head (inhale); 2 - hands down and bend forward clap behind the legs (exhale). Legs are straight.

  • I. p. - emphasis, kneeling. 1 - right hand upward, turning the body and head (inhale); 2 - return to I. p. (exhalation); the same to the left. Keep your knees on the floor.

  • I. p. - standing feet together, hands on the belt. 1 - jumping legs apart; 2 - jump legs together. Jump softly, on toes, keeping balance.

III. Relay in a circle "Don't drop the ball"

Rules: the first team to finish the relay wins.

IV. Game "Happy starts"

  • Overhead pass

  • Passing the ball under your feet

  • Dribbling the ball to the finish line and back with your hands

  • Jumping with the ball sandwiched between the legs

  • Dribbling the ball to the finish line and back with your feet.

  • Toss the ball to each other while running.

V. Summing up.

Game for attention "What is superfluous?" Winner's reward ceremony.

Lesson number 33

Theme: Relay with a hoop.

Goals: development of dexterity, speed and accuracy of movements; improve

Technique for using the hoop; cultivate feeling

Inventory: gymnastic hoops, basketballs.

The course of the lesson.

I. Org. moment.

Construction and access to the sports ground.

II. A set of general developmental exercises. ORU No. 2 (with a large ball)

  • I. p. - leg stand apart, the ball in the hands below. 1-2 - lifting the ball up, stand on your toes and stretch (inhale); 3-4 - return to I. p. (exhalation). Movements are performed with straight arms, look at the ball.

  • I. p. - stand feet apart, the ball in the hands below. Raising the ball forward and turning the body to the right, hit the ball on the floor behind the right heel (exhale) and, catching it, return to I.p. (inhale); the same in the other direction. The exercise is performed alternately to the right and to the left.

  • I. p. - sitting on the heels with a slight forward inclination, the ball behind the head. 1- straightening the right leg to the side on the toe, arms up and tilting to the right (inhalation); 2 - return to I. p. (Exhalation); 3-4 - the same to the left.

  • I. p. - Stand feet together, ball on the chest. Throw the ball up and catch it. The throw is performed strictly vertically, fully unbending the arms.

  • I. p. - hands on the belt, the ball between the feet. Jumping in place while holding the ball between your legs. Jump on toes. Finish walking.

III. Relay with a hoop "Crossing in the hoops"

Content: each team is formed in 2 columns, one behind the starting line. The hosts are holding gymnastic hoops. At the signal of the teacher, the first members of each team put on a hoop and run 15-20 meters to the finish line. The first player stays behind the finish line, and the second, without removing the hoop, returns and repeats the task with the third player. The second player also stays behind the finish line, and the third participant performs the crossing.

Rules: the team that finishes the relay faster wins.

WMD: the hoop at the time of the game must be at the waist.

IV. Game "Happy starts"

  • Running in pairs in a hoop

V. Summing up

Exercises to restore breathing. Summing up the results of the relay and the game.

Lesson no. 34

Theme: Relay with a hoop.

Goals: the development of dexterity, jumping speed and accuracy of movements;

Improve the technique of using the hoop; cultivate feeling

Collectivism, responsibility for oneself and the team.

Inventory: gymnastic hoops, medicine balls, basketballs.

The course of the lesson.

I. Org. moment.

Construction and access to the sports ground.

II. A set of general developmental exercises. ORU No. 1 (without items).

  • I. p. - the main stand. 1-2 - hands up, rise on toes and stretch (inhale); 3-4 - return to the starting position (exhalation).

  • I. p. - stand feet apart, hands on the belt. 1 - turns of the body to the right, the right arm to the side; 2 - return to I.p .; 3-4 - also in the other direction. Do not move your legs, breathing is even.

  • I. p. - a stand with closed toes. 1-2 - deep squat, knees together, arms forward (exhale); 3-4 - get up with your hands down (inhale). The squat is performed on the entire foot.

  • I. p. - the main stand. 1 - hands up, clap over the head (inhale); 2 - hands down and bend forward clap behind the legs (exhale). Legs are straight.

  • I. p. - emphasis, kneeling. 1 - right hand upward, turning the body and head (inhale); 2 - return to I. p. (exhalation); the same to the left. Keep your knees on the floor.

  • I. p. - standing feet together, hands on the belt. 1 - jumping legs apart; 2 - jump legs together. Jump softly, on toes, keeping balance.

III. Hoop Relay "Dragonfly and Ant"

Content: each team is built in a column one by one, in the hands of the leader - a gymnastic hoop. On the opposite side of the court, in a chalk-drawn circle, there are 3-5 medicine balls. The distance from the starting line to the balls is 15-20 meters. At the teacher's signal, the first participant jumps through the rotating hoop to the balls, puts the hoop on the circle, picks up the balls and runs back, passing them to the next player. The second participant runs the balls into the circle, takes the hoop and jumps back through it, passing the hoop to the third participant, etc.

rules: The first team to finish the relay wins.

WMD: the number of jumps through the hoop is negotiated taking into account the distance.

IV. Game "Happy starts"

  • Jumping through the hoop to the finish line and back

  • Running in pairs in a hoop

  • Running through a rolling hoop

  • Spinning the hoop at the waist while running

  • Running around a lying hoop with a ball, hitting the ball on the ground

V. Summing up

Exercises to restore breathing. Summing up the results of the relay and the game.

"Into the keys"
("Panjomnese" - erz., "Pantemasa" - moksh.)
There are five people playing. A square is drawn on the ground, four players sit in the corners of the house, and the fifth is in the middle. He approaches one of the seated players and asks:
Uncle (aunt), do you have the keys?
He replies, pointing to a neighbor:
Ask your uncle (aunt).
So the driver bypasses all four. The latter advises him:
Look in the middle!
The driver leaves in the middle, and at this time the others jump up and change places. The driver tries to quickly take someone else's place, the fifth player is again left without a place. And the game is repeated from the beginning.
Rules of the game. You can only change places when the leader moves into the middle. The corner is occupied by the one who got there first. If someone does not change seats, then he becomes the driver.
"In chickens"
("Saraskese" - erz., "Saraskaks" - moksh.)
The players are divided into two groups. Children - chickens, sitting on the grass, form a circle. Behind each chicken there is a player - the owner of the chicken. The driver walks in a circle and decides who to take the chicken from. He comes up to one of them and touches her head. Immediately, the driver and the owner of the chicken start to run in a race in a circle. Whoever comes running first becomes the owner, and the rest becomes the leader. Game continues.
Rules of the game. You can not interfere with those running around the players. The owner will be the one who takes the place first. You can run a race only after the driver touches the chicken with his hand.
("Kunsema ball" - erz., "Topsa nalhksema" - moksh.)
The players draw a large circle, divide into two equal teams and agree who will be in the circle and who will be behind the circle. Those who remain behind the circle, evenly distributed, try to hit the ball in those in the circle. If someone in the circle manages to catch the ball, he tries to hit any child around the circle with it. If he succeeds, then he has a point in reserve, if he misses, then he leaves the circle. When all the children are spotted by the ball, the players switch places.
Rules of the game. The ball can only be caught from the air, from the ground - it does not count. The rest leave the circle. The child who catches the ball and hits the player outside the circle remains in the circle.
"Paradise - Paradise"
Two children are chosen for the game - the gate; the rest of the playing - a mother with children. Gate children raise their clasped hands up and say:
Paradise - paradise. I miss
And I leave the latter.
Mother herself will pass
And he will lead the children.
At this time, the children, having become a train, follow their mother through the gate. The children-gates, lowering their hands, separate the last child and in a whisper ask him two words - a password (for example, one child is a shield, the other is an arrow). The respondent chooses one of these words and joins the command for the child whose password he gave. When the mother is left alone, the gate loudly asks her: a shield or an arrow? The mother answers and joins one of the teams. Gate children stand facing each other, hold hands. The rest of the members of each team clung to their half of the gate in a string. The resulting two teams drag each other. The overrun team is considered the winner.
Game rules: Children should not eavesdrop or give out the password.
(Kotelso nalxema. Kotelso nalkhsema) A deep hole is digging in the ground (about 50 cm in diameter). Small dimples (ten to twelve) are dug around it, which can be closed with a foot or heel. The players hold a round, smooth stick 50 - 60 cm long and 2.5 cm in diameter. The leader throws a small ball into the cauldron pit from a distance of 2 - 3 m. The players must knock the ball out of there. The ball that has flown out of the cauldron is taken by the leader and again throws it into the cauldron. Those who play with sticks prevent the ball from hitting the hole.
This is played until the ball hits the cauldron. If the ball is in the cauldron, the players must make a transition from one small dimple to another, while the presenter must also occupy one of the dimples (tags). Whoever did not get the tag, he drives. Game continues.
Rules of the game:
- the players must kick the ball on the spot;
- it is possible to move from hole to hole only when the ball has hit the cauldron.
(Varenets pongoma. Varyanyas povoma) Holes are dug according to the size of the ball (3-4 cm). The players stand near the tag, and the leader rolls the ball from a distance of 0.5 - 1 m into one of the holes located not far from each other. Whose tag the ball hits, he takes it, all the children scatter to the sides, and he must hit one of the players with the ball. The player who hit the ball becomes the leader.
The rules of the game: you can only throw the ball at the feet of the players and only from the spot.
.Game "Pot"
Content and rules of the game.
The children are seated in a circle, the rest of the children stand behind their backs. The buyer, having chosen the "pot", runs away from the seller. The one who has reached the first becomes behind the back of the "pot".
Counting counters
Veike, kavto, kolmo, nile, one, two, three,
four.Mon sevin sarazon saw. I ate chicken
ear.Kavto, kolmo, nile, vetes, Two, three,
four, five, Kinen pong psakan baking? To whom
will get
cat's belly? Narmonts yarkhtsay suroda, the bird bites
grain, Mon kundaine puloda, I caught her for
tail.Narmonts yarkhtsai chakshsta, Bird pecks
from the pot, Mon kundaine pakshta. I caught her for
Game "Grandma"
("Babaso" - Erz., "Baba" - Moksh.)
Content and rules of the game.
The players form a circle. The "grandmother" is selected with a counting tool, which stands in the center of the circle. She leans forward, as if collecting something on the ground. The rest join hands, walk in a circle and invite you to the bathhouse:
“Grandma, and grandma, what are you doing?
- I collect crumbs.
- What do you need pennies for?
- Buy a bag. Bag for what?
- I'll pick up the pebbles. What are the pebbles for?
“I’ll fill the pies with them.” Pies! What for?
- I will feed your children.
After these words "grandmother" runs away. The players rush after her with the words:
- Ugh, on your head!
If the "grandmother" is not caught, then the game starts again. If caught, then another "grandmother" is chosen. "Granny" runs away only after the last words have been uttered.
Game "In circles" ("Kirksse").
Content and rules of the game.
The players stand in a circle. They choose a driver who stands in the center of the circle with a tightly blindfolded eyes. The players walk in a circle, saying:
Guess whose voice
Becomes a circle
And sooner someone
Touch with your wand.
Answer quickly
Hurry to guess!
After that, the players stop, and the driver approaches them and feels their heads: by the length of the hair, headdress and other signs, he must recognize the player standing in front of him. The one whose name is guessed becomes the leader. If the player is not recognized, he stands in a circle and the game continues.
The game "Salki"
A fun folk outdoor game for children. The driver is chosen - he must catch up with the players and "blast". The soldier becomes "water" and must run after the rest of the participants, while holding on to the part of the body that the former presenter has just touched.
If no one thought of such a color, the seller replies: "Go along the blue path, find blue boots, diarrhea and bring back." The monk starts the game over. If the blue paint is conceived by someone, the player tries to escape from the monk, and he catches up with him. If you succeed in catching up and reeling, then the monk becomes "paint", and the regretful player becomes a monk. If not, the game starts over with the same driver.
"Wind - breezes"
"Varma-varminet" (with a tambourine)
Content and rules of the game.
The leader of the game "winds" is chosen with the help of the counting device, the rest of the players - the "winds". The presenter begins to ring a tambourine. If the tambourine is ringing strongly, then the "breezes" quickly run around the site, waving their arms strongly. If the tambourine rings quietly, then the "breezes" slowly whirl in place and wave their hands beautifully, gracefully. Anyone who does not follow the rules of the game is excluded. You can repeat the game 3-4 times
Outdoor game "In the crow"
Characters: Raven. Klushka. Chickens.
Klushka walks with her Chickens in the meadow. Raven comes out to meet her.
Raven: Klushka, and klushka, give Teina Lefkssen! (Klushka, and klushka, give me a chicken!)
Klushka: Af maksa, warsi, af maksa! (I won’t give it to you, raven, I won’t give it to you!)
Raven: Mon ton shabbatnen salasaine! (I will steal all your children!)
And he begins to catch the chickens one by one.
Klushka (protecting the chickens). Wark! Wark!
Raven (catching chickens). Beer! Beer!
When all the chickens are caught, the game ends.
Carousel game
Children stand in a circle, while holding onto a hoop or cord with tied ends. The task of children is to make the correct movements corresponding to the words of the song that the adult reads:
Barely - barely, barely - barely spinning roundabouts, And then, then, then,
Everybody run, run, run
Hush, hush, take your time
Carousel stop
One-two, one-two ... So the game is over.
1.Savor, Savor, Savorne, Balls, balls, shornes. Mele, mele, sityasta,
Balls, balls, balls 2. Sate, a set of lasciviousness,
Tray, tray, ballroom.
Fkya-kafta, fkya-kafta,
Trample with a ball of a ball.
After running 2 - 3 circles, you can change the direction and gradually slow down the movement, finish the game

Catch the ball game
("Kundyk Oskant")
Content and rules of the game.
Children stand in a circle, after counting, they begin to throw the ball and catch it.

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